Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e08 Episode Script

Weakness is Thunder and Years of Insecurity

The wind is troubled today.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Now, let's get started
Where we left off yesterday
There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be
Getting out of the deep sea
Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down
A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only
Always remember the good times
Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
I let my emotions flow
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
It seems never-ending
Will it ever come to an end?
I have no clue
Too bad I don't
Could it be?
After thousands of years,
he's finally
Who are you talking about?
Don't you feel angsty
on stormy days like this?
Typhoons are scary,
but aren't they also exciting?
I just saw it flash.
It's going to rain on the way home.
I should have bought an umbrella
at the convenience store.
What do you think, Hirotaka?
Just buy one when you go home.
Let's get back to our desks.
What? You're going back already?
They've issued an alert for heavy rains and lightning.
Make sure you backup your work.
Look who's talking.
Hey, Hirotaka, you'll get in trouble.
You'll get in trouble if you do that!
Don't say I didn't warn you!
Nifuji!? What are you doing?
You're scared of thunder?
What are you all doing here?
Is it really that big of a deal?
It's such a rare sight.
I never imagined there was even something
you were scared of.
I just don't like it.
I don't have any good memories about thunder.
What? What a silly reason.
-I know how you feel!
-You do?
Losing saved games happened a lot back then.
I hate it when the power goes out before you save.
I feel so traumatized
whenever I hear that rumbling sound.
What? Are you saying I'm the one who's wrong?
It's just for today.
It can't be helped.
Okay. Let's go with this.
Finish it by next week.
Did it strike the ground?
That was a big one.
Was that low voice yours just now, Naru?
It wasn't me!
I was so surprised!
Hey, are you okay, Nifuji?
Yes. I'm okay.
I'm going to go do a SAN check.
You're not okay. Get going.
Hirotaka? Are you really okay?
I'm fine. Though, it hurts a lot.
Naru, you're worrying too much.
Scary things are still scary,
no matter how old you are.
We're talking about Nifuji here. He'll be okay.
He looked fine.
That scared me.
What? Where did Momose go?
She went to do a SAN check.
She's going to wind up working late again.
What are you doing?
You're going to get in trouble.
You're one to talk.
I'm on a cigarette break.
Well, I'm on my way back from the bathroom.
Then you shouldn't be on your phone.
What are you talking about?
Cigarette break?
You might think it's okay,
but it's not officially allowed.
-Why do you get a break for smoking?
-Sorry. I'll go back soon.
Even I'm scared of the thunder.
Talking to you through the glass like this
doesn't make me feel at ease.
Hirotaka! The thunder is so loud!
You shouldn't do that, Hirotaka.
Kids shouldn't open the door when they're home alone.
Yeah. But I thought it might be you.
And you kept ringing the doorbell.
You're so mean!
I came to see how you were doing!
I was scared coming over here alone!
What? But, I'm not scared anymore.
Me neither.
Hey. Is Nao here?
He's at preschool now.
He'll come back in the evening with Mom.
Oh, I wanted to see him.
Do you want to stay and play games
until they get back?
Don't you have a cold?
I'll die if I can't play games.
I'm no match for you.
It's nothing.
I'll give you Cafe au lait.
Don't put it there!
If you make it back without dropping it,
I'll give you a million yen.
You're on!
You better not make me laugh!
You just self-destructed.
Hirotaka got his SAN points back,
caught up on his work,
and left on time.
I do not understand.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku.
I thought it would hurt more.
I thought it would bleed more.
I thought I would cry.
I thought I would feel better
This is stupid. I'm going to take this out.
And play games.
It won't come out
What if it doesn't come out for the rest of my life?
It's starting to hurt now.
And it's bleeding.
I shouldn't have done this.
Growing up
This is stupid.
I thought it would be easier.
You practiced?
Yeah. What do you think about my wink?
Hey, Hirotaka!
You haven't made any progress.
What? Naru, did you change shampoos?
How did you know?
Hey, Koyanagi.
Don't flirt with Momose in front of Nifuji.
It doesn't bother me.
Koyanagi acts up because you keep
letting her do stuff like that!
If Koyanagi were a guy,
Momose might have left you for her!
What are you talking about?
She's right, Kabakura!
If I were a guy, you and I would have
a boys' love thing, of course!
Knock it off. Don't get me involved in stuff like that.
What? You're blushing.
You like it, don't you?
Don't get so carried away!
You'd better not forget!
What are you going to do to me?
Excuse me! Can I get a glass of cold water?
Maybe he said that because he's scared.
Maybe he doesn't want Hana-chan to get drunk
and flirt with other people.
I see.
Maybe it's jealousy.
How nice. They're so in love.
What about you?
How would you feel
if I got drunk and flirted with other girls?
It won't happen.
I can't even imagine it.
We're talking about you here!
That would never happen!
Don't be silly.
Oh, I'll take this.
Bye. Take care.
We're talking about you here!
That would never happen!
You're okay, Hirotaka.
I don't plan on dating you.
Making you my boyfriend would be such a waste.
You're one of my good otaku friends.
Ms. Koyanagi, have you seen Narumi?
Maybe she went to Starbocks.
They just came out with a new drink.
Oh, really?
I bet she didn't take you since you look sleepy.
Don't worry about it.
I didn't say anything.
I'm not as good as Momose,
but I've learned how to tell how you feel.
Even though you can't take a hint?
I've been pretty considerate, you know.
After all, you can only see yourself.
Maybe you should buy some new glasses.
You go around picking fights whenever you want.
You're an ugly nuisance to the public.
Shut up.
Oh, I'm sorry but
I don't know what you're talking about.
When was the last time you took a hint?
How can an insensitive single-celled organism
like you act considerate?
Go wipe the floor with your dirty face.
Don't act like you're so holy.
Shut up.
-What's wrong, Nifuji?
-What is it, Nifuji?
What are you guys like when you're alone?
You're not always fighting, right?
You guys were talking normally
just before I got here.
How are you guys?
That's hard to answer
He's not the type of guy to make fun of people.
We're just normal.
We eat together, play games together,
and go out on the weekends.
The same as you guys, right?
The same?
We go out on the weekends?
Who's the one who stayed at home
watching anime last week?
You idiot!
Weekends are my only chance to watch all the
anime I recorded!
That's not the right response
I mean,
don't bring this up in front of Nifuji!
Stop trying to run away like that!
I know you enjoy your hobbies,
but I was looking forward to it
But you enjoyed watching it too, right?
That's not the correct response either
I've had enough! Don't talk to me!
Why are you mad?
Hey, Koyanagi!
Okay. I'll make up for it on Sunday.
I'll go out with you for a movie or shopping.
So forgive me, Hanako.
What are you doing, you damn hag?
Shut up! Don't forget! Sunday!
You'd better not forget yourself!
Are they having a duel?
Come on!
She's such a pain.
Mr. Kabakura,
we're not the same at all.
We're not the same at all.
What's not the same?
Hey, Nifuji.
I wonder if Momose would have gotten that just now.
They're not the same at all.
They're made of the same materials.
Why are they so different?
I can't believe that this angel and that demon
are from the same clan.
When I'm on break, I'm like Tusk ACT 4.
What are you talking about?
I didn't know your eyesight was bad, Nao.
Yeah, but it's not as bad as Hirotaka's.
I usually wear contacts,
but my eyes were swollen today.
So I couldn't put them in.
I haven't cried that hard in a long time.
Who did it?
Who made my Naoya cry?
It's not like that! It was a movie!
A movie!
I went to see a movie with my friend!
Narumi, you look scary.
Oh, just a movie?
Was it a date?
No! I went with my guy friend from college!
There's no need to blush.
Narumi, you're acting drunk.
Enough about me. How are you guys?
Have you gone out on a date recently?
We always go out on dates.
We always
-I'm counting on you to guard the base!
-Leave it to me.
Upstairs is for guys.
This floor is for girls.
Meet you here in 30 minutes.
Nao, what's a date?
Are you being philosophical?
A date, huh?
A date?
How about my place?
I bet that's what he'd say.
He'd rather play games than go on a date.
That's the type of guy he is.
Yes! I'm Narumi!
I know. I just
wanted to ask you
What is it?
Did you go to arcades and bookstores
with the guys you dated in the past?
How about Animate and Comiket?
That's taboo.
Of course not. They were normies.
We went to movie theaters and theme parks for dates.
I see. Then how about next Sunday?
Sunday, okay? Got it!
Wait! What were we talking about?
A date.
Weakness is Thunder and Years of Insecurity
We say anything to each other
And we have similar tastes
But we are not a typical couple
Nothing's changed since the time we were friends
Why do we still have distance between us?
-Why so
-Why me?
-I'm so
-I'm too afraid to ask
-I know
-But I love you
Don't give me that look
Comforting to be next to you
We were both so clumsy
We try to walk at the same pace
Feeling nervous next to you
Let's fall in love
We'll figure it out slowly
I'm sure
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