Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

The 21st National Assembly Election
will be held nationwide today.
The National Election Commission
is predicting that the results will be out
by 10:30 p.m. in some of the districts…
Hello, sir.
You're here early.
Yes, I see that you're here early too.
You look a little haggard today though.
- Do I?
- Didn't you sleep well?
He was on pins and needles all night,
worried that Ju-man might not be elected.
You should have just slept in.
Everyone in this neighborhood
will be voting for Assemblyman Cha.
- That's a relief to hear.
- Right.
- Please go ahead.
- No, please.
My goodness, here comes Assemblyman Cha.
- Congratulations!
- Have a good day, ma'am.
- You're the best.
- Mr. Kim.
Aren't you voting?
I'm not sure.
There's no one I want to vote for.
I'll think it over.
Have a good day.
- Cha Ju-man!
- Hello, sir.
Hello, Dr. Jung.
- Good luck.
- Yes, thank you.
- Auntie.
- Yes?
Where's Ye-bun?
She left home early this morning.
Thank you.
So what's going to happen to those two?
It's true that they committed
obstruction of justice,
but it wasn't too serious.
But then it's not like
what they did had no effect at all.
It's an awkward situation.
But with cases like this,
don't the police usually let people go,
saying, "I'm glad you're safe?"
Yes, but not that guy.
He's totally heartless.
- Does he seem like he's ever been in love?
- No way.
He can't relate to them the way we can.
Plus, what's today?
Election day.
That's right.
He could've waited until
the election was over to arrest them.
Of course.
Every citizen has the right to vote.
Do you know what he is?
He's a small-minded jerk.
Should I arrest you two
for obstruction of justice too?
Can you be quiet?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Detective Moon is a nutjob
who keeps his word.
- How did you know?
- For crying out loud.
- Let's talk outside.
- Okay.
Have you eaten yet?
"Cho Ae-ran conspired with Jeon Gwang-sik
and faked her death
to avoid paying back her debt
at Mujin Coffee Shop."
Is that right?
Wait, Detective Moon.
Ae-ran didn't do anything wrong.
She only did as I suggested.
No, Detective Moon.
If it weren't for me,
Gwang-sik wouldn't have
done something like this.
You won't be charged
with criminal conspiracy
since there was no actual crime.
But you obstructed police business
since an investigation
opened for your case.
So that would be obstruction of justice.
But it's not like you posed any danger,
used threats, or resisted arrest.
So a good attorney might be
able to get you off the hook.
Are you going to get yourselves
a good attorney?
Of course, yes.
That's not good.
But you'll still be charged
with a misdemeanor.
What happens with that?
You'll be granted a summary judgment
and be fined.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
It's still a crime.
Reflect on what you did.
- Of course.
- We will.
We'll be sure to reflect on it. Yes.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, sir.
Dr. Bong, have you heard
anything about Ae-ran?
You're here.
Do you drink green tea?
- Yes, thank you.
- Have a seat.
We found Ae-ran.
What? Really?
She's safe, right?
Yes, she's safe and sound.
Apparently, she faked her death
with Gwang-sik
so she could escape from the coffee shop.
Thank goodness.
I was worried
something terrible happened to her.
It seems like she has a good friend.
Where's Ae-ran right now?
She's at the police station
with Gwang-sik.
- Gwang-sik!
- What are you doing?
What on earth are you doing?
Come with us quietly.
Or else your boyfriend
will get beaten up as well.
This is illegal.
Go ahead and file a report then.
Ae-ran, what do you say? File a report.
Let's behave, all right?
Gwang-sik, I'll be in touch!
What are you doing? Come along.
How dare you run away?
I can't believe Gwang-sik.
He still likes you
when he knows your past?
Hey, Kim!
Watch this skank closely,
and send Ji-suk for deliveries.
Did you tell her?
Why did you do it? Why did you tell her?
Ae-ran was taken by her boss
because you told Ji-suk about her!
That can't be.
Ji-suk was very worried about Ae-ran.
Dr. Bong, you were fooled.
She's on her boss' side.
Why did you do it?
I told you about Ae-ran
because I trusted you.
Why did you tell your boss?
If Ae-ran runs away,
I have to pay back her debt in her place.
The same goes for Ae-ran.
We stood joint surety for each other.
You were worried about Ae-ran.
That was real.
Yes, I was really worried about her.
"What if she was killed
by the serial killer?"
But that's not what happened.
She ran away to save herself,
knowing I'd have to pay her debt
if she did.
So why should I protect her?
We can pay off all your debts,
yours and Ae-ran's.
I'll help however I can.
Some debts can't be paid back with money.
Get out of my way. I'm busy.
Do you have a minute?
Can we meet up?
There must have been a misunderstanding.
What I did that day
was a duty performed as a detective.
Nothing more.
I see.
It won't happen again.
Got a minute?
I was just about to go and see you.
How are your teeth?
Are any of them loose?
The hell are you talking about?
If you ever lay a finger
on Hyeon-ok again,
I'll actually kill you.
When have I ever laid a finger on her?
That was before we got divorced.
Right, I'm doing
what I couldn't back then.
Who do you think you are?
Me? I'm Won Jong-muk.
Someone who loved her
thousands of times more than you ever did.
Wait, were you two seeing each other
behind my back?
Is that why we got divorced?
I recommend the dentist's office
above the convenience store
at the intersection.
You're going to need some implants.
Hey, wait!
You're going to get it, just wait and see!
Damn it.
Was it still a misunderstanding?
- There goes our shaman!
- Oh, my.
- Come over here.
- Come sit with us.
Sit with us.
Who do you think will be
our national assemblyman this time?
I mean, you've been on a roll lately.
I'm sure you can see it all.
I do see it, but…
The general tells me he's thirsty.
He is?
Then what would you like?
- Coffee?
- Coffee.
- Okay.
- Go bring some.
Hold up!
I'm sorry. It's just that…
He wants to have coffee
someplace nice
where they have comfortable couches.
He's a five-star general after all.
He shouldn't have coffee
at a shabby place like this.
Hey, bring us some nice coffee.
Any idea who'll be the next assemblyman?
The general knows everything.
I can see a face.
I see the golden badge.
Come on.
So what is the general telling you?
Is it Assemblyman Cha?
Is it someone else?
Why would you ask him?
Look at Ae-ran over there.
She's alive and in one piece.
Why is she alive?
Were you hoping she was dead?
Of course not.
- It's hot.
- For Pete's sake!
Could we have some napkins?
It's fine.
I have napkins.
This damned thing
was a lot more expensive than napkins,
but it's not nearly as absorbent.
Powers, my foot.
What a load of bull.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Two coffees for Mujin Realtors.
Why do you keep following me?
The neighborhood
is pretty dangerous these days.
I wanted to walk you home.
Don't you know who I am?
I'm Bae Ok-hui from Mujin Girls' High.
Da-eun said
I have to protect you at all costs.
- She said that?
- Yes.
She said you saved her
when she almost died.
Who took 23,000 won from Ye-bun?
She was supposed to buy workbooks.
Are you Bae Ok-hui from Mujin Girls' High?
So it was you.
I'll give you a beating worth 23,000 won.
What a lunatic.
Get her!
Take that, and that, and that!
Let go.
I said, let go!
- You want me to let go?
- Let go.
No, don't let go!
- Don't!
- Is that how you plead?
Please don't let go.
Please don't let go, sis.
That was nothing.
I'm fine. You can go.
No, Da-eun said
I have to protect you at all--
Come on!
- Is her word law?
- I mean…
Why are you so intimidated
by your little sister?
It's not just because of Da-eun.
I want to protect you, sis.
- Jong-muk.
- Yes?
How about you get married
and divorced real quick?
What are you talking about?
I mean,
I'm divorced,
but you've never been married.
I feel like you're getting
the short end of the stick.
That's why you brought me
all the way out here?
Well, not really.
I wanted some fresh air too.
Jong-muk, do you want some ice cream?
I can't.
I'm diabetic.
Then do you want some coffee?
I'm going through male menopause.
I can't sleep if I drink coffee.
You too?
We wasted all that precious time,
and now we're old.
I'm old.
You're still the same.
I'm old too.
No, you're not.
What do you want to do now?
I'm not sure.
In that case, we can hold hands.
You're nervous, aren't you?
You're shaking just for holding my hand.
That's not it. My blood sugar's dropping.
I should have had that ice cream.
You can't even open this? My gosh.
One more.
Have another one.
- Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man!
- Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man!
- Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man!
- Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man!
- How do you think this election will go?
- What kind of results are you expecting?
Thank you for your hard work, everyone.
I will now humbly wait
for the decision of the citizens of Mujin.
Thank you.
A word for your opponent please.
I wish him good luck.
A bottle of soju
and a rolled omelet, please.
Coming right up.
My goodness.
I'm sorry.
Dr. Bong.
I'm sorry.
You seemed to be a lightweight.
I get drunk quickly
and sober up quickly too.
Is everything all right?
You're drinking by yourself at this hour.
I'm just a little upset, that's all.
Would you mind if I asked what happened?
Not at all.
I just can't seem to figure people out.
That's the hardest thing in the world.
To truly know people.
What do you think he's like?
Mr. Cha?
He's a good man. This I'm sure of.
You know,
everyone has a little evil inside.
There's always more than meets the eye.
So don't trust people too easily.
I still want to.
Even if they're not who they seem to be,
it's easier to trust people
than to be suspicious of everyone.
do you trust me too?
Of course.
I trust you, Seon-woo.
You're a good person too.
I stand by it 100%.
Thank you for saying that.
It's true.
I'm not just saying that.
Do you want me to prove that I trust you?
I'll let you in on a secret.
have a special power.
Do you want to know?
Don't tell me.
Don't trust me either.
You don't know how I could change.
Ask me if you ever get curious,
and I'll tell you.
It's Ye-bun!
Ma'am, I was with someone.
Do you know where she went?
She left just a second ago.
I'm back.
What are you doing?
I'm going on a delivery.
Who said you could?
Ji-suk's been out on delivery all day.
I won't run away.
If I do, you can catch me and sell me off.
What about Gwang-sik?
I'm not meeting him.
I was using him.
I never liked him or anything like that.
All right.
I'll give you a second chance.
Don't pretend you care about me.
I'm here to apologize.
I understand how you feel.
I would have been resentful too
if I were you.
But you were sincerely worried
when Ae-ran went missing.
I know that's how you
really feel about her.
I want to help you.
I told you. You can't help us.
No, I can really help you.
You can try all you want.
- What are you doing?
- I'm coming with you.
You're busy, so we'll talk on the way.
I'll wait here.
You're really something.
All right.
Let's hear what this is about.
It looks nice over there.
Let's talk over there.
Thank you.
What the…
What happened?
What's going on?
Are you all right? Quickly.
This way. Be careful.
Wait here.
Let me see your shoulder.
The wound on your shoulder
isn't that serious,
but I think your ankle's broken.
Did you see the attacker's face?
No, I didn't.
Ji-suk, excuse me for a second.
I think we should call the police first.
Hold on for a bit.
I make house calls here,
so I know this place well.
It's secluded,
so people don't know about it.
He won't be able to find you here.
I'll go and get people…
Someone we can trust.
Hide here until I come back.
I'm sorry.
Please tell Ae-ran I'm sorry too.
Tell her yourself later.
I'll be right back.
Excuse me.
Dr. Bong.
What happened?
Please, help me.
The culprit is definitely
a Mujin resident.
Dr. Bong?
The results of the 2022
- National Assembly Election are out.
- The results are out!
- They're out!
- First, Mujin of Chungcheongnam-do.
Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man.
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- You won, Mr. Cha!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- We did it!
- Cha Ju-man!
Cha Ju-man!
Control the traffic.
It's going to get chaotic soon,
- so control the traffic.
- Yes, sir.
Send most of the vehicles that way.
- To the right.
- Yes, sir.
He'll be coming out any minute.
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
Goodness, thank you for your hard work.
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
- Thank you.
- Cha Ju-man!
- Hey, Ye-bun.
- I will never forget your support.
What happened to your face?
Dr. Jung.
Dr. Jung.
What happened to you?
I'll tell you later.
Ye-bun, you're bleeding.
Let's get you to the hospital.
Have you seen Detective Moon?
Wait, what happened?
Look at all this blood.
Where's Detective Moon?
- He went back to the station.
- The station…
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm okay.
I'm sorry, Seon-woo.
I don't have time to lose.
Dr. Bong, your phone!
Detective Moon!
What's going on?
Come quickly. Ji-suk's in danger.
- What?
- I saw it.
The rain poncho guy tried to kill her.
She's already pretty hurt.
And you're the only person I can trust.
I hid her somewhere no one can find her.
Captain, the rain poncho killer
has been spotted.
I'm heading over to the scene right now.
What? The rain poncho killer?
Are you saying Dr. Bong saw him?
You shouldn't be going there by yourself.
Don't do anything reckless and stay put.
I'll be right there.
- Is this it?
- Yes.
This is the third victim.
The murder weapon is indisputable,
and Dr. Bong witnessed the rain poncho,
so there's no doubt about it.
Kim Si-a, Park Seung-gil, and Lee Ji-suk.
Look into what the victims had in common.
Yes, sir.
It's not Gwang-sik.
He's been drinking since the afternoon.
You said you touched the victim's butt.
Tell me more about what you saw.
The rain poncho killer
attacked the motorcycle Ji-suk was riding.
He tried to stab her with a knife,
but he luckily missed her.
And Ji-suk ran away.
But then the killer
caught her again soon after
and put a cable tie around Ji-suk's wrist.
A cable tie?
He tied his and Ji-suk's wrists
together with it.
I hurt my hand trying to cut it off.
But how did the killer know
where you two were?
That's what I'm wondering too.
We had definitely lost him,
and it wasn't a place
he could easily find.
And I didn't tell anyone about it
until I saw you.
There's no way he could have known.
You can never be sure.
Maybe he has a way to find things out
even if you don't tell him.
What if the killer
has powers like you and Jeon Gwang-sik?
Never mind. What am I saying?
There's someone else who's also psychic.
Gwang-sik said
there was another person there
when we were hit by the meteor shower.
He saw that person when he touched my leg.
So who was it?
It seems like Gwang-sik
only saw his silhouette.
If he's the killer,
he probably saw your memories.
And that's how he found out
where Ji-suk was.
You probably ran into him
on your way to me after hiding the victim.
I ran into him?
Dr. Bong. What happened?
- Cha Ju-man!
- Cha Ju-man!
Hey, Ye-bun.
Dr. Jung.
What happened to you?
Ye-bun, you're bleeding.
Let's get you to the hospital.
Oh, God. Look at all this blood.
Where's Detective Moon?
He went back to the station.
Are you okay?
The pieces are coming together now.
You don't know who he is,
but he knows about your power.
What is the killer most afraid of?
It's you.
Because you can see
all the crimes he's committed.
Then what can he do
to stop you from seeing what he's done?
You can only see things
someone has seen with their eyes.
Then there's only one thing
the killer can do.
his eyes.
He was staggering
because he had his eyes closed.
He stabbed the victims randomly
also because his eyes were closed.
So he would have missed his aim a lot.
The blackouts.
There's something I see
every time I touch someone.
I thought they were created naturally
when people closed their eyes
or fell asleep.
But someone could have
created them on purpose.
After he let Park Seung-gil slip through,
his method evolved.
The cable tie.
It keeps the victim close to him,
helping him to aim better.
I'm sure of it.
The killer is psychic.
Let's get you to a hospital first.
We're back to square one.
The people who had blackouts
are all potentially the killer.
All right, let's compile a list.
Was there anyone suspicious
among the people you ran into
on your way to me?
I'm not sure.
Name them one by one.
Who did you meet first?
Dr. Bong.
- Mr. Park.
- The shaman.
He's so good at conning people.
I don't really trust him.
Yeah? Could he be the killer?
No, he can't be.
- Why not?
- His family is abroad.
The reason why he conned me
was to support his son.
Such a good dad
couldn't have done such a thing.
Who did you meet next?
What about Kim Seon-woo?
- can't be the killer.
- Again? Why not?
Because he told me not to trust him.
Maybe he did that on purpose.
He wouldn't have said that
if he was the killer.
The killer can't be a good dad,
someone you've known for long,
a family member, or a detective?
This won't get us anywhere.
I really don't suspect
any of these people.
Anyway, we have our suspects now.
All you have to do is touch them.
With this hand?
No, you can't in that condition.
Then what?
Jeon Gwang-sik.
But you saw him earlier.
- He's totally--
- We'll fix him up.
Here you go, sir.
You must be busy.
- I'm sorry to interrupt your work.
- Not at all, sir.
I'm sorry that this is all
I can serve you at the moment.
There's an ongoing case right now,
so I can't treat you to something nicer.
Don't worry about it.
To be honest,
this is why I'm here.
What is this?
It's a case I've been investigating
for a long time.
I don't think I'll be able to
investigate it anymore,
so I came here to ask you to take it on.
If you keep digging into it,
you'll probably come across
someone you know.
And another thing.
Sure, please go ahead.
It's shameless of me to ask this,
but please
take good care of Hyeon-ok.
Are you leaving already?
- Sir, wait.
- No, it's fine.
All right then.
Take care, sir.
Isn't that Assemblyman Cha?
What is he doing there?
- Sir.
- Hello, sir.
Assemblyman Cha,
congratulations on your election.
Good afternoon.
I heard another murder
took place yesterday.
Yes, the victim was Lee Ji-suk,
27 years old.
She was an employee
at the Mujin Coffee Shop.
She fell victim to the serial killer.
Are you 100% certain
that these are serial murders?
Yes, so…
The methods of operation are similar,
and the weapon is also the same.
Even so,
I feel like you're jumping to conclusions.
With all due respect, what do you mean?
This is Mujin we're talking about.
A safe and unpolluted city
with clean water and nice people.
It's just like an oasis.
Yes, that's right.
If news were to spread nationwide
that there's a serial killer in Mujin…
Just think of what that would do
to our image.
You're not wrong.
But as the police,
we can't just dismiss something
when it's clearly there.
It would be best
to investigate
in a more discreet manner.
We don't want this to leak to the press.
Yes, sir.
We'll proceed in a discreet manner.
The chief of police is here.
I'm counting on you, Captain.
Yes, sir.
Goodbye, sir.
Would you take a look at him?
He's become a full-on politician
now that he's in office.
You're back.
The police came by, didn't they?
I'm losing my mind over here!
Not only did they hold me at the station,
but they also keep pestering us here.
Who would come here now?
I wouldn't, it feels like bad luck!
You know you have to pay back
Ji-suk's debt now, right?
I'm sorry?
You're the guarantor no matter the case.
So you have to pay it back.
What brings you here again, Detective?
I told them everything I know
at the police station.
How are we supposed to
conduct our business
when you keep intruding like this?
I'm not here to investigate
Ji-suk's murder.
Are you here for coffee then?
I'm here to pay back the debt.
I'm here to pay back Ae-ran's debt.
I didn't loan her money
for her to pay it back.
Sure, I know.
I won't be paying you back with money.
You're supposed to work off
your debts here, right?
- Who are you?
- I'm an employee here,
You ready to order?
What will you have?
A cup of coffee, please.
Coffee it is.
And you?
I'll also have a cup of coffee, please.
Okay, two coffees.
How much creamer and sugar?
Two spoons of each, please.
The classic recipe. All right.
Coming right up, sweeties.
We'll just come back some other time.
- Yes, we'll come back.
- Wait!
Mujin Coffee Shop.
The billiard hall at the intersection?
Four cups of coffee.
All right.
Hey, which one of you is Jokester?
That would be me.
What is this about?
Here's your coffee.
I'm in a rush, so hurry up and chug it.
It's hot.
The money will be wired to you.
If you bother her again,
I'll be treating you
as a criminal suspect.
I'm cutting you some slack now,
but that stops once you're my suspect.
Let's go, Ms. Cho.
I'm sick of you anyway, so get lost.
Did you just insult her?
That would be defamation.
Thank you for working here,
and let's never see each other again.
What do you plan on doing from now on?
I'm not sure yet.
Why don't you go to Mr. Jeon Gwang-sik?
He seems like a good person.
I can't.
I'm not good enough for him.
I have an embarrassing past too.
He probably knows
about everything already.
No, there's no way he knows.
He knows about everything.
You have to pay for that umbrella!
Are you going to follow me around again?
Yes. I have to protect you, sis.
I have somewhere to be today.
I'll follow you around quietly.
Suit yourself.
Oh no!
Are you all right?
I'm here to return your phone.
I wondered where it was.
The snack stall over there
makes good udon.
Do you want to go and have udon with me?
I was just craving udon.
Don't forget. You're the next target.
You're going to die.
I'm actually not feeling well today.
Let's have that udon next time.
Next time then.
Get some rest.
Thank you.
What? I'm telling you, you'll die.
Why, that little…
Detective Moon,
I'm going to see a doctor.
I thought you might as well drive me--
I don't have time for that.
Just be careful on your way.
Darn it.
You got your tetanus shot, right?
We'll have to wait a few more days
to remove the stitches.
Be careful not to get water on it.
And avoid using this hand if you can.
Okay. Thank you.
What are you doing here?
How did you find me?
What did the doctor say?
Will it heal soon?
He said it'll take some time.
You followed me here, didn't you?
Were you worried about me?
I thought the killer would show up
if he saw you were alone.
You were kind of
the bait.
This is why you got dumped
in 11th grade and bawled your eyes out.
No one wants to be with cold-hearted guys.
The car's this way.
That's not it.
You have to use wider strokes at first.
I'm doing the best I can.
Don't paint outside the nail.
By the way,
why do I have to do this?
So that other psychic person
is the serial killer?
We need your help to catch him.
My help?
We need your psychometric power.
Dr. Bong can't use her hand right now.
All you need to do is find out
which Mujin resident is psychic.
I'll help however I can.
Then first,
touch Dr. Bong.
- Okay.
- Excuse me?
Why me?
You saw the other guy
on the night of the meteor shower.
We should check one more time.
There might be some clues left.
You're right.
I saw him too briefly last time.
But if we do this, he'll see all my…
Then let me have
a quick word with him first.
Just the two of us.
My gosh.
Skip everything
from my 10th grade to 12th grade.
Especially skip the memories
of the boy in the church choir.
Valentine's Day
in 11th grade is off-limits.
The part where I climb over the fence…
Just skip everything
from my teenage years.
I asked a guy out in college,
but I had terrible eyesight back then.
And I only cried
when that bastard dumped me
because I remembered a sad movie,
not because--
Just saying…
But it won't matter whether I see those
since you've already told me everything.
Aren't you getting tired?
Anyway, don't watch everything.
You have to stick to that day, okay?
I won't watch anything that seems private.
I'll touch you now.
I can definitely see better.
Taking care of your hands
brings amazing results.
Then I'll touch you for a bit longer now.
Are you just getting home?
I'm home.
She's Geumsil.
So? Did you see him?
Just out of curiosity…
Why are you and your grandfather
so awkward like that?
It seems that you're not on great terms.
Why don't you talk it out with him?
I told you not to watch anything else.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
So? Did you find anything?
I did see something iffy.
Yeah? What is it?
At the time,
Dr. Bong and I were here
inside the cattle shed.
And the silhouette was over there,
behind that pillar away from the shed.
When Geumsil lit up,
he was watching from over there,
like this.
From what I saw,
he reached about here.
Yes, he seemed to reach about here,
so he's average in height.
It means he's taller than me
but shorter than Detective Moon.
And then his build…
From the way he fit within this,
he's definitely on the slim side.
I've never seen anyone
use their psychic powers
in such a progressive and proactive way.
So different from someone else I know.
I'll drop you off at your house.
You can take a break for now.
Are you sad that you're being replaced?
Sad? As if.
I couldn't be happier.
Don't go wandering around.
Call me if you need to go somewhere.
Out with the bad, in with the good.
Where are you coming from?
I decorated my workshop,
and now I'm on my way to work.
How did the decoration go?
It's done now.
I'd love to see it.
Would you like to come over?
I haven't shown it to anyone yet.
Then will I be the first to see it?
If you come over, you will be.
When should I go?
How about when I get off work later?
Sounds good.
You did great today.
It was exhausting, wasn't it?
No, it was nothing.
I'm happy to help the police.
It's not exhausting at all.
By the way,
on the night of the meteor shower,
Dr. Bong and I got our powers
because we were touching Geumsil.
But the guy who was outside
wasn't touching Geumsil,
so maybe he didn't get any special power.
No, I'm sure he did.
I don't know how exactly,
but I'm certain he got the same power.
Is that right?
Then what does he have to do
to see everything?
Hello, Detective Moon.
You're taller than Gwang-sik here
but shorter than me.
Yes, I guess I am.
I'll get going then.
He does seem similar
to the silhouette I saw.
Has anyone bought cable ties recently?
I'm not sure.
No one bought them during my shifts.
Then what are the working hours
for the part-timer before you?
You mean Seon-woo?
From 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
I see.
Did he work on the day
of the National Assembly Election?
No. He said he had plans,
so I covered his shift all day.
Where are you?
Home. Where else would I be?
Home where?
My room.
Your lights are off though.
I'm about to go to bed.
Yeah? Then turn them back on for me.
What? They're broken…
Where are you?
I dropped my phone in the toilet again!
Do I have to report
every single thing to him?
Could that perv have gone to…
- Detective Moon.
- Is Mr. Kim inside?
No, he left to go to his workshop.
All right.
Is that a cat tower?
Yes, I'm making one.
It's so pretty.
So sturdy, too.
I heard the killer almost got you too.
What were you doing on the election day?
Do you think I'm the killer?
Let's just say
there is reasonable suspicion.
We're going to track down
the psychic on this day.
- Can everyone hear me?
- Yes.
We need to touch the killer
without letting him touch us.
Everyone's a suspect, understand?
The murders started happening
after he came to Mujin.
Beware of Kim Seon-woo.
Something about him feels off.
I have a feeling that something big
is going to go down today.
I'll really have to decline.
Maybe he's playing with you.
He'll start messing with
those around you first.
Those around me?
Ok-hui, can't you hear me?
Subtitle translation by: Hyun-soo Cho
Ripped and synced by
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