White Wall (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

The end is near

We have 650 tons of nuclear waste
in temporary containers.
And the oldest ones are already eroding.
I won't be the one who
turned our country into a nuclear wasteland.
What is it?
- I think it's alive.
It's been here since the beginning.
- It's a miracle.
Are they still searching for water on Mars?
You hear that?
Why are you telling me this?
- 'Cause you were honest with me.
What are we?
Remember what happened here?
- It's an old tunnel.
They had found it.
- And left it alone.
I don't understand why he gave up.
My advice is that we close C6 permanently.
Just blast C6 shut.
We must find out what's inside it!
- We have no right to destroy it.
We're on a mission to save it.
They're trying to hide something down there.
Must you know?
- Yes, I must know.
We're looking for Lars Ruud,
Astrid Laine and Oskar Björkman.
They escaped yesterday.
We'll start from the area surrounding the mine.
Get in your cars and start searching.
What is this place?
- It was Besse's.
Here. Take what you need.
You know where he is?
- Yes.
- He's dead.
What happened?
Apparently, to him being found
was worse than shooting himself in the head.
We go.
Can we trust him?
- I don't know.
But he knows how to get down there.
What's wrong with this thing?
We'll use this one.
We're going!
What did you say?
- Lars has escaped.
- He was helped. Did he contact you?
No not at all.
I'm alone here,
I don't know what's going on.
Call me as soon as you know anything.
Who were you talking to?
- Nobody, darling.
They'll follow our tracks.
You continue on foot.
Be careful.
I'll contact you later.
Did he say anything about the thing they found?
- Besse?
He seemed to think it was dangerous.
He wanted me to leave.
People think it's affecting them.
"Affecting them"?
In what way?
There's a hole here.
What the fuck
I think that's enough.
I'll pass the bags.
It's here.
There's something here!
What are you doing?
We'll saw it instead.
An explosion will draw everyone here.
They are preparing to blast
tunnel C6 shut as we speak.
They're almost ready down there.
- But?
There's still lot of equipments and gear
in the tunnel, so it will take some time to move it
Don't move it, I don't want anyone
stepping foot in that tunnel anymore.
It won't take more than a few hours
- No, it's happening now.
Half an hour from now, that tunnel won't exist.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?!
You've reached Oskar.
I can't pick up
What the fuck!
What have you done?!
You damn idiot!
You know what you've done?!
Hey I'll wait here
and give the alarm if you don't come back up.
Tunnel C6 has been blasted shut.
Why are we here?
- You remember Christopher?
We're here to meet him.
- Lars was mad at him.
Maybe not mad but I see why you think that.
- Er excuse me
Can we have the sausage whole
instead of chopped up?
If that's ok.
- Absolutely.
- You don't have to apologize.
I'm stupid.
You're not stupid!
The menu didn't specify "chopped sausage".
Are you mad?
- Not at all.
Tell me about Mars.
Is that car headed there?
It's no car, it's a Rover.
It traveled for 11 kilometers
and sent a thousand pictures.
Guess what?
- What?
Tomorrow or maybe today
it'll get to a new ravine.
Are you finished?
- Yes, thanks.
Could you take him to Stockholm
till I know what to do?
I lost my job.
- I don't know
Ecso kept the promise but
not if I'm going to help you
I promised never to talk about this
but what you're asking me
They'll seal the tunnel
and pretend nothing ever happened!
If I knew, I would have acted differently.
Nobody needs to know about it.
It's moldy.
Let me see.
- Hi, Magnus. It's me.
Where are you?
The bastards are after you.
- Is Helen there?
- Can you find her?
Forget her, where are you?
Could you tell Helen I'm ok?
Where are you, Lars?
I need to know what it is, Magnus.
Are you in C6?
They blew up the entrance!
Is Atte in?
- Yes.
Atte, you need to help me.
Lars is in tunnel C6.
- Impossible, we blew it up.
I know but he just called me from down there.
What should I do?
I'm telling you he's there!
- How did he get in?
And how the hell do we get him out?
Is Gina still here?
- No, she left.
I'm going down.
I was starting to worry.
They came looking for you,
asking all sorts of things.
If that Astrid
They found her?
Is that why they came?
No I don't know what happened?
You got yourself in some trouble?
Did she do something?
- No she didn't I did
and I can't find her.
- Magnus, you must help me find Lars.
He's in the tunnel. It sounds crazy
but he got down there somehow.
I think you were right.
We found mold inside the sample.
It was in a sterilized container and it's no organic
so there's definitely something wrong.
If Lars is down there, he must not touch it!
I knew it was alive
- What?
Nothing nothing.
Magnus to Atte.
Atte, can you hear me?
- He can't have entered here.
Was he there when we sealed the tunnel?
You think we can get him out?
We have to try.
Lars? Lars!
- It's water!
You have to listen
- You listen, it's water!
No one will die!
It's fucking water!
Lars! Lars!
Hello? Lars?
- Hey.
Hey! Where are you?
- It's just water.
- It's water nothing more.
The most natural substance on Earth!
Helen, can you hear me?
- Yes, I hear you.
I love you.
What do we do now?
We go find Lars.
What's your name?
What's your name?
- Lars Ruud.
Come here.
It's only water.
Just fucking water
You can stop digging, he came out.
The police have him.
Lars says it's water.
What water?
- I don't know.
I've been looking for you.
What happened?
Red pliers.
A bottle of water.
Can I see the bottle?
- You'll have water in the cell.
I know but can I just see it?
You wanna see the bottle?
- Yes.
Here it is.
An empty backpack. That's all.
Sign here.
What is it?
- It's water.
What water?
- On Mars there's water on Mars.
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