19-2 (2014) s01e09 Episode Script
Previously on 19-2 - Jesus, Amélie! - It's not even your business.
I work with the guy! Fucker! Fuck! I'm not hiding anymore, Nick.
Theo told me about Audrey.
It's getting serious? Mmm! You're on hot and cold, huh? Locker inspections today.
What's next? They're gonna be looking up my ass? If they do, they'll find your head.
You hear about locker inspections? New policy, once a month.
Jesus, they think we're children! Mm-hmm! You know my motto.
Never trust anyone in a white shirt.
That's right! Do you wanna pull over? Do I? Absolutely! What are we gonna do if they split us up? Get married? You're gonna have to ask better than that.
Detective Després, please call extension 522.
That's great! I need to apologize.
For what? The other night.
We're married.
You're starting something with Audrey.
And that's good! I mean, I'm happy for you.
I don't wanna screw it up.
What the hell is that? No shit, you screwed it up! I'm sorry.
It was a mistake.
Attention! There will be a fire drill today.
More information will be made available shortly.
What is that? It's a formal complaint.
Your car's a pigsty! So what? I've still got a warning coming.
No, you don't.
It's on your file.
Jesus Christ, Sarge! You sandbagging me? You know the rules.
Rules Bullshit! You're making this personal.
Do some overtime, maybe I'll get off your ass.
- Hey, I do solo 7:00 to 9:00 shifts, OK? I pull my weight.
No, I don't think you do.
OK, fine! Whatever! Put me on overtime.
I'm just gonna need a little, uh, flexibility, that's all.
What does that mean? Well, um, I got a thing.
What thing? It's a thing.
Whatever! It's with my wife.
What do you care? I make the schedule.
You want special treatment? I need a reason.
Look, uh, we're seeing someone, OK? Wednesday nights.
What, you can't work Wednesday nights when you're on shift? That's the only time we can both do it.
Do what, couples therapy? What? Hell no, Sarge! I ain't doing no fucking therapy! No! So, what's your thing? We got a trainer.
The guy's impossible to book.
- A trainer? - You know, uh we go there, work out together, we love each other, whatever.
I mean, come on.
You think I look this way by accident? Come on, now! All right.
I'll see what I can do.
In the meantime, you're on a double.
Sir, yes, sir! Now, how about this? - You getting rid of that? - Sorry, wish I could.
Oh yeah, you think you're such a big guy? I am a big man.
Look at me! Oh yeah, I can take you on! - Really? - Sure you can, girl! No, I mean it! I can take you on.
- Hey, circle up, folks! - Back it up! - Go! - That's it! You scared of little me? Come on, Tyler! - She wants some! - Look out! $5 on Audrey! Who's in? I'll take that! $5 on Tyler.
Go, Tyler! I'm in! I'm in! - Come on, huh? - Oh, oh, OK! Go! Don't hold back, man! - Bring it! - Go, Tyler! I'm bringing it, baby! Get him, Audrey! Come on, Tyler! Come on, Tyler! - Whatcha know about this? - Whoa! Mmm! You like that? - Get him! - You like that? - Don't toy with me, fuck! - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm! Whoo! - You like that? - Get him! Whoo! Huh? Aaah! Huh? Come on, say uncle! - Don't give! - Don't quit on me! Say uncle! Aaah! OK! Uncle, uncle! - Priceless! - Wow! Thanks, I appreciate the support.
- Very nicely done! - That's right! Look at this! Shame, my friend! Come on! You know I was just playing around.
Look at her! - You were just playing? Huh? - Aaah! She sacked him! - No mercy! No mercy.
- Fight's over! I know my partner! Cough it up! Come on! - Come on, bring up the money! - I only got a $20.
I'm waiting! What? What? - He's got it! - You want it? You want it? I know.
I saw what happened, OK? - Here's your money, baby! - Thank you! You gonna be OK? I'm all right.
- I'm driving.
- Oh yeah, you're driving.
We're on it.
I'm on my way.
You gonna talk? There's nothing to talk about.
There's your sister.
You don't wanna talk about my sister.
Yeah, I do.
Well, I don't.
What, you know a woman now and need to talk about your feelings? 19, disturbance at Storage Land on Ontario Street.
Look, you gotta arrest him, OK? He was trying to break in.
Look, every single-- - Just, hold on, all right? Just let me hear what he has to say.
Say that again.
Lonperre! Is that a person? - Lonperre, in there.
- Lonperre.
He's saying that Lonperre is in there.
He's making excuses.
He's sure his friend's there.
Let's go inside.
You think I wouldn't have noticed if some guy was asleep in there? Yeah, that's all right.
Let's check it out anyway.
We're coming up to De Lorimier.
We're on our way.
OK, copy that.
Whoo! Yeah! All right, hit this! Go! That's an old storage space, which was locked when I first came on shift.
- Lonperre! - Open it up! Come on, hurry up! Sir, please step back right here, OK? All right? Step aside.
Lonperre! Lonp-- - Sir.
Sir! - Oh shit! Sir? Sir? Sir, can you hear us? Can you move? Are you OK? Can you move? We're gonna get you up out of here, all right? All right, let's take an arm.
Come on! Get me some water, will you? He's dehydrated.
Hey, I got enough work to do here! He could be dead.
All right? You'd have a lot more to clean up than shit.
Now, go get some water.
You OK? Are you all right? Hey! You gonna call it in? on the 5th floor of Storage Land on Ontario Street.
Gonna need an ambulance.
The ambulance will be here in 5 to 10 minutes.
Code 1, Shit, that's one of us! Let's go! All units, Code 1.
Officer down.
- The press is already here.
- They'll have cell phones.
We got it locked down.
You better have it under control, Sergeant.
EMS said not to move her.
They're one minute away.
Where's the fucking ambulance? Nick, wait! Let me tell you what happened.
Ma'am, stop filming this please.
Step back.
We don't know yet.
I'm so sorry.
It's your scene, Latendresse.
All right.
Yes, commander.
OK, Audrey's alive.
She's a fighter.
Let's stay focused.
Who called 911? The man with the baby.
OK, get a statement.
Beatrice, you're with me in the car.
Video playback is a priority.
The rest of you, canvass for witnesses.
Someone has to go with the ambulance.
I'll do it.
Watch it there! Watch it! OK, Jimmy, give me your hand.
How is she? She's a fucking mess! She should not have been riding solo.
Are you saying it's my fault? You forced more solos! And you decided who to put alone, so I guess there's blame to go around! This is not the time to discuss policy, sergeant! Find out who did it! Shit! There's nothing useful on the video.
The car, it was parked at a bad angle.
Hey, you all right? Yeah.
I'm wonderful.
I need you to drive All right.
What the fuck, Nick? You don't even show up? I waited all night! Theo was sick.
Oh, come on! He called me.
He was looking for you.
Audrey she's my wife.
You're an asshole! OK, we've got 2 possibilities.
Either this was random or Pouliot was targeted specifically.
If it was random, we're looking at a needle in a haystack, so job one is to figure out if she was targeted.
I'll pull up her arrest record.
OK, what about anything recent? She was at the protest last week.
Anything there? I doubt it.
We were sent to block Sherbrooke, but we didn't really get to the action.
Backtrack her every move.
Is there anything from the security branch? Not yet.
I'll go look.
What about the hospital? She's still in surgery.
Whose idea was it to put her out solo? I can't answer that.
It was, uh it was my call.
I take responsibility.
What the hell were you thinking? Obviously he wasn't thinking about the 5 guys you could've put out there! - It was the rotation, for Christ's sakes! - Bullshit! Detective, can I see you in my office? I'll need copies of her paperwork.
What have we got? One eyewitness, not very reliable.
Apart from that, nothing.
We found a couple of prints that I sent to the lab, but I wouldn't count on getting a hit.
What did the eyewitness say? Teenagers.
Pouliot herself can identify the attackers when she wakes up.
If she wakes up.
I, uh I'm the one that forced the solo rides.
If she doesn't pull through I love you.
I love you too.
Liar! Nick! Kenneth Johnson, please report to the reception area.
They videotaped it.
Oh yeah! That's it! That's it! Bring her over here! Come here! Come here, baby! All right? Are you ready? Are you ready? This is fucking ridiculous! Pick her up! Pick her up! Yeah! Spread 'em! Mmm! Is there any way to see their faces? Probably not.
I'll get Intelligence on it.
Get her face! Get her face! I don't need to see this.
Sergeant, can I have permission to go back to the hospital, please? Thank you.
We caught a pig.
That's sick! Let's go! Wait, stop! Go back.
There's a reflection.
Here? - Stop! - Here? There! Good eyes.
Zoom in.
Can we see his face? No, it's been blurred out too.
Well, play it again.
There's gotta be something they forgot.
Hey! We just heard back from Intelligence.
No luck.
The faces couldn't be restored.
Why not? I guess the video was altered before it was uploaded.
Original data isn't there to be recovered.
So, where the hell are we? Nowhere.
Shift's over.
Go home.
No, not yet.
We should be out canvassing.
You know, we got lots of bodies out there.
They just don't know where to be looking.
She shouldn't have been alone.
I know you two had something.
Hey! Nick? We'll find them.
Let's go.
Anything in the chat rooms? Sickos.
No one knows anything, though.
The video's getting a ton of comments.
Read 'em.
" "Twisted.
" "Ratchet.
" What's "ratchet"? Nothing.
Keep going.
"This is sick.
Hit delete.
" Yeah, no kidding! "WTF.
" "In the name of Perreault.
" What do you think that means? It means I wanna know who Perreault is.
OK, I have a Jean Perreault.
Arrested 3 days ago at Hochelaga College.
Possession of cocaine with intent to distribute.
So his friends retaliated and beat up a cop.
We got the little pricks! Let's get 'em.
Hey! What is with the uniforms? No one feels like clocking off, sir.
That's not your call.
You're off duty! All of you are.
Now, the investigators are on this now.
So we're supposed to just what? Go home? I don't care what you do! You're off duty! Get these goddamn uniforms off! Wait at Marie's.
If there's any news, I will get it to you.
We're not getting cut out, not this one.
It's not my call, guys.
Sure, it is.
Get changed.
Wait at Marie's.
Let's go! Read it and sign, please.
All right.
That's the deposition.
Now we need fingerprints and photos.
I'll be back.
Hey! I'm gonna be here for a while.
I need you to, um, take Theo for the night.
Does that mean you've made an arrest? We have a suspect.
Perreault's girlfriend.
That's all I can say.
No, I'm coming in.
No! I've got this! Someone has to explain to Theo what's going on.
I'll call Amélie.
She'll do it.
Nick, you are out of this.
That's an order! You can't order me to look after our kid, Izzy.
I'm calling Amélie.
Damn it! So we're talking now? I need you to pick up Theo and take him to your place.
When? Now.
Were you gonna say please? Audrey got beaten half to death today.
Some kids did it.
Yeah, I'll go right now.
Hey! They have a suspect.
- We got a name? - In custody.
- Let's go.
- Wait here.
We gotta keep it quiet, or it won't work.
Screw that, man! Come on.
I'll find out.
- Nick! - I'll find out.
Sometimes it seems like she's about to wake up.
Then she slips away again.
She's gonna make it.
I ordered you to stay out of this.
This is different.
You know that.
I can't talk to you.
I won't.
It's something I needed to acknowledge Oh, sorry, wrong room.
No, no! Please! I gotta get home, so There were four of them and they knew exactly what they were doing.
They stayed at the park, waiting for a cop to come by, they were looking for someone riding alone.
Why? Apparently, retaliation.
For what? A college friend who got busted for dealing coke.
Oh, Jesus! Are they minors? The girl is and two of the boys.
But the ringleader, the one who had the baseball bat, he's 21.
His name's Daviaux.
He's not at home, and he doesn't know we're on to him.
The girl says he manages a gym, works nights.
She says he'll be there.
Who else have you told? No one.
I just finished the interview.
I'm going for a warrant now.
I want you to leak it.
What? You heard me.
Before you get the warrant, let it slip to the squad, then give it some time.
Are you sure? Yes, sir.
Keep an eye on things in there.
Don't thank me.
Nurse! Nurse! All right, we stay right out of the system.
Nobody calls up his file, no e-mails on what we're doing, nothing.
What about the suits? They could be on their way already.
I don't know.
Where does he live? On the Plateau.
He's a part-time student, night manager at a gym.
All right? Let's do this.
What the hell is going on here? We know where he is.
OK, this cannot happen.
- It's already happening.
- It can't go down like this.
All right? You could face brutality charges, maybe even worse! If it starts, it's gonna get out of control.
You know it will, all right? You can't let it happen.
It's too late! No, just stop it! What, do think I'm a Boy Scout? You do it! I'm the one who sent Audrey on solo, OK? Not my place.
I need you to step up.
Bingo! Joe! Tell me you got it, man! Yeah! Cool, cool.
All right, I'll be right there.
Holy shit! Come on! I surrender.
We're not here to make an arrest.
Where are you going, pretty boy? - Shit! - Huh? Huh? Hey! Hey! Come on! Guys, come on! I-- I didn't-- It's not so funny, eh? It's not so funny now, is it, bitch? You fucking pig! Oh yeah! Work him, Nick! Work him, Nick! We saw your little film.
Work him! Give the little bastard what he deserves! Again! No! Stop! Stop! Stop! What the fuck you doing? Please! Please! I don't wanna die! If we do this, we do it right.
Get on your fucking knees! I don't wanna die! We're gonna do it right.
This is where it's going.
We all know that.
Let's bring him in.
36-8, we need medics at 218 Colbert.
A woman's fallen down her front stairs.
She can't walk.
Sergeant, my office.
We're on our way.
What's going on? I leaked his name to the squad.
Why? 'Cause I thought he deserved it.
I don't know what I was thinking.
That could have been my goddamn career! Keep it to yourself.
Of course.
I hope you're not mad.
That you brought him? - Yeah.
- No.
He pretty much insisted.
He's stubborn, like his dad.
You OK? I just-- I didn't know he was so attached.
Yeah, me neither.
Is it shitty of me that it hurts? Oh my God, no! You don't even know the whole story.
Truth is What? The truth is it's obscene for me to be talking about myself right now.
We have to go.
Amélie said I could stay over with her.
Not tonight, no.
I'm going to walk Homer.
Homer is Audrey's dog.
It's staying at my place.
Nick's charity case.
Please, Mom.
It's already set up.
I'm sorry.
I told him he could stay.
Do you have what you need for school? Yeah.
Thanks, Mom.
How many hours did you guys do last week? Hey, what can I get you? Can I get a beer? How did the arrest go down? Nothing happened.
I know.
I wanna know how.
We flipped a coin.
Heads, we kill him, tails, we bring him in.
He leaked it, you know.
Who? The commander.
I was sure you were gonna hurt the guy.
Maybe we should have.
Everyone! I just wanted to say that you all did a hell of a job tonight.
You made me proud.
Next round's on me.
Cheers! Thank you, sir.
Nice scalp.
Take it.
No, you saved him.
You keep it.
Go home.
I'll take over.
There's no change.
Another notch in your belt, huh, Nick? Who's next?
I work with the guy! Fucker! Fuck! I'm not hiding anymore, Nick.
Theo told me about Audrey.
It's getting serious? Mmm! You're on hot and cold, huh? Locker inspections today.
What's next? They're gonna be looking up my ass? If they do, they'll find your head.
You hear about locker inspections? New policy, once a month.
Jesus, they think we're children! Mm-hmm! You know my motto.
Never trust anyone in a white shirt.
That's right! Do you wanna pull over? Do I? Absolutely! What are we gonna do if they split us up? Get married? You're gonna have to ask better than that.
Detective Després, please call extension 522.
That's great! I need to apologize.
For what? The other night.
We're married.
You're starting something with Audrey.
And that's good! I mean, I'm happy for you.
I don't wanna screw it up.
What the hell is that? No shit, you screwed it up! I'm sorry.
It was a mistake.
Attention! There will be a fire drill today.
More information will be made available shortly.
What is that? It's a formal complaint.
Your car's a pigsty! So what? I've still got a warning coming.
No, you don't.
It's on your file.
Jesus Christ, Sarge! You sandbagging me? You know the rules.
Rules Bullshit! You're making this personal.
Do some overtime, maybe I'll get off your ass.
- Hey, I do solo 7:00 to 9:00 shifts, OK? I pull my weight.
No, I don't think you do.
OK, fine! Whatever! Put me on overtime.
I'm just gonna need a little, uh, flexibility, that's all.
What does that mean? Well, um, I got a thing.
What thing? It's a thing.
Whatever! It's with my wife.
What do you care? I make the schedule.
You want special treatment? I need a reason.
Look, uh, we're seeing someone, OK? Wednesday nights.
What, you can't work Wednesday nights when you're on shift? That's the only time we can both do it.
Do what, couples therapy? What? Hell no, Sarge! I ain't doing no fucking therapy! No! So, what's your thing? We got a trainer.
The guy's impossible to book.
- A trainer? - You know, uh we go there, work out together, we love each other, whatever.
I mean, come on.
You think I look this way by accident? Come on, now! All right.
I'll see what I can do.
In the meantime, you're on a double.
Sir, yes, sir! Now, how about this? - You getting rid of that? - Sorry, wish I could.
Oh yeah, you think you're such a big guy? I am a big man.
Look at me! Oh yeah, I can take you on! - Really? - Sure you can, girl! No, I mean it! I can take you on.
- Hey, circle up, folks! - Back it up! - Go! - That's it! You scared of little me? Come on, Tyler! - She wants some! - Look out! $5 on Audrey! Who's in? I'll take that! $5 on Tyler.
Go, Tyler! I'm in! I'm in! - Come on, huh? - Oh, oh, OK! Go! Don't hold back, man! - Bring it! - Go, Tyler! I'm bringing it, baby! Get him, Audrey! Come on, Tyler! Come on, Tyler! - Whatcha know about this? - Whoa! Mmm! You like that? - Get him! - You like that? - Don't toy with me, fuck! - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm! Whoo! - You like that? - Get him! Whoo! Huh? Aaah! Huh? Come on, say uncle! - Don't give! - Don't quit on me! Say uncle! Aaah! OK! Uncle, uncle! - Priceless! - Wow! Thanks, I appreciate the support.
- Very nicely done! - That's right! Look at this! Shame, my friend! Come on! You know I was just playing around.
Look at her! - You were just playing? Huh? - Aaah! She sacked him! - No mercy! No mercy.
- Fight's over! I know my partner! Cough it up! Come on! - Come on, bring up the money! - I only got a $20.
I'm waiting! What? What? - He's got it! - You want it? You want it? I know.
I saw what happened, OK? - Here's your money, baby! - Thank you! You gonna be OK? I'm all right.
- I'm driving.
- Oh yeah, you're driving.
We're on it.
I'm on my way.
You gonna talk? There's nothing to talk about.
There's your sister.
You don't wanna talk about my sister.
Yeah, I do.
Well, I don't.
What, you know a woman now and need to talk about your feelings? 19, disturbance at Storage Land on Ontario Street.
Look, you gotta arrest him, OK? He was trying to break in.
Look, every single-- - Just, hold on, all right? Just let me hear what he has to say.
Say that again.
Lonperre! Is that a person? - Lonperre, in there.
- Lonperre.
He's saying that Lonperre is in there.
He's making excuses.
He's sure his friend's there.
Let's go inside.
You think I wouldn't have noticed if some guy was asleep in there? Yeah, that's all right.
Let's check it out anyway.
We're coming up to De Lorimier.
We're on our way.
OK, copy that.
Whoo! Yeah! All right, hit this! Go! That's an old storage space, which was locked when I first came on shift.
- Lonperre! - Open it up! Come on, hurry up! Sir, please step back right here, OK? All right? Step aside.
Lonperre! Lonp-- - Sir.
Sir! - Oh shit! Sir? Sir? Sir, can you hear us? Can you move? Are you OK? Can you move? We're gonna get you up out of here, all right? All right, let's take an arm.
Come on! Get me some water, will you? He's dehydrated.
Hey, I got enough work to do here! He could be dead.
All right? You'd have a lot more to clean up than shit.
Now, go get some water.
You OK? Are you all right? Hey! You gonna call it in? on the 5th floor of Storage Land on Ontario Street.
Gonna need an ambulance.
The ambulance will be here in 5 to 10 minutes.
Code 1, Shit, that's one of us! Let's go! All units, Code 1.
Officer down.
- The press is already here.
- They'll have cell phones.
We got it locked down.
You better have it under control, Sergeant.
EMS said not to move her.
They're one minute away.
Where's the fucking ambulance? Nick, wait! Let me tell you what happened.
Ma'am, stop filming this please.
Step back.
We don't know yet.
I'm so sorry.
It's your scene, Latendresse.
All right.
Yes, commander.
OK, Audrey's alive.
She's a fighter.
Let's stay focused.
Who called 911? The man with the baby.
OK, get a statement.
Beatrice, you're with me in the car.
Video playback is a priority.
The rest of you, canvass for witnesses.
Someone has to go with the ambulance.
I'll do it.
Watch it there! Watch it! OK, Jimmy, give me your hand.
How is she? She's a fucking mess! She should not have been riding solo.
Are you saying it's my fault? You forced more solos! And you decided who to put alone, so I guess there's blame to go around! This is not the time to discuss policy, sergeant! Find out who did it! Shit! There's nothing useful on the video.
The car, it was parked at a bad angle.
Hey, you all right? Yeah.
I'm wonderful.
I need you to drive All right.
What the fuck, Nick? You don't even show up? I waited all night! Theo was sick.
Oh, come on! He called me.
He was looking for you.
Audrey she's my wife.
You're an asshole! OK, we've got 2 possibilities.
Either this was random or Pouliot was targeted specifically.
If it was random, we're looking at a needle in a haystack, so job one is to figure out if she was targeted.
I'll pull up her arrest record.
OK, what about anything recent? She was at the protest last week.
Anything there? I doubt it.
We were sent to block Sherbrooke, but we didn't really get to the action.
Backtrack her every move.
Is there anything from the security branch? Not yet.
I'll go look.
What about the hospital? She's still in surgery.
Whose idea was it to put her out solo? I can't answer that.
It was, uh it was my call.
I take responsibility.
What the hell were you thinking? Obviously he wasn't thinking about the 5 guys you could've put out there! - It was the rotation, for Christ's sakes! - Bullshit! Detective, can I see you in my office? I'll need copies of her paperwork.
What have we got? One eyewitness, not very reliable.
Apart from that, nothing.
We found a couple of prints that I sent to the lab, but I wouldn't count on getting a hit.
What did the eyewitness say? Teenagers.
Pouliot herself can identify the attackers when she wakes up.
If she wakes up.
I, uh I'm the one that forced the solo rides.
If she doesn't pull through I love you.
I love you too.
Liar! Nick! Kenneth Johnson, please report to the reception area.
They videotaped it.
Oh yeah! That's it! That's it! Bring her over here! Come here! Come here, baby! All right? Are you ready? Are you ready? This is fucking ridiculous! Pick her up! Pick her up! Yeah! Spread 'em! Mmm! Is there any way to see their faces? Probably not.
I'll get Intelligence on it.
Get her face! Get her face! I don't need to see this.
Sergeant, can I have permission to go back to the hospital, please? Thank you.
We caught a pig.
That's sick! Let's go! Wait, stop! Go back.
There's a reflection.
Here? - Stop! - Here? There! Good eyes.
Zoom in.
Can we see his face? No, it's been blurred out too.
Well, play it again.
There's gotta be something they forgot.
Hey! We just heard back from Intelligence.
No luck.
The faces couldn't be restored.
Why not? I guess the video was altered before it was uploaded.
Original data isn't there to be recovered.
So, where the hell are we? Nowhere.
Shift's over.
Go home.
No, not yet.
We should be out canvassing.
You know, we got lots of bodies out there.
They just don't know where to be looking.
She shouldn't have been alone.
I know you two had something.
Hey! Nick? We'll find them.
Let's go.
Anything in the chat rooms? Sickos.
No one knows anything, though.
The video's getting a ton of comments.
Read 'em.
" "Twisted.
" "Ratchet.
" What's "ratchet"? Nothing.
Keep going.
"This is sick.
Hit delete.
" Yeah, no kidding! "WTF.
" "In the name of Perreault.
" What do you think that means? It means I wanna know who Perreault is.
OK, I have a Jean Perreault.
Arrested 3 days ago at Hochelaga College.
Possession of cocaine with intent to distribute.
So his friends retaliated and beat up a cop.
We got the little pricks! Let's get 'em.
Hey! What is with the uniforms? No one feels like clocking off, sir.
That's not your call.
You're off duty! All of you are.
Now, the investigators are on this now.
So we're supposed to just what? Go home? I don't care what you do! You're off duty! Get these goddamn uniforms off! Wait at Marie's.
If there's any news, I will get it to you.
We're not getting cut out, not this one.
It's not my call, guys.
Sure, it is.
Get changed.
Wait at Marie's.
Let's go! Read it and sign, please.
All right.
That's the deposition.
Now we need fingerprints and photos.
I'll be back.
Hey! I'm gonna be here for a while.
I need you to, um, take Theo for the night.
Does that mean you've made an arrest? We have a suspect.
Perreault's girlfriend.
That's all I can say.
No, I'm coming in.
No! I've got this! Someone has to explain to Theo what's going on.
I'll call Amélie.
She'll do it.
Nick, you are out of this.
That's an order! You can't order me to look after our kid, Izzy.
I'm calling Amélie.
Damn it! So we're talking now? I need you to pick up Theo and take him to your place.
When? Now.
Were you gonna say please? Audrey got beaten half to death today.
Some kids did it.
Yeah, I'll go right now.
Hey! They have a suspect.
- We got a name? - In custody.
- Let's go.
- Wait here.
We gotta keep it quiet, or it won't work.
Screw that, man! Come on.
I'll find out.
- Nick! - I'll find out.
Sometimes it seems like she's about to wake up.
Then she slips away again.
She's gonna make it.
I ordered you to stay out of this.
This is different.
You know that.
I can't talk to you.
I won't.
It's something I needed to acknowledge Oh, sorry, wrong room.
No, no! Please! I gotta get home, so There were four of them and they knew exactly what they were doing.
They stayed at the park, waiting for a cop to come by, they were looking for someone riding alone.
Why? Apparently, retaliation.
For what? A college friend who got busted for dealing coke.
Oh, Jesus! Are they minors? The girl is and two of the boys.
But the ringleader, the one who had the baseball bat, he's 21.
His name's Daviaux.
He's not at home, and he doesn't know we're on to him.
The girl says he manages a gym, works nights.
She says he'll be there.
Who else have you told? No one.
I just finished the interview.
I'm going for a warrant now.
I want you to leak it.
What? You heard me.
Before you get the warrant, let it slip to the squad, then give it some time.
Are you sure? Yes, sir.
Keep an eye on things in there.
Don't thank me.
Nurse! Nurse! All right, we stay right out of the system.
Nobody calls up his file, no e-mails on what we're doing, nothing.
What about the suits? They could be on their way already.
I don't know.
Where does he live? On the Plateau.
He's a part-time student, night manager at a gym.
All right? Let's do this.
What the hell is going on here? We know where he is.
OK, this cannot happen.
- It's already happening.
- It can't go down like this.
All right? You could face brutality charges, maybe even worse! If it starts, it's gonna get out of control.
You know it will, all right? You can't let it happen.
It's too late! No, just stop it! What, do think I'm a Boy Scout? You do it! I'm the one who sent Audrey on solo, OK? Not my place.
I need you to step up.
Bingo! Joe! Tell me you got it, man! Yeah! Cool, cool.
All right, I'll be right there.
Holy shit! Come on! I surrender.
We're not here to make an arrest.
Where are you going, pretty boy? - Shit! - Huh? Huh? Hey! Hey! Come on! Guys, come on! I-- I didn't-- It's not so funny, eh? It's not so funny now, is it, bitch? You fucking pig! Oh yeah! Work him, Nick! Work him, Nick! We saw your little film.
Work him! Give the little bastard what he deserves! Again! No! Stop! Stop! Stop! What the fuck you doing? Please! Please! I don't wanna die! If we do this, we do it right.
Get on your fucking knees! I don't wanna die! We're gonna do it right.
This is where it's going.
We all know that.
Let's bring him in.
36-8, we need medics at 218 Colbert.
A woman's fallen down her front stairs.
She can't walk.
Sergeant, my office.
We're on our way.
What's going on? I leaked his name to the squad.
Why? 'Cause I thought he deserved it.
I don't know what I was thinking.
That could have been my goddamn career! Keep it to yourself.
Of course.
I hope you're not mad.
That you brought him? - Yeah.
- No.
He pretty much insisted.
He's stubborn, like his dad.
You OK? I just-- I didn't know he was so attached.
Yeah, me neither.
Is it shitty of me that it hurts? Oh my God, no! You don't even know the whole story.
Truth is What? The truth is it's obscene for me to be talking about myself right now.
We have to go.
Amélie said I could stay over with her.
Not tonight, no.
I'm going to walk Homer.
Homer is Audrey's dog.
It's staying at my place.
Nick's charity case.
Please, Mom.
It's already set up.
I'm sorry.
I told him he could stay.
Do you have what you need for school? Yeah.
Thanks, Mom.
How many hours did you guys do last week? Hey, what can I get you? Can I get a beer? How did the arrest go down? Nothing happened.
I know.
I wanna know how.
We flipped a coin.
Heads, we kill him, tails, we bring him in.
He leaked it, you know.
Who? The commander.
I was sure you were gonna hurt the guy.
Maybe we should have.
Everyone! I just wanted to say that you all did a hell of a job tonight.
You made me proud.
Next round's on me.
Cheers! Thank you, sir.
Nice scalp.
Take it.
No, you saved him.
You keep it.
Go home.
I'll take over.
There's no change.
Another notch in your belt, huh, Nick? Who's next?