Unicorn: Warriors Eternal (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Darkness Before the Dawn

This burden
is not yours to carry.
But then
The evil
It is still out there.
Long live Edred!
Aelwulf will be
a great king.
That was brilliant.
Your brother is
in your original body,
and you're still you.
What of the evil?
I will return.
Long live the line!
Long live Edred!
Long live the line!
Long live Edred!
Are you alright?
It is difficult.
I shall never return
to the place of my birth again.
All the memories
from my childhood
my friends, my family
I-I'm sure
you can find a way.
You know I cannot.
The real me doesn't exist
at least not there.
That part of me is gone.
We are
all different now.
This reawakening
has changed us,
possibly forever.
But sometimes facing the past
can unlock a new future.
But what is that future?
I'm not sure, but I won't
fear it the next time we return.
And what if we don't return?
What do you mean?
I mean,
this is not eternal.
If we finally succeed
in destroying the evil,
will we have
a future beyond that?
Do we stay
inside our hosts?
Steal their bodies for
the remainder of their lives?
Die an ordinary death?
Or do we go back
into Copernicus forever?
And what happens
to Copernicus?
I guess I haven't
really thought about that.
Our souls could just vanish
forever, without a trace.
Nothing and no one
to remember us.
All these centuries gone
just like that.
Is that not part
of our duty?
We all knew this would come
to an end someday.
We chose this sacrifice.
And there's no way
to undo it.
What was that?
The evil.
More monsters!
Something is not right.
What are
you talking about?!
I'm not sure, but there's
something about him.
Wait, was that
It's some sort of
shape shifter.
Taking the form
of something truly hideous.
What? No!
You saw him, too.
I didn't imagine it.
It was Winston's face.
But how could that
be him?
Wait, what did happen
to Winston?
What? I don't know.
You didn't take him
to the shore?
What? No.
I-I was with you
fighting that creature.
So you just left him?
What do I care
what happens to him?
Who is Winston?
Oh, yes, from the boat.
Melinda's husband.
They are not married!
Uh, um
does anyone have
something he can wear?
Certainly not!
Thank you.
He's dangerous.
Emma, my love!
I knew I'd find you.
What's going on?
What's happened to you?
it was dreadful.
I was attacked
after he sent me adrift.
She set you adrift!
Well, there I was,
lost at sea.
Alone. Only my wits
to keep me alive.
Then, this --
this strange boat appeared.
I-I-I tried to flag it down,
and there was this
hideous, bloodthirsty creature
and it bit me!
Now every time the moon
is full, it happens.
I lose control,
and I become
just like
that savage creature!
Oh! Hello?
What is th-- What's this?
You were naked,
so Copernicus made you a diaper.
I-I am so sorry.
No, no, no, my love.
It's a gift!
Do you not see?
Now I am just like you.
We can finally be together.
Is that not perfect?
It is terrible.
You turn
into a horrible monster
that does awful things
you can't control.
I can learn.
You can be my teacher.
Together, we can tame
this savage monster,
just like you do.
Nothing will keep us apart
ever again.
No, no!
He cannot join us.
We're not recruiting
new members.
This is not a club.
We're a band of warriors
fighting evil
throughout eternity.
I thought you said
we weren't eternal.
Come, quickly.
What is it?
I received a vision
when Copernicus was restored.
It led me to a place far away,
deep within a jungle.
There, I discovered a man
creating something terrible.
The evil was lurking
inside him.
Who was it?
A man named
We were on his floating ship.
- But how could he
- What?!
We fought a perilous battle
aboard that ship,
but the evil's magic
was too great.
I couldn't contain it.
Where is he now?
He is still there.
That is why you must come
at once.
Quickly, before it escapes
once more!
Well, what about Winston?
What about him?
We can't just leave him here.
Well, we're not taking him
with us.
We have to.
Especially now that he's
this way.
What way?
He turns into a dog.
A dog?!
I am a powerful creature
of the night.
And I'm just as strong as you,
as fast as you,
I even have pointy ears.
Just like you.
You are not like me!
You're not like any of us!
There is no time for this!
Come on.
What happened here?
Something sinister.
The Rakshasa!
I am not your enemy.
I bear no grudge
against you,
oh, great and mighty,
I know you as well.
Gray robe, silver hair,
wielder of magic --
wizard of the cosmos.
Yet, you invade my domain?
Perhaps you are in league
with the others.
The ones who defile
this sacred ground.
I am the enemy of those
who would seek to do that.
The vision of an unspeakable
evil brought me to this place.
I seek to destroy
its dark magic.
I know this dark magic.
It is draining the very essence
of life from our ground
to create all manner
of metal monstrosities.
It is killing this land.
It is an evil that my people
have struggled against for ages.
It must be stopped.
It might cost us
our very lives.
A price
I am willing to pay.
So be it.
Then there was a fight,
and so forth and so on.
And here we are.
Wait, what?
That's it?
- What happened to the Rakshasa?
- And Otto's ship?
Yeah, how did it crash?
We can waste no more time
on this.
The evil survived
and is here -- now.
Lurking, waiting to
destroy us all.
We must find it.
Melinda, you
You -- You will search
the wreckage with me.
We must not let it escape.
Winston should
come with us, too.
No! Just you.
The others will split
into pairs.
you go with Copernicus.
Certainly not!
Why don't I just go
with Winston?
It's better that way.
Why can't he go
with Merlin?
Maybe they can find
a spell to fix him.
I prefer to go with Emma.
You're not going anywhere
with her.
That's not your decision,
Your Highness.
Oh, will you both stop?
We are wasting
precious time.
Melinda will come with me.
You two
will search together.
This is really shocking.
Such an elaborate plan.
We were right there
on his ship.
He could have attacked us
any time he wanted.
Instead, he used the fox
as cover?
Perhaps he did not want
to reveal his true nature yet.
I didn't see it coming.
Deception is the evil's
greatest weapon.
That is
why we must stay alert.
What was it
we were looking for?
A person?
Y'know, really,
I-I should be thanking you.
Had you not set me adrift,
I would not have been bit
by that thing.
Or become
something like you.
And now I can
finally be with Emma.
Oh, no, sweet prince.
I have checked that area.
Perhaps you can search
over there.
You are not our leader.
Well, someone has to be.
Uh-oh. Someone has
heightened senses.
what happens once Melinda's
spirit leaves Emma's body?
I mean, what if she doesn't want
to be with this version of you?
What do you mean?
You know this is
not permanent, right?
Once we finish our duty,
Emma will go back to being
a normal person,
but now, you
well, hm
let's just say that a werewolf's
curse lasts forever.
Do you think Emma will
still want to be with you?
You know nothing!
Emma and I have loved
each other since childhood.
Melinda and I have loved
each other for ages.
Our love dates back
to a time before time.
Not your little
childish crush.
You could never understand
the gravity of our love.
Well, it is such a pity
she seems to not remember
that love
or you.
Yet, Emma and Melinda
remember me.
You are lucky
I'm holding myself back.
You do not have
to hold back
any longer.
Father, do you think
you can use a spell
to remove Winston's curse?
He is Emma's fiancé.
And it's not right that
he's become a werewolf.
It's our fault.
Is everything alright?
All is not what it seems.
What? Wait.
A body?!
Is that Otto?
But then
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