Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

El Idiota Útil

Although this story
is inspired by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
It's Iosi.
Where is Rina?
Let's go to the ambulance.
The vareniki are delicious!
I hadn't eaten that well for a while.
Thanks for inviting me.
Let's get to the point.
With the Frenchmen,
you caught our attention.
That was the idea.
They love you at Casa Rosada.
Truly they do.
But they love Kadar a little bit more.
Then why'd they want me
out of the business?
It was a misunderstanding.
It's in nobody's interests to see you out.
I'm always holding out my hand.
I spoke to the French,
they won't be an obstacle.
They withdrew the offer.
I'm willing to make peace,
pretend this never happened.
Good, Saúl.
We'll take care of it all.
The bank issue will go away.
You have my word.
The boss will be happy. You'll see.
Excuse me, Mr. Minister.
The Israeli Embassy has been attacked.
Something happened.
Evidently, this is a huge explosion,
as you can see.
This building was virtually destroyed.
-I have to go.
-Of course.
It's as though an airplane
had dropped a bomb.
We'll talk later.
You can see
The building's entirely destroyed.
Allegedly, it was
a car bomb that exploded.
Please, don't go beyond this point!
In front of the Israeli Embassy entrance.
It's completely destroyed.
Mr. Ambassador, Saúl Menachem.
What's known?
There's a car here.
Please keep me informed.
Let me know how I can help.
How many people were inside? One hundred?
You can count on me 24/7.
-Whole pillars.
What can we say
about this situation?
An elderly lady, one of many
affected by this explosion.
Iosi was at the Embassy.
They must have found someone
who was working.
Do they know anything?
Here's the head and the shoulders.
-Anyone taken to hospital?
Another injured elderly person. This is
shocking. They were found next door.
What's going on, Dad?
All of the buildings
in the area, destroyed.
There they are. Rescuing people right now.
Helicopters are flying over.
They keep digging in the rubble.
There are people underneath.
Why are you here, Iosi?
To check on you.
I wanted to check on you.
I didn't know you cared about me, Iosi.
I saw you walking in the rubble.
I said, I saw you walking!
I want to give blood, too.
Thank you.
Thanks so much.
Does anyone know anything?
That we failed.
We failed.
Someone knew about this.
-What are you talking about, Aaron?
-Someone knew.
The officer outside the Embassy
left just before the explosion.
Even the guards
at the Romanian Embassy next door
also left earlier, Iosi.
Someone knew about this.
Somebody knew.
Iosi? Iosi!
Excuse me!
My love.
My love!
My love.
-I'm fine.
-You're alive.
-You're alive.
How? You were there.
The meeting venue was changed last minute.
Why didn't you come earlier?
Where were you? My love!
-How's your dad?
-My dad?
I thought I would die.
-I was desperate. Why didn't you call?
-It's okay, my love.
I went to the hospital to see Aaron,
then came here.
Is your dad home?
Come in.
We have no information yet about
perpetrators or the number of fatalities.
But we're staying alert.
I'm repeating the information from
the Israeli Embassy, official information.
I don't want to be swayed by rumors,
by hearsay, until I have
I was just there.
It's hell.
The Turks wanted to become
part of the First World. That's it.
They were promised too much.
of a permanent intelligence
waiting to create difficult scenarios
It's Nazis who remained in the country.
Hold on, please.
Leave me.
I'd say, trapped in this operation
carried out by the national government.
It's not only so things
turn out well in Argentina,
but because they cannot
carry out the tasks
Thanks for your call, Kadar.
It's comforting.
My condolences to you and your people.
War gives us no rest. It follows us.
I hope to see you soon
in person,
so that I can give you a big hug.
What did you hear?
Where did this come from?
Hatred is a big land,
without geographical limitations.
Sooner or later, we will know.
God willing.
Thank you, Saúl. Take care.
They keep removing the debris.
While the body
has been placed
in front of
-what used to be
-Excuse me.
the Israeli Embassy.
It's 1:25 a.m.
-When it fell
-and right now they're removing
Has your cousin called, Gaby?
-He turned up. He's fine.
-They can't determine the gender.
Iosi is fine.
They don't know anything.
They're taking the body away
on a stretcher.
This is 3546788. Leave your message.
Hi, Claudia.
Tomorrow, same place, same time.
I suppose you're familiar
with the Andinia Plan.
The Zionists want to take our Patagonia.
We need all of the existing information.
That's up to you.
You must grow within the Jewish community
and access the core
of Zionist power in Argentina.
You must find out how they work,
who they do business with.
They catch you, we do nothing.
They recruit useful idiots,
then they get rid of them.
Do you think anyone suspected you
at the Embassy?
-I know I'm alive by chance.
-I'm certain somebody knew.
It's impossible to move so many
explosives without us or them knowing.
They bribed somebody.
If anyone knew, they didn't tell me.
Everything has gone from the hotel.
-No answer from Claudia, where is she?
-No idea.
She'll turn up. Calm down.
It's a mess, but it's not all about you.
-Easy, try to keep things in perspective.
-What perspective? They abandoned me.
This is a big moment, José.
A huge opportunity.
There are changes. Things will happen.
Every man for himself.
Stop it, this is a disaster!
These casualties aren't ours.
-You're a bastard.
-And you're a moron.
This is a great opportunity.
Do you think embassies explode
every day in Argentina?
-Think about yourself.
-I am.
They'll put it all on me!
I'm the police mole
in the Jewish community!
Listen to me. That's why.
Do you know how much
your silence is worth?
You're the connection between
the Jews and Intelligence.
That raises your price.
What price?
For my silence or my head?
What happened here?
How could this guy get ahead of you?
He was early.
When I got there, it was too late.
He was earlier than everyone?
You blame the dead.
What a mess, Luis.
What a big mess. We don't do this anymore.
I'm worried about Iosi.
But I'm more worried about you, Garrido.
It's either him or you.
I'll sort it out.
This is my problem.
Of course it is.
Starting next week,
everything is your problem.
But if you fail to solve this,
you won't have a future in the Force.
We're going to have a good time.
I'll get it.
I have a package for Jonás.
I'll take it.
-I'm his father.
-Did you give anyone our address?
No, Mom. You told me not to.
-Thanks. Bye.
-Okay. Bye.
Iosi gave me this.
Give it to me.
No, this is a misunderstanding.
Give it, please.
-Mom, it's for me. You've no right.
-Give it to me.
Jonás! I said no.
Listen to me, damn it!
Jonás, come back to the table now.
Listen to your dad.
Can you sit down?
Hear, O Israel
The Lord is our God
The Lord is one
What is it, Claudia? Am I a threat now?
Everything's changed, José. It's a mess.
-Why didn't you call me?
-I couldn't.
You're not the only one baffled.
-We'll solve the bank issue. I need time.
-The bank?
The bank?
Don't take me for a fool, Claudia.
You blow up the Embassy and abandon me.
I was there.
-I provided files, information.
-Your mission was the Andinia Plan.
Enough of this Andinia Plan bullshit.
You know there's no such fucking plan.
It's a fantasy.
I'm the fool in this story.
The useful idiot.
You tipped off the guards.
It's a miracle I'm alive.
Did your plan to kill me fail?
It complicates things.
If they find out you were there,
they'll ruin me.
No one will ever admit we planted you.
First, I'll find out what happened
with the guards.
I shouldn't even be here.
I came to show you my face, Jewish scum.
The best thing you can do
is hide.
We'll go our separate ways.
And we'll not talk again until I tell you.
You wouldn't be alive
if someone wanted you out of the game.
I'm already out.
You're never out.
My phone number has changed.
Mr. Menachem.
I'm Mr. Aquino's secretary.
Is the minister running late?
Regrettably, he won't be able to meet you.
In that case, I understand the message.
He left you this.
-Have a good evening.
-Good evening.
Do you agree
that it's absolutely dangerous
that one of our men
suggests the theory
that we were directly or indirectly
involved in what happened yesterday?
Peres said that?
This is a time to protect each other.
-If anyone doesn't understand that?
I respect Claudia, she's irreproachable.
But we must admit that
Peres is not under control.
Don't you think you're being
used to send the message?
-Is he intimidating us?
I know him too well, sir. No.
He's scared.
It makes him more dangerous.
He's capable of anything.
Deal with him.
And let me know.
Saúl, I need a word.
I can meet you in ten minutes.
Iosi, I have no information,
Israel will ensure the perpetrators
pay for this. About the bank
Everything is under control.
Let lawyers do their job
and earn their money. Stay calm.
I'm doing what I must do. You do nothing.
Saúl, I need to know where I stand.
Are you scared now?
You have balls,
don't cause me more trouble.
And don't come here until I say so.
That includes Dafne.
Stay away from her.
That's taking care of her.
When you asked for the phone,
I thought it was an excuse to talk to me.
I haven't slept in two days.
Can we talk?
Won't you tell me what's
been eating at you all this time?
I can't.
I have things to do.
Iosi, know you can count on me, always.
My love?
There's something
you need to know about Iosi.
Dafne, your dad isn't home.
-When does he get back?
-He's on a trip. He didn't say.
What happened?
Everybody leaves me!
Exactly, and speaking of attacks
That's right.
A mass was offered yesterday.
A large number of people gathered
to condemn the attack
against the Israeli Embassy.
I need to stay here for a few days, Eli.
What's wrong?
I'm in terrible trouble.
Come here.
López! How's the scabies?
It's better than the other day.
-Put on the belt, Juan.
-It's too tight.
It's so that you don't get hurt.
Go on, put it on.
Shall we take a short break?
Very good.
Mónica, I think they're looking for you.
Mónica Raposo?
-That's me.
-This is for you.
How cute.
There you go.
-Give him a bath.
Hi, Mónica.
Who is this?
Flecha's owner.
He's a good dog.
I'm sure you'll take better care of him.
Do we know each other?
Not personally.
I left something for you in the cage.
When you see it, you'll understand
better and you'll want to meet.
Are you that interesting?
Almost as much as a wounded dog.
Look, I'll take care of the dog.
Leave me out of the rest.
You and I, we never truly retire.
They discredited you for investigating
too much. I'm offering a unique revenge.
I'll call you tomorrow.
Gifts haven't stopped.
It's easy to be friends
with the winner, Martita.
Can I ask you a favor?
Could you send them a thank you card?
-And take anything you want.
Thank you.
Please. We've got to share.
-I'm not taking this.
-You're right.
Only a thief gives something like that.
-Who's it from?
Don't open it.
-Can you take this to the dry cleaner?
-Of course.
Congratulations on the promotion. José.
-Excuse me.
-Take a seat.
Have a seat.
Soon, all of this will be yours.
This is for you.
A gift or a donation?
Any last-minute piece of advice?
Any suggestion you want to give me?
Me? Give you advice?
But nobody saw you coming.
Be careful.
Keep a low profile.
Move through tunnels.
Stick to the mole life, always.
This is the combination to the safe.
I've also left you a gift.
Use it wisely.
I left you a well-made file
for when you decide to solve this matter.
My name is Iosi Peres.
I was an agent for
the Federal Police Intelligence Service
for over 20 years.
During that time,
I infiltrated the local Jewish community.
And through a person,
whose name I will reveal in due time,
I was involved
in the biggest criminal conspiracy
of illegal arms traffic
in Argentina's history.
It includes governments,
and international terrorist organizations,
local armed forces,
and very powerful financiers.
I also provided my superiors
with information
that may have been used
in the planning, execution,
and cover-up of the two bloodiest
terrorist attacks in our history.
I have evidence and documents
that I may present to any authority
willing to listen to me.
My life is in danger.
And if anything happens to me,
I put the blame directly
on local and foreign
intelligence services.
Wait for me a minute.
How's your hearing?
I can hear.
I'm a federal agent.
I'm an Intelligence agent
for the federal police.
My file.
I want to work with you.
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