Call It Love (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Now, when you play this chord…
Did you see a ghost?
I was startled because it wasn't a ghost.
I get it.
Jun ratted me out, didn't he?
Watch what you say!
Woojoo, I'm getting paid to work here.
One hour.
If you run, you're dead.
You can go to Room Happy Rock, ma'am.
Let's talk here.
Don't yell at me outside.
It's embarrassing.
-Look, you're already yelling.
I won't say this twice.
Get your things from where you're staying
and come back home.
You just took a breather.
Find another study hall and cram school.
Do you understand?
I said, do you understand?
You said it in Korean.
Of course I understood.
But you know what?
I understood what you said,
but that doesn't mean I'll do as you say.
I'm going to sing.
Even if I pursue singing,
I won't live like Dad.
If that's your concern--
Do you think I'm against this
for a pathetic reason like that?
That's not it.
Then what is it?
You need to tell me so I can understand
or try to persuade you.
I don't want to sound pathetic,
so I won't say it.
Okay then. We can both live how we like.
Are you really not going to tell me?
At least you should
have a decent job,
so it won't be as embarrassing
when Haesung gets married.
And you…
You have to at least get paid regularly
so you can get a lease
on a house and move.
Will you bring
your future fiancée to that tiny place?
No matter how much I try,
this is all I can do for you.
Aren't you going to be
embarrassed about this later?
So that's your reason?
Is that it?
You're making me sad.
Seriously, I'm so sad.
I feel so down.
Why are you trying to shoulder everything?
-Thank you for the food.
-Thank you.
Oh, uh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
I'll be going then, Dongjin. Thanks.
I'm sorry, sir.
I remember everything.
I'm totally awake.
Come on, he's waiting.
If you're swaying, it's game over.
You need to confess.
I'm not doing that.
This is why I don't want to
tell you anything.
I'm only doing this because I'm so happy.
Okay. Fine.
Don't come in too early tomorrow, okay?
-I'm going for real.
I'm sorry.
If you don't want to be dating,
then at least be in love.
The weather is too nice
to not do anything.
I'm off.
I'm sorry, let's go!
I'll get my things and go straight home.
There's nowhere for me to run anyways.
The friend I'm living with
might feel uncomfortable.
I won't go inside. I'll just wait out.
The number you dialed is turned off.
Please record--
Where exactly is your friend's house?
To be honest, he's not a friend.
He's an older guy.
Yes, that's right. It's Dongjin.
We're living together.
You crazy idiot!
Are you insane?
Did you just swear at me?
I was going to leave soon,
but then he made me stay.
He gave me pocket money and everything.
I could sense it.
He doesn't want to be alone. He's lonely.
That house is big,
but there's nothing in it.
Just like him.
Just go home.
What about you?
I'll go after I see him.
Did you drink?
Good for you.
I don't really have the right to say this…
but stop drinking.
You've punished yourself enough.
Those two were working together.
Trying to ruin me.
Damn them.
You were with them as well?
Not with Youngmin?
Leave quietly.
Don't make a scene here.
All right.
I don't have the energy
to deal with you right now, so move.
I'm not moving.
Don't touch Han Dongjin.
You'll pay for it if you do.
Sorry about earlier.
I'll go in now.
Do you have medicine for a fever?
You have a fever.
Do you have medicine at home?
I don't.
I'll bring you some, go inside and wait.
Don't take it on an empty stomach.
Come in for a bit.
At least have some tea.
Can't you?
Even if it wasn't you,
I would've brought the medicine.
I don't have feelings for you.
I don't know if you know it,
but you're sick.
Stop pretending you don't know
and go see a doctor.
And when you're better,
then we can go get tea
or drinks or whatever.
Not now.
Get better.
I'm texting you
in case you're waiting for me.
I moved back home.
Thank you for letting me live with you.
I'll become successful
and buy you a nice tent.
Please send my things through Woojoo.
Give me a call
when you see this text.
I'll be waiting.
Sorry I didn't tell you
about your brother.
Thank you.
Do you want to meet right now?
I'm tired.
There are so many side dishes.
Why are you frying an egg?
It's for the boy who came back home.
Hurry up and come out!
I was waiting for you to call me.
You crawled back in sooner than I thought.
I wouldn't call it
"crawling" back in.
I'll say one thing.
From now on, solve your problems at home.
If you run away again,
I'm going to make you crawl back in.
-Yes, ma'am.
Go and get us some rice.
What? Do you know me?
Actually, I do feel like
I've seen you around quite a lot.
Ah! Aren't you the pharmacist
with a blabbermouth?
You snitched on him, didn't you?
It was about time he came in,
so I just gave her a hint.
So, from yesterday,
your speed dial number isn't one.
You're downgraded to 6, for 666.
Don't be stingy
and keep pushing it to lucky seven.
You think I'd fall for it again?
I'll never give
Son Heungmin's number to you.
-Get the rice.
About singing,
I said I'd think about it.
I didn't give you permission.
Give me some as well.
Use your chopsticks.
Let me do it for you, Moksung.
Do you want the braised beef?
No. Fried fish cake.
What? Sim Moksung?
Is that a new nickname?
It's a pet name between us.
you didn't forget
that today is D-Day, right?
Just let everyone know, why don't you?
Don't worry. No one cares about you two.
Even if you two kissed, I wouldn't care.
-Don't say something so horrible.
-Do you have a death wish?
Say something.
-I'm done, I'm going to work first.
Even if I was having a tough time,
I shouldn't have stayed with Dongjin.
Who's Dongjin? A school senior?
No, the CEO of Woojoo's workplace.
You punk, are you crazy?
Did you just swear at me?
Why you little…
How could you…
You're even more of a nutjob
than your sister.
A nutjob?
You brat…
You brat, why did you go there?
Why are you making a fuss?
How did he even think
about staying there?
Does this color look weird?
Isn't your family pretty conservative?
Should I wear something else?
Should I change or not?
It's pretty.
It really suits you.
Your skin is fair,
so yellow looks nice on you.
But maybe for your parents…
Who cares?
What matters is that you look pretty.
You don't have to impress them.
You're very eloquent today.
See you later.
Hey, you need to at least tell me
what I should do today.
Oh, right.
I forgot to tell you about that.
Don't do less.
Uh, it would be even better if it's more.
Just be your normal self.
You don't have to act shy.
When we're eating,
talk a lot about meaningless things
just like you normally do.
You like drinking with your meals.
Make sure you order a drink
while we're eating.
My father can't drink at all.
He'll probably hate it.
And what else?
Mention that you were born
in the Year of the Horse.
Emphasize your age.
That should be enough.
Ah, so that's your plan.
-Dropping a bomb?
-That's right.
I'm counting on you.
Stop trying to act cute.
I said I got it,
but I didn't say I'd cooperate.
What? You're not coming?
Yes, I'm coming.
For sure.
See you later.
You have to come.
I got it.
Things are a bit complicated here,
but I'm sure of one thing.
You know everything, don't you?
You don't even need
an explanation of why I'm here.
It's starting to make sense
as I'm speaking.
Youngmin knows your number, right?
We'll talk about the details
over the phone during the day.
Make sure to answer.
-This is a game to them.
-Damn it.
The three of them are
putting up a game to screw us over.
I don't think that's it.
Were you even listening
when I was speaking?
I mean, maybe you're right
about Kang Minyoung.
But I don't think Han Dongjin
and Sim Woojoo
were together from the beginning.
I'm sure about that.
Good morning, Mr. Han.
Their relationship was
not great in the beginning.
They never even made eye contact.
Are you having coffee?
She wasn't the nicest person
to begin with,
but I could always sense
some kind of hostility.
Who came into where?
When she was suspected
of being the spy,
-she got fired straight away.
-Mr. Kang, Ms. Kim. Come into my office.
Shouldn't we first hear
the part-timer's story too?
For what?
Ms. Baek.
Back then,
he didn't like her one bit.
Things can always change
between a man and a woman.
Anyways, now it's certain
that she's not on our side, right?
But just call her up.
And ask her about everything.
Like what's the relationship between
Kang Minyoung and Han Dongjin,
and how Best Fairs is doing.
And then what?
I don't know if she'll tell me,
but even if she does,
we don't have the money
to sabotage Best Fairs.
We should take care
of our camping fair now.
Should we just sit here and take it then?
They fooled me and screwed me over!
I can't.
I just can't let this slide.
Do you understand?
And you, don't question me
and call her if I tell you to!
Did you come
to fetch his things yesterday?
No, I didn't.
When are you coming?
Should I bring it to you?
I'll come over after I clock out.
All right.
So it cost me
about 11,150,000 won to build this RV.
That includes the second-hand car itself,
as well as the parts that I added.
This here looks like
an armrest on a couch,
but it has a really cool secret function.
-I can keep it covered up,
but when I want to use it,
plug it in and pull it down.
Then it becomes a normal armrest.
Next is this slide-out table.
I put it right in between the cabinets.
I can pull it out like this,
and use my laptop or have a meal.
Once I'm done,
I can just push it right back in.
The most important thing to remember
when building your own RV is…
This is good. Can we work with them?
We've contacted them.
And some of them seem to be on board.
I see.
But it really is incredible.
Thinking of building
a camping car by themselves.
How can they be so passionate?
I'm jealous.
For now, let's count this one
as a candidate for the exhibition.
Yes, sir.
How far are we with the project proposal?
I think it'll be done in about three days.
This week, we have to hand in
the tech support application
and get the booth floor plan.
We have a lot on our plate.
-I'll do it.
-You will?
Then perhaps Woojoo can help you.
It's just categorizing data,
so it shouldn't be too difficult.
Yes, let's do that then.
I want to do it myself,
but I'm a bit busy with sales.
Well done back there.
The thing with Dongjin and Woojoo.
Why did you put them together
if you didn't know?
Ms. Sim has an eye for detail,
and she's smart.
Gosh, I thought you knew about it.
Just leave them be and don't interfere.
It'll be better for him that way.
With a character like that,
he'll run away if you push him.
I get it already.
Are Mr. Han and Ms. Sim really dating?
-I can't believe it.
It-It's not like that.
What I'm trying to say is, uh…
Didn't you know they live
in the same neighborhood?
They live really close to each other.
Only a ten-minute walk.
You know how it's scary
to go home alone after working late?
So I was asking if she knew about that.
That's all.
I see.
Aren't you getting coffee?
I saw Mr. Cha a few days ago,
at the cafe near the office.
It was as if he was waiting
for one of us to walk in.
How dare he even come near this place?
What did he say?
He just asked what I expected.
"How's the company?
Are you busy?" Stuff like that.
Anything else?
He asked if Ms. Sim is still working here.
That's so random.
What, is he trying to take
our part-timer now?
Our Ms. Sim would never join them.
Our Ms. Sim?
I'm going out to work.
You know everything, don't you?
You don't even need
an explanation of why I'm here.
I met CEO Shin.
I wanted to find out what he was up to.
I pretended to be an investor.
I don't know anything,
and I have nothing to tell you,
so don't call me.
Are they here?
They're the type to come 30 minutes early.
Let's go inside.
I was just joking this morning.
Just focus on eating.
Don't worry too much about them.
We're late.
I'll show you what it means
to get a golden pass.
This room, please.
Nice to meet you. I'm Sim Haesung.
We should have come earlier.
How may I help you?
Clear our table
and give us some tea, please.
Would you like coffee or green tea?
Four green teas, please.
Right away, ma'am.
Are you leaving, sir?
-Your father will pay for this.
Thank you for the food.
There's traffic.
I'm coming.
Yellow wasn't the right choice.
I'm sorry.
I'll see you again.
Yes, have a safe trip back.
So your father is a military man.
And rather than me getting a golden pass,
it's more like they're passing on me.
I'm hungry. Let's go eat.
Haesung, do you remember
that skit in Gag Concert
called "We Need to Talk"
from when we were young?
Jang Dongmin, Kim Daehee,
and who was the mom again?
-Shin Bongsun?
-Yes, that was really popular.
But for me…
I never laughed while watching it.
Why? Because my family was worse.
In that stiff family atmosphere…
I was a nosy and chatty child,
so imagine how much of an oddball I was.
My brother and sister…
probably still don't know
that I'm so chatty.
Although it was just you there…
…that was embarrassing.
If we were to have a competition
on who had the most
embarrassing experience,
…you'd never beat me.
So just drink quietly.
I find that so comforting.
My dream used to be…
a verb, not a noun.
It wasn't a job, like a pharmacist.
I wanted to live
as rowdy a life as possible.
I thought I'd never achieve it,
but I did recently.
Thanks to the three horrifying siblings.
I mean, how can there be
so much drama every single day?
And you guys make trouble
one after another.
I could almost call it teamwork.
And it's really annoying
whenever I see that.
But then again, I don't hate it.
Am I odd or what?
Let us, for as long as we can…
…live as loudly…
…as possible.
I sent the file to your email.
I'll go over next time
to fetch my brother's things.
Where are you?
The first floor.
Then wait there for a moment.
You need to get his things, right?
Let's go together.
I'm getting sick of
hearing about his things.
Okay. Come down.
What is it now?
Is it because of your brother?
I go back and forth all the time,
so just deal with it.
Are you the best at
just putting up with everything?
You never even once gave a cold look
to your lover who abandoned you.
But were you that upset
because a mere part-timer
gave you some mood swings?
You should've just let me go home.
Why did you call me?
And the thing with my brother as well.
You should've told me first.
Why do you have to do things
behind my back?
It's a sickness, right?
That you can't stop speaking
once you explode.
That's right.
I'm upset.
I got angry.
You once said
that I should have a comfortable life.
But you're the one
who makes me most uncomfortable.
Did you know that?
The person who fixed my button
when I didn't even ask
is suddenly turning a cold shoulder on me.
No matter how hard I think about it,
I don't think I did anything wrong.
I was going to ask today,
but you kept avoiding me.
Did I do something wrong?
Can't we just…
try to get along like friends?
Don't you have any other friends?
Why be friends with me?
So are you going to
keep that face on at work too?
Whatever. This is who I am.
Let your brother fetch his things.
That will be better.
I'll go have a look.
Look who's here!
When did you arrive? You should've called!
Be quiet.
So you didn't get
any casting offers on your way here?
-You could be an actor.
-You're still as loud as ever.
Give it here.
Sorry, I got too excited.
Get back to work, guys.
Uncle Daehong.
Come in.
And this…
Take care of this, please.
I thought Mr. Han's father passed away.
Who could it be? Do you know?
It hasn't changed at all, right?
-Have you eaten yet?
-Not yet.
It's been a while since you came,
so we should have
something nice to eat, okay?
-Dongjin, you'll have to treat him.
Thank you.
Ah, this is good.
What brings you to Seoul?
I have an alumni meeting in the evening,
so I thought I might
as well come and see you.
Gosh, so you're different
from Dongjin after all.
I didn't think you'd go to things
like alumni meetings.
A businessman never misses
a social gathering.
How's work?
It's tough.
Looks like all the youngsters
who like camping are coming to my place.
Sometimes, I spend an entire day
just carrying firewood.
Then you'll become rich very soon.
If you want it,
one of you can inherit it or something,
so I can rest.
Much appreciated, but I'll pass.
Just give it to your "son" over here.
Do you want it?
Ah, it's been so long
since we've seen you.
What would be the perfect food
for the special occasion?
What about braised hairtail?
-I'm good with anything.
-Or Chinese. Whoa.
Are you going to the post office?
Then why don't you eat with us?
You're on your way out,
it'll be nice to eat together.
Leave her. Let's eat by ourselves.
-But why?
-Let's go.
-Come on.
Where's CEO Shin?
Never mind.
Ugh, damn it.
Mr. Cha,
I think you should go have a look.
At what?
Who says I don't have money?
I just don't have time.
Of course.
It's going very smoothly,
so don't worry about it.
Yes, of course.
Hey, Shin Sungman!
-Director Kim.
-Why you…
Why didn't you tell me
the exhibition hall was canceled?
Do you know who told me that today?
My boss!
Aside from being humiliated,
I'm about to lose my job.
What are you going to do about this?
How are you
going to take responsibility?
Sir, I will…
Sir, let's talk this out.
Hey, weren't you working for Dongjin?
Did you start this
just to sabotage Dongjin's business?
Are you a scumbag or what?
My employees are outside.
I'll explain everything,
-so why don't we sit--
-Just stop.
I'll just take the blame for choosing you.
So just give me back my company's money.
Or else I'll sue all of you.
Did you understand?
Answer me.
You got 50 booths
with less than eight million won.
So shut it and know your place.
The reason I'm completely ruined…
…is that you kept driving the price down!
What did you say?
Have you lost it?
Sir, you should go and calm down…
I'll tell you once again.
Give me back my company's money.
You damn scumbags.
-Darn it!
You should take a taxi.
I came to see what Seoul folks are like,
so why would I?
I'm not having such a hard time anymore.
The company isn't doing too badly.
Everything's good.
That's good, then.
That place had really good food.
I think I'll miss it when I go back.
Come back soon. Let's eat there again.
What we ate just now,
was it fried chili chicken
or sweet and sour pork?
I don't remember.
You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
If the rumors were true
that all you do is work,
I was going to bring you with me
for real this time.
I guess I'll let you stay.
I'll come visit
when I'm done with my current project.
For real, this time.
Not just a visit. I'll make you work.
There's a lot to do.
The person
you're trying to reach is not available.
Please record a message after the beep.
And when you're better,
then we can go get tea
or drinks or whatever.
Get better.
I was sure that you'd renew your contract.
It's not a common offer,
but we're not a big company anyway.
We wanted to hire you
as part of our planning team.
Everyone knows you're good at your job.
No, thank you.
I don't want to do that.
I'll work until the end of this month,
as per the contract.
Are you not going home?
I am.
Ms. Baek, it's time to go home.
You can go ahead.
She has less than three weeks
left on her contract.
I offered her a full-time position,
but she said no.
What should we do?
-Let her do what she wants.
Why bother her
if she doesn't want to stay?
I understand. I'll go now.
Ms. Baek.
I'm sorry.
There's no need, sir.
Don't worry about it.
Sir, we're here.
Why did you do it?
Did Dongjin tell you to avenge him?
I thought he was the type
that would just take a beating.
Was I wrong about him?
But you see…
no matter how much I think about it,
I'm certain you did this all on your own.
That's why I'm here.
To take revenge on you.
Let's talk when you're sober.
-When you're not drunk.
You underestimated me.
If you throw that,
that'll be the end for you.
There's no going back.
My life is already finished
because of that woman!
When you took all of his employees
and blew all his hard-earned money,
Han Dongjin didn't hunt you down.
Didn't he give you an opportunity?
To end this need for revenge
and let you just live your own life.
Are you going to blow it all
with that rock?
Drop it before
you do something you'll regret.
It must have been shocking.
They ran all the tests,
and they said there's nothing major.
She just fell asleep.
I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
You can go.
I'll stay here.
You should go.
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