Troppo (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

What's it like to kill someone?
So easy.
She was soft, like butter.
Hey, Jo. You're--
[Ah Rah]
Do you know how to?
You mix some of the ashes
in with the ink.
This was on the car.
[Ah Rah]
It might be his last words.
What about Dellagua?
Do they have any enemies?
Anybody wanna take 'em down?
Wayne Druff was the ringleader.
Must be kinda tough,
your son dating Park's daughter.
You think I knocked him off?
Got any more of these stashed away?
Pretty clever.
Did you sell venom to Lars?
Don't keep her waiting.
He killed Lars.
I'm not getting in the fucking car!
Fuck you!
We taught her a lesson.
We put it in her drink.
[ominous music playing]
[Lauren distorted] Amanda.
-[Brooke distorted] Amanda.
-[Lauren distorted] Amanda.
[Lauren distorted] Amanda.
[Brooke distorted] Amanda.
-[Lauren distorted] Amanda.
-[Brooke distorted] Amanda.
[Amanda screams]
[door opens]
[recorder beeps]
Detective Senior Constable Lou Damford
resuming interview with Amanda Farrell.
Time is now 0700.
I don't know how many different ways
you need me to say it.
Well, you stated
Ezra Cole killed Bryce Brierley.
But you've got nothing
to back it up.
Do you know where he is right now?
No idea.
Alice Springs.
Flight records have him
landing there yesterday morning.
So he doctored 'em.
The guy owns a plane.
He knows his way around that shit.
Ezra Cole.
Twist, as you call him.
Now, he's the chairman
of the local business association.
He's a major investor in Dellagua.
In this town's future.
And you?
You're a convicted murderer.
It's your word against his.
Twist forced Bryce's hand
into the snake tank
and then he walked away
and left him to die.
It was payback
for Bryce killing Lars Hansen.
Take a break, Budd.
Go get yourself a coffee.
[recorder beeps]
[door closes]
You love to tell a story, don't you?
Like that one you told
down at the pub the other night.
About what you did.
About how much you enjoyed it.
Oh, you're a piece of work.
You are sick.
Those words,
they have consequences.
And the jury is gonna
have a fucking field day with you.
[Ted] We both know how this works.
It's been over eight hours.
You either charge her
or you release her.
You can't hold Amanda.
Your feedback is appreciated.
Hey, her treatment
at that crime scene
was illegal
and it was inhumane, all right?
So any statement she makes now,
they're just gonna throw out of court.
I'm not leaving
until you release her, all right?
Officially, we're allowed
to extend the time that she's with us.
Your buddy Damford
is fitting her up for a frame job.
You know it.
Okay, time's up, pal.
No. I've got two more hours.
So you can sit down and shut up
or you can fuck off.
She's not out on the street in two hours,
I'll be back.
You can count on it.
[door opens and closes]
[opening theme music plays]
CT scan's all clear.
Hey, Doc.
I'm not sure that's a compliment.
It isn't.
You were a bloody idiot
to check yourself out.
Load of macho rubbish.
That's me.
Let's have a look at you.
[clears throat]
That is healing nicely.
Ribs still tender?
Yeah, only when I'm awake.
You know a nurse could have done this.
What's this about?
Whose is it?
It's Amanda's.
I was hoping you could run this
against the sample you have on file
from the night she was arrested.
I tested her blood myself.
You think I got it wrong?
Look, you've done favours for me before.
This is more than that.
It's in the past. It's finished.
I don't think it is.
Their statements are basically identical.
There's nothing to suggest
that she's lying.
You have to release her.
She was there.
She was an accessory.
You know as well as I do
that's not gonna stick.
Well, it's your job
to make it stick, Carrie.
I know how much you want this,
which is exactly why
you need to let it go.
You are gonna make a fool of yourself.
If something solid turns up,
we know where to find her.
I'll take care of it.
Go and see your family.
[door opens and closes]
[indistinct chatter]
You finally wore him down, huh?
What did I tell you about
touching my stuff, Conkaffey?
Guess I could've left it
in the rainforest to rot.
You got another one of those for me?
You get any sleep?
Oh, yeah, heaps.
What did you end up telling 'em?
Everything I know about Lars.
Congratulations, Amanda.
You solved your first case.
Murder, not suicide.
You wanna take a couple days
to shake this off?
And do what?
Twist didn't kill Park.
Bryce was personal.
He's like a snake.
He only strikes when he needs to.
What do you know about this guy?
Why? What do you know?
Why don't we start with reckless driving?
A car just like that one
ran Olivia off the road the other night.
We know Park wanted
his daughter home that night, right?
He left the house.
We know he didn't go to the office.
We know Ah Rah was here.
Maybe Park came looking for her.
Wayne saw a chance
and took it.
And what, risk driving a body
in Park's car through the centre of town?
How many back roads between here
and where Park's car was dumped?
There's two that I know of.
One's a flood risk.
There was a lot of rain around that time,
so it was probably underwater.
Any CCTV cameras along the other one?
Yeah, I know a place.
Hey, pal.
Excuse me! You got a second?
I'm looking at your, uh, camera there.
I was just wondering,
you guys save any footage
on your system,
say, from March the sixth?
Why do you want that?
Ah, it's just a private investigation.
Nothing to do with you
or your business.
We're just hoping
you could help us out.
What are you doing here, psycho?
Excuse me.
We're having a conversation here.
You need something?
Nah, we're good.
What's she want, Neil?
Security footage.
You like to watch people?
That how you pick your victims?
How much they pay you here, Neil?
Ask him again.
How about that footage?
The sixth?
That's right.
I do like to watch people.
Right now, I'm gonna watch
you two walk the fuck away.
Try from 8.30 pm, when Park left home.
[laptop beeps]
There's not much traffic.
I'll scrub through.
There you go. Take it back.
That's Park's car.
He's heading away from Druff's.
Keep going.
And there's Druff's ute.
I'll see if he comes back.
What's he doing?
That car's been cleaned.
That's not Wayne.
So Charlie drops Ah Rah home
and gets a sudden urge
to wash his car
in the middle of the night.
Shit, Ted.
[Ted] Do you recognise this?
Looks like a piece of a watch band.
I bought one for Jong Min like this
for our anniversary, before we left Seoul.
It could be someone else's.
Not a lot of people around here
wear watches like that.
We need to talk about Charlie.
Charlie had this?
We think so.
Why would he
Did he and Jong Min ever meet?
Yes, they met here.
That's not what he told Ted.
That happen often,
or was it a special occasion?
Not often, just a few words, in passing.
And were those words friendly?
Jong Min didn't approve.
He wanted Ah Rah
to focus on her schooling.
But it was civil.
Is your daughter around?
We'd love to talk to her.
Ask her a couple questions.
Yes, she's in her room.
Would you mind
asking her to join us?
[car engine starts]
[footsteps approaching]
She's not there.
[engine shuts off]
I was hoping I'd seen the back of you.
What now?
-Charlie around?
Look, uh, you know
where I might find him?
What's your interest in my boy?
Just wanna talk to him.
I don't know where he is.
Listen, you think
maybe you could call him,
ask him to come back here?
He's got the shits with me.
He won't answer.
Could you try him again?
I think your son might be in some trouble.
What are you on about?
Oh, I get it.
First I'm a suspect,
that doesn't pan out,
so you go after my kid?
Look, I don't wanna be here, all right?
Believe me.
It's not the way I want this to turn out.
Get off my property.
You come back
and I'll knock you out.
And stay away from my son!
I got it.
Yeah, they're not here.
Don't bother coming out.
I know. I tried to call you.
She's heading out of town.
How the hell do you know that?
'Cause I put a tracker
on Yoon Sun's car.
What? When?
Right before
you got whacked on the head.
I forgot to mention it.
Where is she?
There's a sugar mill
on the outskirts of town, heading south.
She's been there for about ten minutes.
She hasn't moved. I'm not far.
All right, I'll meet you there.
[tires screech]
[engine shuts off]
[birds squawking]
I let you down.
You were trying to tell me what
was going on, whether you knew it or not.
The tattoo. "I'm sorry."
They weren't your father's words,
they were yours.
It was a confession.
You wanna tell us what happened?
We were on the boat.
[Ah Rah]
I like your hands.
Even if they do this?
I told you to stop it! [laughs]
He came looking for me.
[Jong Min speaking Korean]
[Ah Rah] He said I wasn't
going to see Charlie again.
That we were going back to Seoul
because it was best for the family.
I told him he was a hypocrite,
that I knew about the woman at work.
You can't make her
if she doesn't wanna go.
[Ah Rah]
Charlie, he stood up for me.
And then my dad, he snapped.
Get off my kid!
[Ah Rah]
It was so fast.
Boy, get your hands off me!
[Ah Rah] I was so scared for Charlie.
I couldn't make him stop.
I just wanted him to stop.
Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa!
It's like he was
just angry all the time,
for months. Just
Well, your dad was trying
to do something very big.
He knew it was gonna
blow up all your lives.
And he was scared.
That's why he was angry.
Your dad wanted to take you and your mum
to Seoul just to protect you.
I told Charlie not to call the police.
I didn't want my mum to be alone
and my
my grandparents
wouldn't have taken care of her.
I told Ah Rah to dump the car.
-Charlie, don't
She didn't tell me where she left it.
I didn't tell her what
I was gonna do with the body.
I just thought it'd be like Lars.
Eventually something would wash up,
and then people would just stop looking.
I have to see my mum.
I have to tell her, please.
Please, let me tell her. [sniffles]
[dramatic music playing]
[no audio]
[no audio]
[line out ringing]
You were right.
What'd you find?
The sample we had on file
wasn't her blood.
Wasn't even a woman's blood.
I didn't test for gender, blood type,
anything but what they asked for.
I was looking for illicit substances.
That's the procedure.
I was given the wrong sample.
That's the only explanation
I can come up with.
Meaning there's no proof that Amanda
was sober the night she killed Lauren.
And no proof she wasn't.
The correct sample
would have been destroyed long ago.
What's your gut tell you?
[sighs] We made a mistake.
The girl was robbed
of a decade of her life.
Who brought you this sample, Val?
Lou Damford.
It wasn't a mistake.
I gotta go.
Isn't this where
you give me a pep talk
about how solving something
doesn't always bring satisfaction?
Sounds like you got that part
already figured out.
It's different when kids are involved.
I just wish we could unknow it.
Just walk it back,
leave it alone.
What's it say on the T-shirt?
"Truth will set you free"?
They're not free, Ted.
I know.
I was their age when I
I know.
Lou Damford stitched you up.
He swapped out your blood samples
so it would come back clean.
He made damned sure you went down
for a harsher sentence than you deserved.
What are you doing?
My blood was clean. It was clean.
It's not possible. I talked to Brooke.
You did what?
Hear me out, all right?
Brooke and Lauren, they slipped something
in you drink that night.
Some kind of payback
for crashing their party.
It was a prank.
But I had Val look into it.
And that was not your blood
that they tested.
If it was,
it would have come back positive
and you'd have gone down
for manslaughter.
Damford [sighs]
Damford told Brooke to lie about it,
left it out of her statement,
to cover her own ass
and protect Lauren's name.
Hey. This. You remember this?
This is what you remember, right?
This is what you told them that you saw.
They're hallucinations.
There's nothing wrong with your brain.
You were on drugs.
You were drugged
and you were lied to.
Look at me.
You're not a murderer.
You're not responsible for what happened.
[birds squawking]
[ominous music playing]
[birds squawking]
[knocking on door]
Thank you for coming.
Finish what you started.
Thank you.
[breathing shakily]
[indistinct chatter]
What are you drinkin'? I'm buyin'.
We need to talk.
In that case, top-shelf bourbon.
Set it up.
I could kill them.
I still might.
She said same thing happened to you?
You got pinned
for something you didn't do?
Yeah, the difference is,
I knew I didn't do it.
Amanda, she's spent
half her life thinking she did,
that she's got some kind of monster
living in her head.
What are you gonna do about it?
That's up to her.
[Lauren on video]
Wear this party mask.
And this way,
I can see you whenever I want to.
-[Damford chuckles] That other thing.
-[Lauren] Yeah.
-[Damford] The thing?
-[Lauren] Yeah.
-[Damford] Point to it.
-[Lauren] What?
-[Damford] This thing?
-[Lauren] Yeah. I don't know. Turn it up.
[Damford] All right.
That's better.
-That better?
This is this is ridiculous, Lauren.
[Lauren] No!
Lauren. Lauren, what?
See, like that.
What is what is this? What's
-That? That's your mask. See?
Now you can come to the party.
Oh, what? I can't come.
What? No!
We talked about this.
Nobody'll know it's you.
I don't think it's a good idea.
Hey. Half an hour.
Say yes.
-[vehicle approaching]
-[Damford] You are very persuasive.
It's very annoying, you know?
Yes, I know that.
[vehicle door closes]
[door closes]
Hello. Just me.
Sorry, boss, forgot me phone.
Milbee! Uh, it's a good thing
you're here, mate.
I've just gotta
I've just gotta get out for a minute.
Just want you to man the station.
I've been on lates all week!
One more won't hurt.
[suspenseful music playing]
[phone beeps]
[indistinct chatter]
[phone vibrating]
[phone beeps]
Damford was screwing Lauren.
He was at the fucking party
and he knows I know.
Where are you?
I'm at your place.
[ominous music playing]
[vehicle approaches]
[dogs barking in distance]
[vehicle door closes]
[dramatic music playing]
No! Just wait!
-[loud music playing]
-[partygoers cheering]
Do you know that girl?
Not really.
Told you this would be fun.
-Yeah, you're a pretty smart cookie.
What's wrong?
I think I screwed up.
What do you mean?
We gave her something.
Me and Brooke.
Put a tab in her drink.
Jesus, Lauren.
She'll be fine
as soon as it wears off.
It'll take hours, okay? Babe.
It'll wear off. Don't stress.
[engine shuts off]
[dogs barking in distance]
[geese honking]
Damford was screwing Lauren.
He was at the fucking party
and he knows I know.
Where are you?
I'm at your place.
[dramatic music playing]
I just wanna talk to you.
You chased me all the way down here
just to talk?
I chased you 'cause you ran.
[thunder rumbling]
You were fucking Lauren.
We were in a relationship.
She was 17.
It wasn't like that.
So why keep it quiet?
I don't have to justify
a single fuckin' thing to you.
Did her mother know?
Oh, you never told her.
Nobody knew.
You were at the party.
Kept that quiet too, hey.
I know what you
Fuck you! I know what you did
to get me all those years!
What you did with my blood!
You stabbed her 12 times
with a piece of scrap metal.
That takes effort. That's intent.
Whether you were on drugs or not
doesn't make a fuckin' difference.
People take drugs all the time
and they don't murder.
I wasn't gonna let you
use that as an excuse.
Manslaughter is not enough.
Not for Lauren.
Not for her mother. Not for me.
Did you love her?
What do you want me to tell you?
I want the truth. [sobbing]
You fuckin' tore my heart out.
You fuckin' tore my heart out!
What you did to her was fuckin' evil.
It was evil.
And that was in you
long before you took that drink.
I didn't
I didn't know what I was looking at.
I didn't know it was her.
It was It wasn't human.
It was this thing
that was coming to hurt me.
She was coming to fuckin' help you.
She was coming to help you
because I sent her!
You have to go and check on her.
-Yeah, you do.
I wanna stay with you.
I'll be right here, okay? Go.
Don't go anywhere.
I won't.
Better not.
Go, go, go, and I'll wait here for you.
I'm taking the mask.
[Amanda whimpering]
[Amanda screams]
[Ted] Amanda!
[grunts] Jesus.
What were you even doing there?
Oh, shit!
[Ted grunting]
Stop. Stop!
[Amanda] Why? Why should I stop?
Tell me why. Come on, fuckin' tell me!
Oh, Jesus. [grunting]
Shit! [grunting]
You set me up.
And then you go get yourself
a family and started a whole new life.
Pretended like you were never there.
Do they know?
You don't talk about my family.
They don't know who you really are.
What would your daughter say?
Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.
Shut the
You sent Lauren to help me.
Why didn't you come with her?
Just shut up.
Why didn't you come looking?
You could have stopped it.
Because it was too late!
You weren't just at the party.
You were at the car. [sighs]
[breathing shakily]
Yeah, I was at the car.
I was there.
And I left her there with you.
I left her with you.
And I think about that every fuckin' day.
She called out for help
and I thought she was asking for me,
but she saw you.
She was dead when I got there.
[thunder rumbling]
She wasn't.
[breathing shakily]
Help. Help. Help me.
[breathing shakily]
She called out for you.
And the last thing she ever saw
was you walking away to save yourself.
You could have held her.
You're a fucking coward.
[dramatic music playing]
Shut up.
[thunder rumbling]
Whatever you're thinking, don't.
[Ted] Damford!
Drop it!
Toss that gun!
Ted, he's not gonna shoot me.
-Show me your hands.
-Don't shoot him.
Don't shoot him, please.
Come on, man.
He's not gonna shoot me.
Don't you fucking do it!
No! Fuck! [sobbing]
Stop bleeding!
Leave. Just leave.
Fuck you!
Grab his legs.
-[Damford] Get off me.
-Come on, grab his legs!
[both grunting]
I am gonna drag you out of here
by your jaw if I have to.
Not that you deserve it.
[both grunting]
[engine starts]
Hey. Hey, look at me.
You don't get to do that. You hear me?
You don't get to die, okay?
[thunder rumbling]
I am a fuckin' coward.
I'm a coward.
Listen to me. If you die now,
that's all you're ever gonna be.
Okay? So don't fucking die.
Don't die. Don't die.
[breathing shakily]
["Solid Ground"
by Michael Kiwanuka playing]
Somebody help us!
Need assistance here!
[Amanda] Help!
[indistinct chatter]
[no audio]
You okay?
No. [sobbing]
You will be.
Would you put money on it?
Yeah. I'd take that bet.
[closing theme music plays]
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