TrollsTopia (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Rhythm & the Blues - Mouth Guitar

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
All by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along ♪
All different voices
Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're
livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪

Rell-a. By mistake she hugged
a snake And that was nice too! ♪
Now let's count
hugs! One, two ♪
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Double Dutch is too easy, ya'll.
Get two more ropes.
Quadruple Dutch?
I got four legs, don't I?
Gimme four dutches! Woohoo!
It's marshmallow. I'd swear
it on my daddy's grave-y.
- Wha
- My daddy makes real good gravy.
Oh. Huh?
Uh-oh, it looks like it's
coming out of R and B's lab.
We should go check on them.
Hey! Hey, down here!
Look this way!
Look at me! Bring us up!
[Holly yells]
R! B! Are you okay?
- Yes to the yes!
- Why do you ask?
Uh, 'cause of the explosions,
'cause of all of this mess.
Oh, right.
Now that you mention it
No to the no.
Ya'll? What in the T-R-O-double
hockey sticks happened in here, y'all?
We attempted to maximize the volume
of an extra-cellular confection.
Or in lay-Trolls terms
Make a real big marshmallow ♪
We just made a slight
miscalculation with the formula!
But, we will figure it out,
dear sister.
Mm-hmm. Our setbacks are
behind us, sibling supreme.

Activate clean-up bot!
Mess-up bot activated.
Oh, no!
That's the wrong button!
MESS-UP BOT: Mess-up bot! Mess-up bot!
Mess-up bot! Mess-up bot!
[alarm ringing]
Mess-up bot.
Apollo-to-the-gees, Trolls.
Won't happen again.
R? Maybe we should
just tell 'em.
Honestly, something's been bothering us.
And causing us to make a lot of mistakes.
Yeah. We miss our old friends and family
back where we're from in Vibe City.
- We're
- Homesick.
- Aw.
- Now, don't misunderstand!
We love it here in TrollsTopia!
We choose to be here!
Mm-hmm. But, it's just crazy
how you can love where you are
and miss where you're from
all at the same time.
Wow, that's
That's just relatable stuff.
Uh, you poor things.
You know, we Country Trolls have a
way of dealing with homesickness.
We sing a sad song
and cry and cry
until we fill an entire barrel
with our tears!
Mm, we appreciate you, Holly,
but what we really need is a way to keep
our minds off our homesickness altogether.
Keep your minds off of it?
I think we can help with that!
With fun distractions!
All right!
That was amaze-ba-bonkers!
We didn't feel our
homesickness the whole time!
All right!
- Uh-oh! Wait.
- Homesickness comin' back.
- No, no, no!
- More fun distraction ideas, guys! Quick!
Adorabull riding!
- Yay!
- Yeah!
- Fireworks!
- Ooh! Ah!
- Flyer bug racin'!
- Whoa!
[Biggie screaming]
- Cloud gazing!
- Gaze at this!
- Serve it to the Trolls, honey!
- Whirlpool surfing!
[Breaths deeply]
Ya'll, I think we're
runnin' outta ideas, ya'll.
Oh! Oh. The homesickness
is comin' in stronger than ever.
- Guys, come on! Better ideas!
- I'm plum dry! It's too much pressure!
Uh! I've got it!
We can do
Ooh. Ah? Ah? Oh? Oh!
How did he
How's it
Okay, back to the drawing board!
All right, you guys miss home.
But what if we could bring a little slice
of home right here to TrollsTopia?

Disco-ball-ogram activated.
- Hey, hey, R and B!
- We miss you!
What in the what what?
Our friends?
Big Jay? Little Jay?
Medium Jay?
Poppy, I can't find the words.
- Fantasta-fleeka-boom-boom?
- Yeah, that's it.

Thank you, friends.
- Yeah. Thank to the you.
- Aw.
- Now, if you'll pardon us
- We can't believe you're here!
But you're not really here.
You're still really far away.
- Aw.
- Oh, guys, I'm so sorry. But don't worry!
We've got other homesickness
solutions like, like, um
Oh, that's enough, sugar.
Sorry, everyone.
But seeing our friends, it's
almost like I miss home even more.
Bubble beam activated.
Nobody eat my cupcake!
- Ah!
- Oh, no!
Sorry, I was thinking
about home and lost focus!
It's okay, sis!
I'm putting it in standby!
Rapid bubble mode activated.
Clearly I'm doing this wrong.
- Ugh! Ugh!
- Turn it off! Turn it off!
We're tryin'! We're tryin'!
COMPUTER: Wormhole opened
to Lightning Dimension.
Here we go again!
[Cooper laughing]
[King Peppy screams]
Okay. Ya'll have some
very strange buttons.
Perhaps some labels?
This is terri-ba-bad, B!
We've gotta focus!
But I can't block out my homesickness!
And we've tried everything!
Not everything.
What if we don't try to block it out?
What if, instead, we just
Allow ourselves to feel it.
I'm missin' home
something fierce ♪

You're not alone
And though it's nice here ♪
I'm feelin' a hole in my heart
Where our family goes ♪
And I'm fallin' apart
Wonder if they're out there ♪
Feelin' it too, yeah ♪
Or is it just me and you ♪
Feelin' homesick, ooh
Feelin' homesick ♪
Yeah, we're homesick, ooh
Yeah, we're homesick ♪
And we know it won't end ♪
We're missin' our friends ♪
We're missin' our beds ♪
And the house
that they're in ♪
'Cause we're homesick
Homesick, ooh ♪
Homesick ♪
Wow. That felt really sad.
Yeah. But feeling really sad felt
really good!
Aw. Guys,
can I just say two things?
First, that was one
of the most beautiful songs
I have ever heard.
And second, there is
still a massive wormhole
that's about to eat our friends.
It's okay.
Now that we've fully embraced
our homesickness
We're ready to do it to it.

Bubbles are closing on the
wormhole at a force-vector of 3.2!
Setting sonic pop-wave
to fourteen funk-a-hertz.
Your spirit gives me strength!
Your determination makes me
believe in a better tomorrow!
Sonic pop wave, engaged.
Bean bags deployed.
Huh? Huh!
- So, you two still feeling homesick?
- Eh.
We always will.
But at least now we know
it's okay to feel it.
Plus, how lucky are we to have two
incredible communities to call home?
So lucky! In fact, I'd say
this calls for a celebration!
[Biggie clears throat]
And I have just the thing to celebrate.
Ooh. Ah? Ah? Oh? Oh!
How did he
How's it
I gotta admit, that is pretty great.

MINUET: One, two, three, four,
assume first position and
[violin music]
Oh. The first sting of sunlight after
a brutally long practice session.
Music to my eyes. Oh!
Move aside! I fear I'm
already late for the show!
- Dante? What show?
- W-w-w-what show?
Minuet, I'm referring
to the Hard Rock Troll
who recently arrived
in TrollsTopia!
Some say, when it comes
to his performances,
one must either be there
or be square! Ah!
"Blaze Powerchord"?
Whoo! Yeah!
Minuet! Can you believe this show?
The killer riffs! The epic solos!
Sorry, I'll calm down.
No, I won't!
Actually, Poppy, I just arrived!
But it sounds like this Blaze
is quite the electric guitarist.
He doesn't play electric guitar.
- Huh?
- Who's ready for an encore?
[Imitating electric guitar]
He plays mouth guitar!
[Pink Troll screams]
So he just makes guitar noises?
And Trolls listen to it? Willingly?
Oh. It is rather entertaining.
Yeah. Everyone says that.
- At first.
- Val?
Don't get me wrong. Nobody
mouths a guitar like Blaze.
The problem is,
once he gets going, he never
stops playing.
Like, ever.
[Imitating electric guitar]
Good morning, TrollsTopia!
[Imitating electric guitar]
[Imitating electric guitar]
[Violin music]
[Imitating electric guitar]
Uh, Blaze? Could you take five
'till Minuet finishes her recital?
And deprive the world of my sound?
Sorry, hate to turn down a huge fan.
- I never said I was a
- But the Blaze Craze is here to stayz!
Val, isn't this Blaze guy
kinda inconsiderate for a Troll?
Yeah, I know. He's basically
our version of that guy.
Mm, yeah, I can see that.
Will you please stop?
Uff! You're just jealous
of my awesome skillz.
And that's skillz with a "Z."
Jealous? Uh! There is
no skill I can't master.
Are you sayin' you wanna challenge
me to a battle of the mouth guitars?
An epic throwdown wherein if you beat me,
I have to give up mouth guitar forever?
'Cause that's what it sounds
like you're saying.
What? That's not what
I'm saying at all.
You know what? Yes. That's
precisely what I am saying.
Oh. You are on!
Saturday night.
You versus me.
Mouth-o a mouth-o.
Prepare to be a-Blaze-d!
[Imitating electric guitar]
Wow! Minuet, I had no idea
you even played mouth guitar.
I don't. But as I said, there's
no technique I can't master.
I just need an instructor
to teach me.
Nope. Nope. Can't do it. Mouth
guitar isn't about technique.
It's about passion.
About reaching deep inside yourself to
find it and lettin' it out with a
[imitates electric guitar]
Well, I can do that.
I just reach deep down inside myself
and let my passion out with a
One, two, three, four,
steps to the front,
then drop one knee and hold,
hold, then raise the chin and
Or was it a G, G, G.
Stop it.
- G! Ooh!
- This is painful.
- Yeah!
- Okay! I'll teach you some things.
- Uh!
- Just stop doing
- that.
- Yay!
Alright, first, you gotta get
familiar with your instrument.
Go ahead and grab a guitar.
Grab a
- A guitar, not a bass.
- Oh, uh
- A trombone? Come on!
- Oh, sorry, I meant, uh
Put the bagpipes
Forgive me, Val. But I assure you,
all I need is a little practice time.
[Imitating electric guitar]
Still not feelin' the passion.
But I can perform every trick Blaze
can, based on what I saw him do.
Yeah, but you didn't
see him do everything.
[Imitating electric guitar]
Just watch.
By Beeth-troll-ven's bassoon!
He smashed that like a real guitar!
- H-h-how?
- It's his passion.
Blaze pours so much of himself into
that guitar, he makes it real.
You gotta stop focusing on technique
and unleash your passion.
'Cause it's the only way
you'll ever beat him.
Welcome, TrollsTopia! To tonight's
Mouth Guitar Battle Royale!
To my left, he's gifted, he's
brash. It's Blaze!
[Crowd cheering]
And to my right, she's standing
up for every Troll's right
to not have to listen to mouth
guitar every second of the day!
The virtue-oh-so-talented
You look like you
need a shred-ucation!
[Imitating electric guitar]
I can't do this!
[Crowd booing]
Dude, what are you doing?
You can't just let him win!
[Blaze laughs]
Blaze wins!
The outcome everyone
wanted! Whoo!
Ugh, he really is the me
of the Hard Rock tribe.
I'm-I'm not ready, Val. I need
more time to go and practice and
No! What you need
is to show us your passion.
Now take this guitar
and get out there.
Not without more practice!
- Do it!
- But I can't!
- Unleash your passion!
- I don't know how! Ah!
[Glass crashes]

I can see it.
And I can feel it!
Then get out there and play it.
Woo-hoo! Whoo!

[Imitating electric guitar]
So, back for more, huh?
Well, then. What do you say?
Are you prepared to be a-Blaze-d!
I say you already used that pun.
- You're getting Blaze-y.
- Oh!
[Imitating electric guitar]
Are you guys not seeing
what I'm not seeing?
in-shred-ible! You win.
A dealio's a dealio.
I shall never mouth
another guitar. Ever.
Blaze, no! No one wants you
to give up your passion.
Just don't play when it's inappropriate.
Like at the library. Or a funeral.
Wow. That'll be tough.
But okay.
I think the crowd
wants an encore.
Oh, perhaps I shouldn't
have hurled my guitar.
You can borrow mine.
I'll back you up on mouth drums.
[Imitating drums]
[Imitating electric guitar]
All different voices ♪

We're livin' in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're
livin' in harmony ♪

We're livin' in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're
livin' in harmony ♪
All different voices ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're
livin' in harmony ♪
Livin' in
Livin' in ♪
Livin' in harmony ♪
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