All That Glitters (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Pull me up!
It was you. You killed Mom!
Why was she so stupid
as to trust a useless man like you?
Mom died because of you!
Why are you in a daze? Pull me up!
I heard the photo was posted online
by that woman called Judy.
Who knows if the news is true?
Whether it's true or not,
a rich man's son like him
is no decent man.
Better tell your sis to beware of him.
If only she'd listen to me.
My sis has been defiant
since she was little.
Even my mom can't take her in hand.
My sis hates being bullied.
You're worried she'll get back
at that rich man's son?
I don't know if she might
do something reckless.
We can't afford to provoke the rich.
Who cares if he's a rich guy or not,
I'll kick his butt all the same.
I'm worried sick,
yet here you are talking nonsense.
What's there to worry about?
She'll hurl vulgarities at him
and slap him at most.
What can that fella do?
He deserves it.
You're worried your sis
will stab him with a knife?
When my sis was in primary school,
there was a girl who kept bullying her.
In the end, my sis cut off the bully's
ponytail with a pair of scissors.
My parents had to plead with
the principal for a long time
not to expel her.
Both you and your sis
have strong personalities.
Worry not.
I regard her as my sis too.
I won't let anything happen to her.
Dig in. The food's turning cold.
Don't you have work?
Did you quit your job?
Quit my job?
I'd love to,
but my boss would never let go of
an exceptional talent like me.
What makes you think that?
You smell different.
You haven't smelled of sweat
for three days straight.
Well, I was in "Hokkaido."
Come again?
A cold storage facility is moving
and I've been working there.
The sub-zero temperature there
makes me feel like I'm in Hokkaido.
Be glad I wasn't frozen to death.
Of course I wouldn't sweat.
Is there enough to eat?
Want to order more?
It's enough.
Wear warmer clothes. Don't catch a cold.
Got it. Eat up.
Has anyone been to the stall
to look for me recently?
Did you see any news online?
No mention of it in the newspapers.
The police didn't look me up either.
Maybe I didn't kill him after all?
What a pity!
What do you mean?
It's a pity I didn't take the money.
Tens of thousands of dollars, mind you!
You're incorrigible.
Don't say that about me.
People like us will never become rich
unless we get a windfall.
You know nothing!
Hi, Mr. Liu.
These young girls are my employees.
They brought me here to have fun.
They said I'd feel like a young man again!
Come on, Mr. Liu. You still look so young.
Let me know the next time you're coming.
I'll make the arrangements.
Okay, sure! Thank you.
Hello, Bro Musen?
Jiahui, how's Zhenting?
It looks like she's okay.
She was even cracking jokes.
Is she really all right
or just putting on a brave face?
How should I know?
Keep an eye on her. Don't let her drink.
Don't give me that. Did she drink?
Bro Musen, you know full well
Zhenting isn't one
to do other people's bidding.
Huh? Louder, I can't hear you.
I said, you know full well
Zhenting isn't one
to do other people's bidding.
Why is it so noisy over there?
Just keep an eye on her.
Don't let her drink too much, okay?
Yes, Liu Mu?
Have you closed your stall for the day?
I'm doing that now. What's the matter?
I'm tied up here.
Check on Zhenting for me.
Zhenting? What happened to her?
You're a spy!
-Give that to me.
Give it to me My liquor!
Yuck, what kind of liquor is this?
It tastes awful!
Zhenting, you haven't found out
what exactly happened.
Don't jump to conclusions.
You said his family wanted him
to return to Jakarta.
Maybe they forced him into it?
We're not in a Korean drama, okay?
A forced marriage in this day and age?
If your parents forced you
to marry someone you don't like,
would you do it?
Over my dead body!
If you won't say yes,
who can make you do it?
But he's from a wealthy family.
Their world is different from ours.
Zhenting, have you called him?
No. Why should I call him?
I don't care at all.
If he cares about you,
he should call you first.
Surely he knows you'll see the photo
that woman posted online
and sent her friends.
Did he call you?
No idea.
Where's your phone?
-I turned it off.
I don't want to take any calls.
It's Arthur.
Should I answer the call?
He's calling you, not me. You decide.
You know he's calling me
only because he can't reach you.
What do I do?
I'm not taking the call.
Nobody's stopping you from answering.
Yeah, she's with me.
She's turned off her phone.
She's feeling really down.
Hang on.
-He wants to talk to you.
-I don't want to talk to him.
Tell him I'm drunk.
Where's Zhenting?
Over there.
What happened to her?
She's drunk.
We'll get going.
Hold it.
Is anything the matter?
Where are you taking her?
To my condo.
Did she agree to it?
He Jianzhi, right?
Who are you to her?
I'm her friend.
Well, I'm her boyfriend.
Some boyfriend you are.
You got engaged to another woman!
This is between Megan and me.
Stay out of it.
You're not taking her away.
Stop them!
Stop Jianzhi!
-Go on
Bro Jianzhi, stop fighting!
Arthur, take Zhenting home.
Zhenting's just pretending to be drunk.
You okay?
I'm fine.
You're drunk?
Nah, I only had two glasses of liquor.
A glass of liquor is usually
enough to make you drunk.
I'll take you home.
No! My mom will kill me
if she sees me like this.
-Who are you calling?
-Liu Mu.
No way! He'll give me a dressing-down.
Where do you want to go then?
Take me to
a hotel.
Here you go again.
Bro Jianzhi.
Are you afraid?
You're afraid.
Those who know Mr. Liu
call him Braggart Liu.
He only had a few years of schooling,
yet he's the CEO of a listed company.
Do you know what made him rich?
Pirated CDs.
CDs, VCDs and DVDs.
He sold CDs for S$10 each.
Any idea what the production cost was?
You got the right digit but wrong figure.
-It was 50 cents.
-Only 50 cents?
Whoa, such huge profits.
Yup. He sold at least
a few million pieces a year.
Guess how much he made?
Remember Mr. Li who berated me
at the golf course that day?
Of course.
He called me
an unscrupulous businessman and a cheat.
What a joke.
Out of ten businessmen,
nine are unscrupulous.
The remaining one that is honest
will end up bankrupt.
Everyone knows Mr. Li
uses inferior materials
for the houses he builds.
No wonder he's afraid of snakes.
A snake would easily enter his house.
You know, Lin Musen,
gold is everywhere in this world.
You just have to know
how to get hold of it.
Smuggling, drug trafficking,
murder, robbery -
those are the most stupid ways
of making money.
You have to be able to spend the money
you make freely and merrily.
That is what a smart person does.
Boss, you make it out to be so easy.
But how many people can achieve that?
That's why you have to use your head.
Do you want to be rich?
Of course I do, Boss.
My daughter is the apple of my eye.
I'm willing to lose everything for her.
You saved my daughter's life.
That's akin to saving my life.
I will help you realize your wish.
But I want to know
what you'll sacrifice for money.
What price are you willing to pay?
Boss, what price do I have to pay?
Who knows?
It could be something insignificant,
or it could be something you treasure.
Take Braggart Liu for instance.
He may be rolling in money,
but his wife divorced him
and his children are wastrels
who squander his money.
He made money, but he lost kinship.
Oh, I get it.
It's like buying a lottery ticket.
You must be prepared to lose the money
you used to buy a ticket.
Such is life.
So, no regrets?
No regrets.
The first step to getting rich
is to understand how greed
is part of human nature.
In the face of temptation,
few people are able to resist.
Have an early night.
Hold on.
Help me take them off.
Take my shoes off.
I can't get up.
You're drunk as a lord.
Your mom will give you an earful
if she sees you.
Stop talking about my mom.
I'm an adult.
Nobody can stop me from drinking.
Get it?
Got it.
-Go to sleep.
-I don't want to.
Why do I have to do as you say?
From now on,
I don't want to be a good girl anymore.
I want to be willful.
I want to be willful!
Not so loud, or people might complain.
Bro Jianzhi.
Take it off for me.
I already did.
I'm talking about my top.
Don't joke around.
I'm not. I feel hot.
You're hot? I'll crank up
the air-conditioning.
Okay, done.
Remember to check out
before noon tomorrow.
I've already paid for the room.
-Who are you calling a coward?
Aren't you a coward?
You keep running away.
When did I do that?
I asked you to help me take off my top,
but you wanted to run away.
I bet you don't have the guts
to take my top off.
It's just taking off a top.
He Jianzhi, come out.
Come out!
You have some nerve!
Liu Mu, hear me out.
I told you to keep an eye on Zhenting,
yet you let that fella take her away.
Bro Musen, I told you
it wasn't Bro Jianzhi's fault.
Zhenting wanted me to stop Bro Jianzhi.
I haven't settled the score with you.
Are you colluding with him?
I'm so disappointed in both of you.
-Why, you!
-I'm disappointed in you.
-What do you mean?
You care more about Zhenting
than your cousin.
You're fine, aren't you?
Why should I be concerned?
Says who?
I drank two glasses of liquor
in Zhenting's stead.
Had it not been for Bro Jianzhi,
I wouldn't have made it home.
I still have a hangover, you know.
That's because you're stupid.
Serves you right
for going drinking with her.
She was in low spirits.
Of course she'd drown her sorrows.
Zhenting isn't such a person.
So how is Zhenting? Is she okay now?
We haven't heard from her at all.
Have you found Arthur?
Do you know where he lives?
Zhenting stayed out all night.
She didn't call home either.
You're-so-Pretty is worried sick,
but she's putting on a brave face.
She even came up with an excuse
to keep it from her mom.
I promised You're-so-Pretty
I'd take care of her sis.
But I don't even know where she is now.
Jiahui, call her again.
Call me once you have news of her.
I'm going to look You're-so-Pretty up.
I still can't get through.
You okay?
I'm good. Why wouldn't I be?
Last night
Last night?
Oh, about my getting drunk last night?
I told my mom I was doing my project
with a classmate.
It was too late
and the taxi fare was exorbitant.
So we stayed the night at the library.
She only nagged me for a while.
Looks like she cares more about money.
About last night
I'm sorry.
I'll answer for my actions.
It's burning!
The sauce is burning.
How are you going to
answer for your actions?
I'll marry you.
Bro Jianzhi, let me ask you a question.
Do you
love me?
I do have feelings for you.
But I've never thought of marrying you.
I get it.
I'm just a satay seller.
I also have to repay my dad's debts.
It's nothing to do with that.
You don't make
my heart race.
I don't feel the urge
to want to marry you and no one else.
You seem relieved.
Not having to be responsible for me
seems to put your mind at ease.
Liu Mu confronted me just now.
I thought he'd found out.
I'll make a move.
Bro Jianzhi, don't worry.
This is a secret between us,
I won't tell another soul.
Someone will be here
to view the stall later.
I'm giving up the stall.
Bro Hai comes here
to collect debts all the time.
The money we make
isn't enough to pay him back.
Might as well give up this stall
to someone else.
After someone else takes over the stall,
I'll go into hiding in Muar.
You can rent another stall
or find a job. Up to you.
You're-so-Pretty, stop worrying.
Your sis is smart, she'll be all right.
She's a smart Alec.
She's been like this since she was a kid.
She always does unconventional things,
and she has tons of excuses
if you ask her why.
Her exam results were good.
Her classmates went on to JCs
to prepare for college.
But she chose to go to a poly.
She said she'd be able to start working
earlier than her classmates
and that it was the smartest idea.
The early bird catches the worm.
Nothing wrong with doing that.
But a diploma is different from a degree.
That's what I said too.
But she said she wasn't looking
to pursue a career.
It's to marry a rich guy, right?
She said a highly-educated woman
would scare off suitors,
and that going out to work
at a younger age
would allow better chances
of meeting an ideal man.
She ended up meeting a rich man's son
before even starting work.
But I can't help feeling
that rich man's son
is no decent person.
She could get toyed with
or taken advantage of.
Your sis is streetwise.
Not so easy to toy with her.
Cheer up, okay?
She may have gone home for all we know.
What were you thinking?
That man is engaged, isn't he?
You shouldn't even meet him,
yet you went home with him.
Even a judge would give a suspect a chance
to defend himself in court.
I only wanted him to make things clear.
So did he make things clear?
A playboy like him
must be full of excuses.
He must've shifted
the blame to that woman.
Did he tell you it was her decision
and he knew nothing?
Nope. He admitted they got engaged.
But he was forced into it.
You believe such hogwash?
I didn't.
But after hearing him out, I did.
What did he tell you?
He said both his and her parents
had made the decision.
They never asked for his opinion.
They asked him to go back out of the blue.
He thought some family matters
had cropped up.
But the moment he got off the plane,
the chauffeur
whisked him off to the hotel.
Their parents and that woman
were all there.
Then they announced
the engagement straight away.
He said he doesn't love that woman at all.
The person he loves is me.
So what if he loves you?
The woman he's marrying isn't you.
You want to be his mistress?
I'll only be the wife.
I'll never be a mistress.
Who cares if she is a banker's daughter?
She's no match for me.
So you believe his honeyed words?
I'm not so immature, all right?
Lin Musen.
Read this out for my sis.
What is it?
Arthur wrote and posted this online?
"I'm engaged? How come
I don't know about it?
Did April Fool's Day come early? Ha ha!"
Scroll down for part two.
"I hereby declare that
my true love is this girl."
You're-so-Pretty, there's a photo
of your sis and Arthur.
Sis, honeyed words are not to be trusted.
He had to prove his sincerity
with his actions
and he did it.
And you believe him?
More like,
I choose to believe him.
That's why I slept with him.
Why are you so naive?
Sis, I was moved by him.
He knew his parents would
take him to task for doing that.
But he still went ahead
and made his feelings for me public.
Still, you needn't have
offered yourself to him.
Lin Musen, can you control
this kind of thing?
When the feeling is right,
it happens naturally.
Don't you agree?
You're asking me? I How would I know?
Don't tell me you're still a virgin?
Li Zhenting.
Have you any sense of shame?
What's so shameful about
this kind of thing?
Intimacy between a man
and a woman is normal.
Sis, don't be a fuddy-duddy.
You're only older than me by a year or so.
How long have you been with my sis?
Three months and eight days.
Don't tell me you haven't
held her hand before?
Don't be absurd. Of course I have.
-Have you kissed?
-Have you touched?
Calm down.
Cool down, Sis.
Don't say any more.
Okay, I'll stop
I'll go cook.
Break up with him.
Excuse me?
I said, break up with him.
Come on, Sis.
I told you I slept with him
because I wanted you to know
I'm serious about him.
Now you want me to break up with him?
It'll be a huge loss for me!
Li Zhenting.
This isn't a business deal.
If someone isn't suitable
for you, leave him.
Absolutely right.
A misstep could lead to eternal regret.
You think we're in a period drama?
It's the wisdom of people
from ancient times.
It'll do you good to take the advice.
Your sis may not be as experienced as you,
but she's older,
more mature and more sensible.
She must have her reasons
for asking you to break up with him.
Reasons? Fine, let's hear them.
She hasn't even spoken to him before.
How could she ask me to break up with him?
On the grounds of her gut feeling?
Yup, it's her gut feeling all right.
Oh, now you're in a sci-fi series?
Don't be so skeptical.
They say there's a telepathic connection
between family members.
She must've felt something is amiss.
That's why she wants you two to break up.
-You're good at making up stories.
-Don't say that.
I know you care about me.
But this is my personal matter.
Let me handle it myself.
Regardless of the outcome,
I'll bear the consequences.
How do you feel today?
You should've listened to me.
I don't blame you,
I blame myself.
It was my fault.
Anyone there?
Who's there?
Go after that person.
Who? I don't see anyone.
Someone was in Zhenting's room.
I asked who it was,
but that person left without replying.
It's a woman. She couldn't have gone far.
-Go and see who she is
Miss, wait up.
Did you visit my sister?
My sister is Li Zhenting.
She's in ward No. 3 on the first level.
It was her.
I remember her footsteps
and the scent of her perfume.
Who are you?
You were already in the ward
when I went in.
Why did you keep quiet?
I entered the wrong ward just now.
Sorry for imposing on you.
Did someone ask you to come?
As I said, I went into the wrong ward.
Mo Xuemin?
You're Mo Xuemin, aren't you?
Don't ever come again.
-Don't come again, you hear me?
-Don't you ever come again!
-She's gone.
Let me see you home.
Weihao, tell the nurse
not to allow anyone besides family
to visit Zhenting.
Will do.
Li Zhenting.
Lin Musen asked me to tell you
he'd taken revenge for you.
He's taken revenge for you.
Every time Mom visited you,
she'd cry her eyes out at home.
So I stopped her from coming.
She's been getting weaker of late.
She feels dizzy frequently.
Sometimes, she even gets pale
from making coffee.
I try to talk her into
going home and resting,
but she never listens.
She says the shop keeps her busy
and the day passes quickly.
If she stays home,
time passes slowly.
She's afraid of being home alone
because she'll think of you.
You know you're Mom's favorite.
You know best how to please her,
although you also upset her
most frequently.
Mom's having a really hard time.
You're having a hard time too.
You need to run the shop,
look after Mom
and take care of your family.
Hear that, Zhenting?
I'm not as patient as Sis.
If you don't wake up soon,
I'll sever ties with you.
Li Weihao.
Sis, you know how Zhenting
threatened me when we were kids.
"Li Weihao,
get out of the bathroom now,
or I'll sever ties with you."
"Li Weihao,
if you're so careless
in your math exam again
and get 99 instead of 100 marks,
I'll sever ties with you."
"Li Weihao,
if you bully Sis again,
I'll sever ties with you."
Sis, who's Mo Xuemin?
You asked her whether
someone got her to come.
Who were you referring to?
I know you keep
a lot of things to yourself.
You can confide in me. Maybe I can help.
So what if I told you everything?
Zhenting is still in a coma.
If I told you, would all this
not have happened?
-You okay?
-I'm okay.
Sis, what's done cannot be undone.
But perhaps we can find out
the reason why all this happened,
and the truth.
The truth?
Yes, the truth.
Back when Zhenting got hurt,
I was at university
and stayed at the hostel.
So I don't know much about the incident.
I later did some investigating.
Apparently Arthur Thng
and she, got into a dispute
and both fell from the second floor.
That was what Lin Jiahui told the police.
Lin Jiahui was Zhenting's buddy.
She went with Zhenting
to meet Arthur Thng,
but they got into a conflict
for some reason.
Lin Jiahui tried to
break up their argument,
but she got pushed over and passed out.
When she woke up, Arthur Thng
and Zhenting had disappeared.
Stop it.
The odd thing is,
Lin Jiahui went missing after that.
It was six months later
when her body was found.
Sis, I'm a police officer.
Many things about this case
are very suspicious.
If we avoid talking about it,
the truth will never come to light.
I don't need to know the truth.
I just want heaven
to give Zhenting back to us.
I want her to be safe and sound.
Then let's not talk about it.
You want to know what happened?
I'll tell you the truth.
The truth is, it was me.
It was all my fault.
I got together with Lin Musen
against Mom's advice.
As the oldest sister, I didn't set
a good example to you two.
Yet I tried to assert my authority
over you and run your lives.
Zhenting wouldn't listen to me.
I could do nothing but tell her off.
When she encountered problems,
all I did was talk nonsense,
instead of rendering actual help.
It was my fault! That's the truth.
I'm not fit to be your older sis, Weihao!
Cry it out.
Cry your heart out.
Miss Mo.
Your brother Richard Mo
sent us to pick you up.
To go where?
Please come with us. You'll find out soon.
Why should I believe you?
Let me check with my brother.
He didn't pick up. I can't leave with you.
What do you want?
Miss Mo, please don't
make things difficult for us.
Look who's talking. Get lost.
-Miss Mo, get in the car.
-Let go!
What are you doing?
I'm Li Weihao. Investigating Officer, CID.
Miss Mo, we met
at the nursing home yesterday.
Who are they?
They want me to leave with them.
They said they're taking me to my brother.
But I've never seen them before.
Miss Mo, we were really sent
by Richard Mo to pick you up.
Pick her up?
But why did it look like
you were abducting her?
Sir, don't malign us.
Do you want to go with them?
I turned them down,
but they wouldn't take no for an answer.
She's not maligning you, then.
You two, turn around.
Legs apart, hands on the car
I'm going to search you.
-Follow my instructions.
Turn around!
Bro Richard?
There are two men
who claim to have been sent by you.
Just call me if you want to see me.
Why send two men over?
I thought they wanted to abduct me.
Where are you?
Out at sea?
What's the matter?
My brother really did send them here.
Officer Li, did you happen to pass by
or did you come with an agenda?
I do wish to talk to you.
Is now a convenient time?
Get in the car.
Hi Hi.
I'm looking for Mota.
Mota should be over there
Did anyone see Mota?
His wife is giving birth. He's gone home.
Hear that?
You want to go fishing at sea?
Yes. Then we're going to Koh Lipe
for scuba-diving.
Koh Lipe? That's in Thailand.
Mota said there are
fewer tourists over there,
so it's a good place for scuba-diving.
That's quite far away.
-Never mind. Thanks.
Hang on.
Have you agreed on a price with Mota?
Yes, over the phone.
Did you bring your passports?
I can take you there.
Wait for me at the pier.
Let me fuel my boat first.
How do I address you?
Call me Cheng.
Subtitle translation by: Youshi
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