X-Men (2011) s01e08 Episode Script


Dr. Sasaki!
It's below us.
Dr. Sasaki!
Dr. Sasaki!
What is it? What's the matter?
Come on! Let's get out of here!
Get behind me!
-Emma! Take care of those two!
-Not a problem!
Great, so now it can fly.
Cyclops, we're back.
The Blackbird's not going anywhere
so it looks like we're stuck.
What is that monster?
It appears to be focusing on Dr. Sasaki.
As I suspected.
Its genetic compounds are breaking
down, just like the others.
-Breaking down?
-Okay, but how do we stop this thing?
They've been infected with
a virus that attacks the mutant genome.
I've synthesized a counter agent for it
but I doubt administering it
will be easy.
We need to take it alive!
We have to save this one!
Come on, Hisako, get it together.
-Be careful!
-I'll try.
Now would be good!
Okay! Armor to the rescue!
I guess I don't know my own strength.
I only knocked it out, right?
It's Riko.
It can't be. Riko.
Not a fan of bugs, huh?
Wasn't he supposed to be the girl's
friend? Why the hell did he run off?
Something doesn't smell right here.
Fifteen minutes until destination.
It's been a long time
since I first met Yui.
There was a mutant incident in Japan.
On my investigative trip to Tohoku
I met Yui.
She was an amazing teacher. It didn't
matter if a child was a mutant or not.
To her, they were all just people.
And then
somewhere along the line,
we fell in love.
And when it was time for me to go
I asked Yui
to come to New York with me.
But Yui said:
"In the same way that you have children
in New York"
"I have children here"
"who depend on me."
"You of all people
should understand that, Charles."
When my life had finally
calmed down enough
and I could go back and see her
she refused to see me.
This boy you are seeing
is probably Takeo.
Yes, my son.
Our son.
Looking back, it all makes sense.
She was trying to hide
our son from me.
And the boy, my boy
may very well have possessed
mutant powers.
But Yui said
that he was gone.
Someday, I will tell you. I promise.
About my son
And how these visions
subconsciously appeared
These things must have something
to do with the incidents.
I need to see Yui in person
and get answers.
It seems to be working.
She won't wake up for a while.
I'd like to examine her
further back in my lab at the Institute.
Although it's evident that her
genetic compounds are breaking down
I still hope we're not too late.
With any luck
Doctor, if this is the first time
her syndrome might be controlled
by the vaccine I developed.
I'm going to administer it now.
She's in your hands.
She's no stranger
to injections, apparently.
Does she have a medical condition?
I'm not really sure.
She used to inject herself
when she was tired.
Shouldn't you be aware
if one of your staff has a condition?
I try not to get involved
in people's private affairs.
I'm afraid that's all I can tell you.
I was surprised to find out
that it was Riko.
Now that we're giving her this medication,
you won't have to worry anymore.
Let's hope
she doesn't lose control again.
Right, Emma?
Where the hell is Kaga?
In there!
This is Riko's room. Whatever happened
to that kid must have started in here.
You promised it would cure us.
How could this have happened?
Found him!
Hey! Open up!
If you don't open the door,
I'm just gonna invite myself in.
You're a mutant, too, aren't you, kid?
I can smell it on you.
Not that I'd need to.
Wasn't too hard to do the math.
Yes, it's true. Back when our powers
were first discovered
I entered Sasaki Academy.
Then when the academy closed
Dr. Sasaki asked me to assist her
in mutant research.
And since then
I've been working with Riko.
And to have something
like that happen to her
What were you just injecting?
Your friend was taking the same stuff.
Is it so bad that you can't tell me?
I can't say.
Not without Dr. Sasaki's permission.
Doc's orders, huh?
Yui Sasaki must have told him
not to say anything about it.
How about Sanada? What's his deal?
What do you mean?
Is he from the academy, too?
No, he's only been here
for about six months.
Dr. Sasaki hired him on
because of his talent as a researcher.
And there's nobody else
in the lab, right?
It's just the four of you?
Well, look, whatever the facts are
you should ask Beast to give you the
vaccine he developed at the Institute.
But what about Dr. Sasaki?
You need a permission slip
or something?
I have great faith in her.
Suit yourself.
I still don't understand.
There is an unusual amount of mutants
in this area.
And yet Cerebro
is unable to detect them.
And then there's the virus targeting
the mutant genome.
As far as I can tell,
this seems to be ground zero.
But why would that be?
I don't know.
I wish I had the answer,
but I have no idea.
That's true.
Whatever this virus is,
it's beyond anything I've
Forgive me, doctor, but I find it
hard to believe that someone
with a background in mutant research
can claim ignorance in this matter.
Look at this girl!
Had you told us from the beginning
we could have maybe
avoided such a thing.
You have to believe me,
I never dreamed
that anything like this
would happen to Riko.
Forgive me.
I'm not feeling very well at the moment.
Please, excuse me.
Dr. Sasaki.
Damn. Secondary mutation.
Son of a
-We have to catch him!
-With pleasure!
How could this happen?
It's Koichi!
I think we found him!
Dr. Sasaki!
Everyone, exercise extreme caution.
It's Koichi Kaga.
He's lost control like all the others!
I don't get it. Why isn't he
ripping her to pieces already?
What's he doing with her?
Look at him. If I had to guess
I'd say he's got a thing for her.
What? Man, this is wrong.
The kid was falling all over himself
around the good doctor.
I mean, he's known her
since he was little.
It's not hard to understand
that he admired her.
Yeah, and now that he's
more monster than man
he's acting on raw emotion.
-Okay, that's it. I'm going in!
That's enough.
Stop this. Please, Koichi.
No more!
Did he come to his senses?
It's too early to tell.
-Wolverine! Are you all right?
So many
He's like a brick wall!
He won't budge!
Give it another go, kid!
We did it.
Probably needs a nap after that.
Jun Sanada?
Is Cyclops all right?
Not really your day today, is it, bub?
It seems he's returned to normal.
We need to get him back
to the medical center to be sure.
Poor bastard.
The guy has every right to be crying.
Dr. Sasaki.
Why did it happen to Koichi?
I've given him the anti-viral.
Just like Riko
he had needle marks
on his upper left arm.
Are you going to tell me
those are from insulin, as well?
We need to vaccinate
your other assistant.
We can do that later.
I found something interesting.
Some sort of liquid concentrate.
Someone was stockpiling it.
There was a mini fridge full of the stuff.
Dr. Sasaki, are you okay?
I'd say you owe us an explanation.
We are now entering
Japanese territory.
Please enter landing coordinates.
What could that have been?
Some kind of entity
reached into my thoughts.
It managed to sever
my psychic link with the X-Men.
The anomalies
in the mutant population
of northern Japan
have all been traced back
to Dr. Sasaki's research facility.
Unfortunately, the good doctor
isn't all that forthcoming.
Emma has discovered
the terrible truth
behind Yui's assistant
Jun Sanada.
Next time on X-Men: Revelations.
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