Ultraman (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

The Beginning of Truth

I get it now.
It was all part of a performance.
You kept this secret from me?
You're pretty good.
Actually, I don't know anything
about this part of the show either.
Quit talking nonsense!
-Hold still!
-You have to hurry!
The newly hired alien
is going after Rena this time!
-You have to do something!
Hey! Stop!
This is my fault!
This is all my fault,
so I have to save Rena!
No, it's not him.
Mr. Moroboshi, is that the third
Thank you very much, everyone,
for coming today.
This has become a real problem now.
I think I'll make your wish
to meet Ultraman come true.
He may be a hero, but underneath,
he's nothing more than a human.
Why don't you see what's under
that suit of his for yourself?
It appears he's aware of our existence.
Let's do this, kid.
Wait, Mr. Moroboshi!
the great heroes
you've all been waiting for have arrived.
There are two
It looks like this next alien
is quite a show-off.
As you wish,
I'll make this a spectacular performance.
You're calling me the show-off?
Yours was quite a showy entrance too.
My entrance can't compare to yours.
No wonder there's two of you.
You guys are pretty weak-ass heroes.
I had prepared some extra tricks for you,
but they won't be necessary.
-What are those?
Now, everyone! Don't you dare go anywhere!
If you make any move to try and escape
You bastard!
The only way to stop
these bombs is to kill me.
So, what will you do,
you two Ultramen?
we'll fight you to the death.
What's with you guys?
Hurry up and kick that guy's ass!
We don't want to die here!
That's right!
Where the hell did that alien go?
Out of the way! Let us through!
Mr. Endo,
isn't that Ultraman?
You annoying prick!
What's this? You certainly look exhausted.
Are you sure you can spend
all your time worrying about me?
All right, how about this?
Cut this bullshit out!
Then how about this?
-Kid, to me!
-Mr. Moroboshi!
Remember this.
I don't need to fly
to soar through the air.
Oh, my! Relying on your buddy
for the talents you lack.
That's quite good teamwork you've got.
You bastard! Take this!
Aren't you
Why the heck are you here?
Ultraman is
I have to
I have to do something.
This is an unexpected presence
on the stage.
Even I wasn't expecting this.
I see what's going on here now.
What have you come here for?
My business isn't with you.
What the hell is wrong with you?
What do you want with me?
I'm here
because you're trying to become Ultraman.
-Save us!
Looks like I'll have to
defeat you both myself.
I wouldn't be so sure you can do that.
Mr. Moroboshi!
Why does this kind of thing
keep happening around me?
Why do even my precious fans
have to be put in danger?
I don't know
what you're fighting each other for.
Just don't get us involved in it anymore!
-That's right! We're not part of it!
-This is your fault!
If you truly are on the side of justice
like you say,
then save everyone here
and don't let anyone suffer!
Oh, my! What a gallant girl you are.
You offer up yourself
to try to unmask those
pretending to be heroes.
Nicely done.
I guess it's about time
that I do my job as well.
Okay, here's a question for you, Ultraman.
What will you do next?
A. Let her die, but save the audience.
B. Let go of that, save the girl,
but sacrifice the whole audience.
As the defender of justice,
which is the right choice?
What am I supposed to do?
Don't you let go of that, dammit!
That's right!
We're only the audience here!
Save us over some dumb pop idol!
Aren't you people Rena's fans?
-Pop idols are just stuff fans buy.
-That's right!
All right. I get it. Well, then
It's time for me to "buy" you.
I'll save you, Rena!
-That's him!
-What's he doing there?
I've been awaiting your presence, Prince.
Dammit! Why?
I didn't want anyone to die!
I will
get you for this!
Hold on there.
What is this?
So, those bombs were fakes.
Mr. Moroboshi!
Why the hell did you do this?
Well, now. What's this?
I guess this means
your business here is through.
-So it seems.
You shall see things through here
until they are finished.
you must come to a full understanding
of the world you have set foot in.
Now then,
I'm terribly sorry for what has happened.
What do you mean by that?
It means this farce is over.
Rena Sayama,
please forgive me for the horrible things
I said to you.
I'm through here,
so you two can put your weapons away.
Are you crazy?
After what you've done, how can you--
I understand why you're angry,
but give me a chance to tell you my story.
I'll tell you about something
that I'm certain you have an interest in.
This is about certain serial killings.
-Mr. Moroboshi.
-Let him speak.
I'm interested in seeing
where he's taking this show.
The perpetrator of these serial murders
that everyone knows about
must have been a huge fan of Rena.
He couldn't stand for anyone
to criticize her,
so he went so far as to murder them.
Are you saying
this alien was the murderer?
If that were true,
then this would be simple.
He had important accomplices.
They were fellow fans
who cheered for her
and also wanted to rid the world
of anyone who hurt her.
Ladies and gentlemen,
let me introduce you
to the ultimate Rena Sayama fans,
as well as the true serial killers.
That can't be
That's right.
They kept ordering this pitiful alien
to commit these despicable murders.
Is that what this is about?
Hey! Mr. Endo!
It's not us!
We just told him to hurt them!
That may be how it was at first,
but the alien who accepted the request
was more passionate about his work
than you expected.
When you realized there could be trouble,
you hired a new alien,
and thought you could pin all the blame
on the prince.
You said nobody would find out!
-Don't pin the blame on me!
-But it's your fault!
-From the start, I said we shouldn't!
Hey! You can continue your squabbling
down at the station.
Police! Hold it right there.
I see.
So, you took the place of the alien
that was hired.
However, I don't understand
why you did this.
Well, on this planet,
you call it a sting operation.
A sting operation?
Let me introduce myself.
I am Adad, an agent
for Immigrant Control
under the Universal Alliance Council.
Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
The Universal Alliance Council?
By the order of the Council,
it is my responsibility to dispose
of aliens who commit crimes.
However, I'd appreciate it if you would
handle the humans who do.
Now then,
it's time for me to bid you farewell.
Rena, are you all right?
Mission complete. Let's go.
From now on,
we can't work in secret.
We have to keep our eye on public opinion.
Let's go.
Have you calmed down a little?
Were you on this case?
Yes. I did what I could to investigate it.
But it didn't help much.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I'm sorry for causing you trouble.
I can't believe
my fans would do such a thing.
It's not possible to know
what's in people's hearts.
that guy
That Igaru guy,
I'm sure he loved you very much.
He tried to protect you to the very end.
That Ultraman did too.
Don't you dare say that name.
But, he listened to what I had to say.
It's true that someone did end up dying
But that Ultraman
tried to save everyone there.
One moment you're happy,
the next depressed.
You sure are busy.
It's only natural that Igaru was killed.
You're satisfied with that, Mr. Moroboshi?
I'm not.
I'll admit,
when you think of the feelings of those
who are hurt or lose someone close,
Ultraman may not be a hero to them.
Even so,
your father fought on all alone
to fulfill the duty of Ultraman.
I know.
But I don't want
to hurt even a single person.
To prevent all casualties
and save everyone
That's the kind of defender of justice
that I want to be.
As usual, you're quite a baby.
that attitude of yours
I don't like it.
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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