Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Space Oddities

[gentle music]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
[rock music]
For catapultin! Slingshottin'!
Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zip'n in the air ♪
Crashing everywhere ♪
Archery, dodgebird
Borb tennis -- it's absurd! ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, and Chuck ♪
Flyin' fast
Look out, duck! ♪
All your life you'll be glad
you had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
Okay. Now with model rockets,
it's real important
that when you launch them
to be super careful not to block my sun.
Copy that?
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! Whoa!
[laughs] Watch this.
[fart sound]
[all laughing]
Okay, okay, check it out! Check it out.
Look, look, look!
[fart sound]
Where's your rocket?
I'm just happy watching you dorks
crash and burn.
Well, prepare to be disappointed!
Repecka, Starling,
isn't it, like, funny
how bad everyone's rocket is?
Like, so funny it's sad.
So funny, Robin!
Totally. I'm, like, crying.
Check this out.
Oh! New camp record!
Not that that's saying much
with this total lack of competish.
-Robin's rocket rules!
-Robin's rocket rules!
Whoo! Ha!
Hey, Stella, like, not trying is the same
as losing. You know that, right?
Hey! If she even thought about trying,
she'd totally kick your--
Why do you always act like
you're better than everyone?
Because I am better than everyone.
Oh, sweetie!
It's okay to be jealous of me.
Everyone else is!
Literally everyone.
So jealous.
Chuck, gonna need to borrow your tools.
I think it's time to--
Chuck, you built your rocket
with a soda bottle.
Yeah. Why?
Red. I think it's time to build
my own rocket
and show
Little Miss Better Than Everyone, here,
that she's not…
better than everyone… here.
Well, I hope your rocket lands better
than your comeback, sweetie!
Ooh! Hard peck!
Ooh, nice rocket burn, Robin.
Oh! I'm gonna enjoy wiping that smug grin
off her beak!
"Ew. I'm, like, Robin.
And I think I'm better than everyone."
You call that a well-made bed?
Mine is, like, so much better.
[cheering, clapping]
You call that a dessert?
Mine's way better.
[giggling, cheering]
That cloud looks like a hat.
Hardly. It's a flying saucer.
Yes! I imagined it better.
And I have way better flashbacks.
Oh! Glad to see you've given up
the rocket thing
and just decided to play with this trash.
Ha. Hilarious. Watch this.
[rocket sputtering]
[all laughing]
You were right. That was hilarious.
You know, maybe challenging Robin
at rocket building isn't the best idea.
She's, like, really good at it.
That's exactly why I have to beat her.
Ow! Ooh! Eee! Ow!
[Robin] Still hilarious!
[Robin] Okay. Now that's just sad.
Psst. Penley.
Can you hook me up
with some high-end pig tech?
[whistles] Ooh!
Now that's what I'm talking about.
What do you think of this?
Wait, I just need a sec.
That went way better in my head.
I'm gonna go get a glass of water.
Wow, that's, like, impressive…
Sorry, Robin.
Ugh! Why does she always get up
in my beak?
I mean, like, what did I ever do to her?
What if her rocket, like,
goes higher than yours?
Oh, it's going higher all right.
Like, way higher.
[rock music]
[music stops]
Good luck, Stella. You're my hero.
-We'll never forget you!
-I'll be back in two minutes.
That's two minutes too long!
[Stella grunts]
[Red over P.A.]
Ground control to Stella. Do you copy?
Copy! Start countdown, Ground Control.
Ten, nine, eight--
-Let me!
Seven, four, 90, six and a half,
four, 877, four, touchdown!
What did I say about blocking my sun?
And Robin's record is toast!
[rapid beeping]
Uh-oh. It's not stopping!
Entering low Earth orbit!
Which is amazing!
I just blew Robin's record
out of the water!
Um, I don't think so.
If I hadn't snuck aboard
and sabotaged your rocket,
you'd never have gotten so high.
This is my record.
You wish!
Wait, what? You did what to my rocket?
Yeah, I wasn't gonna let you
beat my record,
but then the stupid hatch slammed shut
behind me and I got stuck here.
Well, then I guess you got
what you deserve.
Yep. The record!
Victory strut, y'all!
-Ooh! Ooh!
-[dance music]
Nuh-uh! No way.
I built the rocket.
The record is mine.
So, kiss my butt feathers.
And since I was at the front
of the rocket,
I was the first Splinterwood
camper in space,
which outdoes anything you ever did, ever.
Oh, actually, the rocket was spinning
when it passed into low earth orbit,
meaning the back of it entered first,
which is where I was.
First in space and in your face!
[loud clank]
[gasps] We're drifting toward outer space!
If we don't get this rocket moving,
we'll be lost forever!
Good thing I'm here to save us.
Not if I save us first!
If anyone…
-[static over radio]
-…will save… me.
It's Stella. She's saying, "Save me!"
We've gotta rescue her!
All right, guys, let's get to work.
This is it! Your boy Chuck's got a plan.
Look at her, thinking she's better than me
at saving our lives.
She thinks she's so cool. Like she'll be
the one to keep us from a horrible death.
[Bomb humming "Ride of the Valkyries"]
Ew. Do you hear something?
[Chuck] Our brave heroes make their way
toward the stranded rocket
to rescue their friend!
Oh no.
It's a spectacular rescue,
but one of the heroes really hopes
there's a bathroom on the rocket
because he's been drinking
soda the whole time!
We're here to rescue you!
You're as good as saved!
Except that we seem to be
floating away in the wrong direction!
[Red screams]
I really gotta go pee-pee bad now!
[sighs] Don't worry!
I'm comin' to save ya!
Nuh-uh! If anyone's gonna be the first
camper to do a space rescue,
it's gonna be me!
Eat my space dust!
[Red screams]
He's going too fast!
What do we do?
Ha ha!
[exciting music]
Okay, we got him!
Whoopsy! My bad!
[alarm blaring]
Uh, can you do us a favor and stop trying
to rescue us?
Yeah, we got this.
You reroute the whatsamathingy
and I'll reconnect the thingamabob.
Got it.
Now that's what I call a rescue!
Oh, yeah!
Great work on your, uh… rocket thingies.
I hope it was, like, educational
or whatever.
You know, I still don't like you,
but it was kind of cool to have someone
challenge me for a change.
It made me reach new heights. Literally.
Yeah! Wanting to beat you made me
do something I never would have done.
Hey, Penley!
You can mark the new record
Stella and Robin.
Um, actually, I think it should
be Robin and Stella.
Don't you dare! It was totally me!
-I don't think so.
-What?! What are you talking about?
-No, you pushed the thingamabob.
-I saved the boys--
-That was me.
[theme music playing]
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