Too Hot to Handle: Latino (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

The Last Temptation of Lana

[Lana] Clovis,
you have 5,000 dollars on the line.
Are you going to stay in the house
to create deeper connections
or take the money and leave the retreat?
What do you choose?
Clovis, you're a good impostor.
Your words melted my heart.
He stays or goes,
it doesn't matter to me.
I'm the treasurer,
and I'd still take the cash, bro.
I'm undercover. I
I came here to start trouble,
but I met a special girl, Zaira.
- So, I'll leave the cash and stay here.
- [screaming]
[Itatí] I didn't see that coming.
Zaira, who knew
you could disarm grenades with love?
Now, let's see you juggle your two studs.
This is the moment
for me to take a risk, to give it my all.
What a dummy.
Take the money, dude.
Oh, Clovis, nice strategy.
[Lana] Clovis, your choice shows
that you can connect on a deeper level.
The 5,000 dollars
you deducted has been reimbursed.
In addition, your willingness
to create a real connection
will be rewarded with 15,000 dollars.
[all cheering]
Yes, Clovis! Yes, Clovis!
[Lana] In total, 20,000 dollars
has been added to the prize money.
I learned my lesson.
I can admit it in front of everyone.
Money, money, money! I am pumped.
Clovis! Clovis!
First it was, "Kill him."
And now it's, "Clovis!"
I like Clovis more and more.
[Lana] Now the prize money is
at 40,000 dollars.
Good. Good. Put it in the treasury!
- [Lana] Good night, everyone.
- [all] Bye, Lana!
- [woman] Thank you, Lana.
- [Lana chimes]
[Itatí] Ouch, Nick.
You're way behind.
Clovis's romantic gesture
won't be easy to top.
On the other hand, Locho can't stop
thinking about his lost love.
Jessica played him out of 10,000 dollars.
That hurts.
Did she really like me?
[Lilian laughs]
For 10,000 dollars,
I'd tell anyone I love them.
I almost lost 45.
You spent 10,000 dollars and didn't do it?
She put me like this
There was alcohol and I
[Jessica] What about the rules?
What about the money?
And I [whistles]
What will I tell my dad?
He'll throw me out of the house.
Sorry, Dad. I let you down.
- Did you believe her, Locho?
- Every word.
- [Joel] What did she say?
- Everything.
- She was honest. I'm dumb.
- [laughs]
What a fool!
She said,
"I wanna be with you, no matter what."
And I said,
"Well, let's not spend any money."
"But I like you," she said.
So, I was like, "Sure, let's do it!"
And I still believe she liked me.
What an idiot!
[Itatí] Now, all the treasurer has left
are his memories with his grenade.
Oh, Locho! You fell for it so easily.
These bunnies only have
36 hours left on the retreat.
They should be able to hold out.
But they'll also have the possibility
of going double or nothing.
What will the final prize be?
Who will win it?
Ah! Help me! I can't stand it!
How are you feeling?
Good, but thoughtful.
- What are you thinking?
- I don't know what to do.
I like the way Dahiana talks.
She gives me words of wisdom.
I can't choose between Clovis and Nick.
Maybe it's because I've known
one of them longer
or because I trust one
more than the other.
I don't know.
Zaira got herself all tangled up,
and she's not having fun.
Choosing yourself
is an option too, you know.
I want to fight for someone,
but I want him
to fight for me too, so it's reciprocal.
I'm deciding
between Clovis, Nick, or myself,
which is also an option.
[Itatí] And what's good
about choosing yourself
is that you'll never ignore your calls.
Have you thought about polyamory?
Two people at the same time?
- Yes, but it doesn't have to involve sex.
- Oh my!
[Itatí] See, Zaira?
You could be with both. So many options!
I don't want polyamory.
I just want one guy.
I have two options.
The blond, blue-eyed hunk
or "Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome."
You know, it's a hard decision.
Who will I choose?
[Itatí] God gives
his most difficult battles
to his best warriors.
Caro and Isra
look like a timeshare commercial.
How much will they share with each other?
After this, we can hang out, travel.
I'll have to visit you,
like a good partner.
I finally found someone
who accepts my faults and my craziness.
What do you want?
The same thing, but you haven't asked me
to be your girlfriend.
- I thought you were gonna ask me!
- I'm not gonna ask you!
I want him down on one knee,
with a flower,
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
- I want you to be sure.
- I was sure from the start.
- Yeah?
- You were the one dating other girls.
- We're like a tanned Barbie and Ken.
- I love it!
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'm over that. I've been cured.
[Itatí] Is this the same Isra
who said monogamy was only for doves?
We're witnessing
a transformed "polyganist."
He was the one with doubts.
I don't know if it was me
or maybe he wanted to try new things,
but he came back.
- Carito.
- [squeals]
Oh, no! Dear God in heaven.
- Will you be my girlfriend?
- Let me think. Yes! [giggles]
Lana, please help us
in this beautiful moment!
Oh, yeah!
[Itatí] The sound of watches turning green
always makes me happy.
And obviously,
it makes them even happier. [chuckles]
Lana, you work better
than garlic fighting a cold.
Make the most of it!
Even I'm going to cry.
I expected it, but not like this, so
so romantic.[chuckles]
[Itatí] Yes, Clovis, staying
to get to know Zaira was a nice move,
but remember
you aren't the only one in line.
Ask her, "What's up?" Be clear.
Tell her you're here for her.
You could've taken the money and left.
I wouldn't get near that love triangle.
It doesn't make sense.
Isn't that too pushy?
It's all or nothing. Always.
I really hope
this love triangle ends soon.
Things are going great
with my girl. I don't want to mess it up.
I really like her. She drives me crazy.
Sometimes I feel like it's time
time to settle down.
Do things right. I even want to ask
her parents for permission.
The old-fashioned way,
so they know I'm serious.
[Itatí] Old-fashioned,
like when our grandparents
used to meet on reality TV shows.
- We might even get married.
- [Itatí] Lana, how did we go from
I'm here to meet some girls, baby!
I love women. I can't help it.
[Itatí] to a Joel thinking about asking
for the hand of his loved one?
How romantic!
But more importantly,
how much money
will there be at the end of the retreat?
Right now,
Flor and Nico are taking the time
to air out their dirty laundry by the sea.
I never thought
I would be in this situation,
especially not
on the vacation of a lifetime.
I wanted to talk to you
about why I've been acting weird.
And it was something that
It scared me.
It frightened me, I won't lie.
The words "I love you," for me,
they send a chill up my spine.
But because I'm going slow,
I'm cautious, that's all.
[Itatí] There's nothing sexier
than a man telling the truth.
First, I'm sorry
if I was too intense.
She gets it and told me.
It's a learning curve for me too.
I can say "I love you."
That doesn't mean you need to answer back.
I don't care
when you say it because I respect you
and don't want you to change,
because I fell in love with you like this.
Nico has evolved so much.
He has a huge, lovely heart.
"I love you" and things like that,
are hard for me to say,
but I do care about you,
and I really enjoy being with you.
Men are so complicated.
They're so slow. My God!
- To us.
- To us.
To being happy
and getting to know each other more.
Beautiful Nico! [chuckles]
- Oh, it's good.
- [giggles]
[Itatí] I'm so proud
of how much they've grown.
Yes! This is the talk I was waiting for.
It will either end
in kisses or grenade tears.
I wanted to talk to you.
And think things over.
I have already told you
what I think of you.
I think you're a great guy,
and I'm sure
you'd be perfect in a relationship.
I'm positive.
And I really care about you
[Itatí] The classic pause before
- but
- [Itatí] Yep, we have a "but."
I don't want to be more
than just friends.
I don't want you to feel bad.
Had I only known
Let's enjoy what's left
and have a good time, then.
[Zaira chuckles]
Now, I have to clear up more doubts
about me and Nick.
I'm going to listen
to my heart, and if it's me, it's me.
If it's him, it's him.
[Itatí] This looks familiar.
Oh, Lana! What a nice date!
Straight out of a Mexican soap opera.
Lana, you're on top of everything.
Nothing gets by you.
Thank you, from the heart.
With everything I've told you,
I think it's clear
that I want something real with you.
To keep getting to know you,
be in a relationship with you.
But I don't want you to feel pressured.
I'm serious about this, babe.
[Itatí] That's it!
Joel knows how to talk to a woman!
All the way.
- I think everything is going well.
- Perfect.
I know we'll figure it out,
and this will work.
[Itatí] Ah! I won't say anything else.
I love these two.
This is real love.
I just hope everything flows
and there aren't problems,
and we both work on us. We're a team.
I wanna meet your parents.
- To introduce yourself.
- Exactly.
- I'll introduce you.
- You'll introduce me.
- I'll tell them to embrace you.
- Okay.
- [watch beeping]
- Ah!
[Lilian] Green? No way!
[Itatí] Even I wanted to see that kiss.
[romantic music playing]
I love you no matter what ♪
Take me. You drive me wild, big guy.
I feel happy
in love. Ay!
- First of all, to us.
- To us.
- To meeting.
- To pleasure.
- More than pleasure. This is really
- To a future together.
- The start of a relationship.
- Whatever he says, I turn to mush.
I look at him like a baby lamb.
- Thank you, Lanita.
- To Lanita.
- To Lana.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- [Lana] Cheers.
That toast to my health
gave me a lump in my circuits.
Just like a soap opera, right?
I don't know. It's weird. I just met you
and it's like, boom boom boom.
[emotional music playing]
"Who do you want to have
a sexual fantasy with?"
- With Caro and him. [laughs]
- [screams]
[all cheering]
[Itatí] Life is cruel
for a grenade in love.
[music continues]
[Zaira] I have to talk to you.
I'm nervous. She's so serious.
I've been thinking.
Should I be with Clovis, or alone,
or with you.
And that scares me
because I don't know what choice she made.
When I met you, we were having fun,
and things were good
until we made a wrong turn.
[Nick] Right now,
I feel a hole in my heart.
I think she didn't choose me.
I talked to Clovis
and told him it's over,
that I just want to be friends.
But I have to talk to you.
[Itatí] Hurry up, Zaira!
You're drawing this out.
You'll give Nick a heart attack.
I feel calm.
I know you have mistakes to fix,
and I need to work on mine,
but I want to be with you.
- [laughs]
- [exhales]
- Feel my heart.
- Just like mine.
I know I made this tough.
I wanted to scare you.
I'm happy
because I saw his face change.
He was disappointed, then happy.
And that's what I need.
I live off that emotion.
The fact that you talked
to Clovis and cleared things up,
- I think that's a big step for you.
- [watch beeping]
- What?
- Green?
[Itatí] Lana is being very generous
with the green lights.
You can tell love is in the air!
Wow! What a great moment.
The most awaited kiss.
- I like you.
- I like you more.
- I'm crazy about you.
- Me too.
He's mine!
All these green lights make me think
you're up to something, Lana.
[Lana] Yes.
I have prepared one final challenge.
- [Itatí] I hope it isn't the suite.
- [Lana] You read my memory bank.
If they pass,
they will double their money.
If not, they could end up bankrupt.
[Itatí] Oh no!
They'll walk home without any money.
Aw, Clovis ended up
with no money and no Zaira.
That must burn worse
than a beach day with no sunscreen.
I wish both Zaira and Nick the best.
I hope things are great,
that they have fun.
[Itatí] Things didn't work out with Zaira,
but at least he gave it a shot.
[indistinct chattering]
- [Lilian] Good evening, beauty.
- [Israel] Beauty!
- [Flor] Welcome!
- [chimes] Hello, vertebrates.
- [all] Hi, Lana!
- [whistling]
[Lana] A lot has happened,
and one of you has something to say.
Clovis, the floor is yours.
As you know, I stayed to strengthen
the connection I had with Zaira,
but now I think it's time for me to leave.
This is it.
So, I hope to see you on the other side.
- [Carolina] Oh, no!
- [Israel] Ah! Sounds good.
He's like a dog going for two bones,
but ending up with neither.
Despite your betrayal, we love you.
[Itatí] Nick seems to be saying,
"Don't worry, man. I'll take care of her."
I don't like polyamory,
and I don't like to share.
I want to be with Zaira.
I'm quick to fall in love.
If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.
That's how I am and
No girl, no money.
[Itatí] No Oscar, no applause
Oh! And no dune buggy.
But I'm sure his profile is blowing up
with new girls including me.
[Lana] Now, I have an announcement.
- [Joel] Bring it!
- [indistinct complaining]
- [Carolina] Is it good or bad?
- [Dahiana] Good or bad?
[Lana] Remember,
you only have 40,000 dollars left.
- [Joel] Ah!
- [Dahiana] Only!
- She said "only."
- [Dahiana] Only, right.
[Lana] You've wasted more money
than Locho did on singing classes.
I applaud you, Lanita. [laughs]
[Lana] Since this is
the last night at the retreat,
I have a challenge.
If you pass the challenge,
you get the prize money back.
- [Locho] Oh!
- Calm down!
[laughs devilishly]
I'll do whatever it takes.
I can eat worms, cockroaches, scorpions
What's the challenge? Tell us!
[Lana] Carolina and Israel have shown
great development as a couple.
And they deserve some intimacy,
which is why I have decided
that tonight they can stay
in the private suite.
- [screams]
- [Israel] No shit!
I'm going to see the suite!
Wow! Finally my wish came true.
[Lana] If you can go all night
without breaking any rules,
I will double the prize money.
- [Dahiana] Okay!
- No way!
We lost the money. No, lost it.
Lana, why did you do that?
I'm not promising anything,
but I have compassion for the team.
But seriously, think about it.
I'm not saying don't do anything
No, no, no, no! You didn't think
when you lost 10,000 dollars. So, shush!
I know. I didn't think!
Don't limit me.
I don't care about doubling the money.
I want to enjoy this.
[Itatí] Asking the new couple
not to touch each other
is like asking David Hasselhoff
to lay off the booze.
I don't have a problem.
- [Nico] I do.
- So, tell them. Tell them!
- [Nico] Whatever.
- [Zaira] I'm worried too.
Tell them, otherwise
it's just the treasurer speaking.
When you talk to them
one on one, everyone wants the money,
but as soon as they have the chance,
they're gone.
[Lana] You may leave now. Good luck.
- See you!
- [Nick] Good luck!
You're sending Caro and Isra
to spend our money, not get it back.
Lana made this tough. It's so hard.
- [Lilian] Don't worry about it.
- The hand. The hand!
It's too hard.
[sighs deeply]
- It's over.
- [Lana] Good night, everyone.
[Itatí] Lana, now I know
you enjoy watching them suffer.
[Lana] I am an AI.
I don't know how to enjoy.
[Itatí] Says you.
Carolina, she doesn't care.
Israel is a stand-up guy.
He resisted the temptation
that shall not be named.
[Itatí] Will the horniest couple
in the house be able to resist
for everyone else?
- [Carolina squeals]
- Ooh!
- Wow!
- It's beautiful!
I'm dying.
I'm so excited, so nervous.
I don't know if I'm up to the challenge.
[Israel] No! No way!
How can we resist all this?
Everyone is dying. They don't trust us.
And why would they? I don't trust myself.
If we drink, we won't be able to resist.
We were the first.
We have to end this with a bang.
- Don't have sex! Don't have sex!
- Don't touch. Don't touch!
That's it.
Lana [chuckles]
that's not fair.
Choose a different couple.
This money would change
my life, though, change my life!
- [Joel] All of us, dude.
- You're freaking out.
It's out of your hands.
A house divided. Some think they will,
some think they won't,
but what we know is no one can sleep.
[Itatí] I wouldn't be able to sleep either
knowing the pressure cooker
is about to blow.
- Mm
- [sensual music playing]
Want me to take off your shirt?
I'm between a rock and a hard place.
It's so hard.
Everyone else lost money in the suite.
Why shouldn't Caro and I?
I need help.
[sighs] I want her bad.
- [giggles]
- Let's see.
I don't know if I can resist.
[Itatí] Oh wow! This is too much to bear!
Did it happen or not?
The intrigue is killing me
[Itatí] but not as much as Locho,
who can't stop thinking
about going home without a dime.
[Zaira] Good morning!
We are now penniless!
Guys, put your hands together,
and pray to God.
Come and hear the words
of the Virgin Locho and the Virgin Luján.
- Oh, Lord!
- [all repeat] Oh, Lord!
- If Isra had sex
- [all repeat] If Isra had sex
We ask that Lana
short-circuit in the rain.
- [Carolina] How was it for you?
- Great.
I loved it, especially you.
It was so hard to resist, though.
- Having you here I'm so crazy about you.
- I know.
- It was incredible.
- We deserved it.
I couldn't leave
without staying in the suite.
[Itatí] What's up with these two?
Don't tell me Oh, no!
You know what?
If I were them, I'd be pissed off,
because everyone else
spent money from the start.
- It's one day!
- Like, why not me?
Yeah, but the most important day
to resist is today,
'cause we should have resisted
in the beginning and we didn't.
- [Israel] Hey.
- [Carolina] How are you?
[Nico] What happened?
Just look at them.
They were up all night having sex.
Boom, boom, boom, like that.
[Itatí] Is everyone here?
Lana has some interesting news for you.
Ah! I can't stop biting my nails.
If they did it, I'm gonna be so, so angry.
- Lana, start already, I'm dying over here.
- [Lana chimes]
Caro and Israel,
how do you feel this morning?
- So happy and thankful.
- [Israel] Fresh as a daisy, Lana.
- You guys get it.
- Are you telling me I'm broke?
Not even an apple.
Lana, I'm getting nervous.
Speak up already, spit it out. Tell me.
[Lana] Any kind
of sexual contact was prohibited.
In exchange, you could
double the prize money.
- I'll kill you! I swear I will.
- [Dahiana] Come on!
[Carolina laughing]
Spit it out
We lost it all.
[Lana] After double-checking the videos
They were entertaining.
You guys made a porno.
[Lana] and after checking the sheets
[all scream]
[Itatí] This is so traumatic for Locho,
like watching your car
get towed away at a party.
I want to cry.
I feel so powerless, the anxiety.
I'm freaking out.
[Lana] I can say that
- [Nico] No!
- No, please! What is this?
I'll be so pissed off
because I don't think
it's the same situation
as when other couples were in the suite.
[Lana] the rules of the house
[screams] I'm burning calories!
Oh, no. This is bad.
- [Locho] I wanna cry.
- [suspenseful music intensifying]
- [music stops]
- [exhales]
- [Lana] were respected.
- [cheering]
[yelling] Thank you!
Mom, you told me I could never
make money playing guitar.
I did it!
[Itatí] Don't get ahead
of yourself, Locho.
We still don't know
if you're getting any of it.
[Flor] I had faith. Thank you.
See? They didn't trust us.
But we're making all you assholes rich.
[all] Whoo!
Bravo! A round of applause!
[Lana] You passed the abstinence test
and doubled the money.
Now there is 80,000 dollars
in prize money.
[Lana] Get ready. It will soon be awarded.
- [all] Thank you, Lana!
- Hey! Who wins the prize?
[Lilian] Yeah.
[Itatí] Patience, treasurer.
It's been rough.
You could use
some meditation for your stress.
Eighty thousand dollars will be awarded.
Will I get some of it?
I didn't break any rules.
[Itatí] They're all dressed up,
like on the red carpet.
I should've worn something more formal.
- [pops]
- [all] and three! [cheering]
I want to share something
that really had an impact.
There were two workshops.
The first was with the men.
I was able to open up
I have a knot in my throat,
in my chest, since my father died.
The other was the signs.
A workshop
with Lilian and with all of you.
I really enjoyed it with her.
What sticks with me
and was a real learning experience for me
was having a heart-to-heart with Carolina.
It isn't easy sitting in front
of a woman and telling her,
"Hey, I like your man.
Let's see what happens."
Big ol' balls!
I really respected that and I'm thankful
you had the courage
to tell me what you were going to do.
And I accept that, and I swear,
I don't have any problems with you.
- I'm going to make a confession.
- [all] Come on!
You all know, you all witnessed,
that I was addicted to this man's kisses.
And there were times
when I couldn't resist that mouth
and that body. I needed it.
[Itatí] Wow! Had she confessed earlier,
I don't think everyone
would've taken it so well.
When I met Caro, I thought
she was a bimbo, a dumb Barbie.
She's controlling
this dude and she's a snob.
- And when she did, it was like this.
- Was it hers or mine?
When she opened up to everyone,
wow, I realized that she's amazing.
- Congratulations, Caro.
- Aw, thank you.
[all] Cheers!
Let's make a toast
to our spiritual guide, our leader.
Who is that?
[all cheering] Lana!
[Itatí] After the parties,
dates, workshops,
and lots of broken rules
- Dadvian, and an IT visit for Lana
- [hissing]
[Itatí] these lust addicts have learned
to make real connections.
Now, we're gonna find out
who's leaving the retreat
with full pockets and a full heart.
I'm so nervous! I want to know.
- I'm sweating.
- Hush, Locho!
- She's gonna say how many apples we get.
- It's true!
Shut up! Calm down!
I´m so nervous.
I want Lana to tell me I won the prize.
- [Lana] Hello, little ones.
- [all] Hi, Lana!
[shouts indistinctly]
- [Lana] How are you feeling?
- Happy and nervous.
Please. I'm dying.
My heart's beating out of my chest.
[Lana] It wasn't easy,
but you have all evolved.
I am happy to see
how you have created deep connections.
My life without you won't be the same.
I'll get my 20 hours of sleep now.
[Flor] Twenty hours!
I'm so happy
to have met such great people,
but also sad because
we won't live together anymore.
[Lana] The time has come
to announce who is taking home
part of the 80,000 dollars.
Just to be clear,
that's like 80,000 apples.
But remember, I learned on kiwis.
So, I don't know who gets the money.
I'm pretty sure
the money will be split up evenly.
[Lana] I will award you
according to the growth
of your connections during the retreat.
Maybe I should use
sweet talk, "Honey, baby."
Maybe I'll get the prize that way.
[Lana] Dahiana, please stand up.
- [Zaira] Are you an impostor?
- No.
I don't know
what she's gonna say.
Why was I called first?
What does she want with me? [chuckles]
[Lana] You tried to form a connection
with someone in the house,
but it didn't work out.
you always supported everyone else
to develop their relationships.
- Lana, can Dahiana come home with me?
- You're awesome.
[Lana] For helping your housemates
create deeper connections
I am awarding you 2,000 dollars.
[all laughing]
She deserves it. Dahiana, I love you.
[Lana] Zaira and Nick, please stand up.
[Joel] Go for it!
My sparkles weigh me down,
my heels weigh me down,
but I can handle more weight, Lana.
Give me money!
[Lana] Your attraction is unbreakable.
- What does "unbreakable" mean?
- Yeah, that's true.
It won't break.
- Okay.
- That's true, Lana.
[Lana] Nick, you had
some possessive tendencies.
You have to work on your principles.
- Still, I know you truly care about Zaira.
- So much.
[Lana] You two have passed a lot of tests
and have come here
with an authentic wish to be together.
I've been with plenty of guys
and learned to appreciate what I have.
[Lana] In order to keep working
on your long-distance relationship,
I am giving you eight thousand dollars.
- There you go.
- Bravo!
- Yeah!
- There's the ticket, bro!
For the trip!
Now it's on.
Off to Spain.
I thought I wouldn't even get half a kiwi,
but I ended up getting 4,000 dollars.
And I learned what half of 8,000 is.
[Lana] Locho, stand up.
- [Israel] Uh-oh!
- [Joel] Do it, Locho!
- [Nico] Yeah, Locho!
- [Dahiana] It's your time, Locho!
Talk to me, please. Talk to me.
You're the heart of the house.
[Lana] Unfortunately, you didn't make
a single romantic connection in the house.
My grenade made you forget about
being treasurer in record time.
[all laughing]
Lana, don't be mean.
I made little connections with everyone.
"Little connections"?
[Lana] But you showed
the group the value of money
and protected the prize like a dog.
- [applauding]
- A guard dog.
[Lana] But since you did try
to make a connection with Jessica
for your new car,
I am going to give you
five thousand dollars of the prize.
- Thank you!
- [all cheering, applauding]
- Thank you. I love you!
- [Itatí] Congratulations!
Arjona would be so proud,
he'd write you a song. [chuckles]
Jessica made
more money than him in just two days.
Leave little Locho alone. Poor guy.
[Lana] Flor and Nico, please stand up.
[Flor chuckles]
[Lana] I only chose you for this retreat
because of your Córdoban accents.
- [laughs]
- [cheering]
I'm so anxious.
I can't tell you.
[Lana] Flor, you were authentic
about your emotions,
but your insecurities
put the relationship at risk.
You're right.
Thanks to you, everything changed.
[Lana] Nico, after many years
of empty relationships,
you are daring to love again.
Yes, that's true.
You showed me I can love again.
It's beautiful. I really care about you.
[Joel] Yeah!
I care about her so much. I adore her.
I owe all of my growth to her.
[Lana] For you
and your deep connection, I grant you
[suspenseful music plays]
fifteen thousand dollars of the prize.
[all cheering]
This is a great lesson,
understanding one another.
I appreciate it,
and I know this will work.
[Lana] Israel and Carolina, stand up.
I'm excited, but I'm also scared.
- [Lana] Joel and Lilian, stand up.
- [Carolina squeals]
- Lana, I'm right here.
- [Lana] Lilian and Joel.
[Lana] Each of you have grown
in different ways to end up together.
- Right.
- Yes.
[Lana] Lilian, you were tempted by Nick,
but you were honest
and open about your feelings,
even when you were left exposed.
Real talk, Lana.
- That hurts.
- On purpose.
[Lana] Joel, you were true
in your feelings towards Lilian,
even when she was
somewhere else on purpose.
On purpose!
A man in love messes stuff up
or does things right.
It's my time to do things right.
[Lana] Israel and Carolina.
When you arrived, your relationship
was based on control and morning sex.
[all laughing]
- Yes, it was.
- Brutal.
Forgive us. We were horny.
But you progressed little by little
and formed a sincere and deep bond.
- [applauding]
- [Flor] Good job!
- [woman] Well done!
- [man] Good job!
Honestly, I didn't imagine
I'd leave here with a girlfriend.
I came to fool around.
[Lana] Carolina, Israel.
Tell us, baby.
My hands are sweating.
Everything's sweating.
I'm so nervous.
[Lana] Joel,
I'm so nervous, I'm sweating bullets.
You were able
to strengthen your relationship
and have everything
you need to keep working.
Each couple will take home
twenty-five thousand dollars.
- [screams]
- [all cheering]
[Joel] Thanks!
Well deserved, baby!
Lana, thank you, honey.
Hell yeah! My hands are full.
Money and a girlfriend? Thanks, Lana.
[Lana] The retreat is over
and the rules are suspended starting now.
[all cheering, whistling]
It started out as a game,
but now we have a real connection.
The Nico who arrived
was all about fun and girls.
And I think the Nico
who's leaving wants to be with Flor,
to keep getting to know her
and see what happens.
I don't know what'll happen
'cause we aren't a couple.
So, if anyone wants to contact me
I grew so much. Kisses, keep winning,
but you'll never take the party out of me.
[Itatí] Hey, Lana, I think you forgot
to award one couple for their connection.
[Lana] Who?
[Itatí] Us!
What would I do without you, Lana?
[Lana chimes]
["Big Mood" by Muszette playing]
- And I'm positive ain't gonna lose ♪
- Ain't gonna lose ♪
- It's a vibe, it's a mood ♪
- It's a vibe, it's a mood ♪
- And I'm feeling good, how 'bout you? ♪
- How 'bout you? ♪
I'm talkin' about big mood energy ♪
It's a vibe ♪
Tell me ♪
Big mood, attitude ♪
- And I'm positive ain't gonna lose ♪
- How 'bout you? ♪
- It's a vibe, it's a mood ♪
- It's a vibe, it's a mood ♪
And I'm feeling good, how 'bout you? ♪
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