Wonderful World (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[opening theme playing]
[emotional music playing]
[door creaks, closes]
[Soohyun] It didn't matter
how my life went on
after Gunwoo died.
- Seriously?
- [glass shatters]
[emotional music continues playing]
[loud thud]
[Soohyun] My life was over then.
But then I received a photo.
I learned
who sent it too.
His son
You said I could meet him.
Do you want to meet him?
Relay the message for me.
[emotional music continues playing]
He can harass me all he wants.
If he wants to see me in pain,
I'll gladly suffer.
not my family.
I won't allow him
to mess with my family
over his anger towards me.
That person
also lost his dad.
[dramatic music playing]
I lost
my child.
A mother who lost her child unfairly
will do anything.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[music fades]
Hello, Mother.
Have you been well?
- I heard your knees aren't well.
- It comes with age.
I keep breaking down.
I'm ashamed to face my children.
Don't say that.
It's not like you want to be in pain.
You could've just brought
your mother-in-law.
Why did you ask me to come?
It wasn't me.
Soohyun wanted to invite you both.
As a daughter and daughter-in-law,
I haven't treated either of you right.
I'll treat you both much better.
- Let's go in.
- [Soohyun] Yes, let's go.
Go on ahead. Okay.
Let's go.
Your back is very tense right now.
[Goeun moaning]
[masseur] Your pelvis is twisted.
I can see why your knees hurt.
What is it?
[chuckles softly] I don't know.
It's nice you look so spirited,
but you seem different too.
[intriguing music playing]
Everyone waited for me
and protected me all this time.
It's my turn now.
I'll make sure nothing happens
to our family.
I'll protect everyone.
My son's a doctor.
Why bring me to an oriental clinic?
Taeho takes you to the hospital.
Soohyun did this for you both.
Think of it in a good way.
You looked tired on the news.
Take care of yourself.
[exhales] Your wife at home
should be taking care of that.
Don't worry. We take care of each other.
Take a seat.
[intriguing music continues playing]
What about you?
Do you like Soohyun that much?
[chuckles softly]
You said you'd accept her.
- Why are you being like that?
- I'm just curious.
You have a history with her.
Not to mention,
there was that incident.
Do you still like her that much?
[chuckles softly]
Let's be honest.
You liked her more.
Are you done?
Was the treatment okay?
Let's go.
[intriguing music continues playing]
[door opens]
I was able to be a dutiful son
thanks to you.
I promise
to treat you better too.
What do you mean? I'll treat you better.
[machine running]
[Soohyun] He can harass me all he wants.
- But
- [grunts]
not my family.
[Soohyun] I lost my child.
A mother who lost her child unfairly
will do anything.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Seonyul straining]
[Sujin] Are you crazy?
What's with you? You'll pass out again!
[Seonyul breathing heavily]
[Sujin] Sit down.
Did that woman say something to you again?
- Huh?
- [Seonyul breathing heavily]
Do you know
when people feel the most pain?
When their family
is ruined right before their eyes.
Like me right now.
- Seonyul.
- I'm going to go all the way.
Until I reach her end
or mine.
[Seonyul breathing heavily]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Seonyul] I've been waiting
for the moment for her
to find happiness again.
I missed you so much, Soohyun.
From now on,
I'll always be with you.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Suho] My wife and I have endured
a hard time together.
It has made us stronger. And
our feelings for one another
have strengthened.
That will never change.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Seonyul] I'm going to make you suffer
more than I did.
I'm going to make you
truly regret it.
[music ends]
- Hello.
- [Sira] Hi.
Well, hello.
What brings you here?
I think you should give me
the victim's information again.
- Excuse me?
- Seonyul isn't the one
I was looking for, Professor.
[intriguing music playing]
[Sira] To be honest,
he's an old friend of my niece.
- [car beeps]
- He's lived a life of immense pain.
You couldn't imagine it.
That can't justify
your actions, Professor.
[Sira whimpering]
I know. I leaked counseling records
and changed the victim's identity.
You could report me
and I couldn't stop you.
What do you think will happen
once his revenge is over?
There will come a time when he realizes
that nothing has changed even after
he did what he had to.
From then on, being alive
will feel no different than being dead.
I can't let Seonyul live like that.
The fire victim too.
[intriguing music continues playing]
[Sira] I'm sorry I was so late.
Were you the one that called me?
What do you have to give me?
[scoffs] What? Did she leave behind
some money or something?
You don't expect me
to forgive her, do you?
I heard
- you got the diary.
- So what?
Will saying sorry after killing
my parents make everything okay?
Why did she die?
I can't even resent her now! So, why?
I wanted to kill her once she got out.
Get lost if you're not going to pay me.
If you come back here talking about
her or her diary again, I'll kill you.
Damn it.
How much longer will you live like this?
[Minhyuk] What?
Living like this won't bring back
your late parents.
If ruining your life is revenge,
- who does that really harm?
- Shut up.
What do you know?
I went through
everything you went through.
I lost my son unjustly,
I got revenge,
and threw away my life too.
[intriguing music continues playing]
I chose to live again.
You have a choice too.
Continue to live like this,
or live a proper life
on behalf of your parents as well.
There are more people out there
who are willing to help you.
Call me when you decide.
[sighs] Damn it.
[classical music playing]
[Sujin] Yoon Hyegeum,
the director of Geum Gallery
run by Junseong Welfare Foundation.
She went to an art school in France.
Currently, she's back in Korea
with her son.
I'm Director Yoon Hyegeum of Geum Gallery.
The painting
I will introduce to you all today
is Francesca and Paolo
from Circle 2 of Dante's Inferno.
While Francesca's husband went out to war,
she had an affair
with her brother-in-law.
The painting depicts her murder
after her husband found out.
[Sujin] As you said,
she has an incredible sponsor.
Shall we move onto the next piece?
[classical music continues playing]
You've been looking at this painting
for a while now.
I like it.
It's a sad love story between the two.
To someone else,
wouldn't it be a tragedy?
He was betrayed by the two people
he loved the most.
Here, I hear it's going
in the congressman's office.
The secretary will know about it.
[suspenseful music playing]
[scanner beeping]
[beeping intensifies]
It's done.
[music fades]
[waves splashing]
[pensive music playing]
[birds screeching]
[Soohyun] Professor Kim Sira,
he will get treatment again.
I'll take full responsibility
until the end.
[Hyeongja] It's near the southern end.
The sea's in front
and in the back,
there's this little hill.
There's a very old tree at the top.
They say if you touch it and make a wish,
it'll come true.
What will you wish for if you go there?
[Soohyun] What about you?
[Hyeongja] I'd wish
for all the people
who suffered because of me
to find happiness in their lives.
[voice trembling] Let's go there
together one day.
[all crying]
[pensive music continues playing]
[Hyeongja] Could you
give these letters to him
for me?
That child endured
a hard time as much as you did.
Can you help him put
that great pain behind him?
[waves splashing]
I finally gave it to him.
[Joon exhales]
How much is this?
It's five billion won.
It's expensive. Hang it well.
[assistant] Yes, sir.
What did you have to tell me?
It's what you asked about before.
My wife received
an anonymous gift recently.
Were you the one who sent it?
[mysterious music playing]
Who did it?
I sent it.
Was it over your father?
Did you follow him around
while she was in prison?
Are you trying to torment her?
I won't forgive anyone
for hurting my parents.
As an adult, I should tell you to forgive.
Your resentment must've been so deep.
[smacking lips]
I can't even stop you.
On your way to the Blue House,
I'll make sure Kang Suho
won't get in your way.
[food sizzling]
I'm finally eating
my first meal. [chuckles]
It's nice having someone grill the meat.
- It tastes better.
- It's all done.
- Enjoy.
- Thank you. Sure.
- Did you check it?
- Yes.
That gallery
is Kim Joon's slush fund warehouse.
- [scoffs]
- Just as you said,
there are dozens of pieces
that went abroad recently.
- Where's the money flowing?
- I asked the locals for a favor.
They'll reach out soon.
- Great job.
- Yes.
[Suho] I almost forgot.
What about the person who sent the photo?
Was it him?
I'm looking into it,
- but besides that
- [opens zip]
[mysterious music playing]
He can harass me all he wants.
If he wants to see me in pain,
I'll gladly suffer.
But not my family.
That person also lost his dad.
I lost
my child.
[Suho] Honey?
- [Soohyun] Are you just getting home?
- Yes.
You were reading.
I can't seem to focus.
- Take a shower.
- [Suho] Okay.
I met Hansang today.
You did?
Yes, he wanted me to say hello.
He said he saw you the other day.
Why didn't he say hi to me?
You were with some other man,
so he couldn't say hello.
- Who was it?
- What?
[pensive music playing]
The person I gave the diary to.
[chuckles softly]
The victim from the fire?
[Suho] Hmm.
But why do you keep meeting him?
If people see you with him,
they'll start to talk
and it'll bring nothing but trouble.
Please don't
meet him again.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Joon] Hello, I'm Director Kim Joon
of the Junseong Welfare Foundation.
Well, I know
that you're all going through
a very tough time.
I want to thank all the patients
and their families for attending
this meaningful event.
I, Kim Joon, will support
the future leaders
of this country to become great talents
with their strong hearts.
I will be with you every step of the way.
[organizer] Next, we will have
the transfer of funds ceremony.
Director, please step forward.
Let's give them a hand.
[Taeho] Soohyun!
[organizer] The young patients
have prepared homemade cookies
- for the hospital director.
- [kids clamoring]
Let's give them a round of applause.
- Goodness.
- [kid 1] Have these cookies!
- [kid 1] It's a gift.
- Wow!
[camera clicks]
Wow, I really wanted to try this place.
What can I do without you?
It's so good!
It's crunchy and moist!
I bought a lot.
Share it with the hospital staff.
Okay, the scorched rice here is so good.
It's best when eaten together.
That's right. Seonyul dropped out
of school because of his mom.
He even started a petition
after his mom's accident.
What was he like?
I bet he was popular.
It's almost refreshing
to see someone that handsome.
He had a great personality too.
He took care of others.
God gave him everything but a good heart.
But why are you so curious about Seonyul?
You should ask him yourself
if you're close.
It'd be uncomfortable
to ask him about this directly.
I almost forgot. About Kim Eunmin.
Did you look into
- her hospital bills?
- [Taeho] Yes.
They're being paid by
the Junseong Welfare Foundation.
She was moved to a VIP ward
a few days ago.
The Junseong Welfare Foundation?
[suspenseful music playing]
[people cheering]
As you said, she was moved to a VIP ward.
Good job.
We should be considerate.
[mysterious music playing]
Eunmin, you have to wake up
for Seonyul's sake.
[mysterious music continues playing]
[mysterious music continues playing]
[kids clamoring]
[Sujin] Guys!
[all] Sujin!
- Have you been well?
- [all] Yes!
- What did I bring?
- [all] We don't know!
One, two, three!
- Ta-da!
- Wow!
- Who wants it?
- [all] Me!
Here. Minju, first.
- There! You're all so cute!
- Thank you!
- Who wants one?
- [all] Me!
- Here you go.
- [Taeho] Can adults get one too?
Of course. Which one do you want?
If I get to choose,
how about the heart?
I had one prepared.
[soft music playing]
How can you not cross that?
The car was coming.
Thanks for walking me.
- Be careful, Sujin.
- Okay, bye.
[in English] Yes!
[in Korean] This Saturday.
What shall we eat?
[chuckles softly]
- What brings you here?
- I brought some underwear for you.
You never come home.
This is the only way I can see you.
- Who was that?
- What?
- A patient's guardian.
- [phone vibrating]
Mom, I just got a call.
- I'm going. Okay.
- Here, take this.
- Go ahead.
- Bye.
- Get home safely.
- Okay.
A patient's guardian?
[suspenseful music playing]
[car door closes]
[foreboding music playing]
Come here.
[Joon sighs]
- Yes?
- Take Heejae
and leave for the time being.
If you become a weed in my way,
I'll pull you out.
[foreboding music continues playing]
Do you understand?
[news host] Hankook University Hospital
a ceremony for
the Children's Heart Disease Association.
Kim Joon of the Hankuk United Party aided
the Junseong Welfare Foundation
in supporting funding.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Suho] The kid working for Kim Joon
is the same kid Soohyun's looking for?
[news host] Breaking news.
Jahyeon Party candidate, Min Hyeongseok,
is holding a press conference at his home.
He has announced that he will resign
and leave the party.
We'll connect to the reporter
at the scene for details.
You still can't reach Min Hyeongseok?
Hey, what happened?
Min Hyeongseok told WBN,
and they got the exclusive.
- Exclusive?
- Yes.
Why would WBN get that exclusive?
I'm going to try to get an interview
with the party leader.
[tense music playing]
This is the edited opening remark.
What should we do?
The president is asking for you.
[CEO bangs table] Get it together!
Who cares if he holds
an emergency press conference?
Director Kang, our neighbors
are having a party.
Are you all going to hold a funeral?
I apologize, we'll do it properly
for next week's news guest.
Kim Joon.
He won't enter a broadcasting station
before the presidential election.
How can you?
I have to try.
I'll try.
[music fades]
[people clamoring on laptop]
[clamoring continues]
[lady 1] Don't you feel guilty at all?
- [lady 2] Do you regret your revenge?
- No.
I don't regret it.
A parent who loses a child
still hurts
no matter how much time passes.
I think it's time
to let everything go and forget.
I wasn't able to protect
this man beside me or my family.
[sighs, sniffles]
I will become a proud mother
to protect the rest of my family.
Not my family.
I won't allow him
to mess with my family
over his anger towards me.
[soft music playing]
Happy birthday to you! ♪
- Happy birthday, dear Seonyul! ♪
- Happy birthday, dear Seonyul! ♪
- Happy birthday to you! ♪
- Happy birthday to you! ♪
Make a wish!
[both cheering]
[Jiwoong] Seonyul!
Son, you're first again?
Wow. Who do you take after?
[all laughing]
- [Jiwoong] I don't believe it.
- [Eunmin] I knew it.
- Did I do well?
- [Jiwoong] I'm so proud.
Hey, stop studying now.
- [Eunmin chuckling]
- [Jiwoong] Just have fun.
[all laughing]
[Seonyul] Then you shouldn't have
messed with my family.
[soft music continues playing]
[Suho] My wife and I
have endured a hard time together.
It has made us stronger. And
our feelings for one another
have strengthened.
That will never change.
To all the parents out there
who have been through the same pain,
we hope
Are you staying at home today?
[Soohyun] Yes, Mom and Yuri
are coming over later.
[Suho] Okay.
- [doorbell rings]
- [Suho] Have fun.
How can I help you?
By chance, did you park your car here
- about two weeks ago?
- Yes, this is our house.
[Yonggu] Yes, I was in
a minor collision then.
It was so unfair for me.
Could you check to see
if you have that filmed?
- On my dash cam?
- [Yonggu] Yes.
Please, if you don't mind!
[chuckles softly]
I was staying at my mom's then.
- It won't be in my car.
- [Suho] Okay.
Just a moment.
[car lock beeps]
Check it for him.
- [Yonggu] Thank you.
- I'll be home later.
See you tonight.
[car starts]
Thank you.
Can you tell me the day and time?
[opens bag zip]
I'll look for it and call you.
Okay, thank you.
11:00 P.M.
[call connects]
I checked the footage,
and there's nothing on here.
[Yonggu] Okay, thank you.
- [call disconnects]
- She checked it.
[suspenseful music playing]
why did you want her to check that?
There's something there
that she needs to see.
To be honest
[suspenseful music playing]
The day I saw you at Mom's house,
I was very emotional.
I kind of went off on Suho.
[Soohyun] It must've been that night.
[phone vibrating]
Hey, Yuri.
Soohyun, I have big news!
A publisher called me
about releasing your book.
[Yuri exhales]
They still think I'm your manager.
- I see
- [Yuri sighs]
Why am I so happy?
It feels like we're back in the old days.
Soohyun, how about writing again?
- I'm not qualified for that.
- Why would you say that?
So many people love your books.
Do you know which moment I miss the most?
It's when you stood on a platform by day,
and wrote at night.
Back when you shined the brightest.
[woman] What's wrong with you?
[people murmuring]
[people clamoring]
- Let's talk later!
- [Yuri] Okay.
[tense music playing]
[lady 1] Are you okay?
- [lady 2] What's wrong?
- [lady 1] Should we call 911?
[lady 2] We should.
[lady 1] He suddenly started shaking
and just passed out.
- [lady 2] What do we do?
- [Soohyun] Just a moment.
What do we do?
[lady 1] Shall I call 911?
[lady 2] Do you need help?
[tires screeching]
[Hyegeum] Heejae!
[tense music continues playing]
[Hyegeum breathing heavily]
[music ends]
Hold on.
[mysterious music playing]
[Hyegeum] We took that
on our first overseas trip with Heejae.
[mysterious music continues playing]
[door closes]
[dramatic music playing]
It wasn't you, was it?
The woman in the photo.
[foreboding music playing]
Forgive me.
I lied.
The woman in the photo
isn't me.
Get up.
Right now.
[music fades]
Why did you do it?
On that day,
you weren't even in the country,
so why did you lie?
To protect
From who?
I can't tell you anymore.
Kim Joon.
[dramatic music playing]
Is this because of him?
I saw him go into your house.
What's your relationship with him?
[Suho] I know about your relationship
with Kim Joon very well.
I know you're helping him
launder money here.
I didn't come here to question you.
it's time you get out of this now.
I've been tracking him for a long time.
I know his misdeeds better than anyone.
Someone like him
can never become the president.
We must
stop him together.
[Hyegeum] I can't do it.
You've been digging, so you should know.
He's a dangerous man.
[dramatic music continues playing]
I know that.
I know that very well.
But think about it.
Will someone like Kim Joon
really go easy on his own son?
To become the president,
he'll try to get rid of you
and Heejae first.
Next, he'll take Heejae as a hostage
and place the blame on you
for all of his illegal activities.
When that time comes,
you won't be able to protect Heejae.
Your husband
said he'd protect us.
So you made a deal with him.
You promised to repay me one day.
Is this how you're repaying me?
He said he couldn't let
that one mistake ruin you.
[dramatic music continues playing]
Even if he has to become the bad guy here,
he said it would protect you.
That woman
He said you mustn't find out who she is.
At 6:30 p.m. you have a dinner party
with the other party leaders.
For the business association conference
before the dinner,
I gave them a tentative departure time
considering your travel time.
[Joon] All right.
Also, you were invited as a guest
on Kang Suho's news.
I guess he wants to call me in
to stab me in the back.
[smacking lips]
Shall I go armed too?
[elevator chimes, opens]
[knock on door]
- Come in.
- [door opens]
[door closes]
[man breathing heavily]
Director, Kim Joon said
he'll make the appearance.
[Suho] Okay.
- Let's prepare well.
- Okay.
I almost forgot this.
Mr. Yoon said you asked for it.
[dramatic music playing]
[phone vibrating]
- Hey.
- [Hansang] Your gut feeling was right.
- I just checked too. It wasn't him.
- [Hansang] But did you know who
- Gwon Seonyul was?
- What? Who is he?
He's Gwon Jiwoong's son.
[dramatic music continues playing]
- Why you little skank!
- [lady screaming]
- Hey! Where did you put my money?
- [lady screaming]
You never gave me money! [screaming]
- Goodness!
- Why are you bitching at me?
Bitching? You wench!
All the money
that bastard gave you was mine!
Give it back!
- [lady] Sir, wait inside.
- What?
I'll take care of this and be right there.
Goodness! Are you trying to seduce him
when I'm standing right here?
You bastard! I'm going to kill you!
- Goodness! That hurts!
- Hey!
This wench is killing me!
I can't live with that man anymore!
- They look alike.
- [lady] What?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Hyegeum] That woman
He said you mustn't find out who she is.
He was betrayed
by the two people he loved.
Hey, Seonyul. I'm off.
[Seonyul] Make sure
to turn the lights off.
[Yonggu] It was so unfair for me.
Could you check to see
if you have that filmed?
- [Suho] On my dash cam?
- [Yonggu] Yes.
Please, if you don't mind!
[suspenseful music continues playing]
[phone vibrating]
Hey, Mom.
I'm about to leave.
[saleswoman] This is the same product.
I think you'll be more satisfied
with this.
Help put it on.
- I'll help you.
- [whispering] Wait over there.
[mysterious music playing]
[mysterious music continues playing]
[Yuri] Soohyun's crying.
You said you'd live a good life.
You promised it in front of people.
The woman next door?
You know that was wrong.
What were you thinking?
- Ma'am?
- [Yuri] Yes.
Your mother's here.
[Yuri] She's early.
It's your mama.
[melancholy music playing]
You crazy brat!
- Hey! Damn it!
- [young Yuri crying]
- Come here! Why won't you listen?
- [young Yuri crying]
- [Mokryeon] Hurry up!
- [young Yuri crying]
[Mokryeon] You brat!
This is all your fault!
- I can't live with you!
- [man] Mokryeon.
- You won't kill her like that.
- Die!
Die! [screaming]
[melancholy music playing]
You're quite successful.
Get out.
How rude.
I'm the one that raised you.
How dare you talk to me like that?
[Yuri screaming]
[blows landing]
[Suho] I'm going out of my mind
because I'm scared of losing Soohyun.
[Yuri] Just tell her the truth.
Hold on.
[Yuri whimpering]
[Suho] Then?
Shall I tell her
you're the woman in the photo?
Is that what you want?
[dramatic music playing]
[Mokryeon straining]
[Goeun] What do you think you're doing?
[Yuri whimpering]
Then? Shall I tell her
you're the woman in the photo?
Is that what you want?
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Yuri whimpering]
Then? Shall I tell her
you're the woman in the photo?
Is that what you want?
[opening theme playing]
Shall I tell her
you're the woman in the photo?
Is that what you want?
Not my family.
[Suho] My wife and I
[opening theme continues playing]
[camera zooms]
[Seonyul] Eun Soohyun.
Watch in pain.
[closing theme playing]
[Soohyun] I can't
forgive you.
You never should've come back to me.
[Seonyul] Do you have any idea
how long I waited for this moment?
Kim Joon will make a guest appearance
on my segment.
That will be the day we do it.
Your mom is with me.
If anyone wants to shake me,
go ahead.
[Seonyul] If you die here,
no one could find you.
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