Undead Unluck (2023) s01e08 Episode Script


[Anno] The children who survived
by hiding underground
talked about their dreams
to each other in order
to slow the countdown
and prevent themselves
from turning into zombies.
In the town,
Andy and the resident zombies
were working together
to fight against Spoil.
Amid the fierce battle,
Andy notices that
by touching Fuko,
the zombies could be given
her unluck to damage Spoil.
The zombie who used to be
the children's teacher takes
the initiative
and touches Fuko first,
standing against Spoil
and bursting
as a fiery bomb of unluck.
Though sad, Fuko wipes her tears
and accepts her determination.
Spoil transforms into
its second form, phase two,
and unleashes
an even more evil power
of spoilage.
Fuko doesn't flinch even
face-to-face against Spoil,
speaking of her dreams
to overcome the countdown.
Shen's attack is unleashed
in that very moment.
Will it become the beacon
for counterattack?
Wicked, to quote a phrase, Fuko!
And as for my dream,
quite simple!
To be the greatest ever!
[Spoil snarling]
- Mr. Shen!
- Shen!
Don't get too close
or you'll spoil!
I'll be fine, Mr. Andy!
I think I figured it out!
Spoil brought its face up close
to Fuko just a second ago,
you see?
Yet she didn't start to spoil.
My guess is that its force field
is generated around its body.
Since its head left the field,
Fuko was safe.
[Shen] But the moment it draws
its head back in,
its weak point
is no longer exposed.
That's where this artifact
comes in
The Nyoi-Kinko Staff!
- Huh?
- [Shen speaking Chinese]
The Nyoi-bo Staff
from "Journey to the West!"
You had that the whole time
and didn't use it?
[Shen] It's thanks to you that
I figured out I could, Mr. Andy!
[speaking Chinese]
Artifact: Nyoi-Kinko Staff.
Excavated from China,
this bo staff can expand
and contract at will.
[Spoil] Why, you
You expect me to stand here
and take this?
What's going on?
Why is my body approaching you
on its own?
What's happening to me?
Oh, you poor thing.
You wanted to avoid that.
Am I right?
[Anno] Shen's ability acts
on a target
in his field of vision.
It forces the target
to perform the opposite action
it was trying to make.
I can't figure out his ability!
I need to retreat for now!
[Anno] Any conscious thought
that enters the target's mind
Is negated by Shen.
to activate this ability,
a certain condition must
be subconsciously fulfilled
by the user.
The user must become fond
of his target.
How are we supposed to catch
the likes of these things, huh?
Thank goodness!
You're starting to heal!
What do you do after
you weaken it?
[Shen] There should be a core
somewhere within its body!
- [blow lands]
- [grunts]
See, while I'd love
to pluck it out myself,
I'd spoil if I got too close.
If only there was some way
to block his spoil ability!
Keep pushing your luck
and see what happens!
I can't fire?
[Shen] A long-range
disintegration laser.
And for close range,
your spoil ability,
which is stronger
than Mr. Andy's regeneration!
- [gasps]
- [Shen speaking Chinese]
Enough of your games!
I refuse to believe
this ability
This glitch in the system
A mere vessel could never
pull off
a feat of this magnitude
with a simple glance!
[Shen speaking Chinese]
Thanks to your
overwhelming power
I just might be able
to see him at last.
[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
[Fuko Izumo] We need to stop
its spoiling ability?
How are we supposed to do that?
Things start to spoil because
of the bacteria hangin' in
the air.
But those bacteria need
some moisture.
So what if we try to reduce
the amount of moisture in
the air?
All righty.
Guess I'll try settin' off
some more explosions!
Ah, what? 'Scuse you!
Why are you pinching my belly?
Huh? Why not?
It was spillin' right out.
It's not spilling out!
I mean, it is. A lot.
- [smacks]
- [gasps]
I can't help it!
Food has been
tasting good recently!
Shen, you fall back!
I'm gonna nail him with
the gunpowder storehouse!
Oh? So you figured
something out?
- He
- Fell
No way.
I wasn't expecting this.
- [crashes]
- [groans]
[laughing] Fool!
It destroyed the buildings,
and it's using the dust clouds
to obstruct my vision.
A counter to my ability!
[speaking Chinese]
[Shen] Hey, Fuko,
get farther back!
Spoil is up to something!
- Move it!
- [gasps]
I know! How's space?
Space is a total vacuum devoid
of moisture
so nothing would spoil there!
With the organization's UFO
or something,
we could send it up!
But I guess we wouldn't be able
to survive out there, huh?
Space, you say?
Fantastic, yes!
Well, what do you say?
I could lift you
and Spoil up into space
if you'd like, Mr. Andy.
How about it?
But since you'll
be traveling together,
you'll also need
to endure his spoil ability
until you reach
your destination.
Why don't you take that card out
of your forehead?
The old you would be able
to endure it, right?
- [rumbling]
- [Andy snarls]
[Andy] Usually I don't have
enough space for it all,
so I put a cork in my brain
to keep 100 years' worth
of memories bottled up!
Fine, deal.
But first,
I've got some conditions.
[speaking Chinese]
Mui, dear.
Can you pinpoint
Spoil's location from above?
Yes, sir.
It's currently compressing
a mass of energy
behind a smokescreen!
I advise fleeing the are
Just give me its
current exact coordinates.
North 3611, 41.
West 115, 1313.
Well, you heard her, didn't you?
Yeah. I see 'im.
I leave the rest
in your capable hands.
[Andy speaking Chinese]
You better win!
[speaking Chinese]
[both shouting]
[gasps] Isn't that the card
Andy keeps in his forehead?
You mean he pulled it out?
But Andy said if he removed it
he'd go off the rails!
Yes, I'm aware.
But aren't you also curious
to see it?
[Shen] The man who
once traversed countless battlefields,
bringing victory wherever
he went.
I see your plan now.
You think the vacuum of space
will disable my ability.
Right, Undead?
Unfortunately for you,
in this form
I have not only spoil
at my disposal but a beam
that disintegrates anything
it touches.
[Andy] Spoil.
You're strong and righteous.
But even so
No rule, including you,
can tie me down.
[Spoil] Huh?
What is with
that regeneration speed?
[Andy] Right, I'm supposed
to take your core.
Division Bullet.
[Spoil] Each finger regenerated
on its own?
[Andy] Now, then,
let's have ourselves
[Spoil grunting]
A little fun.
[children laughing]
- Master Shen, preparations are complete.
- [Shen speaking Chinese]
- [Shen] Ken.
- [grunts]
If you walk straight from here,
you'll find people
from our organization
who'll be waiting to rescue you.
But Fuko and I can't come
with you.
We still have things left
to do here.
You understand, right?
So, Ken, please protect them.
For just a little while longer,
Do you think you can do that?
[wind blowing]
- Right.
- All: Hmm?
Let's get you away from here.
[all whimpering]
Guys, follow me!
[speaking Chinese]
The Union will have
a watchful eye on them,
and Mui's preparations
are always impeccable.
[grunts] Right.
[gasps] He's here!
[gasps] Andy?
- Fuko, stand back.
- [gasps]
Mui, dear,
we've now secured Spoil's core.
Please beam it up.
[Mui speaking Chinese] ROGER
Hey, what day is it?
It's August 24th, 2020.
Day of the week?
Day of the week?
What are you talking about?
I see.
Looks like they've got
a half decent lineup here.
What is this?
It feels less like his memories
are back
and more like
he's a different person all together.
- [electric buzzing]
- [groans]
You idiot!
You won't get another turn ever!
You've been wasting
your life away.
Just give it up!
No matter what you do,
I cannot die!
Ah, I see.
Uh, huh?
So it's your fault.
External targeter Unluck.
Move it.
Pleased to meet you,
Victhor, the god of Victory.
I don't know who told you
about me,
but my name's Victor.
I'm human.
Not Thor. Not a god.
But I activated my ability!
I even predicted the strike!
I should have parried
that attack!
His strength is unreal!
He's so strong
that each time he strikes,
he breaks his own limbs!
No human is capable
of this kind of attack!
People unconsciously
exercise control
for the sake
of self-preservation.
But not him.
He's broken free of that!
You can react well.
Impressive for someone
with just one life.
Mr. Shen!
[footsteps approaching]
Take that!
What's wrong?
Where's my unluck?
[electric sparking]
So I see.
Mui, relay this message.
[Victor] Using bodily contact
to induce strokes of unluck,
the force fluctuating based
on how much you like the target.
Volcanoes, meteors
How pathetic.
Did you really think that I
would succumb to such
a paltry Rule as this unluck?
Now I see what you were getting
up to while I was locked away.
Give up.
You can't kill me.
"Or what?" That's easy.
If she were to die right now,
would you fall into despair?
Do you hear that, Andy?
At this rate,
this guy's gonna kill me!
There's more!
There's so much more
That we were gonna do
And travel to,
and even fall in love.
There are even greater strokes
of unluck to uncover!
Are you are you gonna let
it all end here?
You have to come back!
Listen, idiot.
Rules are absolute.
- No matter what happens I won't
- Ah!
Maybe not. You see,
back there in
that fight against Spoil,
I saw what human potential
could do.
Well, I lost!
Today was a fantastic day!
[speaking Chinese]
This'll help me get stronger
for sure!
I'd love to duke
it out some more,
but I'm too weak.
So, I'd better hurry and honor
the two promises that I made
to Mr. Andy.
One, protect the brat.
Eight Cycle Mountain Strike!
This is the most stalling
for time that I'm capable
of right now.
And two, I promised to beat you.
- [groans]
- [thuds]
- [glass cracking]
- Huh?
Can't keep that one.
Guess I'll have
to count on you guys.
I must say,
you're one troublesome rookie.
Everyone! It's Andy!
Andy needs help!
Don't worry.
Leave it to them.
We're pretty darn strong.
So ten in total, huh?
Then lets see what you can do.
Parts Bullet Fingers!
Each member
has their own shield?
Hey, morons!
Don't defend! Attack!
We're all ability users here,
so what's the point
in falling back?
These shields aren't just
a defensive tactic.
They're preparing an offense,
Heh, nice.
[electric buzzing]
Not half bad!
Trying to bisect me, huh?
It's no use. I'll just huh?
What's the matter?
Regeneration woes?
Your regeneration rate slows
down considerably when
the cut sections
of you are burned.
I didn't fiddle
with your body experimenting
for ten years for nothing,
you know.
Right, Undead?
Nice weapon you've got.
No doubt it would have been
very effective on your Andy.
But unlike him,
I choose where I regenerate.
So if my body's no good
[bone snaps]
I'll use my finger.
That swing was nothing
but brute force.
You, there.
You're an amateur at combat.
If you value your ability,
keep your distance.
Stay out of this
and I'll spare you from death.
[Fuko gasps]
[Victor laughs]
Shame what happened
to Unchange, but
Now I see it.
You guys are good.
[Kairi Yagi's
"know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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