Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Move, and I'll shoot.
What? I know we're archenemies,
but isn't it a bit much,
holding us at gunpoint?
I said I'll shoot if you move.
Do you think
I'll fall for an empty threat--
Mr. Nam!
What's happened to Han-jun?
Make sure to get the file.
Here! We're here!
There's a man dying here!
Mr. Nam, are you okay?
-Mr. Nam.
-Mr. Nam.
If you're okay,
please tell us why you're here.
The misery of countless women rests
on your shoulders.
What you did
will bring about your death soon.
Repent right now.
Or the gods will smite you!
Goodness, Mr. Shaman.
Here, I've got you.
Gosh, Mr. Shaman. Are you all right?
-No, don't do that.
Mr. Shaman…
Mr. Shaman. My goodness.
Who is this?
Is she one of our streamers?
You really don't know who she is?
I told you, I'm in finance. I really don't
know much about show business.
Then why is this lease
under your name?
I guess my employees used my name for it.
Come on. Don't give us that nonsense.
The woman at the real estate agency
remembers your face.
We checked it out already.
Sometimes I find rooms for our employees
from less fortunate backgrounds.
I don't remember who that is though.
Is that so?
Maybe this might jog your memory.
What was this again?
Who are those people with you?
Right, the girl who shot
her casting profile video.
Actually, I produce movies too.
It was an audition with our staff.
What? Do you want me
to show you the script?
Is the plot of your movie
taking a minor overseas
and making her provide sexual favors
to the people you bribe?
I don't know about you, detective,
but I don't do that sort of thing anymore.
I did tag along with my employees,
but I just went and had some fun.
That's it.
Ask the guys you brought in with me.
I'm in charge of this side
of our business and its operations.
Mr. Jeon doesn't know anything about it.
You know who this is, don't you?
Yes, it's her. The one who came
for our overseas marketing event.
Do you call gambling trips
a marketing event?
Who were your clients?
You procured sexual services for them.
Come on, sir. It was just an event
to keep our VIP clients happy.
There wasn't any prostitution involved.
How much longer do I have to…
Gosh, that's hot!
How much longer will it be?
We confiscated this evidence
from the Jjokmun gang's offices.
They're mostly records
of your streamers' debt settlements
and prostitution.
I told you I don't know anything.
Ask the other guys you brought in.
Do you recognize what this is?
These letters are initials
of people's names, aren't they?
The numbers are the dates
that the services were provided.
I didn't write these, so I don't know.
Has anyone here received
sexual services from Kang Eun-hye?
I'm done eating,
so I think I'll go home now.
Could you call my lawyer for me?
What? Let Jeon Gyeong-cheol go?
Yes, sir. No, okay.
Mr. Jeon…
is a strong supporter of art and culture.
I am aware of that.
Yes, I'll get right on it.
Yes, sir.
Are you trying to put me out of a job?
I told you not to stir up trouble
and just close the case, didn't I?
I tried, but you know the deal.
Kids these days just don't listen.
-They're all so assertive--
You're getting way out of line these days.
Are you in a midlife crisis?
Would you like to retire before your
mortgage payments are finished?
Come on. Even Prosecutor Cha is here
in person, interrogating him--
Do you work for the Prosecutors' Office?
You're the police! Got that?
Indict his goons
and let Jeon Gyeong-cheol go right now!
Yes, sir.
I will do that. Chief Kim Cheol-geun.
What's with that attitude?
Unbelievable. You can't do that…
That punk must have a death wish.
Let Jeon Gyeong-cheol go?
That doesn't make any sense!
You're not going to hand the case over
to division three and give up, are you?
There are people who are
trying to protect Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
Protect him?
Someone told the Chief
to let Jeon Gyeong-cheol go.
I don't know the details,
but it seemed like
it was someone really high up.
We have to find out who that is first.
We don't have that kind of time.
Ma'am. Are you just going to
just watch and let them do this?
We need more conclusive evidence.
Something he can't squirm out of.
Darn it.
Thank you for helping us so often
when you must be busy.
I like investigating with you,
but it upsets me to watch you suffer.
I'm fine. It's not like it's over.
We'll find the evidence
and arrest him again.
Did you know? You put on
a braver face when things get tougher.
You really are astute.
The truth is, I am really upset right now.
Really? There's this thing I do
when I feel that way.
It's actually pretty helpful.
Cheer up, Jae-hui.
-We can do it.
-We can do it!
This is good.
That's me.
It really is you.
-We can do it.
-We can do it.
Did you find anything?
-Look at this.
I think the numbers
on the modeling fee record
are the dates prostitution took place
and the sum paid to the women.
I'm looking for the person
that received her sexual service.
This includes minors.
These bastards should be beaten to death.
We should beat him up first.
He was released with no charges.
He was released without even
stepping foot in the detention center.
This is how fair
the Korean judicial system is.
By the way, are you sure
that Jeon Gyeong-cheol knows Gopuri?
Yes. I could tell he does.
Should I go get him and bring him here?
We'll make him come on his own accord
and tell us everything.
His business is profitable,
but it's been made to look
thoroughly legitimate.
He's meticulous
but not assertive.
That's Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
It means he scares very easily.
What do you think works on guys like this?
I got it!
-A spanking.
People like him hate being anxious.
We have to drive him completely nuts
by stoking his anxiety.
Some brains he's got.
Here, have some coffee.
Yes, that's it.
Would you look at that? What a cushy life.
Buying a new car at a time like this?
Jeon Gyeong-cheol's out. Get ready.
There he is, prancing about.
Damn it.
You rotten fool.
I told you to behave yourself and try
to avoid the misfortune coming to you.
Yet you're still running wild,
unable to see what's beyond your nose.
What is it now?
Are going to have that idiot
beat me up again?
Your life will end shortly.
You were fated to die young,
but your energy has waned even further
since you met someone who's poison to you.
Today will be tough too,
so take special care.
Come find me
if you want to extend your lifespan.
I'm Shaman Han-jun of Minamdang.
What the hell?
Hey, that's my car. Wait!
Hey, wait! No, wait!
Hey, I have to sell that today,
you assholes!
The first mission has been cleared.
Second player, going in.
Oh, no. That hurts.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry.
My gosh!
Damn it.
Wait, no, are you…
Wait, you can't just go.
Come on, wait!
And the phone?
A super-speed battery burner.
It should be dead now.
Nice job.
Today's the day of
the eighth national regional elections.
Voting will take place
until 6 in the afternoon,
so if you haven't voted yet…
Stop playing around and switch on already.
What's with this phone? Unbelievable.
That nonsense is making me antsy…
My wallet…
Sir. You can use your cell phone to pay.
It's out of battery!
So what are you saying?
You're not going to pay for the fare?
No, I'll pay you when I get there.
Of course, I will.
Come on, I said I can pay you!
Do I look like I can't afford cab fare?
You can't just leave me here.
What am I supposed to do?
Give me a cigarette.
And lend me your phone.
You're awfully rude for someone
who wants to borrow our things.
Keep this up and when you grow up,
you'll have nowhere
to go other than escort bars.
And you. They won't even accept you.
Who the hell do you
think you are to curse us?
My leg…
Get him.
-What a prick.
-Hey, wait.
-Damn you.
Come on. I told you I'm sorry.
Stop it.
Why you…
That wasn't a part of my plan.
-Let's go.
-Do we leave him like that?
You don't mess with 18-year-old girls.
Even I can't handle teenage girls.
Damn it. Enough!
You were right, Mr. Shaman.
If that patrol car hadn't been passing by,
I would have been beaten to death.
Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that.
That must have been terrible.
Everything's going to get better.
It's okay. I'm really okay.
No, you're not!
This is just the beginning.
I told you. You don't have
a lot of time left to live.
Please, help me, Mr. Shaman.
I'll do anything you tell me to.
Please, just save me.
I don't know if I should save
someone like you.
Sir. Please.
I'll be good from now on.
What should I do?
Sir, please.
Mr. Shaman. Why don't you ask the spirit?
I'll bring you a raw egg.
Roll it over your wounds, okay?
All right.
Let's see.
Let's see how many evil spirits
have gathered around you.
Someone you know is being haunted.
Someone who has killed recently.
He has committed so many sins
that all of nature rages at him.
Your silence on the matter is what invites
that anger upon you too!
I can't talk about it.
I'll die if I talk about it.
The only way for you to live
is to sort him out.
He has a burn scar on his arm, right?
It's not like
catching him will change anything.
Catching Gu Tae-su
isn't going to make it end!
Gu Tae-su?
Is that his name?
I sense a woman next to him
with a fiendish aura.
Who is she?
I can't tell you.
I've brought you the egg.
Get out of my way!
Why? You can't extend your lifespan?
He's more scared of Gu Tae-su
than he is of his own death
and won't talk.
I'm not talking because I want to live.
But still,
rub your eyes with this.
You've been through a lot.
Cheer up.
Turn yourself in if you want to live.
With this sort of business,
you have to tell the world.
That's how you stop them
from coming after you.
That's how you can live.
The day Kang Eun-hye died,
I installed a hidden camera in the room.
It was dark,
so I was worried it might not work,
but thankfully,
the video was nice and clear.
What do you want?
I need money if I'm going to put an end
to this life and go abroad.
Just give me three billion won,
and I'll hand over the evidence
and lie low for the rest of my life.
I'll call you back
after I report the situation.
Report? To whom?
Gu Tae-su alone couldn't have
accounted for everything.
There's definitely someone behind him.
Did you find out anything about Gu Tae-su?
It's pretty weird.
He's not a registered director
and isn't listed on their payroll.
There's no record of him.
Even if he's not online,
he has to use a phone or a credit card.
Does he live in a cave?
Is there a company credit card
without a name attached to it?
Wait. There's one.
Of course.
This is the Republic of Korea.
You can't live on cash.
Jeez, but it hasn't been used
in the last few months.
Shoot. But still,
we threw the bait at Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
I'm sure he'll bite soon.
-Let's get this done in one go.
Sir! I found Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
Damn it, I've got pins and needles. Ouch.
Oh, my back.
Jeon Gyeong-cheol's been visiting
Kang Eun-hye's apartment regularly.
Either Jeon Gyeong-cheol killed
Kang Eun-hye, or…
He took Kang Eun-hye to the killer.
Still, it's obvious that he's the link
in the Kang Eun-hye case.
But this car doesn't belong to
Jeon Gyeong-cheol, though.
That must be a vehicle
he seized from a debtor.
It'll be hard if it isn't registered
under the owner's name.
Damn it.
Where is the oracle?
She said you must wait here.
Yang Jae-won of the New Progressive Party
against Lee Myeong-jun
of the True Conservative Party.
It's expected to be
less than a five-percent difference.
The air is tense
in both parties' ballot situation room,
with the exit poll results
soon to be announced.
This is a live video
of each party's ballot situation room.
I wonder which party
will be cheering today.
We have ten seconds to go until
the exit poll results are announced.
The two candidates are neck-and-neck
in Sinmyeong's exit poll results.
Candidate Yang Jae-won of
the New Progressive Party has 46.5%,
and candidate Lee Myeong-jun of the
True Conservative Party has 44.2%.
Candidate Yang is expected to win
against Candidate Lee
by a small margin.
-Yang Jae-won!
-Yang Jae-won!
-Yang Jae-won!
-Yang Jae-won!
We can win.
The two candidates continue
to be closely matched
as more ballots are counted,
leaving both on high alert.
85.3% of the ballots have been counted,
and candidate Yang is…
Votes are rapidly pouring in
for candidate Lee,
who has been lagging behind candidate
Yang by a small margin.
Candidate Lee is on the rise
as the ballot count draws to an end.
3,599,640 VOTES
90.3% of the ballots have been counted,
and candidate Lee overtakes
candidate Yang.
-Lee Myeong-jun!
-Lee Myeong-jun!
-Candidate Yang is at 45.80%…
-Lee Myeong-jun!
-…and Candidate Lee at 46.70%.
-Lee Myeong-jun!
It has been neck-and-neck until the end,
but candidate Lee has been elected
as the mayor of Sinmyeong.
-He's collapsed.
-Call 911.
-Call 911 right now!
-Mr. Mayor!
-Mr. Mayor!
-Mr. Mayor!
-Mr. Mayor!
-Mr. Mayor!
-Mr. Mayor!
-Mr. Mayor!
-Mr. Mayor!
Congratulations on your election,
Mr. Mayor.
I haven't been appointed yet.
This is all thanks to you, Aunt.
I've done nothing.
You should not be thanking me but him.
Yes. Of course.
I wasn't thinking straight.
I'll visit soon
and will make sure the thing
you spoke of proceeds with no issues.
Something happened, didn't it?
Jeon Gyeong-cheol
seems to have taken a video
on the day Kang Eun-hye died.
Vulgar fool.
He says he'll disappear
if he can get three billion won.
What should I do?
Our plan will be foiled
if he starts running his mouth.
I was told to take care of him.
This is what he wants.
I'll go deal with him.
I'll get the three billion won
and go to your office.
It will take an hour or so.
Then I'll be waiting.
We have to get there first. Hurry.
I've accessed the CCTV.
He seems to be alone in his office,
but still, be careful.
This is the last video.
January 16th, 5 p.m.
Kang Eun-hye's estimated time of death.
Damn it. Jeon Gyeong-cheol,
that son of a bitch. I ought to…
Damn him!
-Mr. Cha.
-Did you just laugh at Lieutenant Han?
Come on, that's really rude.
It's not like we wanted to let
Jeon Gyeong-cheol go.
It's not like that.
She looked cute fired up like that.
What? What did I say?
I can't believe I was so clueless,
sitting here and stuffing my face
when you brought the food for you two.
No, it's not like that.
What do you mean?
Am I being clueless,
or are you two interested in each other?
Sir, Mr. Cha and I aren't like that.
Enough kidding around.
Let's go get Jeon Gyeong-cheol again.
Mr. Cha.
It must be hard.
Come on, isn't it obvious?
She doesn't have a romantic bone
in her body.
She won't understand
if you beat around the bush.
You have to be direct. Be straightforward!
-I feel bad for you.
The light's out in his office, though.
Are you sure he's in there?
Yes. His car's still
in the parking lot. Why?
People don't have the lights off
when they're expecting someone.
I'll see if he walked somewhere else.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Let's go and see.
It's dark.
-It's so quiet.
Mr. Jeon?
Mr. Jeon.
He's not breathing.
They took the evidence
and made it look like suicide.
Then I'll go see if they're nearby.
-Jeon Gyeong-cheol's dead.
Check Gu Tae-su's movements
through the CCTVs.
Yes, okay.
Not this time, you scumbag.
You bastard…
I see him going in,
but there's no footage of him leaving.
Do you want me to check the other side?
Nam Han-jun.
Where is he?
Su-cheol, Nam Han-jun
isn't responding. Hurry back inside.
Yes, okay.
What are you doing here?
-Are you here to see Jeon Gyeong-cheol?
-Is Mr. Nam with you?
You should have given up then.
Then you would have gotten
out of this alive.
It must be you
who killed Jae-jeong.
Why did you kill Jae-jeong? Why?
We don't have time to be chatting here.
Are you kidding me?
Han-jun! Are you okay? What happened?
It's Gopuri. He ran.
Gopuri, that bastard.
Gosh, what happened?
Should I call an ambulance?
Wait, that fabric is…
It's the same gopuri fabric that was
at the crime scene for Eun-hye's murder.
Over here!
Mr. Cha!
I almost had him, but he ran.
Are you okay?
This is unusual in that…
What's that?
It seems like a crushed cell phone.
We can't retrieve anything
since it lacks a flash memory.
But could you try anyway?
Yes, ma'am.
-That hurts. Be gentle.
-Here? Or here?
Hey, don't touch me. Don't.
Where were you before?
Well, I…
-You should have hurried.
-I did hurry.
Lieutenant Han. You better look at this.
I prostituted Kang Eun-hye
to Choi Yeong-seop.
But I didn't know that he would kill her.
It's all my fault.
My deepest condolences
go to Kang Eun-hye's family.
"Choi Yeong-seop killed Kang Eun-hye."
"I'm committing suicide over the guilt."
It's something like that, I presume.
No, I didn't show it to him.
How did you…
It's him. He's the killer.
The one we saw in the bathroom
at Joyce Entertainment.
The employee who brought the security
guards and dragged us away?
Gosh, it hurts. Yes.
Gu Tae-su.
-Are you all right?
-Yes. Detective Kim.
Go to Joyce Entertainment and find out
about a man named Gu Tae-su.
I've heard that Park Jin-sang
of Joyce Entertainment
is your cousin.
Yes, well. That is true.
But I don't let
personal connections get in my way,
so you don't have to worry.
I see.
Anyway, I have to sue Gu Tae-su
for what he did,
so give me a call
when you catch the scumbag.
Where are you going?
You're coming with us.
What? No, I'm not. Why should I?
If you refuse,
you'll be taken to the station by force.
By force? Me?
I didn't see the killer
you're talking about anywhere around here.
You were the only one
at the scene of the crime.
You're a suspect for now,
so you're coming with us.
-Really? Are you kidding me?
-Lieutenant Han.
-The killer, I…
-Quiet. Pretend it didn't happen.
Take him away.
Wait, you just exchanged glances…
Mr. Shaman, sorry about this.
Come on, seriously?
You know I don't want to.
Hold on. Wait.
Does that mean I'm getting arrested too?
I'll call you if we need you.
Really? Okay.
Come on, take him away.
-I need to cuff you. Come on.
-Come on already.
-This place is too dusty.
-Come on, move it.
Thank goodness, I'm safe.
Gu Tae-su's not even registered
as an employee. He's a director by name.
No one at Joyce Entertainment knows him.
But I did find out where he used to work,
so I'll go look there and call you.
Okay. Good luck.
Okay, bye.
Mr. Shaman was
the famous Cold Case Hunter?
I've heard rumors
about this amazing profiler at HQ
when I was at the Investigation Bureau.
He would solve all these cold cases,
and everyone was so amazed.
He must have already had his powers then.
Honestly, he's amazing.
Tampering with evidence?
I guess it didn't end well.
You don't really think
that Mr. Nam is the killer, do you?
The killer with the burn scar
that Mr. Nam talked about…
I saw him too earlier.
I know that Mr. Nam isn't the killer.
I want to hear the truth from him,
and I didn't want him
to squirm away again. So I'm holding him.
He wouldn't even see you
all those times you went to talk to him.
You think he'll tell you something now?
Lieutenant Han.
Did you know Mr. Shaman from before?
He's someone I need to get to know.
I'm going to go ask him
what exactly happened
three years ago.
-Mr. Cha.
You've got a rival.
You better stay on your toes.
What about Gu Tae-su? Did you find him?
Not yet.
The people at Joyce Entertainment
don't know who he is either.
You'll never catch him with legwork.
You sound like you know him well.
Joyce Entertainment,
Choi Yeong-seop's hospital room,
Jeon Gyeong-cheol's office,
and Prosecutor Han's apartment.
I've run into him four times.
I don't just know him.
It's as if we're connected by fate.
You said you only saw the burn scar
at the scene and not his face.
But I have a feeling
and I'm sure it was him.
"A feeling"?
How very logical of you.
Is that why you arrested me?
To twist my words?
Then convince me with facts, not feelings.
The white fabric
that Ms. Kang's body was covered with
and the fabric found
in Jeon Gyeong-cheol's office…
They are all gopuri fabrics
that shamans use for rituals.
The same fabric was found at the scene of
Prosecutor Han's murder three years ago.
And the red symbol found
splattered over the fabric
is the same too.
"The red symbol…"
But the analysis of the cloth
covering the victim
showed traces of dye as well as blood.
Right, they found dye on the fabric.
It was burnt,
but it was definitely a gopuri knot.
And it looked like it had
writing on it like a talisman.
He must have been
carrying out a ritual of sorts,
believing himself to be punishing evil.
So Choi Yeong-seop's case was an exception
because he got caught
before he could do the ritual?
He believes himself superior,
punishing sins using his own rules.
Let's check together
if Gu Tae-su was behind all the killings.
Let's try forensic hypnosis.
It might bring back the memory that faded
-from the shock …
No, thanks. Hypnosis isn't
even admissible as evidence.
-But we might find something we missed.
Is it because you're afraid,
or is it because you don't want to know?
Perfectionists like me aren't
very susceptible to hypnosis anyway.
I guess you're right.
Give it some thought
while you go to sleep in the holding cell.
You can only keep me for 48 hours anyway.
Move me to another room.
I can't stay here!
Does this look like a hotel to you?
You can't just switch rooms.
Hey, wait!
I'll do it. The forensic hypnosis.
I thought you weren't very susceptible
to hypnosis?
That is true, but…
I'll try for the sake of my investigation.
I'm sorry, sir.
Could you try just one more time?
Now. Mr. Nam. Picture yourself
watching a play in a safe space.
Now, take a deep breath in and out.
Now, when I count down from three,
you will return to 5 p.m.,
November 3rd, 2019.
Three, two, one.
Mr. Nam. What day is it today
and where are you?
Today is
February 24th, 2022.
I'm in the room of a forensic hypnotist.
Never mind. Let's just stop.
I told you. It just doesn't work!
I'm sorry, sir.
Could we just try one last time? Please?
Come on, let's just go
and stop wasting time.
Hey, let's try it now.
When he's focused on the pain.
-Let's try again.
-You really think that'll work?
Mr. Nam, stand up.
Jeez, why?
Oh, gosh!
Do it now!
I want to go home--
Wait, Mr. Nam. You're dreaming.
This is a dream. It's all a dream.
Now, calm down. Twenty.
Now, then. Go back to 5 p.m.
on November 3rd, 2019.
What happened that day?
I was going home from work,
and Jae-jeong called me.
I think I found the link that connects
the victim, Choi Yeong-seop,
and the killer together.
I get jokbal and go to Jae-jeong's
and I see
smoke coming from the door.
I break the door and go in,
then I see him.
Now, stop here. Do you see his face?
I don't.
You don't have to try too hard.
Calm down and just tell us
what's around you,
it doesn't have to be the killer's face.
I see
the burn scar on his arm.
Now, the face of the man you're holding
grows clearer.
Can you see his face?
Gu Tae-su…
It's Gu Tae-su.
He's running away. I have to catch him.
Jae-jeong's on fire.
I need the fire extinguisher.
I have to put the fire out.
Jae-jeong, don't die.
Jae-jeong. Don't die. I'm sorry.
It's my fault,
it's my fault that Jae-jeong…
It's my fault…
Right. Okay.
Mr. Nam. Three years have passed,
and you're back to the present.
How are you feeling?
Do you still feel tortured?
I'm laughing and talking to Hye-jun,
Su-cheol, and Na-dan
at Minamdang.
But I feel these sudden bursts of fear.
What are you afraid of?
That I'll fail to protect them again.
I might endanger the people I love again.
I feel so scared about that.
When I count down from three again,
you will awake from your trance.
Three, two, one.
It's not your fault.
Don't torment yourself.
It must have been
so hard on your own this whole time.
You said you'd never fall
for something like hypnosis.
I'm more
sensitive than I look.
It must have been so hard
on your own this whole time.
What the hell?
Jeez, what's with my heart?
Mr. Nam, are you feeling unwell?
No, I'm fine.
It's just some side effects. Don't worry.
What's this?
You said you'd take me home.
Why am I here?
What on earth goes on in your head?
After all those times you hit on me?
I'm going to get something to drink.
Get some fresh air.
I want coffee.
Why's she so quiet? It's not like her.
The river's so freaking calm.
I said I wanted coffee.
Scooch over.
Scooch over so I can sit too.
Come on, why can't you just sit here?
Give me your hand.
Not this one. That one.
Gosh, you're annoying me
in so many ways today.
That must have hurt a lot.
What? When did I get hurt?
That hurts.
Let me take a look.
It must have been
so hard on your own this whole time.
This is a side effect of hypnosis.
This is why I'm feeling this way.
Mr. Nam. Is it that bad? Let me see.
No. It's a side effect
of the hypnosis. That's what it is.
I'm feeling a little more sensitive.
It's nothing you need to worry about.
Yes, Mr. Jang.
Gu Tae-su!
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
Mr. Nam. Trust me,
so we catch the killer together.
How can I, when you let
your sense of justice get in the way
of catching that demon spawn?
I've pulled some strings with the police,
so don't worry about them.
It's obvious that one of them
outranks the other.
-What's our next move?
-We take the bull by the horns.
-Bending and breaking the rules…
-Is he in?
Leave the exciting stuff to me…
I've never seen you
smile like that before.
-Don't go, Ms. Han.
-I don't want him to fight alone anymore.
…and just keep being
a good cop as you always have.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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