Wind Breaker (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Succeeding the Past

What's this?
I'm not sensing
the same determination he had before.
His fists are wavering.
You aren't taking this seriously, are you?
-That's not wh
-You aren't even trying to hit me.
And you're not even trying
to dodge my kicks.
This fight
I thought he knew everything
when he challenged us.
But that wasn't the case.
Then why did he beat them up?
I want to know.
I want to know more about him.
Just what the hell are you trying to do?
Yeah, really
just what am I trying to do?
Why did you beat them up?
I thought your team was all about
strength equals freedom.
That's right.
This is the den of the strong.
It's not a place for scum.
If the head loses his mind,
his limbs will stop moving properly.
After I've spent my time
skinning away the scums out of our team.
And then
we picked a fight with Bofurin,
the team Choji has been obsessed with.
I thought this fight
would trigger some changes.
But I got everyone involved in this fight
where we have no justice.
Even so
there's no turning back now.
Since that day
I decided to hold on to this mistake
I can't possibly stop now.
The emblem here's faded quite a bit
Just what the hell are you trying to do?
I wanna go to the mountains.
What crap is that?
You say this is not a place for scum
Then why are you here?
You better stop speaking nonsense.
What you did is just as scummy as them.
Yeah, you're strong.
But you're lame as heck.
And I'll prove that to you by beating you!
And then you'll stop
doing lame crap like this
and become someone I want to fight.
A cool person!
You're really selfish, aren't you?
You've sure got a big mouth to say that to
someone who's leagues stronger than you.
Who cares if it's selfish?
That's what it means
to push yourself in a fight!
No matter how strong my opponent is
even if it's someone I owe my life to
I won't look away
or bend my will!
What makes you think so?
Doing that won't make anyone stro
I'm the leader, right?
I'm the strongest one around.
I'm free.
I won't submit to anyone.
I decide things around here.
If you won't listen, then leave.
I'll be the one to tell everyone
about your plans, Choji.
I'll be the one to rip off their skin.
So, Choji
please keep smiling with everyone.
You're really good
at getting on my nerves!
I knew it.
You weren't being serious before.
Right, scraggles?
My name isn't scraggles.
I'm Togame.
Jo Togame.
Let's do this for real.
What the hell is going on?
Those two
They're smiling.
You're really an amazing guy, huh?
I don't know why
but I'm so touched right now.
I didn't expect Sakura to be able
to take it this far.
Damn it.
What's this?
I'm fighting just another lame guy,
aren't I?
But why does this feel so good?
this is probably the first time
Let's do this for real.
I've been called by my name like that.
Good grief.
You look like you're really enjoying this.
It's pissing me off.
Your movements are getting even better.
Come at me!
I didn't know
fighting could feel this good.
I agree.
This is a first for me, too.
You've kept up with me
for long enough, so
let's end this.
I agree.
-It's been fun
-It's been fun
I see
No matter how strong my opponent is
even if it's someone I owe my life to
I won't look away
or bend my will!
That day
this is what I should've done.
But I looked away.
I never faced him properly.
I didn't push my own will onto him.
I'm sure you'll become stronger
from here on out
because you aren't scared of pushing
yourself, no matter your opponent.
Don't you ever change.
Thank you
I finally understand.
I can't stand up anymore.
I give up.
Huh? What did he say?
He's giving up?
You're kidding me!
Togame is a guy who'd smile
and break his way through anything!
There has to be a mistake!
Screw you!
What the hell did you just say?
You're giving up?
Why did you lose on purpose
Okay! Great job, both of you!
You're really strong!
Fight me next, okay?
Come on, Ume-chan!
-It's finally our turn!
-Wait, I'm still
-Hurry! Hurry!
-Let's stop this.
-Hey, Ume-chan! Ume-chan, hurry!
-We have no justice to this fight.
Hey, come on!
-I can't wait!
-No, I was wrong.
-Come on, hurry!
Come on, come on!
Let's do this already!
Gosh, just shut up.
You already lost, so stay quiet.
I'm switching in.
It seems you've talked your heart out.
What you're doing right now
is indisputable proof of that.
Will you let me handle the rest, Togame?
You sure like poking your nose
in other people's business.
Don't die on us, okay?
If you lose
I'll kick your ass.
Got it.
Why did that piss me off so hard?
I've seen enough people
getting beaten in front of my eyes.
And yet, why
It seems you've talked your heart out.
This makes no sense.
I didn't hear any words from his fists
Welcome back.
You're crying again, Nirei-kun.
That was an amazing fight! I was so moved!
I'm sure you're not happy
with how that turned out
but that was Togame's way
of settling his debts.
And even taking that out of the equation
you did great out there.
Come on, Ume-chan!
We can finally have our fight!
I've got something to ask you first.
Did you not feel anything
from the earlier fight?
Huh? Feel what?
I see.
That's a shame.
A shame?
Why's that?
Oh, well!
Anyway, Ume-chan! You're so unfair!
You have so many strong guys in Bofurin!
We're nothing like you guys.
I can't be free because
everyone here is so weak.
It's no fun.
What the hell, man?
Is that how Tomiyama-san sees us?
But if I win
The Ume-chan and Furin
all of this will become mine!
You're the top of Furin.
You're stronger and freer
than anyone else.
That's why you're always
having so much fun, right?
If I can prove that I'm stronger than you,
and get my hands on Furin
I'll finally be free and
be happier than anyone else
This boring life will finally end.
Now, Ume-chan
give it
to me!
I've never seen someone
move that absurdly before.
He's a natural-born monster.
He is the youngest kid
to ever be the leader of Shishitoren.
Dammit Dammit
If only he didn't stop me
Then he and I
I'll become stronger!
Even stronger!
Hey, Tomiyama.
What is it, Ume-chan?
Talking about all these "what ifs"
will not make it any less hard for you.
You've got it hard, huh, Tomiyama?
Like I said
I just don't
understand what you're trying to say!
I see.
So you don't understand, huh?
If you can't even understand
something so simple
then there is absolutely no way
I'll lose.
Tomiyama-san's acrobatic moves
are amazing!
Even I can do that much.
Really? Wow! Let me see you do it!
Huh? Like, right now?
Yes, now!
Oh, so you can't do it?
You say what?
Just you watch! I'll do it now!
-Let's go!
Three, two, one
Hold up!
I'll do it on my own mark. One, two
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