Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Love always leads to war.
If you wanted,
you could have stopped these two.
We didn't know
Ora, let's discuss this amongst ourselves
and end this matter right here.
I already told AD.
Lies have destroyed many lives here.
But, Ora, upon finding out the truth,
AD won't relax till he decapitates them.
This girl got a second life here Neeche.
She should have followed
the rules of this place.
Are there ever any rules in love?
Guys, AD is here.
Number 30, right?
I knew that she was
behind the entire mess.
And her plus one
What do we know about him?
His name is Roy.
Rumi's love has brought him here.
We could have gotten
more information out of him,
but I didn't want to do anything
without checking with you.
Does he know me?
AD, you are well known in the world above.
But not every common man would know you.
So what do we with them?
That is the conundrum.
What do we do with both of them?
Amar, wake her up.
Not only is this girl
the troublemaker of your clan,
she's the star player as well.
Get it?
Roy. Roy.
- Rumi.
- I'm so sorry.
Rumi, I am fine.
AD. AD, it is all my fault.
Please let him go.
I'll write the next chapter of this story.
You have this constant itch to go Upar.
All right then. Go.
Go Upar, find Luna Luka and finish her.
There's no other option left, Ora.
Luna Luka has learnt a lot
about your clan, about me.
Her staying alive
is a threat to all of us.
But, AD, how can Rumi
take on Luna Luka by herself?
Shouldn't she have thought about it?
And I know,
you have not only taught Kathak to Rumi,
but trained her in many other things.
So, Rumi, if you can go Upar and kill her,
you will get back your life Neeche.
And if Luna Luka kills you,
then we'll celebrate your last rites here.
Just as we celebrated Sreela's.
And what about Roy?
The number of nights
you take to finish Luna Luka,
those many nights,
each member of the clan here
will suck Roy's blood drop by drop.
So, you need to hurry up.
The clock is ticking.
Rumi, is Babu Shona with you?
He hasn't come home since last night.
And even his phone is not reachable.
I know where he is.
He is
Actually, he is participating
in a cooking show.
The shoot is happening far away.
And phones are not allowed there. So
That's great news.
But why didn't he tell us before going?
No one appreciates his cooking here.
So he was scared to tell you about it.
He should be scared.
It's a woman's job to cook.
He is a man.
And a dentist at that.
Not some ordinary cook.
All the best chefs of the world are men.
And if you encourage Roy even a bit,
he can become a very good chef.
And not just an ordinary dentist.
Baba, the mouth cleansing
dessert you are making,
that's cooking, too, right?
Perhaps Roy can't be
as good a dentist as you.
But he has inherited
the cooking talent from you.
What you're saying is something
I've been trying to say for years.
I have to go now.
If I am able to speak to Roy,
I will inform you.
No, no. It's raining heavily.
How will you go alone?
It's okay, Maa. I'll manage.
I really need to go.
Stay over, Rumi.
It'll make us happy.
And when you meet her,
give her these pictures.
Rumi, Rumi, Rumi, Rumi
The door was open, so
Rumi. Come. Come.
Show me.
Show me.
Show me!
Hey, what are you doing here?
Get up.
Kartik, it's not what you think.
He wanted to see them.
Baba, get up.
Hey, stay back!
If Baba gets even a scratch,
you'll regret it.
You are getting it all wrong.
No, Rumi.
I am finally seeing things as they are.
I know that you know everything about me.
Still I came here.
That's the mistake you made.
Just like I made a mistake that night.
With you.
Stay there. Stay!
Come on, Baba.
Kartik, only you can help me.
Kartik. Kartik, please.
Kartik, I need your help
or they will kill Roy.
They are going to kill Roy?
Do you think I care about that?
I am sorry, I didn't tell you the truth.
But what's Roy's fault in this?
- Don't punish him for my mistake.
- Hey, Rumi!
There is nothing between us, got it?
This is your personal matter.
Kartik, you are a policeman, right?
It is your job to help people.
What policeman?
All of you have ruined mine and Baba's
My life, my job, everything!
Baba, they ruined everything.
I just wanted to avenge my friend's death.
In that pursuit, I ruined everything.
Dolma, I have told you so many times
not to disturb me during
the Blue Moon Ceremony.
Inspector Kartik called.
I have locked her up in a room.
At your house?
I am coming right now.
No. No need.
Everything is under control.
Those guys are very dangerous, Kartik.
And we know nothing
about this one's powers.
Let me handle this.
You'll only handle it.
But not today. Tomorrow.
What is your plan?
I will text you the time
and address in the morning.
Get there with The Cutmundus.
First of all, thank you for coming here
at such short notice.
I had excluded my name
from the invitation card on purpose.
Who'd have taken
a suspended sub-inspector seriously?
Even when I wasn't suspended,
people never took me seriously
at my police station.
This is the Pal family special.
Right, Baba?
Come with me.
This is my Baba.
Biren Pal.
He shared what he saw
at the police station 50 years ago.
Baba, over here.
And till date, people call him crazy
because of what he said.
Isn't it?
There was only one person
who believed what my father said.
And she has been quietly fighting
a very tough battle for years.
Today, we have called
all of you here because
she wants to give you
a glimpse of that enemy of ours.
Please welcome her.
Ms. Luna Luka.
My love.
Rama Reddiar!
The star of the Calcutta theatre.
Not now. In the 1960s.
And he was 22 even then.
He wanted to be a star
of the Bombay film industry.
In order to stay young forever,
he got swayed by the words of a devil
and he managed to get himself
the bite of life.
Madam, please pose beside him.
Sorry, my photographer friends.
These people can't be captured on camera.
The irony
The man who tried to romance the camera
leaving his real-life romance behind,
can never be seen on that camera.
No appearances in the day.
He needs human blood for survival
and animal fangs for a bite.
He had become a monster.
I know that this
will sound like a fantasy.
And even I would not have believed it,
if I were in your shoes.
So what do we do?
Calm down. Calm down, my friends.
There are lots like him
around us in the city. Hiding away.
They venture out at night
to attack the humans.
For 50 years I have been hearing,
where is the proof?
Well, this is the proof.
Why didn't you tell me beforehand?
You didn't tell me either
that all of this is personal to you.
It did start out personal, Kartik.
But later, it became
my purpose to save this city.
It is a purpose from your perspective.
But the way I see it, it is revenge.
What do I do with this?
Do as you wish.
I have to go drop Baba home.
Is she back?
Is she all right?
There is no news on Rumi as of now.
I have not seen a human
like you in centuries.
You knew who she is.
What she is.
Yet you fell in love with her.
You knew who we are.
What we could do to you.
Yet, you came here to rescue her.
What you call bravery,
my parents would label it stupidity.
Bravery and stupidity
are two sides of the same coin.
It's Rumi who's flipped my coin.
I knew you could do it, Doc Roy.
Only after meeting her did I realize that
You are doing great, Doc Roy.
my life is not like yours.
I really love you, Roy.
For us humans, life is too short.
Too short to lead a life of fear.
We have to make every second count.
Every moment count.
Perhaps time has stopped for you, Luna.
You have not changed at all.
You are still as beautiful.
I can't remember how many times
I've apologized to you in these 50 years.
It never reached my ears.
I am sorry, Luna.
For leaving you like that.
Rama, this kind of acting
doesn't work these days.
You have to be more realistic.
I mean it, Luna.
Yeah, right.
Didn't you ever wonder
if I was dead or alive?
Didn't you ever care?
Of course, I cared.
Why didn't you come to meet me?
He knows everything.
Had I come to meet you,
he would have burnt me.
And no one would have
found any trace of me.
Who? AD?
But I am here today to meet you.
As soon as Rumi told me
Why did you kill Haru?
I haven't killed anyone, Luna.
Lies. Lies. Lies, Rama! Stop it!
You have even converted a human.
Rumi has done all this.
And AD sent her to kill you.
To kill me?
Luna, I can save you.
Luna is enough to save Luna.
Luna, listen to me.
Come to Neeche with me.
Maybe AD will allow us to live together.
And won't Ora have a problem with that?
By the way, where is this Neeche?
I will take you there.
But you will have to come close first.
You were wrong, Rama.
I have changed.
Luna Luka.
I wish I could say that
I have heard a lot about you.
But I have actually heard a lot about you.
From the first day of my second life.
Still you are here.
To avenge Sreela's death.
I had promised her.
Promised her?
You mean her severed head.
I still have her tooth.
Had your friend, Haru Babu,
been alive, he would have been
able to tell how sharp it is even now.
Looks like we both
have scores to settle.
Your hands are not long enough
to get to Luna Luka.
That's it?
What did AD see in you?
Rumi. Rumi. Rumi.
I told you not to come in the way.
Are you now on their side, Kartik?
Today you have destroyed
your father's honor completely.
Your father and I wanted
to save humans from these demons.
And you
Luna Di, Baba used to
always say something.
That you need not be a human
to have humanity.
And it is not necessary that
every human has humanity in them.
I am sorry.
For what?
You are not one of them.
Where were you born?
The second time.
Here. In the water.
In this water?
Do you even realize who you are?
Rumi, Rumi, Rumi.
The princess of the clan.
Or should we call you Queen Rumi?
What say, Ora?
But you know what, Rumi.
Everyone here underestimated
you against Luna Luka.
But I knew it the moment I saw you.
That only you could
match that witch.
Do you know why?
My Baba used to always say,
power alone doesn't make one powerful."
"There should be some intent behind it."
And your purpose was
avenging Sreela's death.
Where is Roy?
Come on!
After killing such a dangerous witch,
you are asking about such a petty human.
Where is Roy?
Listen, warriors like you
shouldn't have fallen in love.
For the last time.
Where is Roy?
- Roy.
- Rumi. Rumi.
- Rumi.
- Are you okay?
I am here.
Are you all right?
Why is he still in chains?
Because he is a prisoner.
Let him go, AD.
- We had a deal.
- Deal?
What? Which deal?
I said you can get your life back
by killing Luna Luka.
AD, I have completed my job.
Now let him go.
This girl has gone crazy.
No. I can't let a human
go back Upar after everything
that he has come to know about us.
He will not divulge anything.
Not now. He won't.
But when your human-monster
love story comes to an end,
he will surely talk then.
You know everything.
So you must be also knowing that
this monster will not take
even a second to end your life.
Won't you like to see my sharpies today?
You have lost your head
after killing Luna Luka.
If I don't return Upar,
my boys will burn down this whole place.
Your entire clan will
be burnt to the ground.
And not everyone has
the power you possess.
They won't be able to do anything.
Today is a good day, an auspicious day.
At this auspicious moment,
I will give you a one-time
extraordinary offer.
Convert Roy into one of your kind.
I have come to know
that Amar is not coming back.
So he can replace him.
Here Neeche.
Roy, did you hear that?
We can stay together forever.
I don't want to be like you.
Rumi, I want to be with you,
but as a human.
I want everything in my life,
the light, the darkness.
Not just one never-ending night.
I want to
I want to fear death.
At the same time,
I want to live freely.
I am sorry.
I would rather be dead
than living like this.
Rumi, did you hear him?
Are you happy now?
There is no other option left.
Kill him.
What now?
There is another way of doing this.
We'll deep-hyp him
and send him Upar.
Your hypnosis?
So, he won't remember
anything about this place?
The address, the residents, nothing?
No. He won't remember a thing.
I will deep-hyp him myself.
From the day he met Rumi
for the first time
till this day,
all his memories will be erased.
It will all feel like a dream.
As soon as he wakes up,
it will be all gone.
All right then.
This boy must not be seen anywhere
around here again.
His connection with the Neeche world
is over for good.
Shubol da, tea.
You are up so early?
Yes. Why waste time sleeping?
Have you brushed?
No. Was about to.
Sit down.
This is not just a rasgulla.
This will clean your mouth like a sponge.
But it is a little too sweet
for my liking. I need salt.
Just a little.
- Salt in sweet?
- See what he has to say.
It's trending these days.
Salt caramel ice-cream.
Salted chocolate.
This will balance the sweetness
and the salt will help clean the mouth.
How's it?
You rocked it, Babu Shona.
Make Maa taste it.
Finally you've done something worthwhile.
He did it. He's the one.
There he is.
So, Kartik,
do I have to call you "sir" now?
If you were in this chair
and if I were in your place,
and if I had called you, "Hey, Kundu,"
would you have let me do that?
What's the status on the
Harish Mukherjee Road case?
I will have to check.
So, check it.
And, Kundu,
if you're having trouble calling me "sir,"
better practice in private.
If you don't call me so in public,
it'll be a problem.
For you.
Yes, sir.
I would not have been able to do it
without you. So, thank you.
How's that?
You would have done it,
even if I weren't with you.
But you were with me.
You and your blood.
Let me fix it.
This will heal.
But what about the hurt inside?
How will that heal?
That too is with you, right?
We will meet again.
I will wait, My Lady.
Naru, what are you doing here?
Didi is no
She would have wanted this.
Call all The Cutmundus.
I want to meet everyone.
The time has come to decide our next move.
Hey, what's the scene?
We are expecting two more patients.
But after half an hour.
Cancel them.
Ask them to come tomorrow.
Anisha, you can leave, too. Okay?
Your boyfriend
is waiting for you downstairs.
Don't worry,
I'll lock the door on my way out.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Yes. Let's do this.
Welcome to another episode
of The Anonymous Chef.
Today's episode is very special because
I am not anonymous anymore.
Hello, everyone. I am Roy.
Bikram Roy.
I won't be sharing some
old, secret recipe today.
Rather I will share with you
a fresh new recipe today.
This is my creation.
Hilsa with Pineapple and Poppy Seeds.
Can Hilsa, pineapple and poppy seeds
party together on the palate?
Let's find out.
Let's start with the fish.
How is it going down Neeche?
The power equation has shifted.
Ora now consults with Rumi for everything.
As long as Ora is taking orders from me,
there is no problem.
But that demon wants
all of us to come Upar at night.
She says there is nothing to worry
now that she's killed Luna Luka.
In fact, plans are being made to shift
the entire clan far away from Kolkata.
There was no one outside.
So I just came in.
It's okay.
How may I help you?
My tooth.
There is a strange pain in it.
Would you maybe take a look?
Of course. Please sit.
I can smell fish.
- Where is it coming from?
- Yeah, I love cooking.
I am just trying a new recipe
in the pantry.
Tell me about your tooth.
It's my right canine.
It broke. So I had to replace it.
But it still hurts.
As if the wound is not fully healed.
So, how did you break your tooth?
Just an error of judgement
on my part.
And who fixed it?
A really nice dentist.
She can go wherever she wants,
but she will have to come back to me.
Because Rumi's daughter is alive.
And only I know
where she is.
Oh God!
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