Two Worlds (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Kram…join me in an Ash Exchange ceremony.
You don’t have to decide now.
I know you have a lot on your mind.
I can wait.
This is beautiful!
Hmm..That’s why I want to bring you here.
I want to take us to another level.
Would you go out with me?
I thought we’re already going out.
Well, then it means….
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Drink lots of water.
Do you have to be somewhere?
Can you tell me why you saved me?
Will you believe in everything I’m about to tell you?
I have come from another parallel world
It looks a lot like this…
but it’s not this world.
In that world….
we are in love.
Hey you!
Oi! Wait!!
You pervert!
Calm down.
Help me, dad! Help!!
He’s not a thief
Who is he then?
That’s Phupha.
That rich kid?
We just don't want to be too close to anyone.
My experiences taught me to keep distance from people.
To avoid getting hurt or stabbed in the back.
That’s how I grew up.
Why are you holding me?
My dad taught me to comfort those in need.
Everything you’ve been through must have been hurtful.
But it’s ok. You can just be yourself here.
Answer me.
Help!!! Phupha.
Phupha. You stay strong! I’m sorry. I’m really sorry
After Phupha died, I crossed over to this world.
I know it’s hard to believe. But if….
I do.
Ever since we met,
I always dream of you.
So that means..Phupha’s memories from the other world are starting to come through?
I’m not sure either.
Thank you.
Thank you for crossing over to this world to save me.
why don’t you go inside?
I’m just…thinking of something.
Can I take you somewhere first?
Hey Jao!!
What the hell are you doing here?
What the hell are you saying?
I said Tai just proposed to Kram.
That’s great news! So you can get over him.
No. I don’t want to.
I don’t want to get over him.
Stop it! Now get up!
Don’t do this!
Let me go. I can use this hand.
Suit yourself.
I’m going now.
Whining Jao.
What did you just say?
Whining Jao.
Whining Jao. How’s that?
You bragger. Now come back! Fuck you.
Why did you bring me up here?
Can you paint for me?
You used to paint for Phupha, right?
Now I want you to paint for me too.
I can.
the one I did for Phupha…
was a nude portrait
As long as it’s you
who paint it.
What’s wrong? Why are you blushing?
Well, it’s a little hot.
Let me see.
Just a bit warm.
You said it was hot.
Your shoulders are a little uneven.
They look fine.
I don't see anything strange.
And your chest too.
Maybe you’re too far away.
So I couldn't see clearly.
How about this?
Close enough?
Feel me.
Feel my heart.
Feel my body
and slowly let it out.
Did I wake you up?
How long did I sleep for?
Not very long after we…..
I want this moment to last forever.
Me too.
Anything wrong?
How is he?
He has “Lumana”.
It’s a type of virus that eats up and destroys his internal organs
He will become weakened by days
with illusions with severe headache.
In the end he might pass out and not wake up again.
Can it be cured?
Bad news is there’s no medicine that cures this 100%
You can only just keep him well maintained.
I have to excuse myself now.
Easy, Kram
Don’t worry.
We’ll find a way to help.
I’ve only heard of it.
Never thought I would be having it myself.
Am I really going to die?
Don’t give up hope yet.
He said there might be ways out.
Anyone knows there’s a slim chance of surviving it.
I don’t think I’ll make it.
Why does it have to be me!!
It’s alright, Kram.
I miss my dad.
I want to see
give him my one last hug.
I would go all the way
with you to the other side.
You might be risking your life.
Why’s that?
Once you cross the boundary,
you’ll hear a squeaky sound that tortures.
Suffering with no solution.
You to death.
How do you know that?
Because I met myself who came from the other side 10 years ago.
Did you have a bad dream?
Not really.
Just go back to sleep. We have to be up early.
I have to get a few things done at Big Slum.
You sure you’re going to be ok by yourself?
Of course I can.
You go ahead. Don’t worry about me.
I’ll be back as soon as I can.
Oh you forgot….
I just dropped by to say hi.
And I bought Kram’s favorite fish porridge.
How did you know it’s my favorite?
After you told me about life on the other side,
memories started flowing through
into my head.
This is why I didn’t tell you in the beginning.
I was afraid you may have gotten confused.
But now I feel like I know you better.
And it’s becoming clearer
how the other Phupha feels about Kram.
Sorry if I sound a little strange.
You should go eat something.
I’ll get going now.
Wanna try it today?
Sorry, Run
You don’t appear yourself these days.
Can I be blunt with you?
Is there something on your mind?
I’ve got a favor to ask.
Are you cold?
Not really.
You should have something hot to warm you up.
Can you come with me, Kram? We’ve gotta talk
Do you like it here?
I’ve been here before.
In the other world, I have a dream of setting up a gallery here.
But I haven't done anything yet.
Too bad he was gone too soon.
But you’re still here…
in this world. You can still make it happen.
I can’t pay you, Phupha.
Don’t worry about it.
I have enough to spare.
No. I’m not into freebies.
If there’s anything I can do in return, just let me know.
How about….stay.
Stay and have your Lumana cured.
Is this why you brought me here?
I’ve done some thinking.
The only way to have you cured, is I have to help.
I’ll set up a medical institution
and do everything I can to save you
I want to take care of you for as long as I can.
Would you stay?
What about Run?
Run is ok with it.
I know it sounds complicated now.
I have a fiance,
you have Tai.
But at least
let me take care of you as a friend.
I wouldn’t want to run away from the truth now.
I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise.
to take care of you for the rest of my life.
Hey!! Enough!
Fuck off!
Where are you going?
That’s my business.
What a loser!
Don’t kid me.
Damn…..just a dream.
What dream? !!
What the fuck are you doing here?
You freakin’ loser.
You were drunk by the river!!
Are you mentally retarded?
If I hadn’t found you,
you would have drowned!!
You saved my life?!?
What the hell’s wrong with you? Are things really that bad??
Just leave me alone.
I really want to know.
Why are you so into him?
5 years ago
Give me the money!
Hey!!! Don't you hear?
I said give me the money.
I….I…I don’t have it.
You don't have money, how to eat?
Just give me what you have!.
Who kicked my butt?
Tai! Sorry. I’m really sorry.
See what happens
when you don’t fight back?
I owe him big time.
I fell in love with him right away.
I know I’ll eventually have to let him go….
just not now.
You should go shower
before you catch a cold.
What about you?
I’ll get going now.
See you later.
I'm going.
Thank you so much.
Saving my life.
Nope. Not paying.
ok. Leaving now.
Safe trip home.
Catch you later.
Don’t die on me.
Wake up Jao. Wake up!!
Jao. Don’t die on me.
Wake up! Wake up!!
Why did you bring me here?
Phupha wants me to hold an exhibition here.
Wow. What a big favor! He’s very generous, isn’t he?
Phupha knows the whole truth now.
He realizes he’s my lover on the other side.
He wants me to stay.
So he can cure me from Lumana.
So it means….
Kram will move in with you?
I know it sounds complicated now.
But at least
let me take care of you as a friend.
I wouldn’t want to run away from the truth now.
But I’ve made up my mind….to be with Tai.
I get it. No matter what, You have my full support.
Just let me know what you need.
I wanna get hold of one portrait.
What’s this?
Just open it.
You haven’t finished it, have you?
I can remember how you look.
If it’s not for that night,
I wouldn’t have been able to do it.
I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time.
And there’s one thing I would regret if I don’t get to do it.
Which is?
Here’s the answer.
Seriously, Kram?
Let’s do the Ash Exchange ceremony.
I knew this day would come.
I knew it from the beginning you two are in love.
The way you look at each other.
It's done.
Thanks, Dueandao.
It’s your day.
Good luck, bro.
thank you all for your presence here today to witness their love.
Ash Exchange is an ancient sacred ceremony.
It is believed that if we exchanged ashes from ancestors of the two families,
the bonding between the two will be complete.
But because you have traveled from afar,
you could hold onto the ash of Tai’s grandmother. And Tai will be holding grandfather’s ash.
And now is the perfect time. Let us begin.
So they say happy times fly fast
It might be too late before we know
I missed the chance to tell you how much I love you
If I said I love you.
If destiny doesn’t part our ways
If you’re still here with me
I wonder if our hearts want the same thing
I don’t want to be in a world without you
Only if I could turn back time. Only if I got to see you one more time
Don’t want to be in a dream that would never come true
Only if I could turn back time. Only if I got to see you one more time
Don’t want to be in a dream that would never come true
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