23.5 (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Any couple who watches meteor showers
together at school will be lucky in love.
-What are you doing?
-Making a wish in Morse code.
Well then, should we
watch the shower together?
Is the Earth tilting or what?
At a very good angle.
I don't mind it tilting more often then.
You can just be yourself
as you are right now.
It's enough to make me want to kiss you.
It's late.
Want to go to bed yet?
I can leave.
No. I'm not sleepy
and I don't want you to leave yet.
Why are you up so late tonight?
You're usually sleeping by now.
I don't know.
I guess I'm so happy
that I don't want tonight to end.
But it's late.
can you tell me a bedtime story?
What story?
I don't know how to tell stories.
Then tell me anything you want.
Can I
tell you about the Earth?
Of course.
That sounds just like you, Ongsa.
Do you know why
the Earth's axis is tilted?
There's a theory that claims that
the Earth's axis didn't start off tilted.
The axis used to be upright.
A long time ago,
an ancient planet called Theia
slammed into the Earth.
It caused the upright axis
to tilt by 23,5 degrees.
The Earth's fractured body formed the
moon, which now orbits the Earth.
Hearing that,
I kind of feel sad for the Earth.
But there are benefits to it.
The Earth's axial tilt
gives us 24 hours a day.
If it'd been upright,
we might've had only eight hours a day.
I think eight hours in a day
wouldn't be enough.
I wouldn't be okay with that.
Why not?
Because if there were only
eight hours in a day,
it would mean I had less time with you.
I want to be with you longer than that.
Let's thank the Earth's tilted axis
for giving us more time
to be together then.
Have you ever thought about what you want
to be after graduating from college?
I want to be a veterinarian.
Well, I love animals
and I want to take care of them
just like I take care of Latte.
Hey, Ongsa.
Have you ever heard the saying that
a pet and its owner look alike?
You and Latte look just the same.
Are you saying I look like a dog?
You do look like one.
Look. You are so cute just like him.
Nope. I'm cuter.
Latte is cuter.
-Are you teasing me?
-Don't tickle me.
Teasing me?
So, what do you want to do
when you grow up?
I want to travel.
Just travel?
I want to see the world out there.
If possible, I'd like to ride Sunny
around the world
before I come back to take on
my family business.
After that, I won't have much time
to travel anymore.
Whoa. You have everything planned out?
It doesn't hurt to plan ahead.
I also plan to join
the student exchange program
in the States this summer.
Do you want to join me?
I don't know.
I have to talk to my parents first.
But I don't think my parents would like
the idea of me living far away.
Dad and I only just moved to Bangkok.
We only just got to live together
as a full family.
And there's Latte.
I'm worried about him.
If I go by myself,
won't you be worried about me?
You only care about Latte, huh?
Don't tell me you are jealous of a dog.
I'm jealous of a dog named Ongsa.
-Sun. Tickling me?
-Don't tickle me back.
Latte, help! Latte.
He won't help you. He's on my team.
Sun, it tickles.
-Latte! I'm gonna fight you.
-Tickle, tickle!
-Ongsa, stop.
-You wanna play this game?
-Ongsa, it tickles!
-Do you surrender?
-Do you?
Do you surrender now?
Are you surrendering?
Still fighting?
Ongsa, stop.
During Mom and Dad's stay in Phuket,
we can get takeout
from Uncle Piak's diner.
Mom will take care of the bill later.
Who ordered this?
I did, human cousin.
I don't know either.
Um, Aylin, what are you doing?
Serving you with a serving mind.
Why why are you doing this?
Are you okay?
are you sick?
A human senior told me
to socialize with humans
starting with family members.
What the heck is happening?
I have no idea.
This is the first time
I've seen her like this.
Yes, dip.
You seem happy to see me.
I am happy. My girlfriend came to see me.
I can't help but flush
every time you call me girlfriend.
Same here.
So, where do you wanna go, girlfriend?
I don't know.
In that case, is there anything
you wanna do, girlfriend?
Anything I want to do?
I want to ride a motorbike.
Of course. I'll take you on a ride.
No, not that.
I mean, I
I want to learn how to ride a motorbike.
Why do you wanna learn all of a sudden?
Well, I'm always
your passenger.
I'd like to learn how to ride a motorbike
so that you can be my passenger too.
Sure. I'll teach you.
Is it difficult?
Actually, if you can bicycle,
it should be easy.
Can you bicycle?
I can't.
Aw, poor Ongsa.
Come on. I'll teach you.
-Change out of those slippers first.
I'll be right back.
Ongsa, release the tension in your arms
or it'll be hard to control the handles.
Let's try again. One, two, three, go.
Are you all right? Are you hurt?
I am all right.
Get up slowly.
I can't even ride a bicycle
let alone a motorbike.
Come on. Let's go step-by-step.
It took me weeks
to learn how to ride a bicycle.
At what age did you learn
how to ride a bicycle?
Crap. I'm hopeless.
There's no way I can ride a bicycle.
I have an idea.
A little to the right.
See? You can ride a bicycle now.
I can't without you.
That's good.
How is it good?
That way, you can't live without me.
I already can't live without you.
Come on. Let's go feed the fish.
Is that?
Aylin, what are you doing?
Human friends,
what are you guys doing here?
I should be asking you that.
What are you doing here?
I came to look for aliens.
Aliens? In the park?
Why do you need face powder
to look for aliens?
I must be prepared.
It's hot. My face is oily.
I needed to apply some powder.
The green soda is here
Hey, Ongsa, Sun.
Hey, didn't you say
you were looking for aliens, Aylin?
What aliens?
Aylin just said
Human Sun. Stop talking.
Hey. Why did you raise your voice
at your friend?
I didn't mean to.
By the way,
why do you look extra pretty today?
Your facial skin is so smooth.
Don't poke me.
Did you want to look nice for me?
Why do you two seem?
You seem suspicious.
Well, Aylin and I are girlfriends.
Since when?
We both confessed.
That means we are girlfriends now.
Neither of us made
an official relationship proposal.
I kissed you on the cheek already.
But Ongsa is more wicked.
You guys only had a cheek kiss.
But we had a real kiss.
Sun, why are you telling them this?
I'm sorry. It slipped out, girlfriend.
They call each other girlfriend.
We must fight them.
-Can we do that too?
Where are you going?
Can I get a hug, girlfriend?
-Human senior!
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
-One, two, three, four.
-Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
One, two, three, four.
What are you doing?
Look at me.
Do I look like I came here to cook?
I came to work out, of course!
I've never seen you work out
even once in my life.
What's gotten into you?
I want to look good for Tinh.
I don't want to be just his senior.
One, two.
-One, two.
-Hey! Why are you copying me?
I am sad that she won't accept me.
What? Who?
Charoenporn. Little Miss Dhamma Lover.
-You like Charoen?
Don't say I like her.
Let's just say
that I belong to her
mentally and physically.
No wonder she didn't accept you.
Life is sad, man.
So, we must run.
Run and run.
Let sweat come out of your pores.
-Don't let tears come out of your eyes.
-So, we must run.
Run! Run! Run!
Left. Left. Left. Left and right.
Left. Left. Left. Left and right.
Do you realize what time it is?
You took advantage of your aunt and
uncle's absence by coming home so late.
I just made a stop to buy something
on the way home.
It's not that late.
What's going on?
You too.
What time is it?
Why did you only just get home?
I normally come home at this hour.
But you didn't tell me
you'd be home at this hour.
Usually, I don't need to tell you.
Didn't Alpha say where she was going?
She just left.
She isn't answering her phone.
Did you guys have a fight because of me?
It's just me she's mad at.
Human senior, have you ever asked her
what's been going on?
I haven't talked to her much.
I always spend time with you.
What a messy eater.
I think I get her now.
She must be tired.
She's the oldest.
She has the most responsibility.
Despite how she appears,
she's very stressed.
University is one thing.
She doesn't even know
what she wants to enroll in.
Alpha wants to get into medical school.
That's true,
but she isn't sure she truly wants to.
Alpha loves to make plans.
When her confidence is shaken,
she must feel lost.
Then there's you.
She barely knows anything about you.
She must think she's a bad sister.
What should we eat, Teacher Bambam?
It's a day off. The cafeteria isn't open.
-Should we order something?
-What about the noodle restaurant nearby?
But it's too far.
Right. Okay then.
Teacher Bambam, Teacher Nida, hi.
What are you doing in school today?
I couldn't think of a place to read,
so I came here.
It's peaceful.
If you have a problem,
I'm all ears, Alpha.
I just really needed
a spot to read, ma'am.
Alpha, I don't know
what you're going through,
but please know there are people
who care about you
and are willing to listen to you.
As well as teaching,
a teacher's duty is to listen to
and help their students.
In all the time you've been my student,
I've never once seen you come to school
on a day off to read.
I don't know what to do
about my studies,
my future,
and my family matters.
Nothing is following my plan.
What's your plan?
I want to get into a great school.
I want to be a doctor.
I want to be successful in life.
And I want to be a good sister
who can take care of
her younger family members.
But I'm not sure about anything anymore.
I don't even know if I want to be a doctor
or what I want to do.
I don't even know
if I'm a good enough big sister.
Nothing is the way I pictured it.
And I don't have anyone
to talk to about this.
I don't want people to know
that I have problems.
I don't want to be weak like this, ma'am.
This is not me at all.
In this world,
there's no chance that everything will
turn out the way we plan, Alpha.
Humans aren't perfect.
There are times
when intelligent people make mistakes
or have self-doubt just like you do now.
But everyone sees me as a perfect girl.
I'm the student president.
A model student.
Don't worry about
what other people think of you.
Just be who you are. That's enough.
You don't have to carry
anyone else's expectations.
What should I do, ma'am?
Find yourself.
Find the answer
to what your happiness looks like.
Perhaps what makes you happy
is something small.
But if you think of it and you smile,
that might tell you what you want to do
or what you want to be.
You don't have to be perfect.
You're allowed to fail, Alpha.
I have failed so many times before.
Humans don't need to be perfect.
But why would we want to fail
when we can succeed?
Sometimes, success comes from failure.
And failure makes us realize that
we're not alone in this world.
You may think you must be
a good sister for the youngsters
and get a good job for your family,
but your sisters may not
share your perspective.
What do you mean?
Regardless of the number of times
you flop and fail,
you will always remain
a wonderful sister to them.
Where did Alpha go?
It's so late and she isn't home yet.
Have you tried calling her, Luna?
I have. She didn't pick up.
Where have you been?
Why didn't you answer any of my calls?
Please don't do this again.
I was worried about you.
Right. Don't do this again, human cousin.
Where have you been?
You can talk to me
about anything, you know.
Or you can talk to your sisters here.
Everybody is so worried about you.
Thank you.
And sorry to make you guys worry.
I'm okay now.
You and Sun should go home.
It's late.
I'll go to my room now.
I think Alpha has
thought something through.
That's why she said that.
Just find the right time
to talk to her, Ongsa.
Hello, Dad.
Uncle Piak's diner is closed today.
What's Ongsa's favorite food?
I can smell crispy pork.
Crispy pork.
American fried rice with crispy pork.
Human cousin, does Uncle Piak
have this on his menu?
It's yummy.
I made it.
Uncle Piak's diner is closed today.
You like American fried rice
and Aylin likes crispy pork.
So, I tried to combine it.
From now on, whether it's what you like,
what you want to do,
or even any problems you may have,
you can always talk to me.
I didn't pay much attention
to you guys before,
but from now on, I want to be
part of every step in your life.
You can always talk to us too,
human cousin.
Right. Talk to us.
We want to be part
of every step in your life too.
when you make us American fried rice.
You always love the kid's menu.
Do you know why I like
American fried rice?
Because you liked to cook it for me
as a kid.
Then I'll cook it more often. Okay?
So, what do you like to eat?
You're gonna cook for me?
No. I'll order it for you.
I knew it.
Eat up.
Aylin, eat the rice too,
not just the crispy pork.
Alpha used to cook for me
when we were young.
It was delicious.
But that was a long time ago.
Today, she cooked for me again.
It made me realize that
she isn't just a good student.
She's also a good cook.
Whoa. Now I want to try her food too.
Eat with us next time.
I will tell Alpha to cook.
I want to dine with your parents too.
Dine with my parents?
My parents said to tell you
they'd like you to come over for a meal.
And why are you only telling me now?
Well, they only said it this morning.
So, I am telling you.
I don't have time to prepare.
What's there to prepare?
Just come over and eat.
I know, but it's the first time
I'll have a meal with your family.
It's so important to me.
Does that mean you're not coming?
No, it's not that.
But can I have more time to prepare?
What's there to prepare?
It's just a meal.
I need to dress up to see your parents.
So, you want my parents to see
that my girlfriend is pretty?
That's good. I bragged about you a lot.
Well, my girlfriend is hot.
I couldn't help but brag.
So, you're coming?
Can I have some fried vermicelli?
Why didn't you buy it? No.
You should learn frugality.
-If you want it, buy it yourself.
-Can't you just share?
May I sit with you?
Of course, bro. Have a seat.
If you want it, order it next time. Okay?
-You're so stingy.
Are you sitting or not, Ton?
I'm already sitting.
You're standing.
I'm sitting firmly in your heart.
-How many times have I told you that
-You don't need to say it, Charoen.
I won't take no for an answer, my dear.
Ton, you asshole.
Sit. You're making me wanna puke.
Luna, Aylin. Sit with us.
What should we say when someone
asks us to join them for a meal?
Can we just eat on the rooftop?
No. I want to eat in the cafeteria.
You promised me you'd socialize
and they're all my friends.
I want you to get to know them.
Have a seat. Eat with us.
Or maybe
I make you blush so much, Aylin,
that you're afraid to sit with me.
Damn you, Ton. What a narcissist.
Even I can't resist my own charm.
I doubt other people can.
Is that right, Aylin?
You, male human senior!
I'm out of here.
Don't follow me.
-Ton, are you okay?
-Do you have tissues?
Sorry about her.
Don't be mad at her, okay?
-Are you okay?
-I'm okay.
You wanted to see me, ma'am?
Yes. Have a seat, Sun.
The student exchange program
in the USA you asked about
is now accepting applications.
If I get accepted,
I'll go during the summer break,
right, Teacher Nida?
Not anymore.
The terms have been a bit altered.
If you get accepted,
you must go for two semesters.
That means one year.
One year?
That's right. Is there a problem?
Teacher Nida,
I've collected all the workbooks.
You can leave them on my desk, Ongsa.
Is something wrong, Sun?
-Ah, Sun is going
Will you please excuse me?
Thank you.
Of course.
Let's go, Ongsa.
You can talk to me about any problems
you might be having. Anything at all.
I'm here to listen.
Can you please tell me
why you try so hard to be an alien?
Latte, you smell just like Ongsa.
If I'm gone for a year, will you be able
to recognize me when I'm back?
Don't play yet. Will you recognize me?
You're adorable.
Look at you, Latte.
You're so clingy with Sun, aren't you?
Just like his owner.
He is indeed like Ongsa.
Where is Ongsa anyway?
She went upstairs to change.
Change? Where are you guys going?
We're going to have dinner at my place.
My parents asked her to come.
And she needs to change just for that?
That's what I said too, Alpha.
Thank you, Sun.
For what?
For loving my sister.
Well, your sister is loveable.
Actually, Ongsa suffers from
low self-esteem sometimes.
Bear with her, okay?
I understand.
Please take care of her.
This girl is faint of heart.
She doesn't see you for a day
and she's already sad like a lost dog.
Do not leave my sister, okay?
Ongsa is crazy in love.
I can't imagine her not seeing you
for even just a few days.
I'm sure she would be devastated.
Hey, Sun!
You spilled your drink on yourself.
Let me get you some tissues.
What happened?
I spaced out for a bit
and spilled my drink.
Ongsa, get her cleaned up.
I'll take care of things here.
Let's go, Sun.
Get up slowly.
You should wash up first.
I'll get you some fresh clothes.
Come on.
I borrowed Alpha's clothes,
but I'm not sure if they will fit you.
Try them on.
Are you okay in there?
It felt sticky so I took a shower.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Am I still not clean?
It's not that.
Then why are you looking at me like that?
When you're soaked, you look like a puppy.
Yes, because I just took a shower.
Ongsa, what are you doing?
a puppy that smells too nice.
Should I be happy
to hear that I'm like a puppy?
I love you, Sun.
I want to spend every day with you.
I love you too.
I want to spend every day with you too.
The Earth tilts again?
This has nothing to do with
the Earth's axial tilt.
I want you all to myself.
What does
that mean?
Hey. What are you all doing here so late?
I can't seem to find peace of mind.
I came seeking mental help.
We need to find a way to help her,
at least as the Student Committee.
The tarot cards are telling me
you're falling in love with someone.
Are you being friend-zoned?
Do you think one year is
a long time, Ongsa?
It is.
It's long enough
for many things to change.
Why do you ask?
I'm thinking about taking a test
for the US exchange program scholarship.
What did you just say?
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