Beast Tamer (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Beast Tamer VS Beast Tamer

All right, let's get ready.
We're entering the mine now.
We should probably assume
they know we're here, though.
But how'd they find out we were here?
The enemy's been watching us from above.
The suspicious movements
of that bird earlier
Most likely
there's a beast tamer among them.
Beast Tamer
Beast Tamer VS Beast Tamer
Beast Tamer VS Beast Tamer
The guys we sent outside
to check haven't come back.
Think something happened?
They were beaten.
What do we do?
We can't afford to be exposed.
We'll crush them!
Careful, everyone.
Yep, this one's on us!
They blocked it?!
One more time!
We must deflect it.
We'll show Rein just what we can do
and get more head pats!
What are they doing?!
They extinguished our spells!
A pointless endeavor!
Truly impressive!
Got 'em down in no time flat!
Rein, we're all done here!
I guess it's down to you.
Just who are you people?
If I say I'm working for Gantz,
will that explain it?
That old bastard?
We've caught you red-handed.
Give yourself up.
Shut up!
You little brat
Just turn yourself in.
Damn it
I'm not giving up Not yet
Not until I make that old bastard pay!
Come to me, behemoth!
What's that sound?
A behemoth
That's a B-rank monster, I believe.
Has he truly tamed a monster?
Don't they have a natural
animosity to humans?
To tame a monster requires many times
the standard levels of magic power and skill.
You wanna know how I did it?
I found it when it was
still young and raised it.
So it's got no animosity to me at all.
I didn't need exceptional magic power or skill!
Go, behemoth!
Finish them off!
It's coming!
This seems like a bad sign
The entire cave might collapse around us!
Got it.
We'll take them!
Sora, Runa, we're going!
All right!
Murder him, behemoth!
I'll watch them.
Thanks, Tania!
Get him!
Are you okay, Rein?
Yeah, thanks a lot!
Thank goodness!
Where are the others?
Watching over our prisoners outside.
So I came to help you!
Let's beat him together!
I'll fight the behemoth.
While I do, you capture the man.
The behemoth is following his orders.
The fastest way to stop it
to get him to call it off.
Can you do it?
Sure thing!
Strategy meeting all over, eh?
I can't let anyone know
about our theft of the ore.
Sorry, but I need you to die!
The behemoth may be strong,
but it attacks in simple ways.
Now that I know how it moves,
it won't hit me again.
The mine won't hold out
much longer like this!
That had an effect,
but I guess it needs to be full-power
I caught him!
Darn it
Great! Hey, call off the behemoth—
I'd rather die!
Darn it! How come?!
Sh-Shut up!
Kill that guy!
There's only one way to stop it.
But can I do it?
You're not useless at all, Rein!
If anything, you're really strong!
She said my abilities,
which I thought were mundane,
were actually incredibly strong.
That they were things no one else could do.
My comrades taught me that.
I'm going to trust in their words.
Finish him!
And in my own power!
What are you doing, behemoth?!
Beat that guy already!
Darn it What'd you do to my behemoth?!
I tamed it and took it for my own.
I overwrote your control of the behemoth.
Overwrote his control?
It would normally be impossible
to steal control from another tamer.
But if I really am as strong
as my comrades say,
I thought maybe I could do it.
To steal control
I've never heard of that before.
Rein really is amazing!
You can't just do that!
I'm a top-rank beast tamer!
I'm the one who won over the behemoth!
Move, behemoth!
I'm your master!
Get him, behemoth!
Stop! Don't provoke it!
Kill him! Kill him!
Kill him already!
Even through taming,
it's impossible to fully eliminate
a monster's animosity towards humans.
It was just barely keeping
that animosity under control,
but your own animosity sparked it to rampage.
It's a shame, but this was the only way.
We talked to the ore thieves.
They had one thing in common:
they'd all bought weapons from Gantz.
They all bought his
half-heartedly created weapons.
But when other adventurers
pointed out how mediocre they were,
they decided to take revenge
by stealing the mithril
so he couldn't make weapons.
To steal Gantz's pride
and soul as a craftsman.
So that's the story, eh?
How sad.
I put my own weapons on a pedestal,
and decided the average man
wasn't worthy to wield them.
I should have made them
all weapons I felt passionate about,
no matter who they were.
And yet
I've been dishonest with both
my weapons and the customers,
with those silly tests of mine.
I'm a failure as a craftsman.
You might just be.
W-Wait, Rein!
Then make it right.
Everyone makes mistakes.
Now that you know you did, you can start
putting your heart into your weapons again.
You have amazing skill and a love of weapons.
I know you can make it right.
Can't believe I'm being comforted
by a boy not even half my age.
Oh, s-sorry.
I shouldn't have lectured
No, you've really woken me up!
I'm going to deal honestly with both
customers and weapons from now on.
I'll make a fresh start,
and work harder than ever before!
Wow, look at Gantz all cheered up!
A wonderfully happy ending!
To start, Rein, I'll make your own weapon!
What kind would you like?
I'd like a dagger and a gauntlet.
A gauntlet, eh?
You sure that's all you want?
And if I can tell you an idea I had
Well, that's quite an idea!
Well, give me some time to get it done.
I was just thinking it'd be
a nice time for a break.
What do you think?
We're in!
You fail.
Please, wait a minute.
I meet all the qualifications
on your recruitment form!
Why did I fail?!
Please, tell me!
You say you're a beast tamer
But you can only tame
one animal at once. Correct?
How do you expect to run
our supply lines like that?
And you, apparently,
can't fight at all yourself.
It's out of the question.
I am a beast tamer!
In battle, I can tame
something like a bear to fight!
Or a bird, a wolf, or even a monkey!
In that case
Can you tame ultimate species?
No one can tame an ultimate species!
It's absolutely impossible!
Which means you're worse than him.
The minimum requirements
that we're looking for
is someone who can fight for himself,
as well as provide supply line support.
I'm afraid you don't fulfill
those requirements.
Therefore, you fail.
I'll be going, then
He was the last one.
What an absolute bust.
Why is everyone so worthless?
The man he failed just now
more than met our support role requirements.
And it wasn't just him.
There were many competent people
among the new member hopefuls.
He can't help but compare them all to Rein.
Meanwhile, we're just sitting here,
our journey forestalled
When will we ever defeat the Demon King?
Excuse me, Arios
Is it possible your selection
criteria may be too strict?
are you suggesting my judgment is mistaken?
C-Certainly not!
Now that Rein's gone, he's turning
his anger on everyone, including me
But I have to endure it.
This is my mission as a servant of God!
Yes because he is the Hero!
No, your judgment is flawless, of course.
I guess we'll just have to hang out
in this city a little longer.
It's possible Leane and Aggath
might find a good candidate.
You're right.
We mustn't rush things, after all.
Mina, I'm sure you're exhausted
from all these interviews.
Go on and take a rest.
Thank you.
I hope you'll rest when you
need to, as well, Arios.
You have a mission
to save this world, after all.
Save the world, eh?
There's something I have to do before then.
Use this
And eliminate Rein!
Hello, Rein!
Did you come today to see me?
Just had a question, actually.
What happened to those ore thieves earlier?
The ones Gantz hired you to stop?
They were stripped of
their adventurer licenses
and sentenced to hard labor.
That's pretty harsh
Stealing ore and taming a monster
Those alone are major crimes,
but they had other offenses.
It's a suitable punishment.
I see
What did she say?
The thieves were punished.
There is no doubt in my mind
that you behaved correctly.
Leaving the behemoth at large would have
caused great harm to many more people.
Yeah. We got the mithril back,
and made Gantz happy.
It's a good ending!
You're right. Thanks.
It's a nice, sunny day.
Want to take a walk before we head back?
This is fun!
Here you are!
What're those things?!
Those? They're hot dogs.
Hot dogs?
Stick a sausage on a bun,
add ketchup, and eat it.
Want to try one?
Is it good?
You can tell me when you've finished.
I lost my head and ate it all!
And now it's gone!
I-If only I had savored it more!
We can come back here if you like it.
Yeah, with Kanade and Tania next time.
Of course!
We can rub it in Kanade
and Tania's faces, too!
Oh, almost forgot!
We were gonna ask Rein that thing!
What is it?
It's about the ability you got
through contracting with us!
You attained physical prowess
by contracting with Kanade.
You attained greater magic power
by contracting with Tania.
So contracting with us
oughta do somethin', too!
Well? Do you feel different in any way?
Not really, I guess.
Not in the slightest?
Not even in magic power,
the fairy specialty?!
Perhaps he's learned the spells
in our repertoire!
Yeah! I'll bet!
Maybe he's got ultimate magic now!
Yes indeed!
Ultimate magic?
Way better than advanced and epic magic,
it's a prized technique
that only us fairies can use!
Ultimate magic!
Although we ourselves cannot yet use it
maybe you can!
Has the structure of the spells
you learned appeared in your mind?
No, I can't think of any new spells
Wh-What's wrong?!
Our contract has gifted him nothing at all
I feel like a pair of worthless bums!
We may be failed familiars!
Yeah, we're failed familiars!
You're really not!
I don't judge my companions
based on contracts and abilities.
Even if you didn't give me anything new,
I still treasure your companionship.
So please, no more talk about being failures.
Hey, Rein.
Why do you put so much faith in us?
Those of our own village abandoned us.
And, I mean, we can't blame them
Given how bad we messed up,
it makes sense that they would.
Sad though it may be
But you do not do the same.
Kanade and Tania are so strong.
The last job showed us that, plain as day.
You've got companions
who are plenty stronger,
but you still act like you need us.
We wanna know why!
Oh, that?
I guess I'll tell you, then.
You know I was kicked out of
the Hero's party, right?
Yes they fired you without notice.
I've been thinking ever since.
Why didn't that whole thing work out?
How come?
It wasn't just their fault.
I didn't trust them, either.
Back when we'd first set out,
I didn't have any confidence in myself.
Maybe I was afraid of Arios
of the Hero telling me that he didn't need me.
So I worked so hard to be useful,
but they still kicked me out.
Looking back, it was
a pretty lonely party to be in.
But maybe if I'd trusted them more,
things might have been different.
That's entirely untrue!
They're totally bad guys!
Well, there's no changing the past.
So now that I've got comrades
I want to be with,
I want to work hard to build up trust.
A-And do you see us
as comrades, too?
Yeah! I sure do!
You're both my precious comrades.
Even if you don't have a contract ability.
I accept your answer, Rein!
Do you, Runa?
Boy, all that tough talk made me hungry!
I wanna go eat!
But you just ate a hot dog!
But I need more!
Then, let's call the girls
and get a proper lunch!
Let's get goin'!
You might trip if you don't slow down.
They're back to normal now.
Thank goodness.
Excuse me. You there.
What are your names?
Wh-Where's this comin' from?!
Tell me at once.
I asked you a question.
I-I am Sora.
I-I'm Runa.
Sora and Runa, eh?
What fine names.
Decent appearances, as well.
And twins, at that
And you seem like worthwhile company.
I like you.
Yes! I'll deign to make you both mine!
Darkness in Horizon
Next Time: "Darkness in Horizon."
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