Trust Me (2009) s01e08 Episode Script

What's the Rush?

All right, big
meeting. This is gonna be fun.
Need any help here,
Dave? -Can you, uh, turn on
the monitor, the middle one? -I want
to get an RGM logo up there. RGM logo
Good call, Dave. I need to
turn it on. Yeah, I'm trying
to turn it on. I see you guys have
everything under control here. No, no, no.
Here, here.
Ooh. Mood lighting. Operating-theater
lighting. Why aren't you wearing orange?
What? -We talked about wearing a hint
of orange. Yeah, I assumed you were kidding.
I wasn't. Hydrenaline
is $30 million
of potential new business
that I have busted my hump
to bring in here, and I want
this perfect. And their logo
Has orange in it. It's all
in the details. Brooke's not
wearing orange. Not
where you can see it. Ah.
Oh, no, no, no. Tony's sitting
there. And, Dave Schanoes,
this isn't a
wedding, and Tony can sit
anywhere he wants.
You're over there.
Sarah kra-ja-sick?
-"Krajicek"? -Sorry.
I'd like to buy a
vowel? -How are we doing today?
Great. This way. What a
great bag. Thanks. Welcome to
"it's just lunch."
Where do you want me? -Oh, right
ov er there. I'd better sit
at the head. How come you guys
aren't wearing orange? -I-
I don't look good in orange.
- It's true. It washes him out.
- All right, remember,
we only have Diane for a 30-minute
brand overview, and then she goes over
to DDB. Who else is pitching?
-Down to just DDB and us.
We're way cooler
than them. No kidding.
Here she comes. Look at all
of you. Chivalry is not dead!
Diane, good seeing you
again. Uh, you remember
Tony mink, group creative director,
from our last meeting. Yes, of course.
What cool offices. Thank you. This is,
uh, Mason Mcguire, creative director.
Morning. Diane Cooper, head of marketing.
Heard a lot about you. Oh, really?
Ooh, soft hands. Have you touched
his hands? -I'll put that
on my schedule. And
this is Conner,
uh, Mason's writing partner. Conner,
nice to meet you. Good to meet you.
Um, something to drink?
Where's the hydrenaline?
-Just joking. Water's fine.
Ha ha! Cold or room-temp? -Surprise me.
Surprise her, Dave. Diane, uh, you can sit
in the middle. Oh, no need to be so
formal. Let's mix things up a bit.
I'll sit here by Mason.
Well, okay. Guess I win.
Are you nervous? -I'm nervous for you,
excited nervous, you know, just
butterflies. Starting
a dating service
like this is a big step, a new
beginning. What if I hate who I meet?
Stop that. All of our clients
are wonderful people like you.
So, this is simple,
Sarah. You and I chat,
I look at your answers. And the team here
gets together, and we find a candidate
that matches. And if
the lunch goes great
And I know it will you can decide to
exchange phone numbers. And if it's not
gonna work out, we
provide helpful phrases
to let the other person
know, gosh darn it,
it's just not meant to be. Yeah, well,
I'm in advertising. I can probably think
of my own phrases,
so totally.
What are you writing down?
So, tell me about
yourself. Hydrenaline is
an all-natural energy drink.
It's sweet, light normal,
down-to-earth, and I haven't really
been dating much. Okay, well,
actually, not at all. I have a hard time
meeting guys, even though I'm
surrounded by them all day long.
Our last "agency" didn't
get that we want
to be
sophisticated. Energy drinks are
the fastest-growing beverage
category. And we want to be
a more upscale alternative
to all those fructose-based
highs out there. What's
your ideal target?
I guess mid-30s. Yeah,
a lot of our girls
also don't mind skewing a
little bit older. Oh, well,
then 70s would be fine, as
long as they're super rich
and terminally ill. So, basically, young
professionals who are looking for a more
health-conscious alternative to caffeine
and sugar. Exactly. Most women who found
their mate said sense of humor
was the most important
quality. I don't really want
to date a fat guy. We
say "brands are people,
people are brands." So
what kind of a person
would hydrenaline be?
Social, sophisticated sexy.
How long ago? -Do you have to put that
in my profile? -Oh, don't worry. Lots
of our clients are
divorced. If we thought anyone
would be weird about it, we
wouldn't match you up with him. Okay.
Oh, my God, Sarah.
How excited are you? -I'm
really excited to see what
you'll come up with for us.
We're on the case. All right.
Good meeting, huh? -Could
be a big win for us,
which is nice. This stuff
does not actually suck.
You saw that, right? -Saw what?
-Diane she was flirting with me.
Yeah, I don't think
so. I think I know
when I'm being flirted
with. I don't think you don't
if you think she was. She had to know
I'm married. Some women like that
Sarah, for instance. Will you
let that go? -Oh, it's gone.
Good. I'm not imaging this, Conner.
I mean, the woman was putting
out a vibe, you know? -What should I do
about it? -About what? About this flirting
I don't think is happening?
But which clearly is. All right, you
know what? -Then flirt back, all right?
Knock yourself out. Yeah?
-Yeah, it's good
for the bloodstream, strengthens
the heart, can't hurt, might help.
Just keep it pg. And she's not
flirting with you. I did you
Hi, Diane. Uh-huh.
Sure. Sure. O-of
course. I know the pl
See you then. So,
the woman you insist
was not flirting with me just
invited me out for drinks
tomorrow night. You go have drinks
with clients all the time. Not sexy ones
who are coming on to me.
You think she's
sexy? -Uh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Can I come? -Uh, no.
Smooth. Sarah!
Sarah. What you doing?
What you writing? -What do you got? -Where
you been? -Just in a meeting with some
producers about dove. What
are you on? -Hydrenaline.
That stuff's great. Yeah, feel my
heart. No! Oh, come on. Hey! What
Is that even healthy?
-"It's just lunch"?
It's not what you think. I think it's
just it's just I think it's just
It's just not right. I'm
just looking into it.
No. Look, Sarah,
my sister's best friend did this
dating service for young professionals.
They set her up with a
professional wrestler.
Hey, Sarah, using a dating
service is not an announcement
to the world you're a loser.
It's a signal flare to the world
that you're ready for
love. "I had a good time
discussing this with you,
"but I don't think we have
that much in common. "I have a friend
you might like. Can I give him or her
your number?"
That's what it says.
So, I'm gonna be late
for dinner tomorrow night. I have drinks
with a potential new client. Great.
But how late? -You know how
these things sometimes roll
right into dinner. This will just
be drinks. And before you say,
"ooh, who is she?" Her name is
Diane. She's the head of marketing
for hydrenaline, and she's
rather attractive.
What's hydrenaline?
Energy drink. You know
she flirted with me.
Really? -I'm happy for you.
It doesn't concern you
The flirting?
Does it concern you?
-No. Then it doesn't
concern me. But it's sweet of
you to tell me. "It's sweet."
You seem disappointed. You could be
a little jealous. But there's no reason
to be, right? -I
guess not. So I'm not.
I mean, I could be.
I could stalk you,
follow you everywhere, just
like in high school.
We didn't go to high school together.
Oh, right, that was another guy.
Never mind.
All right, so, with energy drinks,
there's really only two ways
to go, right? -One,
it wakes you up,
or two, it takes you to
11. It does, by the way.
I mean, takes you to
11. Yeah. Remember,
they want social, upscale,
you know, this stuff
Natural, alternative. I
mean, they're clearly aiming
at the "wakes you up"
crowd. Maybe more the goes-to-11
kind of thing. Diane said "sophisticated."
18- to 34-year-old professionals
are not base jumping. We
want people to replace
Starbucks with this, right? -I
think we're missing a nuance
in the strategy, you know?
-Instead of the "you're not
yourself till you've
had it" kind of thing,
like with coffee, you
know, it's more the
"be the most extreme
version of yourself you can be."
Everyday intensity. Uh, I don't know. I
-I say think more
coffee-drinker than club-goer. You'd
be wrong. It's not wrong, Conner.
You just disagree. I
disagree because I
It's incorrect strategy. How do
you know that? -Because I have
a gut feeling, which I'd
like to share with you
over coffee. Please
stop falling in love
with your strategy just
because it's your idea.
This is a $30 million account that we are
close to winning. I am trying to stop us
from going down the wrong
road. It's not the wrong road.
It's a road you think is
wrong. They're not the same thing.
In this case, they
are. Why are you so certain?
Because the client
told me so. Diane? When?
Last night.
And this
morning. In the shower.
You're sleeping with Diane? -Mm,
there's really not all
that much sleeping going on. Are you
out of your mind? -A little bit,
but in a good way. Look,
Mason, Diane is
is amazing. You know, she's smart,
she's funny, she's totally unafraid
of anything. And best of all,
crazy about me, which is
why Rothman got invited
to pitch
hydrenaline in the first place,
thank you very much.
Talking about going to Rome.
I'm an idiot. How long were you
gonna let me go on about her flirting
with me? -Hey, I tried to guide
you off that, but you dressed up
and everything. I
did not. A little.
A little bit. Look, Mason, I know how
to handle this, okay? -Nobody can know
about this. No one does. Except
me. And I've got to have drinks
with her after work. What am I supposed
to do pretend like nothing's going on?
Ha. Yes. Mason
Mcguire, you raise
an interesting question. How do you
deal with a secret
about two
co-workers who are romantically
involved? -Yes, that sounds awkward.
Look, this the Sarah thing
was eight years ago, it was a drunken
kiss, and there was not a $30 million
account riding on it! I thought
you'd be happy about this.
Why would you think that? -Because
I thought you would
recognize the clear
advantage I have gotten us
over DDB in this pitch. Goes to 11,
huh? -Goes to 11. We go with that.
Okay. I'm so glad
you're pursuing
the "goes to 11"
strategy. Well, we went
back and forth about
it, but I think in the end,
you get more urgent, active advertising
out of it you know, more emotional
than intellectual. I agree.
Great shirt, by the way.
Oh, uh, thank you.
It was great meeting
some of your team
yesterday. Dave Schanoes
He is a sharp
guy, but in the end,
I always kind of feel like
an agency sets itself apart
with the creative
talent. Your partner seems like
an interesting guy. Conner, is it?
-Yep, it is. Is he the same Conner
with the reputation? -One of the best
copywriters in the business. No, I meant more
on the personal
side. I hear he's kind of
a player. Oh, God, I'm
dating myself. I don't even know
the right slang for it
anymore. What are the kids saying
these days? -Uh,
"playah", I think,
or "ballah", which is "Baller"?
-"Baller." Kids don't so much invent
new slang as just mispronounce
old slang until it's
unrecognizable to people like us.
You are funny! I bet
you and Conner have a lot
of fun together. Yeah. Tell me a
story. Tell me about the wildest
Conner-and-Mason night you
can remember. I just thought
of an interesting thing we
could do with your brand,
you know? -Set up a website where
people write in about their wildest
hydrenaline-fueled antics. Hmm, that's
kind of cool. So, do you find you have less
or more of those stories since
you got that ring on your finger?
Oh, um, well, you
know less, a lot
A lot less. How 'bout
Conner? -I don't see a ring
on his hand. Is he
seeing anyone special
these days,
or any more than one? -He's not
really like that. Really. In fact,
I think Conner's,
uh, kind of a romantic.
I'll bet. Oh, listen. I
am actually meeting someone
for dinner.
Oh, sure. Here
Got it. Well, um,
it was really nice talking
to you. I really look forward
to working with
you, Mason. That is,
if we work together.
Well I hope we do.
Me too. You're the dinner
date? -I prefer to think of it
as "headliner." This is your idea of
discreet? -Meeting Diane in a public place
where anybody can see you? -You just
met Diane in a public place where anyone
could see you. I
was meeting a client
for drinks. So am I well,
dinner. And after, we'll probably
No, I won't say
it out loud. See?
I'm discreet.
No, don't answer that. What?
What if it's them? -This could
be the worst date of your life.
Hello? -Sarah, fabulous news.
We have a match for you! Oh, um,
already. Oh, my God, when I told
the other girls about
you, we thought of him
immediately. Oh, well,
good. Well, what's his story?
His name is
guy. His name is guy.
Guy? -He's 5'11",
has brown hair,
brown, almost hazel,
eyes. He's an entrepreneur.
He's an
entrepreneur? -Entrepreneur?
That's great! And he loves books.
Oh, really? -What kind of books?
Books. Great question.
You should ask guy that
at lunch tomorrow. I'll
send you the e-mail.
Sarah, this is
exciting! Thank you, jacy.
Bye. You know who this
describes? -Me! If I was shorter
and a loser.
It's gonna be great.
Is that legal? -What?
-Sleeping with
the brand manager of the
account you're trying to win.
I don't know if there's any law
against it, but it's monumentally
stupid. Can you believe he would do
this? -Yes. I'm actually wondering
why you're so
surprised. Because there's a lot
at stake. We've got,
like, weeks to make
up the $75 million we lost when arc
mobile left. Even Conner knows better
than to mess around with this. Is that why
you're mad? -Who says I'm mad? -That vein
in your forehead. Yeah.
That's why I'm mad.
Really? -It's not because
you're jealous and wish she was
still flirting with
you? -What? -No. What no,
I just I-I if she
were interested
in me, I'd know how to handle
it. You know how Conner's
relationships end up. You
sure? -Because yesterday
you seemed really excited, and today
you seem kind of cranky. Come on.
You don't believe
that. Look at the shirt
you went off to work in. You are jealous.
No, I'm not. It's just I used to work
in advertising. I know what
goes on people hooking up,
having sex in the office.
That doesn't happen. Look
me in the face and tell me
that doesn't happen.
That doesn't happen.
To me. That doesn't happen
To me.
Better not.
Let's go swimming! What? It's
freezing. Oh, come on, my parents'
neighbors in Glenview have a heated pool!
It's very late. We'll jump the fence.
We'll go skinny-dipping. No. No,
no, listen. All work and all play
makes Conner a dead boy, and
I have to be fresh and sharp
in the morning to work on what
was it again? -Oh, that's right
Your product. Hey, you're
working on it right now.
How is that? -Well,
we're talking strategy,
consumer insight. Uh-huh.
All right, you want to know
what people are looking
for in an energy drink?
Uh, energy?
No. This.
Oh, right a
heart attack. A rush!
You're trouble! What was that
all about with Mason yesterday?
What? -Well, at the meeting,
you were flirting
with him. Was I?
Did it make you jealous?
Oh, boy. How far is Glenview?
-Not far. Do you want to shift?
Do I. Ooh, now,
your hands are strong. I like
that much better. On three.
One two three!
Now, this is what hydrenaline is
all about! One, two, three, go!
I got winner! Oh, my God.
You guys getting anywhere
on outdoor? -Uh, we got stuck, but, uh,
you know, Conner thought this might get us
in the mood, so whoo! Ho-ho!
Come on, turn me, boys. Get it!
Oh, nice turn! Oh,
come on, he's like
three feet in front
of you! Let's go!
Oh, crap! Whoo! Aah! Damn
it! I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Yellow flag! Today
of all days.
What's today? -Nothing.
Today is
nothing. Are you okay?
Are you okay? -Mason, can I see
you in my office? -One more time.
One more time. Green
flag! Whoa! So, I have
this, um, friend at,
uh, hydrenaline's
old agency. I thought I'd give him a call,
you know, see if I can glean any insight
into their process. Great. What'd he
say? -Well, he said, uh, creatively,
they're very much in sync,
especially with Stan, the c. E.O.
Uh-huh. But they
had a little problem
with, um, our girl Diane. Really?
-Yeah, apparently, uh,
she got romantically involved with some
guy over there. And when the relationship
went inevitably south,
so did the account.
Wow. Tough break for them.
Good for us, huh?
Do you think I should take you
off this account? -What? No!
Why? -Because of the obvious way
Diane was flirting with you
at the meeting the other day.
Thank you. I
-I mean, I thought that, too,
at first, but
But I was wrong,
completely. She
is not interested.
I mean, I-I promise
you that. Why is that?
Did you try to follow
up? -Absolute no! Tony,
nothing extracurricular
is, was, or ever will be
going on between Diane and
me. And besides the fact that
I'm a happily married man, you know I
have better sense than that. Mason, I have
complete confidence in
your, uh, intention
to be a good boy. But men are
weak and stupid, and our group
is $75 million shy of being able to
justify our existence. Now, I cannot let you
jeopardize our chances
of winning this account.
I won't. Hey, look, I'm not looking for
glib reassurances here, Mason. This woman
She ruined a man's
career and cost his agency
millions of dollars! Do you understand?
-I understand. And I promise you, you have
nothing to worry about.
Whoo! Whoo!
That's what I like to see loyal
agency man getting to know the product.
Hey, there. Is there
a meeting or something
I didn't know about? -There
could be. You free for lunch?
Can be. Where you want to go?
Your place. Yes, it's my
favorite. They know me there.
I can get us a table. Awesome.
Oh, hey. Hey. How do I look?
-Great. Yeah? -I'm not fishing
for compliments. Did I get all
the coffee out? -Let me see.
Turn around. I didn't spill it
back there. You know what, I-I
can't tell. Can you tell? -Tell what?
Diane, by the way. Uh, my bad.
Sorry. Sorry. Sarah, Diane.
Diane, Sarah. I got
coffee spilled all over me.
Oh. Are you sure I'm good to go?
-Good please. "Good to go."
You're great to go. You
are fantastic to go.
Where you going? -Nowhere.
Can you see my bra?
'Cause I can't go like this. Are you
sure you can't see it? -What color is it?
Pink. I can't tell. She can see it.
She's just guessing. Look, Sarah, relax.
You look stunning, okay? -Thank you.
You're welcome. It was nice to meet you.
Mm, you too. Did
you have to flirt like that
right in front of me? -Fl no, that
wasn't flirting. Oh, I know flirting
when I see it. No, that wasn't
flirting. That was pumping up
a hopelessly insecure person. That was
not flirting. Insecure people are the most
susceptible to flirting. And,
by the way, last night
you told me I looked stunning. Hey, you
two. Hey, Mason. We're just going to
Lunch. Great. I'll join you. Oh, no,
not necessary. Not about necessary.
I don't have any
plans. I brought this new
consumer-research study, and
I really want you to review it.
Great. After lunch. I
thought we'd discuss it
after lunch.
Call you at 2:00?
Hello? -Hi, who's this?
-This is the Mcguire house.
Who's this? -Oh, Mason Mcguire? -Yes. Who's
calling? -This must be his home number.
I meant to call his cell.
Oops. Shall I give him a message?
What? -Oh, this
is Diane Cooper
from hydrenaline. But don't
worry. I'll just call him at work.
Sorry to disturb you. Come on,
I know you're in there. Sarah?
- Who's hungry? -I left my phone
in the car, so I used yours to
make a call. Hope you don't mind.
I made you a sandwich. Ugh!
I don't know how much longer
I can do this.
She is wearing me out! Now, don't get
me wrong. I like spending time with her,
but, ohh, I don't know.
Maybe I'm getting older.
'Cause I can't keep up. Well,
you'd better keep up.
What's this now? -I know that
tone. That's the "I'm bored
with this one" tone. Not bored
with her just the opposite,
as a matter of fact. I could use a
little boring. This woman is relentlessly
interesting. I'm
not built for it.
No one is. Well, tough luck,
Conner, 'cause you can't break up
with her. What are you talking
about? -Your Diane had an affair
with someone at her old
agency. He split up with her,
so she fired the
agency. I promised Tony nothing
like that would happen
here. See, the future
of the mink group hinges on this
account. Ergo, you can't break up
with her. Well, come on.
This is the stupidest thing
I have ever heard. On the
bright side, you don't have to
stay together forever
Just until I'm ready
to retire. Will that be
any time soon?
Oh, hey, mom, dad called.
He's working late.
Did he say why? -Um,
'cause he has
a lot of work to do?
-Haley, can I ask you
a question? -Are you and dad
getting a divorce?
What?! No! God, why would you
say that? -'Cause you're getting
all weird and after-school-special
on me. No. Honey,
your father and I
are very happy
together. Okay. Do we not seem
like we are? -I don't
know. I don't see
you guys together that
often. But when we are together,
do we seem happy as a
couple? -I mean, do we seem
like a happy couple? -Yeah, I-I
guess. I mean, you're not like
those gross old couples who
make out with each other
in front of people. You don't
think we're affectionate enough
with each other? -No, no, no, no,
what I said was is that I don't
think you're gross. Are your friends'
parents gross? -I mean, do they hold hands
or kiss? -'Cause your father and I
do hold hands. Mom? -What? -You wanted
to ask me something. Right.
What was it? -Do you think you could
look after your brother tonight? -Okay.
Okay. Thanks.
You okay? -Yeah. Fine. Why?
-You look a little blah,
a little tired. Want to crack open
one of these? -No. I'm not tired.
I just I had a bad lunch.
Ah. Got the upset stomach going?
Mnh-mnh. Garlicky burps? -No. Bad date with
a matchmaking service? -How did you know
about the what? What?
-I don't know. Nothing.
Lucky guess, I guess. 'Cause Tom and
Hector didn't say a word to me about it.
Tell me about your
date. I'd rather not tell you
about the date. I'd rather you did tell
me about the date. Come on! You know,
we've all been
there. You've done
a dating service? -No. But I'd like to
hear about yours. Come on, tell me, please.
Come on. Tell me. You'll feel better
about it. Come on. I said I wanted someone
intellectual, and
this nerd on wheels
geeks in.
He goes to shake my
hand, and he spills my water
all over the place. I
said I wanted someone
who knows what he
likes, so he took forever
to order. I said I wanted
a good conversationalist
He didn't shut up. Exactly.
Yeah. Your fault. My fault?
All your fault. Because
you got exactly
what you asked for. No. You know
what we need to do? -We need to revise
your request parameters. Write
this down. You don't want someone
intellectual. No, I really do.
But you don't want someone who
would describe themselves
as an intellectual.
Write "intelligent."
Okay. Second, instead
of "good
conversationalist", put down
"good communicator." Then I'm just gonna
get some guy who always wants to talk
about his feelings and ugh. Yeah,
feelings most women want men to talk
about their feelings. No,
some women also like
to talk about themselves.
Okay, so write
down "Good listener."
Sorry. I'm looking for a
man. Again, try and stay
with the program. You
just want someone who would
describe themselves that way
because the ability to listen
might not actually exist in the male
species. So, you just want someone
who knows that he's supposed
to, so, "good listener."
"Good listener." This
is really helpful.
Thanks. Ah, don't mention
it. Just, you know,
I want to see you get someone
you deserve, you know
Someone solid, someone reliable,
you know, someone who will
put you first and
who's faithful,
constant. You know,
an actual grown-up. Okay.
"Opposite of Conner."
Working late? -Yeah.
What are
Is everything all right?
What's is
Is that a new coat?
What are you doing? -Flirting. Oh, God.
Here? Now? Really? -You you can't
Can you can we?
-This is an office,
isn't it? -And I used to work
in advertising,
so so I thought that, um,
we could, uh, you
know are you serious?
Oh, God, your hands
are cold. I'm sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Better? -That's better.
But, you know, sorry. It's just
What? -My legs are kind
of oh, here, I can
Ah, that's good.
Mason, I need to see you.
Hey. Hey, Tony,
hey. You swore to me
there was nothing going
on between you and Diane.
There isn't! Oh,
because you just finished
having sex with her. I mean, is
she in there? -Is Diane in there?
No, no, no, no, no. Let me buy
you a drink. I can't believe this.
I got to tell you
I'm really disappointed
in you you of all
people? -Look, there is nothing
going on with Diane. Just
get her out of here,
and you you're off the
pitch, unless, of course,
she really wants you on it. Damn it,
Mason. Okay, look, look, look, look,
look, it's not
Diane. All right?
It's it's Erin. You expect me to
believe you're in there having sex
with your wife? -Oh.
Hi, Tony. E
-Erin, hello.
Well, uh, good evening. You too.
I'll see you in the lobby? -Yeah.
I'm behind you. I mean, I'm
coming. I mean stop talking.
Yeah. Your birthday?
So, well good luck
with your lunches.
Um, thanks again. You
know what can I buy you
a beer, return the
favor? -Go. Go have a beer!
Go have fun. Go have sex. Hey. Diane.
I didn't know you were down here.
Apparently not. Right. Um, you
remember Sarah! Yes, I remember Sarah
with the pink bra.
Hi, Sarah. You know what? -I'm gonna
get going. I'm sure you guys have
some business to
discuss, so really?
You're a creative? -That's
the best you can come up with?
I hope she's better in
bed. I'm what's going on?
Admit it you're sleeping with her. I'm
what? -Just say it. Diane, there is nothing
going on
I am not talking to you! You're
right. You're actually
not talking to
anybody. You're yelling,
and I am leaving. Whoa! No,
Sar Sarah. No, no, she
She was just we
Look, Diane, I don't know
what you've heard or seen or think you've
seen look, Sarah and I are just
Don't touch me.
You touched her with that hand.
Diane. Hope she's worth
$30 million. No, wait.
Diane, Diane, Diane! Aah.
What's so funny? -I
I can't believe
Tony walked in on us, you know,
having sex. Well, technically,
he did not walk in on
us. And, technically,
we did not have
sex. Although
The night is young.
Okay, if that's Tony
Hey. I was in
the neighborhood,
thought I'd stop by. You're
joking. Hey. Erin.
Hi. Oh, were you guys
in the middle of
Yes. No. Okay, good.
Is everything all right?
You look tired. Can I get you something
to drink? -No. No, no, I'm good.
I'm fine. Maybe a beer? -Could I have a
beer? -I'd love a beer. Sure. Thanks, Erin.
Appreciate it. She
Your wife
She's wonderful. You
I mean, you've done it right,
haven't you, Mason? -Look at this
place. Ah, nice house, nice wife,
nice kids,
suburbs. Yep, yep, yeah.
You did it right. You hate the suburbs.
I do hate them. But I shouldn't, 'cause
it's nice out here, you
know? -It's comfortable.
It's peaceful no surprises.
What's up? -Why are you here? -Diane.
Diane. This would be
the flirty client you've been
sleeping with? -Wow, you really do
tell her everything.
Well, I'm not sleeping
with her anymore. She broke up with
me. Go ahead, Mason. Feel free to say
"I told you so." I
may have it tattooed
on my forehead. Come on, he feels
bad enough as it is. No, he does not.
I do. No, you don't. Totally
do. Now, you just get back there,
and you make up
with her. Go now!
No! I can't. She's got
a key to my apartment
and a temper. And
the last time
I saw her not exactly
stable. So, is it all right
if I sleep here
tonight? -Of course.
No. We still have a new business
pitch tomorrow. So neither of us
is gonna get any
sleep until we figure out
a way to salvage
that. I'll make coffee.
Come on.
You know what? -After this
meeting is over, I'm never having
another one of those. Unless
we win. Ha! You actually think
that's possible? -Nope.
But for the next two
hours, I'm gonna pretend it is. I
like that attitude. Morning, Hector.
Hector. Good luck
on the meeting, guys. Oh, hey, wait. Have
you seen Sarah? -She went on another one
of those lunches. I guess she redid
her application, and they found her
a match. Oh. Cool.
Sarah got a date.
It's not a date.
It's just lunch.
Dylan. Oh! Hi! Hi. I'm sorry
to keep you waiting. I've
actually I've actually
been here, and I saw
you, but I didn't think that
somebody who looked like you would need
this service, which sounds like a line,
I know, a truly impressively
cheesy line. But I swear to you
it's not. Should I just leave? -No, no,
please. Why don't you sit down, and I'll
see if I can get past it? -That's
very kind. Although it's
entirely possible I may not be done
complimenting you. Oh, well, oddly,
I have no problem with that.
Diane's told me a lot about
you guys. I can't wait to see
if she's right. Well,
we've heard a lot
about you, too, Stan. You,
uh, you two were at DDB
this morning?
Yes. Well, you
must be worn out.
Actually, we're excited. I don't want to
put you guys on the spot, but they really
put on a show. It was really
impressive. Well, that's ad agencies
for you they're impressive. At
least on the first day. Sure. You know,
and then the rush fades. Shew! Always
does. But not at Rothman, Greene,
and Moore.
No, no, here too. Uh, the guys
have put together a, uh, a reel of our
group's work. Yes, we have, and we are
not gonna show it. No.
No. Oh, it'll be a short
meeting. That's the goal.
Um, may I?
By all means.
Picture this. It's night. A
man bolts down city streets
in his sports car,
top down, pedal down. Only the guy's
not driving. He's riding shotgun,
roads whipping
by. At the wheel,
beautiful woman I mean,
stunning. A slit in her skirt,
shows a little leg, as she vroom
Hits the accelerator. The guy's thrown back
in his seat. She turns
to him. She says shift.
"Shift." He places his strong
but soft hand on hers,
and they shift together
in perfect sync, close
to redlining every gear,
till suddenly she says let's
go swimming. It's freezing.
The guys says, "it's freezing!"
But the woman does not want
the night to end. She says, "you
know" My parents' neighbors
have a heated pool.
We can jump the fence
and go
skinny-dipping. The guy smiles,
puts his hand
back on hers
One last gear to find.
They rocket into the
night. That is what's
in this can. It's a feeling. It's it's
a rush. But it's not for kids. No, Stan,
your target is older, which
means their lives are
They're boring. And they're looking for
moments that are a little more dangerous,
exciting, sexy. They're
looking for romance.
It's in this can. It should be
in your ads, but it will not be
in your relationship
with this agency. We're gonna fight,
disagree. Absolutely. We'll be sick
of each other, but as long
as there's a great idea at the center
of the relationship I mean, a killer,
rock-solid idea
We can grow old
and rich together. We believe
that idea is romance.
Romance. Mm, I don't know
that I agree. Diane,
I think you were right
the first time. What do
you mean? -When you told me
these guys were great. I'll
take a five-minute meeting
with a good idea over
31/2 hours of ass-kissing
any day of the week.
Good job.
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