Angels of Death (2021) s01e09 Episode Script


I am merciless fury.
I am cleansing rage.
I am the Angel's vengeance.
Once the loading hold is clear,
I shall proceed into the docking limb
and disengage the clamps holding the ship.
Yes, little brother.
I shall cleave a path.
And the path shall be lit by fire!
!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
All units, log visual
and auditory data for later review.
The lines of probability are intersecting
with a pleasing consistency.
Keep going!
Palidus, breach the doors.
Only in death
does duty end.
Kill the witch, brother.
She cannot live.
Purge the unclean!
You have brought ruin to perfection.
You are false angels,
and you shall fall!
No! No! No!
We are eternal!
Kill us and our rage shall follow you!
And we will be there to crush you.
You know nothing of rage.
The doors won't hold for long.
The rite of destruction shall be ready
to enact in five minutes, Ship Mistress.
Keep pressure on that.
We'll need you to power us free
of that tower when we're clear.
Yes, Ship Mistress
You can count on me.
I'll be station ready.
I'd expect nothing less.
Weapons ready!
I am wrath. I am steel.
I am the mercy of Angels!
Spirit of this machine, heed me!
Let thy fears be at peace
And perform my will!
The docking clamps
and limb have disengaged!
Praise the Blood of Baal!
Get us clear!
Aye, Ship Mistress.
Power to engines
In blood we are born!
In battle do we live!
In blood will we be renewed!
What have you done?
Grace of the Angel!
And the Angel's judgement.
Reports through the ship
that the enemy are in panic and disorder.
Armsmen to move through all decks,
purgatus protocols.
Leave none alive.
The flotilla is in disarray.
Something must have happened
Come about.
Target lock on those craft.
Prow batteries responding.
Starboard and port batteries report
fifty-two and sixty-three percent ready.
Ah Satisfactory.
We did it.
The Sword of Baal endures
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