Veronika (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

The Victim

I think I've had this ability
since childhood.
The accident happened
at his factory.
So he wanted to contribute.
-I just want to say thank you.
-That was so long ago.
Bengt hasn't been in an accident.
I would know.
-You can't just walk out.
-I'm police, okay? I need her.
-What's your theory?
-Oskar witnessed Hanna's murder,
ended up in the river somehow.
And that Josefin was murdered
by the same person.
We find out who
gave them the necklaces.
What do you mean? I'm here.
I know who T is.
Did you find anything?
No, nothing on the dates
we're looking at.
This feels a bit thin.
When my dad died,
I knew before it happened.
I think they're visions.
And when Hanna, Oskar
and Josefin died, I had a dream.
And that dream is back now.
I think something
is about to happen again.
Hanna showed herself to me once,
at the pool.
Tommy was there.
And today, when I saw the photo,
he was there again.
Hanna writes about a T,
and she used to swim there.
We just need a connection to
We'll give it a shot.
They're burying Hanna tomorrow.
Yeah, I know.
-Hi, Sara.
-Did something happen?
We just want to
ask you some questions.
We actually need Tommy's help,
but you know how he gets
when we show up.
Yeah, we're investigating something
that happened in March, 2019.
Tommy may have seen something.
Do you know if he worked at a stable
in Backa at the time?
Worked? Well, I can hear
that you don't know Tommy.
But sometimes he does
odd jobs, right?
He helped rebuild the playground.
Yes Yes, he did.
He has his moments.
I'm sorry, but you'll probably
have to talk to Tommy.
Okay. Thanks.
We'll have to find out
who built that playground.
Yeah, I'll go in
and look it up right away.
I think you better keep a low
profile until we know more.
I thought Simon might need this.
What are they doing?
They're watching a movie.
Are they okay?
I understand if you're sad
and disappointed in me.
It ended up very wrong.
If you had just thought about it,
you would have known
that I was with you.
When the girls were killed.
Both times.
I was with you in the hospital.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Good morning.
Hey there.
-Paul, is that one of you?
Hi, I'm the one who called.
My name is Nassir.
-My colleague, Veronika.
Is it correct that Tommy Sand
works for you sometimes?
Tommy? Yeah, I employ him sometimes,
when I need a welder.
Right, is it possible for you
to check
if he worked for you in March, 2019?
Here it is.
Tommy started with us on March 1st,
2019, and left three days later.
-Oh, why was that?
-Like usual with guys like that.
You give them a chance,
but they can't handle it.
Arrive late, can't behave.
And what happened?
I sent him on a job
at a fancy property.
Super easy, really, but Tommy
had issues with his temper.
Couldn't handle the woman who
owned the place giving orders,
made inappropriate comments
to the girls at the stable,
you know what I mean.
This doesn't happen to be
the Forss family's property?
Good, thank you for the information.
-Can you send that to me?
Great, have a nice day.
I'll bring Tommy in right away.
You can call your lawyer
if you want.
And how do you think that will help?
Do you think that a fucking lawyer
would know where I was on those
dates, when I have no idea, myself?
Are you a little bit slow, maybe?
-You're funny, Tommy.
-Thank you, thank you.
But it's in you interest
to answer my questions.
Did you meet Josefin
on the property?
Oh come on, for fuck's sake.
I haven't done anything. Fucking
Tommy, we can tie you
to two murdered girls.
I know you met Hanna Hagman
at swimming.
And she writes about you
in her diary.
Maybe you see why I need to know
where you were
on these exact two dates.
Hi, Tommy.
You can finish this now.
I just need to
ask him some questions.
-The Hanna Hagman case.
But that case is closed.
Are you too going to start making
connections that don't exist?
Let this go now.
Tommy. You can go home now.
Oh God.
To you we have surrendered Hanna.
To you we surrender ourselves.
Help carry us in our grief
and lament.
Preserve us now and for eternity,
in the name of Christ.
We pray together.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses
You've reached Veronika Gren,
leave a message.
I couldn't hold Tommy any
longer, but I'm following him now.
Call me when you can.
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the
glory are yours now and for ever.
I'm glad you're here.
A while ago, you said Dad
didn't die in an accident,
do you remember that?
I say a lot of things.
But if I ask you now,
was it an accident, or could
it have been something else?
Please, can you answer me?
Where are you going?
Who's there?
It's Veronika.
Can I come in?
Yes, sure.
What do you want?
I just want to know
when my dad died at the factory,
what was it that happened?
What happened to Bengt was awful
And I found out you
gave my mum money.
Why did you?
Because she needed it, I guess.
Yeah, but you didn't need to
give her anything.
I wanted you to be happy.
-Was that wrong of me?
-No, no.
I think I have to ask you
to leave now.
-I need to rest a while.
Oh, put that back.
Is this Martin and Monika?
Put that back.
This is the butterfly necklace.
I want you to leave now.
Why does Monika have
the butterfly necklace?
What are you talking about?
This is the same necklace
the girls who were murdered wore.
What girls?
Why did your daughter kill herself?
I don't want you to talk about her.
I don't want you
to talk about Monika.
Why did she kill herself?
Ivar, you have to tell me, other
people's lives could be at stake.
Ivar, why did she kill herself?
-You would have done the same thing.
-What do you mean?
What should I have done?
-What do you mean?
-I did it for my children.
Did what?
It was something that
that Bengt said he'd seen.
But it was a lie. A flat out lie.
-What did he see?
-There was no proof.
There was no grounds, whatsoever,
for his allegations.
What did he see?
He came to the factory too early.
He said he'd seen Martin.
He said that what Martin
did to Monika
You don't do that to your sister.
I have to tell someone,
you know that.
-You won't tell anyone.
-Who's will be next?
-Don't be so self-righteous.
-The police have to know.
-I can make your life very hard.
-He can't just
-You'll keep your mouth shut!
-Don't touch me.
And then you killed my dad.
Martin is out of control.
-Wait, I hello?
Hello? Veronika?
-Hello? I can't hear you.
-T as in trainer.
What do you mean, trainer? Hello?
-Repeat, what did you say?
Hey, Nassir, how's it going?
Did you have a nice walk
in the forest?
Hey, it's me. Martin is T.
T as in trainer.
I'm driving to him now.
-Yeah, it's crazy.
I don't know. I'm so worried
I don't know, it's crazy.
Look at this.
-Are you kidding, is that him too?
-I know!
Alright, wait, check this out.
Who was that?
Oh, nothing.
Okay, anyway, like It's crazy.
-Hey, I've got to go.
-Oh, okay, bye, see you.
-Is Liv with you?
-No, why do you ask?
I need to get hold of her,
where is she?
Maybe it's good
to give her some space.
Can you answer me? Where is Liv?
Yes, she's at Molly's.
-Are you sure?
Okay, good. Thank you.
I thought we could
do some turns. Here.
Good, Liv.
You have to time it precisely,
to get a good boost.
Turn around.
You do the stroke like this,
at the same time as you push off.
There, good.
Did you like it?
The necklace.
Yeah, it's really nice.
I thought of you
as soon as I saw it.
Okay, let's keep going.
Katrin. Is Martin home?
Hi, Veronika.
Is he home?
-So, where is he?
-Well, he drove off.
-Where to?
He was going to the pool.
-Hey, it's Molly.
-Is Liv with you?
What? Um
-Is Liv there?
-No, she left awhile ago.
So, where the hell is she?
She was going to practice
but then I don't know where she
Or what, has something happened?
It's so much fun, coaching you.
You really absorb what I say,
and I see that you understand
what needs to change.
-It's great.
-Thank you.
You're so cute when you smile.
It isn't strange
that I call you cute, is it?
You must have
heard that lots of times.
Mm I don't know
You're not like other girls, Liv.
I'll dry you.
We belong together, you and I.
You feel that too, right?
That came off all wrong.
I apologise.
I think you misunderstood me.
So come out now, Liv.
You shouldn't feel stupid
for flirting with me.
Liv, wait!
Liv, come out now.
You don't need to be ashamed.
It's normal, at your age,
to be confused about your feelings.
I just want to help you.
You're embarrassed that you
sent me those signals.
I won't tell anyone.
Hey, what do you say?
Liv, stop!
Let go of her.
Let go of her, Martin!
She's not well.
I can explain this,
it's not what it looks like.
Veronika, you know me.
It's fine, just give her to me.
No, stay there!
Give her to me and we'll forget
about this, okay?
Okay? Hey?
I know what you've done.
I know everything.
But I'll help you.
-I promise you that I'll help you.
-Stay there!
It's C2120715.
My God, Veronika
Shouldn't you go home and rest?
Yes, I just wanted to finish
the testimony first.
Very lucky forensics
found that diary.
Yeah. The question is whether we
would have been able to
pinpoint Martin
from the contents anyway.
You might be right about that.
I'm sorry about
what happened to Liv.
I'm glad she's better.
Go home now.
Yeah, I can finish this.
you haven't told anyone else
about Josefin, right?
This story is convoluted enough
to explain as it is.
in prison, as far as I'm concerned.
Okay. Thanks.
See you.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-How are you?
I'm fine.
Do you want pancakes?
Do you want pancakes too?
No, thanks.
Does she seem okay?
She's in shock, I think.
Or denial I don't know.
Maybe we should talk?
Liv is alive,
and that's all that matters.
She needs calm.
And what do you need?
I don't know.
Time, maybe.
Why are you sitting in the dark?
Sit down, Simon.
Have you eaten?
No, not yet.
I see you're going on a trip again.
I thought I might.
Right, where are you going this
I don't know.
can you look after the flowers?
You look different.
I do?
You look well.
Maybe I am.
I'm glad they could reach you.
These are some of Ninni's things.
I'm really sorry.
But you saw her too, right?
Mum, come on now.
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