Wakefield (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Doesn't she look wonderful?
Boom boom
Skipping to the party
Boom boom
Calling everybody
Boom boom
Come and move your body
Boom boom
Yeah, come and do the boom boom
Boom boom
Skipping to the party
Boom boom
Calling everybody
Boom boom
Come and move your body
Boom boom
Yeah, come and do the boom boom
Boom boom! ♪
Excellent! Excellent!
Oh, God, I can't face Reni.
I totally messed that middle bit up.
Yeah, you and me both.
You didn't get a step wrong.
Yeah, well, I think I did.
Not from where I was standing.
Knew you'd be a hot dancer.
Underselling yourself, as usual.
Don't you start.
You've been hanging
around my family too long.
I feel a bit like
a naughty schoolgirl in here.
You smashed it, guys!
Thank you. Mwah!
Thank you.
I think we got it right.
Yeah. Yeah, I think we did.
You wanna do it again?
Oh, not too much of that, OK?
Mmm. Mm-hm-hm.
I mean it!
Come on.
Bring it in, Dad.
Ah, my son!
Why do you feel
you have to sell this to me?
Because, Rajah,
you don't know Jesus.
Look, I have
my own relationship with God.
If I want to talk to Jesus,
I just pick up the phone.
Please, please, don't talk nonsense.
Let's go. (LAUGHS)
Men do it too.
It's fun and it keeps you super fit.
Alright, well, uh,
I'll take your word for it.
Oh, come on,
where's your sense of adventure?
It doesn't extend to pole dancing.
Unless I find a mankini
in the right colour.
Now that I'd pay to see.
This food is really good.
Here, have some naan.
No, good, good.
You know this chef is moonlighting
here from his job in Bilco.
That's like the Badlands.
There's nothing bad about him,
I tell you.
Do you know how hard it is
to find a decent vegetarian chef
in this country?
In fact, uh
..Pallavi tracked him down.
Now there's a woman
who really knows her food.
You know, Renuka told me
that her husband passed away
year before last.
Your turn to babysit Mum.
Oh! Leave her, Sanchi. Leave her.
We can't, Dad. She's
I agree. Let Jeshna be Jeshna.
People have to manage themselves.
Yeah, we promised Reni
that we'd keep an eye on her.
What do you think?
Of what?
My chances?
I'm not getting involved.
Nik, you must. You are my wing man.
Oh, God.
You don't need one.
He's right. You don't.
Just give the girl a clear signal.
How long is it
since you've been to India?
There are so many Gods
and all of them have
No, no.
That's where you are mistaken, Gita.
There is only one God.
One Jesus Christ.
Gita was admiring my cross
and I was just telling her about
Um, excuse us?
Yeah, sure.
We talked about this.
What have you done?
(SCREAMS) What have you done?!
Gita was admiring my cross
and I was telling her
Uh, excuse us?
We talked about this.
Come on, let's get you some food.
OK, OK, one more, one more.
Think you've had enough.
No, no. No more for me, thanks.
One more won't hurt.
Yeah, but my sister will
if I stuff up my speech.
Doesn't make sense.
Why you're on your own.
I'm OK with it.
Well, you shouldn't be.
You deserve to be happy.
The pursuit of happiness is a trap.
What? Says who?
My dad.
Well, I bet he won't say that
if he gets into Pallavi's pants.
I mean it, Nik.
You deserve to be happy.
You're a good person.
I'm just a person.
No, you're a good person.
Look at what you do.
How close you are to your family.
I want you to repeat after me.
"I am a good person."
Come on.
"I am a good person."
(DISTANTLY) Come on.
"I am a good person."
"I am a good person."
You know what?
No. I'm not gonna do that.
Yes, you are.
Come on, let's hear it.
(LOUDLY) I said no.
Just leave it.
Sounds pretty weird.
Come on!
This was straight
from the astrologist.
As of today, the 19th,
it's risk adverse.
Ayaan refuses to dance.
I wish he'd loosen up.
Do you think he was trying
to follow you and Reni?
Uh, follow us where?
To school.
Nik, I don't understand.
What are you
What are you talking about?
He used to put his little feet
in my oversized school shoes, right?
And Reni told me he used to cry
when we left for school each day.
But why are you
bringing this up now?
What are you doing?
I'm trying to get things straight.
Now? Today?
Maybe he was trying to follow
you to school that day
and that's how he fell in.
Fell in? Fell in where?
The river.
I don't
Dilshan drowned in the bath.
Nik, you knew this.
I didn't.
But how would you
Why would why would you think
I don't know.
I-I don't I don't know.
What happened?
Where was Mum?
Where was Mum?
Please, just don't do this now
Don't do what?
Dance with me, my beautiful wife.
Come on, babe. It's our day.
Come and dance.
You playing hard to get?
Uh, n-no.
Then what was all that about?
Look, uh, nothing. Look
Reni said you were single.
What do you actually want, Nik?
Where's all this going?
Georgi, uh, I'm sorry, I can't
Just let it go.
Whatever it is that's stopping you
from getting what you want.
What is it you think I want?
You want to pole dance.
Bro, can you lighten up?
You're upsetting Reni.
She'll be fine
I don't want that for her today.
Thanks, bro.
(CHUCKLES) Ah, here is my wing man.
Such a happy day.
Oh, Nikhil, such a happy day.
Now, listen, why don't you
call Georgi a taxi
and make sure she gets home safely?
Because she's not my responsibility.
No, but you've spent the best part
of the day with her.
It's a nice thing to do, no?
Listen, come and meet Pallavi.
I want you to
Dad, um
..I need to ask you something.
I've always thought that I was
at school the day Dilshan died
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Where are you going with this?
But Reni told me I was at home.
That I was sick.
You were sick. You had asthma.
But, Nikhil, this is not the time
to talk about it.
Why did you lie?
You let me believe
that I was at school,
that he drowned in a river.
Nikhil, I have never lied to you.
We didn't know what you thought
or didn't think
No, no, no
..what you knew
You knew what I thought.
Why didn't you set me straight?
What difference does this make now?
Well, the difference is
I was at home when Dilshan died.
Why are you doing this?
Because something doesn't feel right.
It's your sister's wedding day.
What did you say to Georgi?
Look at her.
GEORGI: I'm really trying here.
No, don't do
Reni, I
She's my best friend.
She's had too much to drink.
Nikhil will put her in a taxi
and send her home, OK?
No, Dad, it's not my responsibility.
Georgi's not going anywhere.
Stop it!
Both of you.
Sorry, Pallavi.
(CHUCKLES) Ah, kids.
What can you do? What can you do?
Wear beat down eyes sunk in smoke
dried face
So resigned to what their fate is
But not us
No, never
No not us
No, never
We are far too young and ♪
One, it's inappropriate,
and two, it's getting repetitive.
Change it, or turn it down!
Nik. Nik! What are you doing?
You know, I always thought
that he fell in the river.
Oh, God.
Why didn't they tell me?
Maybe they thought you knew.
Reni and I knew.
No, I just asked him,
and he shut me down.
Nik, please.
How can I
not come to the conclusion
that something bad happened,
and I saw it?
Something bad did happen.
Mum left our little brother
in the bath and he drowned.
She was so fucked up
by what she did,
she didn't want to live anymore.
You're a psychiatric nurse.
What don't you understand
about that?
Please, Nik.
Let me go.
I want to talk to her.
Nikhil, no. Stop.
Let me talk to Mum.
Nikhil, no, you will not
spoil your sister's wedding.
What did you do to Dilshan?
Mum! Mum, let's go.
Nikhil, come!
No, no, you will not spoil this
What'd you do to Dilshan?
Hey, hey, you said you'd stop.
Just because
your wedding didn't happen,
doesn't mean you have the licence
to fuck up everyone else's.
Nikhil, come.
What did I see?
What did I see?
OK, come on. Let's go. Out!
(YELLS) What did I see?
Not today.
Nikhil, come on.
Come on, get out.
What did I see?
Come on, let's go. Let's go.
Mum, let's go.
Whoa, whoa!
RENI: Oh, my wedding!
Oh, hey, Nik.
Ivy. Hey.
I almost didn't recognise you.
Uh, it's, uh,
my sister's wedding, so
Oh, wow.
How are ya?
I'm good. I'm good.
I'm great, actually.
Oh, you want this, don't you? Hey?
How's Ward C?
Yeah, yeah, all good.
I'm still seeing Doctor Wells,
but at her private rooms.
Except for yesterday.
She stood me up.
Yeah, yeah, she does that.
(QUIETLY) Are you OK?
Yeah, I I think so.
I've just got family shit
going on, you know?
Do you wanna
do you wanna sit down?
Grab a coffee or something?
Oh, Nik, you're really worrying me.
No need. No need.
I'm Nursing Unit Manager now, so
..I've gotta get back.
OK. Well, take care, yeah?
You too.
Handle me with care
I'm the answer to your prayer
I come from the great nowhere
Step back, give me some air
I'm just about to break
I'm just about to break
I'm just about to break
They're gonna wanna analyse me
Canonise and demonise me
Buy the rights and serialise me
Cut me down to size
and moralise about me
Just about to break
I'm just about to break
I'm just about to break
Oh! ♪
He's back. Back on track.
Prozac. Sign of the zodiac.
Oh, Nik.
What are you doing?
Come on, Eileen.
Come on
Yeah, come on
But he can't kick you out
of your sister's wedding.
Well, you know,
apparently he can, so
Well, is that what Reni wanted?
What did you do
that was so offensive?
Asked too many questions.
About what?
Collette, don't worry about it.
I went to the ceremony.
But it's ridiculous!
Like, you're her brother.
Like, you're the best man.
You know, I reckon
Omar's getting better.
He's, um, he's making eye contact.
Have you noticed?
No. No, I can't say I have.
Well, I reckon I can see
signs of improvement.
Is she here?
She's taken leave.
Oi. Nik!
Check this out.
It's for Nadia.
What do you reckon?
Hang on, Trev. How long for?
Until Friday.
What do you reckon?
It's like a butterfly.
Nice work, yeah.
Hey, can you do something for me?
Can can you give it to her?
Just come and see me later.
And I'll I'll
And you'll fuckin' what?
Aren't you on close obs?
I swapped with Pete.
Because he
Leave him.
I'll do it.
Do you see what I mean about Omar?
Not really, no.
Nothing huge. Just, you know,
a little bit more movement.
Tiniest bit of light in his eyes.
You know,
maybe she actually enjoys it.
Omar's state of dependency.
Oh, Linda?
That way, she can control him.
Shh, shh.
You're sure you don't want to go
back to the wedding?
Just try and sort things out?
Yeah, very.
Very sure.
Well, their loss.
There's five different kinds
of superhero locked up in this box.
I don't think she likes
people touching it.
(WHISPERS) I don't think
she likes it at all.
Hey, give us my phone?
What for?
A text message. Just one.
Well, you've already texted her
approximately 10 times this week.
Yeah, well, what's it to you?
One. One message, promise.
I I think you might have trouble
accepting that
she just might not be
Just what's it to you?
To my mind,
it's tantamount to stalking.
Are you for fuckin' real?
She hasn't replied
to any of your messages.
Well, you following people around
with a stupid notebook
Which might indicate
that she's just not
Can you just fuck off?
Thanks, Cath.
No-one gives a shit what you think.
Thanks, Cath, I'll take it from here.
Dumb bitch!
Hey, hey, hey, calm down. Calm down.
I mean it, yeah?
Just, I just need to
get it to her, man.
Right, just get outside. Go. Go. Go!
17, 18, 19, 20.
Stay there.
Chill out.
It's fuckin' bullshit, man!
What's bullshit?
All I wanted to do
was send a message to a friend.
Is this the girl
you've been texting all week?
'Cause I wanted to send her this.
Do you think she's into you?
Yeah, I think, you know.
Or do you just
..you want her to be into you?
Because if she's not
responding to your messages,
she probably isn't.
Yeah, nah, she just
needs to give me a chance.
You know? And then
Yeah, I I get it.
I just don't think that
you're seeing things as they are.
You don't want to make
the same mistakes I did.
Hey, you want this?
Hey, uh, you're not
still up for it, are ya?
That'd be a no.
(CRIES) All I'm trying to do
is help people.
Why don't you start
focussing on yourself?
Because I can see things they can't.
But how can I get through to them
if they won't listen?
Oi! Think you'll be done
in there by Christmas or what?
Cath, yeah, just hang on. Hang on.
Pete? Pete, listen.
Trevor lost it with Cath.
She's really upset and I'm
Uh can you sort her out?
I'm on close obs. Can't.
Where the fuck's Linda?
I'm really hesitant to say anything,
as you can imagine,
but in all good conscience,
I don't think I have a choice.
Who does that?
All that work.
Someone just jumps in and
And does the best bit.
Tessa, Tessa, Tessa, Tessa.
It's OK.
Let's just finish it.
I'm working it through.
I'm working it through.
I've been doing, um, Trevor's pain
from A to Z, and I've got E.
E is for excruciating,
but I can't get F.
F is for F is for
Fragile! That's it.
You see, Nik, you see here,
I have this whole section
is for patients and I have another
section here is for ward systems.
That's very impressive.
Thank you.
This one is for ward systems,
the comings and goings.
So I have to
Can I have a look?
Oh, uh, no.
This book has very
confidential information
Please, I need to check something.
Well, there's, um
There's an index at the front and
I also numbered the pages, so
What's this?
Ah, that's Omar's ECT.
What about it?
Well, these are the times he went,
and this is the time he returned
and that's the orderly who took him.
Does that say Linda?
Yes, yes. L. L.
L is for Linda because, um,
she was the one who took him.
How long has she been taking him?
Well, there's an index at the front.
Let me just show you
No, no, no, no, no.
Just how long has she been
taking him to ECT herself?
What's in it for you?
What's in it for you
to keep Omar in a helpless state?
Why have you been taking him to ECT?
Why not an orderly?
Maybe because I care?
Or maybe because you haven't been
taking him to ECT at all.
Which would explain
why he's not getting better.
That is ridiculous.
Is it?
I'm a nurse.
How dare you accuse me
of such a thing?
How could you think I would do that?
Because I know how twisted you are.
CHILD: Nik! Nik!
I shouldn't have left
you with her, mate.
I'm sorry.
Nik! Nik!
Nik, where are you?
Come on
Come on
Come on
I said
Loo rye ay
Come on, Eileen
Oh, I swear
What he means
At this moment
You mean everything ♪
I won't leave you, mate.
I won't let you down.
Why would he think
I'd want to do that to Omar?
Or to any patient?
Nik's under
a lot of pressure right now.
I do know how hard it is.
And I'm not trying
to make it any harder.
He might not mean
everything he's saying.
No, I!
I suppose not. It's just I
I care for Omar like he's my own.
Yeah, I know.
(SIGHS) Linda?
You know that Omar
isn't your son, don't you?
CATH: Oh, there you are.
Um, I just I thought
I should tell you
that a piece of puzzle's
gone missing,
and, um, Tessa is about to
Well, she's very upset and
Oh, there you are! Nik
Ah, will you keep
an eye on Omar for me?
Oh, I would, I'm just in the middle
of something at the moment.
Just fucking do it, yeah? Please?
Hey, what's up?
Some fuck-wad decided
to have a go, didn't they?
It's the very last piece.
Have the cleaners been through, Nik?
Oh, uh
Oh, it's gotta be here somewhere.
Well, it's not.
Has be here somewhere.
Yeah, well, it's not.
Oh, here's trouble, zigzag puzzle,
soft-shoe struggle.
Nik, stop it!
Nik, Nik, just leave it.
Leave it. Just let it go, mate.
What are you doing?
A puddle of trouble,
seeing double
Shut up!
Is that light in your eyes I see,
What is it?
Go on, I'm listening.
Well, I'd better get you a drink,
Oh, my God, you should see
What what are you
What are you looking for?
The last piece.
TESSA: Yeah, well, it's not there.
Hustle, hustle, hustle.
Shut the fuck up!
No! Hey!
Now, now, now, Tessa, Tessa.
Everyone just calm down. Yep?
Boy in a bubble.
Boy in a bubble.
It's OK. Come on, come on. Come on.
Boy in a bubble.
Yep, let's go.
Hey, Nik, Nik?
Nik, come on, mate.
Nik, what are you doing?
Nik? Nik?
Don't do this.
Nik, what's wrong?
What's wrong?
Oh, um check the CCTV footage.
We we
There's no camera in here.
Check the other ones. Go on.
Dr Achebe!
Dr Achebe. Dr Achebe.
Dr Achebe.
I know you're in here.
Nik, why?
You just you just don't
seem yourself, that's all.
Nik, come on, mate.
Nik, can you stop for a minute,
so we can talk?
Nik, why don't you come to my office
and we can talk in there?
I have to find it.
What exactly?
Ah! The puzzle piece.
I think you know
who has the last piece, Nik.
You were doing the puzzle earlier.
What the fuck are you on about?
Don't you speak
that way to a patient!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Nik, stop it!
Nik! Stop it!
Nik, man, what's going on?
Hey? You wanna you wanna talk?
Nik. Nik, stop!
Just stop.
(YELLS) Let me out!
Open up! Open up!
We will if you calm down.
Fuckin' mental, man.
Let me OUT.
Did you hear that? That's him.
I don't want to live in this place
Heaven, must be there
Well, it's just got to be there
I never ♪
Let me out!
Let me OUT!
Come on, Eileen
Poor old Johnnie Ray
Sounded sad upon the radio
Moved a million hearts in mono
Our mothers cried ♪
Sang along, who'd blame them?
You've grown
You're grown up
So grown
So grown up
Now I must say more than ever
And we can sing just like our
What have you done?!
CHILD: (YELLS) Nik! Nik!
Nik! Nik!
It's not safe!
Get out of my way.
Look at me. Look at me.
I'm here. I'm here. Nik.
Nik? You're OK. You're OK.
You're OK. You're OK.
Wake up
To sun
'Cause morning
Does come
If all you can rely on is
The feel of your feet
on the wood floor
And all you can depend on is
All movement
gives you some direction then
Begin again
You're no calendar
You're no concrete plan
Begin again
Don't waste your time waiting
For someone to tell you when
Wake up
To sun
'Cause morning
Still comes
So move around your furniture
Or put it all out on the kerb
And drive away to something new
Yeah, watch the skyline
sink behind you
Begin again
You're no calendar
You're no concrete plan
Begin again
'Cause walking out doors
Only works if you shut them
Begin again
And quit looking backwards
You know where you have been
Begin again
Don't waste your time
'Cause no-one's gonna
tell you when
Wake up. ♪
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