Undead Murder Farce (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

The Banquet

The Banquet
Episode Eight
Hey, Blue Hair. Let's call a truce.
We should deal with that pompous
insurance guy first.
Great idea. Do you have a plan?
You get to play the decoy.
I'll set up an ambush on the second floor.
The precious diamond is drenched in saliva.
I must disinfect it.
Yeah, no one said you're
taking that just yet
So why does your advisory security
department hate monsters so much?
There are those like Fatima who
do this out of a sense of justice,
but it's not like we actually
enjoy dealing with you lot.
It sure seems like you do to me!
I'd never touch any of you if I could help it.
Oh, I knew someone like you.
A real neat freak type. Total penny-pincher.
Every time they went out,
they'd stare at the ground,
and go on about bugs, garbage, and filth.
They just wouldn't shut up.
I didn't know what to do with them.
Until one day, that person
got shat on by a bird.
Did that do it?
Not sure what people would think
about Lupin committing murder.
Don't you worry. That won't
be enough to kill him.
I know he's here.
Why can't I hear where he is?
Because I'm the Phantom of the Opera.
Ever since I was sixteen,
I lived at the Opera House.
I built a secret home by the underground lake
twenty-three floors below the surface.
I learned about vocalization and acoustics.
It's impossible to defeat
me in the realm of sound.
That's really not going to help you in here.
My, how ill-mannered you are.
I see no reason to mind my
manners with an enemy.
Are those pure silver bullets?
This is over.
Actually, your punishment
is just about to begin.
What did you
What did I do? Actually, it was you.
Your hand decided to kiss my lips, remember?
I have a unique venom.
If you touch it,
the venom makes you feel numb
and hot as you fall under my spell.
I love blood from girls like you.
But I just had dinner a moment ago
I'll just have to make you my dessert.
Well, that's no good.
There's nothing magical about
killing someone with a gun.
Watson, do you have any more spare bullets?
I'm completely out, too. Do you have a plan?
I'll use baritsu.
Let's have a little chat, Mister Goatee.
You caught my eye as well.
Why do you lot want the Penultimate Night?
They say it's the key to finding werewolves.
Finding werewolves? For what purpose?
Our organization is still expanding, you see.
We're looking for more recruits.
More importantly
Why is the rest of you
below the neck missing?
It was stolen recently, you see.
I'm looking for it now.
Oh! Actually, we might have it
All magic requires something in exchange.
That's elementary, my dear Aleister.
Of course, you have the antidote.
What just happened?
It's been a while, Professor Moriarty.
I haven't seen you since
Reichenbach Falls, Holmes.
What the hell are you doing here?
I could ask you the same question.
Fatima, how could you let a
mere phantom get your arm?
I-I'm terribly sorry!
Are you all right, Reynold?
Your head seems to be split open.
I'm perfectly fine!
Let's take care of the trash
and retrieve the diamond.
The diamond?
Well, this has turned into an even bigger mess.
Found it.
Well, now
We're going to leave now.
But the diamond
There's no way we're going to
get it back from that monster.
Let's go!
I didn't think you were still alive.
I'm personally surprised that the
young lady there is still alive
even if she is an immortal monster.
To think I'd run into the person I was
looking for in a place like this
Do you have history with this man, as well?
He happened to run off with
my body about a year ago.
I just now found out that
his name was Moriarty
But it all makes sense now
Including that initial belonging
to a man, presumed dead,
who headed up a now-extinct
criminal organization.
I see. You investigated me using my cane.
But you have no means of moving on your own.
Unfortunately for you, I have—
Two assistants.
Judging from the state of that birdcage,
the one who carries you is rather careless,
and the other is meticulous.
One of your surviving attendants, perhaps.
The one who carries you must be
a rather talented hired man.
Where is my body right now?
Within my possession.
But I'm afraid I can't return it.
It's a very important sample, you see.
So you're the leader of the organization
Aleister was talking about.
Why have you come back after eight years?
Are you trying to rebuild
your criminal organization?
This time by collecting monsters?
I figured out how to improve it.
I casually took on an apprentice,
but he gave me inspiration.
An apprentice?
A young British man with curly flaxen hair.
He said that he wanted a strong body
and wanted his body to be
combined with a monster's.
He also asked how one conducts
a transplant surgery.
A human artificially bestowed
with the powers of a monster
If it could be done, their usefulness
would know no bounds.
So, I agreed.
And who is this young man?
I'm sure you've all heard of him.
He's the man who pulled off the perfect
crime in Whitechapel eleven years ago.
You don't mean
Jack the Ripper.
Gorgeous gem, isn't it?
They say it's artificial, though.
It's beautiful because it's artificial.
I'm the fearsome Oni Slayer.
The name's Tsugaru Shinuchi.
And you are?
My current comrades call me Jack.
I do hope you'll take it easy on me!
That was close.
Did you use her heart?
Well, it happened to be handy, so
You've got an interesting mind.
Have I met you before?
I can't say. I'm quite the dunce,
so I might have forgotten.
We had our eyes on two monsters:
the oni and the Immortal.
They're both from Japan.
Giving a human the powers of
both the oni and the Immortal
It would create a being that possessed brains,
brawn, and regenerative abilities all in one.
Jack and I headed to Japan.
The oni were about to go extinct,
but I was able to acquire a few of them.
I gathered a group of youths—only those
possessed of great physical fortitude—
transplanted the oni cells I had extracted
into them, and observed their progress.
I highly doubt the youths
you found were volunteers.
I'll admit that most of my observations
were made through iron bars.
The changes were immediate.
Immediately, markings appeared on
the skin along their arteries,
the same color as the oni they'd
received their transplant from.
Their hair and eye colors also changed,
and their physical abilities skyrocketed.
But within a month,
half of them had gone mad.
They just had too much oni in them.
I infused Jack with just the right amount.
How could you conduct such
an appalling experiment?
And then, my oni hybrid was complete.
Next, I needed to acquire Japan's one and
only Immortal, even rarer than the oni.
As for how that turned out
Well, I'm sure you're already aware.
Yes, painfully so.
So you used my body for
these surgeries as well.
The composition of the Immortal's body
was fundamentally different
from other creatures.
Just like the oni hybrid, her body
seemed to be artificially created.
Aya Rindo, did someone do
something to you, as well?
Yes, well About 950 years ago.
But who?
A freak. An absolute freak.
My hat is off to that person.
I was very eager to find out how your
body worked, but I could not understand it.
Still, the Immortal's cells provided
Jack's body with powerful immunity.
The unstable oni cells also
settled perfectly after that.
Which meant
You could add other monsters into the mix.
In order to make Jack even more powerful,
I hunted down a vampire named Ezzelin von
Klatka and mixed in his cells, as well.
The results were magnificent!
His senses and regenerative
abilities became more powerful,
with no accompanying vulnerabilities
to silver, holy water, or sunlight.
Well, now I know why you're
after the Penultimate Night.
You've gotten a vampire, so a werewolf is next.
We're trailblazers, creating the
world's first chimera.
So you now have a human in your organization
with the immunity of the Immortal,
the physical strength of an oni,
and the regenerative abilities of a vampire—
a nigh-invincible monster!
Well done, Holmes's assistant.
A very precise summary.
Your body's very tough.
I can't cut through to the bone!
Flattery will get you bloodier.
Well, I do love the sight of blood!
Then we're going to get along great!
Got you!
My wounds aren't healing.
You really are an oni hybrid, aren't you?
Takes one to know one, I guess.
That's strange. We confirmed that all
the other test subjects were dead.
No, wait
There was one test subject
who escaped after surgery.
So you're Number 9.
Your hair's blue now, so I didn't recognize you.
Ah You're the assistant
who was with the geezer.
Your hair's red now, so I didn't recognize you.
I'm shocked.
I thought you'd die right away
from having too much oni in you.
What are you doing in London?
We've been chasing you lot.
Chasing us?
For what?
Revenge? A cure?
To perform, actually.
We're taking our freakshow overseas!
What a frivolous mind.
It seems I was wrong.
Your mind is of no use to me.
There's no point in lingering here.
You're not going to finish me off?
You're not even worth that much.
I've got a mountain of things to do.
Naughty girl.
You little wench!
I was trying to be gentle and
that still wasn't enough?!
You were terrible.
I don't know how many
centuries you've been alive,
but I'm used to someone who's far
more experienced than you.
You really think you can win with that thing?
Without a doubt.
Then, this time
I'll have to be a little rougher!
Oh, damn it all!
It appears as though Jack
has obtained the diamond.
We're done here, so we'll
be taking our leave.
Victor, Aleister, let us go.
If you're going to rebuild your organization,
we'll just tear it down again!
Ah, I forgot to tell you
our organization's name.
We are the Banquet. We look
forward to seeing you again.
I'm glad that you and Mister Holmes
seem to be all right, Master.
You're an absolute mess. We need
to stop the bleeding immediately.
Where's Shizuku?
I'm right here.
Lady Aya I've returned.
Welcome back, Shizuku.
Are you all right?
I'm fwine
An aphrodisiac venom
Considering how much it's affected you,
it must've been quite powerful.
Are you the only survivors?
I heard that Reynold was
also gravely injured.
I received reports that Lupin and the
Phantom couldn't be found on the premises.
Where could they have gone?
The waterway.
That route opened up once the
water level went down in the moat.
By flooding the basement
with the moat's water,
Lupin also managed to
secure an escape route.
Lupin is a true phantom thief.
There's actually one more unfortunate
thing I have to report
The safe that should've been
in the sunroom is missing.
Geh! I forgot to retrieve it.
Did Lupin take that, too?
Looks like we've been utterly defeated.
May I have your attention, please?
Now, behold!
Damn that little wench!
The next time I see her
For now, let us toast.
We have won the battle for the diamond.
Jack. Well done, my boy.
Now, show us the Penultimate Night.
What am I going to do with you?
I was a pretty rotten kid. I just
couldn't keep my hands to myself.
Here you go, Mister Fogg.
You can have this back.
Ah, thank you.
But how could such a small
gem cause so much chaos?
We might find the answer
If we crack the code.
You mean the poem that's engraved inside?
"The dawn is red as blood.
The sunset is purple as a corpse.
Do not gaze upon my hideous self
as the moon shines down on me,
for there is a wolf inside of me."
I've already cracked that code.
Mister Holmes, please hold the
Penultimate Night up to that arc lamp.
That diamond also contains europium.
That element glows red when
hit with ultraviolet rays.
The Forest of Fangs.
So that's where the werewolves are.
The red-haired fellow was
doing the same thing.
They're going to be a pain in the rear.
That whole lot's nothing but monsters.
Well, you're the renowned
Oni Slayer, are you not?
Seems like they'd be right up your alley.
Welp, you've got me there.
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