Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

California Dreaming


(classical piano playing)
Jerry Buss:
Around about
the birth of Christ,
the Romans came up
with the concept of the mile.
It's the distance covered
by a thousand paces
of a Roman Legion.
That empire falls,
bunch of other ones
pop up in its place,
but for 2,000 years
of human history,
people everywhere believed
the same damn thing.
That no human being
can run that distance
in less than four minutes.
Ain't gonna happen.
God, I hate that fucking word.
And it's a good thing
I'm not the only one.
- (gunshot)
- So one day, this skinny
kid in England
says he's gonna
take a crack at it.
Now, there are
crummy conditions.
Wind, rain, a muddy track.
They all say he's nuts,
which is exactly what
they've been telling me lately.
But there he was,
just like me,
running straight into the wind.

And after about three laps,
that skinny Brit was
starting to lose faith.

Starting to wonder if
maybe everybody was right.
Maybe it just
could not be done.
But just as he was
rounding the corner,
on that final stretch
he heard a roar.
(crowd cheering)
The crowd screaming
for him to keep going,
filling his sails
with a second wind,
and he crossed that finish line
at 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds.

And in that instant,
a skinny Limey
shattered everything
we thought we knew
about human limitation.
But why him?
He wasn't the fastest
runner in the world.
He wasn't even
a professional.
He was a scientist.
A doctor of neurology.

And that's how he knew
that the only real limitation
wasn't in the body.
It was in the mind.

(crowd cheering)
Two thousand years since
the invention of the mile,
and nobody ran it faster
than four minutes
until Roger Bannister.
Guess how long it took
the next guy to do it?
Forty-six days.
And you remember
his name, right?
Yeah, me neither.
(sirens wailing)
("My Favorite Mutiny"
by The Coup playing

There it is ♪

Check it out ♪
Move, if you got the nerve ♪
Lash out for
your just desserts ♪
It's not just the worth ♪
Some of y'all heads
up in the clouds ♪
I'ma bring y'all
back to earth ♪
It's Black back to burn ♪
Bullshit y'all talkin' 'bout ♪
Out ya mouth ♪
I'm not concerned ♪
'Cause y'all got to learn ♪
It's y'all turn
like Detroit Red ♪
When his head
had a Ultra Perm ♪
The long walk'll
burn your bare heels ♪
So throw on your boots ♪
The game camouflaged
like army suits ♪
But I can see it
more clear ♪
'Cause I came with
The Coup in here ♪
Ring the alarm
and form the troops ♪
Send 'em out into the world
Go to war in a fluke ♪
Eye to eye with the enemy
you sworn to shoot ♪
Now comin' at ya neck
sick o' hearin' ♪
Something wrong with me ♪
Motherfucker somethin'
wrong with you ♪
When the chief just
way too smart to question ♪
The enemy the brothers
of a dark complexion ♪
The governments of the world
is shark infested ♪
They heavy on weaponry
like Charlton Heston ♪
Man, yeah,
it gets low here ♪
Real low
Know what I'm talkin' 'bout? ♪
Yeah, yo, it gets low ♪

- (static)
- (siren wailing)
- (buzzer)
- Chick Hearn:
And the Lakers
notch win 40 of the year
in record time,
now 22 and 5
since limping out of
Boston in December.
Welcome to the 1980s.
Any way you want it ♪
That's the way you need it ♪
Any way you want it ♪

Magic! Magic!
Congratulations on making
the All-Star team.
- Earvin Johnson: Thank you.
- First rookie starter
since Elvin Hayes.
Oh, word?
Me and the Big E, huh?
- Top vote-getter
right here, baby.
- New poll coming tomorrow.
Have you seen? Of your fellow
current players in the league,
only 10 said they'd have
picked you as an All-Star.
I mean, that's got to sting
a little, doesn't it?
I'm still a rook.
Them old heads,
they ain't even see me play yet.
Nineteen of them picked
Larry Bird. (laughs)
I guess that just mean that
the fans know what's really up.
I'm sorry, I gotta go.
- (shutters snapping)
- (reporters, fans clamoring)
Ten votes?
Got 11 motherfuckers right here
call theyselves my teammates.
(locker room chatter)
Haywood out here taking
a pounding for his team.
The question is, how much
punishment can he take?
Oh, shit. Oh!
Pat Riley:
Better get that looked at.
I saw you limping out there.
This, Coach, this ain't nothin'.
- It's all good.
I know my body.
- Yeah?
Maybe you know how to ignore it.
- Hm.
- Trust me, Spence.
I've been there.
Give that a squeeze.
- (cartilage crunches)
- Spencer Haywood: Damn.
Spence, this was me
"knowing my body."
Okay? This was me
telling Coach,
"Don't worry about the limp.
It's nothing."
'Cause I didn't wanna
lose my minutes.
But, I'll tell you
what I know now.
We can't make it all the way
without what you give this team.
You putting in the dirty work,
coming off the bench.
I know that's not what
you wanna be doin' here.
But we need that
from you right now.
And we need you healthy,
so we can get you one of these.
- Yeah, it ain't no thing
without the ring.
- (laughs)
So, I want you to talk to Curran
and get that knee evaluated.
- And take it easy if
you have to. Alright.
- Alright.
Hey! Let's bring it in.
- Alright.
- Drumroll!
Oh shit! Oh!
Okay. First place,
(all cheering)
What's Shakespeare got
to say about that, Coach?
Paul Westhead:
Ah, good question, Norman.
The Bard says
- Let's not get cocky.
- Is Shakespeare still alive?
We need 20 more to win the West.
And our friends in Boston--
fuck Boston--
are not loafing.
If we keep playing
like we're playing,
there is a championship
within our grasp.
So, I want you to dwell on that
on your days off.
But first, I wanna leave
you with something.
- (murmuring)
- No, no, no, no, no.
You're gonna
- You're gonna like--
- (groaning chatter)
Just give me a chance.
This is a good one.
"Blow, winds,
and crack your cheeks."
- (players cheering, laughing)
- What the fuck?
Et tu, Pat?!
Oh, I warned you, Paul!
I warned you! I warned you!
- (spraying continues)
- (laughter)
- You missed a spot!
- Player: Coach!
- Wow, Coach, look at you!
- Oh, shit.
Good to see you back
in fighting form.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.

- Hey, Jack.
- Hi, Jack.
Sorry about the Dixie Cups.
Become something
of a tradition.
- To 31.
- Westhead: Cheers.
Don't you mean 40?
Yeah, of course.
It's just--
This is just
This is sort of our own
Oh, right.
Well, you're lookin' spry.
Tell it to my doctors.
Yeah? They're, uh
They're telling you
you should take it slower or
If it were up to them,
I'd be coaching from my La-Z-Boy
for the rest of my life.
Which reminds me,
whose bright idea was it
to bury Haywood
on the bench?
It was, uh
Uh, Jack, after you left,
- Haywood, um--
- He was a problem.
And you solve that
by taking away his minutes?
Making him a punching bag?
Man can put up 15 points a game.
I want him in his rhythm
by the playoffs.
Okay (clears throat)
Well, actually, uh, Jack,
we, uh, we think we might
be better off without him.
I mean, he's been
playing through it,
but that knee's pretty beat.
You know, he might not even
make it through the playoffs.
You know, but if he's strong
enough to pass a physical,
word is that, uh,
Detroit might part with McAdoo.
Is that your grand plan?
Hey, uh, listen, obviously,
we wouldn't make
a move without you.
- Without, uh,
talking to you first.
- Jack McKinney: Oh.
Look (laughs) I mean,
Haywood's a good guy.
I mean, he's a great player,
but, you know,
his prime's in the rear-view.
McAdoo is an All-Star,
and we can't pass that up.
That's a win.
He's not right for the system.
Get Spencer
in the starting five.
I want to see that unit
against Philly.
I mean, of course. Yeah.
I'll get you film--
No need. I'll be there.
Starting next week,
I'm traveling with the team.
Excuse me, Pat.
- (Pat whistles)
- Well
- (thud)
- Ow!
(somber jazz playing)
(crowd cheering)
(crowd cheering)
Michael Cooper with
a game-winning basket
(knock on door)
That was my fault in there.
Pat and I have a repartee.
Uh, he's a passionate guy,
but he-he's a loyal soldier,
and he'll
he'll slide down the bench,
no problem.
He won't have to.
Jack, what are
you talking about?
He's not coming with us.
He left his job.
- Jack, I promised him
he'd have a spot.
- I didn't.
The second I'm back
on that bench,
I'm under a microscope.
Everybody looking for
a reason I'm not ready.
You're the only one I trust
to watch my back, Paul.
Family only.
- When do we tell Pat?
- Whenever you want.
But I'd do it
sooner than later.
Shouldn't be too long
before the doctors clear me.
You ought to give him time
to find a landing pad.
(sighs) Okay.
Jessie Buss:
Oh, for God's sakes.
I have broken out of
weaker cuffs than this!
Oh, I'm worn out.
Jeanie Buss:
Grandma, Grandma,
here, let me-- D-don't--
that's littering!
- Grandma.
- Goodness sakes, that's
the least of my problems.
- And I need-- I need that.
- No, you don't.
- No, you don't.
It's a straight shot.
- You're going to get us killed.
I need a blot.
I need a blot. Lean in.
- You're gonna kill us. (laughs)
- (kiss)
Blend that in.
You're paler than I am,
and I've got one foot
in the grave.
You gotta stop
talking like that.
You're out of the woods.
You beat this thing.
that's our story,
and we're stickin' to it.
- What?
- Jeanie, pick a direction.
Either act like you don't want
to know or ask me flat-out.
Know what?
The fluid is out of your lungs,
and they're sending you home.
I mean, they wouldn't
do that unless--
Unless I told them to.
I told them I refused
to kick the bucket
under fluorescent lights. Ah!
I'm going out like Cleopatra
with a great wig
and a stiff drink.
- Maybe we can find an asp.
- I'm sorry,
what are you telling me right
now? What are you saying?
(tires squeal)
They drained the fluid
from my lungs, yes,
but that's not all that's
in there and everywhere.
And it ain't goin' away.
But, they can't just give up
though. Dad wouldn't let them.
Gerald doesn't know.
And that's precisely the way
we need to keep it.
Do you understand?
- Sweetie, come on, now. Come on.
- I ca-- I can't
- I can't lie to him.
- Well, of course, you can!
You do it every day.
You see exactly
who he is. The act,
the girls. The rat's nest
on top of his head.
That's what it is
to love a man.
They're weak, they're feeble.
They need the show.
- (loud pop)
- Hey!
Good God in Heaven.
Look at you.
You're fresh out of the slammer,
you already look
like a million bucks!
Well, I should. I'm sure
that's what it cost you.
- You're worth
every penny. (kiss)
- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- Got you a little somethin'.
- Oh.
Jessie: Look!
Warm champagne.
My very favorite.
Jeanie, would you put
this on ice, honey? Yes.
Hey, kid.
Ma, this is
the new girl.
Hello. I'm Lucía.
Oh. Well,
I hope you know how
to mix a stiff martini.
I didn't cheat death
just to die of boredom.
Up with an olive?
Oh, two.
I like this one.
Well, my last patient
was particular.
Always had to have
his nightcap,
right until the end.
Well, there's not gonna
be any "end" to this job.
It's nothing but martinis,
right, Ma?
- Absolutely. Uh-huh.
- Jerry: She's gonna
outlive us all.
I got you a little something.
Oh, dear.
a big "little something."
'Cause you can't watch
the All-Star Game
in black and white!
Look at that.
(mic feedback, tapping)
So this is it.
These are the All-Stars.
They told me you are
America's best.
But alls I see is
America's beasts.
- (rimshot)
- (laughter)
(upbeat jazz playing)
It's a different generation.
- Ain't that Dr. J?
- Quit looking, girl.
Why not? Had that damn
face staring at me
from all those
posters in your room.
Imagine what he saw you do.
Well, we big-time now,
so just play it cool.
(scoffs) You play it cool
all you want.
You said you wanted me here
to be real with you.
Hm? And, for real
This is pretty neat.
- It is that.
- (laughs)
Glad you could make it.
Been missin' you.
How bad?
- What you mean?
- Told you about
that job I applied for
in Detroit?
What, you got it?
Mine if I want it.
Good shit, Cook! All that
lookin' foxy paying off.
Thing is, they're starting up
a new branch in LA.

Detroit it is.
- Nah, nah--
- I know that look, Earvin.
Nah, I want you to. I do.

There's the young brother
I'm dying to see.
Earvin Magic.
(funky music playing)
Julius Irving!
Johnson: Ooh!
Told you last time,
my friends call me Julius.
We might as well be friendly.
Everybody sayin'
you the next me.
Nah, man. Never that.
Dr. Johnson guarded by Dr. J.
He's been giving him
problems all night.
Makes his move!
Bam! Oh!
Dr. Johnson with
the house call! Woo!
And, uh, this lovely lady?
Oh! (laughs)
This my, uh
This Cookie.
- Earleatha Kelly.
- Nice to meet you, Ms. Kelly.
- (laughs)
- We're having a little soiree
in the room after the game.
You and your beau
should stop on by.
- - Earvin/
- Cookie: Yeah! Okay!
- Okay.
Uh-oh, don't look now.
Here come Yogi and Boo-Boo.
Eh, what's up, Doc?
- (laughs)
- Dr. J: Mr. Commissioner.
- What's shakin', David?
- Always a pleasure, Julius.
Doc, let me buy you a drink!
Dr. J:
See you on the floor,
young blood.
We're hitting the buffet.
Two things in this league
vanish if you blink--
and shrimp cocktails.
The Commissioner and I
were hoping
you'd have time for
a bite after the game.
Talk about the future of
the league with our
two most exciting rookies.
Looking forward to it, Earvin.
Right on.
Me, too. Me, too.
David Stern:
You know, it's fun
watching you out there.
Looks like you're
having a blast.
Only way the Magic Man
know how to play.
Well, thank goodness for that.
That smile is contagious.
Wanna know a secret?
Well, well, well,
Zeke, that is one
happy motherfucker
right there.
Huh? Unlike you,
you miserable fuckin' prick.
You didn't know
how to be happy even
when we fuckin' won.
Yeah? Fuck you, too.
(inhales, exhales)
(sighs) Shit. Fucking hand,
I swear to God,
I'm gonna fuckin'
(runs water)
Welcome to the 1980
NBA All-Star game
- Let's get ready!
- on CBS, live from
Landover, Maryland.
- Where East meets West
for basketball supremacy.
- Alright, here we go!
Let's go, Kareem!
That's crazy.
(all chattering)
Announcer (on TV):
Dr. J, Dr. J
charging up court,
and he's up and--
(crowd cheering)
- (laughter)
- Ooh, shit!
That's embarrassing.
Doc just put that
Statue of Liberty on Cap.
God bless America.
Kareem about to be
a surly motherfucker.
Hey! Language,
language, language.
Don't make me bust out
the swear jar.
Too late for that, Coach.
Spence got mama's
titties on the wall.
- Body ain't nothin'
to be ashamed of, man.
- Not one like that.
Alright, somebody
wants to make
another trip to the jungle gym.
Spence, walk with us,
please, will ya?
Okay, you lead the way,
sweetheart. Here we go.
Here we go. Watch your step.
Did he say anything else?
What? Jack.
Like what our roles will be
once he comes back.
(sighs) I mean, there's not
a lot of other teams out there
with two assistants, right?
- So, I'm just wondering
how he sees it.
- Right.
Um, he didn't really
say anything, so
I'm sure we're
gonna feel it out.
- Are you good?
- Yeah. I have to hit
the head. (laughs)
- (puts down cup)
- (walks away)
(announcer continues,
- (door shuts)
- (click)
(heavy breathing)
- McKinney: Here we go.
- Haywood: I am so sorry
- about the Chinese finger trap.
- You kidding?
With handles like these,
- she might be battling
you for minutes.
- Well,
I ain't got too many
of them to lose.
Now, I ain't
complaining, Coach.
You looking at a humble man.
I just-- I'll do anything
to win, you know.
I want my little girl
inheriting a ring.
That case, I'm gonna
need more out of you.
I'm talking scoring,
Come playoffs,
I want you to be prepared
to carry more
of the offensive load.
I'm surprised to hear that
because the Professor and Riles
got me thinkin' defense first.
That's them.
I'm coming back now,
and they know the new deal.
We're gonna get you ramped up.
And I don't want you worried
about these rumors either.
About McAdoo and all
this trade baloney.
I want you to know your
place here is secure, okay?
Yeah. Cool.
That's good to know.
(upbeat jazz playing)
- (crowd cheering)
- Woo!

Announcer (on TV):
Halftime at
the NBA All-Star Game.
Tied score
and what a sensational
from rookies
Magic Johnson
and Larry Bird.
Gerald, your new toys
are very pretty,
but could we please switch
the channel to "Dynasty"?
I need to see what's happening.
This is the newest
dynasty right here!
Come on, Ma, us!
Hey, hon, will you
get me a refill?
- Come on.
- Me, me, me, me, me.
And "me, me," too, here.
(laughs) Me, me.
(puts down glass)

This guy can't make
a free throw to save his life.
- Which one is yours?
Any of them?
- Jerry: Kareem and Magic.
The tall one and--
The two tall ones.
Here you go, sweetie,
thank you.
They need the show.
Hold me ♪
- Jerry: Right here, honey.
- Sure, why not?
Thank you, sweetie.
Ooh! Careful! Mm!

Mm. The Colonel has arrived!
Ma, what do you like?
Breast? Thigh?
You tell me,
you're the connoisseur.
- Well, I like 69,
but to each their own.
- (laughing)
(indistinct chatter)
Mm Mm
I don't know why anybody
makes chicken themselves.
Come on, kid, dig in there!
Get some of that chicken,
Can't you see? ♪
Oh, oh, oh! ♪
(girls moaning)
- Jessie: Oh, well
- (coughing)
You okay, sweetie?
It was the Champagne?
Clearly, she's got
her mother's stomach.
It's okay. Just
Just get me the club soda.
I'll clean it up.
Just get the club soda
- Mostly in the bucket. That's
the good news and the bad news.
- Jessie: I got this.
I'll clean it up.
Ah, crap.
It's stuck. Stupid jewels!
Okay, it's okay.
It's okay. I got it.
Hand me the club soda, will you?
- Just hand me the club soda!
- Here, here, here.
- (scrubbing)
- Like this.
- Right there. Ooh.
- Announcer: Larry Bird
and Magic Johnson spar.
Neither one is backing down
from the fight,
that's for sure.
- (buzzer)
- Lucky Larry Bird puts
the East over the top
with the first-ever
three-point shot
in an NBA All-Star Game.
Jim Chones:
'Course they found
a way to get
that white boy three
for chucking up a prayer.
Whoa, easy on
the white boy, huh?
Dunks should be
worth three, man.
Damn sight harder.
Shit, Doc's slams
should've been worth five.
(can crinkling)
Ain't that right, Wood?
(baby crying)
(muffled): Wood!
- Wood!
- Hm?
Let me put this baby away.
Come on, baby.
I got you. Let's go.
(announcer continues,
(light music playing)
I understand. I understand.
There she go.
- What I do? Huh?
- (crying)
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.

- Riley: Alright. Be safe.
- Player: See ya.
(insects chirping)
Oh, there he is!
Appreciate the hospitality, man.
Th-this was really
great for the team.
- Yeah? What team's that?
- Yeah.
- What?
- The one you trying
to trade me to?
- What are you talking about?
- Man,
here I am, thinkin'
you've been awful worried
about me healing up.
Now, I know you don't
give a fuck about me.
- Just checking my teeth
for the auction block.
- Hold on a second.
That's not what happened.
- Where'd you hear this?
- The fuck's it matter
if it's true?
What, what fucking--
How does it fucking matter?
You come here,
you drink my beer,
you smile at my baby,
and the whole damn time,
the whole goddamn time,
you planning on shipping me off!
- Hey, Wood, that is not--
- Get the fuck outta my house!
Take it easy.
- Is he all right?
- Shit, man, does he
seem all right to you?
He told Wood about
the fucking trade.
Had to be Jack!
Who else? Huh?
Fucking undermining us!
- You don't know that.
- Yes, I do.
Well, even if he did,
it's his prerogative.
He's coaching his team.
Yeah, since when?
It's not his ass out
there on the line.
It's us! Huh?
We're the ones that just got
thrown into the fucking sea
of dog shit!
And you need to talk to him.
And say what? Huh?
Tell him what?
We work for him!
We work for him.
- He is coming back.
- Great.
If I
If I were you,
I would not pick a fight.
I would find a way to
make myself essential.
Prove my worth.
Prove my worth?
I'm saying that we all knew
that this was temporary.
Temporary is the first
fucking month.
Two maybe!
We coached 50 games!
- Still his team.
- Not anymore.
It's your team. It's ours.
You don't see the way
the guys look at you?
Like you're their coach.
- I would not be here
if it was not for Jack.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- He wouldn't be here
if it wasn't for us.
That's the truth.
We saved his job, Paul.
We made this the best team
in the fuckin' league.
They're the best.
- You want to walk away from--
- I don't have a fucking choice!
We're lucky to be here.
Not off grading papers.
Not getting the fist from Chick.
Just try not to forget it.
(quietly): Yeah
(door opens)
(somber music playing)

(lounge music playing)
Turns out this guy from Italy
smuggled a home movie
back to Rome.
- For real?
- Mm. You and Bird
in that Boston game,
showing it in theaters.
- I'm a movie star?
- (both laugh)
Well, that's why we're here.
Now, the commissioner sees an
opportunity for a new PR push.
East versus West,
city kid versus farm boy.
Luke Skywalker
versus Darth Vader.
That's the kind of
box office we want.
Got the wrong Luke then.
Larry got the whiteness,
but he ain't got the Force.
Mumbling, mean-mugging.
You need you
a Jedi.
Then maybe we're on
to something special.
Special enough for
Rookie of the Year?
That got him, huh?
The writers vote on
that award, of course.
We don't control who wins.
Yeah, you don't.
But, you do
Just sayin'.
Force strong
with Mr. Stern.

Being a hero is
a full-time job.
Quite a spotlight.
Some youngsters in your shoes
can't help themselves
and pick the Dark Side.
That ain't Magic.
Hiya, fellas!
Look what the cat
dragged in! (laughs)
(ominous music playing)

- Johnson: Commissioner.
- Stern: Larry.
- What's up, Larry? Good win.
- (lounge music resumes)
- Sweet shot at the end.
- I know.
Too bad you ain't had
that back in Boston.
They got Bud here?
Yeah, can we get a Bud
for this young man?
Can he get that young man a Bud?
Take a rum bun.
Cook, you shoulda seen it!
Had 'em right
where I wanted 'em!
Bird ain't say shit
the whole night!
Two league dudes
was all up on me
like two white pigeons!
(laughs) What I tell you?
Only thing
they like more than
one of they own is one of us
that make 'em
feel comfortable.
Ooh, you look good, girl.
Cookie: Rhonda called.
Your, your friend Rhonda?
Your friend, too!
You hung out in Lansing.
You weren't there.
I was being polite.
Were you polite enough
to wear a rubber?
- (scoffs)
- Okay. Okay. Aight.
We did our thing,
but-but you was the one who said
you had something else to do!
She's having your baby.
Nah. Nah
Nah, Cook.
That ain't true! Come on!
That ain't true! She lying!
Cook, you know that ain't true!
Dr. Day warned me
about all this shit!
Once you got money, people
got a target on your back!
- Come on!
You don't believe that!
- She is my friend!
I see her at church!
At school!
Now, I gotta walk around
and see her gettin'
bigger every week,
with little Earvin Jr.
in her belly?
- No! No!
- Cookie, there ain't
gonna be no Earvin Jr.!
- Come on, Cook! We got Dr. J!
- (screams)
(door slams)
(smooth jazz playing)
If Cookie's still feeling sick,
you tell her that I will
bring her some moonstone,
some black tourmaline
for the negativity,
because that's the thing
that Western medicine
does not understand,
it's that true healing,
real healing,
it's not physical.
It's spiritual.
You want a second opinion
from a doctor about that?
- (Cheryl laughs)
- My man.
Nice playing out there,
young blood.
- Johnson: Ah, thanks, man.
- Where's your better half?
Oh, yeah. She, uh
She real sorry
she couldn't make it.
Those shrimp,
they ain't sittin' right.
Excuse me.
Word to the wise.
Next time, just say
it's her time of the month.
Everybody at the party
ate those shrimp.
- Ah shit
- None of my business.
Just pullin' a brother's coat.
Appreciate that.
You're in a moment,
little brother.
Worst thing in the world
is losing a good woman.
Maybe a little late
with this one though.
She break shit?
Get the cops called?
Nah. Nah, nah.
That ain't Cookie.
It'll be alright.
Takes two to tango.
We choose them,
but they choose us, too.
You think she'd be
wantin' your ass so bad
if nobody was chasin' it?
You right. (laughs)
- (laughs)
- You ain't no doctor.
- You a mind reader, man.
- No, no, no.
I'm just a friend
who's lived it, alright?
(jazz music playing)
(lighter flicks, clicks)
(jazz fades out)
That's the sick joke.
Finally found
my fuckin' thing,
- and now, it's gone.
- Don't be so dramatic.
- You're still there.
- As what?
Ball boy? Cheerleader?
That's if McKinney
doesn't fire me.
And we're not exactly
seeing eye-to-eye.
You do with Paul.
I did.
He's loyal to Jack.
The guy is his family.
Family can be a burden.
What does that mean?
That means
bonds like that,
sometimes, they can start
to feel like shackles.
And maybe Paul wants this
as bad as you do.
Maybe he needs you
to help him with the key.
("Believe Me"
by The Dee Jays playing)
Believe me, my love ♪
(snapping, Polaroid printing)
- Ah!
- You okay, Jack?
Yeah, the
flash just got me good.
How's about
a little note, huh?
Little something
for the wall?
Oh, right.
- Hey.
- Westhead: Hey.
Hey now.
- This one's going
right next to Rocky.
- There you go.
Thanks for the memory.
You remember Nick,
though, right?
Oh, no, of course.
I just-- It (sighs)
It takes me a minute to, uh,
- connect the dots these days.
- Uh-huh.
Which is why
I'm really gonna need your help
when we're back out there.
I'm really gonna
be leaning on you.
Oh, yeah, of course.
Of course.
Pat could be very helpful
with that, too. He is
- He's a hell of a resource.
- No Pat.
I need people I can trust, Paul.
It's as simple as that.
- You understand?
- You know I do-- Sorry.
- I just, uh--
- Then have the conversation
with him!
Or I will!
I have to use the john.
- I'm gonna have a BLT.
- Okay.
- Do you want coffee?
- No, Jack!
Reporter (on TV):
interim assistant coach
Pat Riley
is confident that
Paul Westhead,
interim head coach,
is up to snuff.
- Welcome to Philadelphia.
- Riley: Hey, thanks very much.
(Pat continues, indistinct)
Hey, uh
Uh, pal, can, can you turn
this up a minute?
They're playing well.
We're, uh
Good to get eyes on 'em now.
Might see 'em later on
in the season.
You've been holding it
together for a while now,
but it must be nice to have
McKinney travel
with the team again.

Yeah, well, Jack's
still got a road ahead.
You don't expect him
back for playoffs?
You shanty Irish
New York cocksucker.
Fuck you.
You first.
I don't, uh, I don't speak
for Jack or anybody else,
but, uh
the way the team's
playing under Paul,
we got a good thing.
Everybody's happy.
Changing horses midstream,
that's, uh
Well, that's just a big risk.
Thank you. Thanks, guys.
- Thanks, Coach.
- Yeah.
I will talk to him.
- I'm asking you a question!
- It's the truth!
Why did you air
our dirty laundry
- on fucking television?!
- (chair clangs)
- What the hell
were you thinking?!
- About you! About us!
About the fact that we're
fuckin' great at this, man.
We're fucking great at it,
and we've got a shot
here to win it all.
You know how rare that is?
Do you?
(heavy breathing)
Most guys go their
whole fucking lives,
they never get
a chance at this once.
We have it, if we want it.
We have it.
I am not about to
stab Jack in the back.
Good. Then go talk to him,
for Christ's sake.
Go speak to him, man-to-man.
Make him understand that
we should be the ones
to finish out the year.
He can come back next year
when he's healthy,
and we'll move on
someplace else.
- I got to piss.
- No.
Look at me! You tell me
this team is better off
with Jack McKinney as its coach.
Not Jack before the accident.
Jack now.
- Tell me that.
- (heavy breathing)
We had our shot.
- Oh, bullshit.
- It was-- It was great.
I fucking loved it.
- I'm not about to steal his.
- Oh, don't be a pussy.
You didn't put him
on that fucking bike!
- Just let me fucking
pee in peace!
- No!
- Not until I hear you say it!
- Jesus, for Christ's sakes.
Not until you say
the fucking truth!
That you want this thing!
You want this thing
as much as I do!
- It's not about that.
- Yes, it is.
He's like a brother to me.
Well then,
he'll understand.
- (Paul grunting)
- (liquid dripping)
Riley: Jesus fuck!
Is that fucking blood?
- Hey, we need help!
- Pat?
- We need help in here! Paul?
- (thud)
Paul? Paul!
- Something wrong?
- Go get the fucking trainer!
(gulls cawing)
(sighs, coughs)
(Jerry groans)
Good morning.
Good morning.
- Hospital administration, huh?
- (chuckles)
One day.
Regular hours,
steady pay.
(running water)
(sniffs) Mm.
You know,
my mom put herself
through night school, too.
Where is she, anyway?
She's still sleeping it off?
- Yeah. Your daughter, too.
- Well,
guess we're not
the Partridge Family.
I've seen worse.
Anyway, thanks
for sticking around.
Hope your husband
isn't too upset
that I wasn't able
to drive you home.
I hope wherever he is,
he's miserable.
Vaya con díos, huh?
Vaya con somebody.
Just not me. Not his son.

Me and my mom
were on our own, too.
For a while.
Those were the salad days.
You love her very much.
I respect her even more.
What she did with what she had,
what she put up with?
Raising me when
she's still a kid herself.
No help from any man
to call himself a husband,
that's for damn sure.
I don't know how
you ladies do it.
But I'd do anything
to pay it back.
- You're a good son.
- Your boy will see
it that way, too.
Do you wanna see
a picture of him?
(quiet laugh)
(Jerry laughing)
- What's his name?
- Mario.
- (drops wallet)
- I'll tell you what.
You keep doing the right
thing by my mom,
once she's back up
on her feet, and you're done
I'll pick up the tab.
Your school, your tuition,
you know, whatever it takes.
On one condition.
That you let me sit with him
at your graduation,
so I can see his face.

That's very generous of you.
I have my moments.
What's wrong with you?
She's here for Grandma.
Yeah, of course, she is.
You're not
the fucking patient!
Jeanie, you don't know
what you're talking about.
I know she's dying.
Did you know that?
The treatment
didn't work,
and her cancer is back.
And she made all the doctors
promise not to tell you
because, God forbid,
we put a damper
on your good time
and make you feel bad
for sleeping till noon
- and fucking the nurse!
- That's enough!
It's fine. I'm finished.
(chair creaks)
- (lighter clicking)
- Is that what you heard?
I'm sorry.
(clicks, drops lighter)
Well, shit.
(crowd cheering)
This is Chick Hearn
alongside Keith Erickson.
Welcome to the City
of Brotherly Love, folks,
where a capacity crowd
is here to see
the dazzling Dr. Julius Erving
face off with fellow
All-Star Magic Johnson.
But the drama for
the Lakers, once again,
is on the sidelines, Keith,
with interim Head Coach
Paul Westhead
rushed minutes ago
to Temple Hospital
to have a kidney stone
Not making this up,
leaving his assistant,
our own Pat Riley, as
interim interim Head Coach.
This is becoming
quite a tongue twister.
And of course, we wish Paul
all the best and a speedy--
Folks, we've said it before,
but if you want a car
or truck, go see Cal.
Cal Worthington
and his dog Spud--
- (shuts off TV)
- (machine beeps)
(approaching footsteps)
(laughs) Well
it's nice to be the guy
without the catheter for once.
The job should
come with hazard pay.
Does that cover
daggers in the back?
Westhead: Jack,
will you let us
finish out the year?
I'm not trying to steal
your team, Jack.
While you recuperate,
while you get ready
for next season.
It's what's best for everyone.
- McKinney: I understand.
- Especially the guys--
You do?
I understand completely.
You have no idea what
a relief that is. I
(laughs) I drove myself sick--
Do you know why
I picked you, Paul?
Because I know how hard
that job can be.
How frustrating
Being stuck as someone's flunky
when you're capable of more.
I didn't want someone
to go through that.
Like I did.
That's why I picked you.
Because you're not
capable of more.
No Actually, that's not fair.
I thought I saw loyalty.
So, you did surprise me
after all.
(voice breaking):
This is my life's work
you want to take away from me.
You fucking dilettante.
(crowd cheering)
Alright, Paul's not here,
but we're sticking
with the plan.
Stick with the plan.
Push the ball.
Intensity on defense
and rebound.
Let's go.
Team on three.
- One, two, three, team!
- All: Team!
(crowd cheering)
Let's go, fellas.
Welcome to
the hot seat, Coach.
Might wanna look into
some life insurance.
Welcome to Philadelphia,
young blood.
- Ready for this?
- Johnson: You already know it.
What's up? Are you ready?
- I know you're ready.
- Good.
Tonight with the All-Star break
behind them, the Lakers will be
looking to get back
to their winning ways.
Always better when you
can get that first win
- under your belt.
- Keith Erickson: Absolutely.
(crowd booing)
Go! Go.
(players grunting)
("Get Down Tonight" by
KC and the Sunshine Band
Oh ♪
Do a little dance,
make a little love ♪
Get down tonight, woo! ♪
Get down tonight, hey! ♪
Do a little dance,
make a little love ♪
Looks a little
different up close.
Get down tonight, baby ♪

(buzzer blaring)
My, oh, my, Keith,
I'll tell you,
a blistering loss
for these Lakers.
And easily,
I got to tell you,
the worst game of the season
for young Magic Johnson,
who looked
every bit the rookie
out there next to Dr. J.
Just a-a very poor performance
by the young kid from Lansing.
Get down,
get down, get down ♪
Tonight, baby ♪
Woo ♪
Get down, get down,
get down ♪
(players chattering)
Julius Erving:
We showing you
enough hospitality
in the City of Brotherly Love?
- (laughs)
- Come on, man.
You what-- You ain't got
enough on the court?
You gotta dunk on me
in the locker room, too?
Come on. Cap. Good game.
Really good game.
Good to see you, Coop.
Big Spence.
- I got bruises all over
my body 'cause of you.
- Haywood: Oh yeah?
Yeah, yeah. You take it
easy next time, alright?
You take it easy every time.
Alright, now, Choney.
Good game, young blood.

You, too.
How's your lady
and those shrimp?
You still up to join us
on the town? I did offer.
I'm good.
Thanks, though.
This just tonight.
You know that, don't you?
They gonna be other nights.
There always are.
(funky music playing)
(footsteps approach)
That Julius is
a real nice fellow.
Yeah. Cool as all get-out.
Played you like
a fucking fiddle. (laughs)
Know, Russell used to do
the same thing to Wilt.
Before a game,
he'd take him out to dinner,
make like he was the best
of friends, and then
slit his throat.
Never understood why Wilt
kept fallin' for it.
I landed on the thought
that he needed to be liked
more than he had to win.
he got his wish.
That's why you ain't
want to draft me?
Think I needed
to be liked?
I thought you were
a little too happy.
- Well, I'm a happy guy.
- No, you're not.
No, you hide it behind
those set of pearly whites,
so most folks never know.
But, I do.
Because I know that feeling.
If I had any sense,
I'd be sitting on
a fuckin' beach right now
with my beautiful bride sipping
Mai-Tais and giving her a baby.
But I told her
Riley needed backup,
so I swung out here
to watch you guys
living a life I bitched about
for 20 fuckin' years.
Go fuckin' figure.
You think we got what
it take to win it all?
Got the talent.
That's a gimme.
But that's only
ever gonna get you
press and pussy though.
A championship
that takes a real killer.

I scored 25,192 points
in my career.
You know what keeps me up?
If I'd scored 10 more
in just five games,
I'd have five rings instead
of fuckin' nightmares.
You got that one though.
And I wouldn't give it up
for all the fucking
happy in the world.
(engine rumbling)
(engine stops)
You know, we holed up
in a place just like this
when we first got here,
Ma and me.
(Jerry crying)
- (sobs)
- I'm sorry.
She's gonna die.
- ("California Dreamin'"
by Lee Moses playing)
- (Jerry crying)
All the leaves ♪
Are brown ♪
Lucia: I'm sorry.
And the skies are gray ♪
I went for a walk,
yes, I did ♪
On a winter's day ♪
I'd be safe and warm ♪
If I were in LA ♪
(heavy breathing)
California dreamin' ♪
On a winter's day ♪
Yeah ♪
Went to the church ♪
Happy's a distraction.
Nobody will ever
understand that.
Not your family.
Not your fucking teammates.
Not your woman. Nobody.
I fell down on my knees ♪
Matter of fact, they might
even hate your fucking guts
because of it.
I began to pray ♪
The preacher dig the cold ♪
I wanna win.
No, I won't stay ♪
- I want
- You what?
I wanna win.
California dreamin' ♪
I wanna win.
I fucking want--
I fucking wanna win!
I got to!
I got to.
Oh ♪
we're gonna find out.

California dreamin' ♪
Gotta get some sunshine ♪
Before I blow my mind ♪
Oh, I gotta get to LA ♪
Where the folks and the sun
shine every day ♪
Oh! ♪
Oh! I said ♪
California dreamin' ♪
I'm dreamin' ♪
I'm dreamin',
dreamin', dreamin' ♪
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