Zorro (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

La boda

What do you want?
- Corn, señora. One sack.
- I'm sorry, I've got none left.
And those?
They're reserved.
All of them? I just need one.
Please, señora.
It's not possible.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Doña Lucía.
I have the corn, the fabrics
and the candles.
I only need three of corn.
I ordered more, just in case.
It's a big wedding
- I'll take one more.
- Whatever you need.
I'll tell Juan to put
the crates on your wagon.
Thank you.
I also wanted something else.
Remember what I told you
about the Governor?
If you waited long enough,
someone would do the job for you.
And, surprise,
your future son-in-law becomes
the acting governor.
Fate is curious, if you believe in it.
They're taking care of it.
- What else did you want?
- Serve her, she was here first.
- Are you taking it?
- No. It's too gaudy.
Tell me if any hats arrive.
In this California sun,
there's a greater need
to keep your head cool
than your body warm,
however much the temperature
may drop at night.
Don't you think?
Good day.
I didn't kill the Governor,
and you know it.
Who killed him then?
Who benefited from his death?
Captain Monasterio?
You're in debt to me.
What is your intention,
that I clear your name
to make amends?
I want you to compensate
the native people,
to hire them again.
And I want them to benefit
from the skins trade.
And if not?
You'll honor us with a visit?
You have the reputation
of being a very intelligent woman.
Do justice to it.
How can I help you?
Have we met before, sir?
Do I look so old that you don't
recognize me, Father Legarra?
Doña Lupe! It's been so long!
What brings you here?
Did you come to see the family?
The dead needs masses
more than visits, Don Francisco.
We're heading for Los Angeles.
We only came to say hello.
The coffee.
Father Legarra, I want to make
a donation to your parish.
Our Lord will bear it in mind.
There are many needy.
Can you give me
the keys to the church?
The keys?
I want to place it at the feet
of the Virgin at the entrance.
I don't understand.
It's private. A promise.
Thank you.
No pain.
If we want it to look like a robbery,
we have to clear this away
and take the valuables.
No problem, I'll see to it.
Diego. What a surprise!
Doña Lucía.
I came to bring the wedding present.
No need, Diego.
Having you with us that day
is gift enough.
Very kind.
Still, on a ranch it never hurts
to have more wheat, wagons
- and horses.
- If gifts like this keep coming,
we'll have to empty
another barn to hold them.
They're beautiful, Diego.
Thank you so much.
There's something else.
It's not necessary
You'll love it.
- What's this?
- A surprise.
Tell your father,
Diego's staying for dinner.
Something special
for a very special woman.
I hope you like it.
It was my father's.
I can't accept it, Diego.
Thank you, but no.
There's no one better
than you to have it.
Especially as you're such a good shot.
I wouldn't do it justice.
Honey, don't be impolite.
Thank you, you don't know
what it means to me.
A gift like this doesn't deserve
to be in the shed like the rest.
Of course not,
it needs a prominent place.
It's not only a great rifle,
it's a memento of my best friend.
We take it all.
First the food, then the rest.
This merits a fine tequila, no?
I'll be right back.
- I promise to take care of it.
- I'm sure.
Shall we sit?
- Felipe!
- Zorro, in the barn.
Tell your father.
It's over.
- Do you want to die too?
- Leave her alone.
- Or what?
- Or it'll be personal.
We have to go!
Hurry, they're in the barn.
- Where are they?
- They've gone.
- Are you alright?
- Yes.
This is not the end of it.
Those savages must pay!
Are you sure you're alright?
March 27, 1804?
What are you doing?
Making the mother-son relationship
of those present official.
Forging your birth certificate.
Imitating the calligraphy
of the deceased father
isn't especially difficult.
Matching the ink color
will take me rather longer.
Good evening.
How can I help you?
Is Don Francisco in?
Have you come for
Nocturnal Adoration?
He's not feeling well.
He asked me to tell you,
please, if it's no bother,
to do the prayer from home.
In fact, we were going there soon.
We came for a missal and
other things asked of us.
My son can accompany you
so you're not alone.
- If it's no bother.
- It's no bother.
Right, son?
There was a robbery tonight
at La Perla ranch.
Though I suppose some of you
already know.
Search it all.
I'm the authority here now!
So if you have any complaint,
if you need help, come to me
and you'll be treated
with justice and fairness,
like any other citizen.
Of that I give you my word.
Comply with the law
and I'll do my part.
However, if any of you decide
to collaborate with Zorro,
the punishment will not be prison
but immediate expulsion
from these lands.
So choose:
Law or exile?
Nothing, sir.
Very well.
To dissuade Zorro and his people from
seeking asylum and compromising you,
I shall leave four men here.
Let's go.
Tell De la Vega.
- Have you come to fight?
- Zorro doesn't defend the rich.
Or kill the innocent.
Why is she different?
The future wife of the governor
Do you want to start another war?
And Monasterio isn't like Pedro Victoria.
He's a just man.
You speak as Zorro.
But he didn't defend her,
- you did.
- Leave her alone.
She's marrying another man
and you risk death for her?
- I would've done it for anyone.
- Zorro, yes, not you.
If you give it up, I promise
nothing will happen to her.
What's this about?
Her or Zorro, choose.
We have nothing more to discuss.
You've just sentenced her to death.
Nah-Lin, do not cross that line.
Her wedding day
will be tinged with blood.
That's not going to happen.
Because Zorro will defend
the Governor and his beloved?
That'll be interesting to see.
And revealing.
You think it could be a trap?
The day's been announced?
Very likely.
This time I don't think
she seeks a frontal clash.
She wants to discredit me.
Zorro defending the ranchers
and the governor.
She thinks that Lolita
is my weak spot.
Very funny.
In any case, Nah-Lin has forgotten
something essential:
Zorro never deserts
an innocent in peril.
Where are the women?
They joined the priest.
Well, this is done.
Only one thing left to do.
Samael disappears
and Alejandro Montoro is born.
I baptize you
in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, Papa.
Do I look so bad
you have nothing to say.
You look lovely, my girl.
Let's go.
Stop! Tomás, stop!
Careful, Tomás, don't startle it.
One move and I slit his throat.
Don't move.
The mute doesn't matter.
The bride is always late,
it's customary.
When Monasterio finds out,
you're dead.
Possibly. But they'll have to
find me first.
- That is unbecoming a lady.
- Let me go!
Fight me,
prove that you're a man.
I don't have time.
Someone, please, help me!
I've been abducted! Please, someone!
- They've got me here, down a hole!
- Shut up!
- I've been abducted! Please!
- Be quiet.
Someone come!
Please! Help!
You're bound and gagged in my cave.
Who's going to hear you?
Thank you.
You may not believe me,
but I abducted you to save your life.
No, listen to me.
The woman who attacked your ranch
intended to kill you today.
That's why I brought you here.
I know what you're thinking.
And no, she's not my aide.
We dress the same
and we've collaborated. Once.
But we're not connected.
Never mind.
I'll release you
when I'm sure you're safe.
Until then, try to rest.
I'll rest when you're dead.
I'm sorry, I had to make it
look believable.
Don't look at me like that.
You told me yourself
it could be a trap by Nah-Lin.
I need you to watch her.
Hood has to come back.
Come on, don't be like that.
There's no need to chat to her.
Are you alright?
Bernardo told me Zorro captured him
in order to attack you.
- Thank God you've come.
- Zorro has abducted Lolita.
Thank you.
If you free me,
my family can reward you.
Say an amount,
whatever you want.
No, no, no, no!
Is it true that Zorro's aide
wanted to kill me?
And why did he save me?
Is he really going to free me?
Could you bring me
some food, please?
This is bad, the delay is too long.
Prepare the horses.
Wait! Here they come!
Where's Lolita?
Zorro has abducted her.
We must go and kill him!
Him and all those natives!
Hold on. No one is taking
justice into their own hands.
- It's my daughter.
- And my wife! I beg you to calm down.
We'll raze the village
until that swine comes out!
Something must be done!
I'm the governor.
If I don't respect the law,
no one will.
Monasterio is right.
Attacking the village would be a mistake
and it'd make things worse.
It was Zorro. Alone.
Bernardo told me.
He used him as bait.
- What do we do? Nothing?
- His aide attacked La Perla
and he abducted Lolita.
You're the objective,
they want to provoke you
so there's another uprising.
If you attack the natives, they win.
It makes sense.
All the guests to the church!
Watch the doors, no one leaves.
Let's go.
Let's go.
I'll leave no stone unturned
until I find her.
Go back to your homes!
Call every man available.
I need patrols in the town.
I must return to the ranch,
Bernardo needs me.
Don Diego.
Thank you.
Stay on the alert.
- What do we do?
- Go to the only place they won't look
and finish what we left undone.
To La Perla!
- Doña Lolita, are you alright?
- I'm fine.
- Gather all the men. Zorro has
- Look out!
Forget the horse,
my parents are still there.
What are you doing here?
Hood bad.
She run away.
What's she saying?
Oh, there's more?
How can she have taken Tornado
if I left her tied up, Bernardo?
You went to make her some food?
Bernardo, you only had to watch her.
No good.
What did she say?
No, tell me what she said.
Why didn't you come and tell me?
No, you're right,
supposedly you're injured.
He's back.
Aren't dogs supposed to do that,
not horses?
You're a special horse.
Take cover! We're under attack!
Zorro and his men are coming!
Lock up the horses
and everyone find a safe place.
Boss, no. I can't leave you alone.
Do as I tell you!
They're coming for me.
I'll take care of it.
I don't care what game
you're playing with Zorro.
You stole from me
and tried to kill me.
You thought I wouldn't respond.
You were wrong about me.
- Let her go.
- Or what?
Or you'll turn into someone like her.
Are you alright?
How did you find out?
They warned us.
We passed by the ranch
and saw a couple of dead men.
What happened?
Zorro and his aide just got away.
- We have to go for my parents.
- They're alright.
Diego de la Vega freed them
and took them to the church.
- Diego?
- Yes.
Is something wrong?
Did Bernardo warn him?
So your father says.
He said he escaped from Zorro.
from Zorro
Get down.
Did you want to start a war?
- Do you want to be killed?
- I don't mind dying.
And your people, your village?
Don't you care?
Why do you force me to fight
with you again and again?
You stole my legacy.
- I didn't ask to be Zorro.
- So why did you accept it?
Because I thought it'd help me
find who killed my father.
But I was wrong.
This outfit does not belong
to the one who wears it.
It's everyone's.
It's hope.
It's a promise.
And if you don't understand that,
you don't understand anything.
I'd set you free if I wasn't sure
that you'd try it again.
And what are you going to do?
Kill me?
- Any movement?
- No, sir.
Zorro or any of his men?
Only four women left in the morning
and they're all back, except one.
Very good. Remain alert.
I sense they're not far.
Let's go!
Tell the Council.
We meet tonight.
Did you tell the others?
Then go ahead.
Nah-Lin, in the past you fought for us.
We trusted you
and you chose the wrong path.
Today you've become a menace
to our people again.
We cannot set you free.
The Council condemns you to the pit
until your future is decided.
Do you want to say anything?
You had a great destiny before you,
but you only listen to your voice.
You put everyone in danger
due to your vengeance against Zorro.
My enemy is not Zorro
but the man under the mask.
He is the one chosen by the spirits.
Chosen so that the rich
might be even richer.
The ranchers took everything from us
and expelled us from our lands.
Lands that even the government
said belonged to us.
- And the solution is to kill an innocent?
- I wasn't going to kill her.
I just wanted to see how far
you'd go to save her.
All the way. As with anyone.
She's not anyone.
And what is her sin?
You're right.
There's only one solution.
And we both know what it is.
Don't do it.
Actually, it's all about the mask.
Let's fight for it.
Even if you win,
you've no right to wear it.
I have, if you die.
To the death?
You're both united by a dispute
symbolized by this rope.
It can be broken but not cut.
It is a fight to the finish.
Whoever survives will have
the right to wear Zorro's mask.
May the spirits guide you.
You won.
Finish it. What are you waiting for?
I'm not your enemy.
I never have been.
You cut the rope
and settled the dispute.
You'll never claim the right
to wear the mask again.
So shall it be.
You'll spend one moon in the pit
until your future is decided.
The mask is yours.
Honor it.
Cover it up.
Take food and drink
to the soldiers.
Zorro's behavior is curious.
Instead of killing everyone,
sowing chaos,
bringing down Monasterio,
he settles for abducting your daughter?
I suppose he was after a ransom.
Yes? Did she confirm it to you?
They barely saw each other
before she was able to escape.
She doesn't know what he wanted.
And you, what do you want?
To improve our incipient
friendship, my dear.
I also received a visit from Zorro.
Not so expeditious, but crystal clear.
He wants the natives
to return to the port.
And the only way to do it without
losing a great sum of money
is to cut your husband's commission.
Do you mean the afternoons
he spends with you?
I thought they were already
in decline in favor of hats.
The rest of it would greatly affect
that friendship.
In my country there's a saying:
When you're told a storm is coming,
don't whine about the climate,
chop firewood.
Given recent events,
who do you think has
a greater chance of winning?
Monasterio or Zorro?
Did you find them?
No, the earth swallowed them up.
But there are guards in the town
and patrols on the roads.
Sooner or later
they'll have to come out.
Zorro has never gone so far.
He's become a problem
even for his people.
Without law there is no future.
Not for California or for them.
I'm sorry he ruined
such a special day for you.
The main thing is that Lolita's alright.
A wedding can wait.
Don Antonio, marry us right now.
I do.
María Dolores,
do you take Enrique as your husband
and promise to be faithful
for better or worse,
in sickness and in health,
and love and respect him
all the days of your life?
Do you take Enrique
as your husband?
I do.
God, who conjoined
our first parents in Paradise,
confirms this consent before the church
and, in Christ, gives you His blessing,
so what God has joined together,
let no man tear asunder.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
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