Twenties (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Living the Dream

- Previously on "Twenties"
- Yo, guess who walked
into the coffee shop
with a Todd today?
- Lorraine.
- We don't know each other
like that?
- We don't.
- Bye, Hattie.
- Ben got the promotion.
What if I quit?
- You're not gonna quit.
- What were you talking
to that waiter about?
He handed you
his business card.
- Babe, I don't even know
where that card is at.
- We have to let it be.
We can't raise this baby.
I love you.
This is not our time.
- I know you're getting back
into acting,
and I want to help.
I'll make sure
you're on Joseph's list.
He's the head of casting
at the studio.
- And scene.
[romantic orchestral music]
- Okay, you got
your clothes pressed,
your smoothie
whey protein, extra ginger
and they were holding a package
for you downstairs
at the front desk.
- May I ask you a question?
What do you think of me?

- What do you mean?
- Well, you've worked here
for some time now.
You must've formed an opinion.
- I think you're great.
- Do you know I have
a drinking problem?
- Uh, okay, what?
This conversation
is getting a little strange.
And is that my vape?

I should get back to my desk.
I'm sure the writers
will be back any minute now.
- I gave them
the afternoon off.
We have the whole office
to ourselves.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- What?
- Un-uh, nope.
Not falling under your spell.
- Excuse me?
- I know all about
your spell, okay?
I shouldn't even be looking you
in the eye right now.
- I like looking you
in your eyes.
Makes me feel alive.
- Why are you doing me
like this?
- Like what?
- You know what.
- No, I don't.
Tell me.
- You had me at your house,
offering me wine and shit.
We smoked on your couch
while watching a documentary
about dumb rich white people.
You opened up to me
about the time you gave
your baby up for adoption.
I didn't know whether to
comfort you or go down on you.
And now you're sitting here
smoking my vape,
looking as good as you want
to look and telling me
we got the office
to ourselves and shit.
- So?
- Ida B, you are trying
to seduce me.

Aren't you?

- Is it working?
[music swells]

- Doin' too many
gangsta talk ♪
I pull up and see
if that gangsta talk ♪
Too many []
be on my [] ♪
Got [] in her mouth,
let her babysit ♪
You plastic [],
you a'ight ♪
- That part where you
- You mean Tre?
- Right, the part
where Tre's mom
sees her for the first time
after she cuts off all her hair
and starts crying
Wow, powerful stuff.
- It was so moving.
It's like, as you stepped
into your true self,
your mom felt like she was
losing her daughter.
- Well, it's not me.
It's the character.
- It was really strong.
- Yeah, you went there.
- I just wanted to keep it 100.
- Truth is always
better than fiction.
- You know, when we first met,
I could tell you had feelings
for me, but I never knew
how hard it was
for you to get over me
until I read
your beautiful script.
- Bitch, I don't like you
like that.
- Well, then who was Sienna
supposed to be?
- Do you want to tell her,
or should I?
- Tell her what?
- Sienna is obviously me.
The characters live together,
and she's dating a handsome man
that loves her to a fault.
- Both of y'all are crazy.
I don't like either one
of y'all like that.
- You don't have a crush on me?
- No.
- Are you sure you've never
lusted after me?
- Positive.
Now what did y'all think
about the ending?
- Oh, I didn't get past act two
because I was trying
to figure out
how to let you down easy.
- Yeah, I started to wonder
if I wanted to play a role
that was based on me.
I don't want to do anything
that's too meta.
- So, basically,
y'all didn't finish the script.
- To be fair,
it's a little long.
- Yeah, you need to cut
at least 10 pages.
- You just mad because
I don't like you.
- If this goes,
do I have to audition?
- It's her first real script.
Let's not get her hopes up.
- You have to speak things
into existence.
- Thank you, Ni.
- You're welcome, sweetie.
- What are you doing?
- I felt a little chemistry
between us just then.
Was that just me?
- You're a mess.
- So are you.
[gentle music]
- Get the Valentina sides
Casting needs them by noon.
- I'm on it.
[percussive music]

- Happy birthday.
- My birthday is tomorrow.
- I know.
I'm gonna be out of town,
so happy early birthday.
It's a Ballet Russe program
signed by Raven Wilkinson.
I found it on eBay.
- Wow, I can't believe
you did this.
- Well, I hope that you have
a wonderful birthday.
- It's already off
to a good start.
[smooth music]
- Where all the boss girls
getting money for show ♪
Teach you how to stunt
and how to get that dough ♪
- Look, Valentina, you can't
work here with this attitude.
If someone walks
out of your chair unhappy,
you got to fix it.
Black women deserve better.
- And what about me?
I'm a black woman.
Don't I deserve better?
You right.
I'm hurting right now, sis.
My man said he's moving out,
going back to the D,
and I came him here for him.
I started a new life here
for him.
He don't give a damn.
He's crawling right back
to his ex
and her three kids
that ain't even his.
- Valentina, you will get
through this.
Now come here
and give Coco a hug.
Get it, girl.
I can't believe
you memorized all this already.
You're good.
- Professional.
- I know that's right.
[cell phone rings]
- Hi, daddy.
- Hello there, baby girl.
I hope you're feeling
blessed this evening.
- She is blessed
because I got her an audition.
- Yeah, tomorrow.
It's for the show
she works for, "Coco's Butter."
- My goodness, you young ladies
are doing big things.
- We just trying to make
an honest living.
- Don't you be worrying
about nothing.
You're a natural.
- Thank you, Daddy.
- I'll be saying a prayer.
Bye now.
[cell phone chimes]
- You so lucky to have a daddy.
- Well, you have one too.
- Yeah, but he ain't shit.
- Do you think that's why
your life is such a mess?
- My life ain't that messy.
It is a little messy,
but I'm in the process
of trying to clean it up.
- And you're doing a great job.
- Get off me.
[quiet music]
- Who do you think
you're talking to, Coco?
I'm from Detroit, heifer.
- Now listen here, girlfriend.
I don't care
where you come from.
That is no way
to treat a customer.
- I don't know
what I'm doing here.
- I think you skipped a line.
- No, I mean
I'm sorry.
I don'tI don't know
what I'm doing here.
These aren't the pages
I was given.
- Well, scripts change
all the time.
It's part
of the writing process.
- Okay.
Can we start over?
- Of course.
You know what?
Forget the pages.
Do you have
a monologue prepared?
- I'm West Indian.
Of course I'm prepared.
- Wonderful.
All right, go for it.
- I know you love me,
Michael, I do.
and yes, I love you.
I wouldn't be standing here
if I didn't,
but sometimes love
is about timing.
You talk about what God wants
and reading the signs.
I don't see signs.
I see you
and me and this choice.
You want a miracle.
Well, I can't turn this water
into wine,
and neither can you,
but God can
if we let him.
We have to let it go.
We have to let it be.
We can't raise this baby.
I love you, but this
This isn't our time.
- Thank you, Nia.
That was really, really good.
Hattie, could you
step outside with me?
- Who wrote that?
- How dare you?
- Hold up.
- You had no right.
- First of all, I didn't know
she was gonna do that.
- That is a violation
of my privacy.
- I am so sorry.
I would never want you to feel
like you can't trust me.
I just thought
it was really good,
and you have
this amazing voice,
and nobody gets to hear it.
- Go to your desk and pack up
all your shit.
I never want to see
your face again.
[percussive music]

- Damn.
[soft rock music]
- Hey, wasn't it me
who said ♪
That nothing good's
gonna last forever ♪
And wasn't it me who said ♪
Let's just be glad
for the time together ♪
It must have been hard
to tell me ♪
That you've given
all you had to give ♪
I can understand
your feeling that way ♪
[quiet chatter]
- Hey.
- Hi.
- I just wanted to apologize
for what happened
the other day.
You didn't deserve that.
You don't even know me like
that, and every time I see you,
you're always
encouraging me and shit.
I mean, I'm grateful for it.
Look, I totally get it
if you don't want to,
but I think it would be dope
if we could link up some time
and just chill.
- Like Netflix and chill?
- Nah, not like that.
Look, I'm surrounded
by straight people,
and it would be nice
if I could have
at least one queer friend.
- Look, I get it.
It's cool.
- It is?
- Yeah, I'm not your type.
It's fine.
- I just feel like
we're the same, you know?
We're both "soft studs."
- I'm not soft.
- Well, we're the aggressor.
- What makes you think
I'm aggressive?
- Stop playing with me, man.
- I'm not playing with you.
- I'm just saying,
I think of you more
as a wing-woman
than actually being my woman.
- Hattie, I'm a lesbian.
- I can see that.
- Which means I like women,
all kinds of women.
I like soft women,
feminine women,
masculine women,
trans women, black women,
Asian women, Cameroon
- I get it.
You like women.
- So if you want to limit
yourself to the type of women
you date, that's cool,
but I do think
you should reconsider,
because I know you see me out
in the world
with my locks
and baggy clothes,
but you have no idea what
I'm like behind closed doors,
when I take my clothes off,
when I let my hair down,
you don't know if I'm dominant
or submissive,
if I like it rough,
or if I like to take it slow.
We got the same anatomy,
and I'm pretty good
at taking care of myself.
What makes you think
I can't take care of you?
That's why
you shouldn't be afraid
of trying new things.
You just might like it.
- Look, I was just trying
to come in here and apologize
and ask if we could be friends.
I don't need
all this extra shit.
- Your apology is accepted.
And I got enough friends.
[spacey music]

[lively mid-century
orchestral music]
- I hate assigned seating.
- There's my angel.
- She is angelic, isn't she?
- You dropped down
straight from heaven.
- Yeah, you look stunning
as always.
- I'm so glad you guys
could be here.
- We wouldn't miss it
for the world.
- You're the daughter
we wish we always had.
- That means so much to me.
- Richard.
- Yes.
- Now, I know the email said
you're not opening gifts
until after dessert,
but I can't wait.
- Okay.
Oh, my God.
- Ooh.
- Thank you.
I don't even know what to say.
This is too much.
- Oh, it's never too much.
Never too much,
never too much ♪
Never too much ♪
- Happy birthday.
- Oh, shit.
- What?
- There's my offspring.
- Oh, my god.
Mom, what are you doing here?
- Well, it's nice
to see you too.
- Shirley, I want you
to meet my parents.
- Hi, I'm Richard, Chuck's dad.
- Shirley, Marie's mom, obvi.
And now I see where Chuck
gets his good looks from.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
And this is my wife, Angela.
- How do you do?
- Lovely to meet you.
- So nice to finally meet.
- It looks like they're taking
their assigned seats.
Shall we join them?
- I guess we'll have to find
an extra chair for me.
- No worries.
You can sit with us.
- [quietly] It's okay.
- Why is she here?
- I don't know.
- Somebody had to invite her.
- Well, it wasn't me.
- She's like
one of those pouched rats
trying to sniff out land mines
in Tanzania.
Animal Planet.
- I'll keep her at bay.
- Please do.
- Here's the power couple.
all: Happy birthday.
- I got the part.
I'm gonna be Valentina
on "Coco's Butter."
- Hey!
Go, Nia. Go, Nia.
I knew you were
gonna get it.
Look, we already
saved you a seat.
- Who is Valentina?
- She's a broke hairdresser
from Detroit.
[overture from
"The Marriage of Figaro"]

- You, on a motorcycle?
- Oh, yeah.
1957 Harley-Davidson Hummer.
- I'd ride on the back of
your bike any day of the week.
- Mom!

[clinks glass]
- My dearest Marie,
from the first moment
Richard and I met you,
we knew our son had found
a gem.
You are intelligent.
You're kind.
You're full
of preternatural grace.
And we are just so blessed
to have known you
for these past two years.
Ladies and gentlemen, to Marie.
- Here, here.
- Cheers.
- To Marie.
- Thank you, Mama Chuck.
So you know
you're my best friend,
and we've been through
a lot together.
Right now I'm sleeping
on your couch.
Thank you for that.
I, uh
I'll probably need to stay
on your couch a little longer,
because I am unemployed again.
But don't
don't worry about that now,
'cause we here, okay?
We here.
Don't worry about that.
So yeah, um
happy birthday, bitch.
all: Happy birthday.
- Marie, I met you
in college sophomore year.
We were waiting in line
at the campus Jamba Juice,
and at that moment,
I said to myself,
"There's a girl that needs
her chakras cleansed."
And you let me clean them.
You are
the strongest person I know.
Thank you for being our rock.
I love you so much.
Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday.
- You all may have noticed
that when I got here,
there was no place
at the table for me.
That's because
I wasn't invited.
It's no secret that Marie and I
aren't exactly close.
And that's because
I was a terrible mother.
Yes, it's true.
See, when you're a woman,
people assume
it's just something you can do,
raise children,
wipe their little noses
and their little bums
and make every sacrifice
so you're there
whenever they need you.
But I never got it right.
I haven't gotten much right
at all in my life, except you.
Thank you for being the best
that I have to offer.
Happy birthday.
- Cheers to that.
- Happy birthday, bitch.
- Happy birthday.
- Because all of me ♪
Loves all of you ♪
You're my end
and my beginning ♪
Even when I lose,
I'm winning ♪
'Cause I'll give you
all of me ♪
And you give me all of you ♪
Baby, I mean every word
of that song,
and you'd make me
the happiest man in the world
if you'd be my wife.
[uneasy orchestral music]
Will you marry me?

- Yes.
- Meet me at the altar ♪
In your white dress ♪
Girl, let's just
get married ♪
I just wanna get married ♪
- Hey, I hate to trouble you,
but we need
to settle the check.
- Oh, my fiancé will handle it.
You know what?
I'll get his card.
- Why do I want ya ♪
And tell me why
can't you want me too ♪
Here you go.
- Thank you.
[spacey music]

- Congratulations.
- Are you really happy
about this?
- Are you?
- What's that supposed to mean?
- I mean, look,
don't ask questions
you don't want the answer to.
- I'm not taking
relationship advice from you.
- Ain't nobody trying
to give you advice.
I'm just stating facts.
- Oh, is that right?
- Yeah.
- Well, since we're
stating facts about people,
let me state a few about you.
- Here we go.
- You feel like you have
to earn your keep,
like you have to tap-dance
for people's affections
because you've been doing that
your whole life with your mom.
- Don't talk about my mama.
- And I know that you think
being in love
is all fun and games,
but the truth is,
it's hard work.
It forces you to look
in the mirror,
to work through your shit,
and you obviously have
no intention
of doing that anytime soon.
by Ari Lennox playing]

- Aren't you glad we're not
in our 20s?

- I was so high in my 20s.

- I'm bound
I'm bound ♪
I'm bound
I'm so in love now ♪
- What are you doing here?
What's wrong?
- I'm down
I'm down ♪
When you're not around ♪

Oh ♪
Stay here ♪
Stay here ♪
I need you around ♪

Stay here
stay here ♪
Stay, stay ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
Ah ♪
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