You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

Destino final

-So, I brought him here.
-Are you fucking stupid?
What was I supposed to do?
I just met the guy.
He was asking questions.
There's something fishy about him.
Do you have any idea
how much trouble we're in now?
If he's a cop, more will come after him.
Then we get rid of him.
Dead dogs don't bite.
Go on, shoot him then!
-I've never killed anyone.
-Oh, but I have.
Five every day.
What are we going to do?
For now, search him.
We'll figure out the rest later.
You reek of alcohol, bud.
Your turn.
Fuck you, motherfucker!
-I'm going to kill you!
-Put that down!
Put it down!
Go outside and make sure no one's there!
-Son of a bitch!
-Leave the gun!
Leave the gun!
Fuck you.
He's an animal, I know.
Let's find out who you are.
Daniel Romero.
You don't have a badge,
so you're not a cop.
Let's do something.
I'm going to remove the gag
and you're going to tell me
what I want to know.
You have no idea how much trouble
you're in, you idiot.
We're off to a bad start, Daniel.
What are we looking for?
Anything that proves he had a relationship
with Beatriz Prats.
Something. Anything.
Search every nook and cranny.
-Everything OK?
-Everything's great.
We have to question the photographer.
I know, give me a few minutes.
I'll do it.
Laura? When was the last time
you called me that?
I don't think
you should question Alex Molina.
And who's going to stop me? You?
What the fuck is going on, Velasco?
As far as I know, I'm still your boss.
And my friend.
You're a great officer,
but you have one flaw.
You leave your half-finished cigarettes
where you shouldn't.
Don't worry, no one will know
about your involvement with Alex Molina.
Be wary of how invested
you become in this case.
You're putting me
in a very difficult situation.
Thank you.
A young woman named Natalia Saldana.
She left from here on a ship.
We don't ship people. Only merchandise.
Your coworker said you two
are in charge of contraband.
We ship things, not people.
Moreno, right?
I'm here because a fellow officer
told me all this.
If I'm not back first thing tomorrow,
they'll come here.
How long do you think
it'll take them to find you?
Do the Russians pay well?
Mr. Molina, I've been at this
for many years and, believe me,
I've seen plenty of times
what a father will do for his children.
Aren't you tired?
What I mean is,
do you normally question suspects
this late at night, right?
They're tired
and you can catch them off guard.
That way, you force them into confessing.
I already confessed, though.
What else do you want?
OK. September of last year.
We spent the night
in the presidential suite
of a hotel outside the city.
If you review my bank statements,
you'll find a charge from the hotel.
You could've been there with someone else.
You're right,
but if you go through my computer,
you'll find a picture I took of her
while she showered.
If that's true,
it just proves you took pictures of Prats
in a hotel room.
You're a photographer.
I need more.
She died without putting up a fight.
She had a small freckle
very close to her vagina.
I loved to look for it
while I caressed her thighs
with my tongue.
She died in her sleep.
In a fetal position.
I used a 20 cm long awl
to sever the vertebral artery
and the medulla oblongata.
It killed her instantly.
Then I propped her up with ropes.
She looked beautiful.
She died in the same manner
as Gloria Gonzalez.
She died 20 years ago
in Polanco, Mexico City.
You have a serial killer on your hands.
I think you can go get some rest now.
-Something just doesn't make sense.
All crimes have a motive, a reason why.
You had no reason to kill Beatriz Prats.
You don't know me, Inspector.
I loved Beatriz.
Just like I loved Gloria Gonzalez
back in the day.
The two met the same end.
I guess the women I love end up like that.
All of them?
All of the ones I love, yes.
May I have a word with you?
You're making this
very difficult, Urrutia.
What do you think? Huh? What do you think?
Question is, what do you want to hear?
-He's doing it to save his daughter.
-Come on!
Only the murderer would know
so much and have such details.
-I'm not so sure.
It seems the photographer is a great fuck.
It's him, Laura.
Don't make the same mistake twice.
I won't be there
to save your ass this time.
Just letting you know.
Help me.
-What do I do?
-Make a tourniquet.
-Let me.
-Tie it.
-Like that?
-More, more.
-I didn't know you had a phone.
Why'd you turn it off?
We have to call the police!
Don't be stupid. We're not calling anyone.
-What are you doing?
-I'm going to ask for help.
No fucking way! You're staying here.
We won't get far with your leg like that.
Let me drive.
If I try anything,
you can kill me.
What is it, Diego?
Dieguito, stop giving me excuses
and find them, will you?
No, no, no. Not here.
I don't want any more problems.
Yeah! There are a lot of problems.
Troublesome problems.
No, I need you
to please get over here now.
How'd it go? Did you call the Russians?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I called the National Police.
You can tell them what you told me
when they come for you.
They're already here.
Hello, can you help me?
What are you doing here? What do you want?
Natalia Saldana, you son of a bitch!
Natalia Saldana!
Who helped you kidnap her?
Tell me or I swear I'll kill you!
-Tell me!
Get up.
Move, asshole!
Monica, over here!
Get in.
-Are you OK?
Untie him. Go!
Quickly. Don't worry.
Come here.
This asshole and his partner
helped the Russians with the kidnapping.
His partner will be back soon.
You have three seconds to talk.
-One, two
-I just turned a blind eye!
-I didn't know!
Call the fucker in charge
and tell him to come.
I already did.
I called him a few minutes ago
so he'd handle everything.
I told him I didn't know what to do.
What's the serious problem
I have to resolve at this hour?
Come in, please.
Don't waste my time.
Tell me what happened.
I think people
are starting to talk too much.
Who? What people?
The stevedores are talking.
So what do you want? More money?
Is that why you woke me up?
-I'm putting a lot on the line.
-All you have to do
is silence anyone who's talking.
-I'm telling you--
-If you don't mind,
I'd like to go somewhere quieter.
If you don't mind,
let's go in that closet.
-Put the gun down.
-Let me go.
-Or I'll shoot him.
-Put the gun down.
Drop your gun.
I'm going to walk out that door.
Shoot, Daniel, shoot.
If you don't drop your gun, I'll kill him.
Where was the container
containing Natalia headed?
Tell me!
What are you doing?
Why the fuck did you help me escape
just to kidnap me?
If you call the police,
an ambulance or whatever,
I'll be sent to prison and killed.
De la Cruz's men will kill you, too.
What should we do then?
Find a place
where I can remove the bullet.
I think I know where we can go.
We only had two requests
during the last month.
Both came from Latin America.
The last one was done
less than two weeks ago.
We sent it to Morocco to arouse suspicions
and from there it flew to Mexico.
Who was the recipient? Who bought her?
The container was headed
to a Mexican imports company,
They never give their names
for security reasons.
-What else?
-I don't know anything else.
I don't know anything else!
I don't know anything else!
I need to go to a hospital. Please.
I think he's telling the truth.
They only know what's strictly necessary.
-What do we do with him?
-Watch out!
Now get out of here.
How are you going to explain this?
It was self-defense.
Why did you do it? You shouldn't have.
-I'm sorry.
This is all my fault.
-You're not to blame for anything.
-Neither are you.
Yes, I am.
He knows we're listening.
Tell me it's a lie,
that you made it all up.
I'm sorry, honey. I'm really sorry.
I never thought something
like this could happen.
I treated him to drinks
to get him to talk.
Right, because there was
no other way to do it.
You left me at the hotel
and went drinking.
That's how you'll help me
find my daughter?
I was trying to get information.
He lied to me, I fucked up. Sorry!
Alcohol isn't an issue. I already quit it!
I'm going to Mexico.
I have a friend there.
Andres, he's a police officer.
-I'm sure he can help us.
-Can he?
Of course.
-You're coming with me?
-Was there ever any doubt?
I really don't know how to thank you.
Well, you can start by buying our tickets.
The media is pressuring me.
They know we have him
and they want answers.
Can I tell them
we have the murderer or not?
You can say he's confessed.
Damn it, Velasco! Answer my question!
-Is he our guy?
-It seems that way.
Seems? The police can't use that word.
He confessed
after we accused his daughter of murder.
I have my doubts, that's all.
Yes. Yes, yes.
Yes, 98% sure.
Damn it!
Very well. Urrutia, you can talk to him.
Is this your house?
It was.
The lights
Do you have a lighter?
I need to ask you for a favor.
I need to get the bullet out,
but I can't do it alone.
You have to do it.
Cut it.
No, no. I can't.
I didn't ask if you could or not.
We have to get it out.
Hey, hey!
Hey, talk to me. Tell me something.
-I don't know. Anything.
How'd you end up in this life?
I messed with someone I shouldn't have.
It was over a debt.
My dad stole some things we needed.
What else?
Hey. Hey!
-Why are you helping me?
I lost someone.
She was killed because of me.
The thing I loved most about her
was her smile.
When I met you,
I thought
I had to give you your smile back.
It must be pretty.
I'm here to ask you a few questions.
You know, don't you? Have you heard?
I don't know what you're talking about.
The police arrested my father.
What happened?
He confessed. He did it.
What did he do?
He killed Beatriz Prats.
What happened?
In the same way he killed
a woman named Gloria 20 years ago.
What made you confess now
and not when the body was found?
It's not fair for another
to pay for my crimes.
Much less, my daughter.
So you admit
you turned yourself in to save her.
But that doesn't make me any less guilty.
Just less of an asshole.
Do you really think
you're helping her by going to jail?
But that's not enough.
Over the years, I've witnessed
the deaths of many people.
It only makes sense for people
to witness my death.
Eli? How are you calling me?
What do you mean?
I saw on the news
that you'd been arrested.
When was the last time
you watched the news, Humberto?
Why? What happened?
Turn the TV on, Goddamn it!
OK, I will. Don't hang up.
Renowned war photographer Alex Molina
Humberto, are you there?
Yes, sorry.
I don't understand, Eli.
What's your father got to do
with all this?
I'm so sorry.
Do you want to meet so we can talk?
Thank you for coming.
I'm sorry about the other day.
I didn't know about you two.
Don't worry, that's not why I called.
Please come in.
It seems
this isn't the first time Alex Molina
is linked to a similar murder
-Are you leaving?
Please sit.
I'm leaving for Mexico shortly.
I know my daughter is there
and Daniel has friends there
who can help me find her.
Months ago
someone hired Daniel to kill me.
-Yes, he told me so.
I wanted to report him,
but then I didn't want to risk it
-because I need his help.
-Who? Who hired him?
I don't know. He doesn't know either.
He only spoke with the broker.
My question is
It's ridiculous coming from me,
but I've thought it over
-Do you think
-You think it was Alex.
I think he turned himself in
so Eli wouldn't be a suspect.
As for you,
I'm certain he'd never hurt you.
Don't worry.
Thank you.
-Good luck in Mexico.
One last question.
Who really is Daniel?
There's no easy answer.
Tonic water with lots of ice.
You're a smart guy.
I don't know about that.
I just need the money.
You have three weeks.
Here's all her information.
Do your job and disappear.
You get a third now,
a third when the job's done,
and a third when I confirm
you're gone and keeping quiet.
Don't feel bad.
That always happens the first time.
Besides, there's nothing
a couple of stiff drinks can't fix.
Eventually you get used to it
until you end up liking it.
Who is she?
Don't ask.
She must've done something
for them to pay so much.
Do it well
and there'll be more work for you.
-How are you doing?
That's why I'm here. I'll cheer you up.
Make yourself at home.
I think we need to have
a good chat and some vodka.
-Sound good?
Is this your mother?
She was murdered.
You'd never told me about her.
She was very beautiful.
I didn't know she'd been murdered.
It's not something I like to talk about.
I understand.
My mother also died in a violent manner.
We have that in common.
Your mother died in the war.
Mine was brutally murdered.
That's very different.
That's why my grandmother
moved me to Spain.
I was just a boy.
Her murderer and his people will pay.
Did they ever find who killed her?
I told you not to use the fucking phone!
We're screwed.
I didn't call the police.
I wanted to talk to my mom.
It has a tracking device.
That's why I removed the battery, damn it!
Now they know we're here.
I'm sorry, I didn't
Leave already!
What about you?
Listen to me.
Go as far away as you can and buy a phone.
Use it to call my friend.
Tell him to come get me ASAP.
And then go as far away as you can.
If I go with you, we'll both be caught!
Go now.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
In a few years
you'll understand what I've done.
Believe it or not, I do it for you, honey.
forgive me for the long trip
I'm about to embark on.
I love you.
From what I've gathered, it won't be easy.
This reeks of influential people.
Shut up. Look after her.
Don't tell her anything.
My daughter isn't a piece of merchandise.
You're lying, asshole.
The container was in your name.
-Where's my daughter?
-How is this possible?
I said to keep an eye on him!
No one knows where he hid the poison.
Alex is an experienced war photographer.
-He knows all sorts of tricks.
-Drop the gun.
You're Natalia's mother, right?
I'm your daughter's friend.
I helped her escape.
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