When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

When The Devil Calls Your Name
It is Love
Lyrics and Composition: Lee Choong Ryeol
Artist: Lee Choong Ryeol
Episode 8
Year 78' the 1st singing contest at the beach
♫ Please accept my heart ♫
♫ Ohh ♫
♫ I am only looking at you ♫
♫ In my unchanging heart, this ♫
♫ is my love ♫
♫ For you in dark nights ♫
♫ I'll be the moon ♫
♫ When you are playing with the moon ♫
♫ I'll be the shade ♫
Oppa, I'm your fan!
Oppa! You look so cool.
Please give me your autograph.
Hey, Lee Choong Ryeol.
I'm sorry, but should we continue this later?
Okay. See you later.
What brings you here when you should be busy writing songs?
Our artist who refuses to do events.
Did you gain weight from stealing other people's things?
- You're full now that your popular.
- Steal?
I just picked up and finished what someone threw out.
And the result of that is so-called popularity.
Yeah, keep living your life digging out of other people's trash.
Why, did the daughter of some Cat Pharmaceuticals gave you her attention or something?
A thieving bastard like you has no right to do music. You know that?
You're really acting out because you can write a few songs, but let's be honest here.
If you did music alone, do you think anyone would listen to you?
Can you really not grasp whom you should be thanking
for making it this far?
Thanks to whom?
You're just a shell. Stop trying to show off and get lost.
Hey, Seo Dong Cheon.
You seem to be misunderstanding something fundamentally.
The reason for our popularity for the group was not you, but me Lee Choong Ryeol.
That's what you tell yourself to pretend you have something to be proud of.
I threw that song away, anyway.
Forget it. I'll think of it as a donation to the poor, you bastard.
Take it.
Hey, Seo Dong Cheon.
I knew you looked familiar from the moment I met you.
I just didn't remember why,
even if I can't recognize faces.
I was wondering if my condition was really that bad when it came to me.
Yeah, that look.
Right, that's the look I'm talking about.
Seo Dong Cheon.
It's not that easy to look at someone like he's a bug.
But I recognized it the moment I saw that look in your eyes.
And the way you talk and the tone of your voice.
Plus that talk about Cat Pharmaceuticals or Tiger Pharmaceuticals.
You are the first to do that after Seo Dong Cheon. You.
Tell me honestly, PD Ha.
What's your relationship with Seo Dong Cheon?
Hello. I am Kelly, also known as, Kim Yi Gyeong.
First of all, I would like to apologize for missing the showcase without giving notice
and for keeping reporters and everyone else waiting.
I apologize.
Singer Kelly Press Conference
I'm really sorry.
Your former classmates said you were part of a female gang. Is that true?
Have you never been an accomplice in school violence, either?
None of that is true.
Are you saying you have never used violence at all?
I was just helping a friend who was being harass—
Did you change your showcase due to psychological burden?
- I'm really sorry.
- You made a promise to the public.
Do you think a simple apology will suffice?
An apology with no explanation or emotion, are you really being sincere?
What is the reason?
Please explain.
He had a lot of talent.
And according to him, I was just the shell.
What else did he say? That I was just the face.
If that friend had continued doing music,
he would have become a legend by now.
So what?
But how can you two look so alike?
What's your relationship with him?
I'm his son.
His son?
That's right, his son! Now the pieces are finally coming together.
It's a pleasure to meet you, son!
I'm sorry. Please do not ask questions that aren't related to the showcase.
There was a situation.
On that night right before the performance, I was attacked by people,
- so I could not go.
- Ridiculous.
I do not think it matters who it was.
- What a bich!
- Seriously.
It's true I was a juvenile delinquent.
My relationship with my father is something I believe I must
carry with me at all times.
If I unknowingly hurt someone while I was in school
Reporter Lim, that country bum works as Harib's housekeeper.
I apologize.
I heard you were Harib's housekeeper.
- Yes, that's correct.
- Then were the two of you living in one house?
- No, that's not true—
- Were you a live-in housekeeper?
- What's your exact relationship with Harib?
- Since when did you have this relationship with Harib?
I'm sorry, I believe those questions are not relevant.
We discovered her through her musical talent.
CEO Ji's words are right. That's not the essence.
However, if you look at the court file records of 2009,
they say she struck the victim with a blunt weapon.
That was already ruled as excessive self-defense.
That means she was found guilty as charged.
I heard the victim is still paralyzed.
What emotions would the public feel while listening to Kelly's songs?
So what is your relationship with Harib?
- How did you come to know him?
- Did you approach him intentionally to become a singer?
Did Harib pick you even after he knew of your criminal records?
Did you know about this, CEO Ji?
Through this opportunity, do you have no intention of apologizing to the victim?
As someone who was in a female gang and did excessive self-defense, do you believe you have the right to be a singer?
Have any of you lain
in a pool of your own blood?
Have you any of you ever had your ribs broken twice?
If I hadn't done anything, I would have died.
Should I have stayed still?
If I had stayed still that day,
I would have just become a pitiful child.
Because I'm not pitiful,
are you uncomfortable?
The world seems to be forgetting this,
but my family is being hurt through me.
I ask of you.
Please stop the attacks
against my family.
It's not that we don't know your situation, but there are worries you'll be a bad influence on the youth.
Producer Harib knows how show business works, but he's going through the risk.
Does he have an ulterior motive?
I do have it. An ulterior motive.
I have an ulterior motive.
- It's Harib!
- Harib!
I am a victim of domestic violence.
When I was young, growing up, my dad hit me with a guitar.
- Excuse me.
- I would keep getting hit
- until I felt I would die.
- Give it.
I even hung my dad upside down from the ground.
- I was 18.
- I know, I know so well.
You guys weren't hit growing up, right?
I thought as much.
However, I was not punished by law and am in this position today.
More than 90% of Korea's youth grow up listening to my songs.
If my music has a negative impact on those people, I'll resign right now.
Don't confuse the victim for the perpetrator.
The one who ruined her future is the one who used violence.
Everyone has the right to dream, and I will
support and guide her to that end. That's my ulterior motive.
Is that your reason for choosing her as your muse
without any personal ulterior motive?
Correct. She's my musical alter ego.
The title of muse is undeserved.
Producer Harib discovered me and put a lot of effort into helping me,
but this path is one I must walk on my own.
Even if I may take advantage of his popularity,
I don't believe I should blindly follow after him.
Are you saying you will exclude PD Ha and perform on your own?
Do you really think that
she will move according to your will?
I've never learned music and I am lacking in many ways.
I think perhaps that's why he picked me.
I mean I want to show how I can slowly mature in music.
- Are you saying you refuse to be Harib's muse?
- Then your music career
I must barricade her surroundings and bring her into my territory.
A well-caged bird can't think of escaping.
Of course, I'm not hitching a ride or
trying to get a piece of the pie, but offering my first support---
I don't want to be a star just to be rich.
I'll do my best not to tarnish the PD who gave me the chance.
Don't you think the point is whether she'd follow you as you planned?
You know the humans have that thing.
Free will.
Without prejudice, I ask you
to evaluate me on the music only.
If there is even one person out there that wants to listen to my music, I will do this for them.
I won't care where the stage is.
No, it's okay. You did well. That's how you're supposed to talk in front of reporters.
But this ocean's wave is too high for you to handle alone in this industry. It's a tsunami.
You'll die if you fall in. I'll help you.
You've helped me a lot up to this point. Thank you.
Then, what? Are you saying you won't even receive my songs?
I just need that one song. I think having even that one song is an honor and I'm grateful for it.
Why do you insist on traveling the hard road when you have a paved one already?
Hello, my nephew! Surprise.
Hey, CEO Ji. He says that he is Seo Dong Cheon's son.
I mean as soon as I saw him he looked familiar.
Take a look. He took after his father in artistic personality from his looks to his talent.
- Who?
- Mr. Seo Dong Cheon?
Is that right?
How could you fool me for ten years?
Then where is Seo Dong Cheon right now?
Hey, hey let's be understanding.
He says there's a reason he's been hiding it all this time.
It must've been really hard for him to ditch his father's last name.
Is that true? Then why didn't you tell us?
- I just found out recently—
- Move.
Are you really his son?
I mean, I can't find any similarities between you.
Oh my, you look the same.
Did this person, Seo Dong Cheon, really hit you?
When I was young, growing up, my father beat me with a guitar.
That that was because my father didn't want me to do music.
- No way.
- What?
You just said that you found out recently he was your father.
No, I mean I probably met him when I was younger, he's my dad after all.
Yeah, that's right. Seo Dong Cheon's personality was no joke.
- I mean he had an aggressive side.
- I didn't look like that—
When he got mad his fists would go flying.
Aigoo, it's believable.
Why are you like this?
I'm glad you told us. Goodness, my younger brother
You come see me.
He's worse than his father.
Why didn't you tell me? You knew I was looking for Seo Dong Cheon.
Do I have a reason to tell you?
Were you treating me well because of Seo Dong Cheon?
I didn't know who you were and I never heard of you.
- Where is Seo Dong Cheon.
- I'm sure he's living well somewhere.
I see you guys aren't very close.
Yes, you can see the picture, can't you? It's a third rate soap opera. So stop asking.
Still, if the child doesn't know these things then who does.
I, too, really
I too didn't know. I didn't know I was his kid.
Even back then,
I didn't know the fact that I had a child.
I didn't know.
[Year 2009]
Is what you're working on
going well?
Yeah, well
- I'm just doing music.
- Still?
I guess you can at least feed yourself now.
I wasn't going to look for til the end.
I wasn't going to come to see you even in my death.
But my child is in a lot of pain.
If he can't get surgery, he will die.
You come to see me after 10 years.
- What on earth are you saying?
- "Is that even my child?"
If you say bullshit like that I'll really kill you.
If I hadn't known till the end,
perhaps that would have been better.
Modu Agency
If so, then my life and your life
wouldn't have been entangled like this.
Anyway I must undo this tight knot.
But how is that possible?
How can a person who'd been beaten by his father beat his own son?
I heard Dong Cheon was beaten by a guitar when he was growing up.
That's why a spot on his eyebrow doesn't grow.
That's what he told me.
Do you know why my eyebrow isn't growing here?
This is a badge of honor my father gave me when he hit me with a guitar when I was your age.
I almost lost my sight.
I must sever this knot
from that high up place.
This is to die for.
It's because you are looking from high up. You can't see
dirty, ugly and uncomfortable things down there.
It's just a nice view.
This is why you can't go down once you came up to a high place.
You'd want to stay in the high place forever.
Even if you would have to sell your soul.
- What's is this?
- Contract.
- We signed the contract before.
- That was the standard contract with the company.
This is the contract between you and me.
You write down the special clause here.
A check?
What is a check?
Come into my birdcage now.
Is this like a blank check?
Wow. So the blank check isn't blank.
Wow, that's interesting.
Is this fake?
If you don't write it, then I will.
Don't bother me. This is my first time seeing a blank check.
So the blank check is made with just paper too.
Bye. I'll see you in my next life.
Then what's with the look of a loan shark on your face and writing a blank check?
Have you forgotten? You are my muse—
Just treat me like a rookie according to the standard contract.
- Please respect my opinion.
- How can I respect more than this?
- Do you not like money?
- Yes, I like money.
Who doesn't like money in this world?
But I don't want to be a Cinderella riding the pumpkin carriage.
Do you think she'll move as you have intended?
You need someone to help you.
Please help me.
Please be my daddy long-legs.
Do what?
I told you this before.
If you fall backward, the back of your head will be busted. And if you fall forward, you'll bust your nose.
That's how I want to live my life, in natural order.
Watch whether I live my life well.
Help me with your guidance.
Are you looking at it again?
It's been awhile since you signed the contract. You like it that much?
Um. Artist, Kim Yi Gyeong.
I feel like I've become someone big.
If you are that big, what's with the amount of contract money?
What's wrong? This is the best in the field.
It's whopping 700. 700! (about $7,000)
Money. Money is good to everybody.
It's good if you have it and uncomfortable if you don't.
That's bullshi spewed by someone who has money or is capable of getting it.
To someone who needs the money, it means
you'd die if you don't have it.
Si Ho has a sweet voice suitable to sing ballads.
A duet will be good, too.
I've written something at home. Should I bring it? I mean for the source.
I'll tell the CEO.
I see CEO Jin's meeting is running longer.
I listened to your demo, too.
Ah, really?
Did CEO Jin hear it, too? He had it for a while.
He told me to listen for him.
Is that right?
It was beautiful.
But I don't think it'll sell though.
Who listens to folk songs these days?
And the CEO's meeting, it won't end
before you leave.
I didn't come to talk about that today.
I am sorry, if I crossed the line.
Not at all.
You are quite good at your job.
Thank you for saying it was beautiful.
I mean it.
Thanks for the coffee.
I am sorry.
Don't mention it.
Could I get my demo back?
Did he leave?
Is he tenacious or foolish? He's pushing 60 already.
If he tried that much without success, he'd try a hard labor job.
If he has money to make demos, then he should change the machine.
Who listens to that sort of music these days?
Does he think he's Jo Yong Pil or what?
It's been a few decades. He doesn't know how to give up.
Don't ever let Seo Dong Cheol in my office again.
♫ How far far away ♫
♫ must I go to find it? ♫
♫ I call you and call again ♫
♫ but you don't look back ♫
♫ while signaling come back to me with just a gesture ♫
♫ About the time this song ends ♫
♫ Will this insignificant dream soar again ♫
♫ to somewhere in my vague and painful dream? ♫
What kind of a person are you?
Son! Son, you said?
- Seo Dong Cheon?
- Eat. Eat this.
Hey, if I think about how much hardship you went through because of him—
Ah, he's Seo Dong Cheon's son?
- Ohh.
- You startled me. This is a lot.
Part-timers are already on strike and the kitchen is now closed.
This is scary.
Boss! Come and drink with us, uh?
Am I stupid?
Why didn't I know all this time?
Tae Kang
Let's grab a meal. When is a good time for you?
Now is a good time for me.
I sent my manager home already.
A sudden rain?
I am so hungry.
Excuse me!
Let's go.
He's Mr. Seo Dong Cheol's son.
He deceived me for ten years.
Harib fooled me good.
Why should I continue
Sorry. I used casual language.
Please speak comfortably.
Perhaps with Mo Tae Kang—
No, the two of us came here before?
You are seriously
I see.
We are going to drink to death and party, okay?
- Come in, come in.
- Okay, okay.
Come in. You all are dead now.
- You should leave.
- Uh?
- I said leave.
- You said you want to drink more—
I am sleepy. I am going to sleep.
What the heck?
Wench, she's drunk.
You are home? You are hungry, right?
Let's eat.
How did you get in?
You got this place trying to hide from me?
It hurts thinking about you living in a place like this.
I missed you so much.
Puppy, don't do that to your daddy.
You are going to drink coffee, right?
Mixed coffee is okay, right?
Let me see.
I'll bring medicine. Hold on.
I guess he didn't recognize you because it's been too long.
I am fine. It's nothing.
It is hard to start over.
Did you want to be a different person that badly?
Because you act so well, you are unfamiliar.
I am not Mo Tae Kang. Is that what you are going to say?
I am—
That's how we ate and kissed.
Like the other humans do.
How was it? I just felt dizzy.
When you feel electrified and excited, you do get dizzy sometimes.
I just got dizzy.
Yes, of course.
Did you say reminisce before?
Is reminiscence different from memory?
Memories make your heart flutter?
Reminiscence and memory are a little different in characteristics.
They're different.
I need to check something.
It's different.
No feelings.
What did you just do?
- A test.
- If you were going to test
This is nuts.
Did you just get angry with me?
No. Not being angry but
- Never mind.
- Five minutes to standby.
Today is that day, right?
Go home early.
I see I am killing six people today.
What kind of a movie is this for killing people all the time?
Ye Seon Ah?
Isn't she the person you tried to find for the past ten years but never found?
Yes. Look for her again.
Okay, got it.
You said you got something to tell me.
Ah right. I met Kim Yi Gyeong's appointed lawyer from ten years ago.
- And?
- He asked if the Kim Yi Gyeong on TV is the same person and was glad to see her.
At the time, she could've gotten off with self-defense considering the violence at home,
but he was disappointed because her theft led to a problem (guilty verdict).
Yes, there was a money theft case which happened at a wedding venue.
I need to forget about studying in this life.
I am going to do music. Let's do a duet.
You think music is easy?
You have to have a dream to do music.
You can't become a singer just because you can write music a bit.
Look who's here?
Seo Dong Cheol?
Long time no see.
Hold on. Did I invite you here?
No. I had something to take care of upstairs.
I see. I am sorry my life was hectic and I couldn't call you.
My eldest son is getting married today.
I guess you are still doing music.
You look good.
It's good that you are here. Come here.
You know many people here. Say hello.
I shouldn't
We haven't seen you so long. Will we get another chance like this?
Come quickly.
My eldest son Eun Taek.
Thank you.
I know you have a busy schedule
Yes, thank you.
Mr. CEO, you came.
Thank you. You came.
Uh, that was your today's pay.
Forget it. You have no money
I know you don't have much money.
Eat before you leave.
Looking cool, my butt.
Ahjussi, that man is Lee Choong Ryeol, right?
Lee Choong Ryeol of Liver and Gallbladder.
Mr. Lee Choong Ryeol married the woman in that love story?
I heard he wrote that song, "It is Love" to make a marriage proposal.
How awesome.
That song is suitable for a wedding song, so why don't you sing it?
On a day like this, it'd be awesome if you two sing that song together.
My child is very ill.
But why did you disband your group?
Your popularity was at its peak.
The thing is
Without the surgery, he will die.
Actually I wrote a song.
My child is very ill. Without surgery, he will die.
I wanted to let you hear it first.
Even Lee Choong Ryeol's son is handsome.
The bride is really pretty, too.
I want to wear a wedding dress, too.
Wait up. Don't leave alone.
Person in charge of Lee Eun Tak's wedding. Please come to the office!
Yes, I am coming.
Wait up.
I am sorry.
Pay attention!
I am sorry.
Pick them up quickly.
What the heck?
Forget it!
Where did he go?
Money. Money is good to everybody.
It's good if you have it and uncomfortable if you don't.
That's bullshi spewed by the one who has it or is capable of getting it.
To the person who needs money, it means
you'd die if you don't have it.
So what if I took some? So what if I took some?
Who are you colluding with?
You fearless little thing
What you staring at? Prison will teach you a lesson.
I called the police, so let's wait.
.You have CCTV, right? Let's see it.
- Yes.
The main thief ran away.
Kim Yi Gyeong who got caught was the suspect based on circumstances.
It could've been nothing. But the theft case
was huge from her standpoint.
♫ Someday
Raise the monitor, please.
♫ You are not pain in my memory
♫ The sound of your breathing ♫
I didn't know, even in my wildest dreams,
that my selfish choice
could've affected someone else's life.
You came.
That was cool.
I think we are done with this song.
- Yi Gyeong.
- Yes.
Since PD Ha is here, shall we try that song again?
Here we go.
♫ The day we first met coincidentally
♫ The day we met first coincidentally ♫
♫ Did our warm memories reach each other? ♫
♫ Did our warm memories reach each other?
♫ The sound of my heartbeat was stopped long before
♫ I hear it unusually loud tonight
♫ Perhaps we are
♫ Perhaps you are
♫ I wonder whether you were living in my cut off dream
♫ The voice I seem to know
♫ I want to ask whether we ever met ♫
♫ You make me the colors of light
♫ I can't cross the line whiich is clearly drawn
♫ Will it be easy if it's done once?
♫ Should I say it brazenly?
♫ I try to stop telling myself you can't
♫ I'm trying to restrain my feelings.
♫ You know that is love
♫ As yesterday as yesterday
♫ As the day which has completely passed
♫ Short as it was when we met for the first time
♫ In order to find one person
♫ My dream that couldn't be achieved is searching
Don't you like it?
Why don't you
ever get any luck in your life?
Mr. PD, why speak so harshly?
What's wrong? I thought it was good.
You are going to jinx me, too.
PD Ha.
She refused to testify, so the culprit was never caught,
but it was clear that she was an accomplice.
Because she was a minor and it was her first offense, she got off with a warning.
Die! My daughter is
Then she got arrested again for the severe assault case.
For a case like this, the judge couldn't help but be influenced.
The prosecutor was very adamant.
She was arrested and jailed.
What were you thinking?
What were you thinking?
You were too harsh to Kelly.
My mother was a single mom, too.
How she must've felt and how hard it must've been for her,
I know the feeling.
What would you know being young?
This is from the new collection.
Ah, yeah.
So cute.
My Woo Ram!
Woo Ram! Woo Ram!
My daughter.
Did you wait for a long time?
No. Ta da.
This is Woo Ram's present.
My baby.
My baby.
You are so pretty, my princess.
Daddy, I met a grandma today and she was so sad she was crying.
- Really?
- I didn't cry.
What else happened?
Let me eat the strawberry.
Look over there!
Miss Candy, put the rock out.
Put the paper out.
They are coming, coming.
They are coming, coming.
So scary.
Tigers, look over here.
What's this?
Are you really going to be like this?
What about you? Why are you like this?
Our Woo Ram Our Woo Ram went to heaven
seven years ago already.
It's enough living seven years thinking about a dead child.
The living must go on living!
Who says?!
Who says our Woo Ram is dead?
Seoul Family Court
Living your life holding on to a dead child, can you call that living?
Are you the only parent of Woo Ram?
I am Woo Ram's mom.
It's time to let her go.
Woo Ram, what's with your mother?
Your mom said you are dead.
What's wrong with your mom?
Woo Ram, you
Now on the wish line,
[1 year ago]
you only need to fill in with what you want.
My daughter Woo Ram—
Bringing a dead person back to life doesn't apply.
No, no.
I am not asking to bring her back to life.
Just once a month.
No I am fine with once a year.
Can I please see my daughter Woo Ram?
I know it's not possible,
but I want to see her even in my dreams.
I want to touch her.
Please let me see her once.
I miss her so much.
Please let me see her just once.
Once a month.
Thank you. Thank you.
Kang Pil Seon
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Then shall we follow the rabbit?
Is it here? Where is it?
Where is the rabbit?
You met with your dad today, right?
You met with your dad today.
She's a caretaker and he's a rehabilitation doctor.
This is my mother.
- Hello.
- Hello.
These two people will come every day. You decide on the time.
Since you are here, please start with his bath.
- Yes.
- I'll do my best.
Thank you.
It can't be helped, even if you don't like it.
Don't collapse and make me the bad wench.
With what money?
The bathroom is this way.
Ah, yes.
I have a lot of money. I have a bit of a CD, too.
I signed a singer contract.
Why would I take this? Give it to Mother.
I know your paycheck is being garnished.
You need to get married, too. No matter how nice she is, she won't wait for you forever.
You don't need to worry about that.
I am not doing this for your benefit.
Being a cop only looks good outside. Our family is crappy with so much debt.
Who'd want that? I wouldn't want that.
Kim Kyeong Soo needs to get married so Mother can end her big homework.
This isn't much. Just buy a handbag for her.
Fine, then buy this today.
♫ Always, oh beautiful love ♫
♫ You are not sadness in my heart ♫
You are home? Dinner is almost ready.
Go wash up and sit down.
♫ In my memoy you are not pain ♫
What is this?
Just a present.
I guess she did become a singer. Did you pick it?
It's pretty.
I can see tomorrow.
I can see tomorrow.
Okay, it's nice. Let's release with this one.
The one before was good, too. Did you rewrite it already?
People have expectations. That one won't do.
You are Harib after all. Reaching #1 on the chart quickly is expected.
I like them both.
Strange, really strange.
I can hear it. What did you say?
It's strange.
What about my song before?
You agreed to respect my story.
This is not a school function. Listen to me.
No, this isn't my music.
- Send it to me after it's tuned.
- Yes.
You should thank me and get the champagne ready for your #1 on the chart.
Mr. PD.
Your birdcage strategy seems to be blown away,
don't you think?
You knew it all along, didn't you?
If a convict's soul is grade one, then is it dismissing
the human strict system of law and order?
She is different from the other criminals. She was a victim of family violence.
Then what about the theft?
Are you having fun
toying with me?
To the person who ruined her whole life because of me—
What is your intention if her soul is grade one?
If? Then are you acknowledging her soul is grade one?
Well it's true she is getting close.
But the thing is
What if she meets the person who ruined her whole life?
I wonder how she'd react?
What if she finds out that person is Seo Dong Cheon and
also Harib?
I am curious
whether or not she'd have a grade one soul even at that moment.
Shut up. You can't be trusted not even for a moment!
Everything is getting messed up.
Now I'll have to do something less than human.
If I didn't know till the end
If I didn't know or didn't see till the end
Ye Seon Ah, among the guardians
Ye Seon Ah.
Go over there.
Ye Seong Ho, Yoon Cheong Eun, Bae Min Ji, Kim Min Jeong
Ye Seong Ho, Age 11, Male
Are you the guardian?
Are you his guardian?
You can't be here. Please leave.
Please leave.
Please leave.
Why? Do you think I stole it?
Fine. I stole it.
Now leave.
Are you leaving?
Aren't you going to see the kid?
What's the point of seeing him?
Aren't you curious about how serious his illness is or
what sort of surgery he's getting?
You haven't even asked me the sex of the child.
Did you tell the kid about me?
Don't ever contact me again.
Let's live like we don't know each other the way we are now.
Fine. I'll say you are dead.
Do you even have any sense of responsibility?
Responsibility? My own parents didn't take responsibility for me.
So why should I in my situation?
Why is it me? Why do you want to buy my soul?
Why is that?
This afternoon at O'hare Airport in Chicago, USA,
due to the overbooking error,
a passenger got kicked off the plane.
That passenger is a doctor who has an emergency surgery scheduled
in Seoul tomorrow morning,
but he'll miss the plane.
Hence, another doctor performs the surgery.
Unfortunately the 10-year-old boy on the operating table
will die.
The money his father stole for the operation will be wasted, and
his umarried mother will lose everything in her world.
About now, we need to enter the coordinates of this plane
for it to arrive in Chicago on time
and board the heart specialist, Doctor Kim Jeong Hyeon.
That's how you can save your son.
It was surreal. No, I didn't care if it wasn't real.
I had no other choice.
If I didn't know til the end. If I didn't know or see til the end.
I wouldn't even think about stealing that money.
And this crappy contract
I never would've signed it in the first place.
No, I can do worse.
I'll bring you the grade one soul, so show me that kid is alive.
Why are you so obsessed over that matter?
You completely forgot about him and lived just fine.
Whether I forgot about it or not, how'd you know about the human?
I saw it all already.
You saw it? When and where?
Your first wish came to realization and I proved it as you requested.
Now it's your turn to perform according to the contract.
What are you saying? Explain in a way I can understand—
PD Ha.
We have a problem.
♫ Yesterday, to yesterday ♫
♫ A day which has completely passed ♫
♫ Where we first-- ♫
You impudent jerk. What are you doing?
I think this is right.
What? Take it down immediately.
Humans. Their relationships.
The most special relationship among humans' complicated relationships.
Humans call it the parent-child relationship.
If there are 100 sets of parent-child relationships, there'll be 100 different forms.
The emotions based on love and hate,
an anomaly occurs which can't be summed by a word.
Those forms can be a few tens of thousands.
As the parent-child relationships are entangled, an unexpected human dilemma happens.
Why don't you have some fish cake, Ryoo?
Yes, Father.
♫ Perhaps we are ♫
♫ Perhaps you are ♫
♫ I wonder whether you live in my cut off dream ♫
When the Devil Calls Your Name
I can't understand. Who says?!
I was against it, too.
Why does it have to be the Liver and Gallbladder?
Why are you against it?
Because it's Seo Dong Cheon's song and because it came out of his head!
All the songs Seo Dong Cheon wrote were jinxed!
Why are you searching for Seo Dong Cheon?
Where is Seo Dong Cheon now?
I never resented you once.
This Seo Dong Cheon's sickening world.
Stop torturing people!
Those people you cherish so much, I'll show you the ends of their souls.
People's lives are your hobby? Their lives are on the line and it's your hobby?
You play with people's fate and put them in your palm.
Is it fun?
Didn't we decide to start over?
Is there something more I need to do?
The world runs just fine without Seo Dong Cheon.
Suddenly it started to roll towards Seo Dong Cheon.
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