Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Arf Appreciation

[Scott] Hooch, let's tell them
what happened last week.
Hooch was howling for a reason.
Without knowing his feelings
I don't care about his feelings.
You don't care? Feelings are important.
You can't bottle them up. Doesn't work.
Erica, you're not really talking
about Hooch anymore, are you?
- Maybe I'm talking about
- About me.
About Brooke's dad getting me this job.
I mean, I can't ignore those feelings!
We're crushing it.
You know that Mafia case
you helped me with?
They want me to consult on another one
in Boston. Be gone, like, two months.
So you and me will just do, like,
the the long-distance thing again?
So you know how I said I would ask about
that road where Dad had his heart attack?
Yeah, it turns out
there's this warehouse out there.
[Scott] I'll check it out tonight.
- Smell something?
- [Hooch barking]
Come back, Hooch!
We're not supposed to be in here, Hooch.
This building's empty.
You just don't like this place?
- Freeze! US Marshal!
- [shouts]
- Grady, what are you doing here?
- You're in a lot of trouble, man.
[Scott] I used to ride in my dad's
patrol car all the time when I was a kid.
Up front.
Not once did I ride in the back.
You wanna know why?
'Cause I was a good boy.
You know who rides in the back? Bad boys.
Don't give me that look.
We're here 'cause of you.
[car door opens]
Okay. I think I got it all worked out.
So, after you broke into the warehouse
- I didn't break in.
- Okay. Anyway.
Diane was on dispatch when I called it in.
You know Diane.
- She had to notify the guy.
- Sure.
The owner came down here after she called,
and he's here now,
but I talked to him,
explained it was just a little mix-up.
I don't think he's gonna press charges
as long as you're willing
to explain yourself.
Why don't you explain yourself, Grady,
sneaking up on me like that?
Dude, I thought you were in danger.
Creeping around.
That's how people get hurt.
Yeah. Like you, Grady.
I almost shot you. Maybe call next time.
Oh, yeah. I'm just gonna call you on my
Yeah, you know what?
Actually that is a better idea.
I'm gonna I'll just call you next time.
- Mr. Hollis. I'm so sorry.
- Please. Call me Walton.
I I You know what, it was my dog.
I was checking the area.
He ran inside, and I
It's no big deal.
I only use this place
when my trucking company needs storage.
Now, um, Officer Garland tells me
you're with the Marshals.
You here on Marshal business?
No. No, no, no. It's It's a long story.
I was, uh, checking something
for my sister.
She was, uh, looking into something
my dad was investigating before he died.
Good man, your father.
I met him a couple of times.
The kids would break in here
and vandalize the place,
and he'd chase 'em away.
Like I said though, good guy.
Sorry to hear he passed.
Did you hear of any other
criminal activity in this area?
You know, what our dad was investigating,
I don't know
- It just felt bigger than vandalism.
- Hmm.
That's so weird.
My dog went nuts
the moment he ran in here.
Now that you mention it,
some kids shot off fireworks in here.
It's probably that. Dogs hate 'em.
Huh. Could be.
Well, I should let you get back home.
Again, I'm very sorry.
Good to meet you,
and condolences again for your dad.
Hey. Are you okay?
Laur. What are you doing here?
I told you to stay away.
Uh, Diane called.
Oh, Diane. Just don't do anything.
Okay, thank you.
Sorry, I would have come sooner,
but I had to drop Matthew with Mom and
What happened in there?
- Was it drugs? Are there drugs in there?
- There's no drugs.
- Maybe they're small drugs.
- There's nothing in there, Laura. Okay?
- We're lucky that he was cool.
- [Laura] He doesn't look cool.
He looks like a mean coach
in a karate movie.
- I'm gonna go talk to him.
- No. You're not gonna do that. Listen.
He's a perfectly nice guy named Walton
who owns a trucking company
who could have got me in real trouble
if he pressed charges.
Can we just quit while we're ahead,
But, Scott, there has to be a reason
that Dad was looking out here.
Well, it's not in that warehouse.
[engine revs]
[hard rock music playing]
Oh, hello.
Target is in place. We are good to go.
Teams report.
Conway and White, east flank. Go.
Johnson and Cruz, west flank. Go.
Turner and Wilson,
south back alley backup position. Go.
Rock and roll.
Back Alley Backup.
Is that a show you'd watch?
[imitating Don LaFontaine] Tonight on Back
Alley Backup, nothing happens. Nothing.
Well, not nothing.
Hooch is having a very intense experience.
[normal voice] Dude, you're killing me.
[groans] We just bought this.
You're getting it all slimy.
You know,
I seriously think Hooch is getting worse.
On Friday, he ran into a warehouse,
went nuts.
Almost got us arrested.
I gotta check in with Erica,
see if she can whip him into shape.
Yeah, must be nice.
The dog training
whenever you feel like it. Nice setup.
We're friends.
It's her job.
She ever ask you to chase a fugitive,
as friends?
That's different, okay? It's not
[Trent on radio]
Who's got eyes on the target? Anyone?
- I would do stuff for her.
- Nothing on the main floor.
- [man grunts]
- [gasps]
[Hooch barks]
Let's go. Let's go. Come on, bud.
Come on, come on! Let's go, bud!
Turner and Wilson in pursuit!
Headed east down the back alley!
Ah! Bad dog! Get away!
Suspect's surprisingly fast!
[man] No! Stop! Go away!
[grunting, groaning]
- [Hooch barks, whines]
- [man groans]
Back alley backup.
We apprehended the suspect.
You know,
I don't know much about decorating,
but is this, like, a style?
Like, Contemporary Random?
Money-Laundering Modern.
Drug traffickers do this all the time.
Pay cash for fancy stuff, sell it again.
Money's clean.
- [Hooch barking]
- Okay, I know you're excited.
It's not even a real dog.
It's just a painting.
Yeah. Fun part's the next step.
We go after the money launderers.
Ooh, yeah, let's get some bad guys.
Back Alley Backup is canceled
after one episode.
What? One episode?
Well, that's a shame.
It's not a real show.
It's It's just a joke.
Yeah, I get it.
[Jessica] And they're like, "What?"
So, I get the fugitive's phone coordinates
to our guys at the pier.
He's going in weird circles,
but they just can't find him.
You okay? 'Cause this is a fun story.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Yeah. I'm I'm fine. Mm-hmm.
- Okay, so anyway
- Okay.
it turns out he's on a roller coaster.
[laughing] So the whole time
while they're trying to find him,
he's, like, going
The roll
That was the funny part.
Erica. Going in circles.
Oh! [laughs]
- The roller coaster?
- All right.
Uh, something's wrong.
Spill it. It's Scott again, right?
- No. No, no.
- Yeah.
Uh, yeah, yeah.
- A little bit.
- A lotta bit.
It's just, um
It's just, um, I might have sort of
tried to tell him
- how I felt.
- Mmm.
Girl. We talked about this.
Do you remember?
I said, in clear, simple English,
"Don't tell him your feelings. Do not."
I know. I remember you said that,
and then it turns out
I am not good at not telling.
I hinted. Not tell. Hint.
And did he get this hint?
I think I gave him too hint-y of a hint.
[groans] Well, there it is.
Girl. Get up.
I just
He still comes in with Hooch.
Except for when he forgets our lessons,
which is annoying.
But then he comes in, and I'm just
[breathes shakily] He's so cute!
And then I forget
all about being annoyed, you know?
And I know, he is with Brooke. You know?
She's pretty and smart,
and I am a dog trainer.
But then I'm just, like,
there's something.
Or no, you know?
And it's like
[groans repeatedly] I [groans]
It's just like
[sucks teeth] Yes.
You know what you need?
One of those sexy, tropical vacations
where I have a fling with a local guy
and learn to loosen up?
That probably wouldn't hurt. No.
What I'm talking about is boundaries.
Scott's a nice guy,
but he's taking you for granted.
But I can't not feel things.
Hence boundaries.
And if the feels get to be too much,
guess what?
You are not the only dog trainer
in the world.
That's mean.
Erica, no
Scott is a dog
- Okay.
- that's sleeping on the bed,
- shedding on everything.
- Mm-hmm.
You're just putting him in his crate.
See? Is that mean?
- You can do it. You got this.
- Mmm.
- Just put him in his crate.
- Just put him in his crate, girl.
[line rings]
- [Brooke on phone] Hey, sweetie.
- Hey.
How's my favorite prosecutor?
How's the case? How's, uh How's Boston?
Case is shaping up.
And it turns out historic colonial
architecture tours are my thing,
so yay, Boston.
But it doesn't beat
the old city by the bay, does it?
Per the song,
I left my heart in San Francisco.
How's work?
Great. Yeah, yeah.
We just caught this drug trafficker,
and now they're sending us out
to get
his entire money laundering network.
- Nice. Sounds so exciting.
- [phone beeps]
Oh, this is my boss. I gotta run.
I'm proud of you. Miss you.
Miss you.
So, great job catching Mario Fez,
but we still got a lot of work to do.
We got a mansion
of illicit assets to seize
and a money laundering network
to go after.
Hell yeah. A network, baby.
That's what I'm talking about.
We'll be busting doors all week.
Hope you boys are staying fit.
A few sessions at Ocean Beach,
but it's been small, bad wind.
I've been hitting the gym.
Yeah. Stuff at home too, you know?
Stretching, core work, manifesting.
Turner, I've got
a different assignment for you.
You'll be working with Arthur Stilts.
He's handling asset forfeiture.
It appears most of Mr. Fez's property
can be linked to drug smuggling.
I expect
we'll be seizing significant assets.
S-So, they chase bandits
and I I pack stuff into boxes?
[Arthur] It's much more than that.
We do histories, catalog,
index, assess auction value.
Oftentimes the items themselves
are quite fascinating.
Last month,
we seized the most amazing stamp.
British Penny Black, 1840.
Black stamp, wow.
That's too much fun for me.
All right, Wilson. Try and keep up.
[Mendez] Look, Turner.
I know it's not what you had in mind,
but this is important.
We get a piece of those assets.
That's a lot of money
for the general fund.
I want total focus.
Yep. On it. Totally focused.
Up. Yeah. That's good.
[man] Just keep the invoice with this one,
all right?
[Hooch whining]
Easy. Easy, bud. Hey. What's wrong?
[Arthur] All right. We'll discuss
the issue of the automobile,
but in terms of art and antiquities,
the final count of items is
Let me just start the file first.
[door closes]
[Hooch whimpering]
Uh, no. Sorry, you can't be in here.
Oh, no, no, no, it's okay.
I'm Deputy Turner.
Stephen Marling, facility manager.
Yeah, I meant the dog. It's policy.
In my agreement with the Marshal service.
Okay. Policy.
[sighs] All right. It's policy.
Come here, bud. Sorry, Hooch. [sighs]
It looks like you're gonna miss out
on all the fun.
I'll be back.
So, I'm just gonna email you
my master spreadsheet
so that we can get synchronized
by category.
Uh, our system catalogs by multiple tabs,
so it synchronizes automatically.
Ooh, fascinating.
The signed basketball shoes,
should those be categorized as clothing?
[Stephen] Anything limited edition
should be categorized as collectibles,
but it should be cross-referenced
with clothing
[Arthur] We're going to need to create
a special summary for articles found
[Stephen] You can put that in as
an independent subcategory of the 139 B.
[Arthur] Oh, excellent.
Shouldn't take more than another hour.
I'll go, uh, water the K-9 unit.
Uh, so I wanted to point out
an error you made at 216.
- Oh, no.
- [Arthur] An error?
No, no.
No, no, no, no.
[Hooch barking in distance]
We might have a situation.
Situation? What situation?
Hooch! Hooch, come on.
I told you specifically,
dogs aren't allowed.
- Why is a pet even in
- He's not a pet. He's a trained K-9.
[barking continues]
[Arthur] Oh, dear.
Is that urine?
Maybe. Uh, it it might be drool.
That's not drool.
- Hooch!
- This is so embarrassing.
He's gotta be around here somewhere.
There you are.
- [whining]
- All right. Overall, not that
- [splashing]
- bad.
[Arthur gasps]
[on phone]
Hi, you've reached Erica. Leave a message.
- [phone beeps]
- Hey, Erica.
Um, I'm sorry I've been a little flaky
with the training lately,
but Hooch really needs some work,
so, uh, call me when you get this,
or I'll I'll just come in and see ya.
Okay, thanks.
- Laura. What are you doing?
- Scott, we gotta talk.
Hold on. It's 7:15. Did you just drive
here from Cypress Beach?
I couldn't sleep. I was all wrapped up
with the investigation.
I have had a lot of coffee.
Also, it was 5:30 in the morning,
and I was going to call,
but thought, "What the heck?
Matthew's with Grady.
I'll just go to Scott's apartment."
Anyway, I did a little snooping
on this Walton guy. Check it out.
I went by his trucking business,
and I took some pictures.
See the trucks coming in and out
of this place marked danger and flammable.
I mean, that could be anything.
- That could be weapons or bombs.
- Or a million other things.
Okay. All right. Why don't you come
take a look at this picture, huh?
That look innocent?
T He has a tattoo.
You have a tattoo.
Of a cute, little sea turtle.
That's a skull.
Name one non-evil thing
whose symbol is a skull.
- Go ahead. No, you can't.
- Give me
Take a look at this picture.
He's got a gun.
- That's a garage door opener.
- Scott, come on!
Dad is trying to tell us something
about this guy. I know it. I can feel it.
Yes, and maybe it's that there were kids
lighting off firecrackers
in a warehouse somewhere.
You don't believe that.
[cell phone ringing]
'Kay, I have to take this. It's the chief.
Oh, by the way, Grateful Dead.
Skull logo. Not evil.
I have no idea what that is.
Jerry Garc Okay.
- Hey, Chief. Good morning, how
- [Mendez] You've really done it this time!
Get to the office immediately!
[Scott] Yes, sir. I, um
I'll be right in.
- [phone beeps]
- [sighs]
I gotta go.
[Mendez] You had one job, Turner.
Keep Mario Fez's assets safe and secure,
which, apparently,
was beneath your dignity.
- And what happens?
- Sir, I swear. Everything was fi
Was is the key word.
You know what Hooch did yesterday?
Show him.
Authentic Reynard Gadoise, French.
Late Rococo.
I estimated at least 100,000 at auction.
[woman] Not anymore.
Your dog got loose in the warehouse.
Is that correct?
Yes, but he was briefly unmonitored
b-b-but contained,
and other than a very small pet mess, I
I'm sorry. Wh-Who are you?
This is Susan Reacher with
the Office of Professional Responsibility.
- She's handling the review of this mess.
- Internal Affairs?
- Yeah.
- Sir, I
There's no way
that Hooch could've done this.
You know what?
Save it for the hearing tomorrow at 10:00.
Here's our initial report.
I suggest you review it thoroughly.
- Sir, I swear tha
- Turner.
You know, the K-9 unit
was the marshal's idea.
Now I've got to tell him
that we just lost 100 grand
because of that K-9 unit.
You're on leave pending this review,
as is, of course, the dog.
That's it. Dismissed.
I miss chasing bandits so much,
my teeth hurt.
[chuckles] Oh.
You see Susan Reacher from IA
lurking around?
- Yeah.
- The Grim Reacher herself?
Someone here is screwed.
It's me. I'm screwed.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Well, uh, what I heard is that she's tough
but, like, fair, you know?
[Scott groans]
Wait, so why you?
It's so crazy.
This fancy dog painting got ripped up
in the warehouse,
and they're blaming Hooch.
But I was there, and it just
doesn't seem possible, you know?
Hooch wouldn't do that.
Oh, no. Yeah. He
That's crazy.
His hearing's tomorrow.
I gotta figure something out.
- [Hooch whines]
- [Jessica] Aw.
[Erica] Angel, find it. Find it.
Good girl!
Who's the best girl in the whole world?
Who's the best girl in the whole world?
That's you, Angel. You're the best.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Erica, I don't know if you got my message,
but I really need your help.
Yeah. Oh, I got your message. Uh-huh.
I actually, unfortunately,
have a very important dog meeting,
um, that I must attend to.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Because I-I-I kinda have a situation here.
I mean, Hooch is really in trouble,
and I
I'm sorry.
I can't. I have arranged for you
to work with, uh, Guy.
What guy?
Oh, Guy. Yeah, his actual name is Guy.
That could be confusing, I get that.
But he's a great guy, excellent trainer,
and I think he will do just fine for you.
So he's in the yard in the back.
- But you don't come?
- No.
Come on, Hooch.
I put him in his crate.
I'm not saying he's a perfect dog.
He's not, right?
But there's just no way
he destroyed that painting.
Not that he hasn't destroyed stuff before.
He has.
But it's just, this is different.
It's different.
- Different?
- Like, yes.
Yes, he barked at the painting,
but it was more of like a
[imitates barking]
You know? It was friendly.
It was like [barks]
Right? That's sweet.
Look, when he sees other dogs,
he wants to make friends,
so I just I don't know
Scott, I'm not a dog therapist.
I'm a dog trainer.
You want me to train your dog, I will.
it's unclear to me what we're doing.
Yeah, I I just
Hooch's hearing is tomorrow
and with Erica, we used to talk a lot
about Hooch's mindset.
Like, why he did this
or or what I thought he was doing
was actually that.
So, what is that?
- Scott.
- Yeah?
- I'm not a dog therapist. I'm a dog
- Trainer.
Right. Yeah, I forgot. I'm sorry.
Good. So, agility pyramid?
That's not a dog
that destroys stuff, right?
[woman] Thanks so much.
Okay, so,
ointment on this leg twice a day,
and keep him away from the cat.
- Sure thing.
- All right. Bye, Roger.
- Bye-bye.
- Be good boy.
- See ya.
- Bye.
Hey, buddy. Where were we?
We're at "Hippopotomism"?
[chuckles] Hyperthyroidism.
Right. Um, weight loss
[groans] God.
- I'm never gonna pass this test.
- [door opens]
Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Actually, I think she can.
Catalina, do you wanna, um,
keep an eye on Matthew? Thanks.
Laura Turner?
I met your brother the other night,
but I didn't get a chance
to introduce myself.
Walton Hollis.
Yes, how can I help you?
Just wanna clear the air.
I heard you had some kind
of investigation going,
and as a friend of your father's,
I I wouldn't want anyone
thinking anything sketchy was going on.
Well, I happened to drive by your office,
and I saw some trucks
with some pretty sketchy warnings on them.
Is there a reason why
you're shipping explosives?
Maybe you mean the trucks that take
the oxygen tanks over to the hospital.
Well, I also saw you
with a very sketchy-looking man
with a giant skull tattoo
on the back of his head,
and I couldn't help but wonder
[chuckles] You mean Karl.
Yeah, he looks rough,
but he is a sweetheart.
Okay, he was on a bad path for a while,
but I gave him a job,
set him on the straight and narrow.
A little like your dad's old dog, right?
The cover's rough, but the book is
Wait. You know Hooch?
Yeah. Yeah. Me and Hooch are old friends.
Ah, I love that crazy dog.
Oh, I I didn't realize that I'm so
- I'm sorry if I
- [chuckles] No. No worries.
Look, this was my fault for leaving
the door to the warehouse open.
[Laura chuckles]
Anyway, um, I'll let you get back to work.
You have a good day, now.
Okay, you too.
[dog whines]
[Brooke on phone, sighs] I'm sorry.
I'm pulling a late one
at the office tonight, but what's up?
Well, Hooch's hearing is tomorrow,
and I literally have no time to prepare.
I need your help.
You're a lawyer.
I need, like, strategy or tactics maybe?
Well, a good legal defense focuses on
physical evidence, patterns of behavior,
a viable alternate theory.
Oh, that's good.
That's really good. Great.
That's great. That's great. Keep going.
So, show that he couldn't do it,
wouldn't do it,
and shouldn't be punished
for something someone else did.
Couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't.
Yes, you're saving Hooch. Anything else?
Be a member at the same country club
as the presiding judge?
Listen, I'm really sorry,
but I should probably run.
- Good luck, okay?
- Okay.
[hard rock music playing]
All right.
You don't care.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[music stops]
Don't worry, buddy. We got this.
[elevator dings]
Okay. Good, good. You look good, bud.
All right, remember.
Stay calm, act innocent, say nothing.
[exhales] Good luck in there.
Thanks, but I don't need it.
I've got the data and the facts.
The distance from the door here,
to the painting here, is 150 yards.
Here is Hooch's average speed at a run,
walk and a lope.
An average urination takes five seconds.
Add sniffing time, 27 seconds.
Now, we know Hooch was in the warehouse
under three minutes.
At a top speed of 12 miles per hour,
stopping for the three documented pees,
it would take Hooch two minutes
and 48 seconds to reach the painting,
leaving him 12 seconds to damage it.
Not a lot of time.
Let's consider bite patterns.
Speaks for itself.
You see, Hooch shows no impulse
to bite the dog image.
Not that one, not that guy,
not that guy.
Even when induced
with five ounces of peanut butter,
both chunky and creamy,
he simply licked the surface.
In summary, Hooch neither had the time,
nor the inclination to do this crime.
I rest my case.
Not how it works. But thank you for that.
Let's talk to Mr. Stilts.
So the dog had seen the painting
before you got to the warehouse?
Yes. At the suspect's mansion.
He barked aggressively at the Gadoise
on multiple occasions.
I also saw him chew bubble wrap
at the mansion.
And you found chewed bubble wrap
at the warehouse?
That is correct. Yes.
Yeah, the dog was running all over,
going wild. Having the time of his life.
Peeing, drooling, basically running amok.
Objection, conjecture.
[sighs] Again, just an interview,
not court.
But he didn't see any of this.
There's no security footage, right?
I mean, what if another animal did this?
A A rat? A raccoon? Perhaps a weasel?
There are cameras at all the doors.
[Scott] Maybe the animal was already
inside the building, right?
In the vents, or the rafters up above.
It's a possibility.
But forgetting all that and the timeline.
This is just not something Hooch would do.
Ask anyone.
That is exactly the kind of thing
that dog would do.
I mean, I've personally seen him
push a room service cart
down a flight of stairs into a fountain.
Oh, and then we were tracking
a dangerous criminal,
and he led the team into a pet store
where it stole a squeaky toy.
And most recently, broke discipline
on a manhunt for a fugitive,
which led me to be almost killed
by a booby trap.
Objection. Sorry.
But "almost killed"? H-He got poison oak.
- Continue please, Deputy.
- Thank you very much.
It has also destroyed
office snacks and pastries
meant for federal
law enforcement officers.
Uh, Hooch has messed around, sure.
But, I mean, he's a sweetheart.
You've never seen the dog
behave in an aggressive manner?
Once, he barked at an FBI guy, who,
it actually turned out, was crooked.
[chuckles] So, I mean,
I wouldn't call that aggressive.
He's just doing his job, helping out.
So, if the dog perceives something
like a painting to be a threat,
he might attack it to help out?
- Yeah, sure.
- [Scott clears throat]
Mm Mm-mmm.
No. Mm-mmm. He He would not
do that.
[clears throat]
Do you have some water?
Did I witness Hooch chew his new leash?
Yeah. Yeah.
And I remember thinking,
"What if I could chew my tie?"
Do you know why he had a new leash?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Scott said
he chewed through the old one.
Yeah, which I suspect you're gonna say
is a pattern he should've seen,
to which I would say,
"Patterns are complex things, okay?"
So, who can know?
You know, chaos theory tells
Thank you. That's enough.
Hooch chewed up every award in my office.
Every single one.
So, what's the verdict?
Disciplinary action for me,
and the chief has to tell the marshal
that his pet K-9 project
crashed and burned.
No. Aw.
So, no more Hooch?
Not unless a miracle occurs
before she submits that report.
Yeah, I'd maybe ask Erica,
but she's been so busy.
Oh, right. Uh, yeah.
So, about that, um
I maybe, kinda told Erica
to make herself less available.
You told her not to talk to me?
You were
You were taking her for granted.
Calling her at all hours,
skipping sessions 'cause of "work"
or you and Miss Thing have opera tickets.
So, I just told her to pull back a little,
and she did.
So I'm sorry. But also, like, not.
- Not?
- Not, no.
Yeah, not, 'cause, like, dude. Come on.
You You can't do that.
You're right. That was not good.
[sighs] But can you just
talk to her for me, please?
Just tell her it's, like,
an emergency Hooch situation.
Baxter, say bye-bye to doggy.
I need those phone records.
Uh, please.
Thanks for the help in there.
Really inspiring teamwork.
Shouldn't have made fun
of my poison oak, dude.
[sighs] Duty calls.
but you gotta handle this one yourself.
- [dogs barking, whining]
- I was irresponsible.
More than irresponsible.
I was a bad friend.
I took you for granted, and
and I'm really sorry.
But right now, I'm in real trouble
and so is Hooch.
And the fact is
I really need you.
I'm confused. What do you want me to do?
I'm trying to get an apology to Erica.
I need her help with something,
but I can't get ahold of her,
so I'm just asking if you see her
Scott. I'm not an answering machine, okay?
I'm a dog trainer.
- Dog trainer. Right, yes, I forgot.
- Right.
- Can you
- Yeah.
You know, and by the way, those are
way too many words to memorize.
Have you tried calling her?
Yes, but she's busy, and I can't
This was a mistake. Just forget it. Sorry.
Just tell her I stopped by.
[cell phone ringing]
Man, you believe this guy?
Yes. I believe him.
- Hey, Laura. What's up?
- [Laura] Nothing is up.
Everything is, in fact, down,
as in a bad, no-good day.
[laughs] Yeah. Well, join the club.
Everything's falling apart over here too.
Scott, am I crazy?
I mean, I didn't used to think so,
but now I'm just wondering
if this whole investigation is nothing,
and I'm crazy.
Laura, is everything okay?
that Walton guy came in here yesterday.
And at first, I was like,
"Oh, no, scary, bad man,"
but he was nice.
He was friends with Dad and Hooch.
Well, yeah.
Laura, I-I tried to tell you that. I
Am I making all of this up
just so I can solve Dad's last big case
because I miss Dad
and I didn't know what else to do?
Laura, I don't know. I
Is it like that with everything?
Pass the vet tech exam.
Get your life together. Solve the case.
Is this all so I can just fool myself
into believing that I'm doing something
and I'm not just some sad sack
who hung around town and did nothing?
Am I a cliché?
Scott, this is the part
where you argue with me and you say,
"No, Laura. You're amazing.
You're doing great."
Sorry. Sorry, Laura.
I [sighs] I got a lot going on too.
Of course. Sorry.
Anyway, we should probably
apologize to Walton,
maybe bring him some cookies or something.
Sure. Great. Yeah. Just let me know when.
Yeah. Thanks, Scott.
Oh, Ralph.
Anyway, that's the walking schedule.
Unless you see him pacing around
in like a like, a certain way,
then you just wanna take him out
or let him out back.
This is just for his dinner?
Monday, Wednesday, Friday dinner.
- The other dinner's on page two.
- Other dinner?
Yeah, you can reference it. Do
Yeah, are you referencing?
We're alternating between high-protein
and organic fiber.
Kibble is just It's essential
in managing his gas issues.
Gas issues?
[Scott] You get used to it.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Anyway, uh, most days
it's just half-cup protein, quarter fiber
and then an additional quarter-cup
protein plus egg powder
- once he's finished the initial mix.
- Protein.
But don't mix the mixes.
The other days it's just reverse.
Except no egg powder, right?
And salmon, not beef.
Uh, the breakfast instructions should be
pretty clear. Do they seem clear?
Uh, dude, is this a joke?
Doug, this This might not be a fit.
[Scott] Is it too complicated?
Oh, no. No, no, no.
I used to sit for a good, good boy
who had every issue in the book.
You know, like, weird food and pills and
This is nothing.
This is gonna be easy. Totally easy.
Yeah, yeah. 'Cause I love dogs.
I love dogs. And they love me.
Right, Hoochie? Who's a good boy?
Oh, such a good boy. Such a
- [groans]
- Oh, my God!
- [groaning]
- Wow.
- Oh, my God! My nose!
- You are a bleeder.
Uh, I'm not really good with blood.
Just keep it Keep it back.
- Oh, God. Oh, God.
- You know what? Forward.
Back is worse. Back is worse.
Well, I need something, anything.
Help me! Get me something, anything!
Any questions?
Looks fine.
I've managed worse.
Impressive. What's your secret?
The secret is I don't get attached.
Keep my distance. They keep theirs.
And everyone gets along.
- So, is it Gooch or Goop?
- [cell phone buzzing]
Thought it was a boy dog.
Yes. Hi, Scott.
I am calling about Hooch.
Curtis had mentioned
there might be a problem,
and he heard you talking
to Guy about some
Yes, Erica. I I'm so sorry. I
I took you for granted.
You're not my dog butler. You're
I value your help and your friendship
and just you in general.
And I have been selfish and a jerk.
And I really apologize.
Oh, um
Thank you.
What's going on exactly?
Hooch is in trouble. So am I.
They think he ate a painting.
I know he didn't, but I can't prove it.
And it's not just Hooch with a problem.
Internal Affairs is blaming me.
And if I can't prove he's innocent,
I'm gonna wind up guarding courthouse
parking lots for the rest of my life.
I'm getting off of work soon.
I could just come over
and help you figure it out.
Yes. Great.
Yes. I Come right over.
[Erica] Angel, come on.
So is there anything else?
[sighs] Hi.
Turns out I might not need anyone.
So, uh,
looks like we'll be keeping our distance.
[Erica] These are great. You made these?
- Yeah. Uh.
- Wow.
I'm pretty slick with a PowerPoint, and
It's impressive.
What's sticking out to me is, um
uh, the the peeing.
The peeing. That's Hooch's favorite hobby.
Right, but peeing isn't a hobby for dogs.
They're marking their territory, right?
Communicating with each other.
So if Hooch was peeing this much,
that tells me there was another dog
there at some point.
- Wha That would explain everything.
- Right?
Wait, but it's not like I can
just dust for paw prints
and run it
through the federal dog database.
Only, yeah, there is something.
- Do you have a hand mirror?
- Yeah.
Okay. And maybe some baby powder and tape.
- Clear tape.
- Yeah.
- I have an idea.
- [laughing] Okay.
- Good boy, Hooch. Good boy.
- Okay, buddy.
Got it.
- Okay. Now the powder.
- Okay.
It's a little-known fact that all dogs
have these tiny lines
and wrinkles on their nose
that are unique to each dog,
like fingerprints.
- The tape. Here, you hold that.
- Yeah.
- There.
- Wow.
Perfect. Okay, now you need
to get the print from the painting,
and if they don't match,
Hooch is innocent.
Right. I'll figure something out.
- It's gonna be okay. I promise.
- [Hooch grumbles]
Yeah, it's gonna be okay.
[sighs] Sorry, bud. You stay here.
You're not exactly super popular in there.
There you go.
["Another Man's Crimes" playing
on car speakers]
Mr. Marling, Deputy Turner.
Um, I'm sorry to bother you. I just need
to check that painting real quick.
I'm just closing up.
I, uh
I just need a few more details
for the disciplinary report.
Chief was pretty insistent.
[sighs] Fine. Five minutes.
Don't touch anything.
Don't pee on anything!
[Scott] Got it.
[sighs] Where is this thing?
Come on. Come on. Come on.
If I were an ugly painting,
where would I be?
Oh, yeah.
That's not it. It wasn't Hooch.
[line rings]
Low priority. Bag and tag.
- [Johnson] Walk in the park.
- Let's do it.
- Yeah.
- Brad, lead the way.
Dogs have snout prints?
They're like fingerprints, each unique,
and Hooch is innocent.
I did not know that.
- I was always more of a cat guy.
- We're rolling!
[Scott] That's not all. I found this empty
space inside the painting that looked new.
Like, what if Mario had drugs
stashed in there, right?
That would explain why
Hooch was barking at it.
It's more than interesting, bro. I
We gotta talk to the manager
and see who else had access.
I was hoping maybe you could help
since I'm on leave and whatnot.
[Trent] We got a runner!
Uh, I'm in the middle of a thing.
Can it wait till tomorrow?
The disciplinary report goes out tomorrow.
[Xavier] I'm kinda busy right now, Scott.
All right. I'll call you back.
Well, that was more than five minutes.
Yeah, I'm gonna need a few more.
I need to see everyone who was
in this building the last two days.
Now? I thought you were suspended.
Yeah, for something Hooch didn't do.
I have proof. Another dog was here.
I-I-I think it was a drug-sniffing dog.
I think there was someone
looking for drugs Mario stashed,
- like an accomplice or somebody.
- [cell phone ringing]
Answer that and you're dead.
Put it down.
Let's talk for a second.
No. Shut up! Shut up and sit down.
- Okay. All right.
- Okay.
[music continues on car speakers]
- [Scott] We can talk for a second, right?
- [Stephen] You move over there.
- [music stops]
- [man on radio] forecast, showers
["I'm the One Who Wants to Be with You"
playing on radio]
- [barking]
- [Stephen] What do you think you're doing?
[Stephen] Slide it over.
Stephen, think about what you're doing.
Cuff yourself to the chair. Yeah.
You're gonna make this
so much worse for yourself.
- The planning, the sneaking around
- [barks]
And then you bring your dog into work!
[Scott] Listen to me.
If Mario's behind this,
if he threatened you,
you know we can make a deal, right?
He didn't threaten me. He paid me.
I got the drug-sniffing dog.
It was the perfect way to get the drugs
after you showed up
with that ridiculous beast.
If something happens to me,
there's no way you get away with this.
It seems to me that if you disappeared,
your friends are gonna blame
the drug dealer you just busted
and not some warehouse manager.
- I better get this done quickly.
- No, no! You're gonna shoot me here?
The blood, like, it'll go everywhere.
They'll catch you in seconds.
[barking, whining]
[Stephen speaks, indistinct]
Golf club's gonna hurt a lot more.
[Scott] Stephen, stop! Stephen!
Don't do it! No! No!
[Hooch snarling]
[Scott grunts]
[pants, sighs]
[clears throat]
[Xavier] Hi there!
I'm, uh, looking for Deputy Turner.
Uh, yeah. Well, he was here.
Uh, but he and the dog went off
to check the perimeter for something.
- Something?
- Yeah.
Well, did he say what it was?
Well, I have a dinner reservation,
so I'm gonna I'm gonna go.
- Okay, I'm gonna go look around for Scott.
- Yeah.
Freeze! Hands!
- X, stop him!
- Don't move!
[Xavier] I hope that reservation
wasn't hard to get,
'cause I think
you're gonna miss that dinner.
[chuckling] Aw.
Good boy, Hooch. Good boy.
I love you. I love you, bud.
We found the dog at Marling's house.
She was an ATF drug-training dropout.
So we're gonna adopt her,
finish her training
and put her back to work.
Wilson. [huffs] How long of a confession
did you get out of this guy?
Guy was speaking his truth.
Who am I to stop him?
He was responsible for tons of assets
that went missing.
I got to fill in
a lot of empty spreadsheet cells.
- Then we're all settled.
- Settled?
Mr. Turner's negligent behavior
is not settled.
And that dog remains a disaster
waiting to happen.
This is all in my report.
Well, what's in my report
is that this K-9 saved a deputy's life
and aided in the recovery
of how much stolen goods?
Uh, about 1.2 million
- so far.
- [Mendez] So far.
[Scott] I'm sorry. How much?
1.2 million.
- [Mendez] It's incredible.
- It's a lot of money to me.
- More money, more problems.
- Should we do a hand raise for
Yeah, more It's a lot.
Okay, if that's how it is.
Well, it's not how it isn't. So
- [Scott] Thank you so much, Susan.
- [Erica] Thank you.
Let me know what the total is.
Thanks so much for your hard work.
My pleasure.
Sir, I ju I can't thank you enough.
And just rest assured, we are totally
focused on Hooch's training.
- He's getting better every day.
- [whimpers]
[Scott] Most days.
Most days.
Thank you.
Uh, listen, Erica,
you really saved me here and Hooch.
I just wanted to say I'm so sorry again.
Actually, I wanted to apologize to you.
- Really? Me? Why?
- Yeah.
I wasn't there
when you and Hooch needed me,
and I just let some of my own,
like, stuff get in the way.
No, no. Forget it. You were there, okay?
You saved me and Hooch.
Well, I'm sorry about Guy.
- That I can't forgive you for.
- [both chuckle]
No, no. Hey, listen.
He taught Hooch how to climb stuff.
If it wasn't for him, I would've been
on the wrong end of a golf club.
I kinda was on the wrong end
of a golf club.
- You know what I mean.
- Yeah. Beat to death.
Anyways, I was hoping that I could pick up
Hooch's training again.
But if you wanna stay with Guy,
I get that.
No, you're better. You're way better.
And I promise I won't miss
a single session this time.
So, friends again?
- Come here. Come on. Ah.
- Of course. Okay. Okay.
Thanks for coming with me to do this.
I feel bad for how we treated Walton.
I just wanna make things right.
We? You're the one who accused him
of smuggling explosives.
Hey! You broke into his warehouse.
Only after you insisted.
- Yeah.
- Never mind.
- Excuse me.
- Oh, hi.
Uh, we're looking for Walton.
Walton! Some folks here to see you!
[Walton] Thanks, Karl.
Oh, hi.
Uh, we just came by to say hello
and sorry for the misunderstanding.
- [Hooch barking]
- We brought cookies.
Well, that's not necessary,
but I never say no
to a fresh-baked cookie.
Oh, I'm so glad. I made them myself.
Last time I sort of had a fire issue,
but this time around I really
- Anyway, I think I executed well.
- [barking]
- Hooch, stop!
- Hey, hey!
- Sorry! Oh, my gosh! So sorry.
- Easy. Easy. What's his problem?
Stop, okay?
Hooch, hey. Come on. No.
Let's do this another time. Sorry.
[Walton] Maybe that's a good idea.
- Hey. Hey.
- [Hooch growling]
Hey, what the hell
was that all about, huh?
What's wrong? What got into you?
- Scott.
- What?
Hooch definitely knew that man.
- Shh.
- They weren't friends. He hated him.
Laura, are we really doing this again?
Look me in the eyes right now
and tell me that you believe
that that man that Hooch just
freaked out at was a friend of Dad's.
All right. Yeah. Yeah, he's lying.
- Yeah.
- But about what?
And why? What does it all mean?
We have no evidence, Laura.
Hooch is all the evidence I need.
Let's go.
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