Triptych (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

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I trusted you.
You should know one thing.
Your sisters and you aren't the only ones.
What is this?
Where's Tamara, you son of a bitch?
Where's my sister?
Tamara! Tamara! Tamara!
Tamara, wake up!
When I last saw her,
she was on her way to see Dr. Bátiz.
She wanted to show her documents
she'd found in a folder
in the basement at the hospital.
But why Bátiz?
Because she was helping
with her investigation.
Do you know what was in the folder?
There were papers relating
to an experiment
your dear father was involved in.
Yes, Rebecca called.
She was obviously very drunk.
She said something
about a Nazi experiment.
She told me that Beatriz Fonseca
had told her the whole story.
Who's Beatriz Fonseca?
She's the social worker
who delivered Becca to her parents.
Did you know about this experiment?
Of course not. It doesn't even sound real.
I asked Quezada to find this Beatriz.
I thought maybe she could shed
a little light on this, huh?
We've got a signal.
- Whose cell phone is it?
- Tamara Sánchez.
I had a signal, but it's gone.
They must've pulled the sim card
and destroyed it.
Are you sure there's no other cell phones
or devices that could be tracked?
Rebecca left her phone at the office,
and she was using her mother's cell.
You know what you have to do.
Excuse me.
We know it last pinged off a cell tower
in the State of Mexico.
- But we can locate the tower?
- Yes, of course.
- All right, get on it!
- Yes, sir.
- All right.
- Right.
We'll see.
- Try that one.
- Good afternoon.
How'd it go? Where is she?
Beatriz Fonseca was murdered, sir.
She was found at her house.
Other than a visitor's pass,
the only other clue we found at the home
of Beatriz Fonseca was this envelope.
It contained 40,000 pesos.
It has the ATI logo on it.
It's obvious.
Eugenio Sáenz must've paid her off
in exchange for her silence
about his wife.
Sáenz needed Beatriz Fonseca
out of the way,
but he's not stupid enough
to kill her himself.
- So, he hired someone to do the hit.
- Shh! Shh!
These powerful people,
they're capable of anything.
I agree with that, sir,
but something doesn't sit right.
The evidence just seems too clean.
Almost like it was planted.
Have you considered
that maybe it's misdirection?
And Fonseca's just
an innocent pawn in all of this?
Are you saying
you don't think Sáenz is involved?
I honestly don't know, Captain.
But as of now,
we don't have concrete evidence
that would give us just cause--
Look, I'll make sure you get a warrant.
We have enough pointing at him
to hall him in for questioning.
Understood, sir.
But there's another thing.
There's a discrepancy.
Captain Solana?
- Not now.
- There's someone in your office.
He said it was urgent.
And that's when we lost, uh,
the signal from Tamara's.
It disappeared,
but we know Rebecca's cell phone is here.
It's here, in this station.
You know it's illegal
to track cell phone signals
without consent or a warrant from a judge?
Fuentes's cell phone is here.
She left it here.
Why are you looking for her?
There are reasons to think
that Tamara and her sister are in danger.
Dude, I told you Eugenio wasn't a monster.
Are you seriously
gonna defend that asshole?
Aw, come on, chill.
Remember that your boyfriend betrayed us.
Yours is hardly an angel.
You think I don't know
what you've been up to?
Becca, again, you should chill.
What happened was only physical.
You were screwing
your dead sister's husband.
At least I'm not some bitch
who's so drunk and fucked in the head
she doesn't know who she's banging!
What's that?
Fuck, I really hope it's food
because I'm famished.
What a bitch.
The last thing my mother-in-law heard,
Rebecca was going to see Dr. Bátiz.
She's the doctor
that your wife wanted to kill.
Supposedly, the doctor
was helping them investigate their past,
but I think she's playing them.
I'm certain of it.
Playing them how?
If Bátiz is who I think she is,
she's coercing those girls
in the same way she did my wife.
And what did she supposedly do
to your wife?
She convinced her she was nuts.
She convinced us all
to have her committed.
And I have no idea
what she did to her in there.
But the woman I took out
of the clinic that day
was not my wife.
So your theory
is Dr. Bátiz is trying
to make the sisters mentally ill?
I think she's holding them hostage.
We need to find them.
After that
you can arrest me if you want.
Do you know where they are?
Julia, if you can hear me,
tell us who we are.
And why we're here.
The most human of questions.
"Who are we?"
I think it's time, Mila.
Yes, doctor.
The Triad Project, phase one,
day 62.
What the fuck is this?
If Skinner's theories are correct,
the subjects
have already imprinted on one another.
We will now begin monitoring
the effects of separation anxiety.
The time has come
for you to take the next step
in your AA program, Rebecca.
The stage you feared, Rebecca.
This is where the subject
must turn her life and her will over
to a superior power.
Have you ever considered
that in so many of our mythic stories
the creature is pitched
against its creator?
We have examples like Prometheus,
Adam and Eve,
the monster and Dr. Frankenstein.
Do you realize you're a psychopath?
That's the downside of psychology
for the internet.
Any irresponsible hack with a computer
thinks they're entitled
to formulate a diagnosis.
We get it.
You played God,
and we were your creations.
So tell us.
Are we clones or what?
explain to your sister.
I guess it has to do
with Dr. Meyer's experiments.
You worked for him.
No, darling.
I only ever worked in service to science.
Meyer, it turns out,
didn't have sufficient fortitude
to continue his research.
When the press discovered
the true nature of his experiments
with twins and triplets,
Meyer buried all his groundbreaking work
fearing legal consequences.
So, I decided to continue
with the project.
By myself.
But I'd search for
a more permissive place.
So I returned to Mexico,
and I met the man who'd become my mentor,
who put me in charge
of his new department
of psychiatric research
at the recently opened
Humanis Vita hospital.
He was Dr. Bernardo Sáenz.
What really matters
in the confirmation of personality?
Is it nature or nurture?
That is the one big question
that must be answered.
And that's where we come in, I suppose.
It is.
I needed subjects
who had identical genetic characteristics,
but who would each go to families
with different socioeconomic situations.
The poor, the rich, and the middle-class.
Did you buy us or kidnap us?
No, that wasn't necessary.
I had two important advantages
that Meyer didn't have.
Back in the 60s.
The first
was that the technology
for in vitro fertilization
had advanced sufficiently by then
to successfully fertilize
monozygotic embryos in the laboratory.
There were many failed attempts,
of course.
But at last,
I succeeded
in implanting the uterus of a surrogate
with the first set of identical triplets
conceived in a petrie dish.
And who was the surrogate?
My mother?
No, no, that part was
a bit of fiction I invented.
Your mother received
a decent stipend every month
to raise you as her daughter.
Who donated the egg?
Who's our biological mother?
Did you get rid of her?
I am a woman,
and that was the second advantage
I had over Meyer.
No fucking way.
Change of plans.
Eugenio is with me.
That was my colleague.
He'll be standing by
in case we need more support.
Humberto, I know I promised
not to call at work, but
What's wrong?
My water broke,
and my contractions are coming fast.
My God, they're so strong.
The situation's complicated.
Have your mother take you to the hospital.
Sure, my mother is with me,
but I need you to come too.
Get to the hospital.
I'll come as soon as I can.
Look, forget about that asshole.
- Mommy!
- Hang up the phone. We're going.
You good?
Where we going?
You said right at the intersection.
Yeah, but did we pass a farmhouse?
Yeah, you must've missed it.
Go back.
This is the wrong way.
Come on, turn the car around!
Stop the car!
- Breathe.
- You're doing great.
I'm proud of you. That's it.
You're nearly there. You're fully dilated.
You'll start pushing.
- Don't touch it. Stop it!
- Answer that, asshole!
-I can't talk!
- Humberto!
What are you doing?
I love you!
You're fucking nuts!
Let go, asshole!
Nothing in your lives
has been a coincidence.
Not the fact that since childhood,
each of you was monitored
under various pretexts.
Or that in your teens, each of you
wound up dating a psychologist.
You will recall, as you look back,
you have always been surrounded
and monitored intently
by caring observers.
Humberto was my monitor?
- Fuentes, let's go.
- What are you doing here?
Are you following me?
This case is closed.
Good morning.
Of all the monitors we've had,
Humberto's the most effective.
He had to witness,
and to a certain extent,
encourage your alcoholism.
He monitored your breakdown.
Which, curiously, coincided with Aleida's
and with Tamara's as well.
As if you planned it together,
your stress ignited in each of you
that same night in December.
I didn't anticipate it,
but it seems
the mania I observed in Aleida
became some sort of antenna,
inflaming in each of you
the need for fire.
Isn't it just marvelous
that something like this could happen?
Nobody forced me
to burn that fucking meth lab.
Nobody forced Rebecca
to torch her lover's truck either.
That was beyond my control.
Let's not forget there's free will,
and that's unpredictable.
What did you have control over?
The death of Aleida's baby boy?
Alex's birth and death
were never contemplated
within the design of this experiment.
The death of our fathers?
- They died within days of each other.
- Mmm.
Were those deaths
contemplated in the design?
The death of Aleida's father
was necessary, yeah.
Federico discovered the experiment,
so we had to act quickly and decisively.
And my father?
And Tamara's mother?
Did they discover you?
But it was necessary
to match the variables.
If Aleida had lived through loss,
well, the two of you would
have to experience it as well,
or it would ruin the experiment.
You fucking bitch!
Your emotional instability
always takes its course, Rebecca.
And you know what this illusion is?
Go ahead, dear, have a drink.
It's the only thing that can calm
your impotent and unquenchable thirst.
No, Becca.
That's what the bitch wants. No!
Aleida was on to you.
It was you!
It was you who provoked her psychosis!
I had no choice.
I had to protect her from herself.
If it weren't for that imbecile Eugenio,
we would've avoided the painful situation
where you two met.
Aleida didn't wanna kill you.
She wanted to have the media come
so that she could expose you!
Well, her medication
had a paradoxical effect.
She arrived at my building
in a full-on psychotic state.
I actually thought
that I might die that day.
You're gonna tell the world the truth.
You have more power over me
than I have over you.
You win.
It's time that you
Tamara, and Rebecca are set free.
I don't understand.
I'm going to admit it all.
And the three of you can start over.
I tried to protect her.
Even I might add
at the risk of my own well-being.
But, of course
I know it's what
any mother would do
for her daughter.
Menopausal bitch!
Protect her?
So why'd you kill her at the hospital?
You think that, Tamara?
That I killed Aleida?
Is it still not clear to you girls
that have never wanted to hurt you?
- The motorcyclist that chased you
- Run!
The men who shot at Rebecca
They had no instructions to harm you,
just frighten you.
Are you saying Aleida's alive?
The hearse is outside.
We'll swap the bodies first.
Eugenio identified her body.
What Eugenio saw was Aleida
in a state of catalepsy
induced by medication.
The body that was cremated
belonged to a dead criminal
who had been left unclaimed at the morgue.
Conveniently, her body type
was just like Aleida's.
Silvia Martínez.
Where's Aleida? Where is she, huh?
Aleida, like you two girls,
is ready for the next phase
of the experiment.
What are you talking about?
Where's Aleida?
will you show them their sister?
Doctor, she's not here.
She disappeared.
She escaped?
Tamara, get in here!
Keep trying!
- Really? You're gonna drink?
- Here.
We're gonna need these.
Aleida, are you here?
Do you think Aleida caused the blackout?
Don't know, but we gotta look for her.
Aleida, please don't ruin
these 34 years of experiments.
Check the ground,
she can't have gone very far.
Yes, ma'am.
Have you ever made a Molotov cocktail?
Yeah, of course.
Don't shoot!
It was her, doctor.
She shorted out the main panel,
which made the cell doors open.
Come on.
If they escape, I'll go to prison.
Drop your gun.
- Drop your gun, you stupid bitch!
- Hey, relax.
- I said drop it, or I'll cut your throat!
- Relax!
- Relax.
- Drop it!
All right, all right, all right.
Look, Aleida.
Just as I promised.
Your sisters
Here they are.
Don't make me use it.
Main gate! Main gate, come in!
This is main gate. Over.
The doctor's coming my way.
Letting her through.
- Floor it, Becca. Can't you go any faster?
- Yeah, I'm trying to.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
- No, no, no!
- Come on, come on, they're gaining on us!
They're right up our ass, hurry!
Go faster!
Come on, Becca! Faster, faster!
Hurry, or we're fucked!
No, stop!
You okay?
Are you all right, Aleida?
I should've believed you.
Please forgive me. Please forgive me!
It's a blur.
And honestly,
I don't know how I found the strength
to get out of bed
and escape from that room.
They'd taken me through the basement,
so I'd already seen the electrical panel.
Although it wasn't part of the plan,
I shorted out the power.
But there's still something
I don't understand, Ms. Trujano.
How did you know your sisters
were in the house?
I don't know.
Somehow, I just knew.
Commander, do you have any word
about Humberto Solana?
Do you know where he is?
We know that his truck
was found destroyed,
and that Commander Solana
died in the accident.
My darling.
Excuse me, Ms. Fuentes.
We've been unable
to locate Dr. Julia Bátiz.
Do you have any idea
where we should look for her?
There's no one left here.
Get out of here
so they can secure the place.
Let's go!
Let's go, gentlemen.
Please help me!
Wherever that psychopath is,
I'm pretty sure no one will ever find her.
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