Trigun Stampede (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Our Home

Okay, it's recording.
Today is the twins' first birthday.
A year has already passed
since you were born.
How time flies.
Why did you prepare a plate for me again?
Who cares? Let's eat!
I'm not like Vash. I don't need food.
I'm Plant too, you know!
What a waste.
It's not about whether you eat it or not.
The important thing
is that everyone gets their share.
There's nothing wasteful about it.
Hey Rem, the record light is off.
You're right.
Hey, you two!
You're watching it again?
Parents are so silly.
Oh? You mean you didn't know?
I'm the silliest mom in the universe
with the cutest pair
of kids in the universe.
Let's have another
birthday party next year.
Spare me.
We'll definitely have one.
Nai Where are you?
I finally did it! It worked!
You even killed Rem!
Don't be so mad!
You're my accomplice.
It was you who told me
the program's access code.
Isn't that right, Vash?
I have to find Rem
I have to find our ship.
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
I had no idea it would turn out like this!
I wish this would end
I wish I could disappear.
Hey! There's a kid still alive!
Just like I thought.
There's no doubt.
He gives off a Plant reaction.
He looks human to me.
An Independent
Inde what?
Plant specimens are usually
duplicates of their original cells.
But in rare cases,
they conceive and give birth.
So he's Plant born from other Plant?
Is he dangerous?
Does he need to go in a container
like the other Plant specimens?
I don't think it's necessary.
Are you sure?
Who knows this stuff better?
The molecular Plant scientist Sinners
or Team Leader Conrad.
Conrad? Is he on Ship No.5?
Where am I?
He spoke!
His genetic data is almost
identical to humans, after all.
That's not the point.
What's the point, then? Calm down.
Oh, whatever.
Little boy
Do you remember which ship you were on?
Do you know what happened
to the ship and Rem?
Officer Rem Saverem
The officer on duty during the crash?
Do you know her?
She raised us.
Is there another independent, besides you?
There was one other
but he's probably dead.
In other words, you left everyone behind
to save your own life?
That's cowardly.
Stop it, Brad!
He's keeping something from us.
You suspect him of something?
He's just a kid.
I'll go search Ship No.5.
It's been over 80 hours
since the ship crashed.
Even if anyone survived,
it's too late for them now.
The gravity Plant may have reactivated
in time, like it did for us.
Why did you save me?
I wanted to die.
We survivors were merely lucky.
Which means you can't say that,
even if you really feel that way.
Instead, think about what you can do now.
What's your name?
I'm Luida Leitner.
For better or worse,
I'm in charge of this ship now.
Ship No.3.
Can I ask you a few questions?
Do you have any
matter production abilities?
Electricity, chemical compounds,
amino acids?
None of them.
I'm not like normal Plant.
I can't produce anything.
The other one was different,
but all I do is eat, drink and sleep.
Is that so? You're just like us humans.
You asked me to think about what I can do.
But I can't do anything.
Not a thing
Brad just contacted me.
He brought back survivors from Ship No. 5,
but Rem wasn't among them.
The ship was completely torn to pieces.
I'm afraid she
Rem tried to save
the ship until the very last second.
The survivors told us that.
Is that all Rem left behind?
It took me two weeks of searching
through that debris to find this.
Cut me some slack.
Sorry. Did you find anything else?
I retrieved the black box.
But I'm not sure if it still works.
It's seriously damaged.
Lastly, there's this.
It's broken
Ship No. 5 is beyond repair
and our ship is a wreck too.
Looks like we're stuck here.
And? How long do you intend
to keep that kid here?
You don't like it?
If you know I won't eat it,
why bother bringing it?
What a waste.
It's not about whether you eat it or not.
We found this among the debris.
You must have been very important to her.
You have to believe in yourself.
There must be something only you can do.
I can't do anything
Is that the monster?
Look how gross it is.
Why don't they kill it?
I'm very happy
that I met you.
There's no point letting him live.
He said himself that he doesn't
have any Plant powers.
Are you listening, Luida?
I've almost fixed it.
It worked!
Major glitch in navigation settings.
In one hour, there will be
an emergency revival
of everyone in cryptosleep.
I need more time.
-Someone replaced the launching data?!
-Don't tell me
Who could have done this?
I'm manually restoring
the orbital system's direct controls.
Control thruster output starting
Please Work!
It's the Plant generator!
It's blooming!
What's going on? Its vitals are a mess.
What caused this?
I don't know.
If it's because the Plant can't adapt
to the environment on this planet
That would mean we're all going to die.
We've only just survived a ship crash.
Isn't there anything we can do?
Someone! Come to the isolation cell!
What's wrong?
The boy
Is there something wrong with the Plant?
How did you know?
He probably heard us talking.
Sorry, but we're busy now. We need to
I heard a voice!
The Plant is asking for help!
Don't listen to him.
He just wants to get out of there.
Take me to the Plant!
The voice is getting weaker!
He's lying!
If I don't do something, that kid will
You heard Rem's voice
on that video we restored.
I didn't know her personally, but
Whoa, slow down.
She sacrificed herself
to try and stop the crash.
It'll be okay.
If Rem trusted this kid,
then I trust him too!
Remember what I told you before?
Everyone has a blank
ticket with no destination.
It's for oneself
to choose their destination.
No matter how dark things get,
your ticket is always waiting
for you to write your destination.
Nai, Vash.
I know you two will be okay!
I can hear you. Don't worry.
I'm here.
Vash, thank you.
You saved many lives, today.
It's nothing. I just did what I could do.
Come with me.
What's this place?
Your room.
From today, you're an official
resident of Ship No.3.
I'm really sorry
for treating you so badly until now.
Thank you, Luida!
Thank Brad, too.
I couldn't convince everyone on my own.
Didn't I say not to tell him?
He's actually a good guy, right?
The condition to take off your cuffs
is to have you under watch.
Bear with it for now.
It won't be necessary for long.
I wonder
I, for one, still don't trust you.
I'll bust you up
if you try anything funny.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, one more thing, Vash
It's about your future here.
If you're willing to take
care of the other Plant specimens
You must be tired.
I guess.
This is the fifth time
this year, after all.
Thank you for coming with me, Brad.
I told you I'm only here
to keep you under watch.
It's a mission.
Plus, this is an absolute paradise
compared to just after the crash.
Drink up. It's a long way back.
You're a nice guy, Brad.
Despite your looks.
Give it back.
You brat!
Give me a break
What is it?
It's for you, Vash!
It's a gift from all the ship's residents!
Wow! New clothes!
Clothes are so difficult to get here.
What a beautiful red
Is it too flashy?
No, I like red.
Rem liked it too.
She planted a lot of red
bailey flowers back then.
Bailey flowers?
Thank you.
I'm so happy to live here with everyone.
This is my home.
Sounds nice!
I've always thought
Ship No.3 sounds too boring.
From now on, we'll call this place home!
This is home for everyone here.
It's still a bit too big.
Home, huh?
You and Vash are getting
along surprisingly well.
No way. I'm just watching him to make
sure he doesn't try anything suspicious.
You're never honest with yourself.
Isn't that
the black box?
I thought it was beyond repair.
It was back then.
But a lot of things
have changed in five years.
Both our technology and my skills.
Many people still blame themselves,
since we still don't know
what caused the crash.
It worked!
This is
I finally did it! It worked!
You even killed Rem!
Don't be so mad!
You're my accomplice.
It was you who told me
the program's access code.
Who is that next to Vash?
Probably the other Independent Plant.
So he didn't die in the crash.
Why did Vash lie to us?
Because they're in it together, of course!
He never saw us humans as friends!
He's always been a traitor!
He heard you
There must be something related
to the other Independent here.
You found something?
It was thanks to everyone here
that I regained my will to live.
I see all of you as family,
and it was painful
for me to continue lying.
I'm so sorry.
No matter how much
I want to forget the past,
there is no escaping it.
It's time for me to face that.
An Independent will make up
for what an Independent has done.
That is how I will atone.
I have to go after him!
Don't stop me!
I'm not stopping you.
If you see him, tell him I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
Tell him yourself.
Because I'm bringing him back.
Did they rescue me?
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