Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

I think I was the only one
who understood her power
over circumstance and people.
It seemed to me that what
she wanted she could have.
And the rest was cast aside.

We met in secondary school.
She was the new girl.
Back then, she was opinionated
and frequently in detention.
Nobody liked her.
Which drew me
to her immediately.
When we were 17,
we had to attend
a fundraising dance
in the school.
She wore a flimsy summer dress
and trainers.
She was radiantly attractive.
I told her I liked her dress
and she gave me some of
the vodka she was drinking.
We snuck off together
and I could hear the music
buzzing from inside
like a ringtone
that belonged to someone else.
She gave me more of her vodka
and asked me if I liked girls.
I just said, "Sure."
- Americano?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Alright. Cash or card?
- Um, card, please.
- Tap there.
Uh, that's not gone through.
- No?
- Just try again.
This machine can be odd.
- Uh, sorry, it's been declined.
- Um
Um, well, that shouldn't be
Um, I might have it in, um,
cash here. Uh
It's fine, just take it.
Um, no, it's fine.
I'll just, I'll leave it.
Thank you, though. Thanks.
See you.
- Flat white?
- Yeah.
Hi. Um, can I check
my account, please?
My card was declined.
Um, I checked the app.
Just pop it in there for me.
Uh, the account is overdrawn.
Uh, it shouldn't be.
Are there payments pending
from Dennis Flynn?
Uh, nothing pending.
Six weeks ago was the last one.
Okay. Um
Uh, yeah, that's fine.
Thank Thank you.
You're welcome.
This is Dennis Flynn.
I can't take your call right
now but leave a message
and I'll get back to you
as soon as possible.
Dad, hi, um, it's Frances.
Can you call me back, please?
Thanks. Bye.

Hey. Um, sorry I'm a bit late.
Oh, I didn't even notice.
Will you join me for a glass?
Um, yeah, sure.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
So, what did you think
of Melissa's book?
I haven't read it yet.
Why not?
Well, I haven't had time.
But I will.
You should.
She's got something really
special, don't you think?
She speaks very highly of you.
She doesn't do that often.
So I listen when she does.
Perhaps you'd like to send me
some more of your work.
Oh, I'm not sure.
Uh, I mean,
I'm not really looking
for, like, an agent or anything.
Oh, I'm not trying
to recruit you, Frances.
It's a wee bit early for that.
Uh, yeah.
But I'm happy
to give something a read
and to give you a steer.
If you'd like me to.
I'm just not sure I have
anything that would be
Hmm. It's up to you.
But if you're serious
about a writing career,
you are gonna have to put
yourself out there at some point.
I can understand if it's too
intimidating for you, though.
No, you're right. Um
Yeah, I'll-I'll
send you something.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Have you eaten?
- There's some noodles there.
Fine. Had dinner with Dad.
Oh, how was that?
Fine. The usual. Exhausting.
- Hey.
- I'm just going to bed.
Okay. Night.
You're not
avoiding me, are you?
No, why?
Um, nothing. I just thought
Okay. I'm not.
- Night.
- Night.

Could you help me, please?
She fainted, I
We just need to get her
We just need to get her
out of the rain.
Okay, okay.
Can you hear me?
You fainted.
I'm sorry.
You guys are good. Thanks.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, I've got it.
Frances, what the hell happened?
- I'm so sorry.
- Stop.
Should we get you to, like,
a medical center or something?
No, I'm fine.
Or A&E?
- No, I don't want to.
- I just wanna go home. Please.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
They'll only tell me
to wait for my scan.
I'm fine.
It's just my period.

Still with us?
I guess.
I'm feeling a bit better.

I'm gonna run you a bath.
I can do that.
Do you need help with the rest?
I think so. Yeah.
Why does that upset you?
I don't know.
Seen you naked
a million times before.
- Don't remind me.
- What?
It wasn't all bad.
We had some fun.
Didn't we?
Is this you flirting?
Definitely not.
I'll undress you
in a very unsexy manner. Watch.
Lift your arms, please.
Great. It's warmer
in the bathroom.
Won't be long.
Sure, yeah.
Who knew
I could be so nurturing?
I did.
Did you?
Here. Let me.
I'm useless.
You're frozen.
Stand up.
What's up?
There might be blood.
I don't care.
Just be thankful it's me doing
this and not your boyfriend.
- Oh, don't.
- Don't what?
not today.
We're fighting.
That's all.
What about?
I'm not sure, really.
I don't know what
the fuck is going on.
Did you ever tell him about
when you were in the hospital?
Just I don't know, really.
I tried. I tried.
In a Frances way
or an actual way?
I don't know.
The water's fine.
I'll I'll get
some towels, okay?
Alright. Thanks.
It's Nick.
- What?
- I called him.
Take it, Frances.
- Hello.
- Hey.
I've been trying to reach you.
Are you okay?
I'm feeling better now,
thank you.
Bobbi told me what happened.
Must have been
really frightening.
- Um, if you
- If you want to like
Sorry. -You first.
I can, I can come over.
I'd like to see you, Frances.
I'd like that.
Do you need anything?
- No.
- Okay.
I'll get in the car. -Do.
Thank you.

Here are some towels.
- What'd he say?
- He's coming over.
You gave me a fucking fright.
Did I?
Thanks, Bobbi.
For what?
For being here.
My pleasure.
Though I do live
here now, remember?
You know what I mean.
Got me on economics at least.
Didn't take you for
an economist anyway.
I could see you
as a famous professor
or a lecturer at the Sorbonne.
A cultural commentator.
- Frances.
- What?
You always do this.
- What do you mean?
- I'm just a normal person.
I'll find my own way.
You don't have to
invent some big story for me.
You know all this anyway.
Am I a difficult person
to be in a relationship with?
Well, I wouldn't say
you were easy exactly.
You're more
challenging than that.
Is that why you dumped me?
For being difficult?
I didn't dump you.
I ended it
to save you the trouble.
You'd have let it
drag on for months.
We were miserable.
That's not how I remember it.
Well, I can't help that.
And you don't
regret it?
I try not to regret things,

Yeah. Uh, just give me a second.
It's Nick.
He's almost here.
Thank you.
She's had a really rough day,
so just be nice to her, okay?
Thanks, Bobbi.
Come in.
You're here.
I was worried about you.
Are you in pain?
It's nearly gone now.
Has this happened before?
Yeah. A few times.
That time I called you, uh,
it was late
and you said
I sounded weird, um.
I had to go to the hospital.
Oh, God.
- Frances.
- It's fine.
I'm going for a scan soon, so
Do they know what it might be?
Not yet.
They thought I might have
been having a miscarriage,
which I wasn't, but
That's, um
I'm so sorry.
You should have said.
Don't worry.
Honestly, I'm-I'm fine.
I'm sorry about the other night.
That was my fault.
No, it wasn't.
I said some stupid things.
Um, I-I didn't know
what I was saying.
- I didn't mean to upset you.
- I know.
There's something else, though.
I told Melissa.
The day after we fought.
She could see I was upset
and she kept
asking me if I was okay.
I just needed to be honest
with her for once.
How did she react?
Not like I'd expected.
Think I thought
that she'd be angry,
and I was ready for that.
It was a difficult conversation.
I told her everything.
What does everything mean?
That I want to keep seeing you.
And I should have
done it earlier,
but I've been a coward,
I know, and
I feel like I've put you through
- so much unnecessarily.
- No.
I know that
I'm not a great person.
- Uh, stop.
- But I love you, Frances.
I should've
said that earlier too,
but I didn't know
if you wanted to hear it or not.
How much earlier?
If you don't mind my asking.
From the beginning.

You alright?

I love you too.

I'm so tired.

Come here.

I could stay
the night if you want.
I'd like that.
Let's just
be happy from now on.

I could feel at the time ♪
There was no way of knowing ♪
Fallen leaves in the night ♪
Who can say
where they're blowing? ♪
As free as the wind ♪
Hopefully learning ♪
Why the sea on the tide ♪
Has no way of turning ♪

More than this ♪
You know there's nothing ♪
More than this ♪
Tell me one thing ♪
More than this ♪
Ooh, there's nothing ♪
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