Vividred Operation (2013) s01e08 Episode Script

Even More Brilliantly Than Today

Her heart rate is falling!
Blood pressure has dropped below 90!
GCS 6.
She's gone into shock.
Give her a full-body scan!
Depending on the findings, we may have to
get her into surgery immediately.
Prepare Operating Room 3!
Th—The Alone
Don't worry!
We'll take care of it!
She's losing consciousness!
Get the defibrillator ready!
Prepare an AP scan!
"In Surgery"
She'll be okay, right?
Yeah, definitely.
You know how she is.
She just entered the operating room.
What's the status of the Alone?
The Skytree?
"Episode 8 - More Vividly Than Ever"
So it's recovering in there?
Command to Valkyrie 1.
UCVs are in position.
The operation will begin shortly.
This is Valkyrie 1. Copy that.
Commencing observation.
Missiles and bombs with electronic components
are rendered useless by the
powerful EMPs the Alone emits.
Which means we're forced to resort to
kinetic energy penetrators
A barrier?!
Such power
The enemy is protected by a barrier.
It doesn't look like any of the UDF's weapons can punch through it.
I see.
The information is appreciated.
How is Akane-san doing?
Her Palette Suit protected her from any serious physical injuries.
Still, she took the full brunt of that attack.
We'll have to monitor her closely.
Come on, girls.
They've prepared a room for you back at HQ barracks.
Go and get some rest.
I was hospitalized for a long time, so I know how it feels.
When you open your eyes for the first time in a hospital,
it's more frightening than you can imagine.
That's why I'd like to be by her side when she wakes up.
I'd like to stay too.
It's lonely being by yourself.
You girls
But if you pass out from exhaustion,
that'll only make Akane worry more.
All right then.
Onee-chan, hang in there!
Things had been going too smoothly.
Perhaps I allowed myself to become arrogant.
I don't think so.
By all rights, you should be holding
the patents to a plethora of inventions.
Yet for some reason, Akane still needs to work part-time.
I decided to look into that inconsistency.
You abandoned everything to atone for the accident seven years ago, didn't you?
It was just to ease my guilt.
why do you think the Alone attack us?
All I know is that they're the enemy,
and we need to take our fight with them more seriously than ever.
What's going on?
I've never felt scared of them before.
They recovered it from where we were battling last night.
Usually it would disappear once she transformed back.
This is Akane-chan's heart!
This Rang is filled with her desire to protect us all.
That's why it won't disappear!
Akane-chan is still fighting.
The mysterious being known as an "Alone"
has attached itself to the Skytree and gone dormant.
The surrounding areas are in chaos.
Please, hatch soon.
This time, for sure
Enjoying your little snack break?
Don't tell me you consider this a victory.
I finally got rid of one of those meddlers.
I will succeed this time.
But you only got rid of one.
Reporting in from Odaiba.
The numerous injured from last night's battle
are being transported one after another to the UN Defense Forces' hospital.
Understood. I'll look for the other three.
This is its current state.
Since last night, it has expanded vastly in size.
We suspect that it is slowly recovering inside that cocoon.
Furthermore, the area within a 500-meter radius of the cocoon
is saturated with powerful EM waves.
All electronic devices are non-functional in this area.
But we were able to fight in close proximity with the Alone last night.
That's because Palette Suits operate on fundamentally different principles than standard electronics.
However, that's the only advantage we have.
The only advantage, you say?
The Palette Suits may be still operational,
but they can't defend against that energy beam.
One hit and it's over.
Professor, my Naked Collider's shield should at least
Even so, it might only hold up for a few seconds.
That's all?
Judging by the cocoon's current growth rate, it should hatch by tomorrow morning.
When that happens, our only options
"When that happens" isn't the issue.
We're already out of options.
The Vivid System is the only effective weapon against the Alone.
However, the chances of defeating
this one without docking are less than 1%.
I can't send you out on such a risky mission.
Couldn't Wakaba-chan and I dock instead?
The system isn't capable of that.
I'm sorry, Shijou-kun.
There's nothing more that I can do.
Understood, Professor.
We'll work out a solution ourselves.
"Same Day, Noon - Prime Minister's Residence"
I propose a saturation attack with SGE explosives.
We can reactivate the 109 SGEs in the UN Defense Forces' stockpile
and fire them from the boundary of the
enemy's 500 meter radius sphere of control.
With their combined payload, we have a 4% chance of annihilating the enemy.
And that's a generous estimate.
Are you insane, Shijou-kun?
Even a single one of those bombs could result in massive collateral damage.
Have you forgotten why the SGEs were taken out of service in the first place?
They could cause irreversible damage to the atmosphere and surrounding area!
I am aware of that.
Therefore, I also propose we abandon Tokyo.
You want us to sacrifice Tokyo?
If the Incarnate Engine is shut down, it will stop providing energy to the world,
causing a crisis the likes of which we've never seen.
Imagine all of the energy supporting the world being cut off in an instant.
The casualties would be unprecedented.
Can those girls do nothing to help?
Are there any other options?
If there were, we'd have taken them!
Prime Minister, your decision.
It seems we have no choice.
As of noon today, the 23 wards of Tokyo,
as well as Urayasu, Ichikawa, and Matsudo cities in Chiba
and Misato, Sōka, Yashio, and Kawaguchi cities in Saitama
are all under an evacuation order.
It's likely that the red one was brought here.
The other three might be with her.
Well, you see,
I'm here to inform them that my father is offering his plane for the evacuation.
I-I see.
What are you doing here, Kuroki-san?
Taking a walk.
We were surprised when you left so suddenly yesterday.
I remembered I had something important to do.
Something important?
It's practically the only thing I live for.
I see.
Akane-chan was worried about you.
About me?
After I crushed that tomato she worked so hard to grow?
But I'm sure you had a reason for that.
I know Akane-chan will forgive you.
No matter what that reason is?
As long as she knows how important it is to you,
I know she will.
In fact, she'll support you.
She'll say, "Hang in there!"
That's right.
Her hand's always on my back,
giving me an encouraging push.
When I feel lost,
she says, "Hang in there! It'll all work out!"
Do you also have something you must do?
Let's both give it our best.
Akane-chan has been there for me ever since we met.
She's loud, annoying, nosy,
a total ditz, and can't even fix a camera despite being the Professor's granddaughter.
Still, if it weren't for her,
I never would have learned to trust again.
That's why I'll fight on.
You were the one who showed me what true strength is.
What's more
I am
Akane-chan's friend!
I'm off.
Up early, huh, Aoi-chan?
Wakaba-chan! Himawari-chan!
Where are you going?
Oh, just to Tokyo.
I have a plan I think you'll like.
What do you say?
"Ōshima Airport"
All units loaded with SGE munitions.
We sortie in five minutes.
I'm sorry you have to get your hands dirty.
It's nothing.
When I think of everything those girls went through
The sunrise
You girls
What are you
We'll fight too!
T minus 1 hour until the
predicted time of emergence.
With your plan, there might just be hope for us.
But fumble the timing, and it's all over.
Are you still going to give it a shot?
We'll do anything we can to improve our odds.
Didn't you have the same plan in mind, Professor?
We won't get another chance.
We're counting on you three.
It's not just us three.
Akane-chan's with us!
I see.
Then we're counting on all four of you!
Got it!
Those lights
So they came.
Our plan relies on the fact that with such a strong barrier,
the Alone must lower it first in order to attack something outside it.
Incidentally, the barrier closes 0.5 seconds after an attack.
That half-second window is the key to victory.
Are you ready?
First, Miss Aoi will attack with her hammer.
The Alone should counterattack with its beam.
At that moment, it will open a hole in its barrier.
Miss, evade the beam however you can.
It will continue to track you with its beams,
but the initial hole in the barrier won't close right away.
That's where you come in, Himawari.
Use your Collider to keep the hole open.
That said, you'll only be able to hold it off for about three seconds,
but the Alone will be vulnerable during that time.
Wakaba, you'll enter through that hole and finish it off.
Got it?
Pierce through the cocoon and implant that SGE bomb in its body!
The bomb has been modified so that it will detonate without electronics.
It's the only one we could modify in time.
If even one of us misses her timing, we're all doomed.
We really have to be in sync.
Don't worry.
I know we can do it.
We're a team.
We're a team!
Let's go, Akane-chan!
Operation Cocoon Break: Start!
Are you using it now?
It won't unleash its full potential until after it emerges.
It'd be worse if it was defeated now!
Worst comes to worst, I'll use another arrow!
Is it emerging already?
Naked Impact!
Take that!
Oh no!
It emerged
Are you okay, Wakaba?
Hang in there!
No! It's going to fire!
It's no use I won't make it.
It's all right.
Thank you, Akane-chan.
I'm back!
I'm all right now.
Are you sure?
Does it hurt anywhere?
Sorry for making you all worry.
Akane-chan, I did my best.
I gave it everything I had!
"To be continued"
Himawari-chan was recruited to become a model!
I'll be your manager!
Let's show the world how cute you are.
Next time: Sunny and Sometimes Frilly.
"Episode 9 - Sunny and Sometimes Frilly"
What? Why are you mad?
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