Vinland Saga (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

Beyond the Edge of the Sea

Come on.
Come on.
Hey. It's a warship.
Tell Gorm. Hurry.
Wait. Look closely.
They're Askeladd's ships.
We finally made it back to the village.
Well, we survived another year.
And you still haven't died, Bjorn.
We went pretty far.
Hey. It's the sheep. They're still grazing them.
They're trying to fatten them up.
It looks like Gorm's still stingy as usual.
Thanks for your hard work this year.
Enjoy the winter.
Over there.
There's so much treasure.
They had a huge victory
in the land of the Franks.
I'm impressed, Askeladd.
-I heard some men died this year.
I wonder if they're going to look for new sailors again.
Damn. I can't wait.
If I'm going to sail, I want to sail with Askeladd.
Idiot. You'd die within three days.
Hey. Say you're sorry.
What's wrong with that kid?
Ready? One, two
Welcome home.
Hey, girls.
You're so cute.
Hey. I brought you some necklaces.
-I'll take it.
-I want a ring.
Hey, Uncle Gorm.
The girls here aren't modest at all. It's wonderful.
I'm here to talk about a serious matter.
Are you ready to listen?
The cost to feed one of your men
is one and one-fourth silver coins per day.
You have 97 men,
so that's 121 coins in total--
You want to talk about money again?
The price of pork increased this year.
If you want to eat pork every day,
then you would need
Beer is charged separately.
And if you add in the cost of lodging and firewood
Uncle, stop worrying.
We earned a lot this year.
Give my men plenty of booze and food.
I'll pay.
That's what I was waiting to hear.
I'll buy you a drink.
Bring the celebratory drinks.
We have some good wine, right? Bring it here.
One, two, three
Uncle. Do you really love money so much?
Is there anyone who doesn't?
Money is great. Just looking at it makes me happy.
Hey, Hordaland. What are you doing?
Hurry up, and bring the wine.
Yes, sir.
Oh, dear. What a troublesome woman.
What a weird name.
That slave girl. Hordaland?
-It's the name of a region in Norway.
I bought her recently.
She's the daughter of a feudal lord,
but her family lost a battle, and fell to ruin.
She's a beautiful girl, and she was expensive.
But she's slow at work.
Rich girls are useless.
They just have a lot of pride.
-By the way, Uncle
Can I ask you to be my witness?
I'm scheduled for a duel before dinner.
A duel?
It's not the slave's fault that she's useless.
You're just bad at using her.
What did you say?
You can make use of anyone
with the right approach.
What's going on?
It's a duel.
You can do it, kid.
Do it. Don't lose to him.
In the name of Odin,
the duel between Thorfinn
and Askeladd is about to begin.
Each man may choose their own weapon.
If you fight with honor,
your soul shall pass through the gates of Valhalla,
even if you shall die.
He's one of Askeladd's men?
Maybe he'd let even someone
like me sail with him too.
-He's kind of cute, right?
Askeladd has more money. And he's strong.
The reason for this duel is for Thorfinn
to avenge his father's death.
-Are there any objections?
Then begin.
Unbelievable. Thorfinn's so stubborn.
You can do it.
Do it.
got taller.
How old are you now?
You were still only this tall back then--
Thorfinn attacked.
He got up close.
You should go along with making small-talk
with old men.
-He got up.
-He's okay.
He sent him flying with a single hit.
Idiot. Thorfinn jumped.
He knows that the one with the dagger has the advantage
at close range.
He's stronger now.
-Nice, kid.
Do it.
He's good.
Get him.
Hang in there, kid.
Hey, Thorfinn.
Your father What was his name?
Tho Tho Tho
It's Thors.
Thors. That's right.
Getting old is making me forgetful.
But you know
I know you're in the middle of getting revenge,
so I feel bad saying this.
I've killed a lot of people, you know.
I can't quite remember your father.
Did I really kill him?
Did I kill Thoril?
Hey. Do you remember how I killed him?
What if?
Well, maybe you're wrong.
You bastard.
If you had fought him with honor,
my father would never have lost to you.
During that fight,
You took me hostage.
Oh, that's right. I remember now.
He's that idiot who put down his sword
to save a kid's life.
What did he do just now?
Don't get so worked up.
You haven't trained enough, kid.
Damn you.
Bjorn. Pick him up.
I'm hungry.
Oh, that's right.
I want to eat some lamb breast.
Roasted with herbs.
I've been waiting for this.
It's so cold.
Hey. Aren't you supposed to guard the ship?
I got out of it. Thorfinn said he doesn't want to switch.
You mean he's in a bad mood because he lost?
He's always been like that.
He feels comfortable there.
It used to be his father's ship.
Just leave him alone.
Not bad.
Today's duel was amazing.
What? Really?
You threw him at the end, right?
How did you do that? That was so cool.
But you know, captain
Are you sure about taking a kid
like him sailing with you?
What if he attacks you while you sleep?
I'll be fine.
He could never do it.
What do you mean?
He's a warrior, too, you know.
He'd only accept victory with honor.
He's held back by his past, and his pride.
It's you again, Horda.
You're in the way. Clean it up. Hurry.
You're not a noblewoman anymore.
Stand up, you clumsy girl.
I don't get it.
If I had to live without pride,
I'd rather kill myself.
What's wrong? Did I say something funny?
No. It's not you.
It's terrible.
Don't forget, you're just a slave.
The guy who's a slave to money holds a whip,
and pretends to be the master
of the slave he bought with his money.
He just doesn't realize it himself.
Everyone is a slave to something.
You upset?
Hey. Crybaby.
Does it hurt, kid?
Do you want to get revenge?
Well, you're my son.
If I told you not to seek revenge, you wouldn't listen.
This is a problem.
I don't know what to say.
Maybe you'll just have to realize it on your own.
I told you, right?
You don't have any enemies.
No one has any enemies.
A true warrior doesn't need a sword
Master Gorm told me
to bring you some food.
Hey. Are you a slave too?
Well, you're eating out here.
I'm a warrior.
Unlike you,
I can eat wherever I like.
But I feel like you're the same as me.
I have no idea how a slave feels.
If I were you, I'd kill Gorm and run away.
I'd kill everyone who came after me too.
Kill him? I could never kill someone.
Then you'll be a slave for the rest of your life.
It's your choice.
If I run away
Run away as far as I can
If I run away to the other side of the ocean,
then what's there?
There's probably nothing there, right?
No matter how far I go, it'd be the same as here.
Just filled with wars, and slave traders.
Far west,
across the sea,
there is a land called
It's warm.
And fertile.
A faraway land,
where neither slave traders
nor the flames of war reach.
No one would be able
to find you there.
Does such a place truly exist?
The finest warriors
from clans all over Denmark are gathering.
In addition,
four of our Jomsvikings brigades are hastening
to join them.
Everything is proceeding as planned
for the upcoming campaign.
The time has finally come.
We must show those insolent English scoundrels
the power of the king.
Yes, sir.
We will fight without yield
to achieve Your Highness's goal of capturing England.
Where's Canute?
He's here, right?
His Highness has already arrived in Jelling.
He's resting to prepare to march.
Your Highness. Are you sure,
you don't want to change your mind?
There's no need for His Highness Canute
to come along.
He's a candidate to succeed the throne.
I must give him a chance
to display valor on the battlefield,
so that he doesn't lose to his brother Harald.
But His Highness doesn't
have much experience on the battlefield.
I'm worried for Canute's safety as well.
However, we're the leaders of the Vikings.
If we don't demonstrate valor,
the people will not follow us.
We shall sail tomorrow morning.
In August of 1013 AD,
a Danish and Viking fleet, led by King Sweyn,
invaded the northern part of England,
starting from the Humber River.
In the region of Gainsborough,
five major cities were taken,
and the main army continued
their advance south over land with great speed.
They overran the region,
as they continued their advance.
However, their steady advance came
to a temporary halt
at the merchant town of London.
What's wrong? Bring it on.
This is a fun war.
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