Veneno (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Los tres entierros de Cristina Ortiz

Really? Are you having
another one of those flans?
You're gonna get diarrhea so bad
that you'll have to beg for mercy.
But my doctor said
I could have up to eight flans.
Eight flans?
Of course he didn't say that.
By eating all that,
you're gonna get diabetes.
Well, paca, this is my diet.
Look at this, no-sugar ice cream.
Better than heaven.
The doctor said I could eat
as much as I want of one single thing.
You know, I could pick
eight big chickens.
Bring it on. I'll take 'em all.
If I crave eight oranges,
well, I would eat them, too.
And if I feel like
having eight flans, then I will.
I'm gonna have my share
until I finally drop dead.
Oh, my lord, forgive her.
Death is all she thinks about.
My god, it's like foreshadowing.
You're so annoying.
That's 'cause
I'm not afraid of dying, paca,
after all, the day I die,
I'll be just like Lola flores,
because this star
will be missed worldwide.
There she goes again,
talking about death.
You get on my nerves.
"Dead in a bathtub,
but still shining."
Oh, I hate that so much.
You're always talking about death.
- Write this down.
- Go on, baby.
Let's hear what comes next.
- When my time comes
- Oh, my.
I want my ashes strewn
all around west park.
Isn't there a better spot, my love?
With all the millions you've earned,
just buy the graveyard.
In west park. But why?
Because back in west park,
I once was a happy hooker
with all my gays and trans together,
with all my friends.
So when they all come out
whoring and hustling by night,
my ghost will show, flying by them,
and I'm gonna say,
"my whores, it's me, veneno."
"I'm paca the piranha."
"I'll haunt your cunt
for all eternity. Boo."
"Feel the goose bumps
in your asses."
So now suddenly
you're a whore, too, huh
- Shut up with that shit.
- You cow.
No, you shut up.
Death is all you ever talk about.
All right, let's watch this.
Come on. The tape
is ready, you crazy cunt.
- Play it! Come on.
- Okay.
The owner of this thing
was Tamara la gitana,
one of the main interviewees,
my very good friend.
Yeah, I know her, too.
This was the very first
documentary ever made
that talks about us transvestites.
- Paca, it's "trans women."
- Look, that's nacha.
Yes, but back in those times,
we were transvestites.
No matter how many new generations,
they were pioneers,
like in the wild west.
Uhh. All the shit
we've been through, baby,
thank god you don't
have to go through that.
Look, look, those tiny, little
hormone titties, so pretty.
Waxing her face and all.
You like this, right,
to get to learn all the things we do?
Yeah, look at that.
They still have to count votes,
but as it stands,
there is a little advantage
for the republican.
There is a three-to six-point difference
in favor of Clinton
in another poll presented
by the republican party.
Still in general, the polls indicate
that Clinton
now has 47.2% of votes,
and trump has 44.7%,
which places her three points
ahead of her republican rival.
Help, Ana! Help us!
- Oh, my god! What happened?
- Ana!
Tell me what's happened.
I don't know.
I found her like that.
What happened?
I didn't do anything.
Cristina! Cristina!
Oh, Cristina!
Call an ambulance right now!
- I don't have a cellphone.
- Cristina!
Mihai, what's the apartment number?
Second floor a.
Please, you gotta help us.
There's an unconscious woman here.
There's a lot of blood on the floor,
she's not responding to anything, please!
Wake up, Cristina.
Wake up, Cristina, please.
She won't wake up.
- Cristina, please stay with me.
- Fuck.
Oh, please
- Hi there. Friend or family?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Do you know what happened?
- No, I don't know.
Does she suffer
from any allergies? Boyfriend!
- No, she doesn't.
- No?
Her pulse is weak, very weak.
- Saturation?
- 85.
We need to put her down.
Come on.
- What's wrong with her?
- Over here.
- Careful, careful.
- Put her down. Perfect.
- Very good, guys.
- Pablo? Where's Pablo?
Pablo, can you try
and hold her I.V
- All right.
- While we fix her tract?
Sedation for intubation all right?
I'm monitoring her myself.
Yes, fine. What is she on?
There's something
- There are a lot of pills.
- What are those? Anybody know?
How can I possibly know what is she on?
She is always taking pills and shit,
but I never ask what they were.
- Pablo, when you're ready.
- Let's do it now.
- Here we go.
- Okay, ready?
I'll be holding the tube, all right?
Grab it from the other side.
- Count of three.
- 1, 2
- 3!
- Let's go.
Get this out of the way.
- Excuse me. Hi.
- How can I help you?
I'm looking for books about
the transition to democracy.
Is it about nudity or the erotic era?
We have the nudity of a nation.
And here's erotic cinema.
Sentimental chronicles of the transition,
with susana estrada on the cover.
And other than Rosa villacastín's,
everything else is written by men,
so you can imagine the content
is not very smart at all.
Thank you very much.
No problem, girl.
Okay, I don't mean to be nosy, but
But you're Valeria Vegas, right?
Uh Yes.
Oh. I just knew it, I swear.
You have no idea how much I admire you.
My god, and that book, I totally
loved it, the one about veneno.
- Seriously?
- Yes.
I mean Cristina actually
never really made sense to me.
I've never been a huge fan
of hers as a role model,
because, yeah, I get that
she's really fun and all that,
but but I felt like she was
that very stereotypical trans woman
obsessed with her appearance
and just wanted to fit into
the binary scheme
of a cisgender woman. Right?
But then after I read your book,
I came to realize
that actually she she paved the way
for us to be able to run things, right?
You're absolutely right,
and I really love hearing you say that.
Are you here to prepare something new?
Well, I'm trying to.
And what is it about?
If you want to tell me,
I might have to nag you
with all my questions,
and it's just that I'm a gossipy
library rat, you know?
I don't really know.
I came here looking for inspiration.
Well, hon, browse
around the store a little,
and I'm sure
in the least expected moment,
something'll come up.
Thank you.
Morning, everyone.
Today is November 5, 2016,
and this is the number one
ranked artist of the top 40.
Hoy me pregunto
que será de ti ♪
Te tuve cerca
y ahora estás tan lejos ♪
pero prohibirme recordar
lo nuestro es imposible ♪
es imposible ♪
no me perdono
sé que te perdí ♪
They have to turn off the music.
Please try to calm down.
This is so disrespectful.
Calm down, maritere.
We don't want any trouble.
You may come in now.
Yes, and how's how's joselito?
- Cristina?
- Yes.
Still in a coma, but she's stable.
Por la calle ♪
que solo le eres
fiel al viento ♪
El mismo
que nunca hizo falta ♪
para levantar tu falda ♪
cada día de por medio ♪
cómo te atreves a volver ♪
ohh ♪
a darle vida
a lo que estaba muerto ♪
la Soledad
me había tratado bien ♪
y no eres quien
para exigir derechos ♪
cómo te atreves a volver ♪
ohh ♪
y a tus cenizas
convertir en Fuego ♪
hoy mis mentiras veo caer ♪
que no es verdad
que te olvidé ♪
cómo te atreves a volver ♪
Hey, excuse me. Excuse me.
You can't take photos in here.
Why not?
Because you can't. Hey!
Stop that. Tsk! Stop now.
He's my brother. I can take
all the pictures I want.
- Come on. Stop that, tere.
- She's your sister,
and I'm sorry, but you can't take photos.
- Do you understand?
- Drop the cellphone.
- Hey, get off me!
- Please, everyone calm down.
Shh! Have some manners,
and be quiet.
- Please, you have to get out.
- No yelling.
Don't you touch my sister, okay?
That's enough. You have
got to leave this room.
- No, no, no.
- You can't tell us to leave!
Fine, fine.
I'm gonna call security.
You go call whoever you want.
Just don't you dare touch her.
So ridiculous.
Asunción, how are you feeling?
Very good.
How are you?
I'm fine.
The nurses said you went
back into Asunción's room
to visit her again.
I feel very sorry for her, sir.
And that you spend
a lot of time in there.
She's so lonely,
and nobody comes to visit.
But it's just that your job, paca,
is essentially cleaning up.
Well, I do a good job, right?
Sure, but you don't get paid
for looking after seniors,
because that's what the nurses are for,
and they do a very good job, by the way.
And would you please
change the sheets in 115?
The man in that room
has just passed away.
Room 115? On my way now.
What a shame.
Paca, call me as soon
as you get this, please.
It's about Cristina.
It's important.
I-I don't know what happened,
but, uh, call me back, please.
None of this makes sense.
I said you can't, ma'am.
There's something weird, you know?
There's something weird.
Please, you all have to leave
the hospital right now.
We're not going anywhere.
We have to be with our brother.
Why can't you understand that?
You will have to go get a judge's order.
What are you talking about, girl?
I'm gonna sue you for this and
make sure you lose everything.
Go ahead. Try it.
And don't you dare shout at me.
Don't you rise your voice.
We've come straight from adra,
all the way from adra.
This behavior is unacceptable.
- We're her family.
- 'Cause you know what?
This woman has been in here
for suicide attempts several times.
- You're lying.
- And not one of you
has ever shown your face
here before, not a single time.
I won't stand here
and listen to you
talk about my brother like that!
- You have no heart!
- Exactly!
We're not leaving my brother alone.
Are you the book lady?
Uh, yeah.
- No, go downstairs.
- Have to ask you to leave.
Go to the pans & company coffee shop,
and wait for me there.
Paco, take the kid with you,
- and don't you pick up any calls.
- We'll wait for you there.
- My god. This is outrageous.
- Come with me. Come with me.
- Please you have to leave, too.
- I know. I heard you.
My car is down
in the parking lot, you moron.
Go get some lunch
with your friends, since that's
- what you really want to do.
- Please, ma'am.
Weren't you telling your buddies
you wanted to go for a lunch break?
- Shh. Calm down.
- So just go then.
- You're an ass.
- That's enough.
- Come on.
- Please go.
Come on. We can't be here.
But what's happened?
Oh. My brother's in a coma,
like a vegetable. Come on.
Oh, my god.
I think it's because of the book,
and you know that
better than anyone else.
She used to be with important people.
But they aren't mentioned in the book.
Their names aren't even given.
No, please, I can't believe it,
but what happened?
- No, not here. Let's go.
- What did they say?
We can't talk here.
Don't you get that? Okay.
Tell me, was someone with her?
Does she live alone or with someone?
She lived with her boyfriend.
Huh? Wait.
There was a boyfriend?
Hey, hey, hey, hey,
what's going on here? Huh?
What's happening? Oh, Valeria.
What are you doing here?
- Who is this?
- He's Carlos, the neighbor.
She's maricarmen, Cristina's sister.
Nice meeting you.
I am cebollina.
Excuse me?
They call me like that, cebollina, cebo.
It's just a nickname.
Do you know what happened to my brother?
No, I have no clue.
I was asleep.
I stayed up late, so I know nothing.
But then I woke up
And witnessed such an odyssey.
You have no idea the crazy
fights they used to have there,
the noise that the neighbors
had to put up with.
What fight?
What are you talking about.
Mihai and Cristina.
They were very violent,
so we had the police
coming day and night, every day.
So everybody here knows, and where is he?
Because I need to speak to him.
Listen, let me tell you something.
I know this guy very well,
and I know he's no killer, but
He's involved somehow.
But where can I find him?
I need to speak to this guy right now.
He must be inside, I guess.
He's unemployed
and doesn't do anything all day.
He must be in there.
He just doesn't want to open up.
There's nobody in there.
We knocked, and no one answered.
He's in there.
I'm telling you he's in there.
Open up! It's cebo.
Come on. Open up, you asshole!
You see now?
Huh? Why didn't you answer?
Hello, mihai.
Can we come in?
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Let's get in.
- Go ahead.
- Okay.
Why didn't you open the door earlier?
I was taking a nap, that's all.
All her blood's still there.
I haven't cleaned it up.
Please tell us what happened here.
I don't know what happened.
I was out,
and when I got in,
I saw Cristina bleeding out.
I-I don't know what happened.
But you're the boyfriend, right?
How can you not know
if you're the boyfriend?
If you're not, why are you here, huh?
I live here.
I look after the house.
Valeria, she knows I do that.
Her phone, where is it?
Well, he sold it.
Tell them.
I had to take it to the secondhand shop
around the corner
Because I needed to buy food.
Oh, my god.
Do you do drugs?
No, I don't do any drugs.
- That's a bunch of bullshit.
- Huh?
What's happening here, cebo?
Mihai, what happened?
Just tell us. It's okay.
I guess she had an accident.
Cristina drinks too much
and takes lots of pills.
I don't know.
I-I spoke to the police today.
That's true. He was
over at the police station
all of this morning.
That's the truth, I swear.
When I found Cristina bleeding,
I went to Ana's.
Who's Ana?
The girl downstairs from the bar.
Well, mihai just came out of nowhere,
telling me Cristina wasn't well.
But did you actually see my brother?
- Sorry?
- She means Cristina.
I always call him "brother"
because I'm used to it,
and he's fine with it.
He let me and the whole rest
of the family call him that.
Hey, listen. I only saw her
for a few minutes.
I went to her house,
and she was unconscious,
and I called the ambulance.
It looked like she had banged her head.
- What are you talking about?
- She had a head wound.
She was always falling down.
She had bruises,
but this time, there was
Blood everywhere.
I think she got very drunk.
Yeah, right.
My brother was never a drinker.
Didn't you know that?
Give me a coffee. Hurry.
Do you want anything?
No. Thanks.
Listen to me.
We have to file a complaint.
Against who?
First of all, the hospital,
because I know they're hiding things,
but this is important.
You have to be the one do it.
Uh, maricarmen,
why would I file a complaint
against the hospital?
I don't know how to explain this, but
I've faced some
very important people in Spain.
My name is on all their files.
I'm not scared of them,
and they know that,
but if I'm the one filing the complaint,
it'd be absolutely useless.
I see no point in suing the hospital.
My first guess is actually mihai.
The Romanian dude?
Nah, he's just a poor bastard.
Surely they're gonna frame him
as a scapegoat.
He's just one more victim.
A victim of what?
The state, of course.
Some wicked big fish
inside the government
because there's a dark hand
pulling the strings.
They tried to make my life hell,
but they can't control me.
They never managed to,
because they know if I talk,
I'm gonna give the press some names
and bring them all down.
Excuse me.
- Excuse me.
- Well
We have received breaking news
- I really have to go.
- No, wait.
really heartbreaking.
Hey, you, turn it up.
I'm being told that a very famous
and beloved lady from our country
and one of this show's closest friends
is now in a coma.
Oh, Agustin, you're scaring me.
You're scaring all of us.
Production, are we allowed
to announce who it is?
- Why wouldn't he?
- Don't leave us hanging.
Agustin, come. Tell us
who you're talking about.
I'm talking about our Cristina la veneno.
- How did they find out?
- She was here with us last week
talking about her trip to Miami
to promote her new book.
Exactly. I remember last time
she came to the show,
she was very nervous.
- She was stuttering.
- Yeah.
Even when she mentioned her new projects,
she seemed very excited about the book.
I remember she came here
with the writer of her memoir.
- Yes, Valeria.
- Did you really
go on television with her?
Something happened on Saturday.
Yes. She asked me
to come along, but I don't
- Shh. Quiet.
- And our sources say
that she was hit very hard
on the head, very hard.
But I don't get it. Hit how?
Did she fall?
Is there any evidence
This is all the information
we've got so far.
Do you have something?
Uh, very well, I've got information
if the director allows me to say it,
because I think it might be related.
This Friday,
Cristina was supposed
to take the polygraph.
Not to mention
that some out there might fear
what she would have said
with the polygraph.
Now that you mention it, you're right.
- You know if that's true?
- You're totally right.
- I think so.
- Do you guys think
that it could be a settling of scores?
Valeria, right now, you're gonna give me
the first and last names
of all the initials
that are mentioned in my brother's book,
because I'm gonna
investigate them one by one.
Enough, maricarmen.
It doesn't list any important people,
and half of them must have
been Cristina's fantasies.
It just
How could they be fantasies?
They're printed in a book.
Yeah, but, I mean, Cristina's a dreamer.
What are you saying?
So it's all a big lie?
It's not a lie, but you know Cristina.
Maricarmen, you know how she is.
Aren't you a formal journalist?
But as a professional,
why would you write a book
that's all full of bullshit?
It's not bullshit.
It's her way of telling
her own story and
What are you getting
out of all this, huh?
- Excuse me?
- Yeah, you heard me.
What are you getting?
Who's pulling the strings?
What are you talking about?
Tell me who killed my brother.
Valeria, who murdered my brother?
Your sister, for god sake,
and she's still alive.
I'm leaving.
Yeah, you better leave.
We'll meet again.
I'm sure of that.
See you tomorrow, Mr. José.
Get some rest, paca.
Bye. Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
How are you, Asunción?
So it could be related
to important people
I'm good.
I couldn't make it anytime sooner, honey.
The supervisor was tailing me
everywhere. I'm sorry.
Oh, I see, okay.
I'll tell you everything tomorrow.
- Very well.
- How are you, my love?
Here's some water for you
- Oh.
- So you have it nearby.
- Thanks.
- Okay?
- Yes.
- Try not to move too much.
Where did you put the TV re
- Oh, here it is.
- Uh-huh.
I'm gonna turn the TV off
so the nurse doesn't nag you.
Anyway, the show
we both like has finished,
the prince with coronado.
- Oh.
- Oh, I love that hottie, honey.
He's so handsome, right?
I'm gonna turn the TV off.
What we have just witnessed
were some images of Cristina la veneno,
who, as you know, is still in a coma,
very injured.
She has been placed in the icu
with a terrible
and mysterious head wound.
What a tragic Saturday.
There is an ongoing investigation.
You think there's something shady here?
Yeah. Everybody thinks that.
Something is shady, because nando and I
have been trying to obtain information,
and there's just no way to get any.
Where is he?
In a room down the hall,
but they won't let you in, mom.
Of course they're gonna
let me in. I'm his mother.
Excuse me!
Where are you all going?
- To see my son.
- Wait, please!
He's there.
Oh, my god.
My dear son, what have they done?
Joselito, talk to me.
reservado El cielo ♪
Joselito, talk to us.
Please don't go.
Ni Los malos
sois tan malos ♪
Oh, my god.
Oh, my boy.
Si por mi nunca pregunta ♪
escondéme UN puñal
en El pecho ♪
It was you.
It was you.
It was you!
It's all your fault!
- Maricarmen!
- It's all your fault!
It's all your fault!
It's all your fault!
Our mother had nothing to do with this!
- Let me go!
- Maricarmen, come on.
She's your mother!
- Don't say that!
- You caused this!
I hate you!
You fucking killed my brother!
No! Joselito! Why?
No. Why?
My poor brother.
You killed him!
I hate you!
No! No!
No, not my baby!
Cristina la veneno has passed.
Que se pare El tiempo ♪
We are devastated.
We're sending
all our condolences and support
to her family in this tragic moment.
Que no sientas
miedo cuando gire lento ♪
Live from her place in Madrid,
we've got our field reporter, Eva,
along with mihai, who's
just heard of the sad news.
We would argue, but never hit each other.
Like a normal couple, sometimes
we yelled at one another,
but I never hurt her or anything.
Cristina, she used to drink
Rezo por tu aliento ♪
y que no sientas miedo
cuando gire lento ♪
rezo por tu aliento ♪
y que no sientas miedo
cuando gire lento ♪
What's gonna happen
now with veneno's remains?
Sources close to Cristina's family
have confirmed that veneno
is going to rest in adra,
the little town where she
was born and raised.
Carmen, you had a story
you wanted to share.
According to the same sources
from the family,
not only will Cristina rest in adra,
they also decided
that her tombstone will have
her birth name engraved.
- What are you saying?
- That the engraving
on Cristina's tombstone will read.
"Jose Antonio Ortiz rodríguez."
Excuse me.
You're Valeria, right?
Could you answer some questions, please?
Can you tell us how are you feeling?
What do you think
was the cause of her death?
We'd like to have you
live for an interview.
Was it a suicide?
Let's go inside.
Maricarmen, wait a second, please.
We have nothing to discuss with you.
But what happened?
You didn't tell me
that you were one of them.
One of who?
Trans. I trusted you, Valeria.
God knows what other lies you've told.
What's that got to do with anything?
Maricarmen, I beg you.
Cristina had a final wish.
Stop. Please.
And what would you know
about what my sister wanted?
You've all taken advantage of her.
That's nothing but a lie.
Please, maricarmen, listen.
In the book,
Cristina said she wanted her ashes
scattered in west park.
It's right here in the book.
You are absolutely shameless.
You said that book
was full of lies and bullshit fantasies.
I never said that.
Don't distort reality.
My brother was a good person,
very noble, and very easily manipulated
by you crows revolving around her.
My brother was very much loved in adra.
He was, and he loved adra back.
She wants to be back with her people,
with her family, and her town.
Because anytime he'd walk into a bar
he wouldn't pay for a single drink.
Everybody wanted to share with him.
Joselito is coming back to the hometown
from which he never should
have left in the first place.
- I'm sorry.
- She's my friend.
I understand, but it's
not in my power. I'm sorry.
- Please let me say goodbye.
- Juani.
- I just want to
- Juani.
I can't believe it.
- I just can't believe it.
- I know.
Two days ago, we were together
at the Puerta del sol,
spending the day together as we used to.
Next I find out
I know, juani. I know.
She had me sitting by her side
at the book launching, remember?
She stopped signing
and asked me to sit next to her,
and now I'm not even allowed
to say goodbye to her.
- What do you mean they won't?
- No.
No, they're not letting us inside.
- No.
- What's going on?
I'm very sorry. I was
explaining this to your friend.
There are no visits allowed.
And why aren't they allowed?
At the family's request,
this is a closed-door service.
I'm sorry.
But she's my friend.
I understand,
but there's nothing I can do.
It's not in my hands.
I have to say goodbye to her.
She's my friend, and I can't say goodbye?
Juani, they won't let us in.
Can't you see she can't let us in?
- No.
- Huh?
Come on. Let's go, mama.
- It's not fair.
- Come on, juani.
Juani, we're not welcome here.
She won't let us in.
Look at her.
Huh? She's just standing there.
She doesn't care.
Hello. I have a statement.
Perfect. Thanks, Valeria.
Hey, guys.
Valeria wants to talk to us.
Okay, I'll let her in.
Please put the headphone on
to hear the TV host.
Apparently we've
We've got Uh, we have
established a connection
live from the funeral
With Valeria.
We're airing live from the funeral.
The the author
of the book about la veneno.
Good evening, Valeria.
So sorry for your loss.
Hello. Thank you for that.
Valeria, knowing Cristina
as well as you did,
what do you think
happened on that Saturday?
I talked to her on Friday about midday.
She was fine.
She had her projects.
That's why when I heard,
I completely discarded
the possibility of a suicide.
She had a few attempts before,
but that's not the case here.
Mm-hmm. Nando?
Well, I'd like to know
if you actually think
that the possibility of it
being an accident is
Is the most accurate or plausible?
My opinion is that we
should leave it to the police.
It could be an accident,
a beating, or I don't know.
Knowing a lot about about la veneno,
was she close with her family?
Come on. You already
have the answer to that.
Cristina had a terrible
relationship with her family.
I understand how hard it is
to be part of her family,
but you have to understand.
You had to learn to deal with Cristina.
And all she ever wanted was to be loved.
It had been 19 years since
she had last seen her mothr
and the rest of her family, 19 years.
However, let us be clear
it's okay they don't want to talk.
They're not comfortable in her world,
so they want to stay away.
But I'm begging the family
to respect that Cristina built
another family in Madrid,
Cristina's family were those women
in west park that she knew
in del desengaño street.
The family of Cristina were those women
she used to share a snack
and a good laugh with.
That's the family she built for herself,
and now they're not allowed
to say goodbye to their friend.
They earned their right
to be here today at her funeral.
That's right, girl.
I'm just sharing my heart.
That's all.
Hey, turn that off.
I said off.
I came as soon as I could.
I'm so sorry.
Aren't you picking up?
Hi. I'm from vanidades, and
we've just seen your speech
at the veneno's funeral,
and we'd like you to come in
so we can interview
Valeria, baby, how are you?
Uh, sorry to bother you, really,
but this is total madness.
The book is sold out.
Every single one is gone.
I know you don't have a lot in stock,
but can you send us more?
Vicky, I can't talk right now.
What can I do for you?
Can you get me a glass of water?
Valeria, my love.
Let me tell you one thing.
If Cristina and I were still friends,
I swear to god she wouldn't have died.
She would still be here,
because she would have called me
and said, "paca, I'm not okay."
She would have said, "paca, help,"
and I'd say,
"come over, sweetheart." Right?
Because she's on my mind and
my prayers every single day,
and I love her very much because
we had a very old friendship.
You know that.
I know, paca.
She loved you very much.
But then she went to the TV shows
telling everybody in the country
And you know that broke my heart
That I had stolen millions from her.
Jesus Christ, when have
I ever stolen anything?
Paca, it doesn't matter now.
Yeah, but remember when she said to you,
"take paca out of the book.
I don't want her"?
You released the book,
and there wasn't
a single photo of us together.
That just shattered
my poor heart into pieces.
But I want to ask you a favor.
If you ever happen to write another book
or if you're asked to write a second part
or to write an article in any newspaper
or a magazine interview,
I was thinking
since she's always fantasizing
when you were writing the book,
I'm gonna ask you
to write one of my fantasies.
What, paca?
I want you to write that,
that she that she and I,
we we made up
and we were friends again.
Because my heart will never heal
from the pain
of not saying goodbye to her
or giving her the biggest
of hugs and biggest of kisses.
Paca, you wanted it all
to be true in the book
and not just a fantasy.
But which world do you want to live in?
In the world of fantasies she created
or this cruel and real world
we are forced to endure?
Which world do you
want to live in, Valeria?
- You tell me.
- Paca
I have to hang up, okay?
I love you so much.
Here, baby.
You gotta eat something, okay?
Can you hold me, please?
One month,
a month has the corpse
of the great vedette la veneno,
lying at the mortuary, a whole month.
After a second autopsy that states
it was a domestic accident.
The family's unhappy with the result,
and now they are waiting
for a third autopsy.
A third one, for what?
It took Jesus Christ
three days to resurrect.
Are they expecting for her
to stand up like Lazarus?
Don't forget her family
even took pictures
of Cristina's corpse
because none of the experts
were doing their jobs.
Without the flash on, hopefully.
A big hit to the head.
Why did she have all
of her knuckles broken? Jesus.
Didn't the police see that stuff?
It's all a bit fishy.
What I'm asking myself is her family,
if they hated her so much,
why are they suddenly
showing so much interest.
- With hundreds of autopsies.
- It's for the money.
I didn't want to say it, but we all know
that money is what we're talking about.
I don't care,
but we are asking the family,
for god's sake,
please let la veneno rest.
Uh, the due amount is 10,000 Euros.
What are you saying?
That's what the extended
freezing of your daughter costs.
Oh, joselito, I can't believe you.
Even in death, you're causing me ruin.
Mama, please stop now.
You'll get the money
when we sell his flat.
I told you we should go the news
and show them the photos I took of her.
- I'm sure the money's good.
- Come on. I think that
Why don't we just let it go?
Let's just cash in the insurance.
Like hell. This is a crime
of the highest spheres,
and I won't surrender to them.
- Maricarmen.
- No, "maricarmen," my ass.
Without my consent,
you can't do anything,
and I'm gonna wait
for frontela's opinion.
Come on. It's true
the police got things wrong.
They treated her like a hobo
and investigated
less than half of what they should have.
We can't keep going on like this.
- Honey.
- Hey, hon.
Trust my thinking already.
It has been a month
- Hi, son.
- And nothing's changed.
Give your grandma a kiss. Go.
What would you like to do?
We can't wait any longer.
This whole situation is gonna ruin us.
We have to keep investigating.
I'm taking him to adra, okay,
and burying him like god intended.
No. You're not
burying him in adra.
We'll respect his last wish,
mother, cremation
and scattering the ashes
in the west park, okay?
What are you talking about?
With all the whores and trans women?
You have no idea what you're saying,
so you better keep your mouth shut.
No, no, I won't.
I won't stay quiet!
We're gonna do what my brother wanted,
because I will
Because you will what?
Because I will be the one
talking to the media.
- You on TV?
- That's right,
and I'm gonna say it all,
including your dirty secret, mom.
I'm warning you.
- Are we clear?
- Shut up.
Quit that nonsense with the government
and the conspiracy theories
and the photos.
We've been here
Only half of it.
Only half of the ashes.
The other half is coming with me to adra.
Good for you?
Good. End of story.
- What a beautiful dress, right?
- Yes, I really like it.
Thank you,
and you know if you need anything else,
I still have lots to sell, okay?
That's Valeria.
She wrote the book.
Who are they?
The boyfriend, he's selling it all.
I see.
I'd love to see where my joselito lived,
my Cristina.
In here.
I'm sorry about what happened before
with my sister, maricarmen.
She's not well.
We had a tough life.
She's not not a bad person.
She's just troubled.
It's okay.
We're doing it.
Doing what?
We're gonna scatter
her ashes in west park.
You really are?
I read your book.
I have a son, you know?
A son who's
He's 20 years old.
My boy reminds me a lot of my joselito.
My joselito was a pure bright light
And my boy is as well.
I don't know.
Reading your book made me think twice
about the kind of life I wish for my kid.
I don't want him
to have a life like joselito's.
I hope he won't.
It's all done now, right?
You are coming today to west park, no?
I'm gonna stay here.
As you wish.
Thank you for everything, Valeria.
No, thank you.
You can keep it.
The owner of this thing was
Was Tamara.
La gitana, a very good friend of yours.
We did it, Cristina.
My paco loves me so much.
His son is gay.
Beautiful and witty as hell.
Cristina, what happened?
What happened that night?
God, the reporter.
Stop questioning.
I'm fed up with all that shit.
You're such a drag.
Quit that bullshit.
Put that all behind you.
I'm sick of you asking questions
all the fucking time.
Tell me what's new.
You never tell me shit.
Wh-what would you like to hear?
For example, tell me like only you can.
How is my funeral?
Very well.
Paco arrives at west park
with your ashes in his arms.
Is he alone?
I'm there, too.
Paco is really amazed with the park.
It's beautiful.
It's beautiful, you know?
Paco chooses a tree,
the biggest and the most
majestic one in the whole park.
That one.
He waits a second to throw your ashes.
What's he waiting for,
more people to attend my funeral?
They're all there, Cristina.
They all wanted to say goodbye to you.
Your whole family's there,
maricarmen, maritere, rocio, rafa
Your parents.
My parents.
Who else is coming?
Well, all of your friends
you knew from west park
La manola, Fanny, Carolina, Tamara,
all of them, Cristina.
Cebollina is there, too,
with rocío, la Zane, sacha, bienve,
and juani.
Juani looks absolutely gorgeous.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
They all came to say goodbye to you.
Who else, my dear?
Pepe navarro.
Pepe wouldn't have missed this, Cristina.
And he brought with him mari,
Pablo, machús, faela,
the whole Mississippi crew.
Really? Who else came?
Manolito ceballos.
And tomás, Alfonso, pepa, romero.
Even gracia's daughter, la sevillana.
My gracia.
Everybody's there, Cristina,
not a soul missing.
And Angelo?
He wasn't allowed to attend.
You did well.
And how 'bout the prince?
The prince couldn't make it.
Sorry, Cristina.
Impossible, of course.
I know what a scandal it'd be.
A limousine gets to the driveway.
It stops, rolls down the window,
and it's him, Cristina.
It's him.
Dressed as a construction worker?
Then he leaves.
Valeria, you see?
I'm not a liar.
And paca?
Paca wouldn't have missed it.
Is working when she gets the call
at the residence back in valencia.
Oh, yeah?
Right now?!
Got it! I'm on my way!
She doesn't think twice about it.
She rushes out of that place.
Out of my way! I'm in a rush!
She throws her robe at her boss.
Goodbye, Mr. José.
And she storms out in search of a cab.
A taxi to Madrid?
That's so damn expensive.
But, sweetheart, it's your funeral.
I'll pay whatever to be by your side.
I'll pay for it with my coochie.
She gets in, and she tells the driver.
Oh, hello.
Let's speed up to Madrid.
And head over to west park quick, honey.
It's my best friend's funeral,
and there's no time to waste.
With pleasure, fair lady.
Oh. I think
I've just wet my panties.
You know, we fought over
something silly, don't you?
We're all there now, Cristina.
And we're all thinking
about how much we love you
and will miss you.
Then paca's cab arrives,
skidding into west park.
Oh, I'm late. Oh, I'm very late.
Paca gets out,
running as fast as she can.
But then all of a sudden,
the cabdriver calls out.
Excuse me.
Who, me?
You are truly a dazzling woman.
- Yeah?
- Yes.
- Oh, really?
- Truly.
Ohh. So kiss me, you fool.
Don't waste any more time.
Call me, my love.
I will.
Wait for me!
Just a second.
I'm coming!
Wait for me! Wait for me!
Oh, god.
Oh, thank goodness.
Oh, Valeria, I made it.
Paco, honey.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my heart.
Parece que hoy
no ha muerto gente ♪
sigue intacto El equilibrio ♪
todas las cosas urgentes ♪
lo serán si son contigo ♪
lo he leído en una taza ♪
soy conciente del peligro ♪
lo bueno es lo que nos pasa ♪
lo demás, es no estar vivo ♪
vamos a tener con suerte ♪
lo que hayamos decidido ♪
y aunque se revele inerte ♪
pienso estar agradecido, oh ♪
deberíamos decir más veces ♪
"te deseo
lo que te mereces" ♪
pero, pierde fuerza
entre Los dientes ♪
coge tus cuchillos y antes ♪
de perderte para siempre ♪
mueve la cabeza
y Mira a quién ♪
se ha partido El espinazo ♪
por tenerte
entre Los brazos ♪
eso no se puede devolver ♪
qué le vamos a hacer ♪
qué le vamos a hacer ♪
qué le vamos a hacer ♪
qué le vamos a hacer ♪
qué le vamos a hacer ♪
qué le vamos a hacer ♪
qué le vamos a hacer ♪
qué le vamos a hacer ♪
That one?
Go on.
Go ahead.
I've had an amazing life.
It's been wonderful.
Then read it back to me.
"I was born"
I was born in 1964 at midnight
on the feast of St. Joseph.
That very same day, my mom
was being sung a serenade.
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