Valley of Tears (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Preparing for the Big Battle

Why do you think he went out like that?
We could've gone out instead of him.
What are you talking about?
You said you wanted him to die.
So he sacrificed himself.
He made that decision on his own!
Besides, he's not dead.
You heard the gunfire.
We'll check if there's a body.
I need help!
I need somebody over here!
No, wait! All right?
Hold on, hold on.
- Avinoam.
- What?
Are you really from the Hermon outpost?
Yes, I am.
I told you, we're not traitors.
We're the ones who were abandoned.
What were we supposed to do?
Did you see Yoav Mazuz?
I told you already.
I left him at a bus stop.
We have to go get to him.
Which bus stop was it?
On the road to Majdal Shams.
What happened?
Unh! He stepped on a mine.
His leg was blown off,
and I dragged him
as far as I could,
but I passed out.
Is he okay?
Is he alive?
Maybe he is, but he'll die
if we don't leave right now.
So then you left him there?
When was that?
I don't know
a few hours ago?
Why are you crying?
Send a rescue team, do something!
It's Syrian territory now.
You don't understand.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you!
He's my boyfriend.
He's my boyfriend.
You're Dafna?
I have something for you.
This was his grandmother's.
He was gonna propose to you.
- Okay, let's put him down here.
- Right, right.
- All right, let's go.
- I need some morphine.
- Okay, keep moving.
- Let's get this done, guys.
- We got more.
- All right. Coming.
Hold on, hold on.
Here, take my hand.
- I need water.
- Huh?
- Water.
- Water.
Here, drink up.
I'm sorry.
This shouldn't have happened to you.
I'm taking you back home
so you can bang those drums
as much as you want.
Guys, listen up.
Thank you.
We don't have much time,
so I'll try to be brief.
This is the situation:
The Syrians breached
the anti-tank barrier.
They have massive armored units
outside Qunaitra,
Southern Golan Heights, Khishniyah,
even on the Waterfalls Route.
Soldiers have been holding
the line there
for almost three days,
and they're about to collapse.
They're getting slaughtered.
The ammo's running out,
and they'll only get supplies
in an hour and half.
I can't know for sure.
I don't have to tell you
that if our front breaks
the enemy will head west and south.
If that happens,
Israel will lose our tank
reserves by tomorrow.
No one will stop the Syrians
from getting to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
this is not just
about the Golan Heights.
This is about your brothers
and your sisters,
your girlfriends,
your parents.
I know you've all been through a lot.
Some of you are all that's left
of your companies.
Some of you even carried
the bodies of your friends.
We have wounded men who,
in normal circumstances,
I wouldn't even dream of asking
to go back out and fight.
But I don't have
I mean, you don't have
Honestly, none of us has a choice.
You're all I have.
You are our army
our last troops
left in the Golan Heights.
Our armament corps worked all night.
We got 11 tanks in the yard right now,
ready for battle.
So every single one of you
who are tank crewmen
if you are physically able
to get in that tank and fight,
then do it. Right now!
We need all the tanks we can get.
We move out in 30 minutes.
We'll advance in an organized formation
heading towards Hermonit.
Let me be clear:
This will be one of the most
important battles in the war.
It's gonna determine
if this country will rise or fall.
Unh! Unh!
Are you guys going?
We're all going in the same tank.
- I'm coming, too.
- Hold on, whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's the morphine talking.
You're not going.
Your crew was wiped out.
- You need people out there.
- Yoni!
- What can I do in the tank?
- You're not gonna learn
all the tank basics in 30 minutes!
Are you insane?
You'll be the loader.
I'll teach you how to load shells.
You out of your mind?
I said he's not going!
Dad, stop it!
We need men, Meni.
- I have his back.
- Look at him.
Okay, I'm going to the tank.
Let's go.
Wait, listen, I wanna help out.
I'll find you a job
in the command room.
I'm a signal listener.
If you have any vehicles going out,
find a way to get me on one
and give me radios.
I'll listen to the Syrians
and I'll find out
what they're planning.
It'll help all the troops.
All the APCs are already on the move.
I'll get you a radio
in the command room.
Do what you have to do from there.
No, I have to go out there,
out in the field.
Please, Dafna.
I have to make it right.
For myself.
So you're gonna try to get to him?
Someone get the phone!
Hey, Melakhi
Hey, Melakhi
Yalla! Yalla!
Hello, Melakhi?
Rikki, you hear me?
Are you all right?
Melakhi, what happened?
Alush or Marco?
- We're fine.
- Oh, really?
If that's so,
then get them on the phone.
I wanna talk to them.
They're not here, Rikki.
They're busy.
I just called 'cause I wanted to say
I'm sorry for what I said on Saturday.
I'm about to go into battle.
I had to make sure you'd
erase it from your memory.
Forget what I said, Rikki.
Promise me.
What What are you talking about?
About Alush.
That I shouldn't be with him?
Promise me that when he gets back
you'll be good to him.
Promise me.
Melakhi, wh-why are you
saying this now?
Is he all right?
Are you hiding something from me?
Just make sure he doesn't end up alone.
Love him, no matter what.
Promise me you won't let him be lonely.
You're scaring me.
What's going on?
Bye, Rikki.
Wait, Melakhi.
Listen to me.
Last night the
the cops came looking for you.
We're in the middle of a war.
Don't they have anything better to do?
They submitted an indictment.
Do they have a clue what's going on?
Does anyone in Jerusalem know
what we're going through?
The war we're fighting, Rikki?
Listen to me, by tonight
Israel could lose.
Two more days and Syrian tanks
could be at everyone's doors
and all this country cares about
is screwing the Panthers before we die?
Seriously, they hate us that bad?
I could be dead in a second, Rikki!
No, no, no, um
Sweetie, don't cry.
Don't cry, Rikki.
I didn't mean it.
Why did they go to your house
if they were looking for me?
Thank God Marco wasn't at home, huh?
They assured Mom that Marco's
not a suspect.
But they know he organized the protest.
Promise me you'll come back
alive, Melakhi.
All three of you.
Do me a favor, tell everyone
we love them, Rikki.
Are you all right?
I have this weird feeling,
Dafna, in my gut.
It's like this inner voice.
Maybe it's God telling me
that I won't come back alive.
No, there's no inner voice, Melakhi.
You're just scared.
It's only natural.
You're sending a bunch of screwups
to fight the entire Syrian army.
It's okay.
It's all good.
I guess this is my destiny,
- to quit while I'm ahead.
- No.
I hear an inner voice too, Melakhi.
I got a feeling.
I can feel it in my gut,
that out of everyone,
you'll be the one coming back.
You hear me?
And without a scratch.
You're like a cat who has nine lives.
Wanna bet?
Meni and I will drive you back home,
where you'll be a hero.
I got no one to rely on, Dafna.
You can rely on me.
Can I get a hug before I head out?
We human beings are such
stupid creatures, Dafna.
10 minutes away from here
there's a tent just like ours, Dafna.
Their flag just has different colors,
and Alush is there.
Alive, dead
And your Yoav is there.
Alive, dead?
And we're out here, suffering.
Not knowing and, um,
we can't just talk to them, you know?
If you could get me a phone,
I'd talk to them, Dafna.
I'll speak to them in Arabic.
I'll ask them
to give me my brother back.
I'll ask them to tell him I'm sorry.
They're human beings too, Dafna.
We used to just walk there.
Melakhi. Melakhi.
I'm gonna make you a promise.
I swear I'll talk to you on the radio
if I get any other news, okay?
It'll be all right.
Melakhi, it'll be all right.
Who would even wanna conquer this shit?
Yes, sir. On the move.
Let's go! Hurry up!
Move out!
We have 15 minutes.
Let's go, let's go!
Is that from Yoav?
Can I see?
If Yoav
If he comes back
I want you to know that you'll
always be in my heart.
Since I was 13, I, uh
Yoav was
I'm sure he
He'll be good for you.
He'll be good for you.
I got an APC for Avinoam.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Go do the other one.
We have to divvy up our jobs
in the tank.
I'm the only driver,
so I guess I'll drive, huh?
Like we said, he'll be
the loader. I'm the gunner.
All we need is a tank commander.
We need someone good.
We'll look around in the courtyard.
I'm sure we'll find someone.
- What are you doing?
- I'm coming with you.
I have experience.
I used to drive,
wasn't the commander type.
Do you even remember anything?
Dad, don't be ridiculous.
Come on, Yoni.
Think about it:
Father and son,
hanging out in the tank.
How many people can say
they did something that crazy?
Maybe you and I
are gonna be the first, huh?
Dad, I'm serious, you're not coming.
Are you trying to get me
not to go, hmm?
Do what you want, you're a big boy.
Yoni, just let him join us.
We need him.
You're the tank commander, Meni.
Melakhi, stay out of this.
I'm about to head out with my friends,
and you just show up, and suddenly
you're acting like you
actually care about me.
Friends? Come on.
You just met these guys
- a few hours ago.
- Hey, Meni, Meni.
Yoni's a brother.
This is not the time
for your games, Dad.
Okay, you two work it out.
You know what?
You're right.
I won't decide for you.
So I'm asking you.
I'm asking you
if you'll allow me to join you guys.
I have to be there with you.
I've done this, I'm experienced.
You need me there.
And I wanna be close to you.
Hmm. What you want
is my forgiveness,
not to be close to me.
I want your forgiveness
and I wanna be close to you.
I have to be there with you.
Why do you have to be with me?
Now I get it.
You're writing a book
in your head right now,
a book about all of this.
You're the hero.
And the hero couldn't just go home
and abandon his son
at the toughest moment.
The son that he had humiliated.
That's not an ending.
So you have to stay.
The whole country'll read it,
a big hit on Passover.
We're nothing but fragments
of stories to you, right?
Aren't we?
Then write that I forgave you.
Yeah, you know what?
I forgive you, okay?
Now you move aside and let me
get on with my life.
You know, Yoni
when I thought
that I'd lost you, I died.
I didn't have an ounce of ego.
I felt grief.
And I'll admit it, yeah.
Maybe I don't know you well enough,
but I'm moved
I'm moved by the person
you've grown into.
Mature, sensitive,
more handsome than me.
I really think we could be
good friends.
Now listen, if you set aside
your anger and your desire
to punish me or to hurt me
and you swear that you don't
want me there with you,
you don't even want me
near you right now
then I'll leave.
Got everything you need?
Okay then, good luck.
The Syrian command runs
between 60 and 100 megahertz.
Got enough?
Don't salute.
You got all you need?
You got radios?
- Yes.
- Listeners?
- Anyone writing?
- I am, sir.
- Are you with me?
- Here's what I need:
You'll advance in a column.
First and Third divisions,
attack plans, deployments, locations.
You got that?
You sure?
Okay, that's good.
Can I get you over here a second?
Hold on.
Listen, kid, you save
some of my soldiers
we'll help you out of your predicament.
These guys are on the mission
to take back the Hermon.
Can you brief them?
Tie up those laces.
Good luck.
Okay, guys, we're all ready to go.
I calibrated the wireless networks
from the division commander
to the regiments.
You're going to Hermon?
You know what happened?
You need anything from us?
Dafna, we're ready to go,
you can count on me.
If he's alive, I'll bring him back.
I'm coming with you.
- What?
- What are you doing?
Go! I'm coming with you.
Please get off, you're holding us up.
No way you got authorization
to do this.
The Chief of Staff authorized it.
You sure about that?
Okay. first tank's out.
Get in! Come on!
- Trucks loaded up.
- Go!
I want all men on your assigned truck.
Let's go! Let's go!
Get in here.
Yoni, welcome to the tank,
grab your helmet.
- Are you with me?
- I'm with you.
Here's the drill.
See that shell with the point?
- Yep.
- That's the armor-piercing.
The square head's over there.
It's hollow.
The other is the squash-head.
Grab this handle real tight
with both hands,
press the button hard,
then you gotta pull it real, real hard.
Good. That's it.
You got it.
Okay, take an armor-piercer,
with a point.
- Nice.
- It's heavy.
That's it.
You need to put on a glove.
With your fist.
But don't do it all at once, okay?
You push it in as hard as you can
and then you move your hand away.
Otherwise you won't have a hand.
Got it?
-Okay, got it.
One, two, three.
See that? That's good.
Then after you did that,
you open the safety catch.
Good. When you're done,
you yell loaded.
- Let's hear it.
- Loaded.
No, yell it.
- Loaded!
- That's better.
- How's your leg?
- It's okay.
Great, good luck.
So, how's the kid?
Yeah, he's gonna be
one hell of a loader.
Here you go.
Your grandma would be gushing
right now, I swear.
Seeing her son, a pacifist,
in a war, commanding a tank.
Well, let's just say you weren't
exactly our first choice.
Well, let's just say I'm proud
to be your commander.
We wanted you to be the commander
because it's the only role that doesn't
really require technical training.
You're commander in name only.
Well, then I'm proud to be
your honorary representative.
We'll make decisions together,
like a kibbutz.
You talk out of your ass,
we ignore you.
"Ashkenazi," I understood that, Marco.
Okay, are we off?
Do we have a choice?
It's suicide either way.
Melakhi, start her up.
Good luck, kids.
Why isn't the tank moving?
What's going on?
The term is "Move out."
Move out, right.
Melakhi, move out.
Go! Go!
Move, buddy, go!
Melakhi, there's a rock straight ahead.
Melakhi! Goddamn it.
The best driver in the IDF, huh?
Hey, sorry, man.
Uh Fik-fik.
What's going on?
Morocco, this is a war.
Sorry, guys.
Police got that, too.
Turn left ahead.
So these are your new friends, Yoni?
Let them have it out.
Guys, cut the chatter.
We're on our way into battle.
Get a grip!
Do you know what's gonna
happen next, Marco?
Is that you'll kill us all
and save yourself!
That's how
How the fuck am I supposed
to go to battle
with an asshole like you, huh?
Enough! Cut it out!
CO Air, this is Butterfly 4 of Tokyo.
3rd Division is going to move
out from Jubata al Khashab.
Advance to the Hermonit axis
then to Bnot Yaakov Bridge.
They've got artillery ready.
It'll make it harder
to get close. Over.
Everyone scan the network!
We're looking for the 3rd
Division's operations officer.
I got it.
This is gonna be the largest
tank battle since WWII.
Today, at noon.
Are we close to him?
Tell the driver to advance to Mas'ade.
Driver, advance towards Mas'ade.
It's too close to the artillery.
It's too close to the artillery.
The frequencies are fragmented.
Just 8 kilometers.
Just 8 kilometers, that's all.
You wanna enter Syrian territory?
- Are you sure?
- Just do as we say.
You're doing great.
A little to the left.
We're approaching the ramp.
Melakhi, stop.
Melakhi, start climbing.
Stop, stop!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Holy shit!
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