Vindication (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

Face To Face

(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
- [Tanner] I freaked out. I
probably scared you guys.
- [Travis] Don't worry about
it, you did the right thing.
- I just, I called your phone several times
and knowing that your daughter was away,
- It's okay Tanner,
Becky was already awake.
This is the second homicide
we've had in fourteen months.
We went twelve years without a murder
in East Bank and now we've had two.
- Are we sure this is a homicide?
- Back of the head.
(dramatic music)
- Okay, yeah.
- Press is gonna have
a field day on this one.
- This is all yours Travis.
- Do I have to deal with the media?
- We'll worry about that later okay?
(camera clicks)
You handled the last one without a hit so,
I expect the same here.
- Well the last one left
me a bread crumb trail.
Any ID yet?
- Misty Huff. Married to Gordon Huff.
President and CEO of RMD Devices.
- Hm, so that money, even better.
Anybody notify the husband yet?
- I-
- Um guys?
We-we've got another body over here.
(dramatic music)
- The East Bank community
remains on edge today
after the grisly discovery of two bodies
in a field north of Farm Road 158.
Police say they are
still searching for leads.
- At this time we're continuing
to gather information,
as we know more we'll
inform the public but,
I'd say at this time it's
all I have to comment on.
My god, they made me look
like a circus clown, you see that?
Why wouldn't they have me change that tie?
All the circles and stuff.
And my head, it looks huge.
You know, they use those wide angle lenses
and then they shoot you from an angle,
and your head looks all gross and blown up.
Police officers that are doing their job
day in and day out.
-You think it's the angle?
- [Travis On TV] I don't
doubt my team whatsoever.
But at this time, I cannot
share any other information.
I appreciate your time.
- With each passing day,
more questions are being raised.
About the transparency
surrounding the investigation,
and if progress is really being made.
- What does she want from me, huh?
What, what does she want from me?
She wants to make us look incompetent.
- Why don't we just, turn
the TV off for a minute?
Since we're all here now.
- Gladly.
- Okay. So, before you say anything
I want to apologize for
making you guys so worried.
- Do you see why we're so worried?
- I do! And it won't happen again.
- And, the other news?
- I'm really sorry you
had to find out that way.
Well what was I supposed to say?
Hey mom and dad, I'm
single, I'm living at home
and I'm pregnant, surprise.
- Katie. Every child is a blessing.
Your father and I love you,
and we will love this baby unconditionally.
- But I've put you guys through so much.
- [Travis] How about this?
We've all done and said things
in this house that we regret.
Especially me.
So why don't we just let it go?
I won't hold on to it, if
you don't hold on to it.
That sound good?
- I've wanted that for a long time.
- You sure that nail
polish is good for the baby?
-Fumes and all?
- It's fine.
- I'm serious.
- I am too dad, it's fine.
- It's an embarrassment.
It's what it is.
In the news, on the
computers, on the phones.
In the papers!
Do you know how this makes us look?
- Sir, you know these things take some time
We can't compromise- -
You think I'm an idiot Bill?
How long have I been doing this work for?
I know you don't have any leads.
Our problem is, we don't have
a clue how to handle ourself
in the public eye.
So you know,
the city says they ain't
gonna pay for PR rep.
So you're gonna have to
come up, with another idea.
Because I want this
disaster with the press,
cleaned up.
Give them a new face.
Distract them if you have to.
But I want this fixed.
Are we clear?
- [All] Yes sir.
(knock on door)
- Detective Travis, are you busy?
- Come in.
- So I heard that your trainee
will be handling, the media?
That should be good
right? Allow you to focus?
- Sure, what do you want?
- Um, do you remember that
favor that you asked awhile back?
- I do.
- Well, I actually wanted
to ask a little favor in return.
If that's okay, but,
it isn't of the professional nature though.
- Okay, go ahead.
- Well, okay um, if it
wouldn't be inappropriate,
I wanted to request that you facilitate
a formal introduction
between me and Ms. Tanner.
- What kind of introduction?
- Uh, personal
introduction? (laughs softly)
- Listen, listen Caleb.
- Kevin.
(clears throat) You have no
idea what you're getting into.
(laughs) There's no introduction.
- To be honest sir, I, I
mean no disrespect but,
I find her intriguing,
inspiring, intuitive.
- Oh okay, listen.
This is not a bar, it's a workplace.
- Sir just an introduction?
Maybe a good word?
That's all I'm asking here.
(dramatic music)
- I'll think about it,
only because I owe you.
- Thank you sir, have a great afternoon.
Thank you.
- I mean, they think she's
gonna do a better job than me.
Media's gonna eat her alive.
- I think this is a good
learning experience for Kris.
- You know Tony saw me on the news.
Said there was four job
openings in Fort Worth
with signing bonuses, nice signing bonuses.
- You'd consider moving?
- Well I like options.
How'd it go at the obstetrician?
- They ran some tests.
We should hear back in a couple of days.
She's worried that there
might be something wrong.
Cause of her history,
so please be sensitive.
- Was she on something
when she got pregnant?
- She's not sure.
- I can be sensitive.
(dogs barking)
We need to bring everyone back in.
Set them down, stare them in the eyes,
see if their stories change.
- Toxicology report's
supposed to be in this week.
The kid in the lab said he's gonna
bring it to me as soon as it's done.
- You mean Kevin?
He's a great guy, smart.
- Also, Gordon's business partner supposed
to be back in the country this week.
- That's if he returns at all.
One sit down with him may be all we need.
- You think he's involved?
- I won't know unless I talk to him.
- Sir I don't mean to
rush you but I'm supposed
to do an interview with
Channel Four this evening,
so we kinda need to get back.
- Yeah okay, just set
up the meeting for me.
- Who do you want first?
- Start with the son.
- [Travis] Robert, Tyler.
Thank you for coming back in.
I know this is a tough
time for both of you.
- Well Tyler wants to help any way he can
and I'll be here anytime he needs me.
- I know the family's very
grateful for what you're doing.
How you holding up?
- I'm all right. Just doesn't
seem real to me still so.
- I can't imagine.
You've been very helpful so far though.
We were just going through
the transcripts and uh,
just needed some
clarification on a few details.
Particularly about the party
the night before they were found.
- Okay sure.
- So you said your parents were divorced,
that you lived with your father
and your stepmom, correct?
- That's right.
- But your mom was at the party?
Party for your dad's company?
So I'm assuming that they're on good terms?
- Well, she wasn't there for my dad.
She was there with Mike who works for him.
- Mike Taylor, his business partner?
- That's right.
- So, why was she there with him?
- Actually they're, they're dating now.
So it was this big ordeal back and forth
about how she wasn't really invited
but then in the end she came.
- So, did you see them
interacting that evening?
Your dad and your mom?
(dramatic music)
(party music)
(party goers laugh)
- Tyler! Come here.
Uh, Tyler honey, I need
you to do something for me.
- Okay.
- Go tell your dad that I need to
reschedule my weekend with you.
I'm going somewhere with Mike
and I won't be back in time so um,
just tell him we can reschedule
for the following weekend.
- Why can't you tell him?
- I'd rather not, with his rebound
wife hanging all over him.
I think she's already drunk.
I don't want to start
anything with her tonight.
- Fine.
I'll tell him.
- Good job babe.
- Yeah, so long weekend.
(background chatter)
- [Party Goer] What's your name again?
Oh shoot! It's okay I'll just drink it.
Oh, Tyler! Hey, have you guys met my son?
- I'm not your son.
- Shh.
(drunken mumbling)
-Have you seen my dad?
- Oh he's inside, he like,
it's probably talking
business with somebody.
He doesn't even understand what a party is.
- Thanks.
- Gosh, his son's just so cute.
- I'm not gonna do anything tonight Chase.
It's a party, it can wait.
- He reallocated sixteen
units without talking to anyone.
He pushed the paperwork
through, signing himself,
and he didn't mention
it until I confronted him.
- I get it.
But you know what it's
gonna look like, don't you?
- Rick, come on.
Top grading project, that was his idea.
And you and I both know
that was a complete disaster.
This guy is a cancer, and he is sinking us.
Yeah but he's, he's dating my ex now.
- Look,
I'm not trying to be that guy, all right?
But are you sure their relationship
started after the divorce?
- We'll have to cut off his access.
And I'll bet others walk out after him.
Are we ready for that?
- Do it when he goes on vacation.
Tell him the uh,
tell him the VPN went down for maintenance.
- I could meet him at
the door when he returns.
There won't be any trouble.
- Okay, send it to HR.
But this stays between the four of us.
- No problem.
- Hey, mom wants to talk to you.
- Which mom?
- My mom.
- So, why didn't you travel
with Mr. Taylor like you planned?
You had tickets.
- After what happened to my ex-husband?
The father of my child?
No um, he needed me here.
- But the man you were dating,
business partner of your ex-husband,
still decides to leave the country?
Just doesn't sound right.
- I told him to go.
A relative of his was getting married,
I didn't see any reason for him to cancel.
- Were you aware his employment status
with RMD was in jeopardy?
- (scoffs) No.
I didn't know anything about that.
Who told you that?
- I can't share that information but,
his termination was in progress.
- That's surprising.
- So back to the party.
Gordon, his new wife Misty, she was there.
Did you have any interaction with her?
- No one will even make
eye contact with me.
- That's just in your head.
Now lot's of people said they
want to see you here tonight.
- Well did any of them come?
- Danielle, can I speak
to you for a moment?
- Sure.
What do you need sweetie?
- Actually I was hoping that
we could speak privately.
- Can you hold this for me?
(party music)
- I'm concerned for Tyler,
and how he's been handling
the changes over the past year.
And I know I'm not his mother,
and I'm new to this whole mom thing,
but I really, really want
to do my part to help.
- Well, that's noble of you.
- Have you noticed the
change in his behavior?
- Of course I have, I'm his mother.
He has medication for it.
- Right and, I make
sure that he takes that.
- Oh, good for you, really.
I've also noticed that he's
not too fond of his father
marrying someone barely out of high school.
Especially when the
ink, on the divorce papers,
hasn't dried yet.
- Okay look. I am not trying
to start something with you.
I'm concerned for Tyler
and I was just wanting to work together.
- Oh, I see.
And who do you think put my son
in that position to begin with?
(dramatic music)
I was, I was awful to her.
Now she's gone, I'm gonna have
to live with the guilt forever.
- When you spoke to her
did she seem inebriated?
- No, no, not at all.
Not to me at least.
- What about Mike, had he been drinking?
- Uh, a glass or two.
- Mr. Taylor, were you aware that papers
had been drawn for your termination at RMD?
- I knew something was happening, yes.
- But this was your company.
You and Gordon built it together.
But he wanted to get rid
of you, you didn't like that.
Now he's gone, you still
have your job and his ex-wife.
- I know how it looks.
I was on a flight right after the party,
you can check with the airline.
Danielle and I are devastated by this.
- Really?
Why don't you speak freely to me.
You knew him well, what
do you think happened?
- I have no idea man. Your
guess is as good as mine.
- No suspicions at all?
Why don't you take a look
at the crime scene photos,
maybe that'll jog your memory.
- If you wanna play games,
why don't I have my attorney come join me?
- Yeah, why don't you do that?
How about this, the
surveillance cameras at the Huff
residence were turned off that night.
But, isn't that the same
surveillance system
that you had installed in your office?
- No idea.
You might ask our security guy, Keith.
- I was very familiar with the security
system at the Huff residence.
- You check it the night of the party?
- No sir I didn't.
In light of everything that's
happened, I wish I would've.
- So you knew Gordon for a long time?
Plus you have experience
in law enforcement?
So, who do you think
I should be talking to?
- I'm sorry, I haven't really
thought about it much.
I've had, bigger things on my mind.
- Bigger than the murder of
your employer and his wife?
- Yeah.
I've been thinking more
about where they are now.
- I'm sorry you lost me.
You were at the funeral
weren't you? They're dead.
- I'm talking about after
that, where they went.
- Oh.
Were they religious people?
I'm sure that would give you some comfort.
- If you wanna get real
here, I'm a Christian.
I tried for years and years
to talk to Gordon about faith.
He was courteous, but
said it wasn't for him.
So yeah, it's really been bothering me.
- Well, I understand they were good people.
I'm sure God would let them in.
- It doesn't work like that man.
- Look, I don't want to
debate theology with you.
I understand your concern.
My wife, she's very
religious and uh, I try.
- There's this, one time
I keep thinking back to.
Hoping it means something.
Gordon asked me to come
over to his desk and pray.
- What about?
- He asked me to pray for his son.
He said Tyler was going
through some really dark stuff.
That was it, so we just prayed.
- Um, Detective Tanner?
- Okay first I'm not
technically a detective.
And second, It's Kris.
- You're so right, I'm sorry, I, Kris.
I um, have the toxicology
reports on the Huff investigation.
- You have them already?
What do they say?
- Uh, nothing out of the ordinary really.
The levels of,
Uh, levels for Mr. Huff came
back normal across the board.
No narcotics, though there were traces
of an angiotensin receptor blocker
but that's clearly from his
blood pressure medication.
Which I'm sure you, knew all about, that.
- And Misty? Anything?
How was her blood alcohol?
- Oh, it was at zero. No traces at all.
Based on everything else,
she seemed very healthy.
Health nut, possibly a vegan.
- Oh my gosh that's it.
He lied to us.
- He did?
- You are amazing.
- I am?
-Thank you.
-Uh, thank you.
You're welcome.
(dramatic music)
- You don't have to say or write anything,
it's totally up to you.
-Why'd you lie to me Tyler?
-No hold on Gary.
your client has something to
say, I know what happened.
Why don't you put it on paper.
- Tyler?
- You knew how to turn
their surveillance cameras off.
You're an athletic young man,
not as strong as your father.
It hurt you didn't it? Your step-mom?
You don't like her.
- She was too young for him.
- Now hold on just a second.
Calm down Tyler.
-No Robert,
he's got something to say let him say it.
Put it on paper.
Tell me Tyler, tell me what happened.
Write it down.
She took your dad away,
you just wanted them back together again.
Come on, get it off your chest.
- My dad was a victim.
My mom, she couldn't handle it.
And Misty, Misty had to pay.
Misty had to pay.
- [Travis] Your father too right?
They both had to pay.
Your dad and your step-mom?
- You're trying to get
in my head aren't you?
You'll never understand.
- I'm trying to understand, help me.
- Only I can.
- Help me understand.
(dramatic music)
- Authorities tell us that
the written confession
from sixteen year old
Tyler Huff of East Bank
provides a detailed
description of the night
he murdered his parents and
dumped their bodies in a field.
- The outcome of this
case can be attributed
to a team effort throughout our department
and a persistent pressing from the Chief
for justice to be served, thank you.
- Hey dad, can we talk?
- Sure.
Need a break anyway, what's up?
- I heard back from the doctors
and they said everything
with the baby is good.
- That's great.
- I just wanted to let you know.
- [Travis] I appreciate you telling me.
- That's all, I'll let
you get back to work.
- Hey wait.
Do you think, we're gonna
get a chance to meet the dad?
I mean if, if you don't
know him, I'd understand,
You know I'm not trying to,
Oh I'm sorry sweetie.
- It's not your fault.
- I just have so many questions.
(sobs loudly)
You need to tell me something?
(dramatic music)
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