White Lines (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[crickets chirping]
[jet engines roaring]
Dad, where are we going?
[parking brake clicks]
[PA announcement in Spanish]
[van door slams]
We're at the airport.
[jet engines roaring]
- What are you doing here?
- I sent you a message,
and you never replied.
I know you wanted space, Zoe,
but our marriage is floundering,
and I'm here to rescue it,
give it mouth-to-mouth.
That's what it takes.
If you don't want to go back
to Manchester, we won't.
We can have one of those
nomadic sort of marriages.
You know, we can live here one day,
in Thailand the next.
I want to smash up my life, Zoe,
and I want to do it with you.
[gasps] Jenny!
- Oh!
- [laughing]
Oh, I've missed you!
- I missed you!
- Let me look at you.
[both laughing]
- [Anna] Hi!
- Hi!
[Zoe] Oh, I really needed this.
Just a normal family day at the beach.
[Anna] It's super normal.
Your lover told us
- you were living together yesterday.
- Fuck off!
[Anna laughing]
Yeah, well, anyway, whatever was going on
with me and Boxer, it's done now.
I asked Sissy
to go and get my things from his place.
And I know, at some point,
I'm gonna have to tell him
that I've had an affair.
If it's not that bad,
why are you gonna tell him?
So we can get on with our lives.
I feel like it's the only way
we're gonna get through this stronger.
Are you saying that the thing that you had
with Boxer was just sex?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
So do you tell your husband
every time you masturbate?
People think that they're gonna solve
all their problems by being honest,
but sometimes all it does
is screw everything up even more.
Look at Marcus last night.
Do you think he's feeling better today
knowing the truth?
[laughs] Yes!
Mike's hot.
[both laugh]
So you wanna party? ♪
So you wanna dance? ♪
You better know someone
Than know someone of our friends ♪
You wanna get higher? ♪
Shake that thang ♪
- Hola.
- Spinnin' round and round ♪
And round and round like that ♪
- I put a little twist in my hips
- Here we go ♪
- Kiss on my lips
- Here we go ♪
[in Spanish] Can I help you?
[in English] Oh, hello. I'm Zoe's father.
Hey. I'm Bruno.
[in Spanish] Sissy, darling
[in English] Follow me, papi.
Wait here.
Can I, uh
- Can I give you a hand?
- No, no, no, no.
No, no.
[Clint] Are these David's pictures?
Who lives here?
[in Spanish] I don't understand you.
- Hey.
- [laughs]
We've come for Zoe's things.
[echoing grunting]
[in English] Get off the island!
- Mr. Ward?
- [snores]
[Marcus] Mrs. Calafat!
Kika's invited me for a few days,
just till I sort out me living situation.
I'll leave you to have a swim.
Oh, hang on. Um
I need to go over there.
[in Spanish] Come here, boy. Come here.
[in English] Oh, whoa! Pancho, get down!
- [Andreu] No, no, no! Don't worry.
- No.
- I'm sorry about that.
- No problem.
I lost mine a few weeks ago.
The best and most noble creature
I ever had.
These two belong to my wife.
They're the only ones that stuck by me
after everything else went to shit.
[Andreu] Hmm.
Shouldn't we separate them?
I suppose so.
They're both male.
In fact, I think they're half brothers.
Do you know what?
Let 'em enjoy it, eh? Good luck to 'em.
[both laugh]
[music plays]
But I can't remember ♪
Difficult time?
Yesterday, I thought
I'd got me life back with my wife.
Today, I've lost me house,
I'm living in my Citroën, and my wife's
getting married to her arsehole boyfriend.
A right cunt.
If it's any consolation,
my own love story
was on the rocks for 20 years.
But now I'm a eunuch,
there seems to be something there again.
- Right.
- I don't know if it's grief or love,
but I don't really care
because she's with me.
[Conchita laughs]
She smiles at me every day in a way
she hasn't smiled for a long time.
Maybe it's because she's drunk
most of the time.
But I like her so much, I don't care.
Or maybe shooting stars ♪
Do you mind if I smoke?
No, no, no.
[in Spanish] Of course not, my boy.
[in English] Just a bit of hash.
I hope you don't mind the smell.
[in Spanish] My goodness,
that smell takes me back 30 years.
Oh! No, no, no, no, no.
[in English]
It's not even ten in the morning.
Come on.
Ahh Thank you.
- Whoa! Whoa!
- [laughs]
[coughing] Wow!
- [both laughing]
- Whoo-hoo!
- It's pretty strong!
- You're out of practice!
- [coughing]
- [laughing]
[in Spanish] Good morning.
[both laughing]
Good morning.
Dad, can you come with me?
I need you to sign some documents.
Of course, son.
[in English]
No, no, no, Mr. Calafat. That's all yours.
- You fill your boots.
- Okay. Thank you.
[both laugh]
[Andreu, in Spanish]
Sorry, son. I'm sorry.
Mmm! Mm.
You know what, Dad?
Last night, I was at a dinner where
Sign here.
where everyone spoke to each other
totally openly.
They got out
all their anger and frustration.
And it was very liberating.
I'm very happy for you, son.
- I'm very happy.
- It might sound crazy to you, but
I think our family should do the same.
Get it all out in the open.
Clean out the shit that we've been
sweeping under the carpet for 20 years.
I know someone who could help us.
Whatever you want, son.
[Zoe, in English] How do you want it?
- Loose? Tight?
- Uh, loose, please.
Can I have a look?
You're not my baby anymore.
I'm so happy you're here.
I've missed you so much.
[Anna] How are you guys doing?
Are you sure you are okay
in the guesthouse?
[Zoe laughs]
It's bigger than our house in Manchester!
Anna, where are you taking them tonight?
Remember that she's only 14.
Uh, sorry, sweetie, but right now,
we might as well be sisters.
With a bit of makeup on and me on her arm,
no doors will be closed.
[Mike, in Spanish] Good evening.
- [in English] You look great, Jen.
- [Jenny] Thanks.
[Anna] This little beauty is my protégée.
[Mike] Is that pot?
Yeah. Why? Do you want some?
I'd rather they did it at home.
Keep it in the family,
rather than smoke crap
you get out there.
Just because it's okay
for people to do it on this island
- does not make it okay for you.
- Oh, God.
- Do you understand?
- Just don't freak out, okay?
I'm just gonna dance. I promise.
- [Anna] Right, girls. Let's go tear it up.
- Okay.
I love you.
- I love you.
- I'll see you later.
- Be careful.
- I will.
And have fun.
I will. I love you.
You're looking very smart.
I have a date.
Oh, yeah? Who with?
A bombshell from Manchester.
And I've booked for us
a romantic dinner at the most swanky,
foodie place on the island.
And afterwards, if you're up for it,
maybe a bit of
- [Zoe laughs]
- Whomp, whomp-whomp
Beep-beep-beep [chuckles]
Can I tell you something?
I mean, I know this restaurant
is gonna be fab, but
do you wanna know
what this girl from Manchester
really wants to do tonight?
I'm all ears.
George has charmed his way
through round one,
but will the girls still think he's
gorgeous Georgius once they learn more?
Ladies, if he's for you,
you know what to do.
[theme tune plays]
All right!
Not a bad round.
Still 21 with their lights on.
Let's find out what's going on here.
Leanne, why is the light shining?
You've been saying for two weeks
you wanted new experiences,
that you wanted to do things
you've never done,
and as soon as I get here,
all you want to do is watch TV
and eat greasy pizzas
like you do back home.
Do you wanna go for a dip?
[Mike groans]
[Zoe laughs]
[both laughing]
- [Mike] Aah!
- [Zoe] Mmm!
[Zoe] Thank you.
[Mike] For what?
For being here, and
trying to understand me, and
for being so patient.
Yeah, I survived, right?
Besides, whenever I was feeling down,
your dad was always there
- to tell me I was a waste of space.
- [laughs]
You know, I get it.
- What do you get?
- Oh
[sighs] I get what's happened.
You find out about Axel.
You come here
to this unbelievable place
with these crazy people
in houses
we've only ever read about in magazines.
Ah, and you think
that when you come home
that it will all just be the same
as it always was.
But it doesn't have to be.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Zoe, what's wrong?
What's the matter, sweetheart?
I've lied to you.
When you asked me if
I'd met someone in Ibiza and I said no.
[Mike sighs]
I'm sorry.
- Mike
- Zoe, do you know do you know what?
It doesn't matter, all right?
I I love you,
and I don't care
about anything that's happened.
Do you still want me?
[Juan Miguel] Are you okay, mate?
[whispers] Yeah.
[car horn beeps]
[Juan Miguel] Oh, dinnertime.
[clears throat]
[in Spanish] Sorry, my friend, but
three days of your sausages and beans
is too much for a Spaniard, mate.
My love, you're in the middle of nowhere!
Thank you very much.
- [woman chuckles] Mm!
- [Juan Miguel speaks Spanish]
[in English] Hey, Clint!
This is Milena.
Hello. Hola.
[in Spanish] Delighted to meet you.
- Mwah!
- Hello.
I'm Milena.
Hello, there.
[Milena and Juan Miguel] Gaz-pa-cho!
[Clint] Soup.
[Milena] Here you go, my love.
- [Clint] Cold soup.
- [Juan Miguel] Cold, cold.
- [Milena and Juan Miguel] Mmm!
- [Clint] Right
[Juan Miguel, in Spanish]
Ah, that hits the spot.
- [music playing]
- Oh!
Listen! That's my song!
It's my song, darling.
[turns volume up]
Y si es mentira que me maten ♪
- Ehh! [laughing]
- Con altura ♪
Con altura ♪
Esto es pa' que quede
Lo que yo hago dura ♪
Con altura ♪
- Demasiadas noches de travesura ♪
- Con altura ♪
- Vivo rápido y no tengo cura ♪
- Con altura ♪
- Iré joven pa' la sepultura ♪
- Con altura ♪
Esto es pa' que quede
Lo que yo hago dura ♪
Con altura ♪
- Demasiadas noches de travesura ♪
- Con altura ♪
- Vivo rápido y no tengo cura ♪
- Con altura ♪
- Iré joven pa' la sepultura ♪
- Con altura ♪
Aquí en la altura
Están fuertes los vientos ♪
Ponte el cinturón y coge asiento ♪
[Milena, in Spanish]
My love, I have to go.
[in English]
There's something odd about this red Alfa.
- [Milena drives off]
- Looks like someone moved it
and then put it back again.
[in Spanish] Eduardo,
I need a favor.
I want you to check a license plate.
[crickets chirping]
I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
And the last few days have been
the most stupid,
self-destructive thing I've ever done.
[Anna] Morning!
Still in your night-before clothes?
- [Anna] Yes.
- [Zoe chuckles]
- [Anna] I am!
- [both laugh]
Do you mind if I, uh
- No. Help yourself.
- Thank you. So
how was it?
How did it go for Charlie's Angels?
Oh, honestly, you would not believe
the energy that they have got.
They made me feel so old.
They're still going.
- What?
- Mm-hmm.
- You left them on their own?
- No!
Of course not.
I left them with these super cute boys
that we met
- at Amnesia.
- Anna!
- What?
- She's 14 years old!
What's goin' on?
[Zoe] Jenny's not come home.
[Anna] She's coming home.
She's with Tanny.
Hi. This is Jen. Leave a message.
- Oh, God.
- It's her voicemail.
- Mike, have you got any messages?
- No messages.
Anna, can you call your daughter, please?
Yes, Zoe, I can call my daughter.
There was only an hour left of the club.
- You have no new messages.
- [Anna] They'll be back soon. Tanny's 16.
- Chill out.
- [Zoe] Nothing.
- It's Tanny. Leave a voicemail.
- Oh. No.
It's voicemail.
Do Zoe, relax.
They're just having a good time,
exactly like we had a good time
when we were their age, remember?
- There's nothing going on.
- If there's anything I've learned
about this island,
there is always something going on.
- I trusted you!
- Do you know what?
Maybe my hangover's kicking in,
but when did you turn into your dad?
Sorry. What are you saying?
You think
You think you're a better parent
than I am?
[scoffs] Your words, not mine.
Listen, you might think
that letting your daughter go out
and party all night
and doing drugs in your house,
having sex with different boys
makes you a brilliant mum,
but do you wanna know
what it looks like, Anna?
It looks like you are desperate
for your daughters to forget
that you only spend
a few months of the year with them.
You of all people should know
what a mistake it is
to lock up a teenage girl.
Because when she does finally grow up,
she's gonna be stumbling around
going batshit crazy just like you.
[Mike] Anna, please.
Where did you leave them?
Boxer's club.
Do you know where that is?
Right. I'll go and get her.
- Yeah, I'll come with.
- No, it's fine. I
You really think I'm gonna wait here
while you go looking for Jenny?
Come on. Let's go.
[wasp buzzing]
[David] I like to call these sessions
"Let It All Hang Out."
Now, I can understand Spanish
better than I can speak it,
but please feel free to share
in whichever language you please.
In the next hour,
I want you to say
the things you've never said before.
Things that you feel deep inside.
[water lapping]
There's been damage
in the past.
But now is is an opportunity
to talk about it and
release yourself from the suffering.
[inhales] Okay?
Who would like to go first?
- Mm-hmm
- [Oriol clears throat]
[in Spanish] I'll begin if you like.
[sighs heavily]
Yesterday, I saw my dad smoking a joint
with a stranger.
He's never laughed like that with me.
I want to say that I struggle
to feel comfortable in this family
where anyone
can get on better with you than I do, Dad.
My sister has spent half her life
away from Spain,
yet she comes for a weekend,
and you make her CEO of the company.
A company I've been running for ten years.
For which I've prepared myself,
I've applied myself,
I've worked my arse off
to get Mum's casino up and running
I know you don't trust me.
But I don't know why.
I didn't ask Kika to be CEO
because of her intelligence
or her business acumen.
I know she isn't qualified.
Then why?
[Andreu] Because she has something
you don't have, Oriol.
A pair of balls.
Forgive me for speaking so frankly, son,
but isn't that why we're here?
You're always the runner-up,
and you suffer because of it.
You've spent your fucking life
begging for affection.
That's a sign of weakness.
And all because you couldn't stand
Kika being the center of attention.
[Oriol] That's not true.
[Andreu] Please, Oriol.
When you were little,
you asked your mother
to dress you in your sister's clothes.
Is that true?
It was just a childhood thing.
Oriol was jealous of his sister because
she was so funny in her flamenco dress,
so he wanted one too.
I put it on him to make him happy.
But Andreu went mad.
Of course. He was five.
I didn't want the kid to be confused
about his sexual identity.
For God's sake.
He was envious of his sister.
He wasn't about to ask for a sex change,
we're not talking about sexual identity.
We're talking about identity, full stop.
You fucked up my brother's life.
Why don't we talk about that?
[Conchita gasps]
What are you talking about, Kika?
Oriol is bitter because he has spent
his life doing exactly what you wanted.
You even managed to break up his marriage.
You couldn't stand her,
and you didn't stop until they separated.
Oriol got married too early
and to the wrong woman.
What was I supposed to do? Applaud?
[Oriol] It wasn't Mum's fault.
We split up because the relationship
was crap. We argued all day.
[Kika] One day, Mum crouched down
and she realized that Mum was wearing
the same underwear that you'd given her.
Oriol, you gave her your mum's panties,
for fuck's sake!
Mum excites you, right?
- [scoffs]
- [Conchita laughs]
What are you saying, Kika?
What are you saying?
[in English] This only works
if we lay all our cards
out on the table.
[in Spanish] I don't know
I like the way she is. I admire her.
And you wanted your wife to wear
her panties because it excites you, Oriol.
For the love of God, Kika.
[Kika] You want to sleep with Mum.
Kika, please!
[David, in English] All our cards
on the table.
[Kika, in Spanish] Say it, Oriol.
This therapy was your idea.
David told me
that you carry all this suffering.
It's because of the guilt
you're carrying, brother.
Let it go.
I'm attracted to Mum, yeah.
[house music playing]
[Mike, in Spanish] Zoe! Come on. Make way.
[in English] Hi, Bruno.
[Mike, in Spanish] Come on, make way.
[Zoe, in English] Hi. How are you?
[in Spanish] I can't wait to finish.
[in English] My foots are killing me.
[in Spanish] Who's the older guy?
[in English] Uh, yes.
This is my husband, Mike.
[Sissy] Oh.
[Boxer] What's up, harpoon girl?
Uh, we're just here
looking for our daughter, Jenny.
She came here last night
with Anna's daughter,
but she never came home.
Anna said she left them here,
but she's not answering her phone.
Uh, sorry. This is my husband, Mike.
This is Boxer.
[Boxer] Hey.
Hey, isn't that Tanny?
- Look.
- Yeah.
Tanny, have you seen Jenny?
Um I don't know.
Um She left with some people.
What do you mean? Where did she go?
[Tanny] I don't know. A party?
Give me back my phone!
Get the fuck off me! Stop!
- [in Spanish] What are you doing, man?
- Stay still!
[in English]
She'll be at the private party.
[in Spanish] Is there a problem, Boxer?
[Boxer] No, no, no.
Yeah. If he doesn't give my girl
her phone back, we'll break his face.
Let's have a look at your messages.
All right, dickhead?
Don't be stupid, give me the phone.
Give me the phone!
What the fuck are you doing? Give him
back the phone, or I'll smack you.
What are you going to do?
Kick me in the shins?
[Zoe, in English] She's at a party
on the other side of the island.
[Bruno, in Spanish] Get the fuck
out of here, all three of you.
In the parking lot, now.
[in English] Here.
I've got the address. Let's go.
[in Spanish]
Give me the fucking mobile. Now!
I'll give you your mobile
if you suck my cock.
[Zoe, in English] Let's go. Mike!
- Mike!
- [Mike] Hey, you want another one?
I'm not a violent person.
I don't want you
to get the wrong impression.
I've never hit anyone in my life.
Well, it wasn't really a hit.
More like a slap.
It was a really
really good slap, though.
The other day,
I watched a slapping contest on YouTube.
They were, like, Siberians, I think.
You know, strong guys.
You wouldn't like
to be slapped by those guys.
They have, like,
a championship every year.
A slapping championship.
You could sign up for it.
[David] Once upon a time,
there were a man who
who desired a woman so much
that he killed her husband.
But then
one day, he found out
that the man he killed were his father.
Which meant that the woman he'd married
were his mother.
He were called
- Perhaps a son
- [sighs]
wants to kill his father
in order to possess his mother.
[in Spanish] How barbaric, for God's sake.
It's my fault. It's my fault because I
I could have prevented the problem.
I could have nipped it in the bud,
or at least talked about it.
But it wasn't a pleasant subject.
What was I supposed to say?
"Why are you spying on your mother,
Since when
has all this been happening, Oriol?
Since when?
I don't know. Since you were 12?
More or less, yes.
And when you were a teenager, you'd say,
"Do you mind if I sleep in your bed, Mum?"
Right in my face.
In my face, as if I were an idiot.
And you would share a bed with her.
And you would get an erection.
[in English]
Did you notice anything, Conchita?
[in Spanish]
Do we really have to talk about this?
Yes! We do have to talk about it.
It's not the boy's fault.
Oriol has been the one
who has loved me most in this family.
[Conchita] With no ifs or buts.
No conditions.
Did I notice he had an erection?
And could I have ordered him
out of my bed, one way or another?
But I didn't know what I was doing
in those moments. I was half asleep.
But I do know that sometimes
I moved my arse a little.
And he was a teenager.
I didn't have to move it a lot
to sense the dampness after a short while.
Fucking hell, Mum!
You've just outdone yourself.
I don't even know what to say.
Come on, Kika.
As a mother,
you want your child to be healthy!
And to have his first wet dreams at home.
You're pleased that he's able to ejaculate
because it's a sign of health,
that everything's working properly.
For God's sake, there are people
who masturbate their pets.
Vets recommend it.
Is a child less important than a cat?
Thank you, Conchita.
[house music playing]
[yells] Mr. Cristóbal!
There are some gentlemen asking for you.
They say they're from the police.
I can hear you in stereo, Manuela.
It's incredible in surround sound.
It's the bomb!
[turns volume up]
[turns music off]
Whew! [sighs]
[Juan Miguel]
Inspector Juan Miguel Fonseca.
Speak slowly and move your lips.
I'm still getting used to it.
Cochlear implant.
Cutting-edge Japanese technology.
The audio is connected
to the nerves in the ear.
I'm the fucking cyborg DJ!
- [laughs]
- Mm-hmm.
All right.
[slowly] Is this car yours?
It's in my father's collection.
It looks like it's been involved
in an accident.
[Cristóbal] I don't understand.
The Spider never leaves the garage.
[Clint, in English]
How long have you owned it?
Eh? Speak here.
[loudly and slowly]
How long have you owned the car?
Since the '90s.
Look at it!
No one has touched it.
[Clint] Ta.
What are you doing, man?
Look, just let us do our work,
and don't fuck with us. Do you understand?
Or do you want me to say it
closer to your fuckin' ear?
[David inhales]
[exhales deeply]
I feel so proud of you all.
So grateful that you invited me
to be your companion on this
purifying and cathartic journey.
Do you feel lighter?
That's the suffering
that you've freed yourselves from.
[in Spanish] No more secrets.
There is one more thing
I'd like to share with my family.
Oriol, there've been enough emotions
for one day.
Why don't we leave it
for next week's session?
[David] Let him speak, Kika.
[in English] Don't keep anything inside.
[in Spanish] I'd like to talk about
Axel Collins' birthday party.
The son of a bitch was fucking my sister.
He was fucking my mum.
He was making life difficult for us
with his clubs.
I hated him.
[Kika] Enough, Oriol!
On the night of his party,
he proposed a challenge.
Each of us had to think of a way
to fuck with the other.
I told him
he didn't have the balls
to pull out a tooth with a pair of pliers.
[party guests cheering]
[chanting] Axel! Axel! Axel!
[Oriol] But the bastard did it.
Axel! Axel! Axel! Axel! Axel! Axel!
[chanting fades]
[in English] My go!
You like tattoos?
[Axel panting]
A tattoo for a tooth?
You are really an idiot.
[Axel] Boxer does it
but I get to pick it.
Whatever you want.
[in Spanish] So I had no choice
but to accept what he proposed.
told me to get a tattoo.
[house music playing]
[Marcus laughs]
Ooh! [laughing[
[Oriol] This one.
After that, I felt so humiliated,
so messed up that
I took heroin, pills,
everything they offered me.
- [Juan Miguel, in English] Look.
- [Clint] What's that?
[Clint grunts]
Do you know who this tooth belongs to?
Well, I would bet you my right arm
that it belongs to my son, Axel Collins.
- You knew him, didn't you?
- Yeah.
- Well, someone drove him away
- [grunts]
in that fuckin' trunk,
covered in blood!
No! For fuck's sake!
You're all obsessed.
Oriol Calafat burst my eardrums
to make me confess to killing him.
- But I didn't.
- Fuckin' liar!
- [Juan Miguel] Who was it, then?
- This car wasn't mine 20 years ago.
Someone sold it to me.
- Who? Hey!
- [gasping]
- Who sold it to you?
- [grunts]
Who sold the car to you?
Oriol Calafat sold it to me.
His father used to give him
boats, cars, motorbikes.
Oriol Calafat.
[in Spanish]
So that night is pretty hazy to me.
But when I woke up the next day,
I found blood in my car.
[in English] Fuck!
Fuck, fuck!
[gasping] Fuck
[in Spanish] I think that
at some point that night,
I killed Axel Collins.
[in English] Oh, fuck!
Fuckin' prick.
[Kika gasps]
Sorry. Look, I didn't mean to disturb you.
I'm your new pool guy. [chuckles]
No, look, I
I just thought I'd make meself useful,
you know, seeing as I'm here.
- Can I have some of that, please?
- Yeah.
You all right?
- Ta.
- My family has turned me
into an emotional wreck, Marcus.
We form relationships
based on what we learn at home, and
How's my brother
supposed to be a normal person? How
How am I supposed
to have a normal relationship
when my mother used to fuck my boyfriend
when I was 16 years old,
and she thinks it's okay to jerk off
your son like he's a fucking cat?
Fuckin' hell.
[Kika] I dated this guy for six months,
and it was all going well.
[Marcus] Yeah?
- [Kika] And
- [groans]
one night, he told me
he wanted to have a baby.
And I smiled.
And I said I needed to go to the bathroom.
Told him to order me a gin and tonic.
And instead, I left.
Got in a taxi, went home,
blocked his number.
I thought he was the wreck, but
actually, it was always me.
Well, recently, I've been feeling
like I was worth
about as much as this fag butt.
Now it seems like I've got some company.
Did you just compare me
to a cigarette butt, Marcus?
- Asshole!
- [both laughing]
Okay, 'cause that's just great!
[techno music playing]
[in Spanish] This is a private party.
- [in English] My daughter is in there.
- Uh-uh.
[in Spanish] It's not worth it, mate.
It's a sausage fest in there.
- [Mike, in English] What's he saying?
- It's a sausage fest. Hey.
Stop fucking around.
Don't you know who I am? Huh?
[Zoe] I've had enough of this.
No more macho-ism. No more fighting.
No more slapping.
I am going in there to get my daughter.
Do you know why? Because she's underage.
[Boxer sighs]
How does she seem to you?
She's been clubbing a lot, right?
She seemed to know everybody
back there in the nightclub.
What are you really asking me?
It's you, isn't it?
["Let Me Love You" by Weiss (UK) playing]
♪You can dance into my heart ♪
Now I know that's not the part ♪
That you want to steal away ♪
So when the morning comes ♪
There'll be nothing left to say ♪
Baby, let me love you for tonight ♪
I got to have your love ♪
I really need it now ♪
Baby, let me love you for tonight ♪
I got to have it now ♪
Jenny! What are you doing here?
- We've been so worried about you.
- I'm fine, Mum.
Why did you leave the club?
Why did you leave Tanny?
Because she's a moron.
Well, did you two fall out? What happened?
No, no, it's it's not her fault.
She just told me something about you.
I got angry. That's all.
What did she say?
Don't matter.
[Zoe] It does matter.
Tell me. What did she say?
That you hooked up
with a nightclub bouncer.
And that you're living with him.
Her mum told her.
Is it true?
Jenny. Jenny, wait.
Will you just let me explain?
Are are you trying
to take her away from me?
It'd take more than a couple of good shags
- and some tattoos in whatever it is.
- [laughs]
[Boxer sighs]
[Mike] I've got a family with her.
And no one risks all that
for some nightclub bouncer.
This is Ibiza.
I've seen it all here.
I'm not like you, man.
A shit eater.
- A what?
- A shit eater.
Building a family home while his wife
is living la vida loca on Ibiza.
Yeah, but you know what? [sighs]
If I'm not careful,
I'm going to end up just like that.
And what the fuck
is that supposed to mean?
There's not going to be
a love story with Zoe.
We're traveling in different directions.
Jenny! Sorry, excuse me. Would you
Would you stop so I can try and explain?
What are you gonna tell me then, Mum?
That it's all been a holiday romance,
and you'll come home as if nothing
happened, it'll all be sorted out?
[sobbing] I can't. I can't. I'm sorry.
I can't.
I can't.
[Mike] Why not?
Because when I'm with you,
I feel like I'm cheating on someone else,
and I
I don't know what that means.
I don't I don't know if that means
that I'm supposed to be with that person,
but I know
I know that it means
that I can't be with you.
I'm sorry.
When you arrived, I've been
trying to pretend that everything's fine,
and not believe
that my life is just falling apart.
[sighs] But, Jen,
sometimes things just break.
Oh, no, Mum, they don't break!
Things don't break if you don't
get together with someone else.
You can fix things
if you actually want to fix them.
You told him you had to find
what happened to your brother.
Instead, you went to live in a club
and started screwing a bouncer.
No, it's not like that.
- It I wasn't
- You lied to us, Mum.
- I don't know.
- Are you making fun of us?
Maybe you just couldn't wait
to get out of Manchester. Is that it?
You're tired of Dad,
- and I'm just part of the package.
- No.
Or maybe you just got tired
of being a mum?
You had me when you were so young.
I dunno.
Maybe you never wanted to have me
in the first place.
No. Don't say that.
I'm sorry,
but how am I supposed to believe you?
How am I supposed to believe
anything you say?
I don't even recognize you anymore.
- Dad!
- Jenny!
[Mike, in Spanish] One moment, please.
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