Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

I Found Ha Eun Gyeol

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
You said you'd protect me.
You said you'd help me go to college.
You said to be in the band together.
Hey, Ha Eun Gyeol, where the hell are you!
Am I
back, then?
[Episode 8]
Mom! Dad! Hyung!
Dad! Hyung!
Why are you being so gross?
Where's Mom? Where is she?
She'll be late after hanging out with her friends.
She told us boys to figure out dinner.
What are we having?
Ramen? That sounds amazing.
What's wrong with him?
It's so good.
Dream? What kind of dream?
A dream in which I met Dad in 1995.
It's when I was 18, then.
Yes. The same age as me.
I was your tutor
and I was in your band, too.
I went to the Snail Boarding House, too.
I even met Great-grandma, too.
How about me? Didn't you meet me?
It was before you were even born.
What was I like in your dream?
I was cool, right?
Cool, my foot.
Do you know how much I suffered because of you?
You refused to study
and you made Grandma upset.
- Se Kyeong, where were you?
- You said Mom was your first love,
but you were chasing after another girl.
What? Another girl?
Is that really true?
Mom would get so upset if she found out.
No, no. Your mom was everything to me.
She was my first love.
It's Mom.
I'll ask her myself.
Don't do it. Don't.
I don't want to. I'll tell her everything.
You were all together.
How about dinner? Did you eat it?
If you go back now,
2023 will be much different than when you left it.
Do you still want to go back?
No way.
Eun Gyeol, what's wrong?
Are you sick?
Gosh, I guess you didn't know.
Everything started changing the moment you arrived here.
- Eun Gyeol?
- No.
What's wrong, baby?
It's Mom.
No, no, no!
What was that? What happened?
Where am I?
[May 1995 / Jinsung Instruments]
It's 1995?
[Yoon Geon Hyeong]
Jinsung Instruments' chairman, Yoon Geon Hyeong?
Take this. You'll catch a cold.
That girl from then?
You can't be running away, right?
How strange.
He'd call me if he were running late.
You'll be connected to the voicemail.
Yi Chan, it's me. I can't seem to reach you.
I'm going home now. Call my house when you hear this message.
You almost bumped into me there earlier, right?
- Se Kyeong?
- My goodness.
Are you okay? Did you get-
Is it from bumping into me earlier?
My goodness.
Hold on, hold on.
Where are we going?
Why are you taking me somewhere dark?
Hold on.
Cheong Ah? Yoon Cheong Ah.
Yes, Cheong Ah. Let's talk instead. Let's talk.
Where are we going?
Violence isn't the answer.
Yi Chan?
Yi Chan! What happened?
Someone passed out here! Is anyone there?
Is something going on?
Please call 911 now. Someone passed out here.
Okay, I-I'll call.
Yi Chan. Ha Yi Chan.
Wake up, please!
Open your eyes. Yi Chan.
S-Se Kyeong.
S-Stop shaking me.
My headache is killing me.
What? Are you awake now?
Do you recognize me?
What happened?
Can you get up?
Who are you?
No matter how much I looked, all I found was dust.
I couldn't find out anything about you.
Who the hell are you?
You have no belongings
and you have no ID, either.
Oh, my bag.
You weren't even a real contestant for the audition.
Well, let me explain what happened.
I went to the audition due to a situation, and I found the invitation for it.
But a staff member mistook me for a contestant.
- Are you a spy?
- Pardon?
You're an industrial espionage from Daemyeong Instruments, right?
Or are you trying to scam me?
Or are you trying to blackmail me or something?
Looks like you aren't interested in believing me or listening to me.
Just imagine however you'd like. I'll get going now.
Where are you going? Sit.
I spent so much money and manpower to steal you. Why would I let you go like this?
Do you think I brought you here because I like you?
Because of you, tons of reporters were at the hospital, and the company's image might suffer.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I'll get going because I'm in a hurry.
If you really want to leave,
sign this memorandum.
What for? I'm the victim. Why-
Look at him. Look how he's calling himself a victim already.
You'll leave pretending to be innocent, and you'll make up stories
and come after me eventually.
Demanding compensation.
Happy now?
- Make sure to get it notarized.
- Okay.
Huh? You're
I'm sorry.
[Yoon Cheong Ah]
Yoon Cheong Ah.
Yoon Cheong Ah?
Mom, it's me, Eun Gyeol!
Let go of me. I need to check something.
Let go of me, I said.
Hey, stop!
Let go, let go of me!
Mom! Mom!
What's all the commotion?
Well, he kept calling Lady Cheong Ah "Mom" and insisted on checking something.
Crazy bastard.
I'm done dealing with him. Get him out of here.
Are you crazy?
The deal is off. I won't leave this place.
- Hey!
- Try kicking me out.
I'll barge into the office right away.
I'll meet with the chairman and face him directly.
Are you serious right now?
Hey, get up.
Stop putting on a show and get up, you bastard!
Hey. Hey.
They definitely called Mom "Lady Cheong Ah" earlier.
That means this is my grandparents' place,
Chairman Yoon Geong Hyeong is my grandpa,
and that annoying bastard is my uncle?
How strange.
She definitely said she doesn't have a family.
Why did she say that?
Get us cold drinks.
Yes, Ma'am.
You came.
Hello, Ms. Im.
My mom doesn't like seeing you and Attorney Jang together, Oppa.
Sang Ah, go to your room.
What did you do this time?
M-Mom, the thing is
That guy who got electrocuted the other day-
I told you to behave until the Chairman comes back!
Gosh, get out of my face.
I'm not even surprised anymore.
Did you get into a fight again?
What's this now?
What's with that reaction?
How suspicious.
Did you steal this?
Is that why you got all bloody?
Is it a limited edition?
Thank you. I'll enjoy it.
Let go of me!
Just stay here.
But I just heard someone screaming outside-
Pretend you don't hear or see anything.
That'd be to your benefit.
My hair.
My hair!
I'll pull out your hair, too.
I'll make you look like a boiled chicken.
Let go! Let go, I said! Let go!
Stop that right now!
What are you guys doing
Mom, she took my keychain.
I asked her to give it back,
but she grabbed my hair like this
and insisted it was hers.
Se Kyeong got it for me from her trip to Europe.
Give me that.
Shut up.
Aren't you going to shut up?
What are you, an animal?
Talk like a human if you are one.
- Mom?
- Shut up.
It's definitely her.
Do I have to repeat the warning?
What are you people, anyway?
Do you skin people and make instruments with it?
I need to check. Move.
Will you behave if I tie you down?
Will you listen to me if I lock you in?
Those eyes.
I told you not to look at me with those eyes.
What are you doing right now?
I think you've been asked to stay in the annex, sir.
Didn't you tell him?
He didn't give us a chance to stop him.
Are you okay?
Are you hurt at all?
Sign language?
What are you doing right now?
Sign language is not allowed in this house.
What kind of nonsense is that?
If you don't let a deaf person use sign language,
how is she supposed to communicate?
Tell me what's going on.
You can tell me everything, Mom.
You must've been shocked by the noise.
I was disciplining her as a mother.
Look the other way because it's our family business-
Discipline? Discipline, did you say?
What I saw today was clearly abuse.
Don't you see this?
Can't you see my hair?
That thing bit her and pulled out my hair.
- "That thing"?
- Yes.
Asking politely doesn't seem to work for you.
We have no choice but to be rude, then.
What are you doing? Get him out of here now.
Let go.
Let go, I said!
Does the Chairman know, too?
Does he know what's going on in this house?
Does he know how his daughter is being treated, too?
Shut his mouth immediately!
I'll tell him everything.
I'll tell the whole world about what I saw, heard, and experienced here.
Could I hear that first?
- Chairman.
- Dad.
I thought you were coming back the day after tomorrow.
You should've let me know if your plan changed.
Are you Chairman Yoon Geon Hyeong?
And you must be our unfortunate guest who got into an accident because of my son.
Let's hear it. It's regarding my family.
I need to know before the world finds out since I'm the head of the family.
[Yeonnam Hospital]
What did they say? Did they say you're fine?
They said I'd be friends with the bionic woman.
How about your head? Did they scan your head, too?
Yes. It wasn't fractured at all. It's totally fine.
They told me to go home tomorrow as planned.
Applaud, Ma Ju.
Are you sure you didn't lie just now?
Geez, why would I lie about that?
I heard the whirling noise in my ears like this.
It felt like I was communicating with aliens.
You don't know anything.
Right, did you take care of what I asked you?
Yes. Bal San will get you discharged as your guardian.
He called the school pretending to be your cousin.
Nice. What a useful man he is.
Right. Please thank your father for me.
Tell him I'll be sure to pay him back for the hospital bill later.
Forget it.
You helped him a lot at the linen shop. He won't take your money.
Walk slowly. Careful.
Where are you going? The restroom?
You should've told me. I would've come to you immediately.
Did you watch the drama yesterday?
Of course, I did.
See? I told you.
I said they must be half-siblings.
I know. What do we do?
It's okay, it's okay.
It'll turn out they aren't blood-related, and they'll end up together.
- Really?
- Yeah.
What a relief.
So relax and take care of your business.
Wow, he's so sociable.
No, don't worry.
People might think you've been here forever.
Hey, hey, hey. Come here. Come here.
Are you allowed to run in the hospital or not?
You're not, Captain.
Yes. Salute!
- At ease.
- Okay.
Yi Seul, what happened to your hair?
I'll braid your hair later.
Come to my room after dinner.
Yes, sir.
Yes, Princess.
You became a soldier, and you opened a hair salon, too. What a ruckus.
By the way, you didn't tell Grandma, right?
I did. She called this morning, so I told her everything.
You want to die, don't you?
I was just kidding.
I told her we were pulling all-nighters studying at our place.
Well done, Cheetah.
Run now.
Going somewhere?
I'm glad I ran into you.
Bal San, you know where Ma Ju's linen shop is, right?
Yes. I've been to Dongdaemun a few times to get fabric. Why do you ask?
Lead the way. I want to stop by there.
Why would you go there?
Yi Chan didn't come home last night, you know.
They said they'll study for the exam together at his house for a few days.
I can't just do nothing when they're caring for him.
I'll give them some side dishes so I can say hello to them, too.
Aigoo, don't bother.
Just stay home.
Ma Ju eats tons of food at the boarding house.
And they're too busy dealing with customers and delivering stuff.
It'd be rude to just show up like that.
You're hiding something, aren't you?
What are you talking about?
You're blaming an innocent man.
It's because I've been having nightmares.
When Yi Chan's late mother shows up in my dream, he's either sick or injured.
Anyway, something must've happened to him.
Why are you just standing there?
I told you to lead the way. What are you, a totem pole?
How am I supposed to go like this?
I need to wash my hair and blow dry it.
Forget it.
I'll go find him myself. Geez.
Gosh, hold on, hold on.
You can't find him alone.
Don't you know how crazy the Dongdaemun Market is?
That's why you should lead the way.
Stop talking and go.
Come on, let's go.
Try not to shake it when you walk.
You're mixing up the food in the container.
Aigoo, you wasted all this food.
Aigoo, you stupid bastard.
You did that on purpose, didn't you? Aigoo, how wasteful.
It wasn't on purpose, Ma'am.
Aigoo, what do we do with this? What a waste
I'm sorry.
- Ha Yi Chan. I did my best.
- Aigoo! How many times did I say not to shake it?
- Have you eaten?
- Have you eaten?
See, Ma Ju?
This is how lonely this world is.
Their frontman was hospitalized, but they won't even show up.
Gosh, I even told them you're going home tomorrow.
How could they be like this?
My gosh.
[Ha Eun Gyeol]
I handed it out in the whole Mapo-gu area.
I mentioned him in the church bulletin, too, just in case.
Why? You should play with a spiritual guitarist and stick with him forever.
You said Ha Eun Gyeol is the only guitarist for our band.
I know.
By the way, didn't Hyeon Yul come with you?
Gosh, he's so disloyal.
What are you doing?
Didn't you hear what they called you?
What happened to his face?
I had a fight with a Jindo dog while putting up flyers.
It was a good fight.
Wow, I'm so touched.
What can you do?
I should do what the frontman tells me to do.
Don't do it.
I'm so grateful-
No. I told you not to do it.
I'll do my best to return the favor for your friendship-
- I told you not to!
- Stop!
- I'll do my best-
- Don't say it. No, don't hit me.
Please help me.
A patient is dying right now.
Who told you that I got beaten up?
It's okay.
They say a humiliating memory lasts as a fond memory forever.
Do I really have to say this myself?
About that legend
of a passionate fight. 10 against 1.
Could you move your dirty hand?
Otherwise, I'll snap your wrist.
A toothpick?
Not a matchstick?
You little punk. Do you want to die?
Hey, teach him a lesson.
It can't be a gun, right?
If you mess with someone who's precious to me,
I won't forgive you, no matter who you are.
And at that moment
Yi Chan!
Yi Chan!
Yi Chan, wake up!
Open your eyes!
I'll die without you!
Why would I die?
S-Se Kyeong.
Se Kyeong, come. Come sit here.
You saved my life.
By the way, I'm not the one who saved you then.
You didn't save me?
- No.
- I knew it.
I knew it was all bullshit-
No, no.
But you took me to the hospital-
Yes, yes, I did. But
someone else found you first and asked for my help.
You could say that she saved your life, I suppose.
Who was it?
She was a student at Seowon Arts High School.
Her name was
Yoon Cheong Ah?
What? Yoon Cheong Ah?
Your friend Yoon Cheong Ah?
What? Yoon Cheong Ah is my friend?
Aren't you close if you exchange concert tickets and letters?
Yes, you're right.
Of course, we're close.
I was wondering how other people perceive us.
I guess I was wondering how you two got close, too.
I guess we find each other easy to talk to.
What? Easy to talk to?
I thought she was hearing impaired.
What? She can't hear?
- What?
- What?
Your visiting hour is over. Everyone else but the guardian should leave.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Give me my Coke.
Is it from bumping into me earlier?
Hold on, hold on.
Where are we going?
Why are you taking me somewhere dark?
She didn't understand me at all that day, then.
Mom had a friend like that? How surprising.
- Well, Se Kyeong.
- Yes?
We'll go eat something tasty. Want to come?
Sure. Sounds good. What should we have?
Really? You're coming?
Anything, as long as it's not spicy. Anything you crave?
I'm hungry, too. Choose whatever you want.
- We'll pick a place, then.
- Okay.
What do you want?
Jjajang. Let's have jjajangmyeon.
Jjajangmyeon? But it's spicy. It has pepper flakes in it. I don't like it.
[Ohn Ji Hwan]
- Jjangmyeon. - I don't want it.
[Ohn Ji Hwan]
I want jjajangmyeon.
How about stir-fried soondae?
- Jjajangmyeon is spicy?
- How about pizza?
I'll buy you pizza.
- Really?
- Se Kyeong, how about pizza?
- What?
- S-Se Kyeong, how about pizza?
- Se Kyeong.
- Se Kyeong.
Where did she go?
Dad, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I tried to set Mom up with another man.
I must've been crazy for a moment. I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Dr. Ohn.
Your car is a LeMans with license plate No. 9125, right?
Yes, it is. Why?
If you give me the car key, I can put your stuff in the trunk.
Ms. Jeong, how's your wound from the surgery?
Pardon? What kind of surgery did I get?
Doesn't it hurt where you got your wings removed?
My gosh, Dr. Ohn.
I'll move them eventually.
But I really appreciate your offer.
By the way, the hospital would feel empty starting tomorrow.
When you become a specialist in the US, make sure to come back to treat us.
Of course.
If you forget about me, I'll be
so upset.
- Promise.
- Yes, I promise.
I'm not sorry at all.
He's such a flirt.
He was quite a player since his youth.
Dang it.
I'm sorry, but you missed your chance to have a pretty daughter named Eun Yoo someday.
Why? Because Mom will marry another man.
I'll make sure that happens.
That man is
no one other than Ha Yi-
Are you sure it's him?
I think that man is
Are you sure?
Gosh, that stupid master.
Why is he confusing me?
Geez, seriously.
If you go back now,
2023 will be much different than when you left it.
Do you still want to go back?
Eun Gyeol?
What's wrong, baby?
It's Mom.
It was a dream.
It was just a dream.
Something like that would never happen.
There has to be a reason why I woke up at Mom's house.
I need to call the master.
The number you dialed does not exist. Please check and dial again.
Why won't you answer the phone?
Why won't you answer it?
Stop confusing me, and just tell me.
- So I'll go after just one guy.
- Is she talking to a loan shark?
Is she a loan shark?
Three days. I'll give you just three days.
You either call me back in three days or put him right in front of me.
or put him right in front of me. Make a decision.
Make a decision.
Or you'll experience the miracle of having your back snap backward. Got it?
By chance
By chance
- does this mean
- does this mean
Mom's first love was Ha Eun Gyeol?
that Choi Se Kyeong could become my mom?
- Is this a fate?
- Is this a warning?
Ha Eun Gyeol?
- Ha Eun Gyeol, right?
- No.
What do you mean you're not? You're Ha Eun Gyeol.
Don't you know me? I'm Se Kyeong. Choi Se Kyeong.
What's wrong, baby?
It's me, Mom.
No, no, no!
You scared me.
What do you mean, "no," exactly?
Give up, Ahjumma.
I can never let you.
Did you call me "Ahjumma" just now?
I'm sorry, but I can never allow that to happen.
I'll make sure to destroy your relationship with Yi Chan somehow.
Oh? Come on.
Let go while I'm asking nicely, Ahjumma!
Shut up while I'm asking nicely, Ahjussi.
- Ahjumma!
- Ahjussi!
I'm not doing this because I like you, okay?
You're 200 times uglier than my dad.
I just need to check something briefly. So be quiet and follow me.
I'll give you a special senior treatment, okay?
Let go of me.
Let go of me, I said!
I'm the one who's giving you special senior treatment.
- Seriously
- Enough is enough.
Where are we going right now?
- What's this?
- What do you mean? It's jokbal.
Wow, it looks amazing.
Wow, it smells great, too.
I followed you since you wanted to check something. Are you telling me to eat pig feet now?
How's living away from home going? Have you been eating properly?
It's not too bad. I eat well, too.
You're done checking, right?
Hold on.
Eat this first.
Just take a bite. Please.
Why do I have to eat this?
Someone's life is at stake.
I beg you.
- Let me ask you one thing first.
- Gosh, seriously.
You can ask after you eat.
Don't you know the saying, "Even Mt. Geumgang comes after a meal"?
- Say ah. Ah
- My life depends on it.
So take just one bite and say it.
Your answer determines someone's, no
I mean a family's lives.
So why do we have to talk about that over jokbal
Go ahead. Go ahead.
You said you're not toying with Yi Chan's heart, right?
You said it's natural for people to change their minds, too.
The jokbal is getting cold.
So, how do you feel about him now?
Do you like him?
Hold on. I need to be careful right now.
I haven't even confirmed yet. If I say I liked him,
it might end up upsetting him.
- No comment on that.
- I won't eat, either, then.
Gosh, what's wrong with you?
We agreed to play it fair.
You should have good manners, then.
Answer me. Then I'll eat.
Eat. Then I'll answer.
Let's just forget about it.
Gosh, are you serious right now?
Ma'am, I'll take this to go.
Ha Eun Gyeol! Hold on.
Hold on. Stop right there.
Okay. I'll let you go.
I'll let you go, so just tell me where you're staying.
Why should I tell you that?
Don't you care about the people waiting for you?
They should know you're okay, at least.
- Yi Chan tried to look for you and-
- I'm warning you.
Don't mention his name to me from now on.
My gosh. Is he a traitor or something?
Did you catch him plotting treason?
I have a place to stay, and I'm eating three meals a day.
I found a job, too.
And most importantly, I need to do something with my life on the line.
Happy now?
Why are you doing this? Are you going through puberty?
Are you angry that the Earth won't move the way you want?
What did Yi Chan do to you that you're acting like this?
I think you're mistaken about something.
I don't hate Yi Chan. I hate you, who's by his side.
I hate you.
You shouldn't have let me say all this.
I'm sorry, Ahjumma.
I have no choice but to do this. I hope you understand.
I'll make it up to you if I go back to 2023.
Gosh, seriously
What kind of crappy situation is this?
Seriously, why would Mom let him treat her like this?
This is bad.
If I get offended, it means I lost.
He hurt me!
Do you really have to go that far?
My grandma told me not to delay thanking someone.
It's the least I can do to someone who saved me.
Are you sure that's the house?
- Yes, I'm sure.
- Shit.
The house you got humiliated after climbing over the fence to see Se Kyeong
and got kicked out for ruining a party. The chairwoman of Seowon Arts High School's house.
Wow, that's a long address.
Yes. By the way, the chairman of Jinsung Instruments lives there.
That means Yoon Cheong Ah is from an elite family.
You don't have to get intimidated by that.
I'm not intimidated at all.
Who's there?
Hello, I'm Ha Yi Chan, who's in 11th grade, Class 3 at Baegwang High.
I'm here because I need to tell Cheong Ah something.
Could I see her for a second?
Hold on a second.
He thought I couldn't do this?
Oh, right.
Thank you.
You saved me.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know.
- Excuse me.
- Yes? Yes?
She says she doesn't know you and wants you to leave.
Pardon? There's no way.
Could you tell her one more time-
She said she doesn't know you.
Please leave now.
Hold on, hold on!
Ring the bell one more time. I'll call the police.
You're going further away ♪
It's a built-in navigator.
You know how far away someone is by scratching your head.
If you scratch the back of your head, it means they're far away.
And if you scratch the front, it means they're almost here.
My dream ♪
It got so close to me that it's blocking my view ♪
It's comforting me, who's inside my tired heart ♪
My song that I had desperately wanted to sing ♪
[Ha Yi Chan]
I'm sorry I made you wait.
Should we have a seat first?
Is Cheong Ah your biological daughter?
The things you saw, heard and experienced in my house.
I'm letting you scream it out here before telling the world about them.
I thought you'd try to expose me. But you're asking a cheeky question.
What are you trying to do?
If she's really your biological daughter,
why don't you let her use sign language?
I mean,
why didn't you teach her sign language?
It's a simple reason.
There's no reason to let everyone know my daughter is disabled
and I don't want them to know, either.
His eyes look sad.
You heard from the Chairman, right?
I'll be your tutor starting today.
Aren't you curious what you'd be learning?
He's being friendly to me.
It's sign language.
You can create sounds with your hands.
My mom taught me when I was a baby.
He's crying.
you can't tell anyone else.
It's a secret between you, me, and Chairman.
So, should we get started, then?
Have a seat here.
I recognized you ♪
If we could've dreamed the same dream and been together ♪
Should I introduce myself first?
My name is Ha Eun Gyeol.
A pure sound.
A pure child.
I can give them all to you ♪
Our little dreams ♪
I'll protect you so you don't let go ♪
Even if I don't ever get to see you ♪
I'll remember you forever ♪
What's your name?
I'm Ha Eun Gyeol.
Ha Eun Gyeol?
You look young. How old are you?
I'm 18 years old.
Your parents must be very worried. Let's contact them first.
My parents are
in another world right now.
Do you mean you're an orphan?
I guess you could say that
for now.
Do you have relatives or adults you could contact?
I don't have any.
Looks like you have no place to go.
Stay in the annex until you recover.
Although it's the weather's fault,
since it happened during my company's event,
we'll care for you until you fully recover.
Of course, you'll be compensated adequately as well.
I'd like to teach your daughter sign language.
You'd like to do what?
I don't need to be compensated.
Let me teach her sign language while I'm staying here-
Are you mistaking our kindness as your right to receive it?
I'm begging you for the sake of her happiness.
Excuse me, young man.
My parents were deaf and mute, too.
But they were positive,
and extremely happy.
they communicate.
With their eyes, hearts, and hands.
Are you claiming learning sign language makes one happy?
It's not just a claim.
No matter what the reason, you're taking her world away by not letting her speak.
You're colonizing her soul.
How grandiose.
So, what's the conclusion of this touching speech?
I want to
give your daughter the world back.
So, she's no longer lonely like a remote island
and be discriminated against for being different.
I want to create a bridge for her.
At home and also
at school, too.
[Ha Eun Gyeol]
Ha Eun Gyeol.
The dagger you threw struck my brain and kept me up all night.
You want to be so uncooperative, huh?
If I can't find out myself, I'll have to spy on you instead.
Yoon Cheong Ah? No.
Yoon Cheong Ah? No.
If she's Mom's friend, she would know.
What Mom's relationship with Ha Eun Gyeol is, and who her first love is.
Yoon Cheong Ah. No.
What's with that car?
He looks like Ha Eun Gyeol
No, it is him.
Huh? It's Yoon Cheong Ah.
Why are they getting out of the same car?
This is what "Killing two birds with one stone" means.
- I should go talk to them for now.
- Hey, hey.
That's Yoon Cheong Ah from Visual Arts, right?
Hold on. Guys. Excuse me.
I'll walk you to your classroom.
What in the world
- What's with his face?
- Excuse me.
Was there a boy like that at our school?
I know. I guess there was.
Yoon Cheong Ah! Ha Eun Gyeol!
It's me, it's me.
Gosh, that jerk. Seriously
The one with a helmet! Stop right there.
- I-I brought them the school supplies-
- No.
What's this?
I thought you got T-shirts made for our band.
The designer, Foot Mountain, made it for us.
I tried to make it avant-garde.
Ma Ju's father sold them to us at the wholesale price.
Ready, go.
Come to Maju Fabric at Dongdaemun if you need fabric.
There's a subsidiary company called Maju Lace, too.
This isn't a band T-shirt. It's a missing person T-shirt.
How are we supposed to wear this?
Why not? You can't even do this for him?
We'll wear this and hand out flyers until we find him. Just know that.
It looks nice to me.
Gosh, it's Se Kyeong.
Someone should put him back in the hospital.
Somewhere he gets locked in.
You have one message
Yi Chan, don't be shocked and listen to me.
What's this? Is she confessing her love to me?
I found Ha Eun Gyeol.
Move, move, move!
I don't know what the story is,
but he showed up at Seowon Arts High with Yoon Cheong Ah.
It's a new beginning, I breathe out ♪
I'll look into it further.
So, you should behave and stay put until you fully recover.
[Choi Se Kyeong]
Erase the times that have already passed ♪
I want you to cause big trouble with me today.
Is he from a foreign country?
Good manners are absorbed into his body like perfume.
Manners, my foot.
He's an orphan.
My dad's scholarship foundation sponsors him.
What? Really?
Gosh. I don't know how he convinced my dad.
I guess he'll be living with us for now.
Instead, he's a resident tutor
and he works as Yoon Cheong Ah's learning assistant at school.
He's basically our servant.
That's right.
My gosh. I guess I'm into servants.
- I understand how the aristocratic ladies must've felt.
- Hey.
Ha Eun Gyeol in 11th grade, come to the chairwoman's office immediately.
Let me repeat.
Ha Eun Gyeol in 11th grade, please come to the chairwoman's office
Someone wants to see me.
I'll be right back.
You don't mind, right?
Choi Se Kyeong.
What are you doing right now?
My gosh, I guess I wasn't a ghost.
Do you see me?
I need to talk to you. Follow me quietly.
It's about Yi Chan.
Huh? What? What?
How far are we going? Just talk to me here.
I'm doing this for a reason, okay?
Tell me right now. I need to go.
What's your relationship with Yoon Cheong Ah?
You said this was about Yi Chan.
Yes, you're right. So, just answer the question.
Did you switch to Cheong Ah from Yi Chan?
How many times did I tell you that Yi Chan and I aren't like that?
That means we're not enemies, then.
Why do you hate me so much, then?
Do I really need a reason?
You do. You really do.
I don't want to be hated for no reason.
Whenever I see you,
I just feel angry.
I'm so angry that I'm about to go crazy.
Are you happy now?
Did you have to ditch Yi Chan? You bastard.
While handing out flyers looking for you,
he got punched in the face, cracked his head, and was hospitalized.
[Come back, Ha Eun Gyeol!]
Everyone at Seowon Arts High School!
We're Baegwang High School's band,
- Fake First Love Memory-Makers!
- What the?
For the students who are tired from studying,
and for your passion and youth
- that will finally get fired up,
- Five, six, seven
I'll play this song.
Something's happening.
One. Two.
One. Two. Three. Four.
[Come back, Ha Eun Gyeol! - Fake First Love Memory-Makers]
Let's go.
Watching the red sunset reminds me of your sad face ♪
I look down. The tears are coming down. ♪
Although I can't say anything ♪
I love you ♪
You mean the world to me ♪
I scream at the top of my lungs ♪
But the sunset is firing up without an answer ♪
I love you, Han Eun Gyeol! ♪
You mean the world to me, Han Eun Gyeol! ♪
I scream at the top of my lungs ♪
But the sunset is firing up without an answer ♪
Welcome, Ha Eun Gyeol.
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
How did you know I was here?
Se Kyeong told me.
Ha Eun Gyeol.
I'm sorry.
I'll work hard from now on.
For the band, my studies, and all the promises I made with you.
It might feel like pouring water into a broken vessel,
but I'll try my best
so it doesn't leak and gets filled up.
So come back.
You're the only guitarist for Fake First Love Memory-Makers.
- Okay, let's do it.
- Really?
You mean it, right? You can't back out, okay?
Instead? Instead what?
Tell me anything. I'll do anything for you.
I don't want you to see Choi Se Kyeong.
Otherwise, we can't work together.
Because I like Choi Se Kyeong.
I love you ♪
You mean the world to me ♪
I scream at the top of my lungs ♪
But the sunset is firing up without an answer ♪
I'm alone on top of the clock's hand that stopped ♪
All the days I've run, all that time ♪
The bright future that everyone dreamed of is in front of me right now ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
Is he the one who confessed his love for me in front of the whole school?
When can I hear your answer?
- What answer?
- Your answer to my confession.
I understood right away when you confessed your love for Se Kyeong.
I'm sorry about that.
Let's be fair and not see Choi Se Kyeong before the festival.
Of course. Deal!
Choi Se Kyeong is coming to school starting today.
That means she'd see Ha Eun Gyeol at school every day.
They're apparently chasing each other already.
Why are you taking it this far?
I had to do this to get Mom and Dad together.
Could you pass that ball only to me?
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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