All Saints (1998) s01e09 Episode Script
Forget Me Not
(shouts) Steph.
I'm going to be late.
Come back to bed.
Come on, just for a minute.
Where's my hair? Don't!
Where's my hairbrush?
It's in the dresser.
You can be a little late.
They'll survive without you.
Glad you don't have to work today,
but I do.
Come on.
You never take any time off.
I'm not about to start now.
It's a full moon.
Come and lie on the bed
and I'll howl for you.
Come on.
I hate it when you do this to me.
I really, really hate it.
CONNOR: (hums tune)
Don't you hate that last song
you hear in the morning?
You end up humming it all day.
Mr Jameson, are you still here?
Can't stand the thought
of leaving me, huh?
Yep, it happens.
Our new man.
Aiden McGregor, right?
I'm Connor Costello. How are you?
I'll be looking after you.
So, you stacked your bike, I hear.
Big time.
Hit your head?
Knocked myself stupid.
Don't even remember
coming to the hospital.
Are you waiting
for your girlfriend, mate?
My mum. She's always nagging me
to wear my helmet.
She'll kill me.
Not on my shift, she won't.
Let's get started.
Okay, grab my fingers. Make a fist.
Come on. Come on.
Yeah. Yeah. Good.
I'm sorry. I didn't hear the alarm
until it went off the second time.
Don't worry. We're so overstaffed.
We didn't miss you.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
It's not the end of the world.
What's the story on Aiden's mum?
Has she been called?
I left a message for her at work.
Big morning, Steph?
(disgusted) Oh.
Hey, Connor,
don't you know anything?
That is the look of a woman
who has NOT had a big morning.
Oh, pull your heads in.
Everyone's a bit crazy today.
Speak for yourself, weirdo.
What do you reckon this is?
Here, in Aiden's file,
under religion?
Wiccan. I dunno.
Can I see that?
What does it mean?
The McGregor family are witches.
I'll get Mrs Hong out of bed as soon
as I handle Mr Stathis' meds.
Don't forget,
his drain can come out.
Jaz, can you remind kitchen that
nil by mouth, means nil by mouth?
Malcolm Featherstone
got a full breakfast this morning.
Did you hear me?
Why are you so uptight?
I'm not.
You start off on the wrong foot,
you can't get with it all day.
Are Mr Featherstone's
path results back?
Yeah, they're here.
Have either of you two
ever met a witch?
Not one that will admit to it.
Quiet, or she'll put a hex on you.
Malcolm Featherstone's one of mine.
Excuse me, my son, Aiden McGregor,
which room is he in?
Is this a trick question?
Sorry. He's straight ahead
in room four.
Thank you.
She doesn't look anything
like a witch.
What should a witch look like?
How many times have I told you
to wear a helmet?
It's just a bump on the head.
That makes it alright?
I feel like I'm talking to a wall.
Give it a rest.
I know I screwed up.
I hope you do know it.
I do. My head really hurts.
Good, because all things in life
are meant to teach us something.
Aiden's test results are back.
Have you seen them?
She'll feel this big when
she works out what's going on.
I hate knowing more than they do.
Madsen will tell them soon enough.
Normally we wait for
the inflammation to settle,
but the ultrasound shows
your gall bladder is distended.
If we wait, it could perforate.
It doesn't sound crash hot.
You've never had surgery before?
There's nothing to worry about.
It's a short procedure.
You'll be out before you know it.
Any questions?
No. No, I don't think so.
Luke, the neurosurgeon's
looking for you.
And Steph, Ben called.
You right?
Yeah, fine.
I've got to go. The anaesthetist
will ask you some questions later.
Whatever you say, doc.
I've been chasing Madsen for weeks
about letting me observe an op.
Today I get the chance.
Listen, Malcolm's scared to death.
Yeah, I know.
If anyone can calm him down,
you can.
I've really gotta go.
Malcolm, is there anything else
you'd like to know?
Well, it will be okay, won't it?
I know it's just a simple operation.
But things do go wrong, don't they?
Your surgeon is very good and
Dr Forlano will be there with you.
She's just blowing off steam.
You probably
scared the hell out of her.
Up you go.
Mrs McGregor. Aiden.
Aiden, I'm Mr Madsen.
I'm a neurosurgeon here.
Is there a problem?
We've had a look at your CAT scan
and although your fall
didn't cause any damage,
I'm afraid we did find
something of concern.
Are they talking a brain tumour?
A mass showed up on the CAT scan.
Poor kid. How old is he - 16?
Well, I hope they've got a pretty
hot spell to cure a pinealoma.
You don't like it
any more than I do.
We can't choose our patients, Von.
They seem harmless enough.
Thank you, Doctor.
I've never had
an anaesthetic before.
It's just like going to sleep.
That's what vets say about dogs,
isn't it?
There's really nothing
to worry about, Malcolm.
You're going to be fine.
Um, I've got this lucky coin.
I can take it with me, can't I?
I'll have to ask the surgeon first.
It's important to me.
I don't know. It's not sterile.
If I don't have this with me,
something will screw up.
Please, Sister.
It was my dad's.
He gave it to me
just before he died.
Reckoned it kept him alive
during a world war.
It might do me some good, too.
Has it?
Tell you what.
I'll ask, okay?
No promises.
I'll see what I can do.
Thank you.
Thanks, Sister.
You know he's not to eat or drink
anything until after the operation?
Every child's best defence - sleep.
You know, I have never been
so scared in all my life.
If you like, I'll arrange
someone to speak to you.
Luke, what are the witches like?
You know, pointy hats, warts.
Tell Malcolm he can take the coin.
We'll get it off him
once he's under.
Mrs McGregor.
Tell me again about this operation
you want my son to have.
It's a delicate procedure.
Anything to do with the brain is.
It is urgent?
Mrs McGregor, any pressure
on the brain requires attention.
Aiden's headaches,
this fall from his bike
could all be
because of the swelling.
If you're asking me
about his chances of recovery,
Mr Madsen
is an excellent neurosurgeon.
He's one of the finest.
I don't want him operated on today.
You can do it tomorrow.
I beg your pardon?
I need to perform a healing ritual
for my son before you cut him open.
We're not talking about
an ingrown toenail.
Your son has a mass
growing in his brain.
It won't harm
the chances of his recovery
if you postpone the operation
for a day.
Postponement isn't a simple matter.
Why not?
This isn't actually your decision.
Aiden is old enough
to give his own consent.
I'll explain to him
the urgency has to do with
your schedule, not his health.
That isn't what I said.
I want the ritual done.
Great. While you're dancing around,
pressure could be building
in Aiden's brain.
He could start bleeding,
having fits.
Meanwhile a surgeon sits there
twiddling his thumbs.
The ritual is important
to me and my son.
Fine, have it your way.
All I'm asking is that you let me
work my magic before you work yours.
Is that so unreasonable?
No, Mrs McGregor, you're asking us
to delay surgery, important surgery,
for no good reason.
It may seem unimportant to you,
Sister, but it's everything to us.
I asked them to delay the surgery so
I could perform the healing ritual.
How'd they take that?
As expected.
Don't worry. I won't give up.
Hey, love, have you got a spell
that could help me with my gout?
It's killing me.
I'll love you and leave you
for a while.
Let you get some rest.
(whispers) I love you.
Everything okay, mate?
What's the story? Don't you really
want to have this ritual thing?
Of course I do.
It's just that Mum tries so hard
to do the right thing,
it's kind of embarrassing.
Nothing worse than a witch
with a big mouth.
Isn't that what mums are for -
to embarrass their teenage sons?
They'll shave my head, you know.
What do they do with it - the hair?
They throw it out. Why?
I don't want anyone
getting their hands on it.
Is there a reason for that?
It's a Wiccan thing.
The hair has special powers.
So you really buy
all this Wiccan stuff, yeah?
Of course I do.
I don't just go along with it
for Mum's sake.
It's a cool religion.
A big part of my life.
So tell me, what's it like
to be a witch?
I can tell you,
but then I'd have to kill you.
(groggily) Make sure the coin stays
with me all the time, won't you?
Yeah, Malcolm, don't worry about it.
Just keep hold of it, Malcolm.
You'll be fine.
Come on. Let's get him
up to theatre.
I'm just having a bad day, okay?
The Wiccen Rede -
"An it harm none, do as you will."
"Harm none" sounds alright.
"Do as you will" sounds suss.
It means you can't do anything
unless it won't hurt anybody.
It doesn't sound so freaky.
I've seen enough films to know that
that stuff gets a bit kooky.
You believe everything
you see in movies?
Only if they're in colour.
Black and white ones aren't real.
You'll stop laughing when you see
chickens in the laundry baskets.
(shouts) That's voodoo.
Keep your voice down.
I don't want the ward in a panic.
Panic about what?
The McGregors.
You don't even know what
they'll do in this ritual.
I don't need to know.
I don't need to know.
I just sent a patient to theatre
with a lucky coin.
I just sent a patient to theatre
with a lucky coin.
What's the difference between that
and Janice McGregor
wanting to send Aiden off
in the right frame of mind?
How a person goes into theatre
is usually how they come out.
Well, I don't want my ward
turned into a circus.
Don't look at me.
Come on, Terri.
I've had my exercise for the day.
Great. Now I'm spilling my tea.
Will you slow down a bit?
I really don't
want to talk about it.
Can you tell me what the problem is?
The problem is she goes against
everything I believe in.
The problem is I can't look at
that woman with a
The problem is I hate myself
for feeling this way.
I just don't have time. Sorry.
Luke, can I have a word?
No time.
Can you make time, please?
BEN: (calls) Steph.
What's up with you today?
Why are you here?
So we can have lunch.
I can't. I've just got enough time
for a quick cuppa and
Okay, forget it.
I just thought it might be nice.
I'll see you later.
You made it sound like her son
would die if we delayed surgery.
Okay. Maybe I overstated the risks.
What the hell do I tell Madsen?
Surgery's delayed because
his mum wants to cast a spell?
He'll have my guts for garters.
That's your problem.
You're suggesting
that we pander to this nonsense?
We can delay surgery until tomorrow.
You lied to stay
in Madsen's good books.
Listen, if you want to do your
patient a favour, you remind them
that there is a cancellation on the
surgery list for today not tomorrow.
And do it in the
strongest possible terms.
I'm scared, Mum.
Don't be.
Alright, I want you
to close your eyes.
Come on, close your eyes.
Take a deep breath
all the way into the diaphragm.
I want you to visualise
a blue light.
Can you see the blue light?
Breathe in the blue light.
Come on.
I don't want to see the blue light.
I just want this bloody thing
out of my head.
I'm sorry.
I know you are. It's okay.
I'm happy to do this for you but
it's only if you want that, okay?
It has to be your decision.
Yeah, I know.
You were right. I should have been
wearing my helmet.
It was a stupid thing to do.
No, you've got that all wrong.
If you hadn't disobeyed me,
we wouldn't have known
about the tumour until
Well, everything happens
for a reason, Aiden.
What's the reason for this tumour
in the first place?
That, I don't know.
Mrs McGregor, I'm on my lunch break.
If you want to discuss Aiden's case,
Sister Markham's on the ward.
It's actually you I want to see.
Look, I know how you feel
about all of this.
I really don't think you do.
Maybe you're right.
I've never been a nun.
Not a national secret, is it?
Look, we're not that different,
you and me.
You worship your god in a church
and my church is all around us.
Please don't presume to know
my relationship with God.
I frighten you, don't I?
I'm not having this
discussion with you.
Why? Is it because
I'm following a dark path?
Or is it because you think
that I'm worshipping Satan?
Alright, I'll tell you.
I think you're using your son
to make a political statement.
Is that so?
Yes, and I think it's wrong.
It's alright for you.
You want the last rites, you get it.
You want a priest to hear
your confession, you get that.
What is your point?
We have to fight
for our religious rights,
not because we like to
but because we have to.
If we were Christian,
Muslim or Jewish,
no-one would question those rights.
We are not a mainstream religion.
We are Wiccan. We are witches.
We only have two choices -
fight or be ignored.
Tell me how you separate
your beliefs from politics
under those circumstances.
None of this changes the fact
that your son is lying up there
waiting for an operation.
I know that.
Our beliefs will be respected
if I have to die in the process.
Janice, the problem is, it's not
your life on the line, is it?
(groggily) I'm okay?
I'm really okay?
Well, I wouldn't go jogging
for a few days, Malcolm,
but yes, the operation
went very well.
Where is it?
My coin.
Where is it?
You said I could have it with me.
It's around here somewhere,
You just rest now.
Just rest now. Come on.
Aiden's mum wants to do a ritual
and Sister Sullivan is freaking.
That sounds like fun.
The interesting thing
is that Aiden has a pineal tumour
and in this book I've been reading,
the pineal gland is the third eye.
That's where all the psycho stuff
happens, all the ESP and stuff.
When you've finished.
Mr Featherstone's lucky coin
didn't come back from theatre.
Can you check where it is?
No worries.
What's up with her?
I think she and Ben
had a fight this morning.
Trouble in paradise.
You basically know
everyone here except for
This is Aiden McGregor.
This is his mum, Janice.
Aiden's on four hourly neuro obs.
Aiden's on four hourly neuro obs.
He's due for surgery
He's due for surgery
Um, I'll leave you to it.
The cafeteria beckons.
Hi, I'm Jared.
I suppose you've heard all about
the wicked witch of the west?
That's cool.
My mum's a bit of a witch, too.
But, she doesn't have an excuse.
Got any kids, Jared?
No, despite my mother's
constant nagging.
It's an amazing feeling that first
time you hold your child, you know.
Someone ought to bottle it
so you never forget.
(sighs) I just hope
we're doing the right thing.
Sometimes all you can do
is do what you think is right
and then hope for the best.
Excuse me, Sister.
Can we talk?
I've been thinking about what you
said before about me using Aiden.
It really isn't any of my business.
No, no, it was a valid question.
I was brought up a Catholic.
My parents still go
to church every week.
And I respect that, Sister.
I really do.
Janice, what is it exactly
that you want?
I want to know if you're
solid enough in your faith
not to be threatened by mine.
I want to know if I can
perform my ritual tonight.
They can't find it anywhere.
You're joking!
What's up?
Malcolm's lucky coin's
gone walkabout.
Who's going to tell him?
I'll tell him.
Tell him to get a life.
You're not the one
who promised to look after it.
Bigger fool you.
Afternoon, Malcolm.
Did you find it?
Well, the thing is Malcolm,
they put it somewhere in theatre.
But you said it would stay with me.
I know I did, but it wasn't sterile
and the surgeon
I'm really sorry.
You lied to me.
Can I get you anything?
Talk about narky.
I asked her for a hand
- she bit my head off.
Lovers' tiff. Her and Ben.
I think it's more than a tiff.
They've been together
since high school.
Childhood sweethearts
just make you
Hi, Steph.
How did you go with Malcolm's coin?
Oh, nothing.
I bet he's impressed about that.
He's also in pain. I don't know why.
Could be psychosomatic.
I've seen that happen, but,
it could be something serious.
I'll keep an eye on him
just in case.
You don't think Luke might have, you
know, left it inside him, do you?
In surgery?
No way.
Hey, it happens.
Luke's really good at what he does,
he'd never make a mistake like that.
He's the best.
Excuse me while I vomit.
I'm not saying your mum's wrong,
But you're the one
that gives consent.
It's been given.
Yeah, I know.
If I was refusing consent, you'd
have to accept that, wouldn't you?
Maybe. It's a complicated situation.
Look at it like this.
I'm not giving consent
for an operation today.
I will give consent
for one tomorrow.
That's not complicated.
Are you okay with this?
Are you sure?
Game over. I lose.
Put Aiden McGregor
on the waiting list.
I'll put him on four hourly obs
to be on the safe side.
Maybe the ritual won't happen now.
Oh, I don't know.
Healing rituals can only
be done on a full moon,
so, tonight could be
the last chance.
A full moon?
What am I going to tell Madsen?
I've been trying
to get on his good side,
now I've stuffed his schedule.
This isn't about your career.
Well, it shouldn't be
about religion, either.
So I'm a hypocrite. Shoot me.
Oh, Luke, Madsen's only human.
He'll realise it's not your fault.
Oh, sure. Remind me of that
when I'm in Outpatients
instead of on the surgical team.
Luke, can you come here
for a moment?
What now?
(groans in pain)
He looks as sick as a dog
but his obs are normal.
What is it, Doctor?
It hurts like hell.
It could be an infection,
Mr Featherstone.
It could be.
How long's he been like this?
An hour, maybe more.
Will you have to
take him back to theatre?
I'll ask the boss.
I'm going to die, aren't I?
I told you.
No, you'll be fine.
It's nothing to worry about.
But if you want,
we can put you in another room
while the ritual's going on.
Will she be naked?
Sorry, no.
Won't fix me gout.
If she won't get her gear off,
there's no point in sticking around.
As this web I seek to weave,
of water and salt I have need.
Almighty are the ancient ones.
What's she doing?
How the hell would I know?
Shouldn't you kiddies be in bed?
Wouldn't miss this for the world. create for us a sacred space.
Three by three I weave this place
to create for us a sacred space.
Right, too weird for me. I'm off.
Creature of the north,
element of fire,
I summon stir and call thee
to witness our rite and to lend us
your powers of passion and strength.
Where's Terri?
Dunno, but she's sure missing
a good show.
What's this?
Well, I had the day off
so I thought I'd spend it wisely.
Ooh, that'd be the microwave.
What are you doing in here?
Well, you know what a full moon
does to my psych patients.
I've been run off my feet.
You're missing all the fun and
the games up in the ward, you know.
Yeah, I know.
For what it's worth, you were right
letting that ritual go ahead.
I nearly said no.
Ah, but you didn't.
I've been thinking about my dad.
He was the most devout man
I've ever known.
He was also way too quick to judge.
He was a religious bigot.
So, that's what this is about.
I don't know.
I've just tried so hard
not to be like him.
And you're not.
Hey, this Wiccan ceremony is
something you've never encountered.
It's natural you'd be
a little wary of it.
I don't think it's that simple.
Just accept that maybe you're
a bit human like the rest of us.
Chalk it up to experience
and move on.
You know, you're really
quite good at this.
Have you ever considered
a career in psychiatry?
What, are you nuts?
Earth mother, moon goddess,
your child is in need.
My child is in need.
He has followed me on my path
with conviction and love
and perfect trust.
Protect him, heal him, love him.
So mote it be.
So mote it be.
I bought these especially.
I think we manage just fine
without needing aphrodisiacs.
After this morning, I thought
I wasn't taking any chances.
What do you mean?
I mean, now is your prime time
of the month for making babies.
You've been keeping track
of my cycle?
I thought it would
increase our odds.
I can't believe you'd
do that behind my back.
Do what? What did I do?
You've blown your chances
for this month, that's for sure.
How many times do I
have to say I'm sorry?
Can I make you some breakfast?
Excuse me.
Big day today?
Come on, Steph, talk to me.
Have a good day.
When she called all the elements
to watch over the circle
I got goosebumps.
Dr Morrison, I thought it was
so special, didn't you?
Ah, yeah.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I'm keeping you from your meeting.
I'll see you later.
Completely unlike Jaz
to get carried away.
Yeah. I'm just glad it's over.
Still, you have to admit,
it was very interesting.
In an academic/anthropological
sort of way.
I don't want to talk about it.
I can't get over
the way I behaved yesterday.
Hey, hey.
Stop beating yourself up about it.
Sometimes I wish you were my priest.
Confession would be so much easier.
Yeah, but I look lousy in a cassock.
Have you been here all night?
Mr Featherstone's worse.
I don't know it is.
The antibiotics haven't helped?
Dr Forlano.
May I have a word, please?
Mrs McGregor, I have not slept.
Right now I've got a date
with a few hours sleep.
The system works you pretty hard.
That it does.
Doctors are under so much pressure
to toe the line,
to be pragmatic, ambitious,
but at the same time
you want to put patients first.
That's why you become doctors
in the first place.
I really have to get some sleep,
Aiden and I could be forgiven
for thinking you're not
a very caring person.
But my instincts tell me otherwise.
My instincts tell me
that you are a good doctor.
Someone that can put in 100%
for his career and his patients.
Please, try and get Aiden
on the theatre list today.
I thought I was doing a good thing.
Boy, was I wrong.
She'll calm down. They always do.
You doing alright?
I'll be fine.
Just ring and apologise.
How hard can that be?
I left a message.
But with my foot-in-mouth disease,
I've probably made things worse.
Just keep part of your mind
on the job.
Or else you'll have more problems.
One, two, three.
Mr Madsen, I can rearrange
to get the McGregor boy
onto your list this afternoon.
Impossible. I've seen the schedule.
I haven't got time
for a trip to the toilet
let alone a pineal tumour.
Cochrane can take
two cases off your hands.
I'm busy, Forlano.
Which means Aiden McGregor
can slot in first up after lunch.
Is that your opinion, is it?
Aiden, tell me you haven't
eaten any of that.
Good. Don't.
Get a nil by mouth sign.
I'll be back in a sec.
Excuse me, Doctor. Thank you.
I'm not making any promises yet.
He's staying,
at least for a little while.
But we've already
given the bed away.
She's good now?
We're taking her to the hospital
and we're getting her
to a doctor and then we'll know.
She's bad in the head sometimes.
Not thinking straight.
If you're worried, you can
come with us in the truck.
Then you can see what we're doing.
How does that sound?
Sound good.
Okay, you get in here.
Hey, these guys have been married
nearly 35 years.
That's no mean feat
in this day and age.
Yeah, Ben, it's me
returning your call.
We're really busy today,
I just don't have time to chat.
I'll talk to you later.
"Taureans - the full moon
puts you under its spell
and you have romance on your mind."
Come on,
you can't argue with the stars.
Hey, Bron, what sign are you?
You're the astrological
opposite to Connor.
Jaz, have you seen Luke?
I need him to check on
Malcolm Featherstone.
Ah, magic.
Luke, about Malcolm
Just give me a minute, okay?
You'll be going to surgery
straight up after lunch.
Doctor, thank you.
Ah, Connor, I'll be writing up
new orders for Aiden.
Doctor, one last request and I
promise I will pack up my broomstick
and never trouble you again.
He wants his hair kept.
Don't ask.
Well, I'll see what I can do.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Oh, Sister, I've left my bag
and I haven't finished packing up.
That's alright.
He's coming back here.
You said the bed was taken.
Well, yeah, it was,
but I made a few calls
and worked a little magic of my own.
See you in a minute.
Mrs McGregor.
Have you heard anything?
He just came out of surgery
so he's in the recovery room
and you can't see him.
But, um, early reports are that they
don't think that it's malignant.
There's just one thing,
and I'm sorry about this.
They threw out his hair.
(relieved laughter)
He's going to be alright.
That's all I care about.
Oh, thank you,
thank you for everything.
JAZ: Yeah, no worries, Ben.
Jared, can you grab Steph for me?
She's in room eight. It's Ben.
Come on, Ben.
We're just grabbing her.
Thanks, Jaz, you're a doll.
Hold that.
Room five. Through there.
Bring the kit! The kit!
Sorry about this.
Hello? Hello?
Typical. Drags me up here.
Oh, Steph, call him back.
I'm busy.
Hey, don't forget
the $5 for the coffee jar.
Good to see the tea room
is in such capable hands.
Because I've got him
so well trained.
Are you coming to Cougars
for a drink?
Well, it's happy hour,
so, I guess, yes.
Great. I thought I'd invite Luke.
Mmm. Better that we're in a group
so it's not just coming from me.
Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen.
Observe and learn.
Thank you, darling.
Since when is Luke
a big Cougars' fan, mate?
Mrs McGregor.
They managed to find
Aiden's hair after all.
Thank you, Doctor.
They they found something else
while they were looking for it.
It's my other patient's lucky coin.
Oh, what a nice coincidence.
You found it.
Must've fallen out of your hand
during the operation.
And I called you a liar.
Oh, forget it.
Bet he improves now.
I know. Spooks me every time.
I've been trying
to call you all day.
I know. I've been busy.
You've finished now, haven't you?
Look, I know they're a bit squashed.
They've been in the truck all day.
But, um, here, they're for you.
(laughs) They're not beautiful.
No, they look how I feel.
I've been a bit of an idiot,
haven't I?
But if you give me a kiss, I promise
I'll get every calendar and diary
and I'll just throw it
out of the house.
Then you'll forget our anniversary.
August 9th.
You're too much, you know that?
Ah! Not here.
Later, later(giggles)
Hey, a few of us are going
to Cougars after the shift.
Do you want to come?
Sure. Why not?
Knock-off time.
I've got a few loose ends
I want to tie up.
Sister, you are coming with me
and that's an order.
Jenny's made dinner
and the kids are expecting you.
Okay, that'd be nice.
At least that's the full moon
over for this month.
Now we can all go back
to just being half crazy.
Oh, speak for yourself.
I had this terrible feeling all day
that something bad was going to
happen if we didn't make contact.
Weird, eh?
It's been a weird old day.
And then our calls kept missing
and I was really worried.
I just wanted to apologise,
hear your voice.
But I couldn't get through.
I guess I haven't really been
trying hard enough, have I?
It's not just your fault.
I've been off in my own world, too.
With both of us working shifts
we don't get to spend as much
time together as other couples do.
(snores softly)
But I want you to know
I really really love you.
I guess I'll tell you that tomorrow.
(shouts) Steph.
I'm going to be late.
Come back to bed.
Come on, just for a minute.
Where's my hair? Don't!
Where's my hairbrush?
It's in the dresser.
You can be a little late.
They'll survive without you.
Glad you don't have to work today,
but I do.
Come on.
You never take any time off.
I'm not about to start now.
It's a full moon.
Come and lie on the bed
and I'll howl for you.
Come on.
I hate it when you do this to me.
I really, really hate it.
CONNOR: (hums tune)
Don't you hate that last song
you hear in the morning?
You end up humming it all day.
Mr Jameson, are you still here?
Can't stand the thought
of leaving me, huh?
Yep, it happens.
Our new man.
Aiden McGregor, right?
I'm Connor Costello. How are you?
I'll be looking after you.
So, you stacked your bike, I hear.
Big time.
Hit your head?
Knocked myself stupid.
Don't even remember
coming to the hospital.
Are you waiting
for your girlfriend, mate?
My mum. She's always nagging me
to wear my helmet.
She'll kill me.
Not on my shift, she won't.
Let's get started.
Okay, grab my fingers. Make a fist.
Come on. Come on.
Yeah. Yeah. Good.
I'm sorry. I didn't hear the alarm
until it went off the second time.
Don't worry. We're so overstaffed.
We didn't miss you.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
It's not the end of the world.
What's the story on Aiden's mum?
Has she been called?
I left a message for her at work.
Big morning, Steph?
(disgusted) Oh.
Hey, Connor,
don't you know anything?
That is the look of a woman
who has NOT had a big morning.
Oh, pull your heads in.
Everyone's a bit crazy today.
Speak for yourself, weirdo.
What do you reckon this is?
Here, in Aiden's file,
under religion?
Wiccan. I dunno.
Can I see that?
What does it mean?
The McGregor family are witches.
I'll get Mrs Hong out of bed as soon
as I handle Mr Stathis' meds.
Don't forget,
his drain can come out.
Jaz, can you remind kitchen that
nil by mouth, means nil by mouth?
Malcolm Featherstone
got a full breakfast this morning.
Did you hear me?
Why are you so uptight?
I'm not.
You start off on the wrong foot,
you can't get with it all day.
Are Mr Featherstone's
path results back?
Yeah, they're here.
Have either of you two
ever met a witch?
Not one that will admit to it.
Quiet, or she'll put a hex on you.
Malcolm Featherstone's one of mine.
Excuse me, my son, Aiden McGregor,
which room is he in?
Is this a trick question?
Sorry. He's straight ahead
in room four.
Thank you.
She doesn't look anything
like a witch.
What should a witch look like?
How many times have I told you
to wear a helmet?
It's just a bump on the head.
That makes it alright?
I feel like I'm talking to a wall.
Give it a rest.
I know I screwed up.
I hope you do know it.
I do. My head really hurts.
Good, because all things in life
are meant to teach us something.
Aiden's test results are back.
Have you seen them?
She'll feel this big when
she works out what's going on.
I hate knowing more than they do.
Madsen will tell them soon enough.
Normally we wait for
the inflammation to settle,
but the ultrasound shows
your gall bladder is distended.
If we wait, it could perforate.
It doesn't sound crash hot.
You've never had surgery before?
There's nothing to worry about.
It's a short procedure.
You'll be out before you know it.
Any questions?
No. No, I don't think so.
Luke, the neurosurgeon's
looking for you.
And Steph, Ben called.
You right?
Yeah, fine.
I've got to go. The anaesthetist
will ask you some questions later.
Whatever you say, doc.
I've been chasing Madsen for weeks
about letting me observe an op.
Today I get the chance.
Listen, Malcolm's scared to death.
Yeah, I know.
If anyone can calm him down,
you can.
I've really gotta go.
Malcolm, is there anything else
you'd like to know?
Well, it will be okay, won't it?
I know it's just a simple operation.
But things do go wrong, don't they?
Your surgeon is very good and
Dr Forlano will be there with you.
She's just blowing off steam.
You probably
scared the hell out of her.
Up you go.
Mrs McGregor. Aiden.
Aiden, I'm Mr Madsen.
I'm a neurosurgeon here.
Is there a problem?
We've had a look at your CAT scan
and although your fall
didn't cause any damage,
I'm afraid we did find
something of concern.
Are they talking a brain tumour?
A mass showed up on the CAT scan.
Poor kid. How old is he - 16?
Well, I hope they've got a pretty
hot spell to cure a pinealoma.
You don't like it
any more than I do.
We can't choose our patients, Von.
They seem harmless enough.
Thank you, Doctor.
I've never had
an anaesthetic before.
It's just like going to sleep.
That's what vets say about dogs,
isn't it?
There's really nothing
to worry about, Malcolm.
You're going to be fine.
Um, I've got this lucky coin.
I can take it with me, can't I?
I'll have to ask the surgeon first.
It's important to me.
I don't know. It's not sterile.
If I don't have this with me,
something will screw up.
Please, Sister.
It was my dad's.
He gave it to me
just before he died.
Reckoned it kept him alive
during a world war.
It might do me some good, too.
Has it?
Tell you what.
I'll ask, okay?
No promises.
I'll see what I can do.
Thank you.
Thanks, Sister.
You know he's not to eat or drink
anything until after the operation?
Every child's best defence - sleep.
You know, I have never been
so scared in all my life.
If you like, I'll arrange
someone to speak to you.
Luke, what are the witches like?
You know, pointy hats, warts.
Tell Malcolm he can take the coin.
We'll get it off him
once he's under.
Mrs McGregor.
Tell me again about this operation
you want my son to have.
It's a delicate procedure.
Anything to do with the brain is.
It is urgent?
Mrs McGregor, any pressure
on the brain requires attention.
Aiden's headaches,
this fall from his bike
could all be
because of the swelling.
If you're asking me
about his chances of recovery,
Mr Madsen
is an excellent neurosurgeon.
He's one of the finest.
I don't want him operated on today.
You can do it tomorrow.
I beg your pardon?
I need to perform a healing ritual
for my son before you cut him open.
We're not talking about
an ingrown toenail.
Your son has a mass
growing in his brain.
It won't harm
the chances of his recovery
if you postpone the operation
for a day.
Postponement isn't a simple matter.
Why not?
This isn't actually your decision.
Aiden is old enough
to give his own consent.
I'll explain to him
the urgency has to do with
your schedule, not his health.
That isn't what I said.
I want the ritual done.
Great. While you're dancing around,
pressure could be building
in Aiden's brain.
He could start bleeding,
having fits.
Meanwhile a surgeon sits there
twiddling his thumbs.
The ritual is important
to me and my son.
Fine, have it your way.
All I'm asking is that you let me
work my magic before you work yours.
Is that so unreasonable?
No, Mrs McGregor, you're asking us
to delay surgery, important surgery,
for no good reason.
It may seem unimportant to you,
Sister, but it's everything to us.
I asked them to delay the surgery so
I could perform the healing ritual.
How'd they take that?
As expected.
Don't worry. I won't give up.
Hey, love, have you got a spell
that could help me with my gout?
It's killing me.
I'll love you and leave you
for a while.
Let you get some rest.
(whispers) I love you.
Everything okay, mate?
What's the story? Don't you really
want to have this ritual thing?
Of course I do.
It's just that Mum tries so hard
to do the right thing,
it's kind of embarrassing.
Nothing worse than a witch
with a big mouth.
Isn't that what mums are for -
to embarrass their teenage sons?
They'll shave my head, you know.
What do they do with it - the hair?
They throw it out. Why?
I don't want anyone
getting their hands on it.
Is there a reason for that?
It's a Wiccan thing.
The hair has special powers.
So you really buy
all this Wiccan stuff, yeah?
Of course I do.
I don't just go along with it
for Mum's sake.
It's a cool religion.
A big part of my life.
So tell me, what's it like
to be a witch?
I can tell you,
but then I'd have to kill you.
(groggily) Make sure the coin stays
with me all the time, won't you?
Yeah, Malcolm, don't worry about it.
Just keep hold of it, Malcolm.
You'll be fine.
Come on. Let's get him
up to theatre.
I'm just having a bad day, okay?
The Wiccen Rede -
"An it harm none, do as you will."
"Harm none" sounds alright.
"Do as you will" sounds suss.
It means you can't do anything
unless it won't hurt anybody.
It doesn't sound so freaky.
I've seen enough films to know that
that stuff gets a bit kooky.
You believe everything
you see in movies?
Only if they're in colour.
Black and white ones aren't real.
You'll stop laughing when you see
chickens in the laundry baskets.
(shouts) That's voodoo.
Keep your voice down.
I don't want the ward in a panic.
Panic about what?
The McGregors.
You don't even know what
they'll do in this ritual.
I don't need to know.
I don't need to know.
I just sent a patient to theatre
with a lucky coin.
I just sent a patient to theatre
with a lucky coin.
What's the difference between that
and Janice McGregor
wanting to send Aiden off
in the right frame of mind?
How a person goes into theatre
is usually how they come out.
Well, I don't want my ward
turned into a circus.
Don't look at me.
Come on, Terri.
I've had my exercise for the day.
Great. Now I'm spilling my tea.
Will you slow down a bit?
I really don't
want to talk about it.
Can you tell me what the problem is?
The problem is she goes against
everything I believe in.
The problem is I can't look at
that woman with a
The problem is I hate myself
for feeling this way.
I just don't have time. Sorry.
Luke, can I have a word?
No time.
Can you make time, please?
BEN: (calls) Steph.
What's up with you today?
Why are you here?
So we can have lunch.
I can't. I've just got enough time
for a quick cuppa and
Okay, forget it.
I just thought it might be nice.
I'll see you later.
You made it sound like her son
would die if we delayed surgery.
Okay. Maybe I overstated the risks.
What the hell do I tell Madsen?
Surgery's delayed because
his mum wants to cast a spell?
He'll have my guts for garters.
That's your problem.
You're suggesting
that we pander to this nonsense?
We can delay surgery until tomorrow.
You lied to stay
in Madsen's good books.
Listen, if you want to do your
patient a favour, you remind them
that there is a cancellation on the
surgery list for today not tomorrow.
And do it in the
strongest possible terms.
I'm scared, Mum.
Don't be.
Alright, I want you
to close your eyes.
Come on, close your eyes.
Take a deep breath
all the way into the diaphragm.
I want you to visualise
a blue light.
Can you see the blue light?
Breathe in the blue light.
Come on.
I don't want to see the blue light.
I just want this bloody thing
out of my head.
I'm sorry.
I know you are. It's okay.
I'm happy to do this for you but
it's only if you want that, okay?
It has to be your decision.
Yeah, I know.
You were right. I should have been
wearing my helmet.
It was a stupid thing to do.
No, you've got that all wrong.
If you hadn't disobeyed me,
we wouldn't have known
about the tumour until
Well, everything happens
for a reason, Aiden.
What's the reason for this tumour
in the first place?
That, I don't know.
Mrs McGregor, I'm on my lunch break.
If you want to discuss Aiden's case,
Sister Markham's on the ward.
It's actually you I want to see.
Look, I know how you feel
about all of this.
I really don't think you do.
Maybe you're right.
I've never been a nun.
Not a national secret, is it?
Look, we're not that different,
you and me.
You worship your god in a church
and my church is all around us.
Please don't presume to know
my relationship with God.
I frighten you, don't I?
I'm not having this
discussion with you.
Why? Is it because
I'm following a dark path?
Or is it because you think
that I'm worshipping Satan?
Alright, I'll tell you.
I think you're using your son
to make a political statement.
Is that so?
Yes, and I think it's wrong.
It's alright for you.
You want the last rites, you get it.
You want a priest to hear
your confession, you get that.
What is your point?
We have to fight
for our religious rights,
not because we like to
but because we have to.
If we were Christian,
Muslim or Jewish,
no-one would question those rights.
We are not a mainstream religion.
We are Wiccan. We are witches.
We only have two choices -
fight or be ignored.
Tell me how you separate
your beliefs from politics
under those circumstances.
None of this changes the fact
that your son is lying up there
waiting for an operation.
I know that.
Our beliefs will be respected
if I have to die in the process.
Janice, the problem is, it's not
your life on the line, is it?
(groggily) I'm okay?
I'm really okay?
Well, I wouldn't go jogging
for a few days, Malcolm,
but yes, the operation
went very well.
Where is it?
My coin.
Where is it?
You said I could have it with me.
It's around here somewhere,
You just rest now.
Just rest now. Come on.
Aiden's mum wants to do a ritual
and Sister Sullivan is freaking.
That sounds like fun.
The interesting thing
is that Aiden has a pineal tumour
and in this book I've been reading,
the pineal gland is the third eye.
That's where all the psycho stuff
happens, all the ESP and stuff.
When you've finished.
Mr Featherstone's lucky coin
didn't come back from theatre.
Can you check where it is?
No worries.
What's up with her?
I think she and Ben
had a fight this morning.
Trouble in paradise.
You basically know
everyone here except for
This is Aiden McGregor.
This is his mum, Janice.
Aiden's on four hourly neuro obs.
Aiden's on four hourly neuro obs.
He's due for surgery
He's due for surgery
Um, I'll leave you to it.
The cafeteria beckons.
Hi, I'm Jared.
I suppose you've heard all about
the wicked witch of the west?
That's cool.
My mum's a bit of a witch, too.
But, she doesn't have an excuse.
Got any kids, Jared?
No, despite my mother's
constant nagging.
It's an amazing feeling that first
time you hold your child, you know.
Someone ought to bottle it
so you never forget.
(sighs) I just hope
we're doing the right thing.
Sometimes all you can do
is do what you think is right
and then hope for the best.
Excuse me, Sister.
Can we talk?
I've been thinking about what you
said before about me using Aiden.
It really isn't any of my business.
No, no, it was a valid question.
I was brought up a Catholic.
My parents still go
to church every week.
And I respect that, Sister.
I really do.
Janice, what is it exactly
that you want?
I want to know if you're
solid enough in your faith
not to be threatened by mine.
I want to know if I can
perform my ritual tonight.
They can't find it anywhere.
You're joking!
What's up?
Malcolm's lucky coin's
gone walkabout.
Who's going to tell him?
I'll tell him.
Tell him to get a life.
You're not the one
who promised to look after it.
Bigger fool you.
Afternoon, Malcolm.
Did you find it?
Well, the thing is Malcolm,
they put it somewhere in theatre.
But you said it would stay with me.
I know I did, but it wasn't sterile
and the surgeon
I'm really sorry.
You lied to me.
Can I get you anything?
Talk about narky.
I asked her for a hand
- she bit my head off.
Lovers' tiff. Her and Ben.
I think it's more than a tiff.
They've been together
since high school.
Childhood sweethearts
just make you
Hi, Steph.
How did you go with Malcolm's coin?
Oh, nothing.
I bet he's impressed about that.
He's also in pain. I don't know why.
Could be psychosomatic.
I've seen that happen, but,
it could be something serious.
I'll keep an eye on him
just in case.
You don't think Luke might have, you
know, left it inside him, do you?
In surgery?
No way.
Hey, it happens.
Luke's really good at what he does,
he'd never make a mistake like that.
He's the best.
Excuse me while I vomit.
I'm not saying your mum's wrong,
But you're the one
that gives consent.
It's been given.
Yeah, I know.
If I was refusing consent, you'd
have to accept that, wouldn't you?
Maybe. It's a complicated situation.
Look at it like this.
I'm not giving consent
for an operation today.
I will give consent
for one tomorrow.
That's not complicated.
Are you okay with this?
Are you sure?
Game over. I lose.
Put Aiden McGregor
on the waiting list.
I'll put him on four hourly obs
to be on the safe side.
Maybe the ritual won't happen now.
Oh, I don't know.
Healing rituals can only
be done on a full moon,
so, tonight could be
the last chance.
A full moon?
What am I going to tell Madsen?
I've been trying
to get on his good side,
now I've stuffed his schedule.
This isn't about your career.
Well, it shouldn't be
about religion, either.
So I'm a hypocrite. Shoot me.
Oh, Luke, Madsen's only human.
He'll realise it's not your fault.
Oh, sure. Remind me of that
when I'm in Outpatients
instead of on the surgical team.
Luke, can you come here
for a moment?
What now?
(groans in pain)
He looks as sick as a dog
but his obs are normal.
What is it, Doctor?
It hurts like hell.
It could be an infection,
Mr Featherstone.
It could be.
How long's he been like this?
An hour, maybe more.
Will you have to
take him back to theatre?
I'll ask the boss.
I'm going to die, aren't I?
I told you.
No, you'll be fine.
It's nothing to worry about.
But if you want,
we can put you in another room
while the ritual's going on.
Will she be naked?
Sorry, no.
Won't fix me gout.
If she won't get her gear off,
there's no point in sticking around.
As this web I seek to weave,
of water and salt I have need.
Almighty are the ancient ones.
What's she doing?
How the hell would I know?
Shouldn't you kiddies be in bed?
Wouldn't miss this for the world. create for us a sacred space.
Three by three I weave this place
to create for us a sacred space.
Right, too weird for me. I'm off.
Creature of the north,
element of fire,
I summon stir and call thee
to witness our rite and to lend us
your powers of passion and strength.
Where's Terri?
Dunno, but she's sure missing
a good show.
What's this?
Well, I had the day off
so I thought I'd spend it wisely.
Ooh, that'd be the microwave.
What are you doing in here?
Well, you know what a full moon
does to my psych patients.
I've been run off my feet.
You're missing all the fun and
the games up in the ward, you know.
Yeah, I know.
For what it's worth, you were right
letting that ritual go ahead.
I nearly said no.
Ah, but you didn't.
I've been thinking about my dad.
He was the most devout man
I've ever known.
He was also way too quick to judge.
He was a religious bigot.
So, that's what this is about.
I don't know.
I've just tried so hard
not to be like him.
And you're not.
Hey, this Wiccan ceremony is
something you've never encountered.
It's natural you'd be
a little wary of it.
I don't think it's that simple.
Just accept that maybe you're
a bit human like the rest of us.
Chalk it up to experience
and move on.
You know, you're really
quite good at this.
Have you ever considered
a career in psychiatry?
What, are you nuts?
Earth mother, moon goddess,
your child is in need.
My child is in need.
He has followed me on my path
with conviction and love
and perfect trust.
Protect him, heal him, love him.
So mote it be.
So mote it be.
I bought these especially.
I think we manage just fine
without needing aphrodisiacs.
After this morning, I thought
I wasn't taking any chances.
What do you mean?
I mean, now is your prime time
of the month for making babies.
You've been keeping track
of my cycle?
I thought it would
increase our odds.
I can't believe you'd
do that behind my back.
Do what? What did I do?
You've blown your chances
for this month, that's for sure.
How many times do I
have to say I'm sorry?
Can I make you some breakfast?
Excuse me.
Big day today?
Come on, Steph, talk to me.
Have a good day.
When she called all the elements
to watch over the circle
I got goosebumps.
Dr Morrison, I thought it was
so special, didn't you?
Ah, yeah.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I'm keeping you from your meeting.
I'll see you later.
Completely unlike Jaz
to get carried away.
Yeah. I'm just glad it's over.
Still, you have to admit,
it was very interesting.
In an academic/anthropological
sort of way.
I don't want to talk about it.
I can't get over
the way I behaved yesterday.
Hey, hey.
Stop beating yourself up about it.
Sometimes I wish you were my priest.
Confession would be so much easier.
Yeah, but I look lousy in a cassock.
Have you been here all night?
Mr Featherstone's worse.
I don't know it is.
The antibiotics haven't helped?
Dr Forlano.
May I have a word, please?
Mrs McGregor, I have not slept.
Right now I've got a date
with a few hours sleep.
The system works you pretty hard.
That it does.
Doctors are under so much pressure
to toe the line,
to be pragmatic, ambitious,
but at the same time
you want to put patients first.
That's why you become doctors
in the first place.
I really have to get some sleep,
Aiden and I could be forgiven
for thinking you're not
a very caring person.
But my instincts tell me otherwise.
My instincts tell me
that you are a good doctor.
Someone that can put in 100%
for his career and his patients.
Please, try and get Aiden
on the theatre list today.
I thought I was doing a good thing.
Boy, was I wrong.
She'll calm down. They always do.
You doing alright?
I'll be fine.
Just ring and apologise.
How hard can that be?
I left a message.
But with my foot-in-mouth disease,
I've probably made things worse.
Just keep part of your mind
on the job.
Or else you'll have more problems.
One, two, three.
Mr Madsen, I can rearrange
to get the McGregor boy
onto your list this afternoon.
Impossible. I've seen the schedule.
I haven't got time
for a trip to the toilet
let alone a pineal tumour.
Cochrane can take
two cases off your hands.
I'm busy, Forlano.
Which means Aiden McGregor
can slot in first up after lunch.
Is that your opinion, is it?
Aiden, tell me you haven't
eaten any of that.
Good. Don't.
Get a nil by mouth sign.
I'll be back in a sec.
Excuse me, Doctor. Thank you.
I'm not making any promises yet.
He's staying,
at least for a little while.
But we've already
given the bed away.
She's good now?
We're taking her to the hospital
and we're getting her
to a doctor and then we'll know.
She's bad in the head sometimes.
Not thinking straight.
If you're worried, you can
come with us in the truck.
Then you can see what we're doing.
How does that sound?
Sound good.
Okay, you get in here.
Hey, these guys have been married
nearly 35 years.
That's no mean feat
in this day and age.
Yeah, Ben, it's me
returning your call.
We're really busy today,
I just don't have time to chat.
I'll talk to you later.
"Taureans - the full moon
puts you under its spell
and you have romance on your mind."
Come on,
you can't argue with the stars.
Hey, Bron, what sign are you?
You're the astrological
opposite to Connor.
Jaz, have you seen Luke?
I need him to check on
Malcolm Featherstone.
Ah, magic.
Luke, about Malcolm
Just give me a minute, okay?
You'll be going to surgery
straight up after lunch.
Doctor, thank you.
Ah, Connor, I'll be writing up
new orders for Aiden.
Doctor, one last request and I
promise I will pack up my broomstick
and never trouble you again.
He wants his hair kept.
Don't ask.
Well, I'll see what I can do.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Oh, Sister, I've left my bag
and I haven't finished packing up.
That's alright.
He's coming back here.
You said the bed was taken.
Well, yeah, it was,
but I made a few calls
and worked a little magic of my own.
See you in a minute.
Mrs McGregor.
Have you heard anything?
He just came out of surgery
so he's in the recovery room
and you can't see him.
But, um, early reports are that they
don't think that it's malignant.
There's just one thing,
and I'm sorry about this.
They threw out his hair.
(relieved laughter)
He's going to be alright.
That's all I care about.
Oh, thank you,
thank you for everything.
JAZ: Yeah, no worries, Ben.
Jared, can you grab Steph for me?
She's in room eight. It's Ben.
Come on, Ben.
We're just grabbing her.
Thanks, Jaz, you're a doll.
Hold that.
Room five. Through there.
Bring the kit! The kit!
Sorry about this.
Hello? Hello?
Typical. Drags me up here.
Oh, Steph, call him back.
I'm busy.
Hey, don't forget
the $5 for the coffee jar.
Good to see the tea room
is in such capable hands.
Because I've got him
so well trained.
Are you coming to Cougars
for a drink?
Well, it's happy hour,
so, I guess, yes.
Great. I thought I'd invite Luke.
Mmm. Better that we're in a group
so it's not just coming from me.
Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen.
Observe and learn.
Thank you, darling.
Since when is Luke
a big Cougars' fan, mate?
Mrs McGregor.
They managed to find
Aiden's hair after all.
Thank you, Doctor.
They they found something else
while they were looking for it.
It's my other patient's lucky coin.
Oh, what a nice coincidence.
You found it.
Must've fallen out of your hand
during the operation.
And I called you a liar.
Oh, forget it.
Bet he improves now.
I know. Spooks me every time.
I've been trying
to call you all day.
I know. I've been busy.
You've finished now, haven't you?
Look, I know they're a bit squashed.
They've been in the truck all day.
But, um, here, they're for you.
(laughs) They're not beautiful.
No, they look how I feel.
I've been a bit of an idiot,
haven't I?
But if you give me a kiss, I promise
I'll get every calendar and diary
and I'll just throw it
out of the house.
Then you'll forget our anniversary.
August 9th.
You're too much, you know that?
Ah! Not here.
Later, later(giggles)
Hey, a few of us are going
to Cougars after the shift.
Do you want to come?
Sure. Why not?
Knock-off time.
I've got a few loose ends
I want to tie up.
Sister, you are coming with me
and that's an order.
Jenny's made dinner
and the kids are expecting you.
Okay, that'd be nice.
At least that's the full moon
over for this month.
Now we can all go back
to just being half crazy.
Oh, speak for yourself.
I had this terrible feeling all day
that something bad was going to
happen if we didn't make contact.
Weird, eh?
It's been a weird old day.
And then our calls kept missing
and I was really worried.
I just wanted to apologise,
hear your voice.
But I couldn't get through.
I guess I haven't really been
trying hard enough, have I?
It's not just your fault.
I've been off in my own world, too.
With both of us working shifts
we don't get to spend as much
time together as other couples do.
(snores softly)
But I want you to know
I really really love you.
I guess I'll tell you that tomorrow.