Where's Wally (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Hang Ten in Tahiti

# Oh-wey-oh
# Where do you go?
# Oh-wey-oh
# Where do you go?
# Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh-wey-oh
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip around the world,
catch a ride to the moon
# Take a trip around the world,
catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach,
jump in, discover something new
# Oh-wey-oh
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Oh-wey-oh
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Oh-oh-oh
# Where do you go, where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
WHITEBEARD: Me-me-me-me-me-me-me
Me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me. (SNORES)
Me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me. (SNORES)
Should we wake him?
No. He looks so peaceful.
(SNORES) Me-me-me-me-me-me.
Beard lotion!
BOTH: Agh!
Beard lotion!
BOTH: Agh!
Agh! What's that?
Arf? Wally? Wenda?
I must've dozed off for a moment.
Wah! Wanders!
Wah! Wanders!
A WanderPost!
(GASPS) It's from Wizard Wavybeard!
Wow, pretty!
Oh. But this is most important,
Oh. But this is most important,
It seems Wizard Wavybeard
has lost the Wave Key,
a magical key
that can control oceans, waves
a magical key
that can control oceans, waves
Sounds like a very powerful key.
It most certainly is, Wenda.
Sounds like a very powerful key.
It most certainly is, Wenda.
That is why Wavybeard has been
its keeper for generations.
There is no-one,
wizard or otherwise,
There is no-one,
wizard or otherwise,
that understands waves
better than him.
See him on a surfboard -
that's magic!
So where can we find him?
And that lost Wave Key?
So where can we find him?
And that lost Wave Key?
Good questions, Wanderers.
To the Wander
I'm sorry.
I got stuck that time. Sorry!
I'm sorry.
I got stuck that time. Sorry!
By stripe'd staff and white of beard
I summon magic, wild and weird
I summon magic, wild and weird
Spin, O magic globe, to show
Where these Wanderers will go!
Wow! The islands of Tahiti.
Beautiful coral reefs,
rocky volcanic islands
Beautiful coral reefs,
rocky volcanic islands
and lots of colourful tropical fish.
Don't forget your sun cream.
Already on it.
Don't forget your sun cream.
Already on it.
Sun cream - check.
Beach umbrella -
Sunglasses - check.
All a Wanderer needs for
the perfect Tahitian Magic Key hunt.
All a Wanderer needs for
the perfect Tahitian Magic Key hunt.
OK, Wanderers, next stop Tahiti.
OK, Wanderers, next stop Tahiti.
We'll remember to say
Ia Ora na to Wavybeard for you.
That's "hello" in Tahitian.
Good to know. So
BOTH: Wander!
Wenda, welcome to Tahiti.
Cool. Looks like we landed
in the middle of all the action.
Cool. Looks like we landed
in the middle of all the action.
Wizard Wavybeard
has to be around somewhere.
Do you spot anyone
who looks like a wizard?
Do you spot anyone
who looks like a wizard?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Over here, Wenda!
And look who I found.
Meet Wizard Wavybeard.
Ia Ora na, Wizard Wavybeard.
Whoooooah! Far out!
Whoooooah! Far out!
You know how to say "hello"
in Tahitian? Ha-ha-ha!
So here we are, ready to help you
find that missing Wave Key.
Did someone just say "Wave Key"?
It's Wally and Wenda!
I think our tropical beach vacation
I think our tropical beach vacation
just got a whole lot
more interesting.
So when was the last time
you had the Wave Key?
So when was the last time
you had the Wave Key?
Follow me, Wander-dudes,
and I'll tell you everything.
I need to find out
what happened to that Wave Key.
I need to find out
what happened to that Wave Key.
Whoa, what is this place?
These are statues of
the top surfers to visit Tahiti.
These are statues of
the top surfers to visit Tahiti.
People travel from all over
the world to surf the beaches here.
That's how I ended up
in Tahiti myself. Heh!
That's how I ended up
in Tahiti myself. Heh!
Very cool.
It shows that
no matter where you travel,
a little part of you
will always be here in Tahiti.
a little part of you
will always be here in Tahiti.
And the Wave Key?
Oh, the Big Ahio. Ha!
BOTH: The Big Ahio?
I'm out on the water,
BOTH: The Big Ahio?
I'm out on the water,
like always,
riding some tasty waves,
when I spot
a few dolphins playing in the surf.
I was really grooving with these
dolphins, when out of nowhere,
I was really grooving with these
dolphins, when out of nowhere,
the biggest, wildest wave
in all of Tahiti rises up.
The Big Ahio-o-o-o.
The Big Ahio-o-o-o.
I tried to stay balanced.
I was using every single move I had.
I was like, "Ooh, ow, ee!
I was like, "Ooh, ow, ee!
Whoooa!" Wipeout.
By the time I shook all the sand
and seashells out of my beard,
my surfboard and the Wave Key
were just gone.
my surfboard and the Wave Key
were just gone.
You kept the key in your surfboard?!
Since I'm always out
riding the waves,
what better place to keep it
than inside my trusty surfboard?
what better place to keep it
than inside my trusty surfboard?
Big Ahios can show up
any time, anywhere.
They make even
the best surfers wipe out.
They make even
the best surfers wipe out.
Why do they call it the Big Ahio?
"Ahio" is Tahitian for
LOOK OUT! Ha-ha!
LOOK OUT! Ha-ha!
It is what everyone says
when one of those waves rolls up.
Bummer. My board AND the Wave Key
could've washed up
Bummer. My board AND the Wave Key
could've washed up
on just about any island in Tahiti.
But there are over 100 islands.
118, to be exact.
118, to be exact.
It would be a major bummer
if it ended up in the wrong hands,
Not to mention,
if high tide rolls in,
then it could be
washed out to sea forever.
then it could be
washed out to sea forever.
Then there's no time to waste.
We'll find your board
and the Wave Key together.
Far out, Wander-dudes!
Far out, Wander-dudes!
Grab those surfboards,
and get ready to ride.
We have a Magic Key to find.
Ha-ha! That almost rhymed.
Ha-ha! That almost rhymed.
You know, Fritz, I've always felt
I should have a statue in my honour.
(MUMBLES) Oh, you have?
Of course I have.
(MUMBLES) Oh, you have?
Of course I have.
So I'll wait for Wally and Wenda
to find that Wave Key,
and take it for myself and use it
to become the best surfer in Tahiti.
to become the best surfer in Tahiti.
You start on my statue.
That Wave Key is as good as mine.
That Wave Key is as good as mine.
Wally, Wenda,
set of ankle-busters coming up.
Try to ride them. Ha-ha-ha!
I think he means waves.
I think he means waves.
OK, three, two, one
Now stand!
Now stand!
Here goes nothing!
We're doing it, Wally!
Well done!
Ow! Whoa!
BOTH: Whoa!
Ow! Whoa!
BOTH: Whoa!
Don't sweat it.
It's your first try.
You're still grommets.
I thought we were Wanderers.
(LAUGHS) Sorry. Surf talk.
(LAUGHS) Sorry. Surf talk.
"Grommet" means "new surfer".
Here. This will help.
"Wavybeard's WavyWax
for all your surfing needs,
"Wavybeard's WavyWax
for all your surfing needs,
100% wizard approved."
Your board won't get too slippery.
Handy stuff.
Thanks, Wizard Wavybeard.
Handy stuff.
Thanks, Wizard Wavybeard.
We're approaching our first island.
I can show you a few surfing tips
while we search.
BOTH: Cool!
BOTH: Cool!
Remember, balance is the key,
It's all in the hips.
Can I look now?
Can I look now?
OK. Come on!
Wow! Nice going, Fritz.
But I should be holding the Wave Key
over my head in triumph!
But I should be holding the Wave Key
over my head in triumph!
Oh, and maybe add a crown.
And a coconut throne.
Overall make me look
heroic and fabulous. Oh.
Overall make me look
heroic and fabulous. Oh.
I'll wait.
Look! Look!
Surfing lessons?
Why would I need those?
Once I get the Wave Key,
I'll control the waves and be the
best surfer in Tahiti anyway! Grrr!
I'll control the waves and be the
best surfer in Tahiti anyway! Grrr!
Hmm. You know what, Fritz?
That's a great idea!
Yeah. I can practise
Yeah. I can practise
my I-win-at-surfing poses
and see which works the best.
Wha? Ohh!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
First time without falling over.
First time without falling over.
We timed it perfectly.
Way to go, Wander-dudes.
Keep it up, and you'll be
even better than Whoa!
Ohh. Harsh.
Ohh. Harsh.
Wizard Wavybeard, are you OK?
I'm cool. Yeah,
I just tripped on some driftwood.
I'm cool. Yeah,
I just tripped on some driftwood.
Huh. Not driftwood.
Far out!
It's my surfboard!
Well, part of my surfboard anyway.
Well, part of my surfboard anyway.
The Big Ahio broke it
when you wiped out.
Bummer. Aw, you poor thing.
Shhh. It's OK. We can fix you.
Shhh. It's OK. We can fix you.
There could be other pieces
on the beach. I'll go and look.
Great idea, Wenda.
Small island.
The Big Ahio scattered
the pieces across different islands.
We need to keep searching before
the key gets washed out to sea.
We need to keep searching before
the key gets washed out to sea.
OK, now let's see you go
from crouching to standing.
Remember to stay balanced.
And the beach goes wild!
Odlulu! Odlulu!
Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!
Odlulu, do you maybe want
to try some actual surfing moves?
Odlulu, do you maybe want
to try some actual surfing moves?
Maybe later.
Which do you like better -
this or this?
this or this?
The ocean current
leads into these caves.
The ocean current
leads into these caves.
Whoa! I wonder
Totally! Big Ahio's been
through here. I can feel it.
Totally! Big Ahio's been
through here. I can feel it.
So let's catch the current.
Ha-ha! You're gonna love this.
Far out, right?
Really far out.
You both handle the water well.
Like I always say -
respect the waves,
and the waves will respect you.
respect the waves,
and the waves will respect you.
Blurgh! Blurgh! Most of the time.
Hmm. No sign of any board pieces.
Hmm. No sign of any board pieces.
Maybe they were washed out.
Hmm. This IS low tide, isn't it?
Yes. Why, Wal-dude?
Because maybe
your board wasn't washed OUT,
Because maybe
your board wasn't washed OUT,
Wizard Wavybeard, it was washed UP.
Another piece!
Another piece!
Nice going, Wal-dude.
The rising water of high tide lodged
it up there. It's perfectly logical.
But how are we going to get it
when we're way down here?
But how are we going to get it
when we're way down here?
Hold onto your stripes. I'm on it!
No way!
Almost got us a whole surfboard.
Great! But still no Wave Key.
Great! But still no Wave Key.
Keep searching.
How do we get out of here?
That's the best part of this cave.
The waves come in one end
and they wash out THAT way.
I guess that's our exit.
Whoo! Ha-ha-ha!
See you on the other side.
See you on the other side.
Here we go agaaiiin!
What's taking
those Wanderers so long?
When they find that Wave Key,
When they find that Wave Key,
I'll take it from them
and use it to control the waves
to become the best surfer.
I'm just, uh, going to check on
the other students.
I'm just, uh, going to check on
the other students.
Fritz, have you seen Wally or Wenda?
Look! Look!
Wait a second!
Hmm. I'm going to need
to get a closer look at this.
Hmm. I'm going to need
to get a closer look at this.
(GASPS) Hmm.
That gives me an idea.
No sign of any surfboard pieces
here, Wizard Wavybeard.
No sign of any surfboard pieces
here, Wizard Wavybeard.
We're not here for the island.
We're here to search down there.
We're here to search down there.
The coral reef?
That's right.
If the current dragged down
part of my surfboard,
If the current dragged down
part of my surfboard,
it can't float to the surface
if it's IN the coral.
Well, then, let's prepare to dive.
(MUFFLED) Wally? Where's Wally?
(MUFFLED) Wally? Where's Wally?
I'm here!
Nice one! You found
the last piece of my surfboard.
Nice one! You found
the last piece of my surfboard.
And here's the Wave Key
safe and sound.
Hmm. But how do we put it
back together?
Hmm. But how do we put it
back together?
Easy. Wavybeard's WavyWax.
It IS for all your surfing needs.
Groovy! Good thinking, Wal-dude.
I don't know how to thank you.
Me neither!
BOTH: Odlulu!
Odlulu's the name,
Odlulu's the name,
and being the best surfer
in Tahiti is my game.
Gotta run. Can't wait for everyone
to finally see me in action.
Gotta run. Can't wait for everyone
to finally see me in action.
Come on, wave, let's surf!
Wave bye-bye, Wanderers!
BOTH: Hang on!
ALL: Wipeout!
Ugh. That was most uncool.
And now Odlulu has the Wave Key.
And we're stuck here
on this deserted island.
And we're stuck here
on this deserted island.
What is this place?
Wait a sec.
This is Driftwood Island.
I've heard legends about it,
but I never knew where it was.
I've heard legends about it,
but I never knew where it was.
Driftwood Island?
Totally. Whatever the Big Ahios take
that doesn't end up on other
islands, the current brings here.
that doesn't end up on other
islands, the current brings here.
Oh, wowzer!
My lucky beard scrunchie!
Oh, I've been looking for that.
Oh, I've been looking for that.
How can we get off this island?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Meet the Wally
Surf-busting Canoe-a-nator.
Meet the Wally
Surf-busting Canoe-a-nator.
Hop in!
Groovy! An outrigger canoe.
That's a canoe that surfs,
which is very cool for a canoe.
That's a canoe that surfs,
which is very cool for a canoe.
OK, Wizard Wavybeard, let's get that
Wave Key back for good this time.
OK, Wizard Wavybeard, let's get that
Wave Key back for good this time.
Other way!
Oh, yeah! Wave Key, do your thing.
Oh, yeah! Wave Key, do your thing.
Check me out. Best surfer ever!
you need to return that key
AND that surfboard.
Waves can't be controlled.
That's not surfing.
Waves can't be controlled.
That's not surfing.
Return the key?!
It's made me the best surfer here.
Why would I want to change that?
I'm a better surfer than anyone.
I'm a better surfer than anyone.
OK, Odlulu,
maybe you are a better surfer,
BUT there's only one way to be sure.
I'm listening.
Surf contest. Two-on-two.
I'm listening.
Surf contest. Two-on-two.
Me and Wenda versus you and Fritz.
Winner gets the key.
You're on. With the Wave Key,
I control the waves,
You're on. With the Wave Key,
I control the waves,
so I know I'm the best surfer.
I already have the statue
to prove it. See?
Grrrr! Come on, Fritz! Surfing time!
I'll watch from the canoe.
I'll watch from the canoe.
You've got this, Wander-dudes.
Are you sure we're ready?
It's going to be tough.
Odlulu's key controls the waves.
(SCOFFS) Please.
Odlulu's key controls the waves.
(SCOFFS) Please.
I never needed that key to surf,
and neither do you.
You just need to respect the waves.
And the waves will respect you!
Right on.
And the waves will respect you!
Right on.
OK, surfers,
OK, surfers,
paddle out and find your wave.
I don't need to FIND a wave.
I brought my own.
That's a big wave.
Paddle hard, Wander-dudes.
Get on top of it. You can do it.
OK, feet apart, and stand NOW!
OK, feet apart, and stand NOW!
Yes, we're up.
Have to stay balanced.
It's all in the hips.
Way to carve that wave, Wanderers.
You aren't grommets any more.
Show-offs. Check this out.
Show-offs. Check this out.
Oh, no, Wenda,
Odlulu's made a Big Ahio.
Now we're talking.
Now we're talking.
I have this.
I Ooh!
OK, maybe I don't have it.
Whoa! Ohhhhhh!
Whoa! Ohhhhhh!
Wenda, we have to help them.
They can't surf that wave.
Wenda, we have to help them.
They can't surf that wave.
Wally, you do know what that means?
Yes, I do. It means
we're going to have to surf
the Big Ahio.
we're going to have to surf
the Big Ahio.
You can do it, Wander-dudes.
Shred like
you've never shred before!
"Shred" means "surf",
if I wasn't clear. Sorry.
"Shred" means "surf",
if I wasn't clear. Sorry.
Shall we shred, then?
Yup. Let's shred.
OK, don't stand up yet.
OK, don't stand up yet.
Just another
Feet apart!
Feet apart!
Get ready to jump, Wenda.
BOTH: One, two
Just hang on.
What else am I gonna do?!
Wally, the key!
Got it. Coming in for a landing.
Got it. Coming in for a landing.
They're surfing a Big Ahio.
Is there something that's farther
than far out? Because this is it!
Is there something that's farther
than far out? Because this is it!
Pardon us. Excuse me.
Pardon us. Excuse me.
Excuse me!
Coming through.
Whoo! Everyone OK?
I'm just going to lie here
for a minute.
You rode and tamed a Big Ahio.
Far out!
Tubular! Radical!
Tubular! Radical!
There aren't enough words
to describe how groovy that was.
And we got your board back.
And even better, the Wave Key.
And even better, the Wave Key.
Now let's hop. I have to finish
your thank-you present.
Now let's hop. I have to finish
your thank-you present.
Wally, Wenda, for you.
This way a little part of you
will always be in Tahiti.
BOTH: Far out!
Far out, indeed.
BOTH: Far out!
Far out, indeed.
We'd better get home.
Me too.
My home is on my board.
My home is on my board.
Nana, Wanderers.
That's how we say "goodbye"
in Tahiti.
Nana, Wizard Wavybeard.
Nana, Tahiti. Until next time
Nana, Tahiti. Until next time
BOTH: Wander!
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