Truth Seekers (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

The Shadow of the Moon

You've finished it, Peter.
It's, uh
It's beautiful.
Picture the scene
10 years from now.
The next eclipse,
and the ascension
to Eternis begins.
Take a seat.
Can I ask you a question?
If all your followers have
been implanted with these
- Nanobots?
- Nanobots, that's it.
Can they really be willing souls
as it's laid out on the page?
As long as their souls willingly
allow the implant to be made.
And you can all travel
to Eternis together.
- I've got something for you.
- What is it?
Is it a present?
Close your eyes.
I need to measure the power
your soul provides.
To know how many I'll need
for my ascension to Eternis.
And when I stand here
10 years from now
and draw this blade
across my own throat,
I promise the last face
I think about will be yours.
Seven spirums.
She was a big 'un.
Tenth of June 2010,
5.5 approximate spirums
per person,
170 souls for the ceremony.
To be safe, 200.
Atlas! Get in here, would you?
We're gonna need a bone saw,
some bin bags,
and some bleach.
And how many more pings
from the hackers
before we get
a precise location?
Just one more, boss.
It was definitely in this area.
Soon as we get another ping,
the Smyle master satellite
will triangulate the signal
and give us an exact location.
And you're sure it's accurate?
Fuck, yeah.
Just passionate about my work.
I know you are.
Well, well, that's
a 10-minute drive from here.
Wait, I don't have a car.
Taking yours!
all, wanderers of the cosmos.
You are the chosen ones.
My loyal followers,
my flock!
We've gotta try
and stay hidden.
In this thing?
- I wouldn't worry.
- Look at 'em.
They're not paying us
any attention.
You are the chosen ones.
Like lambs to the slaughter.
Looks like a rave.
We've gotta get in
and stop Toynbee
before the eclipse reaches
the zenith of its totality.
Can anyone see Richard?
Seems to be going where
they're going, you know?
They all need to die in the same
place at the the same time
for Toynbee's ritual to work.
How do you know all this?
I've got my sources,
you know.
What are they doing?
Astrid, pass us the camera,
will you?
Oh, you all right?
- Pale as a ghost.
- Just tired.
The top.
He's checking their eyes.
Richard's eye went red
after his Toynbee talk.
Maybe these people
are infected too.
I think he said something
about eyes.
You need to look for
the fire in their eyes.
Great. We're screwed.
Can't get in
unless we have red eyes.
Unless we have red eyes.
I'm in a field about
five miles out from Smyle HQ.
Got you. See anything?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
No, wait. There's a table.
Bjorn, check the signal out.
We're losing signal strength
in the Portland area.
It's 60% and dropping fast.
Bjorn, we've been played!
No. Uh-huh.
Find out where Gus Roberts is
and put me through to him.
Just need a couple of
minutes to get these eye drops ready.
- Hello, Gus Roberts.
- It's JoJo74.
- How's Hinckley?
- Hey, JoJo.
How did you know
I was in Hinckley?
You said you were going there
on your channel.
- Right. Yeah.
Something came up, sadly.
- Listen to me.
Don't go to Portland.
Remember what I said
about the puppet masters?
Well, from now on in,
they are pulling the strings.
Everything you see and here is
because of them.
Well, okay.
You're gonna be asked
to make a choice today, Gus.
Don't trust them.
- Don't trust who?
- Dave. Dave.
- Give me a second, JoJo.
I'm sorry.
Hey, uh Hey, Dave.
I need you to get
to Portland immediately.
- Oh, yeah. We're here.
- Christ, you're good.
Can you do something for me?
Dave, I can't.
You know, I usually say yes,
but I have a family thing.
Whatever it is, it cannot
be more important than this.
Yeah, it is, actually.
My father-in-law, Richard,
has been kidnapped
by an insane cult.
Peter Toynbee!
How did you know that?
Because you're not
the only one
with a passing interest
in the paranormal, Gus.
I presume your father-in-law
is one of many.
What's he using?
Some sort of mass hypnosis?
He's injecting exploding
nanobots into their eyes.
Look, the Smyle signal
is down in Portland.
And as long as it is, Toynbee is
going to get everything that he wants.
Now, I can help you, but you
have to do exactly what I say.
What if I told you
someone had warned me
about trusting someone who asked
me to do exactly as they say?
Well, then you'd have to have a
long, hard think about who you trust, Gus.
Them or me.
Hey, JoJo.
You got me on side, all right?
We'll stay away from Portland.
A wise decision, Gus.
- Hey, Dave.
What do you need, boss?
Good man. Now, I need
you to get the Smyle signal
up and running before
the eclipse reaches totality.
There may be a way that
I can short out those nanobots,
but unless the Smyle signal
is at full strength,
it's not gonna work.
All you need to do
Dave? David?
- That's a woman's voice.
- Who is it?
- Don't know.
- But we need to find out.
Hey. The hotel's not far.
Get to the bunker,
switch that thing off.
We're on it.
Me and Helen will try
and delay Toynbee.
So if Alfie's ghost left,
what or who is jamming
the signal now?
- I don't know.
Another ghost like you?
When did you figure it out
- Whoa! I've got it!
- Sorry.
When did you figure out
that you're not alive?
Um, when we went
to the hospital,
I knew something was wrong.
My mum, during that ritual
My mum was trying to tell me
She said, uh
She said she was sorry
she couldn't save me.
I wish you'd told me.
Sometimes it's hard
to tell the truth.
And you know it will
change everything.
Oh, Shit! Sorry. Shit.
I don't think
I can do it, Gus.
- Yes, you can.
I know you can.
Hey, you're not just the Hinckley
boy's sister anymore, all right?
You're your own woman, Helen.
Just play it cool.
You're doing great.
Go on.
Stop. What about this one?
He's good.
You have to find Richard
as quickly as you can
and get as far away
from here as possible.
Well, how do I know
if we're far away enough?
Because his head
won't blow up.
Okay. Right.
Here it is.
Richard. Richard.
- It's me.
- Oh, hello.
You're coming too?
We have to get out of here.
But we're off to Eternis.
You're in danger,
so let's go.
What are you doing?
Oh, piss off.
- Did you find the troll?
- We need to short out some nanobots.
Awesome. How?
By prematurely
rolling out 8G.
8G? We're only on 6G now.
So much to learn.
We're always a couple
of Gs ahead of the curve.
Time for a rummage
in the toy box.
Oh, what is that?
It's a skellington.
One, five, nine, seven
one, five, nine, seven.
Who's in there?
I'm Alaura.
And you are?
I know you.
You're the stupid little girl
who made Alan kill Keith.
- Rude.
- I told you that wasn't just an immersive horror experience.
How come you're in there?
You need to be dead,
don't you?
I gave my life willingly.
It's an honor to assist
Dr. Toynbee.
I'll ensure the chosen few will
travel from this dimension to the next.
What happens to you, though?
I'm blocking the Smyle signal, and
there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Can't touch me.
I exist solely
in the spirit plane.
Are you okay?
How are we gonna stop her?
- Get me inside.
- What?
It's like Gus said,
you're a conduit.
You create a door in the barrier
between life and death.
You did it for Alfie.
And my mum.
Did it for me.
Yeah, but how?
Open the door.
You open the door
to the world of the dead,
and I'll get in there
and kick her arse.
You know I can hear you,
Look, if I stop her
blocking the Smyle signal,
then Toynbee's plan
will be screwed.
Just in case.
- All right.
- How did you get in here?
- It's on, bitch.
- Let's dance.
Loyal followers,
here he is,
Dr. Peter Toynbee!
Are you ready?
I said, are you ready?
Yeah! Yeah!
Complete the call and response.
Complete the call and response.
- What?
- Fucking hell, Atlas.
We've been planning this
for 10 years.
Come on! It's simple call
and response.
- Now?
- Yes!
Finally. Dick.
What on earth are you doing?
Don't make me switch you off,
Yeah? How about
I switch you off?
You're the Truth Seeker.
What are you gonna do with that?
I'm gonna try and right
a terrible wrong!
- Okay, listen to me.
- You don't want to do this.
People are
going to die, Alaura.
Why should
I listen to you?
You're just
a stupid little girl.
How dare you!
That's fucking rude.
All right, listen.
You don't want to do this.
You've got loads of time, Alaura.
You've got life ahead of you.
We're all going to
Eternis. Don't you want that?
Dr. Toynbee would never do
anything to hurt me.
You can't win this
one, Alaura.
What makes you so
Trust me.
I've been dead a lot longer
than you have.
Why are you wearing
that ridiculous scarf?
Leave my scarf alone.
Dr. Toynbee gave me this.
Very sentimental,
I'm sure. You look like a prat.
Ow! You're twisting
my Ow!
- Astrid?
- Leave my
I'm a bit busy here,
I think we have a problem!
You're gonna have
to figure it out on your end.
If that thing gets in here,
it's game over.
- I should warn you.
I was amateur boxing champion
at Parneston University.
Oh, yeah? Well,
I left school when I was 15.
So there's more to the Smyle
signal than communication.
Well, there is a theory that,
as well as providing ultra-fast,
competitively priced broadband,
Smyle's advanced signal
also serves as
sort of insulation
against inter-dimensional
So long as Gus gets
the Smyle signal up and running,
it should carry the 8G pulse
through the nanobots,
forcing them to short out
to protect themselves.
Hoist by their own petard,
I'd say,
"See you on the other side,"
but you're not invited.
None of them are.
My children!
It is time
for us to be free
of this world!
For us to ascend together!
To Eternis!
I love you, Gus.
Come on, Gus,
don't let me down.
Why is it taking so long?
It's never done this before.
Hurry up, Astrid!
Toynbee conned you,
Can't you see?
He abandoned you.
Like he's abandoning
everyone else.
He's going there alone.
They'll all be dead,
and you'll be stuck
in here forever
having some serious FOMO.
That's not true.
Let Elton bring you
He can do it.
It's scary, but it works.
He did it for me.
You can be you again.
I'm not afraid of you.
I'm a motherfuckin' conduit.
Ho cool.
The eclipse is in
It is time!
Thank you, Dr. Collier.
Almost there.
- Time's up, ladies.
What's going on in there?
Astrid? Hello?
I'm jamming one, five,
nine, seven protocol.
We did it! We did it!
- Got the fuckin'
- Come on!
We did it.
Okay, ladies,
let's get you out of there.
You've ruined everything.
My life's work.
It was going to be so beautiful,
our Eternis.
Is that what you told Emily?
Emily Roberts?
She was my wife.
The bloody hell am I doing
- Oh, Richard!
- Oh!
Oh, my God!
Where's Gus?
- You all right?
- Yeah.
What a trip was that?
You all right?
Send the clean-up team
to Portland.
Come on.
Where's Astrid?
- Astrid's a ghost.
Was a ghost.
A ghost? All this time.
I put her
in the machine thing,
and I couldn't bring her
back out.
Where is she now?
Wherever Alfie is.
The ghost that was
in the basement.
It was her mum the whole time.
Astrid's the reason why
our life got torn apart,
why they did all those tests
on you,
why I got ill.
And now she's gone.
She must still be out there,
though, right?
We got her out once.
Maybe we can do it again.
- How?
- How?
Baby, we're truth seekers.
All right,
let's turn this off.
Leave it.
- Just in case.
- We'll find her.
Put your foot down, Elton.
We might be home
in time for "The Chase."
No one's putting
their foot down.
We'll watch it on my phone.
Hang on.
Since when did Smyle have 8G?
I did wonder when you were
going to pay me a visit.
What on earth
have you come as?
A man?
What man?
Same as always.
I mean, that wig is dreadful.
At least you wore
some clothes this time.
- You look rather good in a suit, actually.
- Thank you.
So do you.
Toynbee was a mistake.
He was so hung up
on immortality,
he couldn't see
the bigger picture.
I shouldn't have used him.
Never send a human
to do a super-being's job.
Fancy getting a bite to eat?
Hmm. You're not trying to get
me out of the office again, are you?
I just needed you to take your
eye off Portland for a wee while.
Of course.
I'm sorry your precious
Astrid crossed over.
I would not want
to be her right now.
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