Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 21: Yu-mi Encyclopedia]
[40 years later]
Welcome, everyone.
This is Yu-mi's Library.
It is a historical space that contains
everything about Yu-mi.
This way.
We keep pictures
of important moments for Yu-mi.
There is a wedding photo.
Everyone. This way please.
These are the Encyclopedias of Yu-mi.
A new edition is released every year.
We currently have 72 editions
because Yu-mi is now 72 years old.
It records everything about Yu-mi.
Do you have any questions?
What was the first award Yu-mi received?
Oh, the first award?
That is probably
in the seventh edition.
[Yu-mi Encyclopedia]
The first award Yu-mi received
in her life was
"This award is given for participating
in children's art contest."
Good job, Yu-mi.
Thank you.
[It was the art contest
participation award.]
For your information,
Yu-mi has never won any award
in the art contest after that.
Any other questions?
What is the most embarrassing memory
in Yu-mi's life?
That's a good question.
There are top three most
embarrassing events in her life.
And the best of all
happened in the summer of 32.
Look at the camera please.
In 3, 2, 1.
It is so called
the Hong Na-ri Wedding incident.
[Hong Na-ri Wedding Incident on August 15]
I'm getting married in the spring.
In March.
With that woman?
[The incident summary.]
She met her ex Ji Ugi at her friend
Hong Na-ri’s wedding
and was told he is getting married
What is that crazy idiot saying?
[Emotion cell was shocked
and went out of control.]
To be honest,
I'm getting married soon too.
I think our wedding will be
sometime next year.
But of course,
you'd get married before us.
It hasn't been long since he proposed.
Oh, right. I forgot to bring my ring.
We're thinking about going abroad
and having a small wedding.
We're thinking about Hawaii.
[She was lying ridiculously.]
[Then she got caught by Goo Woong
who was her boyfriend at the time.]
-Gosh. That's embarrassing.
-That's embarrassing.
I didn't know Yu-mi had
such an embarrassing history.
Ma'am. So what happened next?
Also, congratulations.
-For what?
-I heard you're getting married soon.
I just heard you guys are getting married
next year.
Oh, yes.
Yes. Thank you.
Yu-mi. Let's go in.
The wedding's going to start.
Which Hawaiian island is it going to be?
I'm thinking about
a small wedding abroad too.
I'm jealous.
Which island are you planning?
-I said Hawaiian island.
So which island?
There are four big islands in Hawaii.
She said it's going to be Hawaii.
Oh, yes. Right.
We want to do it in Hawaii.
So we're thinking about
where to go among them.
Which agency did you talk to?
I'm thinking about it too.
I'm wondering if you can
share information with me.
We're running late. We have to go in.
I'll tell you later in the restaurant.
-Yu-mi. Let's go.
You see, were you surprised?
Let me explain.
He was talking about weird stuff.
He's such a weirdo.
He was talking gibberish.
I couldn't stand it.
So, Woong
Is that him?
The one you dated for seven years
and broke up after cheating on you?
That's him, isn't he?
I knew it.
He said he was getting married.
He told me not to get hurt.
He was talking gibberish.
Before I realized what I was doing
Let's go in.
[Dear brothers and sisters.]
To these people who got married
within Christ
Yu-mi. Your boyfriend is really handsome.
Hey. He's stylish.
He's way better than Ji Ugi.
You got a good one after dumping trash.
Not that much.
He was nice.
He looks better in person than in photos.
The one who created the world
[I looked it up.
There are four big islands in Hawaii.]
[I'm shocked.]
[Kauai, Maui, Oahu and the Big Island.]
[I'm doing my best to memorize them.
In case he asks me again.]
[Do you like Hawaii?]
[No. I've never even been there.]
[Then why did you say Hawaii?]
[I don't know. It just came out.]
[I suddenly want to go to Hawaii.]
[Thanks to Woong,
the incident ended well.]
-That's a relief.
-That's a relief.
But it wasn't over completely.
There was a back blast.
A back blast?
Yes, a back blast.
Hong Na-ri Wedding incident
didn't just end as an embarrassing event.
By the way, Woong. Are you marrying Yu-mi?
-One of my friends
is Yu-mi's junior from university.
The rumor has already spread
amongst the alumni.
That she's marrying you next year.
You already have it all planned out.
It's going to be a small wedding abroad.
-Is that true?
What do you mean well?
Yes. Well, yes.
Come on. Is it true or not?
If it is, I totally approve.
I won't say anything.
What? You're making me curious.
Ask Yu-mi yourself.
Look at you. You are not denying it.
I said I won't say anything.
Have you been to Hawaii before?
There are four major islands in Hawaii.
You're serious.
[Daehan Noodles]
[Congratulations, Yu-mi.
I heard you're getting married.]
[Yu-mi. Congratulations.]
[Everyone says your boyfriend is so hot.]
[I heard you're getting married in Hawaii.
I'm so jealous.]
[There must be a misunderstanding.]
[I don't know when it's going to be.]
[I heard it's next spring.]
[I said maybe.]
[It's not confirmed yet.]
[Yu-mi. Are you getting married? Amazing.]
This is killing me.
Yes, Ugi.
Can I ask you a question?
I heard the rumor
-that you're
-I'm not getting married.
That's a false rumor.
What marriage? We just started dating.
Don't you think it's a ridiculous rumor?
I don't know who spread such rumor.
I know.
False news is getting out of control.
What a scary world, right?
[This incident traumatized Yu-mi.]
It's Louis.
What are you doing here?
This is good.
We were going to get you one too.
-Do you want it now?
-Yes, well
Are you two getting married?
What took you so long?
I heard you're getting married
next spring.
That's so yesterday.
I just heard it.
I heard it
while pooping in the restroom.
You traitor.
I'll go buy a sandwich.
Louis. I'll get you the same one as mine.
It's really good.
Who said that?
Are you ready to order?
[Marriage became a taboo word
between them.]
[The back blast also hit the cell town.]
Now, I will pass judgement
on Hong Na-ri Wedding incident.
Defendant, Emotion cell.
By using Reaction Number One
without other cells' consent,
you turned Yu-mi into a liar
and made her lose reliability greatly.
You committed a very dangerous act
that could have ended her relationship
with Woong.
I find Emotion cell guilty.
No wonder.
[Reaction Number One is banned
for use indefinitely.]
[Emotion cell was locked
in the solitary confinement for a month.]
Isn't it tough?
I can bear it.
So why did you do that?
I stopped you.
It's okay. I don't regret it.
-Through that,
I got confidence in Woong.
Reason. Will you deliver this?
Put this up.
Bulletin board cell. Can you put this up?
Keep up the good work.
What's this?
[I want to marry Woong, from Emotion cell]
I'm getting so many
of the same message lately.
[Is Woong thinking of getting married?
From Love cell]
[I had a dream of marrying Woong,
from Dream cell]
[Let's wear a wedding dress!
From Diet cell]
Wait. What is that?
I wonder.
[Marriage desire]
So what happened?
What do you mean?
Did Yu-mi and Woong get married
in Hawaii?
If you want to know,
you should read the 33rd edition
of Yu-mi Encyclopedia.
I already saw the wedding photo.
Really? Who was it?
It is
Everyone. The incident
didn't end there.
That became the root
of two major incidents in Yu-mi's life.
Your drinks are ready.
-Thank you.
Woong. I'm going to start
-exercising tomorrow.
I said I'm participating
in the half-marathon.
I have to start getting into shape.
This sweet is my last feast.
I have to watch my diet starting tomorrow.
So I might not be able to
meet you as often.
Because I have to run.
Don't be disappointed though.
Aren't you pushing yourself too hard?
[For the impression of a cool girlfriend]
[who doesn't care about marriage,]
[she started practicing for the marathon.]
[Si-hyeon. Do you see him now?]
[My boyfriend.]
[I got the bouquet.]
[Congratulations, Na-ri.
I wish you happiness.]
[I'll dry it nicely
and give it back to you.]
[Another one is]
[Sae-yi finally realized
what her heart wants.]
[I will never get married.]
[But if I ever get married one day,]
[it would be with Woong.]
[Woong. I just got here.]
Yu-mi. Did you get there already?
[The bus came early.]
I'm leaving now.
Just give me 15 minutes.
[-Take your time.]
-Okay. I'll be there soon.
[Woong. Are you home right now?]
[I need to ask you a favor.]
[What is it?]
[Can I borrow a hammer?]
[A hammer?]
[I need to drive many nails,
but I don't have a hammer at home.]
[Just get one from a store.]
[I need one right now. Can I stop by?]
What's she talking about?
[You're coming to my house?]
[I'm going out now.]
[I'll be right there.]
What? Be right there?
Her house is so far from here.
She always has it her way.
Who is it?
Woong. It's me.
It's me, Sae-yi.
The hammer.
What are you doing here?
You said you were home.
-How did you
-I moved yesterday.
-I guess you didn't know
because you were visiting
your parents for a few days.
Louis knows.
What are you talking about?
I moved to the fifth floor here. Room 503.
I thought you knew.
No wonder why.
I was disappointed because you didn't
give me any calls after I moved.
Nice to meet you, neighbor.
Can I borrow your hammer?
Every time I work overtime,
I had to take a cab.
It cost too much and I was too tired.
Mom said I should get a place
of my own too.
I asked you a few months ago
about the building you live in.
I don't think I ever said
it's nice to live here.
But no location was better than this.
It's closer to work,
and it's new and clean.
You should come for dinner sometime.
-I always cook for myself.
Don't get deliveries.
Come to my house when you're hungry.
I just need to put one more set
of chopsticks.
Can I give it back to you tomorrow?
I have many nails to drive in.
Suit yourself.
Oh, right.
Are you busy right now?
I have a plan.
Can you drive just one nail in?
I have to put the clock up,
but it's too high.
Can you do it for me please?
Sorry I took so long.
You said it will only be 15 minutes,
but you took 30 minutes.
Yu-mi. You see
What is it?
What do you mean nothing?
It's nothing. Let's go.
We're going to be late.
What is it?
[So, the Hong Na-ri Wedding incident]
led to other important events
after Sae-yi awakens
and Yu-mi starts the marathon.
Ma'am. What about
Yu-mi's marathon practice?
Why is that important?
Oh, about that
[Episode 22: Yu-mi Patrol]
What? Is it getting cold already?
Gosh. I'm tired.
[Good morning. Are you up?]
[Of course.]
[I'm in the park right now.]
The park?
[At this hour?]
[I said I'm practicing the half-marathon
starting today.]
[I said I'm practicing the half-marathon
starting today.]
[Oh, that's right.]
[You're not paying attention
to your girlfriend.]
[You're not paying attention
to your girlfriend.]
[What do you mean?]
[What do you mean?
I know what your favorite ING is.]
[What is it?]
[What is it?]
[I know what yours is.]
[What is it?]
Excuse me.
Which way is the exit?
The exit is that way.
Thank you.
[Sorry. Someone just asked me
for direction.]
[A man?]
[A man?]
[Are you jealous?]
[A young man?]
[I don't know. I don't remember.]
So handsome.
-He's so good-looking.
-He's so hot.
He's so handsome.
-He's really handsome.
-He's hot.
[I had lunch in a new curry restaurant.]
[A good restaurant near work.
To my likings.]
[A good curry restaurant. Curry rice.]
Girls. Did you see that?
-See what?
The server when we were having curry.
The cutie in the curry restaurant.
He's so handsome.
Right? Handsome enough
to go there again tomorrow.
Yes, he was so hot.
What do you mean? Who?
The server in the curry restaurant
who brought us food.
The server in the curry restaurant?
That looks good.
Who ordered deep fried shrimp curry?
That's me.
I'll take a picture.
That's me.
Anything else you need?
-We're good.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Let's eat.
It looks so good.
Right. I think it was a young man.
What? Didn't you see him?
I can't remember his face.
Yu-mi. How can you not remember his face?
It was legendary.
I was busy taking a picture.
If he was that handsome,
you should've told me.
He came by many times.
He got us water and side dishes.
Did he? Why didn't I notice?
I guess I was busy eating.
I was so hungry because I had
marathon practice in the morning.
[It's not that she was busy eating.]
[It's because the male reconnaissance
squad isn't working lately.]
[They always keep eyes forward]
[for a decent man.]
Yu-mi's type found at 5 o' clock.
[Yu-mi. Turn your head to 5 o' clock.]
Yeonnam-dong please.
[Yu-mi. To your right.
On the right side view mirror.]
[Their main job is to find Yu-mi's type.]
Now that Yu-mi's got a boyfriend,
we'll go take a break.
She wouldn't need us for a while.
Sure. When do you plan to return?
When Yu-mi's lonely again.
-Have a good time.
-Have a good time.
You're early.
-Are you okay?
-It hurts.
Let me see.
You fall often.
You should be more careful.
What's wrong?
Does it still hurt?
Woong. Do you want fried chicken?
No, is pizza better?
No, let's get fried chicken.
I know a real good place nearby.
No, wait a minute. Pizza?
Let's get both.
What is it again?
My heart just fluttered.
Then let's have
both fried chicken and pizza.
Did you order something?
I think it's the package.
It's matching shirts.
Yes, I bought them
while looking for sweatsuits.
I thought we can wear them
and exercise together.
Yellow is mine.
Blue is yours.
Let me see.
-It's cute.
-I know, right?
You should try it on.
To see if it fits.
If it doesn't, I should return it.
You have a mole on your back.
On my back?
I don't have a mole on my back.
You do. Right here.
Yes. Who is it?
Who was that?
It's right here. The mole.
-Fried chicken
Can you order it later?
Should I order pizza first?
Enjoy exercising.
[Let's go.]
[The reconnaissance squad's long vacation
won't end anytime soon.]
[-Meanwhile in the village,]
-Let's go!
[Yu-mi's Guard is back.]
Excuse me.
-What? Who's this punk?
-Who is he?
Yes. Aren't you
Kim Yu-mi?
Who is he? Do you know who this guy is?
-You don't know him?
If a guy she doesn't know stopped her
and said, "Excuse me,"
I must step in.
This is an order.
Lock the Gates of the Heart at once.
All cells, be on red alert!
-On red alert!
-On red alert!
Who knows? He may ask her for her number--
-What? What is it?
-Guard! Wait!
Calm down.
First, let's see if he's on the list
of the men she knows.
It's rude if she doesn't recognize
someone she knows.
Right, that would be awkward too.
Hold on. Does Yu-mi know this many guys?
No, this isn't it.
Here's the list.
[He's not here. He's a new face.]
[He's not on the list.]
How do you know my name?
You're Assistant Manager Kim Yu-mi, right?
I'm Assistant Marketing Manager Yoo Bobby.
I see.
I thought you looked so familiar
every time I saw you, and I was right.
The other day, I asked you for directions.
Did you?
Anyway, it's nice to have a co-worker
who lives in my neighborhood.
Right, yes.
Then I'll see you around.
Okay, see you.
Wait, by any chance
I knew it. You punk, you're dead meat!
By any chance
What? What do you want?
Are you trying to enter Yu-mi's heart?
Not a chance, as long as I'm alive!
Hey, sorry to disappoint you.
But Yu-mi has a boyfriend!
Didn't you lose your umbrella?
-It looks like a fried egg.
Yes! My gosh, it's mine.
The fried egg umbrella! Yes, it's mine.
We found the umbrella.
Thank goodness we found it.
That umbrella was expensive!
That's great, Cheapskate.
Hey, Guard. You can put your gun down.
Even so, we must not let our guard down.
"I found your umbrella,
so buy me a cup of coffee."
What if he says that?
You're so dead.
What's he saying?
I thought I had lost it and just gave up.
My gosh, thank goodness.
I found it in the lobby,
and it's in my office now.
I'll drop it off at Accounting tomorrow.
No, it's okay.
I'll stop by the marketing department.
Your name is written on the handle.
Yes, that's right.
I didn't know,
but my girlfriend saw it and told me.
I see.
He has a girlfriend.
Hey, he has a girlfriend.
Are you going to keep going?
If that's the case
Red alert removed.
It's my favorite umbrella.
Thank you.
No problem.
[Daehan Noodles]
[Then I'll leave it
at the information desk in the lobby.]
I believe
Assistant Marketing Manager Yoo Bobby
-left an umbrella here for me.
-Right, yes.
-Are you Assistant Manager Kim Yu-mi?
Thank you.
It's so good to see you again.
-Hey, Yu-mi.
-Hi, Yi-da.
Hey, that umbrella.
[Finance Department]
I thought I had lost it, but I found it.
Where was it?
You said it was nowhere to be found.
Someone in Marketing
found it in the lobby.
That's great.
Right, do you know
Assistant Marketing Manager Yoo Bobby?
-Yoo Bobby?
He found the umbrella.
I might have run into him a few times,
but I don't recall ever seeing him.
You mean, Yoo Bobby who transferred
from the Jeju branch last week?
I see. He transferred
from the Jeju branch.
No wonder I didn't recognize him.
He's one of the two hottest men
at Daehan Noodles.
That Yoo Bobby found your umbrella?
He's hot? Really?
Hey, he's so handsome!
Is he?
Anyway, he lives in my area.
One of the two hottest men
at Daehan Noodles found your umbrella,
and he happens to live in your area?
Anyway, I'm so happy that I found it.
Thank goodness I wrote my name here.
Hey, can I touch it just once?
Good morning.
Ms. Kim, you found your umbrella.
Yes, she found it.
My blood sugar has hit rock bottom.
[Hot Chocolate]
Oh, hello.
-Did you pick up your umbrella?
-Yes, I did.
You found Yu-mi's favorite umbrella.
We owe you big-time!
How about we buy him
a cup of hot chocolate?
Yu-mi doesn't have any change.
She'll have to break a 1,000-won bill.
-You said we owed him!
Do you want this? It's hot chocolate.
Oh, thank you.
It's chilly today.
Yes, indeed.
You skipped your evening exercise
for a few days. I didn't see you.
I only exercise when my boyfriend is busy.
I see. Me too.
I have nothing to do
when my girlfriend is busy.
I see.
She's a reporter,
and she's so busy these days.
That's why I exercise even on weekends
these days.
Right, I see.
On weekends,
it's nicer here in the morning.
It's usually crowded during the day.
On weekends,
I'm always here in the morning.
I see.
Are you done? Give me that.
I'll chuck it in the garbage for you.
No, it's okay.
Thank you.
I'll see you around.
Thank you for the hot chocolate.
No problem. Have a good workout.
[Today, she ran into Yoo Bobby again
at the park.]
[There was nothing out of the ordinary
about their conversation.]
[Just small talk]
[to avoid the awkward silence
while sipping their hot chocolate.]
[But this is what bothers me.]
On weekends,
it's nicer here in the morning.
It's usually crowded during the day.
On weekends,
I'm always here in the morning.
[Just to give a decent reason?
Or to tell her when he'll be here next?]
[Just to give her some helpful info
as her neighbor?]
[Or did he want to tell her
when he's usually there on weekends?]
Does he have feelings for her or not?
From his attitude alone,
I can't tell whether or not
she can let her guard down.
Oh, hello.
Do you have to work this weekend too?
What are you doing?
The sky looks so beautiful today.
Yes, indeed.
The sky is clear today.
Yes, the perfect autumn sky.
Your hair looks different today.
It looks pretty.
[Episode 23: Male-Female Friendship]
That guy, Yoo Bobby. I think
No. I should wake Yu-mi's Guard.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Guard, wake up!
Yu-mi ran into Yoo Bobby again
on her way to work.
What? That jerk again?
Your hair looks different today.
It looks pretty.
I knew it.
You punk! You wanted to make a move on her
when I was asleep?
Not a chance!
Yu-mi's Guard, this is an order.
Lock the Gates of the Heart at once
and be on red alert!
Jeez, again?
-What did you say?
What do you think of my outfit today?
Your outfit?
Yes, it's new.
I think it looks good on you.
Thank you.
And your hair looks nice today.
I have to go.
What? Hold on.
What was that? He left.
I guess it was just a compliment,
nothing more.
Yoo Bobby, that punk.
He really gets on my nerves.
[Gosh, I'm so confused.]
How can you tell whether or not
someone has feelings for you?
You fool, shall I tell you how?
Detective, can you tell?
Of course! It's simple.
Try thinking that Yoo Bobby is a woman.
What? A woman?
It'll help you analyze his actions
in an objective manner.
Wait, by any chance
Didn't you lose your umbrella?
-It looks like a fried egg.
Yes! My gosh, it's mine.
The fried egg umbrella!
Yes, it's mine.
On weekends,
it's nicer here in the morning.
It's usually crowded during the day.
On weekends,
I'm always here in the morning.
I see.
Yes, the perfect autumn sky.
Your hair looks different today.
It looks so pretty.
[-Thank you.]
-I think he just wants to be her friend.
I agree.
Now, it doesn't look weird at all.
Then Sae-yi didn't do
anything wrong either.
This is okay, when that isn't?
Woong, this is for you.
It's yuzu tea.
Oh, thanks.
I made it myself.
You have a cold, right?
Take it home
and drink it every morning and evening.
You have to, okay?
Woong, let's get this for Yu-mi.
This will look cute on her.
You think so?
Oh, no.
You had something on your shirt.
-Come on.
-You were wrong.
-That's wrong!
-That's wrong!
Am I old-fashioned?
Hey, I want a serious answer.
You want me to be serious?
My gosh.
Anyway, why do you ask?
I was just wondering
if I was too old-fashioned
when it comes to male-female friendships.
You know, girls having male friends
and vice versa.
Well, I'm not sure.
But I'd say you're very cautious.
Am I weird?
Do you have to work late again today?
[Yes. Looks like I'll be working late
every day until the end of the month.]
Then I'll be alone again this weekend.
[Just like last weekend.]
I'm sorry. I'll finish it this month
no matter what.
Okay. Don't work too hard.
You can do it.
I can do it!
What should I do today?
Right, I'm out of sugar.
No exercise today?
What are you doing here?
What do you think?
I'm here to get groceries, obviously.
Looks like
we go to the same places, right?
You think so?
I guess
you're planning to make fish cutlets.
Yes. My girlfriend is coming over later.
She loves fish cutlets.
I see.
Do you happen to know
where I can find tartar sauce?
Tartar sauce?
You're going to buy it?
It tastes way better
when you make it yourself.
Isn't it hard to make?
Not at all.
Do you have mayonnaise at home?
Mix it with chopped onion and pickles.
They must be finely chopped.
Finely chop onion and pickles.
Yes. After that, add a boiled egg
to that mixture.
Rub the yolk through a sieve.
Wait, hold on. You're going too fast.
Is this right?
Yes. After that,
mix it with a hard-boiled egg.
Mix them together.
Yes. Rub the yolk through a sieve.
Rub the yolk through a sieve.
Emotion. Now, I'm thinking
maybe it's possible for men and women
to be just friends.
Then are you saying
we should accept Sae-yi?
We should accept her too,
if we're accepting Yu-mi's guy friend.
I can't.
I'm not a fan of the idea
that men and women can be friends.
What was the other thing you said?
Lemon juice?
Yes, one tablespoon of lemon juice.
Again I'm sorry.
-I have to make a quick phone call.
Hey, it's me.
Then you can't come over today?
What do you think?
I'm out grocery shopping now.
Then why did you
Never mind.
I'll cook for you another time.
It's okay. You must be busy,
so just get back to work.
All right.
She can't make it.
I see. Your girlfriend must be very busy.
I am in a relationship,
but I'm even more bored
than when I was single.
Then I'll see you at work.
Enjoy your dinner.
You too. Bye.
[I know what it's like.]
[Feeling lonely from time to time]
[although you are in a relationship.]
I guess he's really busy.
This looks great.
It's delicious.
It's so good.
I miss Woong.
[Yu-mi, are you asleep?]
[Yu-mi, are you asleep?]
[No, not yet.]
[I'm heading home now.]
[You finished earlier than I thought.]
[Yes. What did you do today?]
[I made myself some tteokbokki at home]
[and cleaned]
Why don't we surprise Woong?
[He'd never even think
that Yu-mi would come over now.]
Good idea.
I like surprise events like this.
Let's go to his place
and have some late-night snacks with him.
Let's tell him she's going to bed now
so we can surprise him.
[You must be tired. Go to bed soon.]
[I should go to bed too.]
[Okay, sweet dreams.]
[Have a dream about me.]
[Have a dream about me.]
[Okay, I'll try.]
If she shows up now,
he'll be so surprised.
Guys, let's go see Woong!
-Let's go!
-We'll see Woong!
-Let's go!
She's going out again
when she's already washed up?
And I wanted her
to put on a sheet mask now!
Don't worry. We'll take two
so they can do it together.
-You're a genius.
-You rock!
I should do this with him.
Woong's skin has been looking
dry and dull.
-Nice! Off to Woong's with sheet masks!
-Nice! Off to Woong's with sheet masks!
Tomorrow's Monday.
What is she going to wear to work?
Don't tell me she'll wear
what she's wearing now.
Don't you worry.
She can take some clothes with her.
-That's right.
-I see!
I should also take some clothes
for tomorrow.
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
Thank you.
[Woong will be so surprised.]
[What should we do to tease him?]
[Should we ring the doorbell and hide?]
[How about we text him
right in front of his door?]
[I can't wait to see
the look on Woong's face.]
[I want to see Woong now!]
[Fifth floor.]
My gosh.
It's Sae-yi!
Wait, what's going on?
What is Sae-yi doing here?
Why did she get on the elevator
on the fifth floor?
Right, you must be going to Woong's place.
By the way, what are you doing here?
I live in this building too.
You didn't know?
I moved into a unit on the fifth floor
last month.
My gosh,
I guess Woong hasn't told you yet.
But then again, why should he?
It's not even a big deal.
I'm going to his place too.
I need to borrow something from him.
What is this? What is going on?
Sae-yi lives in the same building?
Woong never told us.
I'll look into it.
What did you say?
Emotion, did you escape from prison?
Sae-yi lives in the same building?
Since when?
What is this? What on earth
did you guys do while I was behind bars?
[Tenth floor.]
Aren't you getting out?
Yu-mi, why are you just standing there?
Say something!
Why are you all quiet?
Where is Reaction Number One?
We can't use it because of you.
Darn it!
This is my first time living on my own,
so there are many things I don't have.
So I've been borrowing stuff from Woong.
Thank goodness my friend is my neighbor.
Shall I press it?
I told you
to just buy some wine glasses
I ran into her in the elevator.
She didn't know I had moved
into this building.
Thanks for this.
No problem.
Thank you.
My friend is coming over
with a bottle of wine.
I don't have any wine glasses,
so I asked him if I could borrow some.
Thanks for these.
No problem.
-See you, Yu-mi.
Right, Yu-mi.
I'm going to throw a housewarming party.
You should come.
Sure, please invite me.
I'll be there.
Okay, then have a good night.
Good night.
What are you doing here?
You said you were going to bed.
Come in.
Come on in, Yu-mi.
Come on in.
What did I say?
Men and women can be friends? As if.
It's just not possible. See? I was right!
Emotion, please quiet down.
Don't raise your voice.
You just escaped from prison.
I'm just so angry. I trusted Woong.
I was sure I could trust him!
[Yumi's Cells]
[She wants to be your girlfriend
but pretends she's just a friend.]
[You're in a relationship,
but you don't look happy.]
[You seem stressed, so I'm worried.]
No! Woong, snap out of it.
[What you and I had was very special.]
[There is nothing I can do
to push Sae-yi out of his life.]
[But whether or not]
[I want to keep seeing him
is entirely up to me.]
[Yu-mi is getting the Breakup Card.]
[Right, I wanted to ask you something.]
What are you doing on Christmas Day?
Ripped and synced by
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