Welcome to Utmark (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

And They Lived Happily Ever After

I'm ready.
I'm going to Sáivo.
It won't be long
before you arrive as well.
And then we'll all sit together.
What the hell happened to you?
Can I do business with you
without dealing with Bilzi?
-What do you mean?
-That I'm not doing business with Bilzi.
I do as I please.
I've got 1200 bottles
of Russian gin.
I don't know anyone
who could take on such a large quantity.
But perhaps you do?
I could make some calls.
Make sure we have buyers
for all that gin of yours.
Then I could tell you
where to pick up those
twelve hundred bottles.
-We could do it like that.
-That is indeed an option.
You have to hurry.
He's dead.
Shaping up nicely, isn't it?
-Have you seen Odd?
No, I haven't seen him today.
-I haven't opened yet.
I just wanted to say that
I don't agree with Helene.
It is the duty of the church
to answer when someone asks for help.
I can try to exorcise that demon.
But are you a real priest?
It's not about me, it's about faith.
About the holy word
and the divine power.
Where should we do it?
This is my last will.
No organist.
No priest.
No guests.
A pine tree coffin.
One joik. That's all.
-Burial or cremation?
-I want a hole in the ground, I said!
I want to become soil.
With or without invoice?
Lord, we sit here in this basement
two of your children.
One child is being haunted
by an evil spirit.
Lord, we ask for your power.
Your strength.
Shut your mouth, whelp!
I speak
when I have something to say!
I don't take orders
from a weakling like you
nor from an asshole God!
Did anything happen?
Did he come out?
Did he say goodbye?
You know what?
I feel lighter.
Well, then
Then it probably helped.
- Hello.
I'm so sorry!
I didn't mean the things
I said yesterday.
I have no idea what I'm doing,
I just
Perhaps it's
Perhaps it's for the best
if you stay with your dad for a while?
I can stay at the motel or something,
until we figure out what to do.
I'm already here.
You're already where?
At the motel.
You're not with your dad?
No, dad is drinking again.
I can't live with a father who's a drunk
and neither can I live with you.
Don't just stand there.
Help me look.
Come on, we've gotta hurry.
-It's Ingo.
We're ready, except for Olle.
He's strained his back.
I'll be there by midnight.
-It's Russian gin, right?
-That is correct.
-Same price?
-I've found them.
-Thank God!
We're not stealing the money.
-It's ours.
You came.
We'll fetch our things tomorrow.
I'm so sorry, dear.
This is Sven.
What is this I'm hearing?
-How the hell would I know?
-You have a shipment of gin coming in?
I have 117 grumpy customers waiting,
yet you call Olle,
and not me?
-You're driving the ATV?
-Where's the truck?
-At the garage.
Again? It's just been there.
Something's up with the clutch again.
Do we have something to talk about,
Miss Heige?
Stop calling me Miss Heige!
Stop right now!
My, how sensitive we are today.
I think I'll let you
powder your nose in peace.
I make sheep
French style.
With Béarnaise.
I'm going to Albania.
We're going to drive. With Drita.
To Oslo. Sell the car.
And then we fly to Bucharest.
And then we fly home.
But But what about the money
for your kiosk?
I have some money to buy a small kiosk.
I'm good.
I think I need to get my stuff.
You could stay.
I have to go.
A coward.
A weakling. A loser!
A charlatan.
What happened to that flat screen?
You said you'd buy one.
Don't bring up that shit again!
Could it be that I've got other duties?
We can't all be demented idiots!
Forgive me.
Of course I didn't mean that.
I'm so stressed out.
It's so stressful at work. I don't know
what to do. Everything's a mess.
You know that I'm not like that.
You know
that I never talk to you that way.
I don't know anything.
I only know what you tell me.
Dear Ingrid.
When you hear this,
I'll no longer be here.
I will have driven into the swamp.
I've found peace, and that's good.
The man you trusted
more than anyone else
He deceived you.
Lied to you.
And let you down.
We did have a flatscreen.
You did have jewelry.
We had a nest egg, and then some.
You didn't misplace your wedding ring.
I took it from your nightstand
like a common thief.
Yes, a thief.
Corrupt and spineless.
A sheriff unworthy of his uniform.
A husband unworthy of you.
And where did the money go?
I squandered it on card games.
I am driven by forces
much stronger than me,
and there is no excuse.
Yet I apologize
from the bottom of my heart.
I love you, Ingrid.
My oh my. How cute!
Is it ladies' night or what, Miss Heige?
What a naughty girl you've been.
And you Norwegians
You are a bunch of weaklings.
A people with no backbone.
You will all perish.
You will all die out.
You will all disappear from my land,
once more.
You're house plants
in the wilderness.
In the wild,
the wolf reigns supreme.
He has the sharpest teeth.
He's the strongest.
The law of the land is
"eat or be eaten".
Those are the only options.
And I eat. I am the wolf.
And you? You are a sheep.
Miss Heige.
We're taking all of this gin.
Consider it blood money for Horagallis.
But blood money is only money.
Repeat after me:
"Please forgive me
for running over Horagallis.
I apologize
from the bottom of my sheep's heart."
I demand that apology.
Either you give me that apology
Or you tell me no for the third time.
And I swear, that will be
your last word on this earth.
Do I have to repeat myself?!
Load up the gin!
We're almost done here, Miss Heige!
I can't hear you.
What's going on here?
Do you have anything
to say for yourselves?
I did it.
And what did you boys have in mind next?
Well, that
-That he would disappear.
-I am the law here.
I decide what should disappear,
and what shouldn't disappear.
It's probably for the best
that he disappears.
Where's Bilzi?
It's probably for the best
that we don't ask.
Let's tell each other
that it was the strangest thing.
Let's tell each other that it was
the strangest thing,
what became of Bilzi.
That he is gone.
Even now, it's terribly strange.
In time, it will become yet another
of our many strange local tales.
The tale of Horagallis.
Of the wolf that was here,
yet wasn't.
The tale of the Finns
who disappeared.
And the tale of Bilzi,
who disappeared.
People will make up explanations.
Rumors They'll go around.
And tales will become truths.
I'd prefer to stay in my caravan, but
You and Marin are welcome to stay.
I think I'll be happier
somewhere else.
I saw Bilzi in Sáivo.
Sáivo. The spirit world.
I'm hungry. I want a coffee
and a piece of smoked sausage.
I'm done here.
-Show me!
-Like this
Coffee. Coffee, coffee, coffee!
Come pick me up.
Shall we go?
You go.
-I think I have to go back.
Because of love?
I'm not quite sure yet.
We never talk.
But I think it would be wise to go back.
If only to find out
whether there's any hope for us.
-Man plans, God laughs.
-God is dead
from laughter.
I am driven by forces
much stronger than me,
and there is no excuse.
Yet I apologize
from the bottom of my heart.
I love you, Ingrid.
There's There's a group
an AA group in town.
My name is Finn.
And I'm I'm an alcoholic.
Thou who has lit up millions of stars
Teach us to light up
Thy path to us
Thou art our Father
Who guards and protects
The one we humbly worship
And believe in
We thank Thee
For this bright day gone by
Forgive us
For what we did not get done
Fill us with faith and peace
In our slumber
We thank Thee for every joy
That filled our hearts
For every time Thou
Turned our lives into celebration
Help us have faith
That all our pleasure and pain
Comes from Thy wisdom
Of what serves us best
Find us even among the weak and small
Help us on the right path
I know that whoever killed Bilzi,
hides behind one of those pale,
holy masks.
I swear, I will rip off that mask
and look that devil straight in the eye
before I squeeze the life out of him.
over a world
Of unrighteousness and defiance
Deliver by Thy hand
Our hearts and minds
And let Thy light
Shine through us
Translation: Nicolai Herzog
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