Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e09 Episode Script

Monster in the Garden

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
Mom! When are we gonna get
to Grandma and Granddad's?
"When you sit your behind
back in that seat" o'clock.
[ Whirring ]
It's gonna be awesome,
spending this 3-day weekend
with my grandparents, y'all.
Probably gonna work on some cool
projects with my granddad.
Well, me and the gang
are just gonna go
down the creek an--
Hold on a minute!
If you guys are
in my phone,
who the heck
are these guys?!
[ English accent ]
'Ello, I'm Greg.
My name's Chelsey.
Hey, my name's Kelsey.
-And I'm Craig.
Duane: We're here!
Hey, baby! [chuckle]
Here I come
to get my sugar.
Oh, you're lookin'
so good, Jojo.
Madam Councilwoman.
I'm off the clock,
so "Ma"
will do just fine.
Thanks for taking the kids
this weekend, Ma.
[ Smooch ]
You know
it's no trouble.
I love gettin' in
some quality time
with my grandbabies.
You're gettin' so big.
I ate all my milk!
Hurry up and say hi!
Quit pushin' me.
You better gimme
some sugar, Bernard.
-[ Ding!] Mwah.
You still gettin'
good grades?
Grandma, gimme
some sugar, quick!
[ Ding!]
You always smell
like outside.
Where's Granddad?
Oh, he's out
in the garden.
Those Williams men,
always in a hurry.
[ Engine starts ]
Duane: Okay, Ma, gotta go.
[ Tires squealing ]
See you in a few days!
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
Granddad's garden.
Earl: Another one?
What could be
doing this?
[ Whimsical tune plays ]
Hey, Craig.
Check this out.
What the?
You ate a leaf?
It wasn't me, Craig!
[ Gasp! ]
[ Ominous music plays ]
The eggplants!
Aah! The radishes!
It can't be.
[ Suspenseful music climbs ]
Even the corn?!
Wait. What about
the sweet potatoes?
Now, now, now,
don't worry.
The sweet potatoes
are safe.
[ Sinister music plays ]For now.
I just can't figure out
what's been
eatin' everything.
These bites
are just too big
to be a bug,
or even a rodent.
Well, whatever it is,
we need to stop it.
Sounds like a project.
A project?
To the workshop!
Hoh-hoh! The workshop!
-Agh. Agh. [Bones crackling]
So you're sending
these letters
because you're
I'm sending letters
to my constituents.
That's what I said!
Oh, I see what's goin' on
here, Miss Jessica.
You're messin' with me.
A little.
Okay, Grandma.
I got everything
mixed, so far.
Should I put in the
chocolate chips now?
Chocolate chips?!
Unh-unh! No, sir!
In this house, we use
[ Ominous music plays ]
chocolate chunks.
Chocolate chunks?
Why didn't I think
of that
[ Suspenseful music climbs ]
Granddad and me
are doing a project!
I-I'm a-comin'.
[ chuckle ]
Hey, good-lookin'.
Earl, you fresh.
[ Click ]
Remember that spice rack
we built
last time I was here?
I made one just like it
for the creek.
Now, that's impressive.
We mainly use it to show off
cool soda cans we find.
Gotta show off
those cans.
Hey, what's this thing?
Uh, that's what they call
a seismograph.
It was a retirement gift
from the factory
I used to work at.
What's it used for?
Monster detection.
Monsters?! Really?!
Uh, that,
and earthquakes.
Come on, grab a stool
and let's get
this project started.
[ Rattle ]
[ Sproing ]
[ Squeaking ]
Okay, let's start
with a simple layout
and then --
-Can I give it a try?
Sure, uh,
t-t-take it away, Craig.
Okay, here's your house.
And here's the street
we take
to get to your house,
past Duckmart.
And I think Florida's
down there, somewhere.
And Europe is over here.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa,
back it up.
Why don't we just make
a simple map
of the backyard?
Like this.
Yeah, I can see it.
Let me just add one thing.
[ Ding!]
Now we have a visual
reference for scale.
So, how are we gonna go about
protecting the garden?
We can dig a moat
around the yard [ Splash!]
and then fill it
with flesh-eating piranhas!
B-But what if this thing
is piranhaproof?
Oh. Good point.
[ Eraser squeaks ]
Of course!
How about a fence?!
[ Metal clinking ]
Hey, now,
that's more like it.
I got some spare wood
in the shed
and lotsof chicken wire
layin' around.
Because, see, we don't have
any chickens, and so forth.
But if we section off
the whole garden,
how are we gonna get inside?
Oh, shoot!
You're right.
Maybe we could build one
of them, umm --
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, one of them,
whatchamacallit --
Oh, ooh, ooh.
It kind of goes like this --
A-And it has one
of these.
A door!
Yeah! A door!
Okay, lookin' good.
Now, like they used to say
at the old factory,
There. Got the chicken
wire laid out.
Now, to get
my measuring tape
and carefully measure
the exact length.
I finished putting
the posts
in the ground.
Well, they're
in the ground.
At many
different angles.
[ Thud ]
Oh, sorry.
Hey, don't worry
about it.
Patience is a skill
that's hard to master.
But when you're old,
[Bones crackle] like me,
agh, sometimes you have
no choice but to be patient.
Now, give this thing
a nice, hard whack.
[ Thudding ]
[ Snapping ]
[ Hinges squeaking ]
Safe andsecure.
[ Laughter, giggling ]
Whoa, Grandma!
Is that you?
Sure is, Bernard.
That's back when we still
lived in the city.
Grandma, you look cool.
Thank you, baby.
There was a lot
goin' on back in those days.
There's a lot goin' on
right now.
Nothing's getting
through that fence.
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Clunk ]
Sweet potatoes!
Something tore up
the fence!
And my sweet potatoes!
[ Hinge squeaks ]
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
Poor little potato.
Just two days
from becoming a cobbler.
whatever did this
couldn't have come
from the woods.
This fence stretches around
the whole neighborhood.
[ Wind blowing ]And I doubt it was Gus.
We have an agreement.
What could it be?
there's only one thing
that could be eating
the garden:
a monster.
I'm listening.
Think about it.
The creature would need
to be able to shapeshift
its way through the fence,
[ Howling]
like a werewolf;
but only have a taste
for vegetables,
like a vegan.
[ Chomping, growling]
No doubt about it:
a vegan werewolf
is destroying our garden!
Okay, well, I-I'd imagine
catching a werewolf
with dietary restrictions
is much like catchin'
any other vermin.
With a trap!
[Joints creak] Oh!
Granddad, are you okay?
G-Get Grandma.
you gotta be careful
not to overexert
You know,
if I had to choose
between you and the corn,
I'd choose you.
Well, of course
you would,
because I come
withthe corn.
We're a package deal.
[ Sigh ]
I just don't like
being idle,
doin' all this
sittin' around.
And I can't figure out
what's happenin'
out there.
Well, maybe you can
help me figure out
where all this man's
hair went.
I sure did have
nice hair.
Looks like Granddad's
out of commission.
[ Birds chirping ]
There's a monster
in those woods.
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
I know it.
I gotta stop it before it
destroys the rest of the garden
and everything
Granddad holds dear.
[ Click ]
[ Sproing! ]
[ Squeaking ]
[ Owl hooting ] You're hunting monsters?!
Tonight, me and my dad
watched this movie
where they turned
the Empire State Building
into a missile and shot
it at a monster.
You thinking of doing
something like that?
I'm just using glue,
for now.
I'm hoping that's enough.
This garden means a lot
to my granddad.
But if it comes down to
fighting a monster, I will.
I wish I was there.
[ Fence rattling ]
The monster!
Be careful!
Bring something
to stab with!
Have fun fightin'
for your life!
[ Hinge squeaks ]
[ Wind blowing,
crickets chirping ]
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
[ Cornstalks rustling ]
[ Adventure music plays ]
Aah-aah, unh!
It's gone!
Earl: Well, I'd consider
yourself lucky.
If it'd have been epoxy
glue on that paper,
you'd be dressin'
like a mummy
every Halloween for the
rest of your life.
Not to mention every other
day of the year.
I know.
Ow! Jessica!
You wanna walk around
all day, lookin' silly?!
Well, I don't know
if it's safe
to be playin' with traps,
in the first place.
It would've worked!
If he hadn't rushed
out there.
I'm just sayin'.
You Williams boys
are always in a rush.
You need
to be patient.
[ Click ]
[ Adventure music plays ]
No more tricks.
No more traps.
I'm just gonna sit here
and wait for the monster.
[ Birds chirping ]
And maybe have a cookie.
[ Crunching ]
Ugh! Bernard.
[ Eerie music plays ]
[ Leaves rustle, branch snaps ]
[ Gasp! ]
[ Crickets chirping ]
Wh-who's there?
[ Rustling ]
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
[ Whoosh! ]
[ Gasp! ]
[ Munch ]
H-How did you get in here?
Whah! Ooh!
Wait! Don't go!
[ Whimsical-suspenseful tune ]
[ Panting ]
Huah! Unh!
Ah! Oof!
Slow down, speedy!
[ Fence rattling ]
There's a hole in the fence.
That's how you've been
getting in and out.
Hey, it's okay.
I'm not gonna hurt ya.
[ Grunting ]
[ Tender tune plays ]
[ Leaves rustle ]
I'm gonna make a call
to the City Bureau
of Fence Services
and have them come down
and check
if there are any more holes
that need to be patched.
That's City Councilwoman
Grandma Williams.
[ Thudding ]
Thanks for solving
the mystery, Craig.
Now the Deer Goddess
owes you one.
I'll have to call it in
on my next adventure
at my grandparents' house.
-Bye-bye, now!
All right,
we miss you already.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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