Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8
Excuse me, Melik Hadrath.
I don't know what I'm doing
because the of pain of my son.
Because you've
brought him here
my heart overflew with emotions
and I couldn't control myself.
Don't you worry.
I'm the one who is grateful to you.
My mother died when I was so little.
You let me feel the compassion
of a mother I've never felt before.
From now on, you can
also consider as your son.
My son. My son.
Thankfully, you've opened your eyes.
Melik Hadrath.
What are you doing here?
We've never left you alone, Sencer.
Thankfully, we were able
to find and bring you here.
We are proud of you.
You made such an effort.
We fought in the same war.
We are companions and
brothers in the war now.
Let me get some water from the well.
Could you find the sacred relics?
My Tapar.
My first love.
How much you've grown up.
You've become a strong brave man.
You've brought your brother by
taking him from the hands of death.
I can neither hug you
to my heart is content
nor I can tell you the longing
I've carried for years in my heart.
Nevertheless, I've seen you before I die.
Thank Allah.
My son! My son!
My son!
Is he going to be healed?
Tell me brave men!
He'll be healed, mother. Don't you worry.
My son! My son!
Let me come with you. I'll
use any healing I know for him.
My Allah.
You bestow Sencer to us safe and sound.
Oh my Rab.
This is the trader who came to the tribe.
No one will be able to
take you from me now.
Where is Tuma?
I don't know, Emir Hadrath.
They killed my soldiers in
daylight, in my own lands.
If anything bad happens to my
daughter, I will burn the whole world!
If there is something you know, tell me.
Tuma might be in deep trouble.
They said there was someone wounded,
she was going to go to Kinik Tribe.
That tribesman again!
Now even Nizamulmulk won't
be able to save you from me!
Move, we are leaving
- Peace be with you
- Peace be upon you.
What kind of sword are
you forging, Aydogdu?
Sencer brought the ore of this iron
years ago, from the heart of Karadag.
He told me
"If there is a need for it one day,
forge my sword and shield from this ore"
Now is the time. He will wake up strong
as a black iron, and sharp like a sword.
And this will be his symbol.
Then let's all contribute
to the forging of this sword.
This sword will be a symbol
that gathers us around Sencer.
Come on then brave ones, O Allah!
O Allah!
O Allah!
O Allah!
O Allah!
- O Allah!
- O Allah!
Mihail took the sacred relics.
He was the one that threw me off the cliff.
I need to find him.
Don't get up.
You just opened your eyes.
Don't worry.
I will go after him.
He might have a connection with Kuvel.
He has connections in Isfahan too.
It won't be enough with
just you going after him.
I need to track him down too.
What are you doing?
You just got healed.
If Mihail has a connection with Kuvel,
we will look for traces in border tribes.
Don't worry, he won't escape these lands.
But you should rest now.
Wait for news from us.
Excuse me.
Melik Hadrath.
You told me that your mother
died when you were a child.
And you told me that you found
the warmth of a mother in me.
Whenever you need the
kind touch of a mother
you are welcome here.
May Allah make your path easy.
I saw your brother with my eyes.
And he saved you from
death and brought you here.
I beg you
don't get up until
you are healed, son.
Now tell me Hasan Sabbah.
How did you determine the
ones that tried to start an uprising?
My Sultan, if nothing bad was going on
I thought the community
would riot altogether.
That was my lead to the troublemakers.
Are you the only cautious one
that only you saw it?
Of course not.
But since I am an ambassador
I've seen these kinds of
games in cities I've been to.
I've gained experience for this reason.
What kind of experience is this
that you found the troublemakers
like you knew where they were, Sabbah?
Hace Hadhrat
there were people in the community
that whistled stuff and
worked up the community.
When the soldiers came,
they got away from the locals.
Then, I knew that their plan
I was to make the locals
and soldiers face
each other and get away.
So they will get what they were after.
When I followed them
I saw that the
troublemakers met in secret.
I knew I was on the right
track and I reported it.
What you did
served to the state's sharp sword.
One day, you will reap the benefits.
You deserve our appreciation.
Be cautious at all times.
People we don't know
are doing stuff without us knowing.
Just like it is with Hasan Sabbah.
The enemies we are not aware of
get our most private
information and play with us.
There might be a lot of plans against us
but there is only one
hand controlling the rope.
And the only goal of that hand
is to destroy us.
And what are you doing, Hace?
My Sultan
Your men should have exposed the
troublemakers when we were away from Isfahan.
The fire and the riot.
There is a plan inside a plan.
Start solving this knot immediately
or these issues will get a lot of heads.
Are your wounds hurting?
Your food is a medicine
for me, my dear mom.
Can I come in, Basula Hatun?
Come in, Korkut Bey.
Hemedani Hadhrat and I were
wondering about Sencer's situation
Don't worry, son. You were
heavily injured when we found you.
Thank Allah you came too.
You have such healing hands
that my body was cured.
You have such wisdom
that my heart was cured in my dreams.
What made your sick in the first place?
There was a sanjak
with Shahada written on it.
there was a sword
.that was the symbol of justice
that separated just from vanity.
There was a robe..
that showed the signs of
holy war for the will of Allah.
How nice it is that you get to
see these signs in your dream.
I'm glad that I could
help with this fortune.
Luck and health comes from Allah, son.
May Allah bless you.
We were tricked.
I was thrown off a cliff
so the breath we take is to be
worthy of what we saw in the dream.
Allah is the best of planners
The cliffs brought you to
the edge of life, not death.
Now, we find consolation with your life.
Isn't life a consolation
from start to finish?
Everyone finds consolation with something.
Some with having a rank,
some with temporary enthusiasm,
and some with revenge
to cease their anger.
The consolation for a believer is in
no other thing but Allah's approval.
Life depends on heart.
And heart depends on love.
The thing that will make
you get healthy is love, son.
The love of not reaching the consent of
Allah and glorifying the Sanjac of Allah.
May your comrade be Hak
Nebi, and may Allah help you.
We'll go now.
May I come in?
Come in.
Welcome, brothers.
Thank you.
Have a seat.
How are you Sencer?
I'm better now that you're here.
You can not go anywhere without a sword.
You found the gem of these swords,
and we processed them with our hearts.
May the road reach Allah.
Every sword swinging for
Alllah's sake is a Zulfiqar.
It is the duty of all of us to eliminate
those who disperse our unity with strife
and to cut off the hands
that try to harm our religion.
It was impossible for Elcin Hatun
to know where Kilicarslan was.
How did this information
reach Terken Hatun?
I don't know anything, Head Hatun.
I don't understand these.
The information that didn't
reach me, reached Terken Hatun
Maybe you told Elcin
Hatun where Kilicarslan was.
I'm a poor maid.
The truth will definitely come in sight.
What will happen to you then?
You will be kicked out of the palace.
You know what happens to those
who are kicked out of the palace.
Nobody gives them
neither shelter nor house.
Please don't do this,
Head Hatun. I beg you.
The investigation won't
be done only on you.
The truth will come
in sight sooner or later.
I'm giving you time until tomorrow.
When you appear in the presence of
our Sultan tomorrow, tell what you know
so that things you
fear don't happen to you.
Turna was here, too.
She worked very hard for you, she
treated you with her healing hands.
Did she come to the tribe?
When she saw you injured,
she was devastated with sadness.
Where is she now?
She went to gather herbs for you.
I don't know why she hasn't returned yet.
Basulu Mother!
Come in.
Very bad things happened, Basulu Mother.
What happened, Gulperi?
The Alps who went with Tuma
Hatun were killed in the forest.
What about Tuma?
Merchant Mihail is the
one who killed the Alps.
He kidnapped Tuma Hatun.
I saw it my own eyes.
Sencer. Sencer, stop please.
You've just escaped death.
You aren't still powerful enough.
Our Alps can go to find Turna.
It's not the time to worry
about my life, mother.
Before saving Turna
before taking my revenge,
no mountain can hold me down.
That dagger is flawed.
I put it there to try you.
And you proved you are
unreliable immediately.
What did you expect?
Should I submit to an idiot like you?
Such a shame.
If you thought like
that, you ere an idiot
Do you know what I exactly think?
You will be mine
whether gently or by force.
I'd rather die.
They must have already gone after you.
Soon, you'll pay for all the thing you did.
By who?
Who will make me pay?
He is the one who is in your heart.
Isn't he?
However I mangled and threw him
I'll remove the seal he
put on your beautiful heart
by cutting it out.
He is a brave warrior.
And you are a miserable coward.
Sencer will be healed.
And he will let you live
in the hell you deserved.
You think he is a hero but
when I take the sacred
relics to the emperor
you will see that I'm the real here then.
And I'll spend the rest of my life
by owning you. I promise.
You are beautiful as it is.
Why have you stood up?
It's not the time to stop, Bozkus.
Turna Hatun has been kidnapped.
The one who kidnapped her and the one who
stole the sacred relics is the same person.
I swear I'll find them.
I'll cut the dirty hand of the heathen
This sword won't be sheathed until I'll
make him pay for everything he did.
Prepare the horses right away.
You tribesman!
You tricked my daughter and
brought her to this tribe again!
Controle your anger, Ilteber.
Why should I?
A soldier that was protecting my
daughter in Selemzar was murdered.
And you did that!
Watch your tongue
I have nothing to do
with your dead soldier.
You are still denying it!
You are crossing the line!
Do you know what will drawing
that sword bring upon you?
Hace didn't want those
Batinis from you out of thin air.
This brave one is our soldier too.
And the Sencer everyone
is looking for is me.
The sword you draw
against me next time
will strike you down
first, know that well.
Turna Hatun came here to heal me.
If that's the case, where is she now?
She is kidnapped.
What are you saying?
Who did that?
Someone called Mihail.
He is behind everything.
He might have killed your soldier too.
I'm going to find him
and shred him into pieces!
He might have a connection with Kuvel too.
His hand reaches everywhere.
Then I'm going to
attack Kuvel if necessary!
I'm going to burn down the
whole world for my daughter!
You won't act without
caution, Emir llteber.
Or Turna Hatun may die.
Who do you think you are that you are
telling me what I should do for my daughter?
If Tuma didn't come here,
she wouldn't be kidnapped.
It's because of you!
I'm not going to let the
enemy get away with this.
If anything happens to her.
I'm going to burn down
your tribe with you inside it!
If I'm being patient with you now
know that it's for Turna Hatun's sake.
But if you come to
this tribe like this again.
You cannot leave alive.
Anyone entering the lair of
a lion risks getting torn apart.
My Sultan.
Tapar, how is Sencer?
He is fine my Sultan, I brought
him to his mother with my own hands.
Who took the sacred relics?
He told me that it was a
Byzantine merchant called Mihail.
And he said he has connections in Isfahan,
and can also be connected to Kuvel.
I want to hold the Kuvel
borders and look for Mihail.
Sencer wanted to go after
him too, but I told him to rest.
Sencer won't sit down and wait,
if he put it in his mind, he will do it.
Start asking about this merchant
called Mihail in Isfahan, Nizamulmulk.
Call the heads of the border tribes, they
should increase security on the borders.
And make a blockade around Kuvel borders.
That man won't be able
to leave these lands.
I kept one of my promises
by finding Sencer, my Sultan.
By finding the sacred relics, I
will have kept the other one too.
You will for sure.
Don't keep your head down.
Now, walk tall.
And do what's necessary
when you find a track.
Seferi Hatun caught the
most vulnerable side of
Fridevs to make her
talk, she threatened her.
Fridevs knows all of
our secrets, Taculmulk.
We have to stop them from
making her talk at all costs.
Give me the order and she won't talk again.
Besides, if Firdevs dies, we
will get the suspicion on us.
I haven't discarded her yet.
We have to find another solution.
We are running out of time, Terken Hatun.
By throwing Firdevs in the dungeon
Seferiye Hatun undermined
my authority in the palace.
Sultan Meliksah won't let his
Hatun's authority get undermined.
This merchant Mihail has
done things bigger than himself.
First, what he did in Kinik Tribe
then being involved in the sacred
relics has made us run out of patience.
Mihail is just a merchant.
How can he do such things?
Maybe someone who used his name did it.
You don't realize the
magnitude of the situation
Sahbender Dukas. That issue
hurts many people, including you.
You know that I am an ambassador.
I have told what I know.
But I cannot stand being threatened.
If I went to our Sultan
and told him Sahbender
Dukas won't side with us
..and he kicked you
out of Isfahan
your reputation would be destroyed.
You would also fall out
of favor with your emperor.
What does that mean?
It means that
if you are not willing to help us
everything that I
just said will come true.
even if you don't know
where Mihail is, you will find him.
I sent him to your
caravanserais before. But now
if I sent a messenger, it would take
him at least two days to come back.
Then I'm expecting news in two days
or know that I will chew you up.
Cherish this, Ebu'l-Kasim.
Meliksah has been plotting
for years to get into this room.
What was so urgent, tell me.
Tapar is looking for the
sacred relics everywhere.
We have to use this opportunity well.
We will plot against him so good
that both of us will benefit from it.
We need to bait him towards
the rebellious tribes in Anatolia.
That way, Tapar will think the
tribes are coming onto him
and go into war mode.
When the rebels kill Tapar
every tie between him
and Meliksah will sever.
And I will fortify my
command over Anatolia.
You are very smart, Ebu'l-Kasim.
So, send news to both Tapar
and to rebellious tribes separately.
They need to fight against each other, so
that we can hit the hardest blow to them.
Wear merchant clothes immediately.
Tell Tapar's messengers that you found traces of the
Byzantines in the direction of the Anatolian tribes.
Then tell their Bey that Tapar is coming.
Make them think Tapar is coming
for them so they will fight each other.
As you cammand.
Wait here.
You won't do anything to Dukas.
I said what was required. The news
about Mihail will arrive in two days.
What two days are you talking about, Hace?
Cruel Mihail came to our tribe.
He stole the sacred relics.
And now he kidnapped Turna.
We can't wait.
The soldiers are everywhere. The
only place he can go is Constantinople.
We have sent our men there,
too. He can't leave these lands.
How do you know that he
would go to Constantinople?
What if he goes somewhere else?
Are you going to put men on
every road all over the world?
I can't waste my time waiting,
Hace. Get out of my way.
Pull yourself together!
I told you they would
use that girl to trick you.
They will hit you with
your weakness, Sencer.
Why are you still insisting?
Turna is not my weakness.
She is my honor.
She was here for me. She was
kidnapped in my tribe by my enemy.
I must save her.
You can't do anything to Dukas.
The state order requires this.
State order is your job.
If I damage it, you will fix it.
You're telling me to be a
pigeon when I should be an eagle.
I will no longer hide my claws
for your politics, Nizamulmulk.
It's not about you or me.
Everyone will do their duty.
Then do your duty!
You are the Hace of this state.
And I am the Melik.
You can't stop me.
Know your limits! How can you say this?
I am not your soldier anymore.
Do you want to stop me?
Send your soldiers, then.
See if they can stop me.
If you break my word, it will
cause us to part our ways.
What will you do without me?
I am not a pigeon to be kept.
I'm an eagle.
You know that eagles fly alone.
You look like a good person.
Let me read your fortune.
What are the news?
Sencer didn't die.
Apparently he doesn't have the relics. They
would bring them to the palace if he did.
Where are they, then? Who has them?
I don't know for now.
But Melik Tapar has
already begun to search.
Sencer will definitely , start searching.
I notified Rustem. We will
follow Sencer's every step.
Only with this method can we
find out who has the sacred relics.
Shall we tell this news to Head Dai?
So that he could prevent us from
finding the sacred relics this time?
When we seize the sacred
relics, he will definitely know it.
You will gain a lot of power, my Bey.
A lot of power!
The world will go down on your knees.
What is that man talking about?
Nobody is in there.
Apparently, Nizamulmulk has a plan.
What plan?
He sent Dukas away beforehand.
He wants to solve this with politics.
But it's not something to be
left to someone's political choice.
I know where I will find Lucas.
If Nizamulmulk did that, he
must have known something.
I What do we do without him, Sencer?
The path I walk carries the risk of death.
If there is anyone who worries about
his life, he can follow, Nizamulmulk.
I need brave men who
follow me unconditionally.
Your road is our road, Sencer.
We are always with you.
Let's go.
Whoever they are looking for
he will be the key
leading to the sacred relics.
Commander Andreas.
He blockaded our borders
And the Seljuk guardians question
every trader who comes and goes.
Obviously, he suspects
that we got the sacred chest.
The sacred relics must
be kept without any harm.
I need to deliver them all safe
and sound to the emperor.
Or he will destroy me because
of the death of Theodor.
Send words to Yorgos.
Don't let him take the chest to Kuvel.
As you command, sir.
When the rebel Beys lure
Tapar into the trap and kill him,
I'll see what you do, Meliksah.
They'll break each other
and I'll break the blockade
you made upon my borders.
We are close to the
borders of Kuvel. Be careful.
Did you send pigeons to the
messengers beyond the border?
We did, Melik Hadrath. They
know we are searching for traces.
Whistling arrow.
Obviously, a messenger beyond
Mfr the border is looking for us.
Let's bring out our position!
What's up, messenger?
Is there important news?
We've learned there is a
Byzantine troop, Melik Hadrath.
The trader who let us know saw them.
He said they were few in
numbers but good soldiers.
They were carrying
important goods with them
Which way were they going?
To the direction where
the Anatolian tribes are.
The important goods with
them might be the sacred relics.
Obviously, they are taking
it to the Constantinople.
Spur the horses!
We are going towards Anatolian tribes!
I made the necessary explanation to you
about the matter of Elcin Hatun, my Sultan.
Yet, Seferiye Hatun withheld my
servant, Fridevs about this matter.
This is an open insult.
Whatever suspicion she has about me,
let her say it in front of you.
Your Hatun's reputation is being damaged.
Don't you ever consider it?
Why does Terken Hatun panic this much?
If she is innocent, it will
be revealed tomorrow.
Doesn't she trust the
Head Hatun or you?
It's not about the trust
but reputation, my Sultan.
Don't you trust me that you
are coming down on me,
even though I made the
necessary explanation to our Sultan?
Seferiye Hatun was so close to Elcin Hatun.
I revealed the treachery
that she should have revealed.
Is this my crime, my Sultan?
Is that why you are coming down on me?
I also told you to deepen
the investigation, Terken.
As for your reputation.
Your reputation is my reputation.
justice is more
important than reputation.
Everyone will tell whatever
he knows in my presence.
And we will take our
decision accordingly.
Save him
Hatun Ana, save my child
Hatun Ana..
Since the day I arrived,
you never loved me.
You turned me down at
the time I was devastated.
I stayed silent when you didn't let me
be Head Hatun, although I deserved to be.
As much as I stayed
silent, you pushed me down.
And now you want me to end me because of
the Elcin Hatun matter, in which I'm right.
But I'm not going to let that happen.
The Terken you can step
up over is no more now.
Put this liquid inside the oil lamp.
After the oil lamp is lighted, it will
take the ones around it under its effect.
And they will lose
their mind slowly.
No one would want to keep
someone crazy around them.
You made me do this.
Why did you bring me here?
Now you are like a sparrow.
The eagles that know the location
of your nest, might want to hunt you.
That's why, until the Mihail
matter is solved, you will stay here.
And do not let anyone
learn about your new home.
Did you think I wouldn't notice that you would
change Dukas' home to keep him away from me?
If we try to kidnap him in daylight,
we might have to spill blood.
That's why we are going to wait for night.
Where did Beys go after gathering the alps?
If enemies were coming, we would know.
I don't know my lady, I couldn't
learn no matter whom I asked.
Can I come in, Elcin Hatun?
Come in.
Our scouts sent information.
Melik Tapar is coming towards here.
And he has soldiers with him.
Why is he coming?
Did they learn?
If the Beys departed quickly like that
they might have gone to fight
after learning Melik Tapar is coming.
And that's why they didn't inform me.
If something like that happens
We need to inform Sultan Meliksah first.
We are going to act according to
the answer that comes from him.
We need to send a private letter to
Meliksah, one that only he can understand
If it gets into someone else's hands
it will make things harder for us.
Why are you sulking,
sir, who made you mad?
Are you mad at me because
I spilled the ink this morning?
Of course not, why would I be mad at you?
Let me give you a secret,
but don't tell anyone.
When I was a child, I
spilled a lot of ink too.
But today, the things I write become
healing words and they are in the books.
Learning from your
mistakes is the real talent.
Then does what you read make you sad?
Now you guessed it right.
But wouldn't books bring happiness?
Not all written books are healthy.
One thing we're responsible of is to separate
healthy and poisonous books from each other.
Then do not read it, or
you will be poisoned too!
Don't worry.
We need to know about the poison
first, so we can make an antidote.
Everything exists
with their contrasts.
Just as you need the
night to know the day
you have to know the
wrong to write the right.
I'll explain this to you with an example.
Let's say there is
a pouch of gold.
But there are
..fake coins among them.
In this case, who will we need
to distinguish the real
gold from the fake gold?
A goldsmith.
Exactly. Just as we need a goldsmith
to distinguish the
real gold from the fake
we would need wisdom to
distinguish the right from the wrong.
Teach me, sir. I want to be like you.
Be patient, little teacher.
To have wisdom, one
has to know himself first.
You can read mountains of
books but it wouldn’t help you
if you don't know yourself.
You will find yourself here.
You'll see which science
you are interested in
then the doors of that science
will open wide for you.
I searched the Batini
neighborhood per your order.
I've collected the malicious works. .
From now on, Batiniyya is
forbidden in Seljuk lands.
I want their neighborhood cleared quickly.
If they try to mix themselves
with the people, punish them.
The real reason I'm before
you is my daughter Turna.
A man named Trader Mihail has
kidnapped her from Kinik Tribe.
Sencer is after him
but I'm asking for your permission.
Give me the permission that for my daughter, I
can raid Kuvel if it's necessary.
My Sultan, as you ordered, I asked
about Trader Mihail to Sahbender Dukas.
He will give us the necessary news
and we have shut down the borders.
And get your mind together, llteber.
I understand your rage as a father.
But if we raid Kuvel without making sure
we will be the guilty party.
Our pact with Byzantium will end.
We cannot be involved in such action
when Anatolia is' still in conflict.
For this reason, you do
not have my permission.
What about my daughter, my Sultan?
Will I sit on my hands?
He not only has your daughter
but also the sacred relics.
I've sent searching parties,
including my son Tapar.
Wait to hear from us, be patient.
Your daughter
is our daughter too. Don't worry.
As you wish, my Sultan.
I don't want it.
Get away from me.
I know you are angry at me now
and I understand.
But when we are away from here
I will treat you very well.
Come on.
Drink some. Don't torture yourself.
Every moment with you is a torture to me.
I'd rather die of thirst.
We have news from Kuvel, Yorgos.
Seljuks has blocked their own
borders and the castle's borders.
Commander Andreas told
you not to go back to the castle.
I'm here.
This must be the girl
we're looking for. Move.
I'm here!
Give up. You can't run.
Who said we would run?
You will be trapped in all directions.
Sencer will find you soon.
Nobody will be able to save you from him.
They will think that I
will go to Constantinople.
They will put men to
those roads, you are right.
But we will do something they can't guess.
My Sultan. The messenger of
the Caliph Muqtadi Hadrath came.
He brought you a letter.
Send him in.
From the Caliphate of Muslims Muqtadi Hadrath to
the commander of Muslim armies Sultan Meliksah.
Read it.
Sultan Meliksah who is merciful to the oppressed,
and scares the oppressors with his power
We pray for the Seljuks
who is the protector of Islam.
we heard that remaining
sacred relics from Fatma Mother,
who was the precious
of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
were taken by the mischief-makers.
This disaster has grieved us and
all the Muslims in the Islamic tribes.
But you are our hope.
All the heart broken Muslims are waiting
for your good news as soon as possible.
May Allah make your sword sharp,
make your power last and bless your life.
Host the messenger
properly until he leaves.
Then they will go to their way.
Every moment we can't
find the sacred relics
is torture for us.
There are six men in front of
the house and two on the roof.
You all know what to do.
Let's go.
Bozkus, wait outside and set an ambush.
Come with me Arslantas.
You go that way, Arslantas.
Where are you going when
you haven't spoken yet, Dukas?
I am a friend of your father.
I'm here to talk to him.
You go to bed, son.
Go to bed, son.
You are a coward who
can run by leaving your son.
Tell me where Mihail is.
I don't know.
I know the way to make you remember.
Have you remembered?
Have you remembered?
He went towards to the
south the last time I saw him.
I need to know where he is now.
In the forest.
He is in the fir forest.
Around rocky place.
I'll go where you've told me.
But you will also come with me.
I've learned where they are.
We need to go immediately.
Move. We'll barely
arrive there in the morning.
My Rab.
You are the one who has the real power.
While we were
just a community without land
you let us become a world state.
You honored us with the
leadership of the Islam world.
Our cause doesn't only aim to conquer.
It's the cause of protecting
the dignity of Islam world
..and its blessed life with it.
Don't let us be ashamed
on this road, my Rab.
Let us take the relics
of our Fatima Mother,
as soon as possible.
there is a treachery
both inside and outside.
Let us have the foresight to
let us separate right and wrong.
In the road we have set
out for your blessing
bestow us power, my Rab.
You see everything in time, Hasan.
You told us the special troop who
were going to the Kuvel right on time.
You saw the criminals
who rebelled right on time.
I guess the secret behind your
sharp mind can't be only saffron water.
Tell us what it is, so that we can
also see and act earlier as you do.
As I told our Sultan is thanks to the experience
our state provided us, Hace Hadrath.
This state also provided
me experience of 40 years.
Yet, I can't see some matters as you see.
This can't be only thanks to the state.
There must be a nicety
of being Hasan Sabbah.
You are at the top of the state and
we are still on its cliff, Hace Hadrath.
Your duty is messing with the hawks.
And our duty is surely being concerned
with the small details like an ant.
Or we maybe should phrase it like this.
Nizamulmulk has already
ascended the position he wanted.
And Hasan Sabbah has so much road
to go to reach where he wants to ascend.
So, his eyes are much more open.
The one who will let us ascend are
the hawks flying above us, Hace Hadrath.
They can either raise us by
taking us with their claws
or they can let us fall
down to break into pieces.
We are aware of this. Don't you worry.
You wrote that there was a
naphtha dungeon in Kuvel Castle.
No one has this information.
It's only among our secret knowledge.
Or, is there people providing you
information about Kuvel apart from us?
I also read the information that our agents
in Constantinople sent us, Hace Hadrath.
In the last years, naphtha
was sent to Kuvel by ships.
I thought they must have hid them
in the dungeon of the castle. That's it.
Take care.
Nizamulmuk Hadrath, Dukas
is kidnapped from his home.
We are told that it
was Sencer's doing.
Oh Sencer!
Search and find him!
Find him quickly!
Do whatever you need,
and find him! Come on!
Emir Hadrath.
Aren't you the messenger
that brings news from Anatolia?
What is it, is there an important matter?
I brought a letter from Elcin
Hatun, I need to deliver it quickly.
So it's from Elcin Hatun,
it must be important.
Give it to me, and I will take
it to the necessary people.
It's my responsibility, Emir Hadrath.
Don't cross the line!
Don't you trust the Emir of the state?
Of course not Emir Hadrath.
Give me the letter,
and return to your duty.
I will do what's necessary.
You won't even remember who you are, let
alone making investigations, Seferi Hatun.
you won't be a Head Hatun
anymore, which you are very proud of.
Being the Head Hatun is
the right of the Sultan’s wife.
What is it?
What are you doing at
Hatun Ana's room at this hour?
It's late, this meaningless question
must be because of your tiredness.
I was looking for Hatun Ana.
She wasn't in the other room either.
If you excuse me, I will go rest.
A letter from Elcin Hatun arrived.
Elcin Hatun?
What could she have sent?
What is this?
I cannot understand anything.
It's obvious that she sent it like this so
none other than our Sultan could comprehend.
Who knows what she is after this time?
-I will keep it.
-What if it's important?
There is nothing important here, Taculmulk.
It's obvious that that woman
tries to confuse Meliksah,
and doing this to be favored by him.
I will learn what's inside
this, and until then
this letter won't go to our Sultan.
I will get that damn Sencer's
name out of your lips.
He will die first..
then I will own you fully.
- Are there any news?
- I have some good news.
Our men prepared everything.
The ship for Rhodes has almost docked here.
We can leave tomorrow.
After tomorrow, you will curse
the lands you were born in.
You will forget everything you loved
and everyone you loved.
And until your death
you will be my woman.
Nothing gets fixed unless
you say the name of Allah.
Nothing wrong would happen to a
person if it wasn't written for them.
You can't reach anywhere
without the black horse.
Unless the black steel touches your
sword, the enemy won't come back.
Brother Sencer got his sword and went.
Did he go to fight the enemy?
Brother Sencer has a lot of enemies.
How is he going to fight them all?
Sharp-minded, brave and hearty warriors
is worth a thousand enemies.
There are many brave men
that beat the unbeatable.
Now, do you know the story of
Basat and the giant Tepegoz?
-We don't.
-Please tell us, Father Korkut.
Okay, listen to me well.
Once upon a time, a giant named Tepegoz
was pestering the Oguz tribes.
This giant was so, so powerful
the arrows did not stick,
the swords did not work on him.
Everyday, he would take two
people from the Oguz tribes
and kill them.
There was a gallant man
named Basat in the Oguz tribes.
also killed the older brother of Basat.
After this, Basat swore
to avenge his brother.
People in the tribes told him not to
go, that he couldn't beat Tepegoz.
But Basat didn't listen.
He got his sword, got on his
horse and went to Tepegoz's cave.
When he arrived in his
cave, Basat hid in a corner.
He took a look and sees
that the giant Tepegoz has
only one eye.
Basat then
thought his eye was his weakest point
and that he could kill
him if he hit him in the eye.
He got on top of
Tepegoz, pulled his sword
remembered our prophet Muhammad PBUH
..stuck it in his eye.
Tepegoz jumped with pain.
Basat raised his sword once again
and took Tepegoz's head.
Basat was brave enough
to go on a revenge path
disregarding his enemy's power.
And smart enough to
know where to hit his enemy.
If a warrior is like this, the
worlds cannot stand before him.
Come on now. In the name of
Allah, the merciful, the beneficent.
May mighty Allah respond to us
when we talk to the black mountains.
May He give us way through his cold waters.
May He never deprive
any of us from our pure faith.
May he
in the name of our
prophet, Muhammad PBUH
forgive our sins.
Is this the renowned Seljuk protection?
You were supposed to
protect Sahbender Dukas
and the house you placed
him was raided last night.
His men are taken out,
Dukas is kidnapped.
We are looking for him.
Don't turn the spark into a fire.
something happens to Dukas
Seljuks will be responsible for it.
The pacts and the peace will end.
The price will be heavy.
Where are you, Sencer?
Tell me
Who told Elcin Hatun where Kiicarsan was?
What do you know about it?
Answer me! Have you lost your tongue?
My Sultan, I'm innocent.
Elcin Hatun
Hatun Mother!
Mother! Are you okay?
Yes. I’m fine.
You are my maid. What are you doing here?
She isn't your maid, she
is Terken Hatun's maid.
We brought her here to question her.
If she is here to be questioned then
we shouldn't start until
Sultan Alparslan is here.
My Sultan.
Hatun Mother isn't well.
We shouldn't tire her anymore.
She needs to rest.
You were talking about Elcin Hatun.
I have nothing to do with
Elcin Hatun, my Sultan.
I don't understand why Hatun
Mother sent me to the dungeons
or threatened me with my family.
Hatun Mother is ill.
Apparently, she did this
because she was confused.
What happened to my mother?
Tell the doctors, Terken
and stay by her side.
Go back to your duty.
I have important news
for you, Hasan Sabbah.
It is from our Refiks
in the Anatolian Tribes.
The rebel Beys will ambush Melik Tapar.
Does Head Dai know this information?
I thought you should see it first.
That's why I brought it myself.
Apparently, Meliksah doesn't know this.
I He would take precautions if he knew.
If Tapar fights with the rebels,
there will be a mess in the Seljuk.
And that would be good for us.
We will use this information
but not the way you said.
Nizamulmulk keeps an eye on me.
I have to gain such trust
in the Sultan's eyes that
that old wolf cannot
be powerful against me.
That's why I will use this
to make Meliksah trust me.
Once I gain the Sultan's trust
we will get them against each
other as we want and when we want.
My Hatun.
What happened, Burcak?
Did Meliksah answer yet?
The pigeon hasn't arrived.
Maybe the Sultan doesn't trust you anymore.
Maybe that's why he didn't answer.
We did what we needed to do.
He will understand
the truth sooner or later.
We will help Melik Tapar.
Inform the Alps.
We can't waste time.
I am going to hunt.
Just because I didn't cover your
mouth don't waste your breath screaming.
Nobody can hear you.
Only the predators would hear you.
I haven't met a more
predatory animal than you.
If you say so.
Why don't you still want to be with me?
You don't have any other
option than me in this life.
The one who doesn’t
want to understand is you.
I'd rather die among the teeth
of this dog than yielding to you.
How could you keep wanting a
woman who hates you this much?
Don't you have any pride?
Never try to say a word
about my pride again.
Now you have fallen into my trap.
Didn't you think I guessed you
would try to reach me via Lucas?
Now, he brings you not to me
but to the trap I set for you.
The men is waiting for you.
We are going to the harbor.
You go and bring the sacred relics.
Come on, my beauty.
It's time to set out.
Our new life is waiting for us.
If they kill me before we come together
I'll pray Allah to take me, too.
By thinking our union
wasn't fated for this world
I'll wait for the coming together
with you in the other world.
What happened to you suddenly like this?
The doctors said such a thing can be
happen because of her age, my Sultan.
InshaAllah, our Hatun
Mother will be healed quickly.
And I will be with her until then.
Don't you worry.
My beautiful daughter.
Mother calls you as her angel.
Your presence does
good to her. Stay with her.
As you command, my Sultan.
My Sultan. Hasan Sabbah
says he's brought you a news.
He says it is so important.
What's up, Sabbah?
My Sultan.
Our messengers in the Anatolian
sent words to us with the pigeons.
They say Melik Tapar is going towards
Anatolian tribes to find the sacred relics.
The rebels who learned
this took action immediately.
Our messengers suspects that the
rebels are about to ambush Melik Tapar.
Why was this news brought to me before?
You should have reached
this news before everyone else.
If Hasan Sabbah didn't bring it,
the whole palace would be sleeping!
I'll make the necessary
investigations, my Sultan.
You have had so many mistakes, Nizamulmulk.
The matter of fire is still being held on.
We are about to run out of patience.
Handle all of them quickly.
Let the soldiers gather up!
We'll reach there, before
Tapar falls into the trap!
We are close to the rocky place
There is still no trace of Mihail.
It's so soon.
When we reach there, you'll
understand it is the right place.
Read it quickly, what's written?
Rebellious tribes are going
to ambush Melik Tapar.
That's enough.
Get out.
What have we done, Terken Hatun?
We stopped our Sultan from
learning such an important information.
Nizamulmulk won't stop investigating this.
Sultan's son's life is at stake,
if anything happens to him,
Sultan won't let us live.
Fear is the weakness of the
desperate people, Taculmulk
From now on, we won't be the
ones to fear, but the ones to be feared.
The arrow heads we prepared
secretly in Seljuk Palace
are learned by someone else.
The arrow heads belonging
to the Hace position.
You, aren't you the armorer?
Didn't I entrust these arrowheads to you?
How can someone else
get their hands on these?
You send the arrowheads to the positions
We brought each arrowhead
to their own official post.
What kind of armorers are you?
That you cannot understand this?
Everyone responsible for
this will pay the price for this!
Count the arrowheads
belonging to the Hace position!
I want the names of everyone
that entered the armory, come on!
Didn't we get any news from
our messengers from Anatolia?
We got, Hace Hadrath,
it came from Elcin Hatun.
Who did you give it to? Emir Taculmulk
took it from me, I had to give it.
What do you mean you had to?
What could I do, Hace Hadrath?
You should have come and told it to me!
Am I the one you take your
orders from, or is it Taculmulk?
I don't need anyone that
does not know his superiors!
You are dismissed from your duty,
you are expelled from the palace!
Get out of my view! Go!
The news that came from
our companions in Anatolia.
You took it before me.
You thought I wouldn't understand?
The situation was dire in the palace,
we needed to make a plan quickly.
Who taught you to make plans?
You rose in the palace of
the devils with the plan I made.
You are just a small part of the big plan.
You taught me many things, but Meliksah
gave me the most important lesson.
He told me to think like a queen,
even if I'm a pawn in the game.
You saw me as a pawn, but I
have always acted like a queen,
and we have become
victorious each time.
A scorpion.
Convinced a frog to get on
his back and cross the river.
Scorpion swore a lot.
"I won't hurt you" it said.
Frog said okay, it believed the scorpion.
But just when they were
about to reach the shore
frog felt a pain on his back.
It's a scorpion, how can you trust it?
Scorpion couldn't hold back, it
stung the frog due to its nature.
Because of its stupidity.
Scorpion could not think that, if
the frog dies, scorpion would sink too.
I'm not that animal.
But you
You are the scorpion!
You too!
Do you know what's the end of the scorpion?
They make its poison ooze with a dagger.
We are here.
Where is Mihail?
Mihail isn't here but
his men will greet you.
You will let me go to
spare your life, Sencer.
I have other plans.
Ya Haqq!
Ya Haqq!
You thought I didn't know you
were leading to an ambush?
Where is Mihail?
His name is not Mihail, it's Yorgos
He took the sacred relics with the woman
..and went away.
To where?
-Where? To Constantinople?
To Rhodes. His men..
are waiting for him.
near Karakoyak.
They will take a boat.
Mihail took the sacred relics
to Karakoyak with Tuma.
I need to go after them
You take care of this.
Who are you?
When we've become enemies, you stopped
recognizing the Turkmens in Anatolia.
Are you coming to besiege
our tribes, Melik Tapar?
We won't let that happen.
What siege are you talking
about? I'm after the Byzantines.
Get out of my way or I'll spill blood.
You are lying!
You fooled Elcin Hatun
but you won't fool us.
How dare you?
You asked for this!
Lower your swords
You are helping the evil.
This will lead to a war between brothers
We are done listening to you,
Elcin Hatun.
Pick your side now.
If you stand on Meliksah's side whom
you sold yourself to, you will die as well.
I'm with the righteous one.
You are the ones who sold yourselves
and you will die now!
I know you are tired
but we're almost there.
Our horses are waiting
for us in the meeting place.
To hide
we will change our clothes.
It'll be more fun.
You've become more docile.
You are not screaming anymore.
What is it?
Have you realized I'm right?
You got everything you wanted.
You have the sacred relics.
I'm here too.
Isn't that enough?
What does that mean?
Leave Sencer alone.
Don't hurt him.
He has to be alive,
I can die for him.
He dies
so that you forget him.
I don't want a sparkle of hope
in your heart.
Do you think when Sencer
dies, his love will die with me?
The day Sencer dies
will be my death as well.
You will live.
Oh you will live.
I will
turn you into a whole different woman.
You will learn to love
me, even if it's by force.
Where did they come from?
Your men came to fight just in time,
Elcin and Tapar can never get out of this
will take their heads
when they are the only ones left.
I don't care what you'll do with
Elcin's head but Tapar's head is mine
I will send his sons head to Meliksah
just as he sent me Theodore's head.
As a gift.
This is a huge trap.
Even if we die, well die fighting.
We don't have another choice.
How dare you take the
compass Elcin Hatun sent?
I guess you forgot that I
am an Emir, Hace Hadrath.
What do you have to do
with the compass as an Emir?
If you took it
why did that compass disappear?
Why didn't you bring it to me?
The compass wasn't for you.
I gave it to the person it was for.
How dare you talk to me like that?
He takes this courage from me.
How can you question my vizier?
Taculmulk is under your protection.
However, my position is
capable of questioning him.
My position is capable to
send you away from me.
Because I am the Head Hatun of the State.
Be careful with every step you take.
You will answer to me from now on.
Is it ready?
The ship that we will go
to Rhodes is on the shore.
We'll have a one day trip.
Your new clothes and the swords are ready.
We have a long sea trip waiting for us.
It's time to start our new life.
Let's go.
How did he survive?
Let Turna go.
Your problem is with me.
Let's finish wnat we started.
You are right.
There is something left unfinished.
You didn't die the first time.
But now you will.
O Allah!
The sacred relics!
Are you okay?
I'm Okay.
Did he hurt you?
He didn't. Don't worry
I will come back for you.
He has the sacred relics
I have to go after him.
Wait here
Open your eyes, Turna!
Open your eyes.
You will get better.
I could just save you, don't leave me
You'll get better.
Don't forget
our flower.
Open your eyes, Turna!
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